31 January 2025 New Moon +2
InnerView #571
Thinking Together with Gerry Fialka: a multi-dimensional conversation on the human condition.
It is a great honor and pleasure to join Gerry Fialka for this initial InnerView where we traversed avenues of existence together. From the Preface of his book, Strange Questions: Experimental Film as Conversation: “I don’t know what I think until I ask somebody. Why do I want to interview people? To connect, to learn, to think. I am curious about the human condition. Personal stories and philosophies can unify people sharing time together. Empathy and understanding can lead to new questions. Pattern recognition leads to comprehensive awareness. Probing “the big picture” with surprising questions uncovers the hidden psychic effects of words, both spoken and printed. Developing new critical thinking skills is a miracle, but not impossible.... Experimental film has been a major part of my life. I have studied mainstream cinema, but I usually find the challenges of the avant-garde more fertile. Revolting from the norm inspires me. It takes courage. Deep delving into the process, rather than the content, can free the watchdog of the mind. We can strive to pull back the curtain like Toto in The Wizard of Oz. The word “experiment” comes from the Old French esperment, meaning “practical knowledge, cunning, enchantment, magic spell.”
September 2023 equinox
Antidote to the Hubris of Greed While Living Under Domination.
Seeing the Maximum Security Establishment Denial System.
This essay fulfills a growing inner dread over the past two-and-a-half-plus years to produce something focusing a tight beam of light on the unspeakable increases in global injuries and excess mortality co-incident with the December 2020 rollout of the C19 experimental gene therapies. As Ed Dowd states, “it’s a disaster. And the standard deviations are what we call black swan event deviations. They run the gamut from three to sixty standard deviations across these different [UK Disabilities Personal Independence Pension program] human body systems.” The souls highlighted in this accounting of censored and suppresed truths are celebrated for their dedication of bearing witness to and following the polestar of historical truth as it emits a light and illuminates the way we can all likewise be guided by. And in doing so, we can join in the sacred work of supporting the exquisite eons of life exploring itself on Earth for the seventh generation yet unborn and beyond.
June 2018 solstice
This One’s For John – Hidden History Center Upgrade.
Four years ago the concept was hatched of what today begins at
At last, four years later, a compelling and provocative interface
is now in place through which to relay information, raise questions,
and generate discussion. The driving imperative has been to craft
something akin to what John Judge would have envisioned were he alive to
establish a brick-and-mortar Museum in D.C. to serve as its
complement on the internet.
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said there are
three pillars that hold up the current system of domestic oppression: poverty,
racism and militarism. In order to have real democracy, economic
justice, peace and a unified society, we have to both envision
our own liberation in our time and take back our history, power
and moral integrity.”
—John Judge, 1 Sep 2001
November 4, 2017 full moon
the heart of the matter: Why JFK Was Assassinated.
Concerning the extra-constitutional firing of the 35th President, the
following is proffered as an antidote to the specific set of illusions
and—beginning with the
Warren Commission’s Report—conspiracy
theories presented by state actors, universities, and the media which
promote a fabricated representation of reality through omission,
distortion, falsehood, lack of contextual analysis, and disinforming opinion
stated as obvious, incontestable fact. The essence of the cover-up is
that there is a mystery to debate. There is no mystery. Anyone willing
to look can see clearly who killed President Kennedy and why. The WHY of
the assassination is the key to the crime and its cover-up. We can know
why President Kennedy was assassinated. With this understanding and
knowledge we can navigate the turbulent waters surrounding us today with a
profoundly informed and deeply rooted sense of the meaning and purpose of
our own lives in this irreducible present moment—the only moment we
ever have.
October 5, 2017 full moon
Antidote to Endless War Spawned by September 11: the Full Exercise of Our Imaginations.
History does need to be re-written in every generation as each
subsequent group’s lifespan will necessarily need to extend
the depth and breadth of what was then, and what is now being,
recorded. And in rescuing areas that were previously rejected,
omitted, skewed, or distorted, a redemption of the struggles and
lives of
all our human ancestors can be
successively restored to a more holistic representation of the
multi-dimensional tapestry of the human project’s past. In
this way, the past can reflect itself more fully, with
constructive creativity and imagination in the present, to
consciously evolve a future that includes the interests of all
species generations—including humans—to come.
The present time is exceedingly heavy in deed. Guy Debord’s
understanding that we are evermore confronted with the
eradication of historical knowledge is an essential motivator to
highlight and promulgate historical knowledge of our epoch, of
our world. Sharing and relaying the knowledge, intelligence, and
awareness highlighted here is an invitation to engage all
one’s wits and creative imagination to help the human
project change course and stake out a different future than this
current one based on the demands of capital and its accumulation.
Exercising our intelligence in this manner, with clarity and
coherence, is of the highest calling Life presents us with.
September 2015 Equinox
— rat haus reality: celebrating 20 years wide
Dr. John W. Gofman: His Life, and Research on
the Health Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation.
Beginning in 1995, I was grateful for the opportunity to work with
Dr. John Gofman and his assistant Egan O’Connor
building a digital archive of
a portion of his written works. Dr. Gofman did more than most other
medical scientists to warn people about the health effects and dangers
of exposure to low dose radiation. He earned a Ph.D. in Nuclear/Physical
Chemistry at UC Berkeley in 1943 where his graduate advisor was Glenn
Seaborg. He co-discovered Uranium 232 and 233 and was the leader of the
Plutonium Group at UCB for the Manhattan Project, where he produced
the first 1.2 milligrams of plutonium for J. Robert Oppenheimer. He
went on to receive his M.D. degree from UCSF in 1946. He successfully
identified high density and low density lipoproteins and made a
number of other major discoveries involving cholesterol, coronary
heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and especially cancer. In 1963 he
was asked by the Atomic Energy Commission to establish and become the
first Director of the Biomedical Research Division at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory to study the “Implications of All
Nuclear Energy Programs Upon Man in the Biosphere.” In 1969
he and his colleague Dr. Arthur Tamplin publicly concluded that the
dangers of exposure to low-level ionizing radiation were much greater
than previously acknowledged and that there was no evidence of a
risk-free dose of radiation. By 1973 the US government had de-funded
Gofman’s Livermore lab research on chromosomes and cancer.
He returned to teaching full-time at UCB and chose an early and
active “retirement” in 1974 as Professor Emeritus of
Molecular and Cell Biology, devoting the next 30 years to pro-bono
research into human health-effects from radiation. Dr. Gofman produced
a wealth of published works that have increased understanding and
awareness of the biological hazards of low-level ionizing radiation and was
a vital voice of intelligence and clarity calling for the cessation of
further nuclear pollution of Grandmother Earth.
August 6, 2015 Hiroshima Day
— rat haus reality: celebrating 20 years wide
An Expanding Light to Dispel the Darkness: A New
Movement to Ban Nuclear Weapons.
70 years ago today, the first atomic bomb used to kill
people was detonated approximately 580 meters above the center of
Hiroshima, Japan. The terrorizing capability to obliterate life
on Earth with nuclear war was conceived 70 years ago. Its
potential began to manifest in the late 1950s, and was wholly
produceable by the 1960s when arsenals of multi-megaton hydrogen
bombs numbered in the thousands and ICBMs were deployed. The
means to create nuclear weapons came from the existence of
uranium. The Manhattan project was all about enriching uranium.
Since the 1960s the specter of nuclear annihilation has been
steadily amplified by technology that continues the manipulation
of uranium to generate radioactive elements especially suited to
making nuclear warheads. Beginning on February 28 of this year
Helen Caldicott convened an extraordinarily vital Symposium at
the New York Academy of Medicine in New York City on
Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction.
In May work began crafting a collection of
files to highlight and emphasize the significance of this
Conference. The shortcut link to it is:
ratical.org/ne>. Here
you will find
on the Symposium,
transcripts with inlined slides of 8 speakers (soon to be 9),
of all speakers plus the Q&As,
educational materials, and
means to
engage with people working to
abolish nuclear weapons.
July 4, 2015
— rat haus reality: celebrating 20 years wide
Increasing Consciousness, Outgrowing Our US Exceptionalism Myth.
The U.S. origin story is based on an unconscious acceptance of
and belief in the inevitability of Manifest Destiny, the
idea that Europeans and later Anglo settlers were destined
by God to take the land from sea to shining sea. Inherent in
the origin story was the implication that the land had previously
been terra nullius, a land without people. In this way,
“the frontier” was ready for God’s chosen
people to first “tame” it and then found a nation
of dominion and freedom for all. This is the source of U.S.
Americans’ belief in their unique exceptionalism. In
fact, the historical reality is how the theft of lands that are
today called the United States came to be claimed and owned by white
men, revealing the processes and characteristics of settler colonialism.
This specific brand of colonial usurpation is founded upon
institutionalizing extravagant violence through unlimited war and
irregular war. Extreme violence was carried out by Anglo settlers
against civilians in an attempt to cause the utter annihilation of
the Indigenous nations and communities of people existent across
the continent for thousands of years before it was
“discovered” by Europeans. The goal of this
extermination was to enable the settlers’s total freedom
to acquire land and wealth. Increasing consciousness of this historical
reality is, as historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz writes, “both a
necessity and a responsibility to the ancestors and descendants of
all parties.”
February 2015 full moon
— rat haus reality: celebrating 20 years wide
Keep the Balance.
September 2014 to September 2015 marks rat haus
reality’s 20th revolution around SOL. This ratitorial highlights
John Trudell’s 2001 explication of What It
Means To Be A Human Being. Trudell submits that responsibility
is the liberator’s word, “because then we are
taking direct action with our intelligence.” To honor and
serve Life’s needs contains and expresses profound
significance, value, and purpose.
December 2004 solstice
What To Do In Our Crazy Life? Attend Democracy School.
This ratitorial recounts participating in a three day
symposium of the Daniel Pennock Democracy School
presented by Thomas Linzey and Richard Grossman.
It explored the systemic historical and legal analysis
of corporate power and democracy, and why democratic
self-government is impossible when corporations wield
constitutional rights against communities to deny the
rights of people. Many instances of grass roots programs
were presented that are altering this situation.
September 2004 equinox
Moving Toward Thinking "like a mountain" looks out beyond
the confrontation over corporate claims to constitutional
rights towards framing rights to include everything not
represented in our current structure and system of law. By
framing rights in terms that "the right to exist is innate
for the nonhuman world because it is grounded in the
universe, not in any act of human law," we can envision
and explore the dimension of being and belonging that
supersedes the human-centric universe we have fashioned
for ourselves in recent millennia.
September 2003 equinox
We're All In Prison, And Most Of Us Don't Know The Door Is
Unlocked considers how many illusions we began learning as
children condition our perceptions to collude in our own
social imprisonment. The door out of this prison is wide
open and most of us do not see it. Closely examining the
ways of our world and how it works will open the door to
our living more fully and creatively in the life of our
March 2003 equinox
Living On The Creative Edge shares moving into life with
Nina Vansuch and how we exist not for ourselves alone.
We are all part of a Great Conversation going on
throughout our universe. It for each of us to choose
how we participate in the specific ways we trust our
lives and our future.
september 2001 equinox
The New Myth For Our Species: The Creation of Consciousness
explores the the need in human society for a new central
living myth, grounded in the creation of more and more
consciousness. Such a new myth can serve to resurrect our
human family from the apparent ashes and darkness that, on
the manifest level, we appear to be evermore attracted
to. Instances of human activities are listed in the latter half
that signify experiences lived in awareness that augments the
sum total of consciousness in the uni verse. Such a fact
of the creation of more consciousness provides a tangible
"meaning for every experience and gives each individual
a role in the on-going world-drama of creation."
september 2000 equinox
Lessons at the Edge of the World describes recent inner
and outer events I felt were especially significant.
december 1999 solstice
Seattle Journal of November 26-December 3 recounts my
journey to learn from and participate in the workshops,
teach-ins, services, marches and rallies, as well as the
group mind I knew would be manifesting there.
september 1999 equinox
Four as a Symbol of Wholeness celebrates completion of ratical's fourth
revolution around SOL, four significant new additions, thoughts on Y2K
and manifesting psychic wholeness.
march 1999 equinox
Expanding the Song of Life outlines some of what
community currencies
offer in the area of building a sustainable civilization, the gift of
helping kids learn to play piano, and living life heroically.
december 1998 solstice
The Biological Debt We Are Accruing By Continuing The Development and
Promotion of Nuclear Power heralds the electronic availability of the
classic lay-person's primer,
Poisoned Power.
september 1998 equinox
3rd Revolution Shift marks the changing o' the guard from
to .org
. And we've decided
not to go for 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
june 1998 solstice
Planting Seeds of Transformation considers some of
the bountiful gifts life bestows upon us and how dynamics
of inner transformation provide ways to manifest
change within which, in turn, changes the world without.
march 1998 equinox
send e-mail to keep the pressure on officialdom.
december 1997 solstice
"Independent Watchdogs: An Antidote to Nuclear Pollution"
focuses on ways you can be a Common Sense Expert on behalf of the
health and well-being of your community and the world.
september 1997 equinox
vernal equinox, march 20, 1997
beaver moon, november 24, 1996
november's beaver or frosty full moon was the occasion for
The Six Nations,
Living Participatory Democracy on Earth.
september 22, 1996 equinox
observations on the occasion of the completion of rat haus reality's
1st revolution around SOL; feelings of blessing and excerpts of
Laurens van der Post .
september 19, 1996
approaching completion of rat haus reality's 1st year revolution
around SOL: bumpy traveling and preparation to pick up many
threads . . .
new moon, june 16, 1996
spring equinox, march 20, 1996