List of CNR Publications & Press
- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the
Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease:
Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population,
(1999, 699 pages -- updated:
December 21, 2015)
- Preventing Breast Cancer:
The Story Of A Major,
Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease,
(1996, 424 pages -- Complete:
April 5, 1998)
- Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose
Exposure: An Independent Analysis,
(1990, 480 pgs -- updated: March 12, 1998)
- Poisoned Power, The Case Against Nuclear Power
Plants Before and After Three Mile Island
(contents of the 1971+1979 printings --
December 16, 1998)
2008 :
2007 :
2004 :
2003 :
2002 :
2001 :
2000 :
- From XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project,
An educational project of the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility:
- Eight Key Points: Your Stake in
the Patients' Right-to-Know about X-Rays, December 7, 2000
- A Proposal for Radiologists: How a Specific Consultation Can Become a Major
Asset for the Practice and for the Community, October 2000
- Mammography and XaHP (the X-Rays and Health Project):
Is There Any Conflict? Four Brief Comments, October 2000
- Do X-Ray Practitioners Give Enough Attention to Minimizing
the Patients' X-Ray Dosage?
Some Opinions, Some Facts, September 2000
- How X-Ray Doses Vary
From One X-Ray Practitioner to Another:
Nationwide Surveys, September 2000
- Fear, and the Patients' Right-to-Know:
The Viewpoint
of an Influential Radiologist,
Deserving a Public Response, September 2000
- A Patient's Guide, When
X-Rays Are Proposed, September 2000
- Making the Bay Area a Model for California and the Nation:
A Guaranteed Way to Reduce Future Cancer-Rates, Fall 2000
- X-Rays: The Fallacy of the "Day in the Sun" Comparison, February 28, 2000
- A New, Low-Cost Way to Shake a Mistaken Mindset, April 2, 2000
- Preventing an Exercise in Self-Defeat:
Relevance of Medical Radiation to Nuclear Pollution, April 2000
- Additional Materials Related to Radiation from Medical
Procedures (RAMP) :
- One Easy and
Important Step You Can Take
Toward Avoiding Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease: An Affordable Summary of New Evidence about X-Rays, February 2000
- Are X-Ray Procedures Equivalent, in
Extra Radiation Dose,
To Taking an Airplane Trip?, February 28, 2000
- What Is an "Entrance Dose" of X-Rays?, February 2000
- RAMP Addition-1: "Expectations", February 19, 2000
- RAMP Addition-2: "Causation", February 25, 2000
- RAMP Addition-3: "Atherogenic Mutations",
March 9, 2000
1999 :
1998 :
- CNR Renewal Request, Fall 1998
- "Asleep at the Wheel": The Special Menace
Inherited Afflictions from Ionizing Radiation,
Fall 1998
- The Fission-Product Equivalence
Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Weapons, Fall 1998
Adapted from Vol.117, No. 105, July 8, 1971,
of the Congressional Record
- Comments on Extremely Low Frequency
Electric and Magnetic Fields, October 2, 1998
- Mammography: An Individual's
Estimated Risk that the
Itself Will Cause Radiation-Induced Breast Cancer, June 9, 1998
- Confirmation that Ionizing Radiation Can
Induce Genomic Instability:
What is Genomic Instability, and Why Is It
So Important?, Spring 1998
1997 :
- Reject the Policy of Putting Radioactive Scrap-Metal into Commerce, December 1, 1997
- Cassini Fly-By: Will the "Ceramic"
Plutonium Still Be a Cohesive Solid,
or Will Its Self-Irradiation Have Made It Very Fragile?,
An Open Inquiry to NASA and DOE, October 23, 1997
- The Following 3 Pieces Together Comprise The Fall '97 mailing:
- Need for "Adversary Science" -- the
Cassini Example
- Solar-Energy Update: Good News
about Solar Energy & Energy-Efficiency
- Corrections of Frontline's
"Nuclear Reaction"
- The Free-Radical Fallacy about Ionizing
Demonstration That a Popular Claim Is Senseless, October 1997
- A Wake-Up Call for Everyone Who
Dislikes Cancer and Inherited Afflictions, Spring 1997
- Letter of Protest to KQED President
broadcasting Frontline's "Nuclear Reaction",
April 25, 1997
- Supporting files to the Preventing Breast
Cancer book:
1996 :
1995 :
1994 :
1993 :
1992 :
1991 :
1990 :
1989 :
1988 :
1986 :
- Assessing Chernobyl's Cancer Consequences:
Application of Four "Laws" of Radiation Carcinogenesis
The American Chemical Society
Symposium On Low-Level Radiation,
Division of Chemical Health and Safety,
September 9, 1986
1981 :
1980 :
1979 :
- Nuclear Power: A Suggestion For Insuring The Uninsurable...
A New Kind of “Direct Action”,
September 23, 1979
1978 :
- A Small Affidavit with Big Implications
June 5, 1978
- CNR Publication List: Sep 1978
1977 :
- Testimony by John W. Gofman for the NRC GESMO Hearings
addresses the considerations of the toxicity of plutonium
February 21, 1977
- Letter to James Schlesinger on National Energy Policy Recommendations
March 17, 1977
- Gross Energy Available through Light Water Reactors
C.N.R. Report 1977-2
text), May 1977
- Jimmy Carter's Energy Plan: Myths vs. Realities
by John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor
- Part I: Solar Energy
text), CNR Report 1977-3, June 6, 1977
- Part II: Energy Conservation
text), CNR Report 1977-4, June 6, 1977
- Part III: Nuclear Fission
text), CNR Report 1977-5, June 6, 1977
1975 :
The Cancer Hazard from Inhaled Plutonium
CNR Report 1975-1 - R, May 14, 1975
- Estimated Production of Human Lung Cancers
by Plutonium
from Worldwide Fallout
CNR Report 1975-2, July 10, 1975
1972 :
1971 :
- Epidemiologic Studies of Carcinogenesis By Ionizing Radiation
by John W. Gofman and Arthur R. Tamplin,
Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on
Mathematical Statistics and Probability, July 20, 1971
1969-70 :
- Dr. Gofman debates Edward Teller:
Nuclear Plants – Forum and Againstum, Central Coast Times, The day the experts came to town, Number 63, 23 October 1975
Original Copy, Central Coast Times, plus raw auto-generated Text
Teller-Gofman debate stirs crowd of 4,000, Bob Anderson, San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune, 18 October 1975
- The Patient's Right-To-Know,
June 2000 Interview With Dr. John Gofman from The Women's Menopausal Network
- Human
Oral Histories: Dr. John
W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., DOE, December 20, 1994
- Gofman on the health effects of radiation:
‘There is no safe threshold’, and
`Challenging The Nuclear
2-part interview in UCSF's synapse, January 1994
- A Conversation with John
Gofman, Ph.D. '43, California Monthly, April 1993
- The Plowboy Interview: Dr. John
W. Gofman, Nuclear And Antinuclear Scientist, March 1981
- Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John W. Gofman,
M.D., Ph.D.
Also on ratical, see: