Next |
As promised in Chapter 2, dots in the left margin
identify sources with extensive bibliographies which reflect the vast body
of evidence establishing that ionizing radiation is a cause of almost all
kinds of human Cancer. Medical xrays are the source of much of the
evidence. [Dotted entries:
When the same last name appears several times, entries are sequenced
from the earliest year to the most recent, regardless of the author's
first name.
Abbott 1984.
R.D. Abbott + R. Carroll, "Interpreting Multiple Logistic Regression Coefficients in Prospective
Observational Studies," American Journal of Epidemiology Vol.119: 830+. 1984.
Abelson 1994.
Philip H. Abelson, "Risk Assessments of Low-Level Exposures," (editorial), Science Vol.265: 1507.
September 9, 1994.
ACS (general):
The American Cancer Society is a non-profit organization (USA) whose headquarters are at 1599 Clifton
Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329. Website: < >. Tel: 404-320-3333.
ACS 1992.
American Cancer Society, "Guidelines for the Wise Use of Medical Xrays." Item Number 2900 on the ACS
"Cancer Response System" (Telephone: 1-800-ACS-2345). "Date reviewed" by ACS: January 10, 1992.
ACS-CA (general).
This abbreviates the American Cancer Society's peer-reviewed publication CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. From Jan. 1996, text is available online:
ACS-CA 1992.
Catherine C. Boring + Teresa S. Squires + Tony Tong, "Cancer Statistics, 1992,"
CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Vol.42, No.1: 19-43. Jan/Feb 1992.
ACS-CA 1997.
Sheryl L. Parker + Tony Tong + Sherry Bolden + Phyllis A. Wingo, "Cancer Statistics, 1997,"
CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Vol.47, No.1: 5-27. Jan/Feb 1997.
Adam 1987.
E. Adam + J.L. Melnick et al, "High Levels of Cytomegalovirus Antibody in Patients Requiring Vascular Surgery
for Atherosclerosis," Lancet: 291-293. 1987.
Adler 1986.
Yolanda T. Adler, book review of Xrays: Health Effects of Common Exams, by John W. Gofman (1985), in
Journal of the American Medical Association Vol.256, No.21. Dec. 5, 1986.
AHA (general):
The American Heart Association is a non-profit organization (USA) located at 7272 Greenville Ave.,
Dallas, TX 75231. Website: < >. Among its publications is Circulation.
AHA 1995.
American Heart Association, Heart and Stroke Facts: 1996 Statistical Supplement. 23 pages.
This publication uses 1993 provisional and 1992 final mortality statistics. Copyright 1995.
AHA 1996.
American Heart Association, 1997 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update. 29 pages. This publication
uses 1994 provisional and 1993 final mortality statistics. Copyright 1996.
Ahmed 1990.
Aftab J. Ahmed + Bert W. O'Malley + Frank M. Yatsu, "Presence of a Putative Transforming Gene in Human
Atherosclerotic Plaques," (abstract only), Arteriosclerosis Vol.10: 755a. 1990.
Ahrens 1955.
E.H. Ahrens + T.T. Tsaltas + J. Hirsch + W. Insull, Jr., "Effect of Dietary Fats on the Serum Lipids of Human
Subjects," Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol.34: 918+. 1955.
AICR 1997.
American Institute for Cancer Research, "The Cancer Process" 1986. Provides the estimate that ~ 35% of
Cancer is due to unfavorable diet. Oct. 1997 and April 1999, AICR confirmed this as the current estimate.
AICR is co-sponsor of a 660-page report, issued Sept. 1997, entitled Food, Nutrition, and the
Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, prepared by a panel of 16 scholars, chaired
by Prof. John D. Potter, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. (AICR, 1759 "R" Street, NW,
Washington DC 20009. Tel: 1-800-843-8114. Website: ).
Albert 1977.
R.E. Albert et al, "Effect of Carcinogens on Chicken Atherosclerosis," Cancer Research
Vol.37: 2232-2235. 1977.
Alfthan 1994.
G. Alfthan + J. Pekkanen + M. Jauhiainen et al, "Relation of Serum Homocysteine and Lipoprotein(a)
Concentrations to Atherosclerotic Disease in a Prospective Finnish Population Based Study,"
Atherosclerosis Vol.106: 9-19. 1994.
AMA (general):
The American Medical Association is a non-profit organization of physicians (USA), with its headquarters at 515 North State St., Chicago IL 60610. Tel: 312-464-5000. Website:
Among AMA's publications is JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Assn.
AMA 1950.
American Medical Assn., American Medical Directory, 1950: A Register of Physicians of
the United States ... 18th Edition. Edited by Frank V. Cargill. 2,912 pages. 1950.
AMA 1965.
American Medical Assn., Distribution of Physicians in the U.S. by State, Region, District,
and County / 1965. Prepared by Christ N. Theodore, Gerald E. Sutter, Grant M. Osborn, Raymond L. White.
PhysPop data are "as of April 6, 1964." UCSF Library: RA410.7, D614, 1965.
AMA 1982.
American Medical Assn., Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the
U.S., 1982 Edition. 1982.
AMA 1986.
American Medical Assn., Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the
U.S., 1986 Edition. 1986.
AMA 1990.
Gene Roback + Lillian Randolph + Bradley Seidman, Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the
U.S., 1990 Edition. 278 pages. ISBN 0-89970-403-4. American Medical Assn., Physician
Data Services, Division of Survey and Data Resources. 1990. UCSF Library: RA410.7, D614, 1990.
AMA 1993.
Gene Roback + Lillian Randolph + Bradley Seidman, Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the
U.S., 1993 Edition. 284 pages. ISBN 0-89970-492-1. American
Medical Assn., Dept. of Physician Data Services, Division of Survey and Data Resources. 1993. UCSF Library:
RA410.7, D614, 1993.
AMA 1994.
Gene Roback + Lillian Randolph + Bradley Seidman + Thomas Pasko, Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the
U.S., 1994 Edition. Data up to Jan. 1, 1993. American Medical Assn.,
Dept. of Data Services, Division of Survey and Data Resources. 1994. UCSF Library:
RA410.7, D614, 1994.
Ambrose 1985.
J.A. Ambrose et al, "Coronary Angiographic Morphology in Myocardial Infarction: A Link between the
Pathogenesis of Unstable Angina and Myocardial Infarction," Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol.6: 1233-1238. 1985.
Ambrose 1988.
J.A. Ambrose + 8 co-workers (including V. Fuster), "Angiographic Progression of Coronary Artery Disease
and the Development of Myocardial Infarction," Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol.12: 56-62. 1988.
American Cancer Society.
Please see ACS (general), above.
American Heart Association.
Please see AHA (general), above.
Ames 1989.
Bruce N. Ames, "Endogenous DNA Damage as Related to Cancer and Aging," Mutation Research
Vol.214: 41-46. 1989.
Ames 1995.
Bruce N. Ames, "The Causes and Prevention of Cancer," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) Vol.92: 5258-5265. 1995.
Amromin 1964.
G.D. Amromin + H.L. Gildenhorn + R.D. Solomon + B.B. Nadkrni + M.L. Jacobs, "The Synergism
of X-Irradiation and Cholesterol-Fat Feeding on the Development of Coronary Artery Lesions,"
J. Atheroscler. Res. Vol.4: 325-334. 1964.
Anderson 1985.
K. Anderson + O. Mattsson, "Critical Analysis of Dose Reduction Trends with Special Reference
to Procedures Involved in Fluoroscopy," British J. of Radiology Vol.18 (Suppl.): 46-49. 1985.
Anderson 1989.
Robert E. Anderson + Rolla B. Hill + C.R. Key, "The Sensitivity and Specificity of Clinical Diagnostics
during Five Decades: Toward an Understanding of Necessary Fallibility," Journal of the American Medical Assn. Vol.261: 1610-1617. 1989.
Anderson 1990.
Robert E. Anderson + Rolla B. Hill + F. Gorstein, "A Model for the Autopsy-Based Quality Assessment
of Medical Diagnostics," Human Pathology Vol.21: 174-181. 1990.
Anderson 1995.
T.J. Anderson + I.T. Meredith + A.C. Yeung + B. Frei + Andrew P. Selwyn + Peter Ganz, "The Effect of
Cholesterol-Lowering and Anti-Oxidant Therapy on Endothelium-Dependent Coronary Vasomotion,"
New England Journal of Medicine Vol.332: 488-493. 1995.
Anitschkow 1933.
N. Anitschkow, "Experimental Arteriosclerosis in Animals," in Arteriosclerosis, edited by
E.V. Cowdry. (McMillan Company, New York.) 1933.
Antonis 1961.
A. Antonis + I. Bersohn, "The Influence of Diet on Serum-Triglycerides in South African White and Bantu
Prisoners," Lancet 1: 3-9. 1961.
Apple 1994.
Raymond J. Apple + 5 co-workers, "HLA DR-DQ Associations with Cervical Carcinoma Show Papilloma
Virus-type Specificity," Nature Genetics Vol.6: 157-162. February 1994.
Apple 1995.
Raymond J. Apple + Thomas M. Becker + Cosette M. Wheeler + Henry A. Ehrlich, "Comparison of Human
Leukocyte Antigen DR-DQ Disease Associations Found with Cervical Dysplasia and Invasive Cervical
Carcinoma," Journal of the Natl Cancer Institute Vol.87, No.6: 427-436. March 15, 1995.
Arbeit 1996.
Jeffrey M. Arbeit + Peter M. Howley + Douglas Hanahan, "Chronic Estrogen-Induced Cervical and Vaginal
Squamous Carcinogenesis in Human PapillomaVirus Type-16 Transgenic Mice," Proceedings of the Natl.
Academy of Sciences USA 93: 2930-2935. April 1996. Online journal:
Armstrong 1989.
M.L. Armstrong + M.B. Megan + D.D. Heistad, "Adaptive Responses of the Artery Wall as Human
Atherosclerosis Develops," pp.469-480 in Pathobiology of the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque,
edited by S. Glagov + W.P. Newman + S.A. Schaffer. (New York: Springer-Verlag.) 1989.
Arnesen 1995.
E. Arnesen + H. Refsum et al, "Serum Total Homocysteine and Coronary Artery Disease,"
International Journal of Epidemiology Vol.24: 704-709. 1995.
Artom 1965.
C. Artom + H.B. Loftand Jr. + T.B. Clarkson, "Ionizing Radiation Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabolism in
Pigeons," Radiation Research Vol.26: 165-177. 1965.
Avins 1989.
Andrew L. Avins + R.J. Haber + S.B. Hulley, "The Status of Hypertriglyceridemia as a Risk Factor for
Coronary Heart Disease," Clin. Lab. Med. Vol.9: 153-168. 1989.
Avins 1997.
Andrew L. Avins, "The Management of High Blood Triglycerides," pp.155-168 in syllabus of
25Th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, presented by the Dept. of Medicine, University of California San
Francisco School of Medicine. (Prof. Avins, UCSF Box 0656, San Francisco CA 94143-0656). June 23, 1997.
Baermann 1904.
G. Baermann + P. Linser, "Uber die Lokale und Allgemeine Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen,"
Munchen Med. Wochnschr. Vol.51: 996-999. 1904.
Bailar 1997.
John C. Bailar III + Heather L. Gornik, "Cancer Undefeated," (Special Article), New England Journal of Medicine Vol.336, No.22: 1569-1574. May 29, 1997.
Baverstock 1981.
Keith F. Baverstock et al, "Risk of Radiation at Low Dose Rates," Lancet 1: 430-433.
February 21, 1981.
Baverstock 1983.
Keith F. Baverstock, "A Note on Radium Body Content and Breast Cancers in U.K. Radium Luminizers,"
Health Physics Vol.44, No.1 Suppl.: 575-577, 1983.
Baverstock 1987.
Keith F. Baverstock, "The U.K. Luminizer Survey," British Journal of Radiology
Supplemental BIR Report 21, pp.71-76. BIR = Brit. Inst. of Radiology. 1987.
Baverstock 1991.
Response to Billen 1990. Keith F. Baverstock, "Comments on the Commentary by D. Billen," (letter)
Radiation Research 126: 383-384. 1991.
Baverstock 1992.
Keith Baverstock + 4 co-workers, "Thyroid Cancer after Chernobyl," (correspondence) Nature
Vol.359: 21-22. September 3, 1992.
BEIR 1972.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation (also known as the BEIR-1 Report). 217 pages.
(National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington DC 20418.) November 1972.
BEIR 1980.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation (also known as the BEIR-3 Report). (National
Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington DC 20418.) 1980.
BEIR 1990.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation (also known as the BEIR-5 Report). National Research Council.
Contract from the federal government's Office of Science and Technology. 421 pages. ISBN
0-309-03995-9. (National Academy Press, Washington DC 20418.) 1990.
BEIR 1999.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Health Effects of Exposure to Radon (also known as the BEIR-6 Report). Committee on Health Risks of Exposure to Radon. National
Research Council. Prepared under a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. 500 pages. ISBN
0-309-05645-4. LCCN 98-25503. (National Academy Press, Washington DC 20418.) 1999.
Bell 1974-a.
F.P. Bell + I.L. Adamson + C.J. Schwartz, "Aortic Endothelial Permeability to Albumin: Focal and
Regional Patterns of Uptake and Transmural Distribution of I-131-Albumin in the Young Pig,"
Exp. Mol. Pathol. Vol.20: 57-68. 1974.
Bell 1974-b.
F.P. Bell + A.S. Gallus + C.J. Schwartz, " Focal and Regional Patterns of Uptake and the Transmural
Distribution of I-131-Fibrinogen in the Pig Aorta in Vivo," Exp. Mol. Pathol. Vol.20: 281-292. 1974.
Benditt 1973.
Earl P. Benditt + John M. Benditt, "Evidence for a Monoclonal Origin of Human Atherosclerotic
Plaques," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol.70, No.6: 1753-1756.
June 1973.
Benditt 1974.
Earl P. Benditt, "Evidence for a Monoclonal Origin of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques and Some
Implications," Circulation Vol.50: 650-652. 1974.
Benditt 1976.
Earl P. Benditt, "Implications of the Monoclonal Character of Human Athersclerotic Plaques,"
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol.275: 96-100. 1976.
Benditt 1977.
Earl P. Benditt, "The Origin of Atherosclerosis," Scientific American Vol.236:
74-85. 1977.
Benditt 1988.
Earl P. Benditt, "Origins of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques," Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Vol.112: 997-1001. October 1988.
Bennett 1956.
H.S. Bennett, in J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. Vol.2 (Suppl.): 99-103. 1956.
Beutler 1962.
E. Beutler + M. Yeh + V.F. Fairbanks, "The Normal Human Female as a Mosaic of X-Chromosome Activity ...,"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) Vol.48: 9-16. 1962.
Bierman 1976.
E.L. Bierman + J.J. Albers, in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol.275.
Bierman 1992.
Edwin L. Bierman, "Atherogenesis in Diabetes," (George Lyman Duff Memorial Lecture),
Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis Vol.12, No.6: 647-656. June 1992.
Bihari-Varga 1967.
M. Bihari-Varga + M. Vegh, "Quantitative Studies on the Complexes Formed between Aortic
Mucopolysaccharides and Serum Lipoproteins," Biochim. Biophys. ACTA Vol.144: 202-210. 1967.
Billen 1990.
Daniel Billen, "Spontaneous DNA Damage and Its Significance for the `Negligible Dose' Controversy in Radiation
Protection," (Commentary), Radiation Research Vol.124: 242-245. 1990. See also Baverstock 1991,
Ward 1991.
Billen 1991.
Daniel Billen "Response to Comments of K.F. Baverstock and J.F. Ward," (letter), Radiation Research Vol.126: 388-389.
Bishop 1922.
Louis Faugeres Bishop, "Fluoroscope in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart," Medical Record
Vol.101, No.12: 489-491. March 25, 1922.
Bittl 1996.
John A. Bittl, "Advances in Coronary Angioplasty," (review article), New England Journal of Medicine
Vol.335, No.17: 1290-1302. October 24, 1996.
Bjorkerud 1971.
S. Bjorkerud + G. Bondjers, "Arterial Repair and Atherosclerosis after Mechanical Injury ..."
Atherosclerosis Vol.13: 355-363. 1971.
Black 1975.
A. Black + M.M. Black + G. Gensini, "Exertion and Acute Coronary Injury," Angiology
Vol.26: 759-783. 1975.
Blanchard 1967.
R.L. Blanchard, "Concentrations of Pb-210 and Po-210 in Human Soft Tissues," Health Physics Vol.13:
625-632. 1967.
Blankenhorn 1987.
(CLAS Study.) David H. Blankenhorn + S.A. Nessim + R.L. Johnson + M.E. Sanmarco + S.P. Azen + L.
Cashin-Hamphill, "Beneficial Effects of Colestipol Niacin Therapy on Coronary Atherosclerosis and Coronary
Venous Bypass Grafts," Journal of the American Medical Assn. Vol.257: 3233-3240. 1987.
Blankenhorn 1993.
(MARS Study.) David H. Blankenhorn + S.P. Azen + D.M. Kramsch + W.J. Mack + L. Cashin-Hemphill +
Howard N. Hodis + the MARS research group, "The Monitored Atherosclerosis Regression Study (MARS):
Coronary Angiographic Changes with Lovastatin Therapy," Annals of Internal Medicine Vol.119:
969-976. 1993.
Blankenhorn 1994.
David H. Blankenhorn + Howard N. Hodis (1992 Lyman Duff Memorial Lecture), "Arterial Imaging and
Atherosclerosis Reversal," Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis Vol.14, No.2: 177-192. February 1994.
Blatz 1970.
Hanson W. Blatz, "Regulatory Changes for Effective Programs," in
Second Annual National Conference on Radiation Control, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare Report
BRH/ORO 70-5. Please see Shapiro 1990, at page 421.
Boice 1977.
John D. Boice, Jr. + Richard R. Monson, "Breast Cancer in Women after Repeated Fluoroscopic Examinations
of the Chest," Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol.59: 823-832. 1977.
Boice 1978.
John D. Boice, Jr. + Marvin Rosenstein + E. Dale Trout, "Estimation of Breast Doses and Breast Cancer Risk
Associated with Repeated Fluoroscopic Chest Examinations of Women with Tuberculosis," Radiation Research Vol.73: 373-390. 1978.
Boice 1981.
John D. Boice, Jr. + Richard R. Monson + Marvin Rosenstein, "Cancer Mortality in Women after Repeated
Fluoroscopic Examinations of the Chest," Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol.66:
863-867. 1981. See also update: Boice 1991.
Boice 1991.
John D. Boice, Jr. + Dale Preston + Faith G. Davis + Richard R. Monson, "Frequent Chest Xray Fluoroscopy and
Breast Cancer Incidence among Tuberculosis Patients in Massachusetts," Radiation Research Vol.125:
214-222. 1991.
Bond 1978.
Victor P. Bond + Charles B. Meinhold + H.H. Rossi, "Low-Dose RBE and Q for X Ray Compared to Gamma Ray
Radiation," Health Physics Vol.34: 433-438. 1978.
Borek 1983.
C. Borek + E.J. Hall + M. Zaider, "Xrays May Be Twice as Potent as Gamma for Malignant Transformation at Low
Doses," Nature Vol.301: 156-158. 1983.
Bosch 1995.
F.X. Bosch et al, "Prevalence of Human PapillomaVirus in Cervical Cancer: A Worldwide Perspective,"
Journal of the National Cancer Inst. (USA) Vol.87: 796-802. 1995.
Boveri 1914.
Theodore Boveri, The Origin of Malignant Tumors. First issued in 1914 in the German language.
English-language edition published in 1929 by Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1914.
Boyer 1996.
Herb Boyer, co-founder of Genentech, interviewed by Carl T. Hall in "Biotechnology Revolution, 20 Years
Later: Genentech's Founders Pioneered It All," pp.B-1 + B-2, San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 1996.
Braestrup 1942.
Carl. B. Braestrup, "Xray Protection in Diagnostic Radiology," Radiology Vol.38:
207-216. 1942.
Braestrup 1969.
Carl B. Braestrup, Past and Present Status of Radiation Protection. A Comparison.
Report, Seminar Paper 005. (U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Consumer Protection and
Environmental Control Administration, Washington, DC.) 1969. Please see Shapiro 1990, at page 379.
Bragdon 1956.
J.H. Bragdon + R.J. Havel + Boyle, in Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
Vol.48: 36+. 1956.
Braunwald 1997.
Eugene Braunwald, "Cardiovascular Medicine at the Turn of the Millennium: Triumphs, Concerns, and
Opportunities," Shattuck Lecture (special article) New England Journal of Medicine
Vol.337, No.19: 1360-1369. November 6, 1997.
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D.J. Brenner + H.I. Amols, "Enhanced Risk from Low-Energy Screen-Film Mammography Xrays,"
British Journal of Radiology Vol.62: 910-914. 1989.
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(NHLBI Study.) J.F. Brensiki + 8 co-workers, "Effects of Therapy with Cholestyramine on Progression of
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Vol.69: 313-324. 1984. NHLBI = Natl. Heart, Lung, Blood Inst.
Brewen 1973.
J.G. Brewen + R.J. Preston + K.P. Jones + D.G. Gosslee, "Genetic Hazards of Ionizing Radiations:
Cytogenetic Extrapolations from Mouse to Man," Mutation Research Vol.17: 245-254. 1973.
Brosius 1981.
Frank C. Brosius III + Bruce F. Waller + William C. Roberts, "Radiation Heart Disease:
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Brown 1990.
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"Effect of Partial Ileal Bypass on Mortality and Morbidity from Coronary Heart Disease in Patients with
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Cashin-Hemphill 1990.
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David H. Blankenhorn, "Beneficial Effects of Colestipol-Niacin on Coronary Atherosclerosis," Journal of the American Medical Assn. Vol.264: 3013-3017. 1990.
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William P. Castelli, "The Triglyceride Issue: A View from Framingham," American Heart Journal Vol.112, No.2: 432-437. August 1986.
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Chambers + Zweifach 1947.
R. Chambers + B.W. Zweifach, in Physiol. Review Vol.27: 436-463. 1947.
Cheng 1993.
(Please compare with next entry.) G.C. Cheng + H.M. Loree + R.D. Kamm + M.C. Fishbein + R.T. Lee,
"Distribution of Circumferential Stress in Ruptured and Stable Atherosclerotic Lesions: A Structural Analysis
with Histopathologic Correlation," Circulation Vol.87: 1179-1187. 1993.
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John W. Gofman, Radiation and Human Health. 908 pages. ISBN 0-87156-275-8. LCCN
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for Nuclear Ecology, Moscow. Email: Website: ]
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John W. Gofman, Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, First Edition. 339 pages. LCCN 94-69129. ISBN
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NatCtrHS (general).
The National Center for Health Statistics is a subdivision of the (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and
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Hyattsville MD 20782. Vital Statistics, Mortality: Telephone 301-436-8884.
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National Center for Health Statistics,
Average Age-Adjusted Death Rates and Standard Errors (SE) for Major Causes, by Race and Sex; United States and Rank for Each State, 1979-1981. "Based on age-specific death rates per 100,000 population ... using as standard population
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NatCtrHS 1993.
National Center for Health Statistics,
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the Centers for Disease Control "wonder" database at < >.
National Center for Health Statistics.
Please see NatCtrHS (general).
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.
Please see NCRP (general).
National Research Council (USA).
This is an agency of the National Academy of Sciences. The Academy is a society of
scholars chartered by Congress in 1863 to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters.
Please see BEIR.
NCI 1990.
National Cancer Institute (USA). No author named. Everything Doesn't Cause Cancer. Booklet, 12
pages. NIH Publication No. 90-2039. (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Public Health
Service, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.) March 1990.
NCI 1998.
National Cancer Institute (USA). Cigars: Health Effects and Trends. Monograph 9. 232 pages.
No index. This report includes work by "over 50 scientists both within and outside the Federal Government."
Senior Scientific Editor: David M. Burns, Professor of Medicine, University of California School of Medicine, San
Diego. NIH Publication No. 98-4302. (National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, USA 20892.) Feb.1998.
NCRP (general).
The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements is a nonprofit organization. In each of its
reports, NCRP publishes a list of radiation-related organizations from which it receives "generous support." A
sample from the 1989 list: American College of Nuclear Physicians, American College of Radiology, American
Dental Assn., American Medical Assn., American Nuclear Society, American Roentgen Ray Society, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Health Physics Society, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Radiological
Society of North America, U.S. Airforce, Army, and Navy, U.S. Dept. of Energy, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. Address: 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda MD 20814, USA. Website:
NCRP 1980.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
Influence of Dose and Its Distribution in Time on Dose-Response Relationships for Low-LET Radiations. Report 64. 1980.
NCRP 1984.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
Evaluation of Occupational and Environmental Exposures to Radon and Radon Daughters. Report 78. 1984.
NCRP 1986.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements, Mammography: A User's Guide. Report 85.
NCRP 1987.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the U.S. Report 93. 87 pages. ISBN 0-913392-91-X. LCCN 87-22062. 1987.
NCRP 1989.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
Exposure of the U.S. Population from Diagnostic Medical Radiation. Report 100. 105 pages. LCCN 88-25316. 1989.
NCRP 1989-b.
National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
Guidance on Radiation Received in Space Activities. Report 98. 227 pages. ISBN 0-929600-04-5. LCCN 89-3023. 1989.
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National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements,
The Relative Biological Effectiveness of Radiations of Different Quality. Report 104. 1990.
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American Journal of Roentgenology Vol.130: 1195-1196. 1978.
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Alex Nichols + Virginia Dobbin + John W. Gofman, "The Influence of Dietary Factors upon Human Serum
Lipoprotein Concentrations," Geriatrics 12: 7-17. 1957.
Nichols 1957-b.
Alex V. Nichols + Frank T. Lindgren + John W. Gofman, "Estimation of Atherogenic Index and
Lipoprotein Distribution in Men: Evaluation from Serum Gravimetric Total Lipid and Total Cholesterol
Concentration," Geriatrics: 130-138. February 1957.
Nicod 1993.
Pascal Nicod + Urs Scherrer, "Explosive Growth of Coronary Angioplasty: Success Story of a Less-Than-Perfect Procedure," (editorial comment), Circulation Vol.87: 1749-1751. May 1993.
Nobuyoshi 1991.
M. Nobuyoshi + 8 co-workers, "Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis: Is Coronary Spasm Related to
Progression?" Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol.18: 904-910. 1991.
Nowell 1976.
Peter C. Nowell, "The Clonal Evolution of Tumor Cell Populations," Science Vol.194: 23-28.
NRPB 1995.
National Radiological Protection Board (Britain),
Risk of Radiation-Induced Cancer at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for Radiation Protection Purposes. Prepared by Roger Cox (head
of biomedical effects) + Colin Muirhead (head of epidemiology) + John W. Stather + A.A. Edwards + M.P.
Little. 77 pages. ISBN 0-85951-386-6. Vol.6, No.1 in the series, Documents of the NRPB. (NRPB, Chilton,
Didcot, Oxon OX11 ORQ, Britain.) October 1995.
Nygard 1997.
Ottar Nygard + Jan Erik Nordrehaug + Helga Refsum + Per Magne Ueland + Mikael Farstad + Stein Emil
Vollset, "Plasma Homocysteine Levels and Mortality in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease,"
New England Journal of Medicine Vol.337, No.4: 230-236. July 24, 1997.
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Michael F. Oliver, "Might Treatment of Hypercholesterolaemia Increase Non-Cardiac Mortality?"
Lancet Vol.337: 1529-1531. 1991.
Oliver 1992.
Michael F. Oliver, "Doubts about Preventing Coronary Heart Disease. Multiple Interventions in Middle-Aged
Men May Do More Harm Than Good," British Medical Journal Vol.304: 393-394. 1992.
Oliver 1997.
Michael F. Oliver + Laura A. Corr, "The Low Fat/Low Cholesterol Diet Is Ineffective,"
European Heart Journal Vol.18: 18-22. 1997.
Oncley 1947.
John L. Oncley + G. Scatchard + A. Brown, "Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Certain of the Proteins of
Normal Human Plasma," Journal of Physiological Chemistry Vol.51: 184-198. 1947.
Ornish 1990.
(Lifestyle Heart Trial.) Dean Ornish + 9 co-workers, "Can Lifestyle Changes Reverse Coronary Heart Disease?"
Lancet Vol.336: 129-133. 1990.
Ornish 1998.
Dean Ornish + 10 co-workers, "Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease,"
Journal of the American Medical Assn Vol.280, No.23: 2001-2007. Dec. 16, 1998.
Osler 1908.
William Osler, "Diseases of the Arteries," pp.429-447 in Modern Medicine: Its Practice and Theory,
edited by William Osler. (Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.) 1908.
Palade 1956.
G. Palade, in J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. Vol.2 (Suppl.): 85-98. 1956.
Pappenheimer 1953.
J.R. Pappenheimer, in Physiol. Rev. Vol.14: 404-481. 1953.
Parkes 1991.
Joan Lee Parkes + Robert R. Cardell + Frank C. Hubbard, Jr. + Dale Hubbard + Alan Meltzer + Arthur Penn,
"Cultured Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Smooth Muscle Cells Retain Transforming Potential and Display Enhanced
Expression of the myc Proto-Oncogene," Amer. J. Pathology 138: 765-775. March 1991. See also: Penn.
Parmley 1997.
Wm. W. Parmley, "Clinical Significance of Endothelial Dysfunction," pp. 11-17 in syllabus of
25th Annual Advances in Medicine, presented by the Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco
School of Medicine. (Prof. Parmley, UCSF Box 0656, San Francisco CA 94143-0656). June 23, 1997.
Patel 1995.
P. Patel + Michael A. Mendall + 9 co-workers, "Association of Helicobacter Pylori and Chlamydia Pneumoniae
Infections with Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Risk Factors," British Medical Journal
Vol.311: 711-714. September 16, 1995.
Patterson 1987.
James T. Patterson, The Dread disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture.
380 pages. ISBN 0-674-21625-3. (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.) 1987.
Pearson 1975.
Thomas A. Pearson + A. Wang + Kim Solez + Robert H. Heptinstall, "Clonal Characteristics of Fibrous Plaques
and Fatty Streaks from Human Aortas," American J. Pathology Vol.81, No.2: 379-387. Nov.1975.
Pearson 1977.
Thomas A. Pearson + E.C. Kramer + Kim Solez + Robert H. Heptinstall, "The Human Atherosclerotic Plaque,"
American Journal of Pathology Vol.86, No.3: 657-664. March 1977.
Pearson 1978-a.
Thomas A. Pearson + John M. Dillman + Kim Solez + Robert H. Heptinstall, "Clonal Markers in the Study
of the Origin and Growth of Human Atherosclerotic Lesions," Circulation Research Vol.43: 10-18. 1978.
Pearson 1978-b.
Thomas A. Pearson + John M. Dillman + Kim Solez + Robert H. Heptinstall, "Clonal Characteristics in
Layers of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques: A Study of the Selection Hypothesis of Monoclonality,"
American Journal of Pathology Vol.93, No.1: 93-102. October 1978.
Pearson 1980.
Thomas A. Pearson + John M. Dillman + Kim Solez + Robert H. Heptinstall, "Evidence for Two Populations of
Fatty Streaks with Different Roles in the Atherogenic Process," Lancet 2: 496-498. 1980.
Pearson 1983-a.
Thomas A. Pearson + John M. Dillman + Robert H. Heptinstall, "The Clonal Characteristics of Human Aortic
Intima: Comparison with Fatty Streaks and Normal Media," Amer. J. Pathology Vol.113: 33-40. Oct. 1983.
Pearson 1983-b.
Thomas A. Pearson et al, "Cholesterol-Induced Atherosclerosis: Clonal Characteristics of Arterial Lesions
in the Hybrid Hare," Arteriosclerosis Vol.3: 574-580. Nov-Dec. 1983.
Pearson 1993.
Thomas A. Pearson + Herbert J. Marx, "Rapid Reduction in Cardiac Events with Lipid-Lowering Therapy:
Mechanisms & Implications," (commentary), Amer. J. Cardiology Vol.72: 1072-1073. Nov.1, 1993.
Pearson 1998.
Thomas A. Pearson, "Lipid-Lowering Therapy in Low-Risk Patients," (commentary),
Journal of the American Medical Assn. Vol. 279, No.20: 1659-1661. May 27, 1998.
Pedersen 1994.
Please see Scandinavian 1994.
Pedersen 1995.
Terje R. Pedersen, "Lowering Cholesterol with Drugs and Diet," (editorial),
New England J. of Medicine Vol.333, No.20: 1350-1351. November 16, 1995. See also Scandinavian 1994.
Penn 1980.
Arthur Penn + G. Batastini + Roy Albert, "Age-Dependent Changes in Prevalence, Size, and Proliferation of
Arterial Lesions in the Cockerel. I. Spontaneous Lesions," Artery Vol.7: 448-463. 1980.
Penn 1981-a.
Arthur Penn + G. Batastini + J. Solomon + F. Burns + Roy Albert, "Dose-Dependent Size Increases of Aortic
Lesions Following Chronic Exposure to 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]Anthracene," Cancer Research 41: 588-92.
Penn 1981-b.
Arthur Penn et al, "Age-Dependent Changes in Prevalence, Size and Proliferation of Arterial Lesions in
Cockerels. II. Carcinogen-Associated Lesions," Artery Vol.9, No.5: 382-393. 1981.
Penn 1986.
Arthur Penn + Seymour J. Garte + Lisa Warren + Douglas Nesta + Bruce Mindich, "Transforming Gene in Human
Atherosclerotic Plaque DNA," Proc. Natl. Academy Sci. USA Vol.83: 7951-7955. Oct.1986.
Penn 1988.
Arthur Penn + Carroll A. Snyder, "Arteriosclerotic Plaque Development Is `Promoted' by Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons," Carcinogenesis Vol.9, No.12: 2185-2189. 1988.
Penn 1989.
Arthur Penn, "Molecular Alterations Critical to the Development of Arteriosclerotic Plaques: A Role for
Environmental Agents," Environmental Health Perspectives Vol.81: 189-192. 1989.
Penn 1990.
Arthur Penn, "Mutational Events in the Etiology of Arteriosclerotic Plaques," (review),
Mutation Research Vol.239: 149-162. 1990.
Penn 1991.
Arthur Penn + Frank C. Hubbard, Jr. + Joan Lee Parkes, "Transforming Potential Is Detectable in Arteriosclerotic
Plaques of Young Animals," Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis Vol.11, No.4: 1053-1058.
July/August 1991. See also Parkes 1991.
Penn 1993.
Arthur Penn + Carroll A. Snyder, "Inhalation of Sidestream Cigarette Smoke Accelerates Development of
Arteriosclerotic Plaques," Circulation Vol.88: 1820-1825. 1993.
Penn 1994.
Arthur Penn + Lung-Chi Chen + Carroll A. Snyder, "Inhalation of Steady-State Sidestream Smoke from One
Cigarette Promotes Arteriosclerotic Plaque Development," Circulation Vol.90: 1363-1367. Sept.1994.
Penn 1996.
Arthur Penn et al, "The Tar Fraction of Cigarette Smoke Does Not Promote Arteriosclerotic Plaque Development,"
Environmental Health Perspectives Vol.104, No.10: 1108-1113. October 1996.
Pennell 1952.
Maryland Y. Pennell + Marion E. Altenderfer, Health Manpower Source Book I. Physicians.
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I.J. Perry + H. Refsum + R.W. Morris et al, "Prospective Study of Serum Homocysteine Concentration and
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B.L. Petrie + Joseph L. Melnick et al, "Nucleic Acid Sequences of Cytomegalovirus in Cells Cultured from
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PHS 1959.
"Report to the Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service, on the Control of Radiation Hazards in the United
States." Prepared by the National Advisory Committee on Radiation. 20 pages. March 1959. Committee
Members: Dr. Victor P. Bond + Dr. Richard H. Chamberlain + Dr. James F. Crow + Dr. Herman E. Hilleboe +
Dr. Hardin B. Jones + Dr. Edward B. Lewis + Dr. Berwyn F. Mattison + Dr. Russell H. Morgan (Chairman) + Mr.
Lauriston Taylor + Dr. George W. Thorn + Dr. Abel Wolman + Dr. Arthur H. Wuehrmann.
PHS 1992.
Public Health Service report, Health: United States 1992, and Healthy People 2000 Review. 390
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Public Health Service report, Health, United States, 1995. 320+ pages. This is the twentieth
report in a series submitted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the President and Congress of
the United States. The report was prepared by the Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health
Statistics. The entire report is available on the Internet (as an Acrobat.pdf file) at Also, the entire report is available for purchase on a CD-ROM
"Publications from the National Center for Health Statistics, Featuring
Health, United States, 1995, Vol.2, No.1, June 1996," and its 148 tables can be purchased as Lotus 123 spreadsheet files.
Pickels 1942.
Edward G. Pickels, "The Ultracentrifuge: Practical Aspects of the Ultracentrifugal Analysis of Proteins,
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Edward G. Pickels, "Sedimentation in the Angle Centrifuge,"
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Frank T. Pierce, Jr., "The Relationship of Serum Lipoproteins to Atherosclerosis in the
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Pierce 1954-a.
Frank T. Pierce, Jr., "The Interconversion of Serum Lipoproteins in Vivo,"
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Pierce 1954-b.
Frank T. Pierce, Jr. + Joe R. Kimmel + Thomas W. Burns, "Lipoproteins in Infectious Hepatitis,"
Metabolism Vol.3: 228-239. 1954.
Pierce 1996-a.
Donald A. Pierce + Dale L. Preston, "Risks from Low Doses of Radiation," (letter), Science Vol.272:
632-633. May 3, 1996.
Pierce 1996-b.
Donald A. Pierce + Yukiko Shimizu + Dale L. Preston + 2 co-workers, "Studies of the Mortality of Atomic
Bomb Survivors. Report 12, Part 1. Cancer: 1950-1990," Radiation Research Vol. 146: 1-27. 1996.
Pifer 1963.
James W. Pifer + Edward T. Toyooka + Robert W. Murray + Wendell R. Ames + Louis H. Hempelmann,
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J. National Cancer Institute (USA) Vol.31, No.6: 1333-1356. December 1963.
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Post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Trial Investigators, "Effect of Aggressive Lowering of Low-Density
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Pravastatin 1993.
The Pravastatin Multinational Study Group for Cardiac Risk Patients, "Effects of Pravastatin in Patients
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Dale L. Preston, Chief, Department of Statistics, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan:
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Bogdan Prokopczyk, quoted in Science News Vol.149: 282. May 4, 1996.
Prokopcyzk 1997.
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J.S. Prosser + D.C. Lloyd + A.A. Edwards + J.W. Stather, "Induction of Chromosome Aberrations in Human
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(SCRIP STudy.) T.G. Quinn + E. Alderman + A. McMillan + W. Haskell + SCRIP investigators, "Reduction
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Edward P. Radford + V.R. Hunt, "Polonium-210: A Volatile Radio-Element in Cigarettes," Science
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Week in Review, p.EY 19. September 26, 1982.
Radiation Effects Research Foundation (general).
RERF is the successor of the ABCC (Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission), and controls the A-Bomb Survivor databases. It is funded jointly by the U.S. and Japanese governments.
5-2 Hijiyama Park, Minami-ku, Hiroshima, 732 Japan; or via Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. Website:
Rapp 1991.
J.H. Rapp + W.E. Connor + D.S. Lin + J.M. Porter, "Dietary EicosaPentaenoic Acid and DocosaHexaenoic Acid
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ffe Ravenskov, "Is Intake of Trans-Fatty Acids and Saturated Fat Causal in Coronary Heart Disease?",
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Serge Renaud + Michel de Lorgeril + Jacques Delaye + Janine Guidollet + Franck Jacquard + Nicole Mamelle
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Paul M. Ridker + JoAnn E. Manson + Julie E. Buring + Jessie Shih + Matthew Matias + Charles H.
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