Gofman on the health effects of radiation:
"There is no safe threshold"
John William Gofman is professor emeritus of
Medical Physics at UC Berkeley, and lecturer
for the Department of Medicine, UCSF. While
getting his PhD in physics at Berkeley in the
1940s, Gofman proved the slow and fast neutron
fissionability of uranium-233. At the request
of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Gofman helped produce
plutonium (not even a quarter-milligram existed
at the time) for the Manhattan Project. He got
his MD from UCSF in 1946 (winning the Gold-Headed
Cane Award, presented to the senior who most
fully personifies a "true physician") and began his
research on coronary heart disease. In 1963 the
Atomic Energy Commission asked him to establish a
Biomedical Research Division at the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory to evaluate the
health effects of all types of nuclear
radiation. By 1969, however, the AEC and the
"radiation community" were downplaying his warnings
about the risks of radiation. Gofman returned
to full-time teaching at Berkeley, switching to
emeritus status in 1973.
This interview was conducted by Shobhit Arora and
Fred Gardner. It began with discussion of a
recent item from the Wall St. Journal that
read, "The White House was surprised and chagrined —
by Energy Secretary O'Leary's comment about paying
compensation to atomic-testing victims. With a
super-tight budget, the White House is now
scrambling to head off a costly new entitlement."
Secretary Hazel O'Leary is undoubtedly
the first breath of fresh air that we've seen in the
atomic era. I think what she's doing is great and I
hope millions — hundreds of millions of people back
her — because she's going to face a ferocious
opposition. It's going to be like a nuclear firestorm
in opposition to her, because she's doing something
constructive. I have for 25 years been an intense
critic of the Department of Energy. I say this
because Hazel O'Leary stands for compassion, candor,
and credibility — not because I've changed my mind
about the DOE, which I think is one of the worst
organizations in the history of our
government. Unless it's cleaned out we're going to
have worse things in the future. The
human experimentation that has been done is bad, and it's
good that that's being cleared away. But for 25 years
the DOE has not shown any concern for the health
of Americans. Their concern has been for the health
of the DOE. Their falsehoods concerning the hazards
of ionizing radiation have put not thousands of people
at risk, not millions of people, but billions of people.
What if Clinton doesn't back
O'Leary in the days to come?
The worst-case scenario is this. Ever since
its inception, the Atomic Energy Commission — then called
ERDA, then called DOE — has had one thing in mind: "Our
program is sacrosanct." And they recognize, as I've
recognized, that their entire program will live or die
based upon one thing. If the public should come to
learn the truth about ionizing radiation, nuclear energy
and the atomic energy program of DOE is going to be
dead. Because the people of this country — and other
countries — are not going to tolerate what it
implies. The key thing — it's everything in the DOE
program — is: "We must prove that low doses of
radiation are not harmful." They have been conducting
a Josef Goebels propaganda war, saying there's a safe
dose when there has never been any valid evidence for
a safe dose of radiation. Yet the DOE and others
continue to talk about their "zero-risk model."
After Chernobyl, I
estimated that there were going to be
475,000 fatal cancers throughout Europe — with another
475,000 cancers that are not fatal. That estimate was
based on the dose
released on the various countries of
fallout from Cesium-137. The DOE put out a report in
1987 and I don't think it's any credit to the
University of California that part of this report was
done in the Livermore Lab, where I once worked, and
part in Davis — saying "our zero-risk model says that
at these low doses, nothing will happen, because low
doses are safe."
How would a safe level of radiation come about? It
could come about in theory if the biological repair
mechanisms — which exist and which will repair DNA
and chromosomes — work perfectly. Then a low dose of
radiation might be totally repaired. The problem,
though, is that the repair mechanisms don't work
perfectly. There are those lesions in DNA and
chromosomes that are unrepairable. There are those
where the repair mechanisms don't get to the site
and so they go unrepaired. And there are those
lesions where the repair mechanisms simply cause
misrepair. We can say that between 50 and 90 percent
of the damage done by ionizing radiation is repaired
perfectly. What we are then seeing is harm done by
the residual 10 or 40 or 50 percent that is not
repaired perfectly.
The evidence that the repair mechanism is not perfect
is very solid today. What we wanted to have was evidence
that as you go down to very low doses — a rad, or a
tenth of a rad — is that going to produce
cancer? Determining the answer by standard epidemiological
studies would take millions of people, and we don't have
that. So it creates a field day for the DOE to say,
"Well, we don't know." But I looked very carefully
in 1986 for any studies that could shed light on that
all-important question. And I presented that evidence
at the American Chemical Society meeting in Anaheim.
The lowest dose of ionizing radiation
is one nuclear track through one
cell. You can't have a fraction of
a dose of that sort. Either a track
goes through the nucleus and affects
it, or it doesn't.
That the lowest doses will produce cancer?
The answer is this: ionizing radiation
is not like a poison out of a bottle where you can dilute
it and dilute it. The lowest dose of ionizing radiation
is one nuclear track through one cell. You can't have a
fraction of a dose of that sort. Either a track goes
through the nucleus and affects it, or it doesn't. So I
said "What evidence do we have concerning one, or two or
three or four or six or 10 tracks?" And I came up with
nine studies of cancer
being produced where we're dealing with up to maybe
eight or 10 tracks per cell. Four involved breast
cancer. With those studies, as far as I'm concerned,
it's not a question of "We don't know." The DOE has
never refuted this evidence. They just ignore it,
because it's inconvenient. We can now say, there
cannot be a safe dose of radiation. There is no safe
threshold. If this truth is known, then any permitted
radiation is a permit to commit murder.
What other things does the DOE use as crutches? "Well,
maybe if you give the radiation slowly it won't hurt
as much as if you give it all at once." Now if you
have one track through a cell producing cancer, what
is the meaning of 'slowly?' You have the track or
you don't. It comes in on Tuesday or it comes in on
Saturday. To talk about slow delivery of one
track through the nucleus is ludicrous. But they
do it anyway.
There is a more radical fringe that says, "A little
radiation is good for you. And all this stuff
about radiation causing harm is bad for society
because it's going to prevent the program we think
should be instituted, and that program is to give
everybody in the country radiation every day as a
new vitamin." This program is called hormesis. "A
little radiation will give your immune system a kick
and help you resist cancer and infectious
disease." The chief exponent is a man named Thomas
Luckey, formerly of the University of Missouri. He
bemoans the fact that we can't get this program into
high gear.
Is anybody taking him seriously?
The idea is manifestly absurd. But
that didn't prevent the DOE from helping to sponsor a
conference in 1985 in Oakland on the beneficial effects
of radiation, hormesis. And the nuclear enterprise is
really at it all the time. They had another such
conference in 1987, and another in 1992.
What are the implications of
there being a safe dose of radiation?
They don't have to worry about nuclear
waste. No problem — there's a safe dose, nobody's
going to get exposed to more than the safe dose. The
clean-up and disposal of waste has been estimated to
be in the billions, if they're really going to clean up
Hanford and Savannah River and all the rest. Recently,
Dr. Robert Alexander in an exchange of letters in the
Health Physics Journal — he was with the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, and former president of the Health
Physics Society — said there's no proof that low-level
radiation is harmful... Anybody who gets half a rad a
year from waste disposal shouldn't be counted, they
don't matter. They don't matter for somebody who's
apologizing for the nuclear industry. But they
matter! And they're going to matter in the millions,
tens of millions and hundreds of millions if, because
of statements like Alexander's, it becomes okay to give
people 10 rads. You won't have to bury things in these
fancy vaults. You won't have to worry about
transport. You can even dispose of it in ordinary
landfills. That will be the result. That's what the
future will be. If low doses don't matter, the workers
can get more and their families can get more by being
in the vicinity. That's what we face.
What are the limits for lab
technicians and other workers wearing badges? What's
the limit now?
5 rems per year. That's going be cut down
to one or two rems per year. By the way, medical
radiation, from x-ray machines, is roughly twice as
harmful per unit dose as Hiroshima-Nagasaki radiation.
Why is that?
It's the effect of linear energy
transfer. When gamma rays or x-rays set electrons in
motion, the electrons are traveling at a lower speed
than the electrons coming out of Cesium-137. And as a
result, when they're traveling at a lower speed, they
interact much more with each micrometer of path they
travel. Therefore the local harm is much greater. So
medical x-rays set in motion electrons that are traveling
at a lower speed and hence producing about twice the
linear energy transfer, and hence twice the biological
effect. That's why alpha particles from radium or
plutonium are so much more devastating than beta rays
set in motion from x-rays. The alpha particles, with
their heavy mass and plus-2 charge, just rip through
tissue so strenuously that they don't go very far. A
deception of the crassest sort are the lectures by
pro-nuclear people showing a plutonium or radium source
and putting up a piece of paper and showing that the
alpha-particle radiation on the other side is
zero. "You see, a piece of paper will stop those alpha
particles, folks, there's no problem with
plutonium." Except when that alpha particle is lodged
next to an endosteal cell in the bone and producing a
horrendous amount of interaction. Or that alpha particle
is lodging on the surface of the bronchi — that's why
we've got an epidemic of lung cancer among the uranium
miners! The fact that they don't travel far is because
they interact like hell!
Do you think medical
professionals really appreciate how much potential there
is for damage? Regardless of who you are, you go into
the hospital and you get a chest x-ray as a routine
diagnostic procedure.
I'm sad to say, I don't think 90% of
doctors in this country know a goddamned thing about
ionizing radiation and its effect. Somebody polled some
pediatricians recently and said, "Do you believe there's
a safe dose of radiation?" And 45% said, "Yes." They
weren't asked, "What papers have you ever read on this
subject that led you to conclude there's a safe
dose?" I think medical education on the hazard of
radiation is atrocious. What have they taught you in
Basically, whenever it's not
necessary, don't do a radiological procedure. But they
have qualified that with the implication that most
radiological procedures really aren't that dangerous — a
tenth of a rad here really isn't too bad. It's better
to get the information from a procedure than not.
Part of that is okay. If you ask me,
"Do you stand against medical x-rays?" the answer is
no. And I've written a book with Egan O'Connor on the
health effects of common exams. We take the position: if
there's a diagnostic gain for you — something that can
really make a difference in your health and your
life — then don't forego the x-ray. But there's another
part of the picture. Up until recently — it may be a
little better now than it was — government studies
show that most hospitals and most offices of radiologists
didn't have the foggiest notion of what dose they were
giving you for a procedure. Nor did they know that the
procedure could be accomplished with a third or a tenth
of the dose. Joel Gray, a health physicist at the Mayo
Clinic, said there are places giving you 20 times the
dose needed for a given picture. And, he said, "If you
ask those people and they can't answer, you can be fairly
confident that they're giving you a bigger dose than
necessary." So Egan and I, in The Health Effects of
Common Exams, took the data on what the average
doses were in the United States, versus what has been
accomplished by some elegant work in Toronto to reduce
the dose to one-third of what was the average practice
in 1984, and found that about 50,000 fatal cancers per
year could be prevented. That' s a million and a half
in a generation! So what is this stuff about "Most
procedures don't hurt you, they're small?"
Let me say one more thing about the medical
profession. It's my view that we have a really crazy
situation with respect to x-rays. You go to a
physician — your internist, or a GP, or an obstetric
gynecologist, or an orthopedic surgeon — these are the
people who send you out for an x-ray. They represent,
or should, your ombudsperson. And they, not you, should
have to find out whether the facility they're sending you
to uses five times the dose needed, or a decent dose of
radiation. But if you ask that so-called ombudsperson,
"Where you're sending me, do they know how to keep the
dose down? What dose will I get?" He'll mumble, "Don't
worry about it, no problem." That's the fault of medical
education in our universities. If we turn out physicians
who don't have the attitude that they're the ombudsman
for things like that, I think they're not doing the job.
A friend who had a melanoma was
told there had been a 20-fold increase in the past 50 years,
but "We don't really know what's causing it." It's as if
many in the medical profession don't want to make the obvious
connection between radiation, pollution, pesticides and the
cancer rates.
The medical profession is implicated
directly. I've spoken to Andre Bruewer, who practices in
Tucson. He's a first-class radiologist who does nothing
but mammography. And he said, "John, I shudder to think
of what we were doing 20 years ago." We were touting
mammography when the dose was four to five rads, and in
some cases 10 rads. Now if you give enough women four to
five rads, at something of the order of a 2 percent
increase in breast-cancer rate per rad — that's what my
analyses show, and I've analyzed the world data on x-rays
very carefully with respect to breast cancer in
particular — it has to be that women irradiated 15, 20
years ago got horrendous doses from mammography compared
to now. And therefore, some of the present increase in
breast cancer has to be from the radiation they got; but
they don't like to talk about it.
Women irradiated 15, 20 years ago got horrendous
doses from mammography compared to now. And
therefore, some of the present increase in breast
cancer has to be from the radiation they got.
There was a time, 20 to 30 years ago, when there were
mobile x-ray units that gave x-rays of the chest. They
didn't give the 20 millirads [a 50th of a rad] that is
possible today. They gave about five rads. Children
went through those things by the thousands. And we
just say, "We don't know why this cancer epidemic is
taking place now." Nobody's taken account of it. It's
hard to know how many children got it and who they were
and follow them up. But you know that a certain number
of people are having cancers now as a result of what was
done 15, 20 years ago.
Back in the '50s one woman brought a child in in the
middle of the night having real difficulty breathing,
and a resident said, "Maybe the thymus gland is
enlarged and pressing on the trachea. Let's give this
child 100 or 150 rads of radiation in the neck." And
as with many disorders, the child got better by
morning. And so this resident put two and two together
and said, "I gave the radiation, the child got better,
therefore I cured him." And so this became the rage and
all kinds of hospitals were using radiation to
treat an enlarged thymus.
What's the danger from an enlarged thymus?
There have been careful studies now of
these kids that had the irradiation for enlarged
thymuses — which, by the way, is no longer believed
to have been a disease that existed in the first
place — and they're having an excess of thyroid cancers,
an excess of salivary gland cancers. One hospital in
Pittsburgh said, "Why should we wait till these
children come into the emergency room at night with
croup?" And they, for a period of over a year, gave
x-rays to every child leaving the nursery...
There is this wall that prevents us from relating past
experience to the occurence of cancer. The full effects
are not known. It's not just what the average dose was
back then, some places were giving horrendous
doses. Sometimes they'd get a picture that was too
faint. So they'd take another one, with a longer
exposure — when the problem was that their developing
solution was getting spent. And all they had to do was
change the developer. But instead of that they gave the
person an extra x-ray with a bigger dose.
What general principles should a
patient bear in mind when considering a procedure?
If I were a member of the public, knowing
what I know: if the establishment told me that something
had a certain risk, I'd assume that the true risk was at
least 10 times worse. Part of the problem comes from the
patient. If a patient goes to a doctor — especially if
he's covered by a health plan — and the doctor doesn't
give him any procedures, they feel cheated. "You didn't
even take an x-ray!" But the medical profession has to be
regarded as culpable, along with the DOE. They both have
the same conflict of interest: their work exposes people
to radiation. For the DOE there have been all kinds of
people of shady character in all kinds of government
posts. But damn it, the medical profession shouldn't be
shady and corrupt. I'd like to see them really apply the
Hippocratic oath to this field.
Could you describe your work
regarding the retroactive tampering with databases?
For years I've tried to believe that what
was going on in Hiroshima-Nagasaki in what was called the
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission — subsequently renamed the
Radiation Effects Research Foundation — was the only place
where we had a huge body of data that addressed the question
of what happens to people who have been exposed to varying
doses. If there is an event like Chernobyl, or Hiroshima,
we have to insist on the sacred meaning of collecting an
honest database concerning what happens to people — (A)
doing the very best job of determining what dose they got,
and (B) doing a follow-up study that is beyond
reproach. That is an obligation to humanity that is
virtually sacred. If you do anything less than the best in
that kind of endeavor, you're a scoundrel. So all this
time I wanted to believe in the work that was being done in
the Hiroshima-Nagasaki studies. In 1986, because of some
questions about what the neutron dose was relative to the
other forms of radiation — gamma rays, primarily — they
did a revision of the doses. Now I don't have any
objection to the revision of doses, provided that you obey
the cardinal rules of medical research. The first cardinal
rule of medical research is: never, but never change the
input data once you know what the follow-up shows. So
because they had this idea of changing the doses, they
didn't just change the doses, they shuffled all the
people from one dose category to another, with a new
dose. So there was no continuity with everything that
had been done up to 1986.
The first cardinal rule of medical
research: never change the input
data once you know what the
follow-up shows.
Who's 'they?'
The Radiation Effects Research Foundation in
Japan. The director is Itsuzo Shigematsu. The associate
director is a guy by the name of Joop Thiessen, who's from
the DOE. It's a DOE-sponsored endeavor — DOE and the
Japanese Ministry of Health. There couldn't be a worse
set of sponsors.
The Japanese have the same
kind of commitment to nuclear energy?
Absolutely. So I said, "You can't do
this. You want a new dosage, keep the old groupings and
just assign the new dose and study [the results]." I call
that "constant cohort, dual dosimetry." So I wrote a
letter to Shigematsu and said, "This is a violation of the
cardinal rules of research. There is a way to do this
correctly, and you can keep changing doses all your life,
provided you just stick them alongside what you've done
originally." Shigematsu's reply is in my
book. [Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose
Exposure, 1990] It's simple. He said, "Trust
us." Well, the reason for the cardinal rule of research
is, nobody ever has to say, "Trust me." Because you set
things up with blinding, with appropriate procedures, so
that your database is immaculate. You don't go changing
things and say, "Well we did it objectively." I said,
"Report in the old way — the old dosage — and the new
way." They said, "We won't do that. But we'll consider
it. And we will give you the data in the old way for
three more years." What's the shape of the cancer curve
with the latest data from Hiroshima-Nagasaki? If I use
the old data, it's like this (diagonal, rising
line). What's the shape of the curve with their new
dosimetry? It's like this (slowly rising line that
then goes up abruptly).
If a crook makes the
database, Einstein will get the
wrong answer out of it.
Making it look as if the
low-level of radiation is acceptable?
Exactly. Their ultimate goal is
How did they determine who received
what dosage at the time of the explosion? Was it based on
how far away people were from ground zero?
Distance was the biggest factor, but also
whether you were outdoors or indoors, whether you were in
a concrete or wooden structure. They tried to do a lot of
that. And they shouldn't keep changing the placement of
people! You take people with cancer and say, "Well, I guess
the dose they originally got must have been a lot
higher. We'll put that person here [in this dose category]
and this one there." And with that sort of approach, you
can make truth whatever you want it to be. And there's a
very important additional lesson. Humanity needs to insist
on the immaculate construction of databases concerning any
accident or major event. If a crook makes the database,
Einstein will get the wrong answer out of it. And then
what happens? The Einsteins, with the best credentials,
using this lousy, fabricated, false database, will put
their findings in the medical journals. And then they
get into the textbooks. And then it's taught to medical
students for the next 100 years. And what
happens? Hundreds of millions of people will suffer from
cancer and genetic diseases because the answer will be
wrong. The key thing is getting an honest database.
To be continued next week
Interview with John Gofman. continued:
Challenging The Nuclear Establishment
This is part two of an interview with John Gofman,
lecturer emeritus for the Department of Medicine. On
the day part one appeared (Jan. 21), the Chronicle
ran a story about "that dependable fellow, Mr. Pluto" a
perky little cartoon character created by the Japanese
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. In
the Mr. Pluto video, a youngster drinks a
plutonium-laced soda and declares himself
refreshed. Gofman comments on Mr. Pluto: "This is their
opening salvo in a huge campaign of `A little radiation is
good for you, and besides, most of the plutonium goes
through your gut.' Never mind the fact that as it goes
through the large intestine, it gives the colon cells a
dose of alpha radiation. The Japanese are the biggest
promoters today of nuclear breeders and
reprocessing. Reprocessing increases the hazard of nuclear
power by a thousand. If you do it just leaving it as fuel
rods, the possibility of an accident is bad enough. If you
reprocess, you have to dissolve the fuel rods, and then
you've got to handle the plutonium chemically."
How did you make the transition
from being a respectable member of the `radiation community'
to being an independent critic?
I was criticized and denounced by the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC) for one thing. I said that radiation
was more harmful than was previously thought.
When was that?
In 1969 — after they had given me $3 million
a year for seven years to take time off from my teaching and
set up a biomedical division at Livermore. One week after I
gave the talk! If you say something they don't want to hear,
they make a pariah out of you.
They certainly managed to marginalize
Linus Pauling. Way back in the 1950s he was describing the
effects of fallout, Strontium-90 in the milk, the dangers to
the people of Nevada and Utah.
Linus's 1954 estimates were all pretty near to the
Are we getting honest data about
Evgeny Chasov, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize
with the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear
War, made a public statement that nobody has been harmed in the
population at large. He obviously wasn't referring to the
people who got killed immediately. There've been all kinds of
statements to the that effect. Alla Yaroshinskaya, a journalist
in Zhitomirsk, a small city in the Ukraine, became very
suspicious of the sort of things that were being said. She
found out that some of the people who were being moved had been
moved to a place that was even hotter sometimes — it was all
just for show! Her paper wouldn't publish her investigation,
and they told her she'd be in big trouble... But she persisted,
and she got Izvestia to publish it, and she became well
known. She got elected to the Supreme Soviet. And she demanded
to see the protocols of government meetings on the Chernobyl
situation. She managed to get all 40 protocols, and she wrote
an article, which is now in book form in Russian and, there's
a French edition: "The 40 Protocols of the Wise Men of the
Kremlin." And it shows that at every one of their meetings,
what they were saying internally was the exact opposite of what
they were saying publicly...
[Yaroshinskaya is now vice minister of mass media in Russia
and a personal advisor to Boris Yeltsin. Gofman has written the
introduction to an English-language edition of her book. For
their work on the longterm health effects of Chernobyl, Gofman
and Yaroshinskaya shared the 1992 "Right
Livelihood Award," given
by a Swedish foundation. In his acceptance speech, Gofman
proposed that a network of scientists who don't have to answer
to government serve as "watchdogs" and participate in every stage
of the construction of the Chernobyl data base.]
Did anybody pick up on the
watchdog idea?
I met with Yuri Shcherbak, the minister for the
environment for the Ukraine. Yuri was a journalist and a
physician, who also had revealed some of the things that
had been going on with the Chernobyl data. In the new
government in Ukraine he was made minister of the
environment. He liked the watchdog concept, but he said,
"If I'm going to propose that to the Ukrainian government,
could you get some more scientists who would endorse
it?" So I wrote letters to about 50 people around the
world, and about 47 said they would serve on a commission
to set this up in Ukraine. And I sent this off to Yuri,
but I never heard back. One of his aides was in town and
called me up with a message from Yuri. He said, "As soon
as Yuri got back from seeing you, the Ukrainian government
set up a special division to handle Chernobyl, and that
was moved out of Yuri's environmental department." And a
little later Yuri was moved over to become the ambassador
to Israel — it might have been to the North Pole. So that
died. I have some hopes that Alla might be able to get the
idea through in Russia, but the nuclear mafia in Russia is
very strong. They're proposing to go gung ho on nuclear
power. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are members
of the nationalist group around Zhirinovsky.
How would the watchdog concept
work in the United States?
What I'm proposing is that if the Department of
Energy spends $100 million on health-related activities — and they
have their fingers in every university department of statistics and
radiology — $10 million should go to a grass roots organization of
scientists to make sure that the studies being carried out are honest.
Take the worker population in America. Do you believe what
the DOE says about the doses workers are getting? I don't. I
think a lot of scientists would be interested and willing to do
that work, if it were honored rather than — you know, you get
thrown out for saying something. The scientists who were funded
by the DOE at Los Alamos, Livermore, Berkeley,
Brookhaven — they're self-censored. They know what's okay to
say, and they know what's not okay. They know my history. And
they're not about to repeat it. Which brings us back to where
we started. When I saw Hazel O'Leary come an the scene, I just
got the impression that this lady is for real. She faces a
tremendous task — just on the human experimentation, the
suggestion that people be made whole and receive apologies. I'd
like to see this lady get 100 million Americans behind her so
that she can't be weakened. I think there's a chance that in
her administration the watchdog idea could fly. If we don't get
it through in her administration, I thinly DOE will go back to
just what it was before. And then there's not much hope for
Could you comment on the human
experimentation that was conducted?
I think it was unethical. And I think that
any statements such as, "But the doses were low" — that's
a fraud. The doses in Cal 1, Cal 2, and Cal 3 [the three
people who received injections of plutonium at UC Med
Center] were very high — 11,000 rems to the bone for Albert
Stevenson [Cal 1]. Albert Stevenson was injected with a huge
dose of plutonium at UC Hospital because he had a supposed
cancer of the stomach. Now some are saying, "Well, we didn't
know whether plutonium could hurt anybody." They should watch
out, because they're going to be caught in a lie of profound
The radiations that we have are x-rays, gamma rays, beta
rays, alpha particles, and neutrons. Neutrons you only get
near a bomb or a reactor. Alpha particles are emitted by
many elements high in the periodic table as you get up
above lead: uranium, thorium, protoactinium, neptunium,
plutonium — all are alpha particle emitters. An alpha
particle is a plus-2 charged helium atom in high-speed
motion. We describe them by how much energy they're
carrying off from the emission. Four and a half million
electron-volts — 4.7, 5.2 — the various alpha emitters
are all in that range. And you can say that what one alpha
emitter does, any alpha emitter will do if it gets to the
same place. So for somebody to say, "We didn't know about
the alpha particles from plutonium." It's the same
as saying "We know how it works in New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia, but what about Peoria?"
In the '20s we had a radium-dial painting industry to
paint the dials of wristwatches and clocks. Women sat
at tables with a little pot of radium paint, painting
these dials by hand. Their brushes would get diffuse
and they'd take the brush and twirl it in their mouths
to get a fine tip to paint with. And these women came
up with the most horrible bone destruction due to the
alpha particles from radium in their bone. Osteogenic
sarcomas. It was all written up by 1929, by Harrison
Martland, the coroner in New Jersey who examined their
bodies. The whole world knew that alpha particles from
radium had done this to humans. Now an alpha particle,
really, doesn't ask who its mother or father was. An
alpha particle is an alpha particle.
In Germany and Czechoslovakia there are regions where
it was long known that 50 to 75 percent of the miners
died of what was called "mountain sickness." In the
late 19th century Hartung and Hesse discovered that
this mountain disease was lung cancer. In the 1930s,
Peller and another group determined that the reason
for the lung cancer in the miners was breathing radon
with alpha particles from the uranium in the mines. So
alpha particles had been proven to produce cancer. So
to say that the effects of alpha particles from plutonium
were unknown — it's just not true. The AEC, which
approved of some of that experimentation, knew
precisely what the results would be. Merril Eisenbund,
a pro-nuclear environmentalist, was working for the AEC in
1947. He went out west to inspect what was going on in
the uranium mines in Arizona, New Mexico, and
Colorado. He came back and wrote a report saying the
mines are not being ventilated, and if we don't get them
ventilated, we're going to have a lung-cancer epidemic
worse than Germany and Czechoslovakia. He was told to
move over to another division, never to say anything
more about the mining situation in Colorado. The mine
operators were not informed, the mine workers were not
informed, and we had the lung-cancer epidemic that had
been predicted. The AEC knew all this. Can you tell
me there's any evidence that the AEC, ERDA or DOE ever
gave a damn about human health? They were the same
people who approved the human experimentation. And to
try to justify it in the name of the Cold War and
things like that, that's ridiculous. The Cold War did
not require knowing where plutonium went in people's
Do you think the mechanisms that
are in place today, such as the human subject committees,
are sufficient to keep this kind of research from taking
I think they're better than having no
committees, and that [unethical experimentation] is not
as likely now. But it just seems to me that when grants
are involved, and the prestige of the institution is
involved, if some research is exciting but maybe
off-color, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the
committees would overlook it. I'm not impressed by the
integrity and forthrightness of the medical
establishment. I wouldn't have said this 10, 15 years
ago, but today, when I look at an article in a medical
journal — peer review means nothing to me, that's just
an old boys' club — I say to myself, "Why should I
believe this?" I've watched stuff get in that was peer
reviewed that was absolute rubbish, and they had to
know that it was absolute rubbish.
I just have lost my confidence in their integrity. A
case in point. I recently read a study that if you
treat breast cancer by lumpectomy and radiation, that's
better than without the radiation. How carefully was
that study set up? Who oversaw the choice of people
and the outcomes? It's a very important issue. If
you irradiate the chest of women who've had
lumpectomies, with the kind of doses they're giving,
you will produce a lot of cancers in the future. Not
necessarily the cancer they had, but you're going to
produce new cancers. Those new cancers are going to
come 10, 15 years from now. If indeed the radiation
prevents [patients] from dying of the original cancer,
which would have killed them in a year or two, then I
say, with their fully informed knowledge, they may
choose to take the radiation therapy. But I really
want to be sure that the data collected on this
benefit is right. So my answer to your question
is: I hope it's better; I think it's better than it
was; I would like to see better mechanisms still,
that didn't involve grants and the prestige of the
university when the university passes on whether
research is okay.
What do you know about the
release of radiation at Hanford, Washington that, it
now turns out, was many times worse than Three Mile
When it became known that there had been
these big releases, the government finally promised to
own up. So a big study is in process now, it's called
the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project,
fully funded by the government. And they're trying to
involve the Indian tribes, and various downwinders. The
amount of iodine released at Three Mile Island was
estimated at 15 curies — Iodine-131. The amount of
iodine first estimated on this Hanford reconstruction
was 425,000 curies. The most recent estimate has it up
to 725,000 curies. I calculated the true release of
radioiodine from Chernobyl at 12.3 million curies. So
the amount that was released at Hanford can cause a lot
of trouble.
What kind of trouble? What does
radioiodine do?
In big enough doses it produces thyroid
cancer and severe hypothyroidism. In 1992, Kazakov,
Demidchik, and Astaskhova of Minsk put out a paper in Nature
saying, "We have 131 cases of thyroid
cancer in Byelorus alone (since Chernobyl). The curve
started up in '89-'90, and the curve is staying up
there." This has now been confirmed in Ukraine. After
the paper in Nature came out, a UN team went
there to check their diagnoses, and confirmed that they
were right in 102 out of 104 cases. And still,
Shigematsu and Thiessen (of the Japanese-DOE Radiation
Effects Research Foundation), had a letter in the next
issue of Nature saying "We can't really trust
this, these cases are coming up too soon, they're not
really thyroid cancer. Maybe they're looking harder
now..." And in the Journal of Nuclear Medicare
some of the nuclear pundits ridiculed the word from
Byelorus. These people never stop!...
There will inevitably be thyroid cancer from the releases
at Hanford, Washington. Whether they'll be able to
reconstruct it and admit it I don't know...
There's an investigator named Holm at a Swedish
hospital. They've done 38,000 radioiodine scans to
test thyroid function. He wrote a series of papers
showing that even though people got 50 rads to the
thyroid, there was no excess of thyroid cancer. When
I first heard about it I thought, "Wow, you can give 50
rads to the thyroid and cause no cancers? Does it
mean I'm wrong?" And this was trumpeted an over the
United Nations Atomic Effects Committee and everybody
in the establishment cites it. Well, I analyzed those
papers — I devoted a chapter to it in my 1990 book
(Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose
Exposure). And you know what this guy did? He
threw 135 cancers out of the study, because they
occured before five years had elapsed. He said, "We
know they can't occur before five years." The
evidence in Byelorus is that they're coming in four,
five, six years after the exposure. If you take the
135 cases and add them back, you've got a big effect
from radioiodine. That's what's being said about
radioiodine: not to worry, no problem.
How do they refute your analysis?
They're smart — they don't refer to it.
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