Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc. A non-profit educational organization since 1971. Internet Post Office Box 421993 San Francisco, California 94142, USA Lenore Marshall Founder (1899-1971) Board of Directors John W. Gofman, Chairman Prof. Emeritus in Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley June Allen, M.Ed. Enviro-Health Concerns, Wichita, Kansas Ramsey Clark Former U.S. Attorney General Paul R. Ehrlich Prof. of Biology, Stanford University Frances Tarlton Farenthold Attorney at Law, Houston, Texas Franklin L. Gage Environmental Consultant, Washington, D.C. Eloise W. Kailin M.D. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Allergy and Immunology Richard McCarthy Former U.S. Congressman from New York Ian McHarg Chairman, Department of Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania Lewis Mumford (1895-1990) Honorary Fellow, Science Policy Foundation Linus Pauling (1901-1994) Nobel Laureate Prof. of Chemistry, Stanford University Harold Urey (1993-1991) Nobel Laureate University Prof. Emeritus, Chemistry Dept., University of California at San Diego George Wald (1906-1997) Nobel Laureate Higgins Prof. Of Biology, Harvard University Organizational affiliation for identification only. Renewal Request Dear Friend of C.N.R., Fall 1998 * One of the most overlooked dangers from nuclear pollution, and from other sources of irradiation, is the problem of INHERITED afflictions when the exposed persons subsequently conceive children. This topic belongs at the top of the list of importance, with respect to nuclear power and nuclear pollution. * Anyone who is acquainted with cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or epilespy, or mental handicap, or learning disorders, or emotional disorders in the family --- and few families escape one of these afflictions --- may already know or suspect that people can INHERIT a tendency to these miseries. And to many, many others. * The enclosed article [Asleep@Wheel.{html,txt}] supports the scientifically credible warning that at least one-fourth --- and maybe more than half --- of the inherited tendencies are probably due to the very low-dose radiation which humans have been receiving (generation after generation) from natural background sources. * In short, it is a big mistake for people to assume that background doses do "negligible" harm. Because our warning is scientifically credible, doubling the "background" dose by nuclear pollution would be a crime against many, many future generations. The "mistake," once made, would require countless generations to un-do (Part 12 of the enclosure). Our warning stands in dramatic contrast to the assertions elsewhere that it would be inconsequential if the natural dose were ever doubled by "permissible levels" of nuclear pollution. * Today, due to global warming and to the still-expanding world population, the nuclear power industry is preparing to promote a new generation of nuclear power plants, as the alleged "solution" for energy. Back in 1971, we did the calculations demonstrating that ONE YEAR's operation of ONE nuclear power plant (any type, old or new) necessarily creates the requirement to contain, for centuries, as much long-lived radioactive poison as created by the explosion of about 1,000 Hiroshima bombs (on reverse side of this letter [fission.{html,txt}]). As C.N.R.'s donor-slip has always said, "We can not solve the energy problem by creating a radiation problem." * From 1971 to today, C.N.R. has continuously provided information and analysis of a type which no other group seems to generate. And in the first part of 1999, we will publish C.N.R.'s fourth book --- a major scientific monograph which points the way to preventing a VERY great amount of radiation-induced health-misery. As you know, I fully donate my own effort. * Nonetheless, C.N.R. has heavy expenditures to publish and distribute the work. And so we return to you for an annual renewal of support, without which we could not do it. Your generous help is always deeply appreciated. With warmest good wishes, John W. Gofman, M.D., Chairman ------> [pointing to fission.{html,txt}] the hypertext form of this file can be found at