John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D.
and Arthur R. Tamplin, Ph.D.
Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa.
Presented here, in both hypertext and
ASCII text
formats, is a combination of the 1971 and 1979 editions of
Poisoned Power since they are not identical. The
differences in the 1979 reprint are the following:
- Appendices II,
III, and IV
were not included
- Appendix VII,
"Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States"
was updated
- Chapter Nine's graphic, "Nuclear
Power Plants in the United States", was updated to match
Appendix VII (as well it's first sentence)
- an additional Foreward was
written to augment the text with information on Three Mile
Island and challenge the continuing "Safe and Clean"
nuclear industry propaganda, largely paid for
with tax dollars.
Appendices II-IV of the 1971 version have historical value
for their significance of holding people accountable. The
benefit in demonstrating that facts and insights of 1971
do not automatically become obsolete.
ISBN 0-87857-004-7
Copyright © 1971, 1979 by John W. Gofman and Arthur R. Tamplin
Permission is granted for downloading, copying, and distribution all
or parts of this book, provided that the text and drawings are
reproduced without any alterations.
Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing
a high percentage of de-inked fiber.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Gofman, John William
Poisoned Power,
Includes biographical references and index.
1. Atomic power-plants—Environmental Aspects.
2. Radioactive pollution. I. Tamplin, Arthur R.,
joint author. II. Title.
TD195.E4G63 1979
333.7 79-16781
ISBN 0-87857-288-0
4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3
( Expanded ToC )
List Of Figures
link to location of image in text
figure 1
Vertical cross-section of a pressurized-water nuclear reactor
figure 2
Liquid Metal Fast Breeder/Pressurized Water Reactor diagrams
figure 3
A fission reaction
figure 4
rat exposed to single dose of beta rays
figure 5
small doses of x-ray exposure over 15 years to hand of physician
figure 6
2 cell cultures: left unexposed, right exposed to ionizing radiation
figure 7
human chromosomes diagrams, cell division to each daughter cell
figure 8
human chromosomes in cell damaged by gamma ray radiation
figure 9
Radiation Hazard graphic
figure 10
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
figure 10
(smaller, inlined version)
figure 11
electric power industry advertisement promoting increased consumption of electricity
figure 11
(smaller, inlined version) "Flameless electric heat is pure fresh, so clean, so right for your family"
figure 12
AEC/electric power industry spend millions promoting the idea that atomic energy is safe and clean
figure 12
(smaller, inlined version) "Go play in the nuclear power park"
figure 13
Nuclear Power Plants in the United States as of December 31, 1978
figure 14
electric power lines/towers, `cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky'
figure 15
To Our Patients; Santa Cruz Physicians ad opposing power plant construction
figure 15
(smaller, inlined version)