By Title
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Index for
rat haus reality
By Type listing
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Akwesasne Notes
- Subscription Information
- Dating the Iroquois Confederacy, by Bruce E. Johansen, Fall 1995
- Demonizing the Big Glass House, by Jack Wandell, Fall 1995
- Ethics, Spiritual Values, and Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Development, by Oren Lyons, Winter 1996
- excerpts from Oren Lyons article on Ethics and Spiritual Values and the Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Development, Winter, 1996
- Guest Essay -- Haudenosaunee Environmental Action Plan, by F. Henry Lickers, Fall 1995
- Guest Essay -- Sovereignty and Treaty Rights - We Remember, by G. Peter Jemison, Fall 1995
- The High Cost of Uranium in Navajoland, by Bruce E. Johansen, Akwesasne Notes, Spr '97
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- How Much Land Did the Iroquois Possess?, Fall 1995
- Indian Magna Carta Writ In Wampum Belts; Six Nations Shows Treaty Granting Them Independent Sovereignty as Long as Sun Shines, Fall 1995
- Iroquois Population in 1995, Fall 1995
- Iroquois at the UN, by Doug George-Kanentiio, Fall 1995
- Presentation to the United Nations July 18, 1995 by Carol Jacobs, Cayuga Bear Clan Mother, Fall 1995
- Principles for Environmental Restoration and Sustainable Development of the Haudenosaunee in North America, Fall 1995
- Summit of the Elders, Haudenosaunee Environmental Restoration Strategy, Fall 1995
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Multinational Monitor
- Aiding and Abetting Corporate Flight: U.S. AID in the Caribbean Basin, Jan, 1993
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- Book Review: Plunder! by Roger Moody", June, 1992
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- Bad Apples in a Rotten System - 10 Worst Corporations of 2002 by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
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- Changing the Nature of Nature - An Interview with Martin Teitel, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- Corporate Bullies - 10 Worst Corporations of 1998 by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
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- The Corporate Century - 10 Worst Corporations of 1999 by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
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- Corporations Behaving Badly - 10 Worst Corporations of 2001 by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
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- Enemies of the Future - 10 Worst Corporations of 2000 by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
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- In The Pipeline: Genetically Modified Humans?, by Richard Hayes, Multinational
Monitor, 1/00
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- An Interview with Pat Mooney, executive director of RAFI, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- NAFTA's Investor "Rights" A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare, by Mary Bottari, April 2001
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- The Price of Power, Atomic Energy's Free Ride January, 1993
- Taking Care of Business, The Corporate Crunch in Vermont, July/August 1993
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- 10 Worst Corporations of 1992, December 1992
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- 10 Worst Corporations of 1993, December 1993
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- 10 Worst Corporations of 1994, December 1994
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- Shameless: 1995's 10 Worst Corporations, December 1995
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- 10 Worst Corporations of 1996, December 1996
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- 10 Worst Corporations of 1997, December 1997
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li>WTO and the Third World: On a Catastrophic Course - Martin Khor Interview, Multinational Monitor, 9/99
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By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Nuclear Guardianship Forum
Issue 1, Spring 1992
- Action Plan For Radioactive Waste
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- Buddhist Vows for Guardianship, A modern addition to an ancient tradition
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- A Citizen's Conversation On the Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials, Forum to confront the moral challenges posed by radioactive contamination around the Earth
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- Consider the Rights of Future Generations, Nuclear Contamination and the Cousteau Society's proposed Bill of Rights
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- Debate On Nuclear Guardianship, Two letters dialogue about the problem of `solutions'
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- Declaration Concerning The Nuclear Cycle And The Practice Of Human Sacrifice
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- Honoring a Courageous Scientist: Alice Stewart, by Susan Griffin
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- The Hot Legacy Of The Cold War, On-going nuclear contamination from USA & ex-USSR weapons and sites
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- Technology and Mindfulness, A Call to attention to the radioactive results of nuclear technology
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- Values Are Everything, Issue 1, Spring 1992
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Issue 2, Spring 1993
- Decommissioning: How Safe Is Safe: the Public Speaks to the NRC
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- How "Safe" Has Changed Over Time
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- Japan's Plutonium: The New Nuclear Threat, by Nora Akino
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- Nuclear Power & Poverty
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- Radiation Waste: Too Hot To Handle?, An Interview With Dr. Rustum Roy on How To Package Nuclear Waste
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- The Story of a Chernobyl Downwinder, interview with Wendy Oser of the Issue 2, Spring 1993
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- Testimony at Konrad Mine Radioactive Waste Disposal Hearings, No Final Solution
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- World Uranium Hearings: Indigenous Peoples Speak Out
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Issue 3, Spring 1994
- Book Review: Atomic Harvest, Hanford And The Lethal Toll Of America's Nuclear Arsenal
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- "Atomic Priesthood" is Not Nuclear Guardianship, A Critique of Thomas Sebeok's Vision of the Future
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- Bioremediation of Radioactive Waste
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- Diet For The Atomic Age, How To Protect Yourself From Low-Level Radiation
- Dr. John Gofman, A Nuclear Researcher Who Refuses To Lie About Radiation Dangers
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- Hazard-based Classification, A Wiser Arrangement
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- How Can We Face The Challenge? Fifty Years At A Time
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- The Long Death, by Marge Piercy
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- Medical Waste: Trojan Horse?, Don't get hooked by medical arguments
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- Nuclear Guardianship Ethic
- Nuclear Guardianship Forum, On The Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials
- The Nuclear Labyrinth, The Trail of Radioactive Contamination
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- Nuclear waste, buried now in haste, will still be deadly in 12,001 A.D. -- WHAT'S THE RUSH?
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- On Guilt, Grief, Responsibility, and Mythology A Psychoanalyst's View of the Nuclear Guardianship Project, Issue 1, Spring 1992
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- Politics of Nuclear Waste, Interview with Mary Olson of NIRS
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- Safe Energy is Available Now!
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- Science And Ethics Initiative -- Needed: New Vision for Science
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- So That Posterity May Know, -- Warnings to the Far Future: Nuclear Waste As Communication Problem
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- "Storage-for-Decay", Proposal by Nuclear Information and Resources Service
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- Testimony Encompasses Time
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- True Costs Of Commercial Nuclear Power: Half-a-trillion Dollars Sunk
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- Twilight'S Last Gleaming, A dramatic exhibit of our nuclear inventory, Issue 1, Spring 1992
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- U.S. Nuclear Waste Program in Crisis, Interview With Arjun Makhijan, NGP Issue 3, Spring 1994
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Rachel's Environment & Health News
- Rachel's README
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- Rachel's Hazardous Waste News :
- #147, Mr. Reilly's EPA Develops Strategy For Solving Nation's Waste Problems: Full-Scale Linguistic Detoxification, 9/19/89
- #210, Insider Tells Why EPA Is Like It Is, 12/5/90
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- #289, Recent History Of Solid Waste: Good Alternatives Are Now Available, 6/10/92,
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- #308, Corporations Are Externalizing Machines, The Way Sharks Are Killing Machines, 10/21/92
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- #309, New Strategy Focuses On Corporations, 10/28/92
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- #316, New Evidence That All Landfills Leak, 12/16/92
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- #381, Hormones In Milk: No Right To Know, 3/17/94
- #382, Some Dangers Of Hormones In Milk, 3/24/94
- #383, Drug Experiments On The Public, 3/31/94
- #384, Making Milk: Basic Choices, 4/7/94
- #388, The Corporation--Part 1, 5/5/94
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- #397, The Corporation--Part 2: Assessing Business Impacts", 7/7/94
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- Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly :
- #407, A Letter To Friends, 9/15/94
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- #433, The Corruption Of Our Democracy, 3/16/95
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- #443, Radiation Causes Breast Cancer, 5/25/95
- #449, Corporate Behavior, 7/6/95
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- #451, The Big Problems--Part 2: Positive Feedback, 7/20/95
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- #452, The Big Problems--Part 3: Corporate Danger, 7/27/95
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- #454, Milk Safety, 8/10/95
- #455, The Big Problems, Part 4: Controlling Corporations, 8/17/95
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- #473, The Fourth Horseman: Nuclear Technology, 12/21/95
- #479, Nationwide Dioxin Campaign, 2/1/96
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- #483, Is BGH In Trouble?, 2/29/96
- #486, Our Stolen Future--Part 1, 3/21/96
- #487, Our Stolen Future--Part 2, 3/28/96
- #488, Fixing Corporations--Part 1: Legacy of the Founding Parents, 4/4/96
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- #489, Fixing Corporations--Part 2: Corporations For The Seventh Generation, 4/11/96
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- #490, Our Stolen Future, Part 3: Flying Blind, 4/19/96
- #499, Chemicals And The Brain, Part 1, 6/20/96
- #501, Chemicals And The Brain, Part 2, 7/4/96
- #507, A Political Opportunity, 8/15/96
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- #546, Crimes Of Shell, 5/15/97
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- #553, Let's Stop Wasting Our Time, 7/3/97
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- #567, The Nature Of World War III, 10/9/97
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- #568, The Nature Of World War III, Part 2, 10/16/97
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- #569, Trends In Corporate Accountability, Part 3, 10/23/97
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- #570, Some Guiding Principles, Part 4, 10/30/97
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- Rachel's Environment & Health News :
- #581 Follow the Money, 1/15/98
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- #582 One Fundamental Problem, 1/22/98
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- #586, The Precautionary Principle, 2/19/99
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- #622, Seeds Of Destruction, 10/28/98
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- #624, Sustainable Development--Part 1, 11/12/98
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- #625, Sustainable Development--Part 2, 11/19/98
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- #626, Sustainable Development--Part 3, 11/26/98
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- #627, Sustainable Development--Part 4, 12/03/98
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- #628, Sustainable Development--Part 5: Emissions Trading, 12/10/98
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- #629, When Growth Stops -- Sustainable Development--Part 6, 12/17/98
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- #637, Against The Grain, 2/11/99
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- #638, Against The Grain, Part 2, 2/18/99
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- #639, Genetically Altering The World's Food, 2/25/99
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- #667, The Meaning of Sustainability--Part 1, 9/9/99
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- #668, The Meaning of Sustainability--Part 2, 9/16/99
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- #672, Taxes for Sustainability, 10/14/99
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- #673, The WTO and Free Trade, 10/21/99
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- #674, The WTO and Free Trade--Part 2, 10/28/99
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- #675, The WTO Turns Back the Clock, 11/04/99
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- #677, Corporate Rights vs. Human Need, 11/18/99
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- #686, Sustainability and Ag Biotech, 2/10/0
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- #691, #691: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 1, 3/16/00
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- #692, #692: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 2, 4/13/00
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- #693, #693: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 3, 4/20/00
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- #711, The Cultural Creatives, 11/9/00
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- #713, Echoes of Vietnam, by Rachel Massey, 12/7/00
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- #716, Biotech: The Basics, Part 1, by Rachel Massey, 1/17/01
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- #717, Biotech: The Basics, Part 2, by Rachel Massey, 2/1/01
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- #718, Biotech: The Basics, Part 3, by Rachel Massey, 2/15/01
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- #719, Biotech: The Basics, Part 4, by Rachel Massey, 3/1/01
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- #720, Engineering Humans -- Part 1, by Rachel Massey, 3/15/01
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- #721, Engineering Humans -- Part 2, by Rachel Massey, 4/1/01
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- #715, A Textbook For Whistle-Blowers, by Peter Montague & William Sanjour, 1/4/01
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- #725, The Enemies Of Democracy, 5/24/01
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- #743, New Threat to Indigenous People, 1/31/02
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- #780, Challenging Corporate "Rights", by Mike Ferner, 11/13/03
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By Type
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By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Committee For Nuclear Responsibility
- Answers to Frequently-Asked-Questions about "Radiation" -- Fall, 1996
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- "Asleep at the Wheel": The Special Menace of Inherited Afflictions from Ionizing Radiation, Fall, 1998
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- Beware the Data Diddlers, by Dr. John Gofman, May 1993
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- Bio-Medical "Un-Knowledge" & Nuclear Pollution: A Common-Sense Proposal, 1992
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- The Bonds of Trust vs. Deceit by DOE: Some Enduring Measures for Your Health and Safety, Spring 1994
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- Cancer in the Family: Does Each Case Require More Than One Cause? The Likelihood of Co-Action., April 1999
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- Cassini Fly-By, An Open Inquiry to NASA and DOE, From John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., 10/23/97
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- The Causes of Cancer: Is There "Too Much Emphasis on Genes, and Not Enough on the Environment?" How to Avoid Some Mistakes, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Apr 2001
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- Chernobyl's 10th: Cancer and Nuclear-Age Peace -- Don't Be Deceived, 3/96
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- CNR Renewal Request, Fall 1998,
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- Comments on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, 10/2/98
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- Confirmation that Ionizing Radiation Can Induce Genomic Instability: What is Genomic Instability, and Why Is It So Important?, CNR, Spring, 1998
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- A Conversation with John Gofman, Ph.D. '43, California Monthly, 1993
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- Corrections of Frontline's "Nuclear Reaction", Some Factual Errors, Fall 1997
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- Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., 1996
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- FDA Proposes New X-Ray Regulations: Immense Health Benefits Possible --- Unless Naysayers Prevail. X-Ray-Induced Diseases, Hormesis, and Medical Ethics, March 31, 2003 Testimony submitted to the FDA by John Gofman and Egan O'Connor
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- The Fission-Product Equivalence between Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Weapons, Fall 1998Adapted from Vol.117, No. 105, July 8, 1971, of the Congressional Record
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- "For Want of a Nail . . . The Rider Was Lost" : A Big Flag of Warning from the Radiation Issue, November, 1989
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- The Free-Radical Fallacy about Ionizing Radiation: Demonstration That a Popular Claim Is Senseless, 9/97
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- Gofman interview in synapse, UCSF newspaper 1/20/94, Vol. 38, Number 16
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- John Gofman, 1992 recipient of the Right Livelihood Award
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- The Greening of Nuclear Power and The De-Regulating of Nuclear Waste: Four Key Facts Which Need Attention, 11/90
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- "Holocaust" versus "Nothing Happened" -- corruption of the Chernobyl radiation database, Fall 1991
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- Key Facts Justifying Opposition to Nuclear Pollution at Any Level: A Brief Letter of Concern, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Feb 6 2001
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- The Law of Concentrated Benefit over Diffuse Injury, 11/93
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- Letter of Concern regarding the biological effects of ionizing radiation, 5/11/99
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- Letter of Protest to President of KQED re: broadcasting Frontline's Nuclear Reaction, 4/97
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- Letters To the Editor -- Unsafe in any dose, 9/96
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- Mammography: An Individual's Estimated Risk that the Examination Itself Will Cause
Radiation-Induced Breast Cancer, 6/9/98
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- Mission Statement of The Committee For Nuclear Responsibility
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- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 4, John Gofman, Medical Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
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- Need for "Adversary Science" --- the Cassini Example, Fall 1997
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- No One Escapes Harm: The Essential Story of In-Utero Irradiation, 11/92
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- Oral Histories: Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., DOE, 1995
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- The Plowboy Interview: John Gofman, Nuclear AND Anti-Nuclear Scientist, The Mother Earth News, 1981
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- Poisoned Power, The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island, (1971+1979 contents)
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List Of Figures
Foreward to the 1979 Printing
Foreword, by Mike Gravel, U.S. Senator from Alaska
Introduction: The Nuclear Juggernaut
Chapter 1: Nuclear Reactors to Generate Electricity
Chapter 2: How Radiation from Atomic Energy Programs Gets to You--What it Does to You
Chapter 3: How Radiation Produces Disease and Hereditary Alterations
Chapter 4: Is Any Radiation "Safe"?
Chapter 5: Promises, Promises
Chapter 6: How Safe Are Nuclear Reactors?
Chapter 7: Nuclear Electricity and The Citizen's Rights
Chapter 8: The Nuclear Legacy--Radioactive Wastes and Plutonium
Chapter 9: Alternatives Available to Us
Chapter 10: What Can Citizens Do About Nuclear Electricity?
Chapter 11: Must We Hold Out for The "Cold Corpses"?
Chapter 12: Toward An Adversary System of Scientific Inquiry
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Issue -- Conversion or Ecocide
Appendix I: Nuclear Power Questions and Answers
Appendix II: Moratorium Activists
Appendix III: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
Appendix IV: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Appendix V: When Experts Disagree, Which Ones Shall We Believe?
Appendix VI: Nuclear Power and Alternatives
Appendix VII: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States
- Preventing an Exercise in Self-Defeat: The Relevance of Medical Radiation to Nuclear Pollution, by Dr. John Gofman, April 2000
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- Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, 1996
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Section One - Introduction
Our Conclusion: A Large Share of Breast-Cancers Need Not Occur
"Incubation Times" for Radiation-Induced Cancer
Early-Onset Breast-Cancer: Evidence on Radiation-Induction
Three Key Concepts in Our Analysis
The Rationale of Our Study: Methods and Materials
Section Two - Stories of the Exposures in Our Master Table
The "Enlarged Thymus" Story: Start of a Long Controversy
Benefits of Thymus Irradiation: Delusion or Reality?
Thymus Irradiation before Age One: Start of Our Master Table
Thymus Irradiation to Reduce Sudden Death in Children
Thymus Irradiation before Anesthesia and Surgery in Childhood
Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus
Reaching into the Womb: Pre-Birth Breast Irradiation
Treatment of Acute Postpartum Mastitis with X-Rays
A Physician's Dilemma: What to Do about Chronic Mastitis
Management of Tuberculosis: An Eminently Sensible Program
Mass Screening for Tuberculosis
Treatment of Bronchial Asthma with X-Rays
Treatment of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with X-Rays
Treatment of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) with X-Rays
Treatment of Hyper-Thyroidism and Breast Irradiation
Management of Adolescent Scoliosis (Curvature of the Spine)
Chiropractic Examinations and Breast Irradiation
Major Diagnostic Radiological Contributions to Breast Dose
Occupational Sources of Breast Irradiation
Weapons-Test Fallout, Pre-1960, and Breast Dose
Section Three - Stories of Exposures Not in Our Master Table
The Beauty Shop as a Source of Breast Irradiation
Yes, We Do Have Your Size: Shoe-Fitters and Breast Irradiation
Mammography: Past and Present
Major Surgical Advances and Irradiation of the Breast
Pre-Employment Fluoroscopic Exams for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Fluoroscopy: Source of a Big Underestimate in Our Breast-Dose Finding
Hard-to-Find Doses from Fluoroscopy and Other Sources
Dermatology: More Underestimation in Our Findin
Treatment of Skin Disorders: Overview by Dr. MacKee
Breast-Exposure by Radium: More Underestimation in Our Finding
Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases: Overview by Dr. Dewing
Recent Concerns: Intensive Care Units, Insurance Cases
Summary on Underestimation of Dose in Our Study
Section Four - Our Finding and Recommendations for Action
Bottom Line: The Master Table
Conversion Factors: The Basis of Column "V"
Some of the Uncertainties and Certainties of Our Finding
Prevention of Breast-Cancer, Starting Now
Section Five - Response to Critiques of the First Edition
The Process of Genuine Peer-Review
Criticisms in the Journal of the American Medical Assn.
Three Remarkably Similar Reports on the Safe-Dose Fallacy
"War in Britain": The Natl. Radiological Protection Board
Seven Short Objections from Other Sources
Susan M. Love, M.D.: Is Radiation Overdosing a PAST Problem?
What Happens Next?
Table 1, Annual Breast-Cancer Cases in USA, 1960-1994
Table 2, Table 2, Growth of Population in USA, 1850-1994
About the Author
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Library Journal Review of "Preventing Breast Cancer"
Resistance to New Ideas: A Relevant Story from the Past
Some Early Comments on Preventing Breast Cancer
Breast-Cancer-Free Zone: Why Not? -- An Effective Way To Begin
C.N.R. Books -- Preventing Breast Cancer/g
- Radiation-Induced Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure -- An Independent Analysis, 1990
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
About the Author
Foreward to the First Edition
Section 1: Introduction
The Five Most Important Conclusions of This Book
The Role of Independent Analyses in Research on Toxic Agents
The Intended Readership
Section 2: The Atomic Bomb Survivors -- A Study and Its Alteration
Overview of a Uniquely Valuable Database
A Growing Problem: Retroactive Alteration of the Study
What Will Happen to the A-Bomb Database? A Pending Proposal
Section 3: Preparing the Database for Analysis
Collecting All the Required Data from RERF
Dosimetry : From Bomb, to Kerma, to Internal Organ-Dose
Converting T65DR Mean Kerma Values to Mean Internal Organ-Doses
Obtaining Mean DS86 Doses for the T65DR Cohort
Achievement of Age- and Sex-Matching across RERF's Eight Dose-Groups
Section 4: Cancer-Risk and Dose-Response in Both Dosimetries
The Focus on Two Central Questions
Analysis and Results by the Cancer Difference Method
Shape of the Dose-Response Relationship, and Low-Dose Cancer-Yields Based on the Best-Fit Curve
Radiation Risk by Age and Sex, from the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method
Low-Dose Cancer-Yields by the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method, for the A-Bomb Survivors and for a United States' Population
The Duration of Radiation's Carcinogenic Effect
Section 5: Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate
Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate of Ionizing Radiation, with Respect to Induction of Cancer in Humans
The Special Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Living Tissue
Number of Primary Electron-Tracks per Cell-Nucleus, per Rad of Dose Received from Various Sources of Radiation
Decisive Epidemiological Evidence from Humans
Section 6: The Fallacy of Risk-Reduction Factors for Low and Slow Exposures
The Popularity of Risk-Reduction Factors in the Radiation Community
Proper Risk-Estimates for "Low and Slow" Exposures: No Conflict between Human Epidemiology and the Linear-Quadratic Hypothesis from Radiobiology
Section 7: Practical Impacts Human Health
Chernobyl: A Crossroad in the Radiation Health Sciences
Main Text: A Closing Statement
Section 8: Supporting Chapters
Master Table and Special RERF Data for the A-Bomb Study
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Book/Ordering Information
CHOICE, Current Reveiws for College Libraries Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The New England Journal of Medicine Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The PSR Quarterly Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., Edited by Egan O'Connor, (1999, 699 pages)
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Executive Summary
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Title Page
The Author's History
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Chapter 1: Executive Summary of This Book
Chapter 2: Pre-1960 and Post-1960 Uses of Medical Radiation, and Its Carcinogenic Action
Chapter 3: PhysPops --- The Doses in Some Massive Studies of Dose-Response
Chapter 4: Mortality Rates --- The Responses in the Dose-Response Studies
Chapter 5: Dose-Response, Linear Regression, and Some Other Key Concepts in Our Analyses
Reference List
Index and Glossary
Ordering Information for the Executive Summary and the Book
One Easy and Important Step You Can Take Toward Avoiding Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease: An Affordable Summary of New Evidence about X-Rays, 2/00
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Are X-Ray Procedures Equivalent, in Extra Radiation Dose, To Taking an Airplane Trip?, 2/28/00
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RAMP Addition-1: "Expectations", 2/19/00
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RAMP Addition-2: "Causation", 2/25/00
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RAMP Addition-3: "Atherogenic Mutations", 3/9/00
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RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY: #693: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 3, 4/20/00
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- Radiation-Inducible Chromosome Injuries: Some Recent Evidence on Major Health Consequences, Spring 1992
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- Radio-Iodine: From Hanford To Chernobyl ... And Beyond?, Spring 1993
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- Reacting to reactors -- The "peaceful atom": Time for a moratorium, 1972
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- Reflections on "Mission Impossible", the 30th Anniversary of LLNL Biology Programs, 11/93
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- Reject the Policy of Putting Radioactive Scrap-Metal into Commerce, December 1, 1997
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- 7 Comments on Proposed Radiation "Standards" for Yucca Mountain Rad-Waste Repository, 10/95
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- Solar-Energy Update: Good News about Solar Energy & Energy-Efficiency, Fall 1997
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- Solving Energy Shortages without Nuclear Power: Three Easy Rules, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Apr 2001
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- Test of Sincerity: "Wake-Up Call" for Everyone Who Dislikes Cancer and Inherited Afflictions, Spring 1997
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- The Top 10 Pronuclear Arguments... Answered, The Mother Earth News, 1981
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- What About Reviving Nuclear Power?, October, 1988
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- What Are the Main Critiques of the 1999 Study by Gofman, after Three Years of Peer-Review? Six Critiques of Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Causation of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), Nov 2002
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- What Is Factually Wrong with This Belief: "Harm from Low-Dose Radiation Is Just Hypothetical --- Not Proven", Fall 1995
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- XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, An educational project of the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility:
- Breast Cancer: Why Do We Permit So Many Preventable Cases?, by Dr. John Gofman, June 2001
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- COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) X-RAY EXAMS: Estimated Doses to Patients from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, Sept 2001
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- Do X-Ray Practitioners Give Enough Attention to Minimizing the Patients' X-Ray Dosage? Some Opinions, Some Facts, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Sept 2000
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- Eight Key Points: Your Stake in the Patients' Right-to-Know about X-Rays, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Dec 7 2000
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- Fear, and the Patients' Right-to-Know: The Viewpoint of an Influential Radiologist, Deserving a Public Response, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- How the Cold War Caused Millions of American Deaths Through Medical Practice: A Story of Intended and Unintended Consequences, by John W. Gofman, April, 2001
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- How X-Ray Doses Vary From One X-Ray Practitioner to Another: Nationwide Surveys, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- Links to Professional Societies from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, current to 12 Oct 2001
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- Making the Bay Area a Model for California and the Nation: A Guaranteed Way to Reduce Future Cancer-Rates, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Fall 2000
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- Mammography and XaHP (the X-Rays and Health Project): Is There Any Conflict? Four Brief Comments, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, October 2000
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- A Patient's Guide, When X-Rays Are Proposed, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- A Proposal for Radiologists: How a Specific Consultation Can Become a Major Asset for the Practice and for the Community, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, October 2000
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- Who Says that Usual X-Ray Doses Can Be Much Lower? from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, Oct 2001
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- X-Radiation and Gamma Radiation: Comments on Their Nomination as Known Human Carcinogens for the Eleventh Report on Carcinogens (RoC), by Dr. John Gofman, 9/11/01
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- X-Rays: The Fallacy of the "Day in the Sun" Comparison, by Dr. John W. Gofman, February 28, 2000
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- X-Ray Dose-Measuring Service for Physicians and Dentists, Jan 2001
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- Act to Protect The Voiceless and Those Most Vulnerable to Violent Intimidation, by Kathy Kelly, Nov-Dec 2003
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- Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team, by Wayne Madsen, Jan 2002
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- ....After Seattle? Taking on the Corporate and Financial Rulers: Our Goal is Political and Economic Democracy, by David Korten, 12/3/99
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- The Al Aqsa Intifada and International Law, Francis A. Boyle, 11/30/00
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- Amnesty on Jenin, Dennis Bernstein and Francis Boyle, Summer 2002
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- The algebra of infinite justice, Arundhati Roy, 9/29/01
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- Alice Stewart: Old/Young More Vulnerable to Radiation Damage, 2/28/98
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- America the Fearful by James Carroll, 5/21/02
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- The American Tapeworm, Part I by Catherine Austin Fitts, 4/30/03
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- American Tapeworm Part II - The Solari Solution by Catherine Austin Fitts, 5/1/03
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- The American Way Of War by Walden Bello, 12/30/01
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- Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania - New Battle Lines Are Drawn by Thom Hartmann, 12/19/02
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- America's Imperial War - The liberals who supported the bombing of Afghanistan have aligned themselves with a ruthless military machine, by George Monbiot, 2/12/02
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- Anti-Federalists Speak: Property vs. Democracy in 1787, by Richard Grossman, Fall 1999
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- Anti-nuclear nun, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a Grey Nun for half a century, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of radiation, Donna Jean MacKinnon, 5/3/98
- Arcata City Council passes binding local Ordinance refusing compliance with USA Patriot Act, Adopted 4/2/03
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- Arkansas Drug Exposé Misses The Post, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 1/29/95
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- Arming Iraq and the Path to War, by John King, 3/31/03
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- Article on French Resumption of Nuclear Testing by CRII-RAD, an Independent Association of Nuclear Specialists
- Ashcroft Out of Control - Ominous Sequel to USA Patriot Act, by Nat Hentoff, 2/28/03
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- Ashcroft Watch by Nat Hentoff: The Terror of Pre-Crime, 9/02
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- Attacks Show That Political Courage Is the Only Real Defense, by William Pfaff, 9/12/01
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- Beautiful Bulrushes, Remarkable Reeds: The Water Reclamation Miracles of Kaethe Seidel, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1990
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- Bechtel And Blood For Water: War As An Excuse For Enlarging Corporate Rule, by Vandana Shiva, 4/23/03
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- Belarus brought to its knees by `invisible enemy', by Eugene Cahill, 4/26/01
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- Beyond Greed & Scarcity, Bernard Lietaer and Sarah van Gelder Dialogue, YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, spr 97
- Big Guns Back Aid To Colombia, Legal Times, 2/23/00
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- Billions more for defense -- and we may not even know it Good guess: Double the Pentagon budget, by Robert Higgs, 1/18/04
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- Bin Laden's Brother-in-law Had Close Ties to Bush, by Tom Flocco, 8/28/02
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- Bin Laden family allowed 9/11 leave, UPI, 9/2/03
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- The Biotechnology Bubble by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Hartmut Meyer & Joe Cummins, May 1998
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- Biotic Feedbacks: Will Global Warming Feed Upon Itself?, by Bruce Johansen, 2000
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- The Biology of Globalization, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1997
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- Biomass Resources for Energy and Industry, by Lynn and Judy Osburn, 1993
- The Birth Of The White Corporation, by Jeffrey Kaplan, Spring 2003
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- Black Hawk Down film is helping create a new myth of American nationhood which threatens everyone on earth, by George Monbiot, 1/29/02
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- Blind Imperial Arrogance, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 9/26/03
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- Book Brawl - Independent bookstores, the Internet, chain stores and discount houses duke it out, by Patricia Holt, Whole Earth, Summer 99
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- Borked! Tales From the Ramparts of Multiculturalism by Prof. Bruce E. Johansen, 12/96
- Bracing for Bush's War at Home, by Chisun Lee, 3/26/03
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- Bringing our government Back Down To Earth, by Carolyn Chute, Maine Sunday Telegram, 8/6/95
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- British Medical Assn. statement on impact of genetic modification, May 1999
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- `Brutality smeared in peanut butter'--Why America must stop the war now, by Arundhati Roy, 10/23/01
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- Bush Aides Consider Domestic Spy Agency, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 11/17/02
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- Bush and Gore Make Me Wanna Ralph: A Letter from Michael Moore to the Non-Voters of America, 7/19/00
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- Bush Can't Operate As A One-Man Band by Bruce Ackerman, 12/16/01
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- Bush Family Value$ - The Bush clan's family business, by Stephen Pizzo, 9/92
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- Bush Terror Elite Wanted 9/11 to Happen, by John Pilger, 12/12/02
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- Bush lies and manipulates public and Congress, by Carla Binion, 4/25/03
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- Business of Betrayal - Greens Who Defect to the Corporate World Jeopardize the Very Survival of Environmentalism, by George Mobiot, 1/15/02
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- The campaign for Israeli divestment and the charge of anti-Semitism, by Joseph Kay, 4/10/03
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- Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision, Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty, by Jonathan Turley, 8/14/02
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- The Canberra Commission: Nuclear Weapons Abolition Panel Will Stop At Nothing, by Kevin Sanders, War & Peace Digest, 4/96
- Centre for Research on Globalisation: Foreknowledge of 9-11, A Compilation of articles and documents in support of a 9-11 Investigation
- Chernobyl: For 14 years, the industry has downplayed the damage to humans and the planet, by John M. LaForge, 5/7/00
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- Chernobyl and the Collapse of Soviet Society, by Jay M. Gould, 3/93
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- Chernobyl Kills And Cripples 14 Years After Blast, 4/21/00
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- Chernobyl Newborns at Risk From 1986 Reactor Blast, Laureen Fagan, 9/19/00
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- Chernobyl Radiation Will Affect UK 100 Times Longer than Forecast, by Helen Andre, 6/7/00
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- Chernobyl's risk to sheep may persist for 15 years, by Steve Connor, 5/11/00
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- Chronology of Nuclear Testing, Related Events Since 1995, 5/13/98
- The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited by James Petras, 11/99
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- Code Word: Containment - Sanctions against Iraq, Jeff Guntzel, 8/14/02
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- The Colder War, by John Pilger, 1/29/02
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- Collateral Damage From An Illegal War - United States: unsecured dollars, by Frederic Clairmont, 4/03
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- Columbia: Outsourcing War, by Paul De La Garza and David Adams, Dec 3 2000
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- Colombia's Drug Problem: Us, by William Raspberry, Washington Post, 9/1/00
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- COMMENTARY: The president of hypocrites, by Joan Smith, The Independent, 9/3/00
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- Community Currencies at a Crossroads, New Ways Forward, by Tim Cohen-Mitchell, Spring 2000
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- Conspiracy crusader doubts official 9/11 version, by Michele Landsberg, 5/11/03
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- Conspiracy Theories, The Black Commentator, 4/17/03
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- A Conversation About The Popsicle Index, by Catherine Austin Fitts, 1/26/03
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- Corporate colonization of our minds, by Wanda Ballentine, the OTHER Paper, April, 1996
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- The Corporate Takeover of Childhood, by George Monbiot, 1/8/02
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- Corporate Crime Reporter 11/97 interview with POCLAD's Richard Grossman
- Corporations, Lawyers, Democracy, Justice & The Law, 9 Seminars, 1996 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
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- Court Backs Open Deportation Hearings in Terror Cases, by Adam Liptak, 8/27/02
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- Creating democracy in Afghanistan was doomed from the start, by Gwynne Dyer, 12/29/03
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- Creating Economic Democracy with Local Currency, by Paul Glover
- The Crime Of The Century: A Never-Ending "War Against Terrorism", by Thom Hartmann, 4/30/03
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- The Crimes of Mena, by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, 7/95
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- Deadly toll of Chernobyl, 4/22/00
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- The Death of the Oslo Accords, by Francis Boyle, 7/3/02
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- Defense research agency seeks to create supersoldiers, by Bruce Falconer, 11/10/03
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- Depression-Era Rules Undone, Reuters, 11/13/99,
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- Details of U.S. victory are a little premature, by Eric Margolis, 12/22/02
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- "Dirty Money" Foundation of US Growth and Empire: Size and Scope of Money Laundering by US Banks by James Petras, 5/19/01
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- Dirty Tactics at Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference, by Tetteh Hormeku, 11/12/01
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- Disappearing Witnesses: what does "justice" mean w.r.t. assassination?, by Penn Jones Jr., 11/83
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- Disputed Air ID Law May Not Exist, by Paul Boutin, 8/15/02
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- Dissenters Fault Reactions to Attacks by Michael Paulson, 9/7/02
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- Dissenting voices, by Jihan Alaily, 10/4/01
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- DOE To Allow Release Of Radioactive Materials Into The Marketplace, NIRS, 10/7/97
- Doha: Saving the WTO, Killing Democracy by Vandana Shiva, 12/4/01
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- Double Edged Sword, by Paul Wolf, 9/11/02
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- The Empire Needs New Clothes, by Thom Hartmann, 3/11/03
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- The End of Empire, by William Greider, 9/23/02
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- End of the Enlightenment - A new, repressive form of government is emerging from the West's military triumph, by George Monbiot, 12/18/01
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- Ending Corporate Governance, by Richard Grossman, San Diego Review, 10/1/94
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- Energy Farming In America, A practical answer to America's farming, energy and environmental crises, by Lynn Osburn
- Enron: Ultimate agent of the American empire:
- Enron: ultimate agent of the American empire by Larry Chin 2/02
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- Euro Intel Experts Dismiss `War On Terrorism' As Deception, C. Bollyn, 12/4/01
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- Expanding Our Worldview to Other Dimensions, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 5/95
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- exploration into the meaning of the word "meaning", from a seminar conducted by David Bohm, 1989
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- The F Word, by Michael Ruppert, 11/20/01
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- fallout from nuclear tests PERMEATES our world, American Nuclear Society, 12/91
- Family of Slain Chilean Sues Kissinger, Helms, by Bill Miller, 9/11/01
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- Fascism's Firm Footprint in India, by Arundhati Roy, 9/30/02
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- The Federalist Society: Hijacking Justice, by George Curry & Trevor Coleman, 10/99
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- 50,000 extra Chernobyl cancers predicted, by Paul Brown, 4/26/00
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- Folks Out There Have a "Distaste of Western Civilization and Cultural Values", by Edward S. Herman, 9/14/01
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- Forced Sterilizations, Sterilization of Native American Women Reviewed by Omaha Master's Student, by Bruce Johansen, Sept 1998
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- The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret Police by James Petras, 12/15/01
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- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court Decision by Paul Wolf, 9/2/02
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- Foundations are in place for martial law in the US, by Ritt Goldstein, 7/27/02
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- The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003
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- The Fourth Force -- initial CIA "expansion" via 40s Pentagon War Plans, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Friends of terrorism, Otto Reich in Bush Administration exposes hypocrisy of war on terror, by Duncan Campbell, 2/8/02
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- Friends say FBI holding software contractor, by William McCall, 4/3/03
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- From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad--Violent Soviet-Era Textbooks Complicate Afghan Education Efforts, by Joe Stephens and David B. Ottaway, 3/23/02
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- General Ashcroft's Detention Camps, Time to Call for His Resignation, by Nat Hentoff, 9/4/02
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- Genetically Modified (GM) crops are neither needed nor beneficial by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
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- Global Eye - Into the Dark, by Chris Floyd, 11/1/02
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- The global hierarchy of race, Martin Jacques, 9/20/03
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- Global Warming Can't Be Edited Away, by Bruce Johansen, 8/7/03
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- Global Warming: The Essential Facts, by Bruce Johansen, Native Americas, Fall 1999
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- Going Down the Road - The Water Profiteers, by Jim Hightower, 9/2/02
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- Gore Vidal claims `Bush junta' complicit in 9/11, Sunder Katwala, 10/27/02
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- The Great Mobile Phone Cover-up, by Dave Edwards, 1/19/02
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- The gringos land in Colombia, The Economist, 9/2/00
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- Groups Gear Up to Battle Hemispheric Pact, by Gary Polakovic, 3/25/01
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- Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium and the Dangers of Low-Level Radiation, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell
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- The Guns of Dallas, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Hard To Believe, by Charley Reese, 2/12/03
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- Heady times for Carlyle in the wake of chaos and grief that gripped a nation, by Dan Briody, 5/8/03
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- The Health of the Oceans -- military waste accumulates, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 1984
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- Help Humbolt Cty D.A. Paul Gallegos show all people are equal before the law, May 2003
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- HEMP SEED: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World, Part I, 6/92
- HEMP SEED, Part II: Hemp Seed Oils And The Flow Of Life Force, 9/92
- Hemp Plywood Becomes a Reality, by Lynn and Judy Osburn, 2/94
- High-Tech Killers at the Gate, WEDO News & Views, 11/98
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- The High Cost of Uranium in Navajoland, by Bruce E. Johansen, Akwesasne Notes, Spr '97
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- The Historic Significance of Seattle, by Vandana Shiva, 12/12/99
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- Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State, by Jennifer Van Bergen, 12/2/02
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- How All the News About Political Assassinations In the United States Has Not Been Fit to Print in The New York Times, by Jerry Policoff, 1972
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- How Carlyle buys respectability and profits,, by Dan Briody, 5/9/03
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- How the CIA Controls President Ford, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- How To Take Back America, by Thom Hartmann, 3/25/03
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- How Transnationals Buy Governments (And Rule The World), War & Peace Digest, 4/96
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- Human rights: a casualty of Colombia's drug war, by Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor, 9/1/00
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- Hussein Kamel - The Defector's Secrets, by John Berry, 2/24/03
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- I believe in conspiracies, by John Laughland, 1/17/04
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- I Invite You to Listen: Comments on Prenatal Learning, by Paula Underwood
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- `I'm not going to respond to terrorism by becoming a terrorist', by Rachel Shabi, 2/22/03
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- If you liked Patriot Act I, don't miss the sequel, by Robyn E. Blumner, 2/16/03
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- IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries, by Sara Grusky, Feb 2001
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- Importance of the In-Arms Phase, by Jean Liedloff, Mothering, Winter 1989
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- In Search of the Sublime by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
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- In the Name of Terror, by Marco Mezzera, 2002
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- In The Pipeline: Genetically Modified Humans?, by Richard Hayes, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- India's New Farm Policy--Serving The American Interest, by Devinder Sharma, July 2000
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- Indonesia 1958: Nixon, the CIA, and the Secret War, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Industrial Hemp Makes Sense For Us, by Joe American Horse, Summer 2001
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- International Conspiracy Revisited: 9/11 Five Months Later by James Petras, 2/14/02
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- International Dairy Foods Association ET AL V. Attorney General of Vermont, on rBST labelling, 8/96
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- International Law Professor criticizes U.S. actions, Tom Polansek, 10/19/01
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- Internment Camps and Authoritarian US Fast Becoming Reality by Ritt Goldstein, Summer 2002
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- Introduction to Columbia Certification document, 8/28/00
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- An Introduction to the Assassination Business, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Invading Hiroshima, by William Thomas, 2/4/03
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- Is the Threat From "Total Information Awareness" Overblown?, by Jay Stanley, 12/18/02
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- Is the US Turning Into a Surveillance Society?: ACLU, 1/15/03
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- Issues of Human Evolution into Global Community by Elisabet Sahtouris, Jan 2002
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- In Name of Security, Thousands Denied Constitutional Rights, Francis Boyle Interview, Nov 2001
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- Japan maps out path to nuclear-free world, 15 October 2000
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- Journey To Hapu: a traditional Qeshua Community, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 3/95
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- Justice For Sale: Shortchanging the Public Interest for Private Gain, by Richard Grossman, Fall 1993
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- Kevin Costner in, "Who Would Do Such a Thing?" to his Lakota "friends", 1995
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- Korematsu Brief and Guantánamo, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 11/16/03
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- Law and Disorder in the Middle East, by Francis Boyle, Jan 2002
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- Laying the Groundwork For Cancun: Another Doha `Success'? by Aileen Kwa, 9/25/02
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- Learning From Ladakh, by Stephan Bodian, 1992
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- The Lessons of History for the Invaders, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 4/4/03
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- A letter to America, by Margaret Atwood, 3/28/03
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- Lightening Up for the New Millenium by Elisabet Sahtouris, Feb 2002
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- A Little Adventure in Chiapas, Part I by Carla Charraga
- Local Money Strengthens Communities, by David Block, In Business, 7/98
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- Losing the War for Civil Liberties, Kelly Patricia O'Meara, 8/26/02
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- Louisiana Blacks Win Nuclear War, London Sunday Times, May 11 1997
- The Machine, by Eduardo Galeano, 4/27/02
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- Made in the USA--A guide to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, by Jim Crogan, Mar/Apr 2003
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- `Marin hot tubbers,' Iran-Contra ghosts, and other fears of the Bush clan, by Larry Chin, 1/27/02
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- Mark Twain Speaks to Us: "I Am an Anti-Imperialist", by Norman Solomon, 4/15/03
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- Mary Lou Williams -- Pianist, Composer, Arranger And Innovator Extraordinaire
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- Mary Lou Williams: "Swinger with a Mission", by Catherine O'Neill, Books & Arts, 12/7/79
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- Mass Murder for Oil and Resources - Custer Returns as George Bush, by Brenda Norrell, 5/9/03
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- memorandum by J.E. Hoover on 11/29/63 re: his meeting with LBJ
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- The Men From JINSA and CSP, by Jason Vest, 9/2/02
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- Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates, by Arundhati Roy, 4/2/03
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- Minorities, the Poor & Ending Corporate Rule, by Grossman and Morehouse, 9/95
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- Molly Ivins on Harvey Wasserman's "Our Fake Energy Crisis", 4/13/01
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- Money versus Wealth, by David Korten, YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, spr 97
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- Monsanto name changed to Pharmacia, January, 2000
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- Monsanto to own soyabean! by Devinder Sharma, May 2003
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- Monsanto/US War on Drugs - Poisoning Colombian Environment, by Brian Hansen, 11/20/00
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- My Father and the Lima Beans, Part of "A Tribe of Two", by Paula Underwood, 1995
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- My Love Affair With Amazon Herbs by Elisabet Sahtouris
- The Myth of the Rule of Law, by Catherine Austin Fitts, Nov 2001
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- National ID Card Is Now Federal Law and Georgia Wants To Help Lead the Way, by Cyndee Parker
- National Security Strategy of the United States, complilation by Paul Wolf, 9/30/02
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- Native Languages: The New Phoenix, by Bruce Johansen, Native Americas, Spring 2000
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- Necessity test is mother of GATS intervention, by Gregory Palast, 4/15/01
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- Nelson Mandela: The United States of America is a Threat to World Peace, 9/10/02
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- The New McCarthyism, by Matthew Rothschild, 9/01
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- The New Terminators: A Guide to the Anti-Sovereignty Movement, fall 2000
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- The NEXT Industrial Revolution, by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, 1998
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- Nine Eleven: One year of empire building by James Petras, 8/12/02
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- No Immediate Danger? Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth: 1990, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell
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- No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, by Rosalie Bertell
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- No more Mr Scrupulous Guy, by John Sutherland, 2/18/02
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- No, Voting Won't Work, by John Spritzler, 11/00
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- Not again, by Arundhati Roy, 9/27/02
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- Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie" by Thom Hartmann, 1/1/03
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- Now, I Am the Terrorist, by William Rivers Pitt, 3/21/03
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- Nuclear Bomb Tests and their relationship to Earthquakes planetwide, War and Peace Digest, 8/92
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- NUCLEAR HYPOCRISY AND WORSE, MER editorial & Professor Francis Boyle
- Nuclear Testing Story Has Some Big Holes by Norman Solomon 5/14/98
- Nuclear Threats and the New World Order, by Michio Kaku, Summer 1992
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- Nucleogenic Illness: Replenishing the Earth", the work of IICPH, 1986
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- Old Indian Wars Dominate Bush Doctrines, by Jack D. Forbes, 3/27/03
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- Oil has always been top of Bush's foreign-policy agenda, by Ritt Goldstein, 10/7/02
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- Oil Lust and Israeli "Hatchet Men" Behind U.S. Plans to Occupy Iraq, by Christopher Bollyn, 10/18/02
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- On the Money Trail - The dangerous world of Catherine Austin Fitts, by Mari Kane, 9/5/02
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- One Bird - Ten Thousand Treasures, How the Duck in the Paddy Fields Can Feed the World by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1999
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- The Only Real Solution Is Justice With Compassion and Other Articles, by Don Paul, Sep-Dec 2001
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- Osamagate, Michel Chossudovsky, 10/9/01
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- The Other War - The Bush Administration and the End of Civil Liberties, by Elaine Cassel, 4/26/03
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- Our New Resource Crisis: Global Drinking Water, by Peter Phillips, Mar 2001
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- `P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty, by David Isenberg, 11/5/02
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- Palestine, Palestinians and International Law, by Francis Boyle, 3/31/02
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- Panther-Across-The-Sky: Tecumseh & the New Madrid Earthquake, by David Yarrow, 11/91
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- Patriot Act Redux - Patriot Act II: Huge & Hugely Important, by Beverley Lumpkin, 21 February 2003
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- Patriot Act's Supposed Justification is Gone, Peter Erlinder, 5/22/02
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- Peltier Update, by Prof. Bruce E. Johansen, 2/97
- Pentagon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq, Kate Adie, 3/9/03
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- Perils of a one-superpower world, by Richard Butler, 10/29/02
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- Pipelineistan, Part 1: The rules of the game, by Pepe Escobar, 1/25/02
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- Pipelineistan, Part 2: The games nations play, by Pepe Escobar, 1/26/02
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- Plan of the Army in Chiapas, since 1994: create paramilitary groups, displace the population, destroy the support bases of the EZLN..., by Carlos Marín, 1/4/98
- A Planetary Alternative to the Global Economy, by David Korten, 1/00
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- Playing By Whose Rules? A Challenge to Environmental, Civil Rights and Other Activists, by Richard Grossman, 1995
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- Playing skittles with Saddam - chaos is the plan, by Brian Whitaker, 9/2/02
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- Playing God With the Forty Committee, by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Police State, by Kelly Patricia O'Meara, 11/19/01
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- The Police State Enhancement Act of 2003, by Geov Parrish, 2/10/03
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- Porto Alegre: Counteroffensive against globalization by Walden Bellow, 1/02
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- "The Post-Corporate World," by David C. Korten, YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, spr 97
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- Power Play--Reinhold Ziegler's Energy Gizmo Lights the Way, Michael McCarthy, 7/25/01
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- Prince Charles Speaks for the People - and Scientists Too by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, May 2000
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- Pro Patria, Pro Mundus--It's Time to Ask "Borderless" Corporations: Which Side Are You On? by William Greider 10/26/01
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- Protester=Criminal? by Matthew Rothschild, Feb 2004
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- The Public Cost of Private Corporations, by Dr Ralph Estes, 1995
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- Pure Slap Shtick: The Three Stooges' school of timeless social order, by Richard von Busack, 1/97
- Questions About Genetically Modified Organisms, by Prince of Wales, 6/1/99
- Radiation-Monitoring Reveals Interesting Data, by Linda Schatz , EFMR Monitor, December 1997
- The Railroad Barons Are Back - And This Time They'll Finish the Job by Thom Hartmann, 12/11/02
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- Reaching the Grassroots: The World-wide Diffusion of Iroquois Democratic Traditions, by Bruce Johansen, 4/9/02
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- The Real Link Between Bush and Hitler, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 10/11/02
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- The Real Story Behind America's War, by John Pilger, 12/27/01
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- The relationship of Ozone Depletion and the Greenhouse Effect, by Bruce Johansen,
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- Repeal the USA Patriot Act, by Jennifer Van Bergen, 4/1-6/02
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- Replace Biopiracy with Biodemocracy, by Andrew Kimbrell, 1996
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- A Return to Madness--The Psychotic Fantasy of Electric Deregulation Continues, With Renewed Interest in Nuclear Power, Harvey Wasserman, 4/5/01
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- Revenge, listening and deep democracy/The Lords of Vengeance, by Tom Atlee/William Pitt, 3/24/03
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- Review of Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation, Earth Island Journal, Spring 1993
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- The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century, by William Greider, 11/17/01
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- Right-wing coup that shames America, by Will Hutton, 12/24/00
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- The Rogue Elephant, The Bush Jr Administration has become a `threat to the peace' within the meaning of UN Charter Article 39, by Francis Boyle, 7/02
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- Rolling Back the 20th Century, by William Greider, 5/12/03
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- The Rule Of Law versus Democracy, by Doug Hammerstrom, Winter 2002
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- Saddam Hussein Discovered in Hole, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 12/15/03
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- The Sabotaging of the American Presidency -- the U-2 debacle by L. Fletcher Prouty
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- Santa Cruz to ask Congress to consider impeaching Bush, by Martha Mendoza, 9/10/03
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- The Saturation of the South, by Richard Grossman, Summer 1988
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- Scientists shocked at GM gene transfer, by Paul Brown, 8/15/02
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- Screening mammography and public health policy: the need for perspective, by Profs Charles J Wright, & C Barber Mueller, The Lancet, 7/1/95
- Seattle Turning Point: Fixing or nixing the WTO, by Susan George, 1/00
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- The Secret Behind the Sanctions -- How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply Thomas J. Nagy, 9/01
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- The Secret Keeper, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 11/29/02
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- The Secret War - Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department is dramatically expanding its `black world' of covert operations, by William Arkin, 10/27/02
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- Seeding the Future, by Christina Waters, 9/96
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- Selective Memri, by Brian Whitaker, 8/12/02
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- S.F. Attorney: Bush Allowed 9/11, by David Kiefer, 6/11/02
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- Shall We Leave It to the Experts? Enron's Power Project in India Demonstrates Who Benefits from Globalization, by Arundhati Roy, 2/18/02
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- Sheep In Wolf's Clothing, by Jane Anne Morris, Fall 1998
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- Shell to face US lawsuit for Saro-Wiwa execution, by Karen McGregor, 9/19/00
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- Shock And Yawn - Plan could kill millions in 48 hours. Why don't Americans Care? by Geov Parrish, 2/24/03
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- Signs of a Police State Are Everywhere by James Petras, 1/02
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- Skills for the Age of Sustainability: An Unprecedented Time of Opportunity by Elisabet Sahtouris, May 2002
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- Soaking the poor--S.F.'s Bechtel wants the Bolivian people to pay for its bad water investment, by Daniel Zoll, Dec 13 2000
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- Solari Rising, by Catherine Austin Fitts, 11/15/01
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- Son of the Patriot Act - We have to destroy this village to save it, by Charles Lewis and Adam Mayle with Robert Masterson, Center for Public Integrity and Fairfield County Weekly, 2/20/03
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- Sowing Disaster? by Mark Schapiro, 10/28/02
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- The Spiritual Truth of JFK, by Peter Gabel
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- Squeezing the Poor--What Globalization Is Really About, William E. Rees, 4/22/02
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- Stewardess ID'd Hijackers Early, Transcripts Show, by Gail Sheehy, 2/16/04
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- Stiglitz vs. The Bloodsuckers - IMF's Four Steps To Damnation, by Gregory Palast, 4/29/01
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- Stolen Wombs, Indigenous Women Most at Risk, by Bruce Johansen, Native Americas, Summer 2000
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- The Struggle for Democracy: Activists Take the Offense, by Virginia Rasmussen, Summer 2002
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- The Struggle for Democratic Control of Corporations: Taking the Offensive, from the Program on Corporations, Law, & Democracy
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- Take back the might [from corporations to people], by Wanda Ballentine, the OTHER paper, May, 1995
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- Taking Liberties in the War on Terror: The Justice Department's "Patriot Act II", by Steven H. Aden, 2/26/03
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- Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline, BBC, 12/4/97
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- The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, by Ahmed Rashid, 11/99
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- Tall Tales For Adults Are Beyond Belief (CIA/Nuclear Testing), by Norman Solomon, 5/21/98
- Target: Martin Luther King, Richard Goldstein, 1/8/03
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- Telling The Iroquois Story On CD-ROM, by Bruce Johansen, Summer 1999
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- Tennis on the Titanic, by Howard Zinn, Dec 2000
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- Terminator Unleashed, Patenting Life -- Patenting Death, by Mary Jo Olsen, 9/9/98
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- Terrorism in the Age of Surveillance by Paul Wolf, with accompanying articles, 7/28/02
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- `There isn't a target in Afghanistan worth a $1m missile', Mohamed Heikal, 10/10/01
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- The Threat from Within, Friends Committee on National Legislation, 6/02
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- The Three Mile Island of Biotech? by John Nichols, 12/2/02
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- Thyroid Cancer 7.5 yrs after Chernobyl soaring, Nature, 9/92
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- A Timeline Surrounding September 11th - If CIA And The Government Werent Involved In The September 11 Attacks What Were They Doing?, by Michael Ruppert, Expanded/Revised 7/11/02
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- Too much of a good thing - Underlying the US drive to war is a thirst to open up new opportunities for surplus capital, by George Monbiot, 2/18/03
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- Top Secret: How To Kill--The CIA's Secret Weapons Systems, by Andrew Stark
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- Toward A Green Economy -- with Hemp as the Premier Renewable, by Lynn Osburn
- Transnational Corporations and the International Economic Order: Reflections on the Bishops' Pastoral Letter, by Gordon Welty, Social Justice Review, 1985
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- Trashing the Arctic, Chemical Toxins Destroying Inuits' Lands, Health and Lives, 10/18/00
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- The Trial of Saddam, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 12/21/03
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- The Triple Crises in the U.S. by James Petras, 6/30/02
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- The Tropics Move North, The Prospects Aren't Pretty, by Bruce Johansen, Native Americas, Fall 1999
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- The truth is out there ...right?, by Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, 2/23/02
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- The twin debacles of globalization--Stage For Counteroffensive Against Globalization by Walden Bellow, 1/02
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- Ukraine Chernobyl Survivors Mark 14th Anniversary, by Christina Ling, 4/23/00
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- Ukraine: Chornobyl Contamination Lingers Longer Than Thought, by Askold Krushelnycky, 5/15/00
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- The Umbrella System: Prelude to an Assassination, by Richard E. Sprague and Robert Cutler
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- A Unanimous Triumph For Masters of War, by Norman Solomon, 9/14/01
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- The Unholy Alliance, A Review of GE Biotech Hazards by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 7/97
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- Unilateral Preventive War: Illegitimate And Immoral, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., 8/21/02
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- The United States of America Has Gone Mad, by John le Carré, 1/15/03
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- Unnatural Disaster: Deregulated California Utilities are Electrocuting the Public, by Harvey Wasserman, 1/25/01
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- Unraveling the DNA Myth, The Spurious Foundation of Genetic Engineering by Barry Commoner, Feb 2002
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- Unreconstructed Afghanistan, After 24 years of war, much of Kabul lies in ruins, articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 8/3/03
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- The Untold Story of `Plan Colombia', by John Neumaier, 11/5/00
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- U.S. Fears Prosecution of President in World Court, 11/15/02
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- U.S., Italian Experts Plan to Clone Humans, by Jane Barrett, 3/9/01
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- US Media "Body Count" Games Begin in Plan Colombia, by Al Giordano, NarcoNews, 9/2/00
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- U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At Last, Scoop, 5/26/03
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- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Labs: A Bulwark Against Test Bans, by Deborah Blum, Sacramento Bee, 1987
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- US Thinktanks Give Lessons in Foreign Policy, by Brian Whitaker, 8/19/02
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- The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11, Jennifer Van Bergen, 5/20/02
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- Use and Abuse of The Precautionary Principle, by Peter Saunders, King's College, London, 7/13/00
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- Usurpation Day, by William T. Hathaway, Jan 21 2001
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- Victims of the Nuclear Age, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, The Ecologist, 11/99
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- A Volatile Economic Future--Capitalist Crisis and Corporate Crime by Walden Bellow, 7/22/02
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- A War in the Planning for Four Years, by Michael Ruppert, 11/11/01
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- War, Inc. by Mike Ferner, April 2002
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- The War On Terror Could Have Been Won, by Hasan Abu Nimah, 8/21/02
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- War Talk - Summer Games With Nuclear Bombs, by Arundhati Roy, 6/2/02
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- A War We All Will Regret, by Bruce E. Johansen, 4/8/03
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- "We Are Not The Enemy!" - The Battle of Portland, by William Rivers Pitt, 8/24/02
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- We Are the Capitalists. You Will Be Assimilated. Resistance Is Futile, by David Korten, 7/99
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- We Build in a Sacred Manner, by Paula Underwood
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- Weapons of Mass Destruction--Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War, by Ramzi Kysia, 11/30/01
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- Weapons Industry: Source of Terrorism, by Charles Mercieca, 7/3/02
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- What about the corporate "good guys?", by Wanda Ballentine, the OTHER Paper, April, 1996
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- What comes next? The shape of the postwar world, by Joseph Cirincione, 3/23/03
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- What Lincoln Forsaw: Corporations "Enthroned" and Re-Writing the Laws Defining Their Existence, by Rick Crawford, 1996
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- What Our Human Genome Tells Us, by Elisabet Sahtouris, May 2001
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- What's Wrong with Environmental Education?, by Elisabet Sahtouris, Mar 2002
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- When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir by Walden Bellow, 2/1/01
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- When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History, by Thom Hartmann, 3/16/03
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- Who controls your computer? by Richard Stallman, 10/22/02
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- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?, by Michel Chossudovsky, 9/12/01
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- Who Killed JFK? The Media Whitewash, by Carl Oglesby
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- Who Knows? FBI on trail of books read by potential terrorists [but] we're not permitted to know, by Nat Hentoff, 4/22/02
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- Who Owns Water? by Maude Barlow and Tony Clark, 2/2/02
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- Who's in charge here?, by Wanda Ballentine, the OTHER paper, April, 1996
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- Who's watching the watchers?, by Derrick Z. Jackson, 11/22/02
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- Why Labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms is Pointless, by Andy Savage, 2/97
- Why Terrorists Hate America, by William Blum, Sept 2002
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- Why we must stay silent no longer, by Noreena Hertz, 4/8/01
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- With a Whisper, Not a Bang; Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law -- stealthily, by David Martin, 12/24/03
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- Witness for Peace - An Urgent Message From Our Columbian Partners, by Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas & Peter Stucky, Summer 2000
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- Witness for Peace - Columbia: A Call to Witness, by Sarah DeBolt & Michael Joseph, Summer 2000
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- A Women's Creed, 1994 WEDO Global Strategies Meeting
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- The World Trade Organization and War: Making the Connection, by END the ARMS RACE
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- Worst Effects of Chernobyl To Come, 4/25/00
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- The WTO's Hidden Agenda, by Gregory Palast, 11/9/01
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- WMD: A primer; Let's be clear on what is--and isn't--a weapon of mass destruction, by Eric Margolis, 2/15/04
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- A wry scourge on the attack - Gore Vidal delivers chilling predictions of despotism, by Arthur Jones, 8/1/03
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- You've Heard of Santa Clara, Now Meet Dartmouth, by Peter Kellman, Spring 2000
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Transcripts / Testimony / Interviews / Statements
- Acceptance Speech Statement for Green Party 2000 Nomination for President, Ralph Nader, 6/25/00
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- Address by Hiroshima City Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba on Hiroshima Peace Day 2002, 8/8/02
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- ....After Seattle? Taking on the Corporate and Financial Rulers: Our Goal is Political and Economic Democracy, by David Korten, 12/3/99
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- Agenda for the Earth, Oren Lyons Speaking at Rio De Janeiro, 6/9/92
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- Alice Stewart Interview and supporting documents, 8/00
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- Alternative Currency, Excerpts of a Conversation between David Icke and Jon Rappoport
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- An Act of State - The Execution of Martin Luther King, Transcript of William F. Pepper Talk at Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, 2/4/03
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- Dr Arpad Pusztai Talks on Food for the 21st Century, prepared by Angela Ryan, 5/7/99
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- Assassination as a Tool of Fascism by John Judge
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- Becoming a Self-Governing People, by Betsy Barnum, 4/4/03
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- Best Practice in the Design of GM Crops by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins & Jeremy Bartlett, 12/6/00
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- Beyond Bad Science and Big Business by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 11/10/00
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- Beyond Vietnam, Martin Luther King, Riverside Church, NYC, 4 Apr 1967
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- The Big Picture: Strategies for Transforming the Global Economy, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 8/99
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- The Biotechnology Debate has United the World against Corporate Rule, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 11/27/99
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- A Call To Action from Granny D, 7/27/02
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- Can biotechnology help fight world hunger? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/29/00
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- The Central Contention of Politics Should be the Distribution of Power, Ralph Nader, 3/1/00
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- Challenging Autocratic Governance That Serves The Interests Of Global Corporations, Ralph Nader, 4/14/00
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- Changing the Nature of Nature - An Interview with Martin Teitel, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- Chief Oren Lyons Opening Statement, "The Year of the Indigenous Peoples" (1993), in the UN General Assembly Auditorium
- Civilizing Society, David Korten, FEASTA annual lecture, Dublin, Ireland 7/4/00
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- A Claim Of Human Rights Violations To The United Nations - Versus The United States Government, 4/30/03
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- Cochabamba Declaration, Bolivia, 8 Dec 2000
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- Coherent Energy, Liquid Crystallinity and Acupuncture by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/2/99
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- Commentaries by J Truman, Founder and Director of Downwinders, 1998
- Complete Ken Saro-Wiwa Statement To Ogoni Civil Disturbances Tribunal, 9/25/95
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- Confronting Empire, by Arundhati Roy, 1/27/03
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- Conversation of Four Elements, by William Commanda, 1994
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- A Coup against the American Constitution, Francis Boyle Interview, 11/14/01
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- Cree Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come: on Aboriginal Self-Determination and the End of the Discredited, Unjust and Discriminatory Doctrine of "terra nullius", 10/96
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- Crimes Against Humanity - Benjamin Ferencz Interview, 9/19/01
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- Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, President, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, 1992
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- A Conversation with John Gofman, Ph.D. '43, California Monthly, 1993
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- The Dark Side of Genetics and The Implications of the Biotechnology Revolution, David Suzuki, 11/27/99
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- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant and Democracy, statements by Mike Ferner, Apr/Jul 2002
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- Death and Rebirth: Explaining the Dynamics of 1999, Robert Theobald, 6/5/99
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- The Decline of Democracy & The Concord Principles, Ralph Nader, 5/9/92
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- Democratic Money: A Populist Perspective, with Lawrence Goodwyn and William Greider, 12/9/89
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- Diverse Women for Diversity Seattle Declaration, 12/1/99
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- Do turkeys enjoy thanksgiving?, by Arundhati Roy, 1/16/04
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell @ World Women's Congress for Healthy Planet, 11/91
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: 16 Million Radiation Deaths and Counting, 1989
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Quietly Eating Radioactivity, 1986
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Testimony before the World Women's Congress, Miami, 1991
- The Drilling Fields, 1994 movie that raised the 30-year plight of the Ogoni people to the world
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- Ellen Mariani's RICO Suit against Bush et al. Amended Complaint, 11/26/03
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- The Erosion of the American Dream, interview with Gore Vidal, 3/12/03
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- The Evolving Role of The UN And Disarmament, Panel discussion at the UN, 10/23/97
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- The Evolving Story of our Evolving Earth, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 11/99
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- Expressing Life's Wisdom: Nurturing Heart-Brain Development Starting With Infants, Joseph Chilton Pearce, 1999 Interview
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- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, by Francis A. Boyle, 4/18/02
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- Family Steering Committee Statement & Questions Regarding 9/11 Commission Interview with President Bush, 2/04
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- Farmers' Declaration on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
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- Fighting Bad Guys Trying to Do The Right Thing: A Vision For Change, Winona LaDuke, 8/28/00
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- Food Safety Declaration, Seattle, 11/28/99
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- Former Top German Minister Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks, 1/15/02
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- The Fourth Story, Seeing the World From a Profoundly Different Viewpoint, by Robert Theobald, 9/26/99
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- From Mechanics to Organics - Scott London Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris, 2/99
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- From Melbourne to Prague: the Struggle for a Deglobalized World, by Walden Bello, 9/00
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- Genetic Engineering Biotechnology - Challenges and Opportunities, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 5/28/99
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- The Global Campaign Against Biopiracy and Changing the Paradigm of Agriculture, Vandana Shiva, 11/26/99
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- Global Media and Democracy, Robert McChesney, 4/11/00
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- The Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders UN Conf, Sr. Joan Chittister, 10/7/02
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- The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply, Maude Barlow, 11/26/99
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- GM Crops - How Corporations Rule and Ruin the World by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/1/00
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- GM Food Hazards and the Science War by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 12/1/99
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- Gore and Occidental Petroleum, Excerpt of transcript re: The Buying Of The President 2000
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- Gulf War: 1991 Gonzalez Impeachment Resolution of Bush, re-sent 5/02
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- Hemp, The Plant That Can Save Mother Earth, 1993
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- Human Rights And Universal ResponsibilityThe Dalai Lama of Tibet: UN World Conference, June 1993
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- Human Rights in the United States: The Unfinished Story Current Political Prisoners - Victims of COINTELPRO, Issue Forum conducted by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 9/14/00
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- Humanity 3000 Participant Statement, Foundation For the Future, by Elisabet
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- In her own words . . ., Mary Lou Williams interview, Melody Maker, April-June, 1954
- Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative, Year 4 Reed, Day Two Crocodile, 3/12/03
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- Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration
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- The Indigenous Women's Network - Our Future, Our Responsibility, Winona LaDuke, 8/31/95
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- An Interview with Pat Mooney, executive director of RAFI, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- Interview With Dr. Ernest Sternglass, author of Secret Fallout, 11/92
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- An Interview with Joseph Chilton Pearce, WILD DUCK REVIEW, 1998
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- Is America a Police State? Congressman Ron Paul, 6/27/02
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- JFK - Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963
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- JFK Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, July 26, 1963
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- John Judge Nov 2000 Interview - Part I, 11/10/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- John Judge Nov 2000 Interview - Part II, 11/18,26/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- John Judge Speaking at 9-11 and the Public Safety: Seeking Answers and Accountability, National Press Club, 6/10/02
(ASCII text)
- Ken Saro-Wiwa statement excerpts; he was prevented from reading outloud at his trial before the Military Tribunal that sentenced him to death on October 31, 1995
(ASCII text)
- Transcription of the King Family Press Conference on the MLK Assassination Trial Verdict, 12/9/99, Atlanta, GA
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Last Defender of the American Republic?, Gore Vidal interview by Marc Cooper, 7/5/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- LIFE AFTER CAPITALISM, by David Korten, 11/98
(ASCII text)
- Live From Iraq, an Un-Embedded Journalist: Robert Fisk on Washington's `Quagmire' in Iraq, Civilian Deaths and the Fallacy of Bush's `War of Liberation', Amy Goodman & Jeremy Scahill, 3/25/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Living Systems, the Internet and the Human Future, talk by Elisabet Sahtouris, May 13, 2000
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Mary Lou Williams Discography
- Mary Lou Williams excerpt from a 1978 interview at Keystone Corner
- Maude Barlow speaking at the World Social Forum Panel on "Future of Nation States", 1/28/01
(ASCII text)
- Monocultures, Monopolies, Myths and the Masculinisation of Agriculture, by Dr. Vandana Shiva, 6/98
- Monopoly Militarism and the U.S. Monopoly on the Militarization of the World, Randall Forsberg, 4/11/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Moving the Media Revolution Forward, IMC Interview with Bob McChesney, Aug 2000
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Mythology of Commercial Broadcasting and the Contemporary Crisis of Public Broadcasting, by Bob McChesney, 1997
(PDF | ASCII text)
- National Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Listing of Records, 1980-1986
(ASCII text)
- A Native American Worldview / Hawk and Eagle, Both are Singing, by Paula Underwood Spencer, 1990
(ASCII text)
- The New Alchemists, John Todd, in Design Outlaws, 1997
(ASCII text)
- 1996 Acceptance Statement for Green Party Nomination for Vice President, Winona LaDuke
(PDF | ASCII text)
- No Patents On Life: A Workshop About The TRIPs Agreement
(ASCII text)
- No to GMO's - Civil Society vs Corporate Empire, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 9/11/99
(PDF | ASCII text)
- No War Against Afghanistan!, speech by Francis Boyle, 10/18/01, revised 11/29/01
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Notarized Statement by Dr. Rosalie Bertell On Ongoing Cover-Up of Three Mile Island Accident, 7/10/98
- Nuclear Cover-Up, Transcript of Norman Solomon 2/24/92 speech
(ASCII text)
- Observing Without the "Me", Krishnamurti, Brockwood Park, 9/5/70
- Octopi And The Seeing Of Meaning Communicated As Pure Intent Without Ambiguity, by Terence McKenna
(ASCII text)
- On Overthrowing the Permanent Government, Susan George, 11/26/99
(PDF | ASCII text)
- On Reforming the Government's Scientific Establishment, by J Truman, 3/98
- On What the Plot is For Seattle, Martin Khor, 11/26/99
(PDF | ASCII text)
- One World--One World Government; Bretton Woods or The United Nations?, David Korten, 4/14/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- An Open Letter To Those Concerned About Fallout Victims' Issues from Downwinders
- Oral Histories: Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., DOE, 1995
- Oren Lyons Interview - Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Council of Chiefs of the Hau de no sau nee, 3 July 1991
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Leonard Peltier Letter - Throw down the blanket, 7/21/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Organic Revolution in Science, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/29/99
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Organic Revolution in Science and Implications for Science and Spirituality by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 9/4-10/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- `Our Country Above Politics' - Missouri County GOP Chairman Resigns Over War, by Jack Walters, 3/10/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- People's Declarations Presented in Seattle, November-December 1999
- Perversions of Justice, talk by Ward Churchill on release of his new book, 2/22/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Plutocracy and the Citizen Agenda for '92 and beyond, Ralph Nader, 1/15/92
(ASCII text)
- Poison Fire, Sacred Earth, Testimonies, Lectures, Conclusions, World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg, 1992
(entry point to ASCII text format)
Complete Table of Contents listing
- Forward
- Opening Speech on the Eve of the Hearing
- Welcoming Message, Day of the Mountains
- Opening Speech, Day of the Mountains
- Lectures:
- Low-Level Radiation, The Effects on Human and Non-Human Life, by Dr. Alice Stewart
- Known Facts and Hidden Dangers of Uranium Mining, by Dr. Gordon Edwards
- Beyond Nukes, The Promise of Renewable Energy, by Dr. Bill Keepin
- The True Price of Nuclear Power, The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, by Peter Bossew
- The Nuclear Guardianship, Concept for a Radioactive Future, by Ulrike Fink
- In The Name Of World Peace, Atomic Tests In Both Hemispheres, by Jim Falk
- Nuclear Guardianship, The Search for New Perspectives, by Joanna Macy
- Testimonies:
September 14
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
- Workshop Reports:
- Final Communique
- The Declaration Of Salzburg (Draft)
- The World Uranium Hearing Society (Chronical)
- The Poor Can Buy Barbie Dolls, Removal of QRs and the fate of the poor, by Vandana Shiva, 4/2/01
(ASCII text)
- Poverty & Globalisation, Vandana Shiva, 4/27/00
(ASCII text)
- PR Nation - Anti-spin activist John Stauber penetrates America's lie machine by Michael Manekin, 8/16/01
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq, by Rep. Ron Paul, 9/10/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- quotations of Laurens van der Post from texts and recordings
- Psychological Origins of Racial Prejudice, Laurens van der Post, SF, 10/61
- Race Prejudice as Self Rejection, An Inquiry into the Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Group Conflicts, by Laurens van der Post, 1957
- Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences, by Senator Robert Byrd, 2/12/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Reclaiming Civic Power to Reverse the Corporate Erosion of Civil Rights, Ralph Nader, 7/11/00
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- Robert Fisk: Looking Beyond War, Democracy Now! interview, 4/22/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Safeguarding Against Acts of Terrorism, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,, 10/3/01
- Scientists' Warning about Genetically Engineered Food
- SHUAR: talking with Ecuadorian Amazon medicine men, by Elisabet Sahtouris
(ASCII text)
- speech by Narayan Desai on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1992
- Stanley Hilton Interview, with Alex Jones, 3/11/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Statement From Members of International Civil Society Opposing a Millennium Round or a New Round of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations
(ASCII text)
- Statement on Afghanistan, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 10/31/01
- Statement on the Judi Bari bombing -- "Lessons for Today", by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 6/27/02
- Statement on the Need for an Investigation of the Events Surrounding September 11, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 4/12/02
- Stopping A Police State, by Francis Boyle, 4/28/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Sun interview with Jerry Mander, author of In the Absence of the Sacred
(ASCII text)
- Sustainable Design - How We Can Give More Back to the Environment than We Take, by William McDonough, Fall 2002
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Taking Control of Our Lives: Freedom, Sovereignty, and Other Endangered Species, by Noam Chomsky, 2/26/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Testimony Prepared for Senate Hearings on Iraq Policy, Phyllis Bennis, 7/31/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Testimony of Dr. Owens Wiwa Before Joint Briefing of US Congressional Human Rights Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus, 1/30/96
(ASCII text)
- Testimony of William Schaap, MLK Consipiracy Trial Transcript, 11/30/99
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Tetuwan Oyate Statement, Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council: Against the United States Invasion of Iraq and call for United Nations General Assembly Intervention
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- Thinking again of lifes miracle by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 4/10/00
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- Thoughts On Our War Against Terrorism, by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, 4/13/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Transcript: "Revoking The Corporation", a discussion w/R. Grossman & W. Morehouse, 1/29/96
- 2000 Acceptance Statement for Green Party Nomination for Vice President, Winona LaDuke, 7/22/00
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- Understanding and the Imagination in the Light of Nature, by Terence McKenna
(ASCII text)
- An Unjust and Illegal War, DU Weapons & Canada's Central Role in their Production, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 5/6/99
(ASCII text)
- Vets To Top US Military Commanders: REMEMBER NUREMBERG - Open Letter to Nation's Top Military Commanders on Possible Criminal Violations of Int'l Law, by Veterans For Peace, 2/13/03
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- Via Campesina Seattle Declaration, 12/3/99
(ASCII text)
- WAR ON TRUTH, The Secret Battle for the American Mind, John Stauber interview by Derrick Jensen, 3/99
(ASCII text)
- Waste Equals Food - Our Future and the Making of Things, by William McDonough, 1998
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- Wasting Your Vote, Wasting Our Democracy, Ralph Nader, 8/23/00
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- We are participants in the birthing of something new to the human evolutionary experience by David Korten, 3/23/03
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- We won't deny our consciences, Prominent Americans stmt on the war on terror, 6/14/02
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- Witness Statement of Mae-Wan Ho by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Chardon LL Public Hearing, 10/26/00
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- Witness to a Last Will of Man, 1984
(gzip'd ASCII text, PostScript, PDF)
- Why I Cannot Remain Silent about GM technology, by Aarpad Pusztai, 9/99
(ASCII text)
- Women's Caucus Seattle Declaration, 1999
(ASCII text)
- WTO and the Global War System Forum, Proceedings, sponsored by Northwest Disarmament Coalition, End the Arms Race, Abolition 2000 Working Group on Corporate Issues, International Network on Disarmament and Globalization, 11/28/99
(PDF | ASCII text) - WTO and the Global War System Forum Program, sponsored by: Northwest Disarmament Coalition (USA), End the Arms Race (Canada), Abolition 2000, 11/28/99
(ASCII text)
- WTO and the Third World: On a Catastrophic Course - Martin Khor Interview, Multinational Monitor, 9/99
(ASCII text)
- WTO Impacts On The Environment, Cultures and Indigenous Peoples, by Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, 11/29/99
(ASCII text)
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- BSE to GMOs - What Have We Learned?, by Angela Ryan & Harash Narang
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Comments on Nuclear Power, by Stan Thompson, 1998
- Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1995
- Exemplar of Liberty, Native America and the Evolution of Democracy, by Donald A. Grinde and Bruce E. Johansen, 1990
- The First Men by Howard Fast, 1959
- Forgotten Founders, Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois and the Rationale for the American Revolution, by Bruce E. Johansen, 1982
- Killing Our Own, Chronicling the Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, 1945-1982, by Wasserman, Solomon, Alvarez, & Walters, 1982
- Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: An Annotated Bibliography, by Bruce E. Johansen, 1997
- New Money for Healthy Communities, by Thomas H. Greco, Jr., 1994
- Poisoned Power, The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island,by John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. and Arthur R. Tamplin, Ph.D. (1971+1979 contents)
- Presumed Guilty, How and why the Warren Commission framed Lee Harvey Oswald, A factual account based on the Commission's public and private documents, by Howard Roffman, 1976
- Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., 1996
- Radiation-Induced Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure -- An Independent Analysis, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., 1990
- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., Edited by Egan O'Connor, (1999, 699 pages)
- a ratical branch of life: from rats, to ratical, to rat haus reality, the origin of things rat-full, by dave ratcliffe, 1997
- Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation From Hiroshima To Three-Mile Island, by Dr. Ernest Sternglass, 1981
- THE SECRET TEAM, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, by L. Fletcher Prouty, 1997
- The Taking Of America, 1-2-3, by Richard E. Sprague, 1985
- Understanding Special Operations And Their Impact On the Vietnam War Era 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel USAF (Retired), by David T. Ratcliffe, 1999
- War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler
(PDF | ASCII text)
- When They Kill A President, by Roger Craig, 1971
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- BSE to GMOs - What Have We Learned?, by Angela Ryan & Harash Narang
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Comments on Nuclear Power, by Stan Thompson, 1998
(ASCII text)
Nuclear Power Kills
My Nuclear Career
Instability in Nuclear Reactors
A Model of Reactor Kinetics
Opinion in Eugene Register-Guard, 12/2/97
Nuclear Power And Y2K in The Other Paper
- Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1995
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
A Twice-Told Tale
Cosmic Beginnings
The Young Earth
Problems for Earthlife
The Dance of Life
A Great Leap
Evidence of Evolution
From Protists to Polyps
From Polyps to Possums
From Possums to People
The Big Brain Experiment
What the Play Is All About
Worldviews from the Pleistocene to Plato
Worldviews from Plato to the Present
Less Than Perfect, More Than Machine
The Body of Humanity
A Matter of Maturation
Ecological Ethics
Cosmic Continuation
The Indigenous Way
Survival: the Sustainable Society
Appendix A: Defining and Diagnosing Living Systems
Appendix B:Building Bridges Of Understanding:A Haida Elder Speaks
- Exemplar of Liberty, Native America and the Evolution of Democracy,
by Donald A. Grinde and Bruce E. Johansen, 1990
Foreword by Vine Deloria, Jr.
Vox Americana
Perceptions of Native Democracies
Natural Man in an Unnatural Land
Ennobling `Savages'
Errand in the Wilderness
The White Roots Reach Out
Mohawks, Axes, and Taxes
A New Chapter
The American Synthesis
Kindling a New Grand Council Fire
The Persistence of an Idea
- The First Men by Howard Fast, 1959
(ASCII text)
- Forgotten Founders, Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois and the Rationale for the American Revolution, by Bruce E. Johansen, 1982
(PDF | ASCII text)
A Composite Culture
The Pre-Columbian Republic
"Our Indians Have Outdone the Romans"
Such an Union
Philosopher as Savage
Self-Evident Truths
Excerpts from Forgotten Founders
inside text from book jacket
- Killing Our Own, Chronicling the Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, 1945-1982, by Wasserman, Solomon, Alvarez, & Walters, 1982
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | gzip'd ASCII text)
Introduction by Dr. Benjamin Spock
The First Atomic Veterans
300,000 GIs Under the Mushroom Clouds
Bringing the Bombs Home
Continued Testing: Tragic Repetitions
Test Fallout, Political Fallout
The Use and Misuse of Medical X Rays
Nuclear Workers: Radiation on the Job
Bomb Production at Rocky Flats: Death Downwind
Uranium Milling and the Church Rock Disaster
Tritium in Tucson, Wastes Worldwide
The Battle of Shippingport
How Much Radiation?
Animals Died at Three Mile Island
People Died at Three Mile Island
Conclusion: Surviving the New Fire
Appendix A, The Basics of Radiation and Health
Appendix B, Summary of Atomic Bomb Tests
Appendix C, Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the U.S.
Appendix D, Organizations
Book Intro: Killing Our Own by Wasserman and Solomon (1982)
(ASCII text)
- Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: An Annotated Bibliography, by Bruce E. Johansen, 1997
- New Money for Healthy Communities, by Thomas H. Greco, Jr., 1994
- Poisoned Power, The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island, by John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. and Arthur R. Tamplin, Ph.D. (1971+1979 contents)
(ASCII text)
List Of Figures
Foreward to the 1979 Printing
Foreword, by Mike Gravel, U.S. Senator from Alaska
Introduction: The Nuclear Juggernaut
Chapter 1: Nuclear Reactors to Generate Electricity
Chapter 2: How Radiation from Atomic Energy Programs Gets to You--What it Does to You
Chapter 3: How Radiation Produces Disease and Hereditary Alterations
Chapter 4: Is Any Radiation "Safe"?
Chapter 5: Promises, Promises
Chapter 6: How Safe Are Nuclear Reactors?
Chapter 7: Nuclear Electricity and The Citizen's Rights
Chapter 8: The Nuclear Legacy--Radioactive Wastes and Plutonium
Chapter 9: Alternatives Available to Us
Chapter 10: What Can Citizens Do About Nuclear Electricity?
Chapter 11: Must We Hold Out for The "Cold Corpses"?
Chapter 12: Toward An Adversary System of Scientific Inquiry
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Issue -- Conversion or Ecocide
Appendix I: Nuclear Power Questions and Answers
Appendix II: Moratorium Activists
Appendix III: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
Appendix IV: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Appendix V: When Experts Disagree, Which Ones Shall We Believe?
Appendix VI: Nuclear Power and Alternatives
Appendix VII: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States
- Presumed Guilty, How and why the Warren Commission framed Lee Harvey Oswald, A factual account based on the Commission's public and private documents, by Howard Roffman, 1976
(ASCII and PostScript formats)
- Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., 1996
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Section One - Introduction
Our Conclusion: A Large Share of Breast-Cancers Need Not Occur
"Incubation Times" for Radiation-Induced Cancer
Early-Onset Breast-Cancer: Evidence on Radiation-Induction
Three Key Concepts in Our Analysis
The Rationale of Our Study: Methods and Materials
Section Two - Stories of the Exposures in Our Master Table
The "Enlarged Thymus" Story: Start of a Long Controversy
Benefits of Thymus Irradiation: Delusion or Reality?
Thymus Irradiation before Age One: Start of Our Master Table
Thymus Irradiation to Reduce Sudden Death in Children
Thymus Irradiation before Anesthesia and Surgery in Childhood
Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus
Reaching into the Womb: Pre-Birth Breast Irradiation
Treatment of Acute Postpartum Mastitis with X-Rays
A Physician's Dilemma: What to Do about Chronic Mastitis
Management of Tuberculosis: An Eminently Sensible Program
Mass Screening for Tuberculosis
Treatment of Bronchial Asthma with X-Rays
Treatment of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with X-Rays
Treatment of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) with X-Rays
Treatment of Hyper-Thyroidism and Breast Irradiation
Management of Adolescent Scoliosis (Curvature of the Spine)
Chiropractic Examinations and Breast Irradiation
Major Diagnostic Radiological Contributions to Breast Dose
Occupational Sources of Breast Irradiation
Weapons-Test Fallout, Pre-1960, and Breast Dose
Section Three - Stories of Exposures Not in Our Master Table
The Beauty Shop as a Source of Breast Irradiation
Yes, We Do Have Your Size: Shoe-Fitters and Breast Irradiation
Mammography: Past and Present
Major Surgical Advances and Irradiation of the Breast
Pre-Employment Fluoroscopic Exams for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Fluoroscopy: Source of a Big Underestimate in Our Breast-Dose Finding
Hard-to-Find Doses from Fluoroscopy and Other Sources
Dermatology: More Underestimation in Our Findin
Treatment of Skin Disorders: Overview by Dr. MacKee
Breast-Exposure by Radium: More Underestimation in Our Finding
Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases: Overview by Dr. Dewing
Recent Concerns: Intensive Care Units, Insurance Cases
Summary on Underestimation of Dose in Our Study
Section Four - Our Finding and Recommendations for Action
Bottom Line: The Master Table
Conversion Factors: The Basis of Column "V"
Some of the Uncertainties and Certainties of Our Finding
Prevention of Breast-Cancer, Starting Now
Section Five - Response to Critiques of the First Edition
The Process of Genuine Peer-Review
Criticisms in the Journal of the American Medical Assn.
Three Remarkably Similar Reports on the Safe-Dose Fallacy
"War in Britain": The Natl. Radiological Protection Board
Seven Short Objections from Other Sources
Susan M. Love, M.D.: Is Radiation Overdosing a PAST Problem?
What Happens Next?
Table 1, Annual Breast-Cancer Cases in USA, 1960-1994
Table 2, Table 2, Growth of Population in USA, 1850-1994
About the Author
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Library Journal Review of "Preventing Breast Cancer"
Resistance to New Ideas: A Relevant Story from the Past
Some Early Comments on Preventing Breast Cancer
Breast-Cancer-Free Zone: Why Not? -- An Effective Way To Begin
C.N.R. Books -- Preventing Breast Cancer/g
- Radiation-Induced Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure -- An Independent Analysis, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., 1990
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
About the Author
Foreward to the First Edition
Section 1: Introduction
The Five Most Important Conclusions of This Book
The Role of Independent Analyses in Research on Toxic Agents
The Intended Readership
Section 2: The Atomic Bomb Survivors -- A Study and Its Alteration
Overview of a Uniquely Valuable Database
A Growing Problem: Retroactive Alteration of the Study
What Will Happen to the A-Bomb Database? A Pending Proposal
Section 3: Preparing the Database for Analysis
Collecting All the Required Data from RERF
Dosimetry : From Bomb, to Kerma, to Internal Organ-Dose
Converting T65DR Mean Kerma Values to Mean Internal Organ-Doses
Obtaining Mean DS86 Doses for the T65DR Cohort
Achievement of Age- and Sex-Matching across RERF's Eight Dose-Groups
Section 4: Cancer-Risk and Dose-Response in Both Dosimetries
The Focus on Two Central Questions
Analysis and Results by the Cancer Difference Method
Shape of the Dose-Response Relationship, and Low-Dose Cancer-Yields Based on the Best-Fit Curve
Radiation Risk by Age and Sex, from the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method
Low-Dose Cancer-Yields by the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method, for the A-Bomb Survivors and for a United States' Population
The Duration of Radiation's Carcinogenic Effect
Section 5: Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate
Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate of Ionizing Radiation, with Respect to Induction of Cancer in Humans
The Special Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Living Tissue
Number of Primary Electron-Tracks per Cell-Nucleus, per Rad of Dose Received from Various Sources of Radiation
Decisive Epidemiological Evidence from Humans
Section 6: The Fallacy of Risk-Reduction Factors for Low and Slow Exposures
The Popularity of Risk-Reduction Factors in the Radiation Community
Proper Risk-Estimates for "Low and Slow" Exposures: No Conflict between Human Epidemiology and the Linear-Quadratic Hypothesis from Radiobiology
Section 7: Practical Impacts Human Health
Chernobyl: A Crossroad in the Radiation Health Sciences
Main Text: A Closing Statement
Section 8: Supporting Chapters
Master Table and Special RERF Data for the A-Bomb Study
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Book/Ordering Information
CHOICE, Current Reveiws for College Libraries Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The New England Journal of Medicine Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The PSR Quarterly Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
- a ratical branch of life: from rats, to ratical, to rat haus reality, the origin of things rat-full, by dave ratcliffe, 1997
(single HTML file version | PDF | ASCII text)
the formative years: A+B=C...
first inventions: rat transport systems
imaginary rat characters and their world
telescoping time: forging a rat-based identity and scaled world
living in the modern world: non rites-of-passage
east of west coast journey: from Saudi to Bwoston to New Haven to Durham
life in Bolinas: Bobbie Louise Hawkins, laborin', piano technician, and the rat haus
dreams: our most personal letter from and to ourselves
backing-up into computers, Marta Van Leuven, finishing college
landing at SGI, the ratitor finds his voice
Renna Beinoris and seeing "rat haus reality"
a ratical life: manifesting "rat haus reality"
- Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation From Hiroshima To Three-Mile Island, by Dr. Ernest Sternglass, 1981
(ASCII and PostScript formats)
Thunderstorm in Troy
The Unheeded Warning
A Small Error in the Assumptions
A Ray of Hope
The Evidence Begins to Emerge
The Hidden Tragedy of Hiroshima
Death before Birth
The Crucial Test
Both Young and Old
The Clouds of Trinity
The Battle for Publication
Counterattack at Hanford
The Public's Right to Know
The Price of Secrecy
Fallout at Shippingport
The Minds of the Children
Incident at Three Mile Island
Too Little Information Too Late
The Present Danger
Secret Fallout (1982) Book Introduction
(ASCII text)
- THE SECRET TEAM, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, by L. Fletcher Prouty, 1997
(ASCII text format)
Author's Note
1972 Preface
1992 Preface
1997 Preface
The "Secret Team" -- The Real Power Structure
The Nature of Secret Team Activity: A Cuban Case Study
An Overview of the CIA; SECTION I: Intelligence versus Secret Operations
An Overview of the CIA; SECTION II: Origins of the Agency and Seeds of Secret Operations
An Overview of the CIA; SECTION III: A Simple Coup d'Etat to a Global Mechanism
From the Word of the Law to the Interpretation: President Kennedy Attempts to Put the CIA Under Control
"Defense" as a National Military Philosophy, the Natural Prey of the Intelligence Community
"It Shall Be the Duty of the Agency: to Advise, to Coordinate, to Correlate and Evaluate and Disseminate and to Perform Services of Common Concern..."
From the Pines of Maine to the Birches of Russia: The Nature of Clandestine Operations
CIA: The "Cover Story" Intelligence Agency and the Real-Life Clandestine Operator
The Coincidence of Crises
The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report in Action
The Dulles Era Begins
Personnel: The Chameleon Game
The Nature of Secret Team Activity: A Cuban Case Study
Transportation: Anywhere in the World -- Now
Logistics by Miracle
Cold War: The Pyrrhic Gambit
Mission Astray, Soviet Gamesmanship
Defense, Containment, and Anti-Communism
The New Doctrine: Special Forces and the Penetration of the Mutual Security Program
Krushchev's Challenge: The U-2 Dilemma
Time of Covert Action: U-2 to the Kennedy Inaugural
Camelot: From the Bay of Pigs to Dallas, Texas
Five Presidents: "Nightmares We Inherited"
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
- TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS, Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation, by Richard L. Grossman and Frank T. Adams, 1993
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Taking Of America, 1-2-3, by Richard E. Sprague, 1985
(ASCII and PostScript formats)
About the Author
Publisher's Word
The Overview and the the 1976 Election
The Power Control Group
You Can Fool the People
How It All Began - The U-2 and the Bay of Pigs
The Assassination of John Kennedy
The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King and Lyndon B. Johnson's Withdrawal in 1968
The Control of the Kennedys - Threats & Chappaquiddick
1972 - Muskie, Wallace and McGovern
Control of the Media
Techniques and Weapons and 100 Dead Conspirators and Witnesses
Nixon and Ford -- The Pardon and the Tapes
The Second Line of Defense and Cover-Ups in 1975 and 1976
The 1976 Election and Conspiracy Fever
Congress and the People
The Select Committee on Assassinations, The Intelligence Community and the News Media
1979: The House Select Committee (1), 1984 Here We Come
1985: The House Select Committee (2), THE FINAL COVER UP: How The CIA Controlled The House Select Committee On Assassinations
Book Intro: The Taking Of America, 1-2-3
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- Understanding Special Operations And Their Impact On the Vietnam War Era 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel USAF (Retired), by David T. Ratcliffe, 1999
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1. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty's Military Experiences 1941-1963
2. Understanding The Secret Team in the Post-World War II Era
3. A Very Special Operation: The Assassination of President Kennedy
Appendix A, Prefaces to 3 Editions of The Secret Team
Appendix B, Copies of NSAMs 263 and 273, and Some Primary Supporting Documents
Appendix C, NSC 5412, "National Security Council Directive on Covert Operations"
Appendix D, Krulak Letter Re: Dealey Plaza Photos And Lansdale Ident
Appendix E, Copies of NSAMs 55, 56, and 57
Appendix F, Prouty Letter Regarding JFK Assassination Conspiracy and Cover Story
Appendix G, Organizations Dedicated To A Sustainable Future
Book Ordering Information
Press Release, 11/16/99
Tape Order Information
- War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler
(PDF | ASCII text)
War Is A Racket
Who Makes The Profits?
Who Pays The Bills?
How To Smash This Racket!
To Hell With War!
- When They Kill A President, by Roger Craig, 1971
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- Deadly Deceit, Afterword and Methodological Appendix
(ASCII text)
- Deadly Deceit, Low-Level Radiation, High-Level Coverup: Overview
(ASCII text)
- Deadly Deceit Silent Summer
(ASCII text)
- Deadly Deceit review of BEIR V (1990)
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- Deadly Deceit, Chapter 11: It's Not Too Late
(ASCII text)
- George Bush, Jr., September 11th and the Rule of Law from The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence, by Francis Boyle, 2/1/02
(PDF |
gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World, Geneva, 1977:
- Krishnamurti on Effort, observing what is
- Krishnamurti: "A dialogue with oneself"
- Krishnamurti on Self-Knowledge
- Krishnamurti on Contradiction
- Nuclear Radiation and its Biological Effects, PART I, The Problem, from No Immediate Danger, Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth
- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 2, Rosalie Bertell, Mathematician and Medical Researcher, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
(ASCII text)
- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 3, Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass, Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
(ASCII text)
- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 4, John Gofman, Medical Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
(ASCII text)
- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., Edited by Egan O'Connor, (1999, 699 pages)
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Executive Summary
(ASCII text)
Title Page
The Author's History
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Chapter 1: Executive Summary of This Book
Chapter 2: Pre-1960 and Post-1960 Uses of Medical Radiation, and Its Carcinogenic Action
Chapter 3: PhysPops --- The Doses in Some Massive Studies of Dose-Response
Chapter 4: Mortality Rates --- The Responses in the Dose-Response Studies
Chapter 5: Dose-Response, Linear Regression, and Some Other Key Concepts in Our Analyses
Reference List
Index and Glossary
Ordering Information for the Executive Summary and the Book
One Easy and Important Step You Can Take Toward Avoiding Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease: An Affordable Summary of New Evidence about X-Rays, 2/00
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Are X-Ray Procedures Equivalent, in Extra Radiation Dose, To Taking an Airplane Trip?, 2/28/00
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RAMP Addition-1: "Expectations", 2/19/00
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RAMP Addition-2: "Causation", 2/25/00
(ASCII text)
RAMP Addition-3: "Atherogenic Mutations", 3/9/00
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RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY: #693: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 3, 4/20/00
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- Sea Energy Agriculture, Dr. Maynard Murray (1976)
(ASCII text)
Chapter 2: Planned Food Pollution
Chapter 8: In Conclusion
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- 37 revolutions around Sol--In The Absence of the Sacred, 4/7/92
- Book Excerpts: Chernobyl, Insight from the Inside, by Vladimir M. Chernousenko, 1991
(ASCII text)
- From The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence: No Proof, No Investigation, No Accountability, No Law - Bush Junior, September 11th and The Rule of Law, by Francis Boyle, 5/17/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- to disconnect from feelings about the nuclear threat is insane
(ASCII text)
- The Establishment of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), by W.Churchill+J.V.Wall
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Book Excerpt: we are Evolution's End, what she was after, her summation, by Joseph Chilton Pearce, 1991
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- The Freedom to Choose Between Truth and Error (excerpt from A Walk With A White Bushman)
(PDF | ASCII text)
- A Japanese Story Teller (from Yet Being Someone Other), by Laurens van der Post, 1982
(ASCII text)
- Jung's Understanding of the Meaning of the Shadow (from Jung and the Story of Our Time), by Laurens van der Post, 1975
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- Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Issues: An Encyclopedia, by Bruce Johansen, to be published by Greenwood Press in late 2003
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- introduction to Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Introduction to segment of Foreign Relations of the United States, Volume IV, Vietnam August-December 1963, 2/92 (access to documents in ASCII format)
(ASCII text)
- Memorandum for the Files of a Conference With the President, White House, Washington, October 5, 1963
(ASCII text)
- National Security Action Memorandum No. 263, Washington, October 11, 1963
(ASCII text)
- Poison Fire, Sacred Earth, Testimonies, Lectures, Conclusions, World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg, 1992
(entry point to ASCII text format)
Complete Table of Contents listing
- Forward
- Opening Speech on the Eve of the Hearing
- Welcoming Message, Day of the Mountains
- Opening Speech, Day of the Mountains
- Lectures:
- Low-Level Radiation, The Effects on Human and Non-Human Life, by Dr. Alice Stewart
- Known Facts and Hidden Dangers of Uranium Mining, by Dr. Gordon Edwards
- Beyond Nukes, The Promise of Renewable Energy, by Dr. Bill Keepin
- The True Price of Nuclear Power, The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, by Peter Bossew
- The Nuclear Guardianship, Concept for a Radioactive Future, by Ulrike Fink
- In The Name Of World Peace, Atomic Tests In Both Hemispheres, by Jim Falk
- Nuclear Guardianship, The Search for New Perspectives, by Joanna Macy
- Testimonies:
September 14
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
- Workshop Reports:
- Final Communique
- The Declaration Of Salzburg (Draft)
- The World Uranium Hearing Society (Chronical)
- Quotations from Poison Fire, Sacred Earth
- PostScript (from The Night of the New Moon), by Laurens van der Post, 1970
- Introduction to THE POPULIST MOMENT, A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America, by Lawrence Goodwyn, 1978
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Property Picks A President, by Mike Ferner, Spring 2001
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- A Quick Look at What Happened in New Mexico, by Richard Grossman, 1997
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Revisited - The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq: A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth with Post-war Commentary, by William Clark, January 2004
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Record of Action No. 2472, Taken at the 519th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, October 2, 1963
(ASCII text)
- Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam, fundamental to National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) #263
(ASCII text)
- Revolutionizing Corporate Law, by Richard L. Grossman, 2001
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- The Rhetoric of Terrorism, book excerpts assembled by Paul Wolf, 12/13/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Rumors of USA Democracy Discovered to be Counterfeit, by Greg Coleridge, Richard Grossman, and Mary Zepernick, Fall 2000
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- Summary Record of the 519th Meeting of the National Security Council, White House, Washington, October 2, 1963
(ASCII text)
- Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam, October 5, 1963
(ASCII text)
- The Last Words Of Lee Harvey Oswald, Compiled by Mae Brussell
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Legally Pigally, and the definitions of FINCAP and LAWCAP, from Buckminster Fuller's Critical Path
(ASCII text)
- Our Plutonium Economy And A Free Democracy Are A Contradiction In Terms, from The Russian Threat, 1983
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- Published Works by (and about) Sir Laurens van der Post
- Synchrony and Group Cohesion, from The Dance of Life, The Other Dimension of Time, by Edward T. Hall
(ASCII text)
- WE THE PEOPLE - Building a Truly Democratic Society, by Ward Morehouse, 1997
(PDF | ASCII text)
- When Corporations Wield the Constitution, by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, November 2002
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The `Wind of Change' in 1926 for European Empire Around the World, (from Yet Being Someone Other), by Laurens van der Post, 1982
(ASCII text)
- The WTO, The US Constitution, and Self-Government, by Richard Grossman, Fall 1999
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- Excerpts from The Zuni Man-Woman, by Will Roscoe, 1991
(ASCII text)
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Was An Act of State, by David T. Ratcliffe, 1/20/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Assassination Please Almanac, by John Judge, 8/13/01
(ASCII text)
- The Clan of One-Breasted Women, by Terry Tempest Williams, 1991
(ASCII text)
- Ecocide Of Native America: Environmental Destruction Of Indian Lands And Peoples, by John Fadden
- Friendly Fire - Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba, by David Ruppe, 5/1/01
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The Hidden Connections, by Bill Ellis, 5/1/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- The New Pearl Harbor - Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11?, by Rosemary Ruether, 12/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- 1 in 3: Women with Cancer Confront an Epidemic, edited by Judith Brady Cleis Press, 1992
(ASCII text)
- Saying No To Power, by William Mandel, Dec 2000
(ASCII text)
- The State of Native America: Genocide, Colonization, and Resistance, 10/92
- Seeing The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism reviews the book
- So Far From Home: Manila's Santo Tomas Internment Camp, 1942-1945, by Bruce E. Johansen.
- Review of Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation, Earth Island Journal, Spring 1993
(ASCII text)
- UNEQUAL PROTECTION: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights, by Thom Hartmann (2002)
(ASCII text)
- A Vital Piece of the Puzzle: Dollars for Terror--The United States and Islam, book review by Carol Brouillet, Nov 2001
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- The War on Freedom - How and Why America Was Attacked on September 11 2001, by Wanda Ballentine, 12/2/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Southwest Site Guides
- Casa Rinconada 1995 Site Guide in Chaco Canyon
- Chetro Ketl 1990+1995 Site Guides, Chaco Canyon, San Juan Basin, New Mexico :
- Cliff Palace 1995 Site Guide in Mesa Verde
- Far View 1995 Site Guide in Mesa Verde
- Pueblo Bonito Site Guides, Chaco Canyon, San Juan Basin, New Mexico :
- Pueblo del Arroyo Site Guides, Chaco Canyon, San Juan Basin, New Mexico :
- Spruce House Site Guide in Mesa Verde, Colorado
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
- After the Coal Rush, by Pam Escarsega, 7/93
(ASCII text)
- Honoring a Courageous Scientist: Alice Stewart, by Susan Griffin, NGP, Issue 1, Spring 1992
(ASCII text)
- The Long Death, by Marge Piercy, NGP, Issue 3, Spring 1994
(ASCII text)
- Of Mountains and Women
(ASCII text)
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Essays / Papers
- Abdication of Responsibility for Biosafety in the Name of Free Trade, by Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Afghanistan Protest Crackdown - Lockdown at the US Embassy in Kabul, by Paul Wolf, 5/28/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Arguments on the Construction of Pebble Bed Modular Reactor PBMR Reactors in South Africa,
by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Feb 1999
(ASCII text)
- A Background Briefing on Radioactive Pollution, by Wendy Oser and Molly Young Brown, M.Div., 1996
(ASCII text)
- Background and Shockwaves of 9-11: An Orwellian Nightmare, by Biörn Ivemark, 2/5/02
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- Background on the HAARP Project, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 11/5/96
(ASCII text)
- Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society, by Jay Stanley and Barry Steinhardt, 1/15/03
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- Bioenergetics and Biocommunication by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1996
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- Bioenergetics and the Coherence of Organisms by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1995
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- Bioethics: A Third World Issue, by Dr. Vandana Shiva, July 30, 1997
(ASCII text)
- The Biology of Free Will by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1996
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- The Black Hole of Guyana - The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre by John Judge, 1985
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- Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001 by David T. Ratcliffe, Sept 2002
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- Chernobyl at Ten: Half-lives and Half Truth, Part I, by John M. LaForge
(ASCII text)
- Chernobyl at Ten: Half-lives and Half Truth, Part II, by John M. LaForge
(ASCII text)
- A Citizen's Response to the National Security Strategy of the United States of America, by Wendell Berry, 2/9/03
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Civilizing Societies, by David Korten, Summer 2000
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- Climate Change: Washington's New World Order Weapons, by Michel Chossudovsky, 11/26/00
(ASCII text)
- Comments on the History of Permissable Dose Standards, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell
(ASCII text)
- The Concord Principles--An Agenda For a New Initiatory Democracy, Ralph Nader, 2/1/92
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- Community Currencies: A New Tool for the 21st Century, by Bernard A. Lietaer
(ASCII text)
- Consider the lilies of the field--or how to play a good game of cards, by Barry Stevens
(ASCII text)
- Corporate Concentration: A Threat to the Right to Communicate?, by Bob McChesney, May 1998
(ASCII text)
- Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration?, The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks, by Michel Chossudovsky, 11/2/01
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Creation and Organization, A Native American Looks at Economics, by Paula Underwood, 1996
(ASCII text)
- Dangers of Soy Products by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig, Apr 2000
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Daniel Pearl and the Paymaster of 9/11: 9/11 and The Smoking Gun that Turned On its Tracker, by Chaim Kupferberg, 9/4/02 (Summary -- PDF | ASCII text)
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- Debunking The Ten Myths of Electricity Deregulation, by Wenonah Hauter and Tyson Slocum, Jan 2001
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Depleted Uranium, A Post-War Disaster for Environment and Health, by the Laka Foundation, 5/99
- Depleted Uranium: Uses and Hazards, by Doug Rokke, Ph.D., 2001
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Dialogue - A proposal, By David Bohm, Donald Factor and Peter Garrett, 1991
- Discovering the Living Universe - Scientific Spirituality for a Global Family, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 2003
(PDF | ASCII text)
- A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan: - A Comprehensive Accounting, by Professor Marc W. Herold, Dec 2001
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- A Dynamic Conceptual Blueprint for Spokane Arts in Community School (SpArCS), by Patricia Ratcliffe-Phillips, 1998
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- The End Of Imagination, by Arundhati Roy, 8/1/98
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- The Enemy Within, by Gore Vidal, 10/27/02
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- Evolution by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1998
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- The Federalist Society: From Obscurity to Power, The Right-Wing Lawyers Who Are Shaping The Bush Administration's Decisions On Legal Policies and Judicial Nominations, by People For the American Way Foundation, Aug 2001
(ASCII text)
- Forfeiting `Enduring Freedom' for `Homeland Security': A Constitutional Analysis of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Justice Department's Anti-Terrorism Initiatives, by John W. Whitehead & Steven H. Aden, August 2002
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- The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social Programs, Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice in Canada and the Americas, by Maude Barlow, Feb 2001
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- Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 8/10/93
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- GATS: How the WTO's new "services" negotiations threaten democracy, by Scott Sinclair, Sept 2000
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- Gitanos go to Cuba, by Kevin Moore, Mar 1999
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- Global Warming as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction", by Bruce Johansen, 10/25/03
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- The Gods of Metal Plowshares Five Court Action, by Anabel Dwyer Esq., 9/30/98
- Good Americans by John Judge, 1983
(PDF | ASCII text)
- PDF: Got Juice? Bush's Refusal to End California Electricity Price Gouging Enriches Texas Friends and Big Contributors, Feb 2001
- GREED OR NEED? Genetically modified crops, PANOS Media Briefing, 30A, by Kitty Warnock, 2/99
(gzip'd PDF)
- Hibakusha Wins in Nagasaki A-Bomb Matsuya Lawsuit, Claims of Thousands of Nuclear Victims of the World Justified, by Rieko Asato, 15 October 2000
(ASCII text)
- Horizontal Gene Transfer - The Hidden Hazards of Genetic Engineering by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Summer 2000
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- How War and Globalization Support American Business; Billions Flow to Oil and Defense Companies - Bombing Of Baghdad Staves Off Financial Uncertainty, by Michel Chossudovsky, 2/19/01
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- In Our Name, by John Judge, 12/20/01
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- Introduction to the PBMR Programme [1/2], by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Feb 1999
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- Introduction to the PBMR Programme [2/2], by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Feb 1999
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- Iraq: Crisis of Conscience, by George Hunsinger, 8/19/02
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- The Jonestown Banks by John Judge, 1982
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- The Last Frontier - Maude Barlow on the GATS Treaty, Feb 2001
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- Lessons in Learning to Live in the Flow: A Personal Account, by Elisabet Sahtouris
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- The Listener, by John Berry, 1960
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- Living Systems in Evolution, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 12/99
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- Low Intensity Nuclear War, by Michel Chossudovsky, 1/15/01
(ASCII text)
- Male Circumcision in the USA: The Profoundly Disturbing and Explosive Facts, by Rich Winkel, May 6, 2001
(ASCII text)
- The Martin Luther King Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis, by Jim Douglass, May 2000
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- The Millennium Reckoning, Implications of the Year 2000 computer "timebomb", by Jan Wyllie, 7/99
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- Model Amici Curiae Brief to Eliminate Corporate Rights, by Thomas Alan Linzey, Daniel E. Brannen, and Richard L. Grossman, 9/23/03
(PDF | MSword | ASCII text)
- Mother and Child: The Erotic Bond, by Lynda Marín, 1994
(ASCII text, PDF)
- The mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill: The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11, by Chaim Kupferberg, 6/13/02
(PDF | ASCII text)
- N30, What Skeleton Woman Told the WTO in Seattle, by Paul Hawkin, 1/6/00
(PDF | ASCII text)
- NAFTA AT SEVEN - Its impact on workers in all three nations, Economic Policy Institute, 4/01
(PDF | ASCII text: Intro, US, Mexico, Canada, impacts on states)
- A Native American Worldview / Hawk and Eagle, Both are Singing, by Paula Underwood Spencer, 1990
(ASCII text)
- Natural Being and a Coherent Society, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1996
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Nature, Neoliberalism and Sustainable Development: Between Charybdis & Scylla?, by Harry Cleaver, 4/97
- The New Myth For Our Species: The Consciousness of Wholeness, ratitor's corner, September Equinox, 2001
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- A New War or a New World? by John Judge, 9/22/01
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- 9/11 Commission - Status of Investigation, by John Judge and Kyle Hence, 10/20/03
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- No Longer Afraid - For Nigerian activist Sowore Omoyele, democracy is worth the risk, by Ron LaJoie, Fall 2000
(ASCII text)
- Nuclear Energy Costs the Earth Paper (Entry Point)
(ASCII text)
- PDF: Nuclear Energy Costs the Earth: Why NOT Nuclear; An Introduction to the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor, by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Dec 2000
- Nuclear Technology: The Inappropriate Exercise of Human Intelligence, by dave ratcliffe, 6/96
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- Organism and Psyche in a Participatory Universe, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1998
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Our Disordered World: Reports From The Front, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 5/98
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- Our Fake Energy Crisis, What Really Happened in California, by Harvey Wasserman, 2001
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- An Overview, Hazards of Low Level Radioactivity, by Sara Shannon, Winter 1998
(ASCII text)
- Patenting Life? A Primer on the TRIPs Review (PDF), by MASIPAG, TEBTEBBA Foundation, Inc, and GRAIN, 9/99
- Paths Of Learning: An Introduction to Educational Alternatives, by Robin Martin, Nov 2000
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- Patriot II Draft Legislation, 1/9/03
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- Political Deception--The Missing Link Behind 9-11, by Michel Chossudovsky, 6/27/02
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- The Politics of Genetically Engineered Humans, by Richard Hayes, 5/9/00
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- Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experiience by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1997
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- The Pentagon Attack and American Airlines Flight 77, by John Judge, 2/21/04
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- The Potential of Agroecology to Combat Hunger in the Developing World, by Miguel Altieri, Peter Rosset and Lori Ann Thrupp, 1998
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- Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States, 11 September 2001, by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, 10/4/01
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- Return of the Dragon: Hazards of Man-Made Magnetism, by David Yarrow, 1990
- Review of Radioactivity, Military Use, and Health Effects of Depleted Uranium, by Vladimir S. Zajic, 7/99
- Rio -- The Indigenous Way, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1992
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- Saving Tennessee - There is $3.3 Trillion MissingFrom HUD & DOD in FYs1998-2001 by Catherine Austin Fitts, 7/4/02
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- Shredding the Bill of Rights, by Gore Vidal, 11/98
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- The Song And Dance Of The 1990 Clean Air `Act', by Richard Grossman, Winter 1991
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- The Survival Path: Cooperation between Indigenous and Industrial Humanity, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 1992
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- Thoughts in the Presence of Fear, Wendell Berry, 9/26/01
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- The Ties That Bind: Colombia and Military-Paramilitary Links, Human Rights Watch, 2/00
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- Towards a New Ethic of Science, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Spring 2000
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- Turning the Tide on the Brave New World by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, revised Apr 2001
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- Uprooting "Growth" as Metaphor: 20th Century Reflections for the 21st, by Richard Grossman, 1999
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- US War Crimes During the Gulf War by Francis Boyle 2/92+9/02
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- The USA PATRIOT Act: What's So Patriotic About Trampling on the Bill of Rights? by Nancy Chang, November 2001
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- Utah should say no to N-power, by Winston Weeks, 5/31/01
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- Vistas - Evolving Our Beliefs to Evolve Our Lives, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 2004
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- War on Terror: The Police State Agenda, by Richard K. Moore, Nov 2001
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- The War Prayer, by Mark Twain, 1904
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- What is (Schrödinger's) Negentropy? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1994
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- Why We Should Reject Biotech Patents from TRIPS, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1999
(PDF | ASCII text)
- Windows to the Whirld, by Barry Stevens, 1962
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- Witness to a Last Will of Man, 1984
(gzip'd ASCII text, PostScript, PDF
- Xenotransplantation - How Bad Science and Big Business Put the World at Risk from Viral Pandemics by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 2000
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
Internet news / Commentary / Analysis
- Abolition 2000 Report Card, Annual Progress toward a Nuclear-Free World, UN Day, 24 October 2000
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- Affirm the rule of law! To attack Iraq is a crime, by War and Law League
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- Air Defenses Stood Down On 911 After ATC Alerts Given, R. Anderson, 12/23/01
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- Alice Stewart--The Woman Who Knew Too Much, by Matt Henry
(ASCII text)
- The Alleged Murder Weapon In The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by John Judge, 11/00
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- Alternatives To The MAI: First Thoughts From Ward Morehouse & Colin Hines, 1/7/98
- Amalgam Virgo Exercise + Co. -- The Secret Terror Excercises
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- The American Empire: A Banana Republic?, Francis Boyle, 1/25/02
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- American Paranoia - `Bowling for Columbine', review by Mike Lee, Spring 2003
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- American Tragedy: The Codification & Institutionalization of Violence, by Richard Grossman, 1/8/04
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- Analysis of Eyewitness Statements on 9/11 AA Flight 77 Crash into the Pentagon, by Penny Schoner, December 2003, updated: 2/21/04
(PDF | gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Anarchistic Education: It's happening all over the world, by David Gribble, 1/17/98
- "And We Are All Mortal" Memorial, Conference, Lobby Day, by John Judge, 6/10-11/01
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- Anne Waldman Statement & Petition, 9/18/01
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- on "Antigloblism's Jewish Problem" by Mark Strauss, by Richard Grossman, 12/23/03
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- Appeal to revoke 1973 Nobel Prize for Peace assigned to H. Kissinger, 2001
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- Archived replica of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's website - including:
- Arizona's Havasupai and uranium mining in the Grand Canyon, 6/91
- Art Stauss on Genetically Modified Foods, 6/3/99
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- Asking the Wrong Question by John Judge, 5/19/02
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- Aspartame seeping like sewage into food supply, 7/99
- The Assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud, by Paul Wolf, 9/14/03
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- Be careful of Republicans "opposed" to invasion of Iraq, by Ferri+Muller, 8/16/02
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- Beginning of International Year of Indigenous Peoples, by rebecca michele lord, 12/10/92
- Being Human: Science, Ethics and Our Rights An ICA/Index Debate, by Angela Ryan
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- BEIR VII ALERT -- Rad Stnds-Recommending-Committee heavily biased toward nuclear industry
- Beverley uranium: the government's dirty secret, by Louise Moody, 2/98
- The Big Leak, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 9/30/03
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- Open Forum On Biotechnology In Agriculture
- Blase Bonpaine on Iraq: Any incompetent can start a war, 7/29/02
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- Boss Hog: The Reign of Factory Farm Corporations, by Thomas Alan Linzey and Bill Belitskus, January 2004
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- Brian Wilson Kerrey/VietNam Essay, by John Judge, 5/17/01
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- British Scientists Demand Warnings For Cellular Phones, by Kirstin Ridley, 1/12/98
- Bush a One-term President?, by Bruce Johansen, 9/03
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- Bush on 60 Minutes - 9/11 events, by John Judge, 9/26/02
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- Call For Bush, Rumsfeld, & Meyers To Testify Publicly Under Oath About Their Actions On 11 Sept 2001, 3/4/04
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- Canadian AF low-level military flights-- 1000s/yr over Innu lands, 11/92
- Re: The Canonization Of Katharine Graham, by John Judge, 8/4/01
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- Charlie did it, The US, Afghanistan, and Endless War, with accompanying book excerpts, by Paul Wolf, 6/7/03,
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- Chiapas: The People of the Corn Strike Back, by Harry Cleaver, 4/97
- COINTELPRO Lives - FBI tracks peace activists, by John Judge, 7/31/01
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- Comments on The Democracy Act by John Judge, 12/2/02
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- Concentration Camp Guantánamo, by Richard K. Moore with accompanying articles, 12/5/03
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- Corporate Royalty by Karl Davies, People Against Corporate Takeover, Northampton, MA
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- Corporatization of the United Nations--Kofi Annan's Corporate Gambit, 1999
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- Countering the Military Invasion of DC High Schools, by John Judge, June 2001
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- Courts Reject Bush Policies on "Enemy Combatants", by Paul Wolf with assembled articles, 12/19/03
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- The Covert War Against Native Americans, 1991
- Cree Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come: on Aboriginal Self-Determination and the End of the Discredited, Unjust and Discriminatory Doctrine of "terra nullius", 10/96
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- The Crisis of the Globalist Project & the New Economics of George W. Bush, by Walden Bello, 7/10/03
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- Cyber Citizen lands Felony Charges? -- FBI criminal incompetence
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- Cyberpower For Peace In Chiapas: Mail List, 1/8/98
- Death Squads for Iraq, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 12/10/03
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- A debate on recruitment, by John Judge, 11/17/02
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- DEFIANCE!, An Open Letter by Richard Grossman, April 1991
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- Democracy and Renewable Energy: Why We're So Short on Both, by Mike Ferner, 1/19/02
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- The DiIulio Letter to Esquire, 10/24/02
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- Don Hewitt (CBS) and the JFK Assassination, by John Judge, 7/19/01
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- Double Edged Sword, by Paul Wolf, 9/11/02
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- The Dr. Strangelove Competition, by John Judge, 5/30/01
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- Earthlife Africa Needs Our Help To Transform Leftover Apartheid Nuclear Energy Path, 15 April 2001
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- Eduardo Galeano: Snapshots of a world coming apart at the seams, 1992
- Exchange With John Judge On The WTC Disaster, 9/13/01
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- Exposed: The June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind, by Chaim Kupferberg, 10/26/03
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- Extra Pieces of the Puzzle of 911 Passenger Lists by John Judge, 10/22/01
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- Eye Witness in Chiapas, report from Frank Shansky, member of 1/98 Global Exchange delegation
- EZLN Communique 1/14/98: Zapatista Statement on Chiapas Crisis
- Fax Yeltsin/Clinton To Take N-Weapons Off Alert
- 500 years: the blinding arrogance of invader/dominator mentality, 1992
- 500+ years: January 16, 1493--beginning of Atlantic Slave Trade, 1/93
- 500 years later: "We are still here", 10/92
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- 500 yrs: Top-10 Corpse's Destroying Land & Indigenous People, 9/28/92
- First Local Government in the United States Refuses to Recognize Corporate Claims to Civil Rights: Bans Corporate Involvement in Governing, 12/02
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- A Flag is not a Blindfold--Are Americans The Victims Of A Hoax?, Michael Rivero
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- Flight 77 Timeline by John Judge, 8/28/02
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- Flight of Fantasy: Flight 77 Didn't Hit the Pentagon, by John Judge, 10/23/02
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- Food Irradiation Alert comments extended to 7/19/99
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court Decision by Paul Wolf, 9/2/02
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- Foreknowledge of 9/11 by John Judge, 7/9/02
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- Four Challenges Of Sustainability, by David W. Orr, April 2003
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- From an Army Nurse Working at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 2/7/04
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- Future nuclear policy in Germany -- Nuclear Phase Out portion, translated by Gerhard Schmidt, 11/98
- The Gourd of Ashes & House of Glass (Hopi knocking@UN doors), 7/20/92
- The Greatest Health Tragedy (SCANDAL) Ever To Hit Japan, by Dr Geoff Pain, 1/29/98
- Hacking Democracy - The 2004 Election, by Amy Pincus Merwin, June 2003
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- Havasupai Fight To Save Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining, 7/92
- Help STOP the Recycling of Radioactive Scrap Metal Into Consumer Products, 12/97
- Help/Support Renee Boje - Medical Marijuana Advocate
- Hiding the Truth? President Bush's Need-to-Know Democracy, by Stephen Pizzo, 10/29/03
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- Hopi Elders Knock @ the doors of the UN for Peace: 4th & final try, 7/1/92
- more on Hopi Elders Knock for Peace @ UN, 7/7/92
- Hopi Elders Speak, 7/91
- Hopi Elders at the United Nations update, 9/92
- How Long Shall We Grovel?, A Memo for the Record, by Richard Grossman, 4/4/01
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- Forum: Human Rights in the United States: The Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Victim of Cointelpro, letter from John Judge to Dana Mott, Special Assistant, Office of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 9/13/02
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- I was ejected from an airplane today for wearing a "Suspected Terrorist" button, by John Gilmore, 6/18/03
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- June 18, 1999: Int'l day of action+protest+carnival aimed at heart of global economy
- Impending Constitutional Crisis: The Rush to War, by Richard Falk, 8/27/02
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- Important US [Digital] Copyright Legislation Pending, 1/16/98
- International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST) Statement, by Damacio Lopez, 9/00
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- beginning of International Year of Indigenous Peoples, 12/10/92
- Interviews Available on India Nuke Tests and IMF, Institute for Public Accuracy 5/14/98
- Iraq, the United States, and International Law: Beyond the Sanctions, by Richard Falk, 8/27/02
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- Is Enron Behind The War In Afghanistan, compilation by Robert Lederman, 2/5/02
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- Is the Threat From "Total Information Awareness" Overblown?, by Jay Stanley, 12/18/02
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- Is the US Turning Into a Surveillance Society?: ACLU, 1/15/03
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- The Jonestown Dead, letter to Arianna Hufffington by John Judge, 5/26/02
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- Joseph Kennedy Letter to Colleagues on the School of the Americas, 1/12/98
- Justices to Hear Case of Detainees at Guantánamo, by Paul Wolf with assembled article, 11/10/03
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- Kangaroo Courts: Boyle v Gonzales, by Francis Boyle, 11/30/01
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- Kean and failure on 9/11, by John Judge, 12/19/03
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- Keeping Secrets at Too High a Price, by John Judge, 8/23/01
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- Article on Kerry/war-crimes case, by John Judge, 5/21/01
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- Lakota Nation: beginning of US "breakaway `republics'", 12/91
- Lakota & Other Native Tribes to Declare Independence from U.S., 7/20/91
- Let the Sun Shine In! by Mary Zepernick, 7/18/03
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- Letter To Brian Wilson, by John Judge, 5/17/01
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- Letter to Morris Dickstein on Upton Sinclair & Beef Corps, by Richard Grossman, 1/2/04
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- Letter to Olympic Committee President On Creating Consciousness, by Corrina McFarlane, 3 June 2001
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- Letter to Rangel on the draft, by John Judge, 9/27/03
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- A Line in the Pentagon Grass, exchange between John Judge & Ward Schmidt, 10/6-9/02
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- Lisa Danetz & Thomas Alan Linzey on the Supremes June 2003 Kasky Ruling, 6/26/03
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- Look Before You Leap--Cricket Wireless and cell phone transmission towers, Citizens for Responsible Placement of Cell Phone Transmission Towers
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- looting one's own soul--our debt-based econmony/society, 6/92
- The MAI: An International Human Rights Crisis, Reflections on Next Steps and a Call to Action, by Ward Morehouse, 12/2/97
- MAI and the World Bank, by Christopher Chamberlain, 1/12/98
- MAI reborn: IMF chg'd bylaws give unprecedented power over national capital controls, by Friends of the Earth, 3/98
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- The MAI: The Corporate Plan to Replace Democratic Government, by John McMurtry, 1/24/98
- The MAI will impose the same rules on the U.S. that the IMF is now imposing on Asia, Public Citizen, 1/16/98
- "MAI: Win, Lose or Draw for the U.S.?", Lori Wallach House Testimony, 3/5/98
- Marcos: The Dialog's Coordinator Carries Out A "Bait/Decoy Role", 1/98
- Marcos Communique on Info Subway, 1/14/98
- Marketing Psychological Warfare Operations: Spy Museum in WashDC - Stealing History Through "National Security", Apr 2001
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- Maxxam aims to unseat Humboldt D.A. for charging it with fraud -- Help Urgently Needed, 2/15/04
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- McPrison Raises Its Standards, by Tor Neilands, Ph.D., 1/16/98
- The media embedded, by Tom Engelhardt, 2/19/03
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- Mil-Ind-Corp Complex Fomenting MIA/POW Myths, by John Judge, Memorial Day 2001
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- Ministerial in Mexico looks like second Seattle, by Walden Bello, 5/27/03
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- Genewatch UK: Monsanto's `Desperate' Propaganda Campaign Reaches Global Proportions, GeneWatch UK, 6/00
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- Monsanto May/June 2000 Leaked Report, GeneWatch UK
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- Monsanto's Washington Links, 12/98-2/99
- Moving Forward: Clash of Civilizations, by William Clough, Dec 2002
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- Mr. Bush: I'm Coming for You with Love by Robert Rabbin, 2/17/03
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- MS Control of Internet Navigation, by Jamie Love, 1/22/98
- My Reply to 11/28/02 Dallas Observer article, by John Judge, 12/3/02
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- National security vs scoops, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 2/23/03
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- Narco-Dollars for Beginners "How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade, by Catherine Austin Fitts, 2001
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- Need for a Peoples Investigation Of 9/11, statement by John Judge, 10/2/02
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- 911 Stand Down Indicators: Skewered Script/Timeline Distortion by John Judge, 7/28/02
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- 911 - What Aren't We Being Told? Everything you wanted to ask but we're afraid to know - Analysis by John Judge, Mail archive, Sept 2001 to the present
- Get Inspired! The 1998 Nuclear-Free Future Award Recipients can teach all of us a great deal.
- 1999 Radioactive Metal Recycling ALERT
- NIRS: November 1999 Not Good Enough for Y2K Fixes
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- No Child Left Alone, by John Judge, 12/9/02
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- No to Bio-Political Tattooing, by Giorgio Agamben, 1/10/04
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- Nomination of Cynthia McKinney for Profile in Courage Award, by John Judge, 1/16/03
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- North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA), CIA, Lucianne Goldberg by John Judge, 11/29/01
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- Not all conspiracies are created equal, by John Judge, 10/30/02
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- Not in Our Local Democracies: Defending Constitutional Rights by Nullifying Federal Actions, by Thomas Alan Linzey, 4/18/03
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- Nuclear War and Poison Begin Here: Let's End It Here -- Close Jabiluka Uranium Mine, 1998
- Oakland Public School Militarization of Youth, by John Judge, 8/26/01
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- Ogoni Struggle Factsheet, 1997
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- On The Need to Support Conscientious Objectors by John Judge, 10/18/01
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- Open Letter to President George W. Bush, from Hal and Sidra Stone, 2/18/03
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- Operation CYA, by Sam Smith, 10/17/01
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- Orange Alert for Civil Liberties, Beware of the "Domestic Security Enhancement Act", The Bush Administration Already Is At War -- Against Your Freedom, by
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- Our Choice: Defining Real Democracy, by John Judge, 9/20/03
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- Our Nazi Allies, by John Judge, 12/12/01
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- Owning the law: Corporations Attempting Global Police Powers, by John Wilmerding, 8/28/02
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- Pakistan Infiltration, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 10/12/03
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- Partial List of U.S. Nuclear Accidents, by allen lutins, 1991
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- Paul Robeson and MKULTRA, by John Judge, 5/18/01
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- Patenting of Life Forms - nature becoming evermore irrelevant, 6/92
- Patently Wrong! Monsanto species patent on soy beans upheld in Munich, by ETC group, 6/5/03
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- Patterns of Global Dominance, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 2/27/03
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- People Are Waging Peace, Dr. Robert Muller speaking in San Francisco, 2/5/02
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- The Perplexing Puzzle of the Published Passenger Lists by Gary North, 10/12/01
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- Please Circulate this letter from the Mexican Scientific Community, Antonio Sarmiento Galan, 1/19/98
- Policy Analysis Market - PAM, SITE REPLICA, July 2003
- The power of non-violence and the violence of "Homeland Security" - Terry Tempest Williams on Code Pink Rally in D.C., 3/30/03
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- President Jimmy Carter/Admiral Hyman Rickover/3 Mile Island Cover-Up, 3/22/98
- some history of the powwow, 1992
- Pursuing Prior Knowledge of 911 is a Dead End, by John Judge, 9/24/02
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- Q&A on the Pentagon's "Total Information Awareness" Program, ACLU
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- Questions About 9-11 Terrorists, by John Judge, 7/9/03
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- Reaching from NO towards a transformational YES, by Tom Atlee, 3/20/03
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- Real Democracy in the Belly of the Beast by John Judge, 9/1/01
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- The Real Link Between Bush and Hitler, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 10/11/02
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- Red Shadow over Central Asia, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 9/25/03
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- Red White and Blue-Baiting by ANSWER, by John Judge, 2/10/03
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- Regrouping of Taliban in Afghanistan, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 9/4/03
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- Reinstate a Military Draft?, by John Judge, 1/3/03
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- Remarks on The Environmental Implications Of The MAI, by Michael McCloskey, 1/17/98
- Rep. Waxman letter to Condoleezza Rice Questions Forged Evidence, 6/30/03
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- Rep. Waxman letter to Rumsfeld Questions Halliburton Ties to Terrorism, 4/30/03
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- Resources Available as Nike v. Kasky heads to U.S. Supreme Court, by, 1/12/03
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- Revenge, listening and deep democracy/The Lords of Vengeance, by Tom Atlee/William Pitt, 3/24/03
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- Revise the Geneva Convention?? by John Judge, 2/5/02
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- Richard Grossman Letter to Ralph Nader, 9/10/02
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- Richard Grossman Letter to Sarah Ruth van Gelder, 11/25/02
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- Richard Grossman Letter to Joan Mulhern - Earthjustice, 4/22/02
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- Richard Grossman Letter to Akhil Reed Amar on Amar's book, The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction, 12/30/98
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- Richard Grossman on the USA Patriot Act and the Rule of Law, 12/11/01
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- Richard Grossman to The Nation on "Liberalizing The Law" by Alexander Wohl, 6/11/03
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell to Jimmy Carter re: "Rickover Report on TMI", 2/13/98
- Rush Bimbo & Guantanamo, Francis Boyle, 2/8/02
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- Russian Environmentalists Campaign to Boycott Siemens!, 7/97
- Sanctions and War on Iraq: In 300 words, by Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq, 8/17/02
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- Seasons Greetings: Who Is Santa Claus? & The Cab Ride, December 2003
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- Section-by-Section Analysis of DOJ draft "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003," aka "PATRIOT Act II", ACLU, 2/14/03
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- Sewer Shot in JFK Assassination, by John Judge, 5/21/01
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- The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 6/14/03
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- Shanghai Cooperation Update, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 9/11/03
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- Shoshone Sovereignty is being violated by U.S. RIGHT NOW, 12/92
- Shut Down the School of the Americas, by Darrin Wood, 1/20/98
- The Soldiers At My Front Door, by John Dear, 11/29/03
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- Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, by Ward Churchill, 9/12/01
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- some thoughts on corporations and how they got that way, by Gordon Welty, 1992
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- Spring, 1998: Asian Annihilation Bombing, International Nuclear Mafia's Lastest Puppets Unveiled
- Sign-On Letter: Stop Nuclear Power And Commit To Renewable Energy Sources, Grandmothers for Peace, 24 May 2001
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- The Stand Down That Is Not Acknowledged by John Judge, 7/2/02
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- Stop the GATS Attack, 2/25/01
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- "Strategic Attack," and US War Crimes - U.S. Air Force Doctrine Document 2-1.2, by Thomas Nagy, 11/10/02
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- The Strategy for Electricity is Democracy, by Richard Grossman, 1/30/01
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- student history class: Questions about the Vietnam War by John Judge, 5/17/02
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- Summary of Research/References On the 9/11/01 WTC and Pentagon Bombings, compiled by David Ratcliffe, 9/11/03
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- Taxation With Representation by John Judge, 7/1/01
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- Tearing up a blood-stained treaty between the Shoshoni and the US, 1992
- Ted Lumley's response to `Open Letter to President Bush', 2/24/03
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- Terrorism As Cannibalism, by Vandana Shiva 1/23/02
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- Terrorism in the Age of Surveillance by Paul Wolf, with accompanying articles, 7/28/02
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- The Terrorism of Debt, by Wanda Fish, 8/6/03
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- There's Something About Omar: Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11, by Chaim Kupferberg, 10/21/03
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- Thai response to leaked Monsanto document, GeneWatch UK
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- Thank you, President Bush, by Paulo Coelho, 3/11/03
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- Think what Goebbels Would Have Given for Television, 1991
- Thomas Alan Linzey on Model Ordinance on Corporate Personhood, 4/18/03
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- Too Insane For Yew? Part I -- HAARP + more plutonium into space, 7/94
- Too Insane For Yew? Part II -- U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown's Attempts To Patent Human Genetic Material, by Pat Mooney, 7/94
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- Tortured Confessions, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 9/24/03
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- Truth from These Podia, works assembled by Paul Wolf, 10/15/03
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- Truth or Conspiracy--Gerald (the Poisoner) Posner, by John Judge, 8/10/01
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- Truth of Conspiracy, letter to Katie Couric @ NBC, by John Judge 8/10/01
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- The Un-Americans, by Paul Wolf with accompanying works, 5/6/03
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- Understand the Difference Between Wild Speculations and Documented Plots, letter from John Judge to Jaquielynn Floyd, @ Dallas Morning News, 11/27/01
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- Unresolved issues that need to be investigated by John Judge, 8/28/02
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- "Unlawful combatants"? by John Judge, 1/29/02
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- Unplug America, Give Mother Earth A Rest Day -- Sunday, October, 13
- US "Breakaway Repub's"--Lakota Sovereignty Organizing Comm, 1992
- US petroleum corpse's intervening in North Peru, 10/92
- USTrade Coalition--New TNC Group to Push FFTA/WTO/Fast Track, by Nathan Wyeth, 6/19/01
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- US Is The Engine and Designer of The New Technology of Death, by John Judge, 8/25/03
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- Use of Depleted Uranium in Kosovo as Chemical and Radiological Warfare, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 3/99
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- Vidal Praises Oklahoma Bomber for Heroic Aims, by John Judge, 8/21/01
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- Walking North on a Southbound Train, by David W. Orr, April 2003
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- War is Just a Racket, General Smedley Butler, USMC, 1933
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- Ward Morehouse on "The Founders and the Fedayeen", 7/19/03
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- Water-A Trillion Dollar A Year Privatization Grab, by Boudewijn Wegerif, 4/19/01
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- Western Shoshone Emergency--Dann Land Needs Defense, 11/30/92
- Who Started the Leak?, by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 10/6/03
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- Who Were the Populists? - Richard Grossman on Bill Moyers Speech, 6/24/03
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- Re: Why JFK Was Shot, by John Judge, 5/17/01
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- Why the Little Sticky Label on Fruit?, by Karma Metzgar, 9/20/03
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- Will Iran Be Next? by Mark Gaffney, 5/12/03
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- Will Labor Day Be Too Late?, 6/99
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- William Pepper on the MLK Consipiracy Trial, 4/7/02
- Witness: A Human Being Living in Iraq, letter from Nihal, March 2003
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- What is the "School of Assassins?", by Michael Katz-Lacabe, 1/19/98
- Women's Strike For Peace: Activist Mothers Warned of Radiation Danger in 1960's, by Ruth Rosen, 1/22/98
- Y2K WASH Campaign -- World Atomic Safety Holiday, 7/5/99
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- Zbigniew Brezezinski's Plan by John Judge, 3/3/02
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By Type
By Title
By Author
By Tree
rat haus reality
News Clips / Memos / Reports / Press Releases
- Article Pool for Crimes Against Humanity - 911 archives
- Article Pool for John Judge 911 Analysis + Web References archives
- Belarus puts $265 billion price tag on Chernobyl disaster, Reuter, February 13, 1996
- Big Business = Bad Science? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 5/29/01
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- Biosafety News from International conference in Cartagena, Colombia, 2/99
- Biosafety, Patents and Biopiracy by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1999
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- Britain Caught Out by Leaked Genetic Food Report, 5/99
- Bush Administration Exploits Energy Issue to Assault Environment Clean choices available to resolve energy crunch in California, nation, Union Of Concerned Scientists, 3/22/01
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- Call For A Ban On Genetic Alteration Of Pathogens For Destructive Purposes
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- Campaign Against Biopiracy / Local Action for Living Democracy
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- Cash, Relationships Help Explain Bush Admin's Hands-Off Policy in California Electricity Crisis, Public Citizen Press Release of the "Got Juice?" Report, 2/15/01
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- Catch John Judge: Dates & Places
- Chernobyl becomes science lab without help funds, Reuter, November 28, 1995
- Chief Scientist Bob May Lambastes Human Genetics Panel, by Nick Papadimitriou and Angela Ryan, 4/25/01
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- Christopher offers new aid to Chernobyl victims, Reuter, March 19, 1996
- Citizens of India and Members of Gram Sabhas of Villages Respond to Biopiracy and the WTO :
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- Colombia Certification, 8/28/00
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- Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under Executive Order 13224
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- Consumers mop up in milk war, The Guardian, 7/22/99
- Consumers Union of Japan Open Letter to American Farmers & Agribusiness, 10/6/99
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- COPA 2001 Annual Regional Meeting in Dallas, November 22-25, by John Judge
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- COPA v. DOD FOIA appeal lost by John Judge, 5/27/01
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- COPA v. Pentagon on King Files press release by John Judge, 5/5/01
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- Darkness in El Dorado, The Yanomami People, Anthropology and Eugenics, by Terry Turner, 9/00
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- Debunking The Ten Myths of Electricity Deregulation Press Release, Jan 30 2001
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- Deformities Found At Chernobyl, Reuter, March 26, 1996
- Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/1 by Carol Brouillet 1/8/02
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- Facts on Depleted Uranium Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11/24-25/01
- Detailed Analysis of October 7 [2002] Speech by Bush on Iraq, Institute for Public Accuracy
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- Dissent to H.R. 4547, The Costs of War Against Terrorism Act, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 7/22/02
- Dissenting View on The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 5/3/02
- Draft Impeachment Resolution Against George W. Bush by Francis Boyle, 1/17/03
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- Earthlife Africa Media Release: Secret Meeting of International Nuclear Panel, 10/1/01
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- Ellen Mariani Lawsuit: 9/11 Victim's Wife Sues Bush Under RICO Act, 11/26/03
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- Environmental Justice Statement on "Free Trade"
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- Environmental Research & Corporate Watchdogging, 9/02
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- Essential Reading: French Neanderthal behavior in Mururoa, 1995, from the ratville times' FOCUS-ON-NUKES news posting "service"
- GP: Report on French Nuclear Waste, 01/03/95
- Mururoa Et Ecopox, Mon Ami, 07/04/95
- Mururoa tests not safe, 07/10/9507/10/95
- Cyber-Vote/Electonic Anti-Nuclear Petitions/Sites, 07/11/95
- Re: France proposed Nuclear Testing in the Pacific, 07/11/95
- French Nuclear Biznis, 07/13/95
- French Tests and NZ/Aussie Action, 07/18/95 + 07/31/95
- Throw France out of the Pacific, 08/04/95
- French Tests: Environmental Effects, 08/12/95
- French Bomb Threat Sends Ripples Across the Pacific, 08/14/95
- "We are Tahitians", 08/15/95
- Rainbow Warrior And More Flotilla Ships Set Sail For Moruroa, 08/16/95
- 1995 Asian Anti-Nuke demonstration in Taiwan, 09/04/95
- Victims of French Nuclear Tests Seek Independence/Test Spur Independence Mvmt, 09/05/95
- ca.earthquakes tables of origin time and magnitudes of pacific blasts from 8/25-9/05, 09/06/95
- French explode bomb - 9/5/95, 09/07/95
- Chirac Says France May Conduct Fewer Tests, Will Wrap Up Series Well Before May 31, 1996, 09/07/95
- Update From The Ta'ata Maohi Of French-Occupied Polynesia, 09/08/95
- NGO International Peace Bureau - Statement on French Nuclear Test, 09/08/95
- PSR Condemn French Nuclear Testing, Joins Boycott of French Products, 09/21/95
- Greenpeace Asks EU Commission to Sue France For Violating Euratom Treaty, 10/07/95
- Protest mounts as France conducts second nuke test, 10/09/95
- French paper shows picture of crack at test site, 10/11/95
- French Nuclear Tests Assailed/Pacific Peoples attack France over testing, 10/11/95
- France "eager to appear as leader in nuclear safety, 10/11/95
- Peace Action Washington Report Sept, Section on Boycott French Goods, 10/12/95
- French expert says test site is earthquake risk, 10/16/95
- US, Britain, France to join South Pacific nuclear-free zone, 10/18/95
- NZ delighted allies, joins Pacific nuclear-free zone, 10/18/95
- Chirac: France probably wiil do four more tests, 10/23/95
- EU Commission won't take France to court over nuclear tests, 10/24/95
- Australian union slaps ban on Air France flight, 10/27/95
- France threatens legal action against Australia's smallest state, 10/27/95
- France executes third nuclear detonation, 10/28/95
- Australia's Keating condemns France's third test, 10/28/95
- Major's country home invaded by hundreds of protestors during Chriac visit, 10/29/95
- UN resolution "strongly deplores" nuclear testing introduced by more than 25 nations, 10/31/95
- French Boycott - World Update NO.6, 11/01/95
- France argues nuclear weapons are for self-defense, 11/01/95
- U.N. members adopt resolution calling for immediate end to nuclear tests, 11/16/95
- France postpones Belgium/cancels Italian summits "in a fit of pique",
- Mururoa - Nuclear Colony, David Against Goliath, 11/20/95
- France executes fourth nuclear blast, angry reactions swift, 11/21/95
- The ETC Century; Erosion, Technological Transformation, and Corporate Concentration in the 21st Century, by Pat Mooney, Apr 2001
- European Parliament publishes study on Sellafield and La Hague commissioned by STOA to WISE-Paris, 11/22/01
- Executive Summary and Summary of Prosecutions: Final Report Of The Independent Counsel For Iran/Contra Matters (1993) - with analysis of what the then Attorney General's successful gambit was to deflect attention away from the central issue of this constitutional crisis
- Fact Sheet on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture, by National Family
Farm Coalition
- Family Farmers Join Allies in Seattle for World Trade Organization events, by National Family Farm Coalition
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- First GM Humans Already Created by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 5/2/01
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- Food security, genetic engineering, news 12/98
- Fury as CIA admits spying on British environment minister, Telegraph, 6/3/99
- Gene Therapy Oversold by Scientists Who Disregard Risks, by Angela Ryan, 5/17/01
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- Genetic Foods: Pusztai story, Guardian, 2/99
- Getting back to a barter and trade economy, Christian Science Monitor corporation, 2/26/99
- The Globalization of Repression: A Special Report to the European Parliament, Dec 2001
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- The `Golden Rice' - An Exercise in How Not to Do Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 2000
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- Homeland Security Act, (H.R. 5005), November 2002
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- The Human Genome - A Big White Elephant by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/9/01
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- Human Genome - The Biggest Sellout in Human History by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/18/00
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- The Human Genome Map, the Death of Genetic Determinism and Beyond by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 2/14/01
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #6, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan & Joe Cummins, Sept 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #5, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan & Joe Cummins, July 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #4, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan, Mar 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #3, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan, Dec 1999
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- The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (H.R. 2417)
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- The International Criminal Court Fact Sheet
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- Is the Bush Administration preparing to break out of the nuclear weapons testing moratorium?, by S. Erickson & J. Truman, 6/28/01
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- Jabiluka: Fate of Uranium Mining Hinges on 10/98 Poll
- John Poindexter to Head New Domestic Espionage Office: Is The Government Monitoring Our Every Communication Already? by The Partnership for Civil Justice Legal Defense and Education Fund, Fall 2002
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- Keeping CCTV In Bounds--What's Wrong With Public Video Surveillance?, ACLU
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- Kiev says Chernobyl repair leaves danger unchecked, Reuter, February 14, 1996
- Letter from Susan Witt on 10/12/02 Demiurgus Peace International Gathering, 12/24/02
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- A Licence For Government Ministers To Kill, Torture, Rape and Abduct Their People -- The World Court's Millenium Gift to the Rulers of Humanity, by William F. Pepper, 2/20/02
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- Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves, by American Action Market, 8/1/03
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- Molly Ivins on Monsanto, Star-Telegram, 1/99
- More on Terminator and Related Patents, by Joe Cummins, 7/12/01
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- Nader's veep: running to help the poor, environment, by Patrick Howe, 8/29/00
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- Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: Letters to the Editor
- A New, Low-Cost Way to Shake a Mistaken Mindset, CNR, April 2, 2000
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- The New Thought Police - Suppressing Dissent in Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Jonathan Mathews, 2/16/01
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- Observer articles on genetically manipulated food, 2/99
- Oglala Sioux Exercising Sovereignty to Grow Industrial Hemp, 4/29/00
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- Operation Northwoods: Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62, excerpts from the original 15-page TOP SECRET US government document
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- Physicist Dr. Daniel Amit on the building world boycott of the US
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- Prince's GM attack upsets ministers / Why Prince went tabloid on GM food, Independent 6/2/99
- Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol 1)
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- Public Subsidy of Failed Corporate Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/10/01
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- Radical Solutions Needed for Antibiotic Resistance by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Sam Burcher, 6/25/01
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- Seattle National Lawyers Guild Releases Draft Report on WTO Ministerial, 7/7/00
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- The Scientific Advice that FDA Ignored (A Compilation), by Angela Ryan
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- Scientists Against the Brave New World - World Scientists in US Congress and Special Biotechnology Forum, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Jul 2000
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- Sign On: Alternative Biosafety Protocol To Prevent Harm To Human Health, Biodiversity and the Environment, 1/19/00
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- The Spirit of Daniel Shays Lives on in the Pioneer Valley, Ward Morehouse & Carolyn Toll Oppenheim, 4/1/03
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- STOA: An Appraisal Of The Technologies Of Political Control, Sept 1998
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- Taking Science Seriously in the GM Debate by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 4/16/01
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- Terminator insects give wings to genome invaders by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 3/19/01
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- "30 million still at risk from Chernobyl, Reuter, March 21, 1996
- U'wa Chieftans Carry Eco-Fight To Doorstep of Corporate America, WSJ Corporation, 6/7/99
- U'wa Communique, by Roberto Perez Guitierrez, 9/11/00
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- U'wa Defense Working Group - Response to Occidental's PR Campaign, 3/00
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- Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001 (H.R. 3162), October 24, 2001
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- The Unnecessary Evil of Therapeutic Human Cloning by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 1/23/01
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- Unregulated Hazards - Naked and Free Nucleic Acids by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Angela Ryan, Joe Cummins, & T.Traavik, Jan 2000
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- US Diplomat John Brady Kiesling Letter of Resignation to Sec. of State Colin Powell, 2/27/03
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- USA PATRIOT Act Boosts Government Powers While Cutting Back on Traditional Checks and Balances (ASCII text), ACLU Legislative Analysis, November 2001:
- 10/23/01 Fact Sheets on How the USA-Patriot Act:
- War Times, new biweekly newspaper opposing the "war on terrorism", 1/30/02
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- What many farmers have found about genetic engineering, by National Family Farm Coalition
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- Who Is Afraid Of Biosafety?, Vandana Shiva's response to Jimmy Carter's "Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?", New York Times Corporation, 8/28/98
- Why Biotech Patents Are Patently Absurd -- Scientific Briefing on TRIPs and Related Issues by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Feb 2001
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- Why Clone At All? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 3/11/01
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- WTO: Civil society will not accept more commercial liberalization, by Chilean Alliance for a Fair and Responsible Trade, 11/99
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- The WTO's Hidden Agenda, by Gregory Palast, 11/9/01
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- Biological koyaanisqatsi
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- Crimes Against Humanity
- Deregulation and the Fake Energy Crisis
- koyaanisqatsi, a state of life that calls for another way of living
- LifeWeb: The Writings of Elisabet Sahtouris
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- Radiotoxic and Chemotoxic Properties of Depleted Uranium (DU)
- rat haus reality "last modified" list of additions/changes
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- rat haus reality, ratical branch completes its first revolution around SOL
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- december equinox, 1997: Independent Watchdogs: An Antidote to Nuclear Pollution
- december equinox, 1998: The Biological Debt We Are Accruing By Continuing The Development and Promotion of Nuclear Power
- december solstice: Seattle Journal, November 26 - December 3, 1999
(PDF | ASCII text)
- june solstice, 1998: Planting Seeds of Transformation
- march equinox, 1996: ratical's first 6 months
- march equinox, 1997: Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation (HEIR Reports)
- march equinox, 1998: keep the pressure on officialdom about Chiapas
- march equinox, 1999: Expanding the Song of Life
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- march equinox, 2003: Living On The Creative Edge,
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- new moon, june 1996: Nuclear Techhnology: The Inappropriate Exercise of Human Intelligence
- november full moon, 1996: Inauguration of 6 Nations subtree
- september 19th, 1996: approaching 1-year rev around SOL
- september equinox, 1996: 1st rev around SOL complete
- september equinox, 1997: Psychological Origins of Racial Prejudice
- september equinox, 1998: 3rd Revolution Shift
- september equinox, 1999: Four as a Symbol of Wholeness
- september equinox, 2000: Lessons at the Edge of the World
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- september equinox, 2001: The New Myth For Our Species: The Consciousness of Wholeness
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- september equinox, 2003: We're All In Prison, And Most Of Us Don't Know The Door Is Unlocked
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- past ratitor's corners listing
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- ratville times
- ratville times fall 2000 front page
- ratville times' future-possible: living in absolute balance with Universe
- ratville times' FOCUS-ON-NUKES news posting service
- Server Usage: rat haus reality, ratical branch
- Starting Point for First Timers to rat haus reality, by David Ratcliffe, 10/25/03
- Topics on the National Security States of America
- Selected Works of Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
- The Selected Writings of John Judge
- vision of rat haus reality, ratical branch
- Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge
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