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Mission Statement of the
Committee forNuclear Responsibility (CNR)
709 Tall Oak Trail
Seneca, South Carolina, 29678, U.S.A.
Internet: https://ratical.org/radiation/CNR/
- CNR is a non-profit educational group, organized in 1971 to provide independent analyses of sources and health effects of xrays and other ionizing radiations. The work is supported by donations; logo by Malcolm Hancock.
- Xrays. Radiation, ionizing. Cancer, prevention. Nuclear power. Nuclear waste. Chernobyl. Threshold doses, mutagens. Whistleblowing. Breast cancer. Thyroid cancer. Hormesis. Hiroshima-Nagasaki, health consequences. Birth defects.
- One of our publications: Answers to 10 of the most frequently asked questions about radiation health-effects.
- One of CNR's priorities is to make actual progress in preventing cancer, by helping other groups and individuals to eliminate the careless xray overdosing which occurs today in medicine. Xray dosage can be cut in half (or more) without interfering with good diagnostic information. CNR supplies the evidence for such action, and regards "getting the job done" as an ethical imperative --- because every action which reduces unnecessary irradiation is guaranteed to prevent a share of future cancers which would otherwise occur.
- A second function of CNR is helping other groups and individuals to prevent additional nuclear pollution of the planet. The importance of such prevention is supported by CNR's detailed proof that there is no safe dose (threshold dose) of ionizing radiation with respect to causing mutations and human cancer.
- The real reason for our existence is to counter the unrealistic information provided by some other sources.
- Radiation from xrays, nuclear pollution, and other sources of ionizing radiation, can injure our genetic molecules --- DNA and chromosomes. Radiation-induced damage cannot always be successfully repaired by our cells because damage from ionizing radiation can be especially complex. Cancer and inherited afflictions are caused by damaged genetic molecules. Ionizing radiation is a proven cause of human cancer. None of this is in dispute, none of this is speculative.
- Nevertheless, exposure to ionizing radiation is seldom listed as a "risk factor" for cancer and inherited problems --even though it may well be the single most important cause to which everyone is exposed. Today, the largest sources of willful radiation exposure are diagnostic medical irradiation and work-related doses. In the future, nuclear pollution may exceed those sources, if citizens become lazy watchdogs.
- The powerful medical and nuclear industries do not educate people realistically, in our opinion, about the aggregate consequences of 200 million xray procedures per year in the USA, and about the aggregate consequences of low-level nuclear pollution. The tobacco industry was not the leader in warning people about the health consequences of smoking, either.
- CNR produces short (4-page) non-technical and technical papers, and scholarly but comprehensible books. We are especially active in supplying teachers, students, medical patients, libraries, and other reseachers. We would be pleased to help you, too. At http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/ Internet users can find the texts of some short papers plus the text of many chapters from two of CNR's recent books at no charge:
- Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent Analysis. 1990, by John W. Gofman. 480 pages. $29.95. CNR Books. ISBN 0-932682-89-8. Library of Congress 89-62431. This book was reviewed as "excellent" in the New England Journal of Medicine, Feb. 14, 1991 (Vol.324, No.7: pp.497-498), and was also recommended for public and academic libraries by Choice, a review journal of the American Library Association (January 1991). This book includes the disproof of any threshold dose of ionizing radiation with respect to cancer-induction and mutagenesis. Also it covers induction of thyroid cancer by radio-iodine, Chernobyl-induced cancer, the A-Bomb Survivor Study, retroactive alteration of databases, variable latency periods, and the fallacy of hormesis.
- Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease. 2nd Edition. April 1996, by John W. Gofman. 422 pages. $17.00. CNR Books. ISBN 0-932682-96-0. Library of Congress 96-2453. The first edition of this book was "highly recommended" by the Library Journal (August 1995), and the journal Choice (December 1995) recommended it for both college and professional libraries. This book shows the basis for estimating that 75 percent of current breast-cancer in the USA is due to earlier medical irradiation; it quotes 1993 and 1995 admissions by the radiation establishment that no threshold-dose exists; and it provides the evidence that current xray dosage could be cut in half (or more).
- John William Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley. He shares patents on the fissionability of uranium-233 and on early processes for separating plutonium from fission products; he led the team which discovered and characterized the diverse lipoproteins so important in the causation of heart disease; in 1963, he established the Biomedical Research Division for the Livermore National Laboratory, where he was on the cutting edge of research into the connection between chromosomal abnormalities and cancer.
- In 1970, when he and Dr. Arthur Tamplin found that radiation was far more carcinogenic than admitted by the Atomic Energy Commission, they publicly advocated a 5-year pause in licensing additional nuclear power plants --- and they lost their research grants as a consequence. Dr. Gofman has written five scholarly books on the health effects of radiation exposure, and a sixth is in preparation for 1997 publication. In 1992, he shared the Right Livelihood Award ("the alternate Nobel Prize") for "his pioneering work in exposing the health effects of low-level radiation."
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