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Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease
Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population

Orientation, Materials, Methods

         Introduction ...........................................................................   1
         Abstract ...............................................................................   5
Chap.1	 Executive Summary of This Book .........................................................   7
     2 	 Pre-1960 and Post-1960 Uses of Medical Radiation, and Its Carcinogenic Action ..........  27
     3 	 PhysPops --- The Doses in Some Massive Studies of Dose-Response ........................  53
     4 	 Mortality Rates --- The Responses in the Dose-Response Studies .........................  77
     5 	 Dose-Response, Linear Regression, and Some Other Key Concepts in Our Analyses ..........  89

Cancer Mortality:  Evidence that Medical Radiation Became a Principal Cause by 1940

     6   All-Cancers-Combined, Males:  Relation with Medical Radiation .......................... 107
     7   All-Cancers-Combined, Females:  Relation with Medical Radiation ........................ 119
     8   Breast Cancer, Females ................................................................. 125
     9   Digestive-System Cancers, Males ........................................................ 131
    10   Digestive-System Cancers, Females ...................................................... 137
    11   Urinary-System Cancers, Males .......................................................... 143
    12   Urinary-System Cancers, Females ........................................................ 149
    13   Genital Cancers, Males ................................................................. 155
    14   Genital Cancers, Females ............................................................... 161
    15   Buccal-Cavity & Pharynx Cancers, Males ................................................. 169
    16   Respiratory-System Cancers, Males ...................................................... 175
    17   Respiratory-System Cancers, Females .................................................... 181
    18   "Difference" Cancers (All-minus-Respiratory), Males .................................... 187
    19   "Difference" Cancers (All-minus-Respiratory), Females .................................. 193
    20   All-Cancer-Except-Genital-Cancer ....................................................... 199
    21   All-Cancer Except (Genital + Respiratory) .............................................. 205
    22   Summarized Results of Chapters 6 - 21, and Discussion .................................. 209

NonCancer NonIHD Mortality:  Inverse Dose-Response with Medical Radiation

    23   All Causes of Death Combined:  Relation with Medical Radiation ......................... 223
    24   All Causes of Death Except Cancer ...................................................... 229
    25   All Causes of Death Except (Cancer + Ischemic Heart Disease) ........................... 233
    26   Appendicitis, Deaths ................................................................... 238
    27   CNS Vascular-Lesions (Strokes), Deaths ................................................. 241
    28   Chronic Nephritis, Deaths .............................................................. 244
    29   Diabetes Mellitus, Deaths .............................................................. 247
    30   Hypertensive Disease, Deaths ........................................................... 250
    31   Influenza and Pneumonia, Deaths ........................................................ 253
    32   Fatal Motor-Vehicle Accidents .......................................................... 256
    33   Other Fatal Accidents .................................................................. 259
    34   Rheumatic Fever & Rheumatic Heart Disease .............................................. 262
    35   Syphilis and Sequelae, Deaths .......................................................... 265
    36   Tuberculosis, Deaths ................................................................... 267
    37   Ulcer of Stomach and Duodenum, Deaths .................................................. 270
    38   Summary on NonCancer NonIHD Results:  Facts "Demanding" an Explanation ................. 272

Ischemic Heart Disease:  Evidence that Medical Radiation Became an Important Cause by 1950

    39  Ischemic Heart Disease:  Medical Radiation as a Cause ................................... 275
    40 	IHD in Males:  The Dose-Response between Medical Radiation and IHD ...................... 279
    41 	IHD in Females:  The Dose-Response between Medical Radiation and IHD .................... 289
    42 	Similarities in the IHD and Cancer Findings:  Tumors in Both Diseases? .................. 295
    43 	Nature of Atherosclerotic Lesions Underlying IHD ........................................ 299
    44 	Some "Schools" of Thought on IHD Etiology and on IHD Acute Fatal Events ................. 305
    45 	Unified Model:  Intersection of Lipoproteins & Dysfunctional Clones of SMCs ............. 337
    46 	How the Unified Model Helps to Explain, or Relates to, Other Observations ............... 345

Cancer and IHD Mortality after 1940:  Fractional Causation by Medical Radiation

    47 	Evaluating Fractional Causation in the Post-1940 Decades:  How We Start ................. 355
    48 	Cigarette Smoking:  When, Who, How Much, and Especially Where ........................... 361
    49 	All-Cancers, Males, 1940-1988:  Fractional Causation by Medical Radiation ............... 375
    50 	All-Cancers, Females, 1940-1988:  Fractional Causation by Medical Radiation ............. 387
    51 	Respiratory-System Cancers, Males, 1940-1988 ............................................ 393
    52 	Respiratory-System Cancers, Females, 1940-1988 .......................................... 405
    53 	Difference-Cancers, Males, 1940-1988 .................................................... 411
    54 	Difference-Cancers, Females, 1940-1988 .................................................. 417
    55 	Breast-Cancers, Females, 1940-1990 ...................................................... 423
    56 	All-Cancers-Except-Genital, Females, 1940-1980 .......................................... 429
    57 	Digestive-System Cancers, Males, 1940-1988 .............................................. 435
    58 	Digestive-System Cancers, Females, 1940-1988 ............................................ 441
    59 	Urinary-System Cancers, Males, 1940-1980 ................................................ 447
    60 	Urinary-System Cancers, Females, 1940-1980 .............................................. 455
    61 	Genital Cancers, Males, 1940-1990 ....................................................... 461
    62 	Genital Cancers, Females, 1940-1980 ..................................................... 467
    63 	Buccal-Pharynx Cancers, Males, 1940-1980 ................................................ 469
    64 	Ischemic Heart Disease, Males, 1950-1993 ................................................ 477
    65 	Ischemic Heart Disease, Females, 1950-1993 .............................................. 483
    66 	Summarized Results, from Evidence Which Spans about a Half-Century ...................... 489
The Status of Hypotheses One and Two

    67  Our Findings:  In Conflict with Existing Evidence? ...................................... 495
    68 	Is There a Reasonable Non-Radiation Explanation for the Observations? ................... 507
    69 	Conclusion:  Making Sense of Three Sets of Irrefutable Correlations ..................... 513


 App A  Dose-Units and Dose-Levels of Ionizing Radiation ........................................ 517
 App B  The Safe-Dose Fallacy:  Summary of Three Remarkably Similar Reports ..................... 521
 App C  The Free-Radical Fallacy about Ionizing Radiation:  A Demonstration ..................... 530
 App D  Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability:  What It Is, and Why It Is Important ............. 533
 App E  Some Pathways toward Understanding the Atherogenic Role of Lipoproteins ................. 538
 App F  Dietary Advice in Prevention and Management of Ischemic Heart Disease ................... 555
 App G  Any Goodness in "Good Cholesterol" ? .................................................... 577
 App H  "Small, Dense Lipoprotein Particles" Especially Atherogenic?:  Basis for Strong Doubt ... 586
 App I  "Snapshot" Epidemiology:  Why Lipid Levels Seemed Less Important at Older Ages .......... 594
 App J  Coronary Effects of Very High-Dose Medical Radiation .................................... 599
 App K  Mid-Century:  Average Annual Per Capita Dose from Diagnostic Medical Xrays .............. 609
 App L  Radiation "Hormesis":  How an Illusion Can Arise from "Perfectly Good Data" ............. 617
 App M  Fractional Causation, 1980-1993, after an Alternate Smoking Adjustment .................. 621
 App N  PhysPop Omitted:  Correlations between Canc. & IHD MortRates (Past, Present) ............ 642

Reference List .................................................................................. 645
Index and Glossary .............................................................................. 677

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