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A Note on the Bibliography

          With a view to rendering some assistance to the interested reader, this bibliography has been divided into five sections: sources concerned with the subject as a whole, those more specifically concerned with the Iroquois culture, two sections concerned respectively with sources reflecting Franklin's and Jefferson's contact with the Indians, and a final section of sources useful, chiefly, in the writing of the afterword.

          These sections are further subdivided into primary and secondary sources and into published and unpublished material.

          For the benefit of readers who wish to know if a certain author has been consulted, a separate index of authors' names will be found at the end of the bibliography.

General Background



The Iroquois and Early Colonial Contact




Benjamin Franklin



Thomas Jefferson





of names cited in the


[The index has been included verbatim from the original book. Although page numbers have no meaning here, it was felt the subjects noted here would be useful as reference. The original chapter page numbers are listed below to facilitate cross-referencing --ratitor]

      General Background                              129

      The Iroquois and Early Colonial Contact         131
      Benjamin Franklin                               137

      Thomas Jefferson                                142

      Afterword                                       148

Ackernecht, Edwin H., 129
Aldridge, Alfred 0., 139, 140
Aquilla, Richard, 136
Armstrong, Virginia, 130
Atkinson, Theodore, 139

Bailyn, Bernard, 145
Bain, Florence D., 142
Barnett, H. G., 148
Bartram, John, 132, 138
Bauman, Robert F., 133
Beard, Charles A., 146
Beauchamp, William M., 133, 134, 140
Becker, Carl, 140, 146
Bell, Whitfield J. Jr., 137
Berkhofer, Robert F., 130, 146, 148
Bigelow, John, 137
Billington, R. A. 140
Black, Nancy B., 143
Blanchard, Rulus, 134
Bland, Richard, 143
Blau, Harold, 133
Bohannan, Paul, 130
Bowers, Claude G., 146
Boyd, Julian P., 143, 146
Bramson, Emily K., 130
Brandon, William, 129
Brewster, William, 140
Bridge, Beatrice, M., 136
Bridgewater, Dorothy, 137
Brodhead, John R., 134
Brodie, Fawn M., 148
Brown, Jessie Louise P., 131
Brown, John P., 146
Bryson, Lyman, 148
Buell, Augustus C., 140

Carr, Lucien, 134
Carse, Mary R., 133
Carter, E. Russell, 130
Carver, Jonathan, 138
Chamberlin, J. E., 130
Chinard, Gilbert, 143, 146
Clarke-Smith, Linda, 136
Clingan, Dorothy E., 136
Cohen, Felix, 129
Cohen, Lucy Kramer, 130
Cohen, Morris R., 130
Colbourn, H. Trevor, 146
Colden, Cadwallader, 132
Commager, Henry Steele, 146
Conner, Paul W., 140
Conway, Moncure D., 145
Coogan, John E., 136
Cook, S. F., 129
Crane, Verner W., 140
Croghan, George, 139
Crosby, Alfred W., 130
Cusick, David, 132

Dai, Shen Yu, 148
Day, Richard E., 137
Decker, George P., 134
DePuy, Henry F., 137
Dockstader, Frederick J., 131
Donohue Thomas, 134
Dorfman Joseph, 145
Douglass William, 138
Dumbauid, Edward, 145

Eckert, Alan W., 145
Eddy, George S., 140
Edwards, Everett E., 129
Edwards, Samuel, 145
Eiselen, Malcolm R., 140
Engels, Frederich, 148
Ewers, John C., 129

Fadden, Ray, 133, 135
Farrand, Max, 138
Fenton, William N., 129, 131, 132, 134, 135
Fife, Austin, E., 129
Flexner, James T., 140
Foley, Dennis, 136
Forbes, Jack, 130, 144
Ford, Paul L., 137, 143
Ford, Worthington C., 144
Foner, Philip S., 144
Fox, Edith M., 140
Frachtenberg, Leo J., 129
Franklin, Benjamin, 137, 139
Freeman, John F., 129, 131

Ganter, Herbert L., 145
Gatke, Robert M., 142
Grken, Walter D., 136
Gibson, A. M., 129
Gillespie, James, E., 130
Gipson, Lawrence H., 140, 141, 145, 148
Gooch, Gorge P. 141
Graeff, Arthur D. 141, 142
Graymont, Barbara, 145
Griffis, William E., 141
Grinde, Donald A. Jr., 145

Hagan, William T., 145
Hale, Horatio E., 135
Hallowell, A. Irving, 130, 140, 148
Hamilton, Milton W., 140, 141
Hanke, Lewis, 130
Harmon, Gorge D., 145
Hatch, Ethel S., 148
Hawke, David F., 145
Hayes, Carlton, J. H., 130, 134
Hayes, I. M., 137
Hazard, Samuel, 138
Heckewelder, John, 132
Henry, Thomas R., 141
Hewitt, J. N. B., 133
Hill, Edward E., 142
Hofstadter, Richard, 130
Hopkins, Stephen A., 138
Horsfield, Timothy, 139
Howard, Helen A., 134
Howe, John R. Jr., 141, 145
Hunter, John Dunn, 138
Huntington, Ellsworth, 141, 146

Jacob, John J., 146
Jacobs, Wilbur R., 134, 141
Jaffee, Herman J., 136
James, Gorge W., 131
Jefferson, Thomas, 144, 146
Jennings, Francis, 135
Jensen, Merrill, 146
Johansen, Bruce E., 131
Johnson, Anna C., 135
Johnston, Charles M., 132
Jones, Howard, 146
Jorgenson, Chester E., 137
Judd, Jacob, 141

Kennedy, Archibald, 138
Ketcham, Ralph L., 141
Keys, Alice M., 141
Kimball, Marie, 146
Kimm, Silas C., 135
King, Amold K., 148
Klein, Milton, 135
Koch, Adrienne, 146, 147, 148
Kramer, Frank R., 131
Kramer, Lucy W., 130
Kraus, Michael, 141, 148
Kriegal, Leonard, 137

Labaree, Leonard, 137
Larrabee, Edward M., 130
Leach, Douglas E., 141
Leder Lawrence H., 132, 135
Lingeibach, William E., 137
Lips, Julian, 131
Lipscomb, Andrew A., 143
Locke, Alain, 131
Lynd, Staughton, 147, 148

Mcllwain, Charles H., 147
McLaughlin, Andrew C., 140
MacLeod, William C., 136
Maestas, Roberto, 131
Maggs, Helen L., 142
Malone, Dumas, 147
Marsden, Michael T., 135
Marshe, Witham, 138
Mathur, Mary E., 142
Matthews, Lois K., 140
May, Henry F., 147
Merritt, Richard L., 141
Miles, Richard D., 142
Miller, Walter, B., 130
Milling, Chapman J., 147
Morais, Herbert M., 142, 148
Morey, Sylvester M., 130
Morgan, Edmund S., 135
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 132, 148
Morgan, William T., 134
Moultrop, Samuel P., 135
Mullet, Charles F., 144, 147, 148

Newbold, Robert C., 141
Newell, William B., 136
Newhouse, Seth, 133
Noon, John A., 136

O'CaDaghan, E. B., 138
Olson, Alson G., 140
Osgood, Herbert L., 141

Padover, Saul K., 144
Palmer, R. R., 147, 149
Parker, Arthur C., 133, 135
Pearce, Roy Harvey, 147, 149
Persinger, C. E., 146
Pound Arthur, 141
Pownail, Thomas, 138
Preska, Margaret R., 136
Proctor, Thomas, 132
Prosser, Michael H., 149
Pruca, Francis Paul, 131

Quimby, Gorge Irving, 131

Rabinowitz, Richard, 149
Ranney, John C., 140
Reaman, G. Elmore, 135
Red Jacket, 146
Reynolds, Wynn R., 136
Richards, Cara E., 136
Richter, Conrad, 141
Ritchie, David G., 147
Ritchie, William A., 135
Root Elibu, 134
Rossiter, Clinton, 147
Royce, Charles C., 147
Ruttenber, E. M., 135

Safford, William E. 130
Sanford, Charles, L., 141, 147, 148
Saum, Lewis 0., 131
Savelle, Max 141
Schlesinger, Arthur M., 134
Schoolcraft, Henry R., 132, 133
Seymour, Flora W., 141
Shea, J.G., 133
Sheehan, Bernhard, 131, 147
Sherman, Daniel, 134
Skeen, Carl E., 147
Smith, William Jr., 133
Snowden, James R., 133
Snyderman, Gorge S., 131
Sowerby, E. Millicent, 144
Sparks, Jared, 137
Speck, Frank G., 134
Steele, Oliver G., 146
Stirling, Matthew W., 130
Stourzh, Grald, 141
Straus, Oscar S., 147
Strickland, Edward D., 135
Sullivan, James, 137, 146, 149

Thurlow, Constance E., 143
Thwaites, Reuben, G., 142
Tilgham, Tench, 138
Tooker, Elizabeth, 134, 135
Trelease, Allen W., 135
Turner, Frederick J., 149

Udall Stewart L., 130
Underhill, Ruth M., 135

Van Doren, Carl, 138, 139, 142, 149
Vanderwerth, W., 135
Vogel, Virgil J., 131, 144
Volwiler, Albert T., 142

Wain, John, 147
Wainwright, Nicholas B., 142
Wallace, Paul A. W., 134, 136, 139, 142, 149
Walsh, Joseph, 136
Walton, Joseph S., 142
Ward, Harry M., 142
Wardy, Ben Z., 136
Washburn, Wilcomb E., 144, 147
Washington, H. A., 143
Watson, Thomas E., 147
Weiser, Conrad, 133, 139
Wills, Gary, 147
Wilson, Edmund, 131
Wiltse, Charles M., 147
Wintemberg, William J., 134
Wissler, Clark, 136
Wraxall, Peter, 139
Wright, Benjamin F., 148, 149
Wright, Edmond, 148
Wright, Lewis B., 131
Wroth, Lawrence C., 134

Yawser, Rose N., 131

Zikmund, Joseph, 149
Zolla, Elemire, 131, 142, 148

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