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The copy of the following Statement, included in the Mobilization Against Corporate Globalization "Guide to Civil Society's Activities Surrounding the Seattle Ministerial", produced by Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch with layout contributed by The Humane Society of the United States, states at the top:

Signed by over 1,120 organizations from 87 countries. To sign your organization on, send an email to:

Statement From Members of International Civil Society
Opposing a Millennium Round or a New Round
of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations

In November 1999, the governments of the world will meet in Seattle for the World Trade Organisation's Third Ministerial Conference. We, the undersigned members of international civil society, oppose any effort to expand the powers of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) through a new comprehensive round of trade liberalisation. Instead, governments should review and rectify the deficiencies of the system and the WTO regime itself.

The Uruguay Round Agreements and the establishment of the WTO were proclaimed as a means of enhancing the creation of global wealth and prosperity and promoting the well-being of all people in all member states. In reality however, in the past five years the WTO has contributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich few; increasing poverty for the majority of the world's population; and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption.

The Uruguay Round Agreements have functioned principally to prise open markets for the benefit of transnational corporations at the expense of national economies; workers, farmers and other people; and the environment. In addition, the WTO system, rules and procedures are undemocratic, untransparent and non-accountable and have operated to marginalise the majority of the world's people.

All this has taken place in the context of increasing global economic instability, the collapse of national economies, increasing inequity both between and within nations and increasing environmental and social degradation, as a result of the acceleration of the process of globalisation.

The governments which dominate the WTO and the transnational corporations which have benefited from the WTO system have refused to recognise and address these problems. Instead, they are pushing for further liberalisation through the introduction of new issues for adoption in the WTO. This will lead to the exacerbation of the crisis associated with the process of globalisation and the WTO.

We oppose any further liberalisation negotiations, especially those which will bring new areas under the WTO regime, such as investment, competition policy and government procurement. We commit ourselves to campaign to reject any such proposals. We also oppose the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.

We call for a moratorium on any new issues or further negotiations that expand the scope and power of the WTO.

During this moratorium there should be a comprehensive and in-depth review and assessment of the existing agreements. Effective steps should then be taken to change the agreements. Such a review should address the WTO's impact on marginalised communities, development, democracy, environment, health, human rights, labour rights and the rights of women and children. The review must be conducted with civil society's full participation.

The failure of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) demonstrates broad public opposition to the deregulation of the global economy, the increasing dominance of transnational corporations and escalating resource use and environmental degradation.

A review of the system will provide an opportunity for society to change course and develop an alternative, humane and sustainable international system of trade and investment relations.

This statement is signed by:

Drafted: 21 March 1999

First circulated: 24 March 1999

Last updated: 3 May 1999

Current number of signatories: 544

Countries represented: 63+ - Argentina, Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lativa, Lebanon, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, the Middle East (two regional networks), Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, Spain, South Africa, the Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela, Zimbabwe


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