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Appendix C
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the U.S.

December 31, 1980

This list includes only commercial nuclear reactors on order, with limited work authorizations, construction permits or operating licenses. Status is indicated by:

O--order; LWA--limited work authorization; C--construction permit, and bold face type [given lines will have underbars instead of space characters --ratitor]-- operating license.

A single asterisk indicates that the estimated commercial operation date of the unit has been deferred indefinitely and the new date has not been announced.

A double asterisk indicates that no start-up date has yet been established.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Alabama Power Co.___________Joseph M. Farley 1_Houston County____860____12/77
Alabama Power Co.___________Joseph M. Farley 2_Houston County____860____10/80-a
Tennessee Valley Authority__Browns Ferry 1_____Decatur_________1,067_____8/74
Tennessee Valley Authority__Browns Ferry 2_____Decatur_________1,067_____3/75
Tennessee Valley Authority__Browns Ferry 3_____Decatur_________1,067____12/85
Tennessee Valley Authority  Bellefonte 1(C)    Scottsboro      1,213     9/86
Tennessee Valley Authority  Bellefonte 2(C)    Scottsboro      1,213     6/84

Arizona Public Service Co.  Palo Verde 1(C)    Wintersburg     1,270     5/83
Arizona Public Service Co.  Palo Verde 2(C)    Wintersburg     1,270     5/84
Arizona Public Service Co.  Palo Verde 3(C)    Wintersburg     1,270     5/86

Arkansas Power & Light Co.__Arkansas Nuclear One--1_Russellville__850___12/74
Arkansas Power & Light Co.__Arkansas Nuclear One--2_Russellville__912____3/80-b

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.__Humboldt Bay-c_____Humboldt Bay________65____8/63
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.  Diablo Canyon 1(C) Avila Beach      1,084    0/81
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.  Diablo Canyon 2(C) Avila Beach      1,106    0/81
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.  unit 1(O)          -                1,168   *
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.  unit 2(O)          -                1,168   *
Sacramento Municipal Utility District_Rancho Seco 1_Clay Station__918____4/75
Southern California Edison Co.__San Onofre 1______San Clemente____436____1/68
Southern California Edison Co.  San Onofre 2(C)   San Clemente  1,100   12/81
Southern California Edison Co.  San Onofre 3(C)   San Clemente  1,100    2/83

-a  On 10/23/80 received limited operating license to load fuel, reach
    criticality and do power testing.
-b  Received operating license 9/1/78 and went into commercial operation
-c  Shut down 7/2/76 for seismic modifications.  Operational date uncertain.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Public Service Co. of Colorado__Fort St. Vrain_Platteville_______330_____1/79

Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co._Haddam Neck___Haddam Neck____575_____1/68
Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.____Millstone 1____Waterford_________660_____3/71
Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.____Millstone 2____Waterford_________870____12/75
Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.    Millstone 3(C) Waterford       1,150     5/86

Florida Power Corp._________Crystal River 3____Red Level_________825_____3/77
Florida Power & Light Co.___Turkey Point 3_____Turkey Point______666____12/72
Florida Power & Light Co.___Turkey Point 4_____Turkey Point______666_____9/73
Florida Power & Light Co.___St. Lucie 1________St. Lucie County__777____12/76
Florida Power & Light Co.   St. Lucie 2(C)     St. Lucie County  777     5/83

Georgia Power Co.___________Edwin I. Hatch 1___Baxley____________786____12/75
Georgia Power Co.___________Edwin I. Hatch 2___Baxley____________790_____9/79
Georgia Power Co.           Alvin W. Vogtle 1(C)    Waynesboro 1,100     5/85
Georgia Power Co.           Alvin W. Vogtle 2(C)    Waynesboro 1,100    11/87

Commonwealth Edison Co._____Dresden 1-a________Morris____________200_____7/60
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Dresden 2__________Morris____________794_____7/70
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Dresden 3__________Morris____________794____11/71
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Zion 1_____________Zion____________1,040____12/73
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Zion 2_____________Zion____________1,040_____9/74
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Quad Cities 1______Cordova___________789_____2/73
Commonwealth Edison Co._____Quad Cities 2______Cordova___________789_____3/73
Commonwealth Edison Co.     LaSalle 1(C)       Seneca          1,078     6/81
Commonwealth Edison Co.     LaSalle 2(C)       Seneca          1,078     6/82
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Braidwood 1(C)     Braidwood       1,120    10/85
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Braidwood 2(C)     Braidwood       1,120    10/86
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Byron 1(C)         Byron           1,120    10/83
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Byron 2(C)         Byron           1,120    10/84
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Carroll County 1(O) Savanna        1,150    10/92
Commonwealth Edison Co.     Carroll County 2(O) Savanna        1,150    10/93
Illinois Power Co.          Clinton 1(C)       Clinton           950     8/83
Illinois Power Co.          Clinton 2(C)       Clinton           950    *

Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
                       Bailly Nuclear 1(C)-b Dunes Acres    644    12/89
Public Service Indiana      Marble Hill 1(C)  Madison          1,130    12/86
Public Service Indiana      Marble Hill 2(C)  Madison          1,130    12/87

-a  Shut down 10/31/78 to upgrade ECCS chemical clean and refuel.  Estimated
    startup 6/86.
-b  Canceled, 1981.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Iowa Electric Light & Power Co.__Duane Arnold__Palo______________538_____2/75
Iowa Power & Light Co.      Vandalia(O)        Vandalia        1,270    *

Kansas Gas & Electric Co.   Wolf Creek(C)      Burlington      1,150     4/84

Gulf States Utilities Co.   River Bend 1(C)    St. Francisville  934     4/84
Gulf States Utilities Co.   River Bend 2(C)    St. Francisville  934    *
Louisiana Power & Light Co. Waterford 3(C)     Taft            1,165     3/83

Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co._Maine Yankee_____Wiscasset_________825____12/72

Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.__Calvert Cliffs 1_Lusby_____________845_____5/75
Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.__Calvert Cliffs 2_Lusby_____________845_____4/77

Boston Edison Co.___________Pilgrim 1__________Plymouth__________655____12/72
Boston Edison Co.           Pilgrim 2(O)       Plymouth        1,150   *
Yankee Atomic Electric Co.__Yankee Rowe________Rowe______________175_____7/61

Consumers Power Co._________Big Rock Point_____Charlevoix_________63_____3/63
Consumers Power Co._________Palisades__________South Haven_______740____12/71
Consumers Power Co.         Midland 1(C)       Midland           522     7/84
Consumers Power Co.         Midland 2(C)       Midland           807    12/83
Detroit Edison Co.          Enrico Fermi 2(C)  Lagoona Beach   1,093    11/83
Indiana & Michigan Electric Co._Donald C. Cook 1_Bridgman______1,054_____8/75
Indiana & Michigan Electric Co._Donald C. Cook 2_Bridgman______1,100_____7/78

Northern States Power Co.___Monticello_________Monticello________545_____6/71
Northern States Power Co.___Prairie Island 1___Red Wing__________530____12/73
Northern States Power Co.___Prairie Island 2___Red Wing__________530____12/74

Mississippi Power & Light Co.  Grand Gulf 1(C) Port Gibson     1,250     4/82
Mississippi Power & Light Co.  Grand Gulf 2(C) Port Gibson     1,250     4/86
Tennessee Valley Authority  Yellow Creek 1(C)  Luka            1,285     4/88
Tennessee Valley Authority  Yellow Creek 2(C)  Luka            1,285    *

Union Electric Co.          Callaway 1(C)      Callaway County 1,150    10/82
Union Electric Co.          Callaway 2(C)      Callaway County 1,150     4/88

Nebraska Public Power District_Cooper__________Brownville________778_____7/74
Omaha Public Power District_Fort Calhoun 1_____Fort Calhoun______490_____9/73

Public Service Co. of New Hampshire  Seabrook 1(C)  Seabrook   1,150     0/83
Public Service Co. of New Hampshire  Seabrook 2(C)  Seabrook   1,150     0/85

Jersey Central Power & Light Co.__Oyster Creek__Lacey Township___650____12/69
Public Service Electric & Gas Co._Salem 1______Salem___________1,090_____6/77
Public Service Electric & Gas Co._Salem 2______Salem___________1,115_____4/80-a
Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Hope Creek 1(C) Salem County 1,067    12/86
Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Hope Creek 2(C) Salem County 1,067    12/89

Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc._Indian Point 2__Buchanan__873__8/73
Power Authority of the State of New York__Indian Point 3__Buchanan__965__8/76
Power Authority of the State of New York_James A. FitzPatrick__Scriba_821_7/75
Long Island Lighting Co.    Shoreham(C)        Brookhaven        854     1/83
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.__Nine Mile Point 1__Oswego____________620____12/69
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.  Nine Mile Point 2(C) Oswego        1,080    10/86
Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.__Robert E. Ginna__Rochester_______470_____7/70

-a  4/21/80 received limited operating license to load fuel, reach criticality
    and do power testing.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Carolina Power & Light Co.__Brunswick 1________Southport_________821_____3/77
Carolina Power & Light Co.__Brunswick 2________Southport_________821____11/75
Carolina Power & Light Co.  Shearon Harris 1(C) New Hill         900     3/85
Carolina Power & Light Co.  Shearon Harris 2(C) New Hill         900     3/88
Carolina Power & Light Co.  Shearon Harris 3(C) New Hill         900     3/94
Carolina Power & Light Co.  Shearon Harris 4(C) New Hill         900     3/92
Duke Power Co.              William McGuire 1(C) Cowans Ford Dam 1,180   7/81
Duke Power Co.              William McGuire 2(C) Cowans Ford Dam 1,180   6/83
Duke Power Co.              Thomas L. Perkins 1(O) Davie County 1,280   *
Duke Power Co.              Thomas L. Perkins 2(O) Davie County 1,280   *
Duke Power Co.              Thomas L. Perkins 3(O) Davie County 1,280   *

Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co.  Wm. H. Zimmer 1(C)  Moscow         810    6/82
Central Area Power Coordination Group(CAPCO) Perry 1(C) North Perry 1,205 5/84
Central Area Power Coordination Group(CAPCO) Perry 2(C) North Perry 1,205 5/88
Central Area Power Coordination Group(CAPCO)_Davis-Besse 1_Oak Harbor_890_11/77

Public Service Co. of Oklahoma  Black Fox 1(LWA)  Inola        1,150     7/85
Public Service Co. of Oklahoma  Black Fox 2(LWA)  Inola        1,150     7/88

Portland General Electric Co.__Trojan__________Rainier_________1,130_____5/76
Portland General Electric Co.  Pebble Springs 1(O) Arlington   1,260    1990s
Portland General Electric Co.  Pebble Springs 2(O) Arlington   1,260    1990s

Department of Energy________Shippingport_______Shippingport_______60____12/57
Central Area Power Coordination Group(CAPCO)_Beaver Valley 1_Shippingport_833_10/76
Central Area Power Coordination Group(CAPCO) Beaver Valley 2(C) Shippingport 833  5/86
Metropolitan Edison Co._Three Mile Island 1-a__Londonderry Township_819__9/74
Metropolitan Edison Co._Three Mile Island 2-b__Londonderry Township_906_12/78
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Susquehanna 1(C) Berwick          1,050   5/82
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Susquehanna 2(C) Berwick          1,050   5/83
Philadelphia Electric Co.___Peach Bottom 2__Peach Bottom Township__1,065_7/74
Philadelphia Electric Co.___Peach Bottom 3__Peach Bottom Township__1,065_12/74
Philadelphia Electric Co.   Limerick 1(C)      Limerick Township 1,055   4/85
Philadelphia Electric Co.   Limerick 2(C)      Limerick Township 1,055   4/87

Carolina Power & Light Co.__H.B. Robinson 2____Hartsville________700_____3/71
Duke Power Co.______________Oconee 1___________Lake Keowee_______860_____7/73
Duke Power Co.______________Oconee 2___________Lake Keowee_______860_____9/74
Duke Power Co.______________Oconee 3___________Lake Keowee_______860____12/74
Duke Power Co.              Catawba 1(C)       York County     1,145     3/84
Duke Power Co.              Catawba 2(C)       York County     1,145     9/85
Duke Power Co.              Cherokee 1(C)      Cherokee County 1,280     1/90
Duke Power Co.              Cherokee 2(C)      Cherokee County 1,280     1/92
Duke Power Co.              Cherokee 3(C)      Cherokee County 1,280    *
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co.  Virgil C. Summer 1(C)  Parr   900     6/81

-a  Shut down owing to NRC order pending re-start hearings.
-b  Shut down since 3/28/79 accident which caused core damage.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Tennessee Valley Authority__Sequoyah 1_________Daisy___________1,148_____9/80-a
Tennessee Valley Authority  Sequoyah 2(C)      Daisy           1,148     7/82
Tennessee Valley Authority  Watts Bar 1(C)     Spring City     1,177    11/82
Tennessee Valley Authority  Watts Bar 2(C)     Spring City     1,177     8/83
Tennessee Valley Authority  Hartsville A-1(C)  Hartsville      1,233     7/88
Tennessee Valley Authority  Hartsville A-2(C)  Hartsville      1,233     4/89
Tennessee Valley Authority  Hartsville B-1(C)  Hartsville      1,233    *
Tennessee Valley Authority  Hartsville B-2(C)  Hartsville      1,233    *
Tennessee Valley Authority  Phipps Bend 1(C)   Surgoinsville   1,233     2/89
Tennessee Valley Authority  Phipps Bend 2(C)   Surgoinsville   1,233    *
Tennessee Valley Authority  Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant(O) Oak Ridge 350 9/88-b

Houston Lighting & Power Co.   Allens Creek 1(O)  Wallis         1,200   2/88
South Texas Project    South Texas Project 1(C) Matagorda County 1,250   2/84
South Texas Project    South Texas Project 2(C) Matagorda County 1,250   2/86
Texas Utilities Generating Co. Comanche Peak 1(C) Somervell County 1,150 0/82
Texas Utilities Generating Co. Comanche Peak 2(C) Somervell County 1,150 0/84

-a  Received full-power operating license 9/16/80.
-b  Subject to resolution of national policy debate.

                                                           Net   Comm'l
 State and Utility               Plant           Location       M/We  Operation

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp._Vermont Yankee_Vernon         514    11/72

Virginia Electric & Power Co._Surry 1__________Gravel Neck_______775____12/72
Virginia Electric & Power Co._Surry 2__________Gravel Neck_______775_____5/73
Virginia Electric & Power Co._North Anna 1_____Mineral___________850_____6/78
Virginia Electric & Power Co._North Anna 2_____Mineral___________850____12/80-c
Virginia Electric & Power Co. North Anna 3(C)  Mineral           907     0/89

Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Skagit 1(O)      Hanford         1,288     1/91
Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Skagit 2(O)      Hanford         1,288     1/93
Department of Energy________Hanford--N_________Richland__________800_____9/66
Washington Public Power Supply System  WPPSS 1(C) Richland     1,267     2/86
Washington Public Power Supply System  WPPSS 2(C) Richland     1,093     9/83
Washington Public Power Supply System  WPPSS 3(C) Satsop       1,240     9/86
Washington Public Power Supply System  WPPSS 4(C) Richland     1,267     2/87
Washington Public Power Supply System  WPPSS 5(C) Satsop       1,240     9/87

Dairyland Power Coop._______LaCrosse___________Genoa______________50____11/69
Wisconsin Electric Power Co.__Point Beach 1____Two Creeks________497____12/70
Wisconsin Electric Power Co.__Point Beach 2____Two Creeks________497____10/72
Wisconsin Public Service Corp._Kewaunee________Carlton Township__535_____6/74

-c  Received full-power operating license 8/20/80 and went into commercial
    operation 12/14/80.

                  OPERATING LICENSES ISSUED IN 1980

Plant               Location             MWe    Utility

North Anna 2-a      Mineral, VA          850   Virginia Electric & Power Co.
Sequoyah 1-b        Daisy, TN          1,148   Tennessee Valley Authority
Salem 2-c           Salem, NJ          1,115   Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Joseph M. Farley 2-c Houston County, AL   860   Alabama Power Co.

Total: 4 reactors = 3,973 MWe

-a  Received full-power operating license and went into commercial operation.
-b  Received full-power operating license only.
-c  Received limited operating license to load fuel, reach criticality and do
    power testing only.

                       REACTOR RETIRED IN 1980

                           Net                                     Comm'l
Plant            Location       MWe      Utility                      Operation

Indian Point 1   Buchanan, NY   265  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York  10/62

                        CANCELLATIONS IN 1980
                         Net                                       Comm'l
Plant         Location        MWe    Utility                          Operation

Davis-Besse 2(LWA) Oak Harbor, OH    906 Toledo Edison Co.                 4/85
Davis-Besse 3(LWA) Oak Harbor, OH    906 Toledo Edison Co.                 4/87
Erie 1(O) Berlin Heights, OH       1,260 Ohio Edison Co.                   4/86
Erie 2(O) Berlin Heights, OH       1,260 Ohio Edison Co.                   4/88
Forked River 1(C) Lacey Township, NJ 1,168 Jersey Control Power & Light Co. 5/86
Greenwood 2(O) St. Clair County, MI 1,264 Detroit Edison Co.               9/90
Greenwood 3(O) St. Clair County, MI 1,264 Detroit Edison Co.               9/92
Haven 1(O) Haven, WI                 900 Wisconsin Electric Power Co.      6/89
Jamesport 1(C) Riverhead, NY       1,150 Long Island Lighting Co.          6/89
Jamesport 2(C) Riverhead, NY       1,150 Long Island Lighting Co.          6/91
Montague 1(O) Montague, MA         1,150 Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.        *
Montague 2(O) Montague, MA         1,150 Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.        *
New Haven 1(O) New Haven, NY     1,250 New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 5/93
New Haven 2(O) New Haven, NY     1,250 New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 5/94
North Anna 4(C) Mineral, VA          907 Virginia Electric & Power Co.     0/92
Sterling(C) Sterling, NY           1,150 Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.    5/88


Total:  16 reactors = 18,085 MWe
Source: Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Washington, D.C.

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