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[The index has been included verbatim from the original book. Although the page numbers are not correct for this copy of the book, it was felt the subjects noted here would still be useful as reference --ratitor]


Accessories after the fact in assassination 33
Accomplices in assassination, 81- 82
Accountability of government, 24, 41
Aebersold, Paul C., 19
Alba, Adrian, 244-45
Alibi for Oswald, 221, 225
Ammunition. See Military ammunition;  Sporting ammunition
Anderson, Eugene, 231
Arce, Danny, 183
Archives. See National Archives
Arnold, Mrs. Carolyn, 184-87, 276-77
Assassin's rifle. See Rifle
Atomic Energy Commission, 19, 20, 21, 23
Autopsy on President Kennedy, 37, 121
Autopsy photos and Xrays, 37-39, 115, 117, 121-22

Bag. See Paper bag
Baker, Mrs. Donald, 186
Baker, M. L., 63, 199, 201-9, 213, 218-21, 252-53
Ball Joseph 84-86, 163, 181, 205
Ballistics evidence, 48
Ballistics tests, 50;  simulating head wounds, 111-14
Belin, David, 29-30, 84-86, 90, 169, 196, 197-98, 222, 
Bernabei, Richard, 126, 129, 283
Blanket, 170-71
Boggs, Hale, 17, 26, 80, 222
Bolt practice by Oswald, 242-43
Bookhout, James, 182
Boone, Eugene, 212, 213
Boswell, Dr. J. Thornton, 118-19
Brandeis, Louis, 41
Brennan, Howard, 61-62, 188, 190-98,199
Bullet fragments, 19-20, 21-22;  in car, 98, 107, 114, 
   146, 254;  from Governor Connally, 99-100, 103, 131, 
   132;  in President Kennedy's head, 38-39, 117;  in 
   President Kennedy's neck, 121-25, 145
Bullet 399, 22, 95-96, 99-101, 103, 121, 124, 128, 129, 
   131, 133, 134, 136-45, 250; planted, 253
Bullet wounds 50, of Governor Connally, 131-45, of 
   President Kennedy's anterior neck, 79, 123,125,145;  
   of President Kennedy's back, 126, 145;  of President 
   Kennedy's head, 108-20;  of President Kennedy's neck, 
Bullets. See also Military ammunition;  Sporting 
Bullets and fragments, 48
Bullets, high-velocity, 119

Cabell, Mrs. Earle, 188
Cadigan, James, 171-72
Calvery, Gloria, 204-5
Cartridge cases, 37, 49, 69, 107, 127-28, 129, 147
Castro, Fidel, 29, 30
CBS News, 193,197, 205, 213
Central Broadcasting System. See CBS News
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
CIA, 29, 30, 38
CIA, President's Commission on domestic activities of, 
   29-30, 39
Clark, Ramsey, 105,114-15;  panel assembled by, 37, 39, 
   115, 117, 118, 121
Clothing:  description, 288;  worn by gunman, 198-99;  
   worn by President Kennedy, 20, 99, 103;  worn by 
   Oswald, 198-99
Cohen, Jacob, 281
Congress, 9, 11, 30-31, 40, 255
Connally, John, 25, 84
Cooper, Sen. John Sherman, 26 80, 134-35, 222, 238
Couch, Malcolm, 188, 203, 205, 208, 209, 289
Craig, Roger, 212
Crawford, James, 188
Cuban refugee at Parkland Hospital, 146
Curry, Jesse E., 74, 100
Curtain rods, 56, 146, 158-60, 174;  story about, 58, 88

Dallas Morning News, 152-53, 154
Dallas police, 37, 74, 90, 160, 171, 180-82, 195, 199, 
   205, 248;  line-ups of, 195, 199, 200;  radio logs of, 
Dallas Times Herald, 83, 152
Daniels, Gene, 159-60
Dealey Plaza, 46
Deception, political, 10-13
Delgado, Nelson, 230-31, 232
De Mohrenschildt, George, 223, 239-41, 244
De Mohrenschildt, Jeanne, 223 240-41, 244
Department of Justice, 78;  withholding of spectographic 
   analysis by, 22, 100, 106
Dickey, Charles, 128, 142
Dillard, Tom, 203
Dissection:  lack of at autopsy, 121
Dolce, Dr. Joseph, 139
Dougherty, Jack, 173-74
Dragoo, Mrs. Betty, 186
"Dumdum" bullet, 110
Dulles, Allen, 15, 16-17, 26, 82, 89, 111, 134-35, 137, 
Dziemian, Dr. Arthur J., 140

Edgewood Arsenal, 112
Edwards, Don, 30
Edwards, Robert, 189, 198
Eisenberg, Melvin, 20, 143, 229
Eisenhower, Dwight, 10
Ely, John Hart, 230
Enos, William, 142
Epstein, Edward Jay, 28, 31, 35-36
Euins, Amos, 188, 189-90, 195
Executive sessions of Warren Commission:  12/5/63, 77;  
   12/16/63, 18, 79-80;  1/21/64, 82-83;  1/22/64, 15, 16; 
   1/27/64, 17, 19;  4/30/64, 89
"Eyewitness identification of assassin," 61

FBI, 15-23, 30, 37, 76-77, 90, 163, 171, 179-80, 181, 185, 
   196, 204, 239, 243, 244, 248-49;  "agent" at hospital, 
   145-46; ballistics findings of, 18;  report on 
   assassination, 76 77, 249
Federal Bureau of Investigation.  See FBI
Fensterwald, Bernard, 284
Fiber evidence, 170-71;  in bag 58;  on rifle, 55
Fillinger, Halpert, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 142, 144
Finck, Col. Pierre, 111, 121
Fingerprints: on boxes, 60, 65, 175;  on paper bag, 167-68
Fischer, Ronald, 191, 198
Folsom, Col. A. G., 229-30, 232
Ford, Gerald, 26, 29, 36, 111, 197
Fox, Sylvan, 28
Fragments. See Bullet fragments
Frankford Arsenal, 142

Frazier, Buell Wesley, 56-57, 58, 151, 156, 160, 162, 
   163-67, 170, 174
Frazier, Robert, 23, 53, 70, 101-4, 119, 125, 143, 226-27
Freedom of Information Act, 22-23, 106
Fritz, Will, 74, 160, 182
Full-jacketed bullets. See Military ammunition

Gallagher, John, 20, 101-2
Garrison, Jim, 28-29, 34-35, 115
Givens, Charles, 61, 153, 176-78, 252, 274-75, 287-88
Goldberg, Alfred, 86
Gregory, Dr. Charles, 133, 137-38, 142
Gregory, Dick, 29, 34

Hart, Philip, 278-79
Helpern, Dr. Milton, 142
Henchcliffe, Margaret, 146
"A. Hidell," 55
High-velocity bullets. See Bullets
Hoover, J. Edgar, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21-22, 30, 77, 100, 105, 
   159, 172, 179, 185, 249
Howlett, John, 210, 212
Humes, Dr. James J., 109-11, 115, 118, 124
Hunt, E. Howard, 29
Hunting rounds. See Sporting ammunition
Huxley, Aldous, 239

Interrogation sessions of Oswald, 182-83, 248
Irving, Texas, 56, 58, 156, 157-58, 161-62, 251

Jacketed bullets. See Military ammunition
Jackson, Robert, 188, 203, 206
Jarman, James, 154, 185-86, 288
Jenner, Albert, 82, 240-41
Johnson, Miss Judy, 186
Johnson, Lyndon B., 25, 26, 78
"Junior," 182-84
Justice Department. See Department of Justice

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 77
Kellerman, Roy, 117
Kelley, Thomas, 182
Kennedy, Edward, 278
Kennedy, John: Bay of Pigs, 10
Kleindienst, Richard, 106, 282

Landlady of Oswald's rented room, 160
Lands and grooves, 143-44
Lane, Mark, 28, 31, 33-35, 190
Lawyers, 11, 13
Liebeler, Wesley, 58, 60, 67, 68, 69-71, 91, 156, 231, 233, 
   235, 245
Life magazine, 197
Light, Dr. F. W., 139
Limousine:  examination of, 47;  at hospital, 147
Lineups. See Dallas Police
Loftus, Joseph, 78
Long, Rowland, 115
"Long and bulky package," 162-74
Lovelady, Billy, 204-5
Lumumba, 30
Lunchroom, on second floor, 202

McCloy, John J., 17,18, 26, 80, 90, 110-11, 134-35, 139, 
Mannlicher-Carcanco. See Rifle
"Marksman" rating of Oswald, 230
Meagher, Sylvia, 28, 31, 33, 155, 158, 161-62, 287
Media. See Press
Medical evidence:  limitations of, 107-8 ; meaning of, 107, 
Military ammunition, 109, 114, 116, 117-18, 120, 121, 122, 
   123-24, 129, 131, 147
Miller, Herbert J., 19
Missed shot, 37, 249
Mitchell, John, 106, 284
Molina, Joe, 204-5
Mooney, Luke, 211, 212
Morgan, Dr. Russell, 122
"Motive" of Oswald, 82, 84
Motorcade:  prior knowledge of route of, 151-55;  position 
   of at 12:15, 186-87
Muchmore, Mary, 51

National Archives, 15, 105, 129, 140, 159, 179
Neutron Activation Analysis, 19-23, 250
Newsweek, 78
New York Times, 74, 78
Nichols, Dr. John, 113, 142
Nix, Orville, 51
Nixon, Richard, 29
Norman, Harold, 183-84
Nosenko, Yuri I., 235
Note to FBI from Oswald, 30

Olivier, Dr. Alfred G., 139-40
On-site tests. See Reconstruction of shots
Oser, Alvin, 104, 125, 227-28
Oswald, Marina 68, 83, 154, 156 157-58, 161, 170, 223, 
Oswald, Robert, 232-33, 234-35, 246
Outline of Warren Commission work, 80-82, 257-63
Outlines of Warren Report, 86-88, 266-70

Paine garage, 245
Paine home:  police search of, 157
Paine, Ruth, 56, 156, 158, 161, 170, 234, 245
Palmprint:  on bag, 57-58;  on rifle, 55
Paper bag, 57-58, 151, 163, 167-73, 251;  prints on, 57-58, 
Paraffin casts, 21
Parkland Memorial Hospital, 25 107, 145, 146, 251;  Cuban 
   refugee employed at, 146;  doctors employed at, 116, 
   132;  "FBI agent" at, 145-46
Patsy, Oswald as, 248
Perry, Dr. Malcolm, 119
Philadelphia Inquirer, 74
Photograph of Oswald with rifle, 55
Piper, Eddie, 180-81, 209
"Planted" evidence, 147-48, 251, 254
Police. See Dallas Police
Popkin, Richard, 28, 36
Presidency, 10
Press, 9, 11-13;  reaction to Warren Report, 27;  
   suspicious of Warren Report criticism, 29;  presumption 
   of Oswald's guilt by, 75
Psychology, 221

Rachey, Bonnie, 186
Radio:  in Oswald's possession 154
Randle, Linnie Mae, 57, 162-64, 165-66
Rankin, J. Lee, 16-17, 19, 23, 26, 80, 82-83, 89, 91, 159, 
   179-81, 185, 234, 237, 242-43, 252
Reconstruction:  of assassin's movements, 209-14;  of 
   movements after the shots, 64, 202-21, 252;  of shots, 
   52, 88-89, 271-73
Redlich, Norman, 33, 87-89
Reid, Mrs. Robert, 153, 222-23
Revill, Jack, 177
Rifle, 18, 49, 50, 52, 54-55, 56-57, 58, 95, 106, 107, 
   151, 156, 162, 167, 170-72, 191, 210, 225, 227 235-39, 
   246, 249-50, 253, 289;  ammunition for, 140;  
   capability of, 66;  capability tests with 228-29;  
   disassembled, 164, 166;  fibers on, 55; hiding of, 
   212-16, palmprint on, 55;  photograph of Oswald with, 
   55;  test firing for accuracy, 70-71;  practice with 
   by Oswald, 232-46
Roberts, Mrs. Earlene, 154
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10
Rowland, Arnold, 186-87,189,198
Ruby, Jack, 25, 27, 146
Russell, Sen. Richard, 17, 26, 79
Russia:  hunting by Oswald in, 233-35, 243, 246

Salandria, Vincent, 27, 283
Sauvage, Leo, 27, 161
Sawyer, Herbert, 177
Secret Service, 16, 181, 190, 234
"Sharpshooter" rating of Oswald, 230
Shaw, Clay:  trial of, 28-29, 35, 103, 115, 226-27
Shaw, Dr. Robert, 134-37, 142
Shelley, Bill, 178, 204-5
Shires, Dr. Tom, 133
"Short charge," 128
Shotgun practice by Oswald, 233-35
Shots: as "easy," 67;  nature of, 225-28;  number of, 53;  
   time span of, 54
Simmons, Ronald, 227, 229, 246
Single-bullet theory, 53, 226
Sirica, John, 14
Slawson, W. David, 83
Snyder, LeMoyne, 115, 123
Soft-nosed ammunition. See Sporting ammunition
Sorrels, Forrest, 195
Soviet Union. See Russia
Specter, Arlen, 83, 101-3, 110, 133, 136, 138-39, 189
Spectographic analyses, 18-19, 22, 47, 95-106, 147, 250, 
Sporting ammunition, 114, 116, 118, 123-24, 129, 131
Staff of Warren Commission, 15, 18, 21, 26, 34, 35, 40, 
   188, 249
St.Louis Post-Dispatch, 74
Stombaugh, Paul, 170
Sturgis, Frank, 30

Tape from Depository dispenser, 169
Texas School Book Depository, 47, 56, 147, 151, 251;  
   discovery of curtain rods in, 159
Thompson, Josiah, 28, 36-37
Time, 77
Tippit, J. D., 25, 32, 38, 66, 81
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 34
Trujillo, 30
Truly, Roy, 63, 153, 159, 201-9, 216-20, 222, 252-53
"Twenty-six volumes," 27

Underwood, Jim, 203

Varminting bullets, 120
Vestibule on second floor, 202, 214, 217

Wade, Henry, 75
Walker Edwin A.:  shot fired at, 66, 81, 221, 237, 240
Walther, Mrs. Carolyn, 189, 198
Warren, Earl, 18, 26, 32, 34, 79, 80, 82-83
Washington Post, 13, 77
Watergate, 9, 13, 29
Weberman, A. J., 29
Wecht, Cyril, 37-39, 121, 142, 280-81
Weigman, David, 206
Weisberg, Harold, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22-23, 28, 31-33, 36, 
   105-6, 142, 146, 153, 168, 184-85, 208, 284
Weitzman, Seymour, 212, 213
West, Troy Eugene, 168-70
Williams, Bonnie Ray, 153
Window, evidence near, 59-60
Witnesses of sixth-floor gunman, 47
Wounds. See Bullet wounds

Zahm, James A., 227, 231
Zapruder, Abraham, 51;  film by, 36, 51, 54, 116, 226

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