dangers: When we extract uranium from the
ground, we dig up the rock, we crush it and we leave behind
this finely pulverized -- it's like flour. In Canada, we have
200 million tons of this radioactive waste. 85 percent of the
radioactivity is in that crushed rock. How long will it be there?
While the uninformed citizen was slowly and trustingly
learning to live with the `peaceful atom', the more realistic
insurance industry, lacking actuarial data, was refusing to insure
it. In the USA the clause `not covered in the event of radioactive
contamination' was written into all property insurance policies. In
order to protect the desired new industry, the US Senate enacted the
Price-Anderson Act in 1957 to provide insurance for nuclear industries
for ten years. The hope was that ordinary insurance mechanisms would
be able to take responsibility for insurance at that point, as is
the custom in all high-risk ventures. (The entire transcript of
senate deliberations on the 1975 extension of the Price-Anderson Act
is reproduced in vol 3, no. 1 of The Advocate, 160 Chace
Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02906. The historical perspective
on this nuclear subsidy is given in the same issue, by Doug Wilson,
former Washington correspondent of the Providence
Journal. R. I. Senator John Pastore served on the US Joint
Atomic Energy Commission as Vice-Chairman, and later Chairman. It
was he who `managed' the Price-Anderson victory.)
facts do not allow us to fix the precise date when Secretary
Stimson decided to act as a de facto commander-in-chief and to execute
his plan to use the atomic bombs as a "MasterCard" to end the
war. Stimson would have been the last person in Washington to encroach
on the prerogatives of a president, so we know with certainty that his
"command decision" was made sometime between the death of President
Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, and the meeting he had with Harry Truman
on April 25 to tell the new president the secrets about the success of
the Manhattan Project.
Later in his narrative, Udall goes on to describe what can happen when a
man of 77 years with "impeccable credentials" is the only `source', of how
his statements become "facts" -- the catch-22 that can occur when only
one person knows "the facts":
myth that administrators such as Ralph Bard and Dr. Vannevar Bush and
scientists such as Oppenheimer, Compton, Fermi, and Lawrence were decision
makers who helped guide the bombers to Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not only
inaccurate, it places an unfair burden on these men. Henry L. Stimson was
the author of this fable. He was the first member of the [Interim]
committee to publish a memoir about the climactic events that launched the
unveiling of the atomic age, and since all of the pertinent documents were
official secrets, Stimson's account of what happened established a
baseline of "facts" that historians and journalists could not question.
Udall, pp. 73, 75,75, 102-103
Within the secret councils of government, there was opposition to
development of the H-bomb. But, tragically, the deliberations were
nonetheless conducted in the same manner as everything else had been
since the inception of the Manhattan Project -- without public
debate or scrutiny. The preceding paragraphs to the one quoted above
provide more background on the debate that did occur regarding
the deeper moral issues of going ahead with creation of the hydrogen
year I receive and answer many hundreds of unsolicited
letters from youth anxious to know what the little individual
can do. One such letter from a young man named Michael -- who
is ten years old -- asks whether I am a "doer or a
thinker." Although I never "tell" anyone what to do, I feel
it quite relevant to this point to quote my letter to him
explaining what I have been trying to do in the years since
my adoption of my 1927-inaugurated self-disciplinary
resolves. The letter, dated February 16, 1970, reads:
Sincerly yours,
Buckminster Fuller
it turns out that the effective half-life of this
radioactivity is 80,000 years. So it means in 80,000 years, there
will be half as much radioactivity in these tailings as now. You
know, that dwarfs the entire prehistory of the Salzburg region
which goes way back to ancient, ancient times. Even archeological
remains -- 80,000 years. We don't have any records of human
existence going back that far. That's the half-life of this
material. And as these tailings are left on the surface of the
earth, they blow in the wind, they wash in the rain into the
water systems, and they inevitably spread. Once the mining
companies close down, who is going to look after this material
forever? How do you in fact guard 200 million tons of radioactive
sand safely forever?
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"Insuring the Uninsurable", No Immediate Danger, Bertell, pp.244-245.
the Price-Anderson Act had to be extended and amended in
1965, 1966 and 1975 [and 1988 --ratitor]. The
present nuclear insurance policy in the
USA, at tax payer expense, extends to 1 August 1987, assuring
thirty years of federal insurance for the commercial industry.
the law, public recovery of damage from nuclear electricity
companies is limited to $560 million and recovery from the nuclear
manufacturing industry is altogether prohibited. The US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission estimates that a major nuclear accident
would cost around $15 billion or more. Others have estimated
damage at $17 billion to $280 billion from the `maximum credible
accident'. Assuming a low-cost $14 billion accident, the victims
would receive 4 cents on each dollar actually lost. Besides its
financial inadequacy, the philosophy behind the Price-Anderson
subsidy is seen by many as directly opposed to the free-enterprise
system. Price-Anderson is a good indicator of how much the
commercial nuclear industry is desired by the US government, and
how much it is protected from the usual market-place demands.
companies operating nuclear power plants can purchase
insurance from `insurance pools': Mutual Atomic Energy Liability
Underwriters for liability, and American Nuclear Insurers for
property coverage. No other home, automobile, property or
business owner can be insured against nuclear accidents. . . .
the myth of cheap atomic generation of electricity
was perpetuated. The hidden subsidies provided by governments
were never included in the cost.
-- for law suits brought against the U.S. federal government see Chapters
entries in his diary help us to understand Stimson's acts and
thought processes after Roosevelt's death. With FDR gone and a new
president in the White House who knew absolutely nothing about this
supersecret project, Stimson's authority as the surviving supervisor
was paramount, and he apparently decided it was his duty to make the
final decisions about the deployment and use of the new weapon.
upshot of this fateful decision was an obsession that influenced
Secretary Stimson to personalize atomic issues and to dishonor the
ethical principles he had long championed. Soon thereafter, he made a
reference in his diary to "my secret," and it seems clear that, in his
mind, the atomic weapons became "my bombs" and the plan to use the two
bombs to destroy Japanese cities became the Stimson plan. . . .
one studies Stimson's conduct in the spring of 1945, the overarching
question that recurs again and again is: What influenced this magnanimous
man to be so stubborn in his opposition to peace negotiations? The
explanation, I am convinced, can be found in his obsession with his
secret weapon as a war-ending deus ex machina. To understand
Stimson's behavior, one must understand that his behavior was guided
by the premise that the way to end the war was to "lay the atomic bomb
on Japan" and then negotiate.
Number 16 , January 20, 1994
For the "nine studies of cancer being produced where we're dealing with up
to maybe eight or 10 tracks per cell" see Part 1,
"The Nine Human Epidemiological Studies Used in Chapter 18" from Chapter 21,
"Decisive Epidemiological Evidence from Humans" of Radiation-Induced
Cancer, from Low-Dose Exposure
These two papers concluded overall that human exposure to ionizing
radiation was much more serious than previously recognized or
acknowledged. See also Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 4, John W. Gofman, Medical
Physicist (http://www.ratical.org/radiation/inetSeries/nwJWG.html),
W W Norton & Company, 1981.
Union of Concerned Scientist members Ford and Kendall demonstrated
that the AEC didn't know whether the Emergency Core Cooling System would
ever work or not. The Emergency Core Cooling System was the last
barrier of safety in a major nuclear accident.
reactors had been in use in the U.S. since the early 1940s.
chief function had been to generate plutonium for use on
Nagasaki, and in later tests. But as a by-product these reactors also
generated large quantities of heat. By harnessing this heat to boil
water, steam would be created to turn turbines and generate
electricity. Given the apparently infinite power of the atom, there
seemed no reason why nuclear electricity could not also be infinitely
inexpensive, or--as its supporters would later put it--"too cheap to
meter." A new industry had been born.
America's private utilities were skeptical. With a few
exceptions its generally conservative executives were worried about
the dangers of a nuclear accident and the risks of sinking so much
capital into an untested technology. It was only with
government-insurance guarantees, fuel subsidies, and lavish
research-and-development help that commercial atomic power
moved ahead. Even at
that, private utilities did not become heavily involved until faced
with the threat of being squeezed out of business by federal
competition in the form of the Tennessee Valley Authority and other
government-owned utilities. To this day TVA remains the nation's
single largest reactor buyer. As Sam Day, former editor of the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, told us: "The private
electric companies did not jump into nuclear power. They were
kicked in."3
Sam Day, interview, June 1981. See also, Irwin Bupp and Jean-Claude
Derian, Light Water (New York: Basic Books, 1978), p. 35.
Einstein was among those in 1950 who viewed current events
with trepidation. Within the U.S. he warned of "concentration of
tremendous financial power in the hands of the military,
militarization of the youth, close supervision of the loyalty of the
citizens, in particular, of the civil servants by a police force
growing more conspicuous every day. Intimidation of people of
independent political thinking. Indoctrination of the public by
radio, press, school. Growing restriction of the range of public
information under the pressure of military secrecy."[143]
was in this atmosphere that deliberations over whether to proceed
with H-bomb research reached their climax. That secretive process is
important to understand "because it is one of the relatively few cases
where those who explicitly tried to moderate the nuclear arms race
came within shouting distance of doing so," according to Herbert York,
the first director of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory where much of
the hydrogen bomb R and D subsequently took place. Behind the scenes
there was, in York's words, "a brief, intense, highly secret
federal law a key source of recommendations for the Atomic
Energy Commission was its General Advisory Committee. Called upon by
the AEC to take up the question of prospective H-bomb development, the
Advisory Committee--chaired by J. Robert Oppenheimer and including
such luminaries of nuclear physics as Enrico Fermi and I. I. Rabi--met
in late October 1949. While urging continued efforts to magnify the
power of atomic weaponry, the Advisory Committee urged that the United
States not plunge ahead with developing the H-bomb, also known as
the "super bomb."[145]
panel presented arguments in terms of military strategies,
technical aspects, and optimum use of present nuclear resources,
concluding that the H-bomb was not needed for U.S. national security.
The report also depicted the H-bomb choice as a profound moral issue:
"It is clear that the use of this weapon would bring about the
destruction of innumerable human lives; it is not a weapon which can
be used exclusively for the destruction of material installations of
military or semi-military purposes. Its use therefore carries much
further than the atomic bomb itself the policy of exterminating
civilian populations."[146]
addendum to the Advisory Committee report, written by James B.
Conant--later president of Harvard University--and signed by five
other committee members including Oppenheimer, underscored the moral
moment of the H-bomb decision: "Let it be clearly realized that this
is a super weapon; it is in a totally different category from an
atomic bomb. . . . Its use would involve a decision to slaughter a
vast number of civilians. We are alarmed as to the possible global
effects of the radioactivity generated by the explosion of a few super
bombs of conceivable magnitude. If super bombs will work at all,
there is no inherent limit on the destructive power that may be
attained with them. Therefore, a super bomb might become a weapon of
and other anti-H-bomb scientists were in effect muzzled from
openly expressing their viewpoints at critical junctures, held back by
security-clearance status. Thus in the crucial months before Truman
proclaimed his decision on H-bomb development, the public was allowed
little information about a decision that could potentially result in
millions of deaths and change the course of human history.
top-secret circles the debate was fierce. Senator Brien McMahon,
chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, confided in Edward
Teller that the anti-H-bomb Advisory Committee report "just makes me
sick."[148] For their part McMahon and a constellation of atomic
scientists, including Teller and University of California Radiation
Laboratory director Ernest Lawrence, were determined to bring about
development of the H-bomb as soon as possible, believing it to be the
best possible response to Soviet possession of the atom bomb.[149]
At present, chapters 4 -- providing an
"Overview of a Uniquely Valuable Database" -- and 5 -- introducing the scope of "A Growing
Problem: Retroactive Alteration of the Study" -- are available on-line at:
1439 Santa Fe Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
510/559-8916 (fax)
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Berkeley, CA 94702
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Suite 307
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Bucky's example of living his life to the fullest, in service to
humanity, as a "comprehensivist" and a "generalist" was the
supreme exercise of intelligence in the face of the twilight of
the age of specialization and its inherently limiting nature:
Dear Michael,
you very much for your recent letter concerning "thinkers
and doers."
things to do are: the things that need doing: that you
see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be
done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs
to be done -- that no one else has told you to do or how to do
it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried
inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of
behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.
making experiments of anything you conceive and are
intensely interested in. Don't be disappointed if something
doesn't work. That is what you want to know -- the truth
about everything -- and then the truth about combinations
of things. Some combinations have such logic and integrity
that they can work coherently despite non-working elements
embraced by their system.
you come to a word with which you are not familiar,
find it in the dictionary and write a sentence which uses that
new word. Words are tools -- and once you have learned how to
use a tool you will never forget it. Just looking for the meaning
of the word is not enough. If your vocabulary is comprehensive,
you can comprehend both fine and large patterns of experience.
have what is most important in life -- initiative. Because
of it, you wrote to me. I am answering to the best of my
capability. You will find the world responding to your earnest
rat haus reality press
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