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[This Index comes from the 1979 edition (the 1971 book did not have one). In lieu of linking each Index page number, the 2nd edition's ToC page numbers are included to facilitate cross-referencing. Although not re-printed in the 1979 edition, Appendices II-IV have important historical value in terms of holding people accountable by name. --ratitor]
  Foreward to the 1979 Printing vii
  Foreword, by Mike Gravel, U.S. Senator from Alaska xxv
  Introduction : The Nuclear Juggernaut 1
1   Nuclear Reactors to Generate Electricity 18
2   How Radiation from Atomic Energy Programs Gets to You--What it Does to You 28
3   How Radiation Produces Disease and Hereditary Alterations 45
4   Is Any Radiation "Safe"? 73
5   Promises, Promises 107
6   How Safe Are Nuclear Reactors? 131
7   Nuclear Electricity and The Citizen's Rights 153
8   The Nuclear Legacy--Radioactive Wastes and Plutonium 171
9   Alternatives Available to Us 186
10   What Can Citizens Do About Nuclear Electricity? 211
11   Must We Hold Out for The "Cold Corpses"? 227
12   Toward An Adversary System of Scientific Inquiry 249
13   The Ultimate Issue--Conversion or Ecocide 257
  Appendix I : Nuclear Power Questions and Answers 272
  Appendix II : Moratorium Activists  
  Appendix III : Atomic Safety and Licensing Board  
  Appendix IV : Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards  
  Appendix V : When Experts Disagree, Which Ones Shall We Believe? 319
  Appendix VI : Nuclear Power and Alternatives 326
  Appendix VII : Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States 339

Abelson. Philip H., 196, 205
Abrahamson, Dean, 198
Accidents, in reactors, 21, 25-26, 143-52
Ackerman, Adolph, 143-44
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, 1
Age, radiation sensitivity and, 39-41
Alpha particles, 29, 41-43, 46
Aluminum industry
    electricity use of, 198
    recycling by, 199-200
Animals, radiation in, 120-22
Atherosclerosis, as hereditary disease, 69-70
Atomic Energy Commission
    on alpha particles, 42
    creation of, 107-8 
    Licensing Boards, 9, 214
    members of, 11
    on pollution levels, 91-92, 115, 118
    responsibility of, 76
    studies commissioned by, 6, 77

Bagge, Carl E., 191-93, 202-4
Beta rays, 33, 45-46
Blood cancer. See Leukemia
Bombs, 181-85
Bomb tests, radiation from, 111
Bond, Victor, 126-27
Brain cancer, 56
Breast cancer, 56
Breeder reactors, 23-26
    accidents in, 147-52
Brown, Howard, 166-68
By-products, of fission, 108-9, 110

Cancer, 39, 49-50
    alpha particles and, 42
    cell mutation and, 55-60
    deaths in U.S., 94, 115
    of fetus, 39-40
    latency period of, 49, 95-96
    at legal dosage levels, 79, 228, 273
Centromere, of chromosome, 52 
Cesium-137, 35, 110-11
    in contaminated fish, 36, 121 -22
    in milk, 121
Chemical groups, 35-36
Children, radiation sensitivity of, 40
Chromosomes, 51-55, 56-58
Citizen groups, 9, 211-26
    Q&A's for, 272-3 18, 327-38
    of public officials, 239-40
    of AEC, 107-8, 262
Control rods, in reactor, 22
Core, of reactor, 20-22
Costs, of nuclear electricity, 19
Critical mass, of reactor core, 22
Cystic fibrosis, as hereditary disease, 68

Deaths, from cancer, 94
    per legal dosage levels, 115, 242-44
Diabetes mellitus, as hereditary disease, 69
DNA, role in body, 52
Draeger, Frederick, 86

Economics, 258-63
    radiation pollution and, 59-60
Egeberg, Roger, 87-88
Electricity, use of, in U.S., 154, 190
Embryo. See Fetus
Emissions. See Pollution; Standards
Energy, from nuclear reactors, 28-29
Energy efficiency, importance of, 206-10
Epler, E.P., 149
Explosion, of reactor, 21, 25-26, 152

Federal Power Commission, 191
Federal Radiation Council, 78, 85-90
Fermi nuclear plant, 1-2, 152
Fetus, radiation sensitivity of, 39-40, 93, 117
Fish, contamination of, 36
Fission, description of, 20
Fission fragments, 29-30
Food chain, radiation concentrated in, 120-22
Fossil fuels, burning of, 18, 202-4, 299-300
Fuel rods, 141

Galactosernia, as hereditary disease, 68
Gamma rays, 31, 33, 46 
Geesaman, Donald, 179
Genes, role in body, 52
Genetic injury, 38, 51-71
    at legal dosage limits, 228
Geothermal energy, 206

Half-life, 29, 109
    of Cs-137, 37
    importance of, 36-38
    of Pu-239, 43, 178
    of Sr-90, 36
    of U-235, 29
Hearings, public, 213-14
    in Pennsylvania, 217
Heart disease, as hereditary disease, 69-70
Hemophilia, as hereditary disease, 68
Hendrie, Joseph, 146, 148
Hereditary disease, 68-70
Hiroshima, 40, 50, 236
Holifield, Chet, 11, 81-84, 128-29
Hosmer, Craig, 133, 183-84
Hot particles, 42-43

Indian Point reactor, 150
Insurance industry, 13-14
    nuclear exclusion by, 157-59
International Commission on Radiological Protection, 234-35
Iodine, 34
Iodine-131, 31, 34
Ionizing radiation, description of, 45-46

Johnson, Wilfrid, 139-40
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 11, 81,89-90
Jordan, Walter, 143, 245-46

LaCrosse reactor, 150
Latency period. 49, 95-96
Lederberg, Joshua, 58, 67, 101, 116
Leukemia, 56, 236-37
    fetus and, 39-40
    latency period of, 49, 50, 96
Licensing Boards, of AEC, 9, 214 
Lilienthal, David, 26
Lithium, 35
Lung cancer, 42
    plutonium and, 179
Lymph cancer, 39

Maximum Permissible Concentrations, of radiation, 120-22
Millirad, 44
Minnesota, emission standards of, 133
Moratorium, on new plants, 211-26
    deletion, 55
    point, 52
    rate of, 101-3

National Committee on Radiation
	Protection, 99-104 passim
Nine-Mile Point reactor, 150
Novick, Sheldon, 151-52
Nuclear power, costs of, 19
Nuclides. See also Radionuclides definition of, 30

Oak Ridge Research Reactor, 149
Ova. See Reproductive organs
Oyster Creek reactor, 150

Pauling, Linus, 79, 115, 244
Phenylketonuria, as hereditary disease, 68
Plants, radiation concentrated in, 120-22
Plutonium-239, 24-25, 42-43, 178-81
    half-life of, 43, 178
    use in bombs, 181-85
Point mutation. See Mutation
Pollution, radiation, 59-60
    safety of, 73-105
    standards for. See Standards
Potassium, 35-36
Pregnancy, radiation exposure during, 41. See also Fetus
Price-Anderson Act, 14, 159-62, 296-98.
  See also Insurance industry

Rad, 32
Radiation concentrated in food chain, 210-21
    concentrated in organs, 34-35 
    effect on tissue, 31-43, 45-49
    external vs. internal, 32-34 
    genetic injuries from, 51 -71
    half-life of, 29, 36-38
    ionizing, 45-46 
    legal dosage limit, 78, 85, 272
    natural, 60-62, 277-81
Radionuclides, 30-31
    inhalation of, 42
Reactors, 18-27
    accidents, in, 21, 25-26, 143-52
    breeder, 23-26, 147-52
    designs of, 19-20
    safety of, 131-52, 292-95
    water-moderated, 20-22, 24, 141, 146-47
Referendum, voter, 217-18
Rem, 44
Reprocessing, of fuel, 110, 172-74
Reproductive organs, 38, 56-57
Rex, Robert, 206
Rheumatoid arthritis, as hereditary disease, 69
Roentgen, 44
Rubidium, 35

Safety, of allowable pollution levels, 73-105
Schizophrenia, as hereditary disease, 69
Seaborg, Glenn, 7, 262
Sicklecell anemia, as hereditary disease, 68
Skin cancer, 42
Sodium, 35
    use to cool reactor, 25
Solar energy, 205-6, 209
Sperm. See Reproductive organs
Sporn, Philip, 186-87
Squires, Arthur M., 204
Standards, of radiation pollution, 59-60, 78, 272-77
    of Minnesota, 133
    safety of, 73-105
Stearn, energy from, 206
Sterility, 64
Stewart, Alice, 39, 93, 117
Strauss, Lewis, 1
Strontium-90, 110-11
    half-life of, 36, 111
    inadequacies of, 97-99, 249-56
    suppression of, 6-8, 77
Supreme Court, 2

Tarapur reactor, 150
Tax money, used to promote nuclear electricity, 156
Teller, Edward, 2-3, 145, 151
Temperature, of reactor, 25
Thompson, Theos, 91, 123, 125
Thyroid cancer, 55
    latency period of, 49
Thyroid gland, 34
Tin-123, 31
Tissue, effect of radiation on, 31-43, 45-49
Tompkins, Paul, 89-90, 99-100, 125

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects
  of Atomic Radiation, 66-67, 101
    decay of, 29
    fissioning of, 32
    mining of, 42
Uranium-235, 23-24
    fissioning of, 30
    half-life, 29
Uranium-238, 24
Utility companies, 12

Wastes, 19, 108, 171-85. See also Pollution
    contamination of, 141
    use to cool reactor, 20-22, 24
Watson, James D., 117
West Valley reprocessing plant, 172-74

X-rays, 33, 46
    medical, 41, 92

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