Radioactive Particles and Living Cells: Penetration Power
Radioactive fission products, whether they are biochemically inert or
biochemically active, can do biological damage when either outside
the body or within.
and gamma rays are photons, i.e. high-energy light-waves. When
emitted by a source, for example, radium or cobalt, located
outside the body, they easily pass through the body, hence they are
usually called penetrating radiation. The familiar lead apron provided
for patients in some medical procedures stops X-rays from reaching
reproductive organs. A thick lead barrier or wall is used to protect the
X-ray technician. Because X-rays are penetrating, they can be used in
diagnostic medicine to image human bones or human organs made
opaque by a dye. These internal body parts are differentially
penetrable. Where bones absorb the energy, no X-rays hit the sensitive
X-ray film, giving a contrast to form the picture of the bones on the
radiation-sensitive X-ray plate. High-energy gamma rays, which easily
penetrate bone, would be unsuitable for such medical usage because
the film would be uniformly exposed. In photography jargon, the
picture would be a
`white out' with no contrasts. No radiation remains in the body after an
X-ray picture is taken. It is like light passing through a window. The
damage it may have caused on the way through, however, remains.
radioactive substances give off beta particles, or electrons,
as they release energy and seek a stable atomic state. These are
small negatively charged particles which can penetrate skin but
cannot penetrate through the whole body as do X-rays and gamma
Microscopic nuclear explosions of some radioactive chemicals
release high-energy alpha particles. An alpha particle, the nucleus of
a helium atom, is a positively charged particle. It is larger in size than
a beta particle, like a cannon-ball relative to a bullet, having
correspondingly less penetrating power but more impact. Alpha
particles can be stopped by human skin, but they may damage the
skin in the process. Both alpha and beta particles penetrate cell
membranes more easily than they penetrate skin. Hence ingesting,
inhaling or absorbing radioactive chemicals capable of emitting alpha
or beta particles and thereby placing them inside delicate body parts
such as the lungs, heart, brain or kidneys, always poses serious threats
to human health.[3]
Plutonium is an alpha emitter, and
no quantity inhaled has been found to be too small to induce lung
cancer in animals.
skin, of course, can stop alpha or beta radiation inside the body
tissue from escaping outwards and damaging, for example, a baby one
is holding or another person sitting nearby. Also, it is impossible to
detect these particles with most whole body `counters' such as are
used in hospitals and nuclear installations. These counters can only
detect X-rays and gamma rays emitted from within the body.
a uranium atom also releases neutrons, which act like
microscopically small bullets. Neutrons are about one-fourth the size
of alpha particles and have almost 2,000 times the mass of an
electron. If there are other fissionable atoms nearby (uranium 235 or
plutonium 239, for example) these neutron projectiles may strike
them, causing them to split and to release more neutrons. This is the
familiar chain reaction. It takes place spontaneously when fissionable
material is sufficiently concentrated, i.e. forms a critical mass. In a
typical atomic bomb the fissioning is very rapid. In a nuclear reactor,
water, gas or the control rods function to slow down or to absorb
neutrons and control the chain reaction.
escaping from the fission reaction can penetrate the
human body. They are among the most biologically destructive ot the
fission products. They have a short range, however, and in the
absence of fissionable material they will quickly be absorbed by
non-radioactive materials. Some of these latter become radioactive in the
process, as was noted earlier, and are called activation products.