Elisabet's sites: | Business - http://sahtouris.com/ |
Personal - http://ratical.org/lifeweb/ |
- The Great Story - humanity's common creation story
- Alliance for Bio-Integrity has good info on problems associated with genetically modified foods
- Foundation for Global Community
- The Institute for Educational Studies (TIES)
- The Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Context Institute
- Global Visions
- The Bioneers Home Page
- The Gaia Hypothesis
- International Society for the System Science
- New Dimensions
- Welcome to Our Planet, " Our Planet Spaceship Earth "
- Evolution, Complexity and Philosophy
- Alternative and Transformative Movements Digest
Ecology, Energy and Economy for a Sustainable Environment- A Spiral Path to Knowwhere
- Fairbanks Productions, Home of the Lotus Dome
- Ideas, opinions, thoughts... and Swans
- Geocities' Rainforest
- Combustion in the RainForest:
- Nirvanet A Global Network for Local Nomads
- Howard Bloom's The Lucifer Principle
- future - possible
- Envirolink
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Fourth World Development Project
- Lakota Star Knowledge Book
- The People's Paths
- The Six Nations
- Native Americas Magazine