(Source: U.S. Department of Energy)
_________________________________________________________ Totals by Year 1945-- 3 1966--40 1946-- 2 1967--28 1947-- O 1968--33 1948-- 3 1969--29 1949-- O 1970--30 1950-- O 1971--11 1951--16 1972-- 8 1952--10 1973-- 9 1953--11 1974-- 8 1954-- 6 1975--16 1955--18 1976--16 1956--18 1977--12 1957--32 1978--13 1958--77 1979--15 1959-- O 1980--17 1960-- O 1961--10 TOTAL: 691 1962--98 (Total includes 12 1963--43 joint American- 1964--30 British tests 1965--29 since 1962.) _________________________________________________________ Totals by Type | Totals by Purpose | Airdrop/Airburst 55 | Warhead Development/Assessment 606 (mid-air) | (more than 85 percent for Tower 56 | new weapons design testing) Barge 36 | "Safety Experiments" 33 (in shallow lagoon) | Plowshare 27 Surface 28 | ("Peaceful uses" program) (sea-level or | Joint US-UK 12 ground-level) | "Vela Uniform" 7 Balloon 25 | (Detection tests) Rocket 15 | Storage/Transportation 4 | Combat 2 TOTAL ATMOSPHERIC: 212 | (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) | Shaft or Tunnel 465 | Crater 9 | | TOTAL UNDERGROUND: 474 | | TOTAL UNDERWATER: 5 | | Totals by Location TOTAL PACIFIC: 106 Eniwetok 43 Christmas Island Area 24 Bikini 23 Johnson Island Area 12 Elsewhere in Pacific 4 TOTAL NEVADA TEST SITE: 563 TOTAL SOUTH ATLANTIC: 3 MISC. TOTAL: 19 Nevada, outside NTS 7 Amchitka, Alaska 3 Alamogordo, New Mexico 1 Japan 2 Carlsbad, New Mexico 1 Hattiesburg, Mississippi 2 Farmington, New Mexico 1 Grand Valley, Colorado 1 Rifle, Colorado 1