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Native American Political Systems
and the Evolution of Democracy:

An Annotated Bibliography

Bruce E. Johansen
Professor of Communication and
Native American Studies
University of Nebraska at Omaha


Books, Scholarly, and Specialty Journals

(*) __________. "Iroquois Women and the Early Suffragists [is] Topic Selected for Stanton Tea Presentation." Elizabeth Cady Stanton Foundation [Newsletter, Seneca Falls, N.Y.], Autumn, 1991, n.p.

Berger, Thomas R. A Long and Terrible Shadow: White Values, Native Rights in the Americas, 1492-1992. Vancouver, B.C.: Douglas & MacIntyre, 1991.

(*) Davidson, James W., and Michael B. Stoff. The American Nation. (Engelwood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995. (*) Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic. "Norms and Narratives: Can Judges Avoid Serious Moral Error?" Texas Law Review 69 (June, 1991), p. 1929.

D'Souza, Dinesh. Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus. New York: The Free Press, 1991.

Foner, Eric and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader's Companion to American History. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1991.

Grinde and Johansen. Exemplar of Liberty: Native America and the Evolution of Democracy. Los Angeles: UCLA American Indian Studies Center.

Hunter, Robert and Robert Calihoo. Occupied Canada: A Young White Man Discovers His Unsuspected Past. McClelland and Stewart, 1991.

Jacobs, Renee. "The Iroquois Great Law of Peace and the U.S. Constitution: How the Founding Fathers Ignored the Clan Mothers." American Indian Law Review. 16 (1991):497-531.

Jensen, Erik M. "The Imaginary Connection Between the Great Law of Peace and the United States Constitution: A Reply to Professor Schaaf," American Indian Law Review 15:2 (1991), pp. 295-308.

See also: Schaaf, Gregory. "From the Great Law of Peace to the Constitution of the United States: A Revision of America's Democratic Roots." American Indian Law Review 14 (1989).

Johansen. "Back to the Future." Native Nations 1:4(1990), pp. 16-17, 32.

Johansen. "Native American Societies and the Evolution of Political Thought in the United States." Akwesasne Notes 22:5 (December-January, 1990-91), pp. 7-9.

Johansen. "Native American Roots for Freedom of Expression as a Form of Liberty." Journal of Communication Inquiry, 15:2(Summer, 1991), pp. 48-69.

Mander, Jerry. In the Absence of the Sacred. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1991.

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. The American Indian. New York: Chelsea House, 1991.

(*) Newman, Frank C. "The Randolph W. Thrower Symposium: Comparative Constitutionalism...." Emory Law Journal 40 (Summer, 1991), p. 731.

(*) Worthen, Kevin J. "Essay: Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Potential Normative Power of American Cities and Indian Tribes." Vanderbilt Law Review 44 (November, 1991), p. 1273.

Newspapers and Magazines

Asimov, Nanette. "Multicultural Approach: History Rewritten for the New School Year," San Francisco Chronicle, September 3, 1991, p. A-1.

Brett, Brian. Our History From a Native Point of View..." Vancouver Sun, August 17, 1991, p. D-19.

Cronin, Mary Elizabeth. "Indian Influence on U.S. Founders." Seattle Times, May 17, 1991, p. B-2.

Doyle, Leonard. "American War of Interdependence Breaks Out." The Independent [London], June 22, 1991, p. 1.

D'Souza, Dinesh. "The Visigoths in Tweed." Forbes [Cover Story, April 1, 1991, p. 81.

George, Douglas M. (Kanentiio). "Dancing With Myths." Washington Post, April 13, 1991, p. A-17.

Grenier, Richard. "Revisionists Adrift in a Sea of Ignorance." Washington Times, November 15, 1991, p. F-3.

Hilderbrand, John. "Rewriting History? School Panel Wrestles With Curriculum." Newsday, June 18, 1991, p. 5.

Hildebrand, John. "Iroquois Stake Claim to Constitution." Newsday, June 18, 1991.

Holt, Patricia. "Technology on Trial..." [Review of Mander, In the Absence of the Sacred] San Francisco Chronicle, November 17, 1991, p. 1 [Sunday Review].

Holt, Patricia. "Indian Influences at America's Core." [Review of Weatherford, Native Roots] San Francisco Chronicle, December 25, 1991, p. E-8 [Books].

Hopkins, Anne and Daniel S. Levy, "Upside Down in the Groves of Academe." Time, April 1, 1991, pp. 66-69.

Johansen. "The Search Goes on in America for Complete, Credible History." Omaha World-Herald, November 6, 1991, p. 27.

Johnson, Christine. "Johansen's Book Credits Native Americans." University of Nebraska at Omaha Gateway, April 9, 1991, p. 10.

Kaminski, John. "U.S., Soviet Constitutions Stolen From the Iroquois: But Our Founding Fathers, Engels Bungled the Theft." The New England Pilgrim, 1:1(December, 1991), pp. 1, 8-9.

(*) Koehler, Robert. "Moyers Explores Spirit of Indian Faith Keeper." Los Angeles Times, July 8, 1991, p. F-9.

Lord, Lewis and Sarah Burke. "America Before Columbus." U.S. News & World Report, July 8, 1991, p. 2.

Maracle, Brian. "Native History Uneasily Packages Two Books As One." Montreal Gazette, July 27, 1991, p. J-1.

(*) Pierre, Henri. "L'offensive de la 'Afrocentrisme...'" Le Monde (Paris), March 7, 1991, n.p.

Reich, Ernest J. "'Politically Correcting' History is Bad." [Letter to the editor] Orlando Sentinel-Tribune, September 13, 1991, p. A-18.

Rohn, Elizabeth J. "Anti-Columbus Protestors Ignore Iroquois' Wishes." [Letter to the editor] Washington Times, October 25, 1991, p. F-2.

Russell, George. "Reading, Writing -- and Iroquois Politics." Time, November 11, 1991, pp. 20-22.

Seneca, Martin W. "Adrift in a Sea of Ignorance? Indians Deserve the Last Word." Washington Times, November 24, 1991, p. B-5.

Starna, William A. "Iroquois Constitutional Influence?" Letter to the Editor, Time, December 2, 1991, p. 10.

Stewart, Edison. "Grant Natives 'Real Power,' Clark Says." Toronto Star, September 10, 1991, p. A-13.

Weatherford, Jack. "A Year to Discover Rich History of the Very First Americans." Minneapolis Star-Tribune, October 13, 1991, p. 21-A.

Will, George. "Therapeutic History is Snake Oil," syndicated column [Washington Post Writers Group] in Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 14, 1991.

Witham, Larry. "Indians' Political Muscle Flexed Over Past 20 Years." Washington Times, July 23, 1991, p. A-5.

Wisneski, Richard. "Indian Says Environment Important Heritage." Plattsburgh Press-Republican, n.d.

Other Items

  1. Jan Maher and Doug Selwyn, Native Americans: Grades 3 and 4. Seattle: Turman Publishing, 1991. Pages 15-16 discuss the Iroquois Great Law of Peace, Benjamin Franklin, and the writing of the Constitution. This is an elementary school workbook.

  2. Letter, John H. Elovson to John Kahionhes Fadden, July 23, 1991. "AND Communications, Inc. is an interactive multimedia production company currently producing an educational project on various literary forms entitled 'The Classics Series' for IBM."...for 9th through 12th grade use. One section of this series, "1744-1783, The Iroquois and Democracy," says "There is strong evidence that the Founding Fathers of the United States partly based our government on democratic ideas they got from the Iroquois Indians." Text mentions Cannassatego's 1744 speech, Franklin's Albany Plan, Jefferson, Paine, etc.

  3. Announcement of Exemplar of Liberty in newsletter of the Nebraska State Council for the Social Studies, May 5, 1991. Published in Omaha, NE.

  4. Advertising flier for Exemplar of Liberty, composed and designed by Johansen.

  5. Letter to Johansen from Nick Hart-Williams of Nexus Television Ltd., London, England, proposing a television series on the history of the Iroquois. June 11, 1991.

  6. Correspondence between Johansen and George Cahill, president of the National Flag Foundation, regarding design of an exhibit on the Iroquois for the National Flag Pavilion, Pittsburgh.

  7. John Kahionhes Fadden [illustrator] and Johansen. "A Mohawk Field Expedition Into Anthrolandia." Omaha, NE, 1991. This spoof of anthropologists and "experts" in Indian country was produced on office machines by Johansen, using Fadden's artwork from the files of Akwesasne Notes.

  8. Letter, Valerie Jackson Bell, curator, Onondaga County [New York] Parks, to John Kahionhes Fadden, April 5, 1991. Bell requests the use of one of Fadden's paintings [The cover illustration of Barreiro, ed., Indian Roots of American Democracy, 1988] for a museum exhibit to observe "the concept of the Confederacy and the development of the American States."

  9. Letter from Native American Indian Cultural Awareness Group, Truth in Peoples' History, "and other residents of Onondaga County [New York] and the City of Syracuse," to County Executive Nicholas Pirro and Mayor of Syracuse, Thomas Young, "as per your request for reasons as to why the weekend of October 11-14, 1991 should be designated and proclaimed Native American Cultural Awareness Weekend." The letter lists intellectual contributions of American Indians to general American conceptions of freedom, contending that "Democracy in its purest form flourished in America, especially among the Iroquois nations." The letter is dated September 23, 1991.

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