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Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 03:46:17 -0400
From: John Judge
Subject: Unresolved issues that need to be investigated
Home >> War on Terrorism >> September 11 >> Unresolved issues that need to be investigated
Center for Cooperative Research
More grist for the mill. Sources on Pakistani ISI head Mahmud Ahmad visiting US officials and wiring money to Mohammed Atta. Also meeting with Armitage, and Senators Graham, Biden and Goss, who are the "investigators".[1, 2] Also information on another ISI operative using opium profits to fund covert operations.
CIA's William Casey ran the Mujehaddin covert war against the Soviet union using the same funding methods. The opium production continues to date. Armitage was part of the Afghanistan operation, very close to it, and well known in Pakistan as well. Armitage was a Congtragate figure, close to North. Contragate was also an off-the-shelf drug-financed operation run by Casey.
The Contragaters are back in high official positions running this new game. Poindexter now in charge of data mining computers and phone tapping. [1, 2, 3] Colin Powell, who moved the tow missiles through Israel for sale to Iran at bargain prices. Otto Reich and others involved in the dirty Contra war, also drug financed. They are back in position now, with the same old agenda for control.
North was behind destroying detente with the "evil empire" USSR via KAL 007, he was the liason of the DOD to FEMA for martial law planning (a fact that had to go into "closed committee" during the investigation and came out being falsely denied), and he was behind the phony terrorism scenarios of the 80s, using Abu Nidal as the threat (recently "suicided") while his company was selling him arms.
Does it then make sense of the fact that Mohammed Atta was living in Sarasota, Florida with one of the Contragate pilots? Is this just Casey's unfinished legacy come to haunt us, using the same methods and even the same personnel in a new and improved scam? BCCI money floats around these same operations and Saudi billions. There is more work to be done to get at the bottom of all this.
John Judge