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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ ]


* indicates multiplication.
^ indicates that the next number is an exponent.
Abbott (R.D.) 1984: Triglycerides & IHD risk,  566
Abelson (Philip) 1994: He claims hazard of low-dose
  radn is overestimated,  528.  Pls see: Free radical.
A-Bomb Survivor Study,  e41-e42
  Really a LOW-dose study,  42, 46, 48
  Dose & age-distribution of participants,  42
    Bomb-rads converted to medical rads,  48
  Latency intervals:  By 1950, cancer-rates rising in
    exposed population, 92.  Of all the radn-induced
    solid cancers, 22% occurred 40-45 years after the
    bombing,  49, 357
  Study far from completed,  49
    Its evidence suggests no threshold-dose,  43, 46
  Shape of dose-response, solid cancers,  42-43
    Findings on female genital cancers,  162
  Gamma-induced benign tumors,  297
  Marginal results for IHD,  501-502
  Chronic retroactive changes described,  43-44, 54
    Solution proposed & demonstrated,  44
Access of xrays to every gene of every cell 8, 40,
  343, 536.  Other mutagens may lack universal access
    or activity,  377, 497
Accumulated mutations.  Please see:  Mutations.
Accumulated per-capita pop'n dose.  Pls see: PhysPop.
Acquired mutations (post-conception),  e92, e342
ACS = American Cancer Soc.  Described in Ref. List.
  ACS role in early smoking-health inquiry,  361
  Heath (C.W.), view of xray-role in breast canc,  500
  ACS 1992: Advice to avoid fluoroscopy,  41
ACS-CA 1992: Cancer MortRates 1930-1940,  210, 505
ACS-CA 1997: Mortality statistics 1993,  276, 278
Acute exposure (all at once),  e223
Acute IHD events,  e276, e318, e347
Acute radiation syndrome,  e520
Adam (Ervin) 1987: Viral etiology, atheroscl, 307, 308
Adaptive responses of cells to radn,  527, 617
Adjusted data (for matching),  e82, e367
  Such values are always approximations,  381
  Hazard of layers of adjustments,  15, 569
  Smoking adjustment for post-1940 years,  378-381
    We show "before" and "after" values,  367
Adler (Yolanda T.) 1986: Unfavorable review of
  Gofman/O'Connor Xray book,  51   
Adventitia (artery's outer coat),  e299
Advocacy reduces scientific credibility?  19-20
  Many xray exams occur below age-45,  20, 37
  Age and radiation-sensitivity,  20, 37
  Age and accumulation of chromosome mutations,  39
Age-adjusted MortRates, defined in Grove 1968,  e83
    Know which reference year is used,  82
  Role in "matching" the 9 Census Divisions,  82, 83
  Sample calculations, age-adju MortRates, 87, 88, 503
Age-distribution, 1990 canc MortRate,  32, 84, 88, 356
Age-specific MortRates,  e83-84, e498
  Age-specific All-Cancer MortRates (1990),  88
  Age-specific All-Cancer MortRates (1900-1990),  504
  Age-specific Breast Cancer MortRates (1950-1990), 88
AHA = American Heart Assn.  Described in Ref. List.
  Defines types of atherosclerotic lesions,  301
  Awards the Lyman Duff Memorial Lectureship,  viii,
    303, 314, 577
  Age-adjusts MortRates to 1940 reference year,  82
  AHA role in early smoking-health inquiry,  361
  AHA 1995: Congenital heart defects,  37, 278
    Annual rates of diseases of the heart,  277-278
    No symptoms before 48% of fatal heart attacks, 324
    Big progress in controlling hypertension, 287, 350
  AHA 1996: Diagnostic cardiac catheterizations,  37
Ahfeldt (P-E.), co-author, Carlson 1979,  565
Ahmed (A.J.) 1990: Tumor hypothesis, plaque,  330
Ahrens (Edward) 1955: Diet & blood lipids,  560
AICR = American Institute of Cancer Research.
  1997: Estimates ~ 35 % of cancer due to diet,  495
Alaska omitted,  57, 78, 79, 80
Albert (R.E.) 1977: Atheroscl plaques induced in
  cockerels by carcinogens,  330
Albumin: Much smaller in size than lipoproteins,  333
Alfthan (G.) 1994: Homocysteine & IHD etiology,  331
All-Cancers-Combined,  e107
  Age-adju MortRates by Census Divisions, Chaps 6 & 7
    Mid-century dose-response with PhysPop, 12-13, 24
  Age-adju & age-specific National MortRates,  504
Alpha lipoproteins,  311, 312, 538
Alpha radiation,  e517
  A "high-LET" radn,  e47.  Experimental demo:  A
    single alpha particle can induce mutation,  529
  Alpha radn: Smoke's primary atherogen?  329
  Alpha radn: Smoke's primary lung-carcinogen?  362
AMA = American Medical Assn.  Described in Ref. List.
  AMA 1950: Registry of U.S. Physicians,  58
  AMA 1965: Distribution of U.S. Physicians: Ref List.
  AMA 1982: PhysPop data,  58
  AMA 1986: PhysPop data,  58
  AMA 1990: PhysPop data,  75
  AMA 1993: Categories of physicians,  57, 58, 70
  AMA 1994: Physpop data,  58, 75
Ambrose (J.A.) 1986+1988: Degrees of stenosis,  322
American Cancer Society.  Please see:  ACS.
American Heart Assn.  Please see:  AHA.
American Roentgen Ray Society,  27, 29, 609
Ames (Bruce N.) 1989+1995: Rate of endogenous DNA
  damage,  528, 531, 532
Amromin (G.D.) 1964:  Co-action between high-dose
  x-radiation and cholesterol-feeding,  604
Anderson (K.) 1985:  How to cut xray dose,  23
Anderson (Robert E.) 1989:  Autopsy data, canc,  81
Anderson (T.J.) 1995: IHD therapy, prevention,  345
Andrus (Prof. E. Cowles): Served well as a
  neutral in arguments which occurred,  545
Anesthesia, and sudden death,  28
Aneuploidy (wrong number of chromosomes),  e533, e534
Angina pectoris,  e276
Angio.  Relating to a vessel, usually a blood vessel.
Angiogenesis,  e300.  Research on its stimulation
  (IHD), 300. Research on its suppression (cancer) 536
Angiography = an xray examination (including
  fluoroscopy) of the blood vessels,  34, 303
Angioplasty = a medical procedure to increase the
  interior diameter of a stenotic artery by inflating
  a balloon on the tip of a catheter.  Re-stenosis
  may occur.  Associated xray dose,  36, 600
Anitschkow (N.) 1933: World-famous research on
  "rabbit atherosclerosis" induced by
  cholesterol-feeding,  317, 538
Antonis (A.) 1961:  Diet & serum triglycerides,  560
Apoptosis (enzyme-regulated cell-death),  e340, 377
Apple (Raymond) 1994+1995: Inherited vulnerability to
  cervical cancer,  164-165
Approximation is inherent in adjusted data,  381
Arbeit (J.) 1996: Co-action in cervical canc,  165
Armstrong (M.L.) 1989: Plaque obstructs lumen only
  late in its growth,  303
Arnesen (E.) 1995: Serum homocysteine & IHD,  331
Arrhythmia,  e276
Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease,  e275.
Artom (C.) 1965:  Co-action, radn & cholesterol,  605
Aspirin & heart attacks,  352, 567
Astonishment when strong, positive PhysPop-IHD
  correlation was uncovered,  13, 16, 233
Atherosclerosis,  e275, 299, e301-e303
  Develops over years, decades,  300, 349, 595
  Controversy over what starts the process,  300, 305
    "Schools" of thought on etiology, Chaps 44 + 45
    Non-radn non-lipid risk-factors, 332, 337, 349-351
      Independent atherogens vs. markers,  306,
      543-544, 552-554, 565-566, 577-585, 586
  Atheroscl as precursor to stroke, gangrene too,  307
Atherosclerotic lesions, described:  300-304, 323,
      339-341.  Formal "types,"  e301, e348-e349.
  The adjacent tissue is healthy,  300, 301, 302, 338,
    339, 349
  Lesions initially grow away from lumen,  303, 322
  Thrombogenic lipid core,  323
  Plaque is "hive of activity,"  339, 347
  Unpredictable path of evolving lesions, 321, 348-349
  Progression of lesions.  Please see: Progression.
  High-dose radn causes vessel-and-heart damage which
    differs from athero lesions 1, 9, 16, 275, 599-608
Atomic Energy Commission: Its 1940-1950 radn experts
    were transferred from medical world,  31
  AEC alarmed by analysis in Gofman 1969-b,  viii, 533
Autopsy observations.  Cancer & general,  81-82
    Lesions of the heart & vessels,  301, 600-606
  Failure to fund autopsies in clinical trials,  82
  Autopsy rates & PhysPop-cancer dose-response,  510
Avins (Andrew L.) 1989+1997:  Are high serum tri-
  glyceride levels an indep risk factor for IHD?  316
"Awe, humility, and gratitude" (for gene-repair),  524


Babies fluoroscoped during check-ups,  29, 31, 610
"Background" canc-rate includes xray-cases,  50, 91
Background radn,  e520.  Pls see: Natural background.
Bacterial infections.  As atherogens,  309-310.
  As carcinogens,  210, 435.  
Baermann (G.) 1904: Radiation injures vessels,  607
Bailar (J.C.) 1997:  Age-adjusting to 1990,  82
Barter (P.) 1995: Pravastatin Study & breast ca, 320
Baverstock (Keith) 1981+1983+1987: Radium dials,  524
  1991: Response to Billen 1990,  524
  1992: Latency < 5yr, Chernobyl-induced thyroid ca, 91
  Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (a govt-
  sponsored Com'tee at US Natl Academy of Sci),  e114
BEIR 1972 (BEIR-1): Latency < 5yr for bomb-induced
  leukemia, 91.  Mutagenicity (RBE) of radns, 518
BEIR 1980 (BEIR-3 Report):
  Cancer is major effect of ionizing radn,  11, 40
  Hiroshima & Nagasaki autopsy data, re cancer,  81
BEIR 1990 (BEIR-5 Report):
  Cig-smoke irradiates bronchial epithelium,  362
  Co-actors modify radn's potency/rad,  114, 376-77
  Comtee cannot explain big variation risk/rad,  48
  Comtee says "legitimate" questions exist because
    some low-dose studies produce risk-estimates
    "substantially" higher than BEIR-1990's own,  11
  Radn induces benign tumors as well as cancer,  297
  Xrays more potent than bomb radn,  46
BEIR 1999 (BEIR-6 Report):  Co-actors,  4.
  Co-actors modify radn's potency/rad,  114, 377
  Fractional causation,  4
Bell (F.P.) 1974a+b: How do lipids enter intima?  318
Benditt (Earl P.), pathologist, Univ. Washington.
  1973+1974+1976+1977+1988: Monoclonal hypothesis of
    atherosclerosis,  1, 6, 16, 325-327, 339, 350
      "Benign smooth muscle tumor,"  327
    Comments by others,  328-331
  1976: Description of atherosclerotic lesions,  301
  1988: Some wise words about research,  352
Benefit-risk of dose-cutting: All benefit, no risk, 18
Benefits of lipid-lowering, 318-321, 322, 345-346, 353
  And endothelial function,  345
  Add'l entry:  Stabilization of plaque.
Benefits of medical radn,  9, 17, 19, 91, 234, 515
Benign tumors, radiation-inducible,  297
Bennett (H.S.) 1956:  How do lipids enter intima?  317
Best estimate, central value,  e95.  Most likely
  value,  217, 283
Best-fit equation,  e63
Best-fit line,  e63.  Add'l entry:  Steepness.
Beta lipoproteins,  311, 312, 538
Beta radiation, beta particle, e517.  And 44, 47, 329
  High-energy betas less mutagenic than xrays,  9
  Low-energy tritium is very mutagenic,  47
Beutler (E.) 1962: On enzymes in mosaicism, 326
"Beyond a reasonable doubt,"  213, 272, 367, 513
Bias-free databases used by this monograph, 14, 52,
    55, 111, 216, 283, 295, 501
  Add'l entry: Databases, protective measures ag bias
"Bickering (unnecessary) to no good end,"  608
Bierman (Edwin L.),  350
  1976: Smooth muscle cells & LDL,  327
  1992: About 75% of diabetics die of IHD,  247
  1992: Role of plasma triglycerides in atheroscl, 316
Bihari-Varga (M.) 1967: Lipid retention, intima,  318
Billen (Daniel) 1990+1991: On endogenous free
  radicals,  528.  Proposes an equivalence between
  endogenous metabolic free radicals and free radicals
  induced by ionizing radn; then argues that low-dose
    radn is a negligible hazard,  530-532
  Demonstrated fallacy of free-radical argument, 531-2
Biologically unnatural energy (transferred by ionizing
  radiation to molecules),  8, 38, 532
Biopsies which are xray guided,  35
Bishop (Louis) 1922: Fluoroscopy, widespread use,  29
Bittl (John H.) 1996, NEJM review article:
  Endorses intense effort to lower lipid levels,  319
  How lipid-lowering achieves its benefit,  345
  Moderate stenosis and acute IHD events,  322
Bjorkerud (S.) 1971: Injury, intimal endothelium,  306
Black (A.) 1975:  Intense exertion & acute IHD,  324
Black's Crack in the Plaque (plaque rupture),  324
Blanchard (R.L.) 1967: Alpha radn in cig. smoke,  362
Blankenhorn (David H.), 1992 Lyman Duff Award,  303.
  1987: CLAS Study on Colestipol Niacin Therapy,  336
  1993: MARS, Monitored Atheroscl Regression,  336
  1994: Lyman Duff Memorial Lecture,  303-304, 316,
      321, 322, 325, 347 (progression)
  Problem in detecting progression, regression,  303-4
Blatz (Hanson) 1970: Mid-century well-baby exams used
  fluoroscopy for first 2 yrs of life,  29
Boice (J.D.,Jr.) 1977+1978+1981+1991: Breast-cancer
  effect of serial low-dose fluoroscopies,  523
Bomb-rads: Conversion to medical-rads,  47
"Bombs" or violent energy-deposits by radn, 8, 38, 517
Bond (V.P.) 1978: Xrays more damaging than gammas, 47
Bone-marrow dose,  34
Borek (C.) 1983: Xrays more damaging than gammas,  47
Bosch (F.X.) 1995: Cervical canc & HPV infect'n 164-65
Bottinger (L.A.), co-author, Carlson 1979,  565
Boveri (Theodor) 1914: A scientist far ahead of his
  time who suggested chromosomal abnormality as a
  cause of human cancer,  533
Boxy symbols of graphs,  e92, e95, e110.  How to know
  which box is which Census Div, 110.  Sample, 220-221
Boyer (Herbert) 1996:  Over-analysis, before starting
  a project, can cause paralysis,  55
Braestrup (Carl B.), physicist, New York hospitals.
  1942: Fluoroscopic over-exposures,  29-30, 612
  1969: Limit set at 100 roentgens/exam,  30
Bragdon (J.H.) 1956: Composition of lipoproteins,  333
Braunwald (Eugene) 1997 in NEJM Shattuck Lecture:
  Half of IHD cases have no established risk,  337
Breast cancer.
  Age-adjusted MortRates flat over time, vs. rising
    incidence,  423, 506
  Age-specific MortRates USA,  88, 423
  And dietary fat,  569
  And pravastatin,  320
  Current share of Breast Canc due to medical xrays:
    75% (from Gofman 1995/96),  5, 52, 125, 500, 501
    83% (from this monograph),  423, 501
    1% (from Evans 1986),  500, 501
      Reasons for the Gofman-Evans disparity,  500-501
  Serial low-dose fluoroscopy & Breast Cancer,  28,
    48, 501, 523-524.  Breast Cancer provides much
    evidence on low-dose radiation carcinogenesis,  51
Brenner (D.J.) 1989: Low energy xrays=extra damage, 47
Brensike, (J.F.) 1984: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Brewen, (J.G.) 1973: Chromosome breakage by radn,  38
Bronchitis (chronic) and smoking,  362
Brosius (F.C. III) 1981: Heart damage by radn,  605
Brown (B. Greg) 1986+1989+1990+1993: Etiology of
  atheroscl & acute events, 318, 321, 322, 323, 325,
    336, 345, 347-348
  Characteristics of rupture-prone plaques,  323
  Less stenotic lesions more numerous, perilous 347-48
  Plaque stabilization,  318, 345
Buchwald (H.) 1990: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Bucky (Gustav) 1927: `Grenz' (soft) xrays,  30-31
Budowski (P.) 1985: n-3 vs. n-6 fatty acids,  569
Buja (L.M.) 1994: Stabilization of plaques,  325
Burke (Allen P.) on plaque rupture and erosion:
  1998: Plaque erosion & sudden death in women,  321
  1999: Plaque rupture, exercise vs. rest,  321, 324
Burney (Leroy E.), 1957 warning about smoking,  361
Burr (M.L.) 1989, DART Study: Fish, fish oils 568, 569
Burton (E.C.) 1998: Autopsy and canc. diagnosis,  82
Buschke (Franz) 1942: Well-baby fluoroscopy:  610, 612
  Est. dose = 100 R during first year of life,  29
  Concern over causing inherited afflictions,  31


CAD = Coronary Artery Disease,  e7, e275
Calcium deposits in atheroscl plaque:  34, 303, 304,
    305, 329, 347.  Detection by fast CT scans,  34
  Calcium deposition in other lesion-types too,  329
Campbell (Gordon R.) 1988, Smooth muscle cells are
  multi-functional,  306
Cancer deaths (USA, 1993) = 529,904 (23.4%),  276, 278
Cancer etiology: Why cancer called 100 diseases,  535
  Ionizing radn is an undisputed cause,  2, 7, 40-41,
    521-529.  Pre-xray etiology,  10, 209, 210.
  Single-cell origin of malignancy, 325, 526, 529, 534
  Initiation-promotion model,  3, 114, 330, 376, 526
    Multi-mutation model,  3, 526
  Inherited predisposition,  3, 51, 164-165, 495, 496
  Add'l entries:  Co-action.  Infections.  Mutation.
Cancer MortRates:
  Some types rise while others fall,  210, 496-497
  Add'l entries:  All-Cancers-Combined.  MortRates.
"Carbohydrate effect" on plasma lipoprots, 315, 316,
    e560, 564, 573
  High carbohydrate diets, not always healthy,  311,
    315, 555, 560, 573
  Low carbohydrate therapy,  560, 561, 574, 575
Carcinogenesis.  Please see: Cancer, etiology.
Cardiac arrest,  e276
Cardiac catheterizations,  37.  Multiple, 600
CardioVascular Diseases (CVD), e276-e278.  Trends, 287
Carlson (L.A.) 1979: Serum triglyceride as predictor
  of heart attack rate,  565
Caro (C.) 1971: Injury of arterial endothelium,  307
Cashin-Hemphill (L.) 1990, CLAS II:  IHD therapy, 336
Castelli (William P.) 1986: Framingham Study, 546-547,
  Dose-response shown between entry-level Sf 0-20
    cholesterol-rich lipoproteins & IHD,  546-547
  Dose-response shown between entry-level of Sf 20-
    400 triglyceride-rich lipoproteins & IHD, 546, 565
  "Individuals who have high triglyceride levels
    should be considered at high risk for CHD,"  566
Cathcart (M.K.) 1985: Oxidized LDL & endothelium,  307
Catheters:  Placement guided by xrays,  9, 35, 37
  Multiple cardiac catheterizations & xray dose,  600
Causation:  Types of evidence.
  Evidence that putative cause precedes effect:
    1921 PhysPops predict 1940 Canc MortRates, 213-14
    1931 PhysPops predict 1950 IHD MortRates, 296, 513
    Does Chlamydia infection precede plaque?  310
    Elevated plasma lipoproteins precede infarct,
      544-547, 580
  Positive dose-response is presumptively causal, 
    55, 296, 513, 514.  "Gold standard,"  213, 513.
  Correlation alone is not proof of causation,  213,
    272, 513, 514
      Example: Correlated Canc-IHD MortRates,  642-644
  Correlation PLUS add'l info & logic, 272, 295, 513
    "Beyond a reasonable doubt,"  213, 272, 513
  Determination that an agent makes an independent
    contribution to the effect, and is not just
    correlated with the real causal agents ("Not easy
    to do," 544).  Examples. C-reactive protein, 306.
    Chlamydia, 310.  Sf 20-400, 316.  Hyperinsulin-
    emia, 350-351.  Sf 20-100, 543-544.  HDL as anti-
    atherogen, 577-585.  "Small dense LDL," 586-593.
  Clinical intervention trials,  309, 318-320, 332
  Examination: Any alternative, equally reasonable
    explanation?  15, 112, 507-512, 642-644
Celermajer (D.S.) 1998: MRI may be capable of
  identifying rupture-prone plaques,  323
Cell division: Distribution of chromosomes,  39
Cells not always killed by mutation,  8, 39
Cells per gram of tissue,  39, 44, 518, 529
Cell-traversals required to deliver one rad,  47
Census Bureau 1951+1959, populations for PhysPop,  58
Census Divisions:  Distribution of the states,  57
  Populations sizes of the Divisions, 1910-1990,  75
  Stability of PhysPop ranking by Divs,  61, 66
Centers for Disease Control (CDC),  79
"Central Dogma" about stenosis is re-examined,  322
  And general wisdom about role of smooth muscle
  cells in atherosclerosis is challenged too,  323-324
Central value,  e95
Cervical cancer and co-actors, 164-165.  Smoking, 165
cGy (centi-gray),  e517.  One rad.
Chambers (R.) 1947: How do lipids enter intima?  317
Chang (C-c.), co-author of Trosko 1980,  329, 350
Chemotherapy for cancer: Slow beginning ~ 1943,  509
Cheng (G.C.) 1993: Stress on fibrous cap,  323
Cheng (Keith. C.) 1993: Genomic instability,  533, 534
Chernobyl-induced thyroid cancer within 5 years,  91
Chesebro (J.H.) 1992: Anti-thrombotic agents,  352
Chest xrays: Dose now ~100-fold lower than 1950,  34
Chlamydia pneumoniae & IHD,  309-310
Cholesterol,  e562.  Endogenous & dietary,  314, 538
  Cholesterol-rich lipoproteins,  e313, e333, e550
  "Total cholesterol" measurement is not fully
    informative,  316, 556, 561
  Hypercholesterolemia: Synergism with radiation in
    rabbits, rats, pigeons,  604-605
  Deposition & removal of cholesterol from plaque, 578
Cholesterol & Recurrent Events Study,  320-321
Chromosome,  e537.  Accurate count, in 1956,  533
    Distribution during cell-division,  39, 533, 537
  Chromosomal mutations from radn,  5, 7, 38, 39
    Types of structural re-arrangements,  39, 533
    Accumulation with advancing age,  39
    Very low doubling dose,  5, 7, 9, e39, 343, 515
    Dose-response detectable 45 years later,  50
  Enzyme-guided breaks vs. messy radn breaks,  39
  Chromo "instability."  Pls see: Genomic instability
Chylomicron,  e312, e333
Ciampricotti (R.) 1989: Heart attacks, soon after
  vigorous exercise,  324
Cigarette smoking: Annual rates, 1900-1994,  363, 371
  Gender-difference in smoking behavior,  364-365
  Recognized as carcinogen & IHD risk-factor,  361-362
    Role of alpha-radn?  329 (IHD), 362, 536 (cancer).
  Implicated in non-Respiratory-System cancer 165, 411
  Named as co-actor in cancer (BEIR), 114, 376
  Evidence that smoking-intensity was NOT alike across
    the Nine Census Divisions, and was inversely
    correlated with PhysPop,  366-367, 369
Cigar-smoking:  Approx as risky as cigarettes,  363
Circumstantial evidence,  213, 272, 295, 513
Cirrhosis of the liver,  81
Clarke (M.) 1995: Unclear benefit of radiotherapy
  for breast cancer,  509
Clarkson (T.B.) 1994: Plaque obstructs lumen only
  late in its growth,  303
Clone,  e325, e339
  Clones (dysfunctional) of non-SMCs possible too, 339
Co-action, among causes of cancer & IHD,  e3, 495
  Necessary co-actors,  e3, e4, e98, e114, e283, e362,
    e376, e495
  Multiple co-actors per case of disease,  3, 4, 98
  Implication for preventing diseases,  4, 283
  Relation of co-action with Fractional Causation, e4
  Carcinogenic co-actors alter each other's potency,
      4, 90, 98, 114, 376-377, 441, 497, 623
    How:  377, 497
  List: Cancer co-actors w. radn, from BEIR, UNSCEAR,
    114, 377.  Co-actors in cervical ca,  164-165.
  Co-action, smoking and radon,  4
  Co-action, xrays and dietary cholesterol,  604, 605
  Add'l entries:  Cancer, etiology.  Multi-step model.
Cobalt-60 and track-analysis,  525-526
Cohen (M.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Cohn (Edwin J.) 1946: Alpha & beta lipoproteins,  311
Cohn (K.E.), co-author of Stewart 1967,  601
Colditz (Graham): AAAS Breast Cancer Symposium,  51
Collateral vessels,  e300.  And silent occlusions, 349
Collimation of xray beam,  30, 34, fluoroscopy 36, 610
Comments of note:  About hesitation (Herb Boyer),  55
  On common obstacle to progress (Orville Wright), 515
  About progress in research (Earl Benditt),  352
ComPrinci 1978: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Computed tomography.  Please see:  CT scans.
"Concrete":  MortRates set in concrete by PhysPop, 212
Confidence limits on an estimate,  e95
  C.L. on est. Fractional Causation,  14, 112-113, 116
Confounding variables.  Please see:  Matching.
Connective tissue = extracellular matrix,  340
Connor (Sonja L.), co-author of Connor 1997,  555
Connor (William E.), on diet and IHD,  556
  1986: Metabolic effects of n-3 fatty acids,  563
  1997: Exasperated by contradictory advice,  555
Consensus 1985: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Constant-cohort, dual-dosimetry analysis,  e44
Constant, in linear regression,  14, e64, e94-95,
  e111.  Add'l entry: Negative Constants.
Control groups,  91, 618, 619.  Placebo, 319-320
Cook (Linda S.) 1997: Genital talcum powder:
  Users have higher risk of ovarian cancer,  164
  USA:  28 to 51% of women use it,  164
Co-op 1956: First prospective study of certain serum
  lipoproteins, cholesterol, and IHD,  541, 545-546
Coresh (Josef) 1996, and Peter Kwiterovich in JAMA on
  "Small, Dense LDL Particles and CHD Risk,"  586
Coronary arteries,  e299
Correlation, perfect & linear,  e63, e92
  Correlation and causation.  Please see:  Causation.
  Correlation can persist while x and y variables
    change in opposite directions,  97-98
  Correlation axiom for radn-induced cancer,  e99
Cotran (Ramzi S.), co-author of Munro 1988,  302
Courtice (F.C.) 1962: Transfer-rate of lipoproteins
  across capillary wall varies with size,  317
Cox (Roger):  NRPB rejects threshold,  527
Cralley (L.J.) 1968: Asbestos in talcum powder,  163
Cramer (D.W.) 1982: Talc, asbestos, and elevated rate
  of ovarian cancer,  163-164
Credibility in science: Reduced by advocacy?  19
  Ruined by discarding barriers against bias,  43, 54
  Undermined by conflict-of-interest,  54-55
Crete:  Heart-healthy diet,  566
cSv (centi-sievert),  e518.  One rem.
CT scans:  Dose level per exam rising,  34
  Frequent organ-dosage per exam: 1-5 rads,  49
  35% of CT exams received below age 45,  37
  Ultra-fast CT scans detect athero calcium deposit 34
"Culprit" plaques (the ones causing acute events), 347
Cumulative effect of radn,  9.  Please see:  Mutation.
Cuzick (J.) 1994: Radiotherapy for breast cancer and
  cardiac-related deaths,  508-509
CVD = CardioVascular Diseases,  e276-278
CytoMegaloVirus (CMV) and IHD,  307, 308


Danesh (J.) 1997: Infections & vascular disease,  310
Daoud (A.S.) 1963: Plaque rupture & heart attack,  324
Databases:  Protective measures against bias.
  Some well-established barriers to bias,  43
  First obligation of analysts,  14, 216
    Einstein would be misled,  216
  Peril from "fiddlers,"  43-44, 546
  Potential for tainted databases,  54-55, 216, 295
  Status  should be "above suspicion,"  44
Davidson (M.) 1998: Infection and IHD,  309
Davidson (R.G.) 1963: Mosaicism, inactive genes,  325
Davies (M.J.) 1985+1990: Plaque rupture,  321, 322
Davis (Devra Lee): AAAS Breast Cancer Symposium,  51
Dawber (Thomas R.), Framingham Heart Study:  In 1965,
  he provided list of de novo cases of IHD in 4,509
  entrants whose lipoproteins were measured by Donner
  Lab 12 years earlier,  546, 579
Deaths, USA, 1993:  15 Leading Causes,  278
DeBakey (Michael E.): Viral etiology, atheroscl,  307
Defense Department: Depended on medical professionals
  for advice on radn,  31
DeLalla (Oliver F.), valued member, Donner group,  315
  1954-a: Ultracentrifugal techniques,   541, 557, 558
  1954-b: High-density lipoproteins,  312, 587
  1958: Livermore Lipoprotein Study,  547, 577
  1961: Lipoprotein inter-correlations,  544, 577
Deletions, e39, e534.  Radn-induced,  5, 7, 38-39
Delivery time of cases, post-irradiation,  e49
  Build-up due to gradual deliv'y 89-90, 101, 210, 499
  Equilibrium of production & delivery rates,  90, 101
  Build-down after reducing radn dose, 90-91, 101, 356
  Cancer MortRates are affected by radn-exposures
    decades earlier,  32, 52, 108, 212, 356
  Please see:  Latency periods.
DeLorgeril (Michel) 1994-b: Inflammation, athero,  325
DeLorgeril (Michel) 1994+1996+1997+1998+1999, Lyon
  Diet Heart Study (Mediterranean Diet):  556, 566-569
    Possible reasons for its benefits,  568-569
"Demands an explanation,"  13, 15, 234, 272, 337,
  343, 355, 512, 514, 644
Dental xrays,  30, 31, 610
  USA:  Estimated 100 million exams per year,  11
Dependent variable, in dose-response,  11
Despres (J-P.) 1996: Hyperinsulinemia and IHD,  351
Dewing, (Stephen B.) 1969:  Fine book on radiation
  therapy in non-malignant disease,  30
DHA (an n-3 long-chain fatty acid),  e563
Diabetes Mellitus: Rule-change for reporting deaths
    in diabetics,  22, 84, 247, 274
  Therapy of acidosis: Non-random, serial lipoprotein
    changes observed,  315, 335
  DM is a risk-factor for IHD,  247, 350
  DM etiology:  Trosko's view,  330
  Impact of anti-biotics,  618
Dicentric mutation, 46e.  Also:  9, 39
Dietary approaches to prevention and therapy of
    atherosclerosis & IHD,  315, 555-576
  A single regime is not right for everyone,  556-558
  Carbohydrate: 311, 555, 560-561, 572-575
  Animal vs. veg fat: 558-559, 572
  Omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids: 556, 562-564, 566-569
  Being overweight,  556, 569-571
Difference Cancers (All But Respiratory),  e187, e411
Digital radiography,  34-35
DiLeonardo (A.) 1993: Gene amplification,  535
"Disasters-in-waiting,"  322-323
District of Columbia, omitted,  57, 78, 79, 80
DNA,  e537.  Diameter of double helix = 2 nm,  38
  Free radicals damage DNA constantly,  38, 530-531
  Unrepaired damage = mutation,  38, 39, 340, 531
  Please see: Repair.
Dobbin (Mrs.Virginia) 1957, Chief Dietician at Cowell
  Memorial Hospital, UC Berkeley,  556, 558
Dobson, (R.L.) 1976: LowEnergy radn = extra damage, 47
"Dogma" falls on role of smooth muscle cells, 323, 324
"Dogma" falls on severity of stenosis,  322
"Dogma": Gofman's "heresy" is now "dogma" (1984),  314
  R. Doll, 1976: Smoking-related lung-cancer,  363
Dollinger (Malin R.) 1965+1966: Heart damage from
  radiation therapy for Hodgkins,  600-601
Donaldson (S.W.) 1951: Est. xray frequency at mid-
  century,  31, 609-611, 615
Donner Laboratory, Lipoprotein Studies, 1948-present,
    310-317, 538-561.
  In most of the early work, Frank T. Lindgren, Alex
  V. Nichols, Beverly Strisower, and Oliver DeLalla
  made major contributions beyond the published papers
  which bear their names,  310-314.  Additionally,
  Thomas P. Lyon (cardiologist) was indispensable in
  organizing the acquisition of patients for the
  case-control studies.
    Donner Dinner 1990: Gofman 1990-b in Ref. List.
Dose, ionizing radiation:
  Lowest possible dose & dose-rate,  e44, e45, e521,
    e525, e527
  From rads to tracks, conversion,  45, 522, 525
  From bomb-rads to medical-rads, conversion,  48
  Dose is cumulative,  9, 12
    Low, moderate, high dose-ranges,  519
  Entrance-dose versus organ-dose,  519, 611
  Two biggest sources of voluntary irradiation,  536
  Evidence against any safe dose,  44-46, 521-529
  Avg per-capita population dose, 11, 33, 34, 37-38
    Reasons for profound uncertainty,  33-38
  Avg per-patient dose: Likely to be similar in all
    Nine Census Divs, 93-94, 623
  Please see: Dose-units.
Dose-levels from some current xray procedures,  48-49
  "Significant radiological impact" (UNSCEAR),  17
  Examples:  CT, Upper GI, Interventional Fluoro-
    scopy, Thallium-201,  48-49.  Angioplasty, 36, 600
  Dose-rate per minute from fluoroscopy,  612
  Some procedures often giving over 100 rads,  36, 600
  Model dose-levels vs. true dose-levels,  11, 33
  Measurement of dose seldom done, past or now,  11,
    17, 20, 30, 33, 36, 37, 609
  Dose-level varies from place to place,  11, 17, 33
  Dose-level varies with size of patient,  11
  Adult bone-marrow dose,  34
  Doses from cancer radiotherapy,  520, 600, 601, 602
  Please see: Xrays, history, 1960-1999.
Dose-levels: Natural level vs. acute lethal dose,  520
Dose rate, minimal,  e44, e45, e521-522, 527
  Nuclear workers accumulate mutations from receiving
    low-doses of radn at minimal dose-rate,  9, 521
Dose-reduction, achievements & opportunities: 515, 536
  Demonstrated ways, 2, 9, 17, 18, list 23, 33, 35, 36
    Doses cut to one-third in actual practice,  51
  Fluoroscopy,  23, 36
  Mammography,  2, 18
  Spine exams for scoliosis patients,  17-18
  Chest films,  34
  Proper processing of films,  35
  Collimation of beam to organ,  34
  Measurement: A key requirement,  18
  Leaders in professional education: Gray & Mettler, 9
  Hippocratic Oath,  18
  Cases already "in the pipeline,"  91
Dose-response, explained,  53, 55, 96, 111, 212
  Quantitative variation in cause controls quantita-
    tive variation in effect,  96, 209, 212, 296
  Example of an ABSENT dose-response,  161-163, 167
  Presumptive evidence of causation,  55, 296, 513
    Please see:  Causation.
  Leveling-off (flattening) at high doses,  43, 520
  Add'l entries:  Linear.  Supra-linear.  J-shaped.
Dose-units of ionizing radiation:  517-519
Double-strand chromosome breaks 8, 38-9, 526, 527, 528
  The "hallmark" of radn-induced mutations,  528
  Repair is error-prone,  45, 528
Doubling-dose,  e9, e39.  DD is low for radn-induced
  mutations,  5, 7, 9, 39 (in rads), 343, 515
Doud (A.) 1964:  Smooth muscle cells of athero,  301
DS86 dosimetry, A-Bomb Study,  43
"Duck" adage:  "If it walks like a duck ..."  298
Duff (G. Lyman) and Gardner MacMillan, 1948+1949:
  Crucial experiments on cholesterol-fed alloxan
    diabetic rabbits,  539
  G. Lyman Duff Memorial Award,  viii, 303, 314, 577
Dunsmore (Lillian D.) 1986: Heart damage from radn
  therapy shows "striking difference" from
  atherosclerosis,  605-606
Dunsmore (Richard) 1986+1996: Heart damage from
  high-dose radiation,  605, 606
Duplex (DNA),  e528.  The double-helix.
Dysfunctional SMC Mini-Tumors: How they arise and
    what they do,  340-342
  Numerous genetic pathways to SMC dysfunction,  341
  Expanding plaque may acquire normal SMCs too,  347
  Mutation-induced dysfunction may occur also in
    non-SMC arterial cells,  339


Easton (Alyssa), CDC Office on Smoking & Health,  365
Educational level vs. smoking habits,  364, 368
Edwards (A.A.), NRPB rejects threshold,  527
Effective dose equivalent,  e518-519
Effusion, presence of escaped fluid,  602
Einstein (Albert) himself would produce false answers
  from a false database,  216
Electrons: Endowed by radiation with biologically
  unnatural kinetic energy,  8
Elkeles (Arthur) 1961+1966+1968+1969+1977:  Reports
  high alpha-radiation levels in plaques,  329
Embolus, embolism,  e276
"Emphatic assurances of safety," (examples),  31, 32
Emphysema and smoking,  362
Enas (E.A.) 1998: Serum triglyceride & atheroscl,  316
Endocardium,  e599
Endothelial cells of vessels,  e299
  Various functions of arterial endothelium,  307
    Lipid-lowering may improve their function,  345
  Endo. intact at sites of early athero lesions,  307
  Permeability of endothelium to solutes in the
    bloodstream,  310, 316-318.
  Lipids enter intima without endothelial injury,  318
  Endothelium & damage by high-dose radiation,  607
Engelberg (Hyman), valued member of Donner group;
  1952a+b: Aberrant lipoprotein levels, diabetes,  543
  1996: Deficient endogenous heparin & atheroscl,  350
Entrance dose,  e611
"Entropic circumstances" in epidemiology,  e99-100
Environmental factor = any exogenous factor,  327
EPA (an n-3 long-chain fatty acid),  e563
Epicardium,  e599
Epidemiologic pitfalls.  Please see: Pitfalls.
Epstein (Samuel): AAAS breast cancer symposium,  51
Epstein (Stephen E.) 1994: CMV & p53 protein,  309
Equation for a straight line (y = mx + b),  e63, e92
Equation of best fit,  e63, e94
Equilibrium: Entry-exit rates of lipoprots,  e317, 318
Equilibrium: Production & delivery rates, cancer,  e90
  Equilibrium would not be reached by 1940,  624
  Potential pitfall in cancer research,  50
Error-correction (1952) for measurement of Std Sf 0-12
  lipoproteins,  541, 545
Erythema dose,  e28 (early dosimeter for xrays)
Essential hyperlipemia,  335, 588
Ester, esterified,  e562
Etiology.  The study of the causation of any disease,
  or the sum of current wisdom about the causes.
European 1987: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Evans (H.J.) 1978+1979: Chromosome damage, radn,  39
Evans (John S.) 1986: "Less than 1% of all cases of
  breast cancer results from diag. radiography,"  500
    Critique of the Evans analysis,  500-501
Evans (Nancy): Big role in birth of Hypothesis-1,  51
Evens (Ronald) 1995: "Xray mania" in USA 1896,  27-28
Excess cases of disease beyond expected,  91, 525
"Executed in plain view,"  14
Exercise (strenuous) & plaque rupture,  324
Expert Panel 1993 (USA): Endorses regimes to reduce
  serum LDL cholesterol levels,  319, 336
Extracellular matrix = connective tissue,  340
Extra smoking in MidTrio & LowTrio Census Divs,  381


Fabricant (C.G.) 1978: Viral etiology of IHD, 307, 308
Faggiotto (A.) 1984+1984-b: Early athero lesions,  307
Fajardo (Luis F.) 1968+1973+1977: Heart damage from
  radiation therapy,  601-605, 606, 607
Fallout (radioactive) from bombs,  31-32, 521
Fat (dietary), 556-576
  Oversimplification of advice,  558
  Animal vs. vegetable is inadequate distinction,  562
Fatty acid,  e562-563
Fatty streaks of intima,  e302.  In children,  338
FDA on fluoroscopic & other xray doses:
  1992: Upper GastroIntestinal Exam,  49
  1994: Advisory on fluoroscopic over-doses,  36
  1994: How many rads = erythema dose,  28
  1994: Current fluoroscopic dose/minute,  612
Fearon (E.R.) 1990: Sequence of cancer mutations,  535
Felton (C.V.) 1994: Dietary fatty acids & plaque,  569
Fenestra (channels),  e299, 317, 318
Fernandez-Ortiz (A.) 1994: Lipid-core of plaque is
  highly thrombogenic,  323
Fetal irradiation.  Frequency, 17, 30, 342.
  Carcinogenic,  32, 524.  Atherogenic,  342.
Fialkow (P.J.) 1974: Enzymes reveal cell ancestry, 326
Fibrous cap of athero plaque,  e302, e303, e323
  Rupture-prone plaques have thinned fibrous cap &
    large lipid core,  323
  Maintenance & repair of cap's collagen meshwork, 323
  Dysfunctional SMCs can cause vulnerable cap,  342
"Fiddlers" with a database,  43
Films (xray), e30, 31, 33
  How much the sales increased, 1963-1980,  34
  Correct processing would cut xray dose,  35
  Photons which never reach film do the damage,  8
Finkel (Toren) 1995: p53 gene and viruses,  309
"First obligation of objective investigators,"  216
First question: Do their radn histories differ? (if
  two groups have different cancer rates),  536
Fish oils & health,  563-565
Flavahan, (N.A.) 1992: LDL-chol. & endothelium,  345
Flies: Muller's fly experiments, 1927, demonstrate
  that ionizing radn can cause heritable mutations, 31
Flotation diagrams in ultracentrifugal analysis of
  lipoproteins,  334.  Flotation rates,  312.
Fluoroscopy,  e11, e28.  Xray beam stays "on."
    Non-diagnostic uses (surgery, needles),  2, 9
  Is major source of xray dose,  11, 28, 36
      Amer.Canc.Soc.:  Try to avoid fluoroscopy,  41
  List of high-dose current procedures,  36
    Past uses.  Please see: Xrays, history.
  Ways to cut dose,  18, 23, 36
  Doses seldom measured, even now,  30, 36, 349, 500
  Substantial increase in its use, since 1977,  35
  Serial low-dose exposures provide evidence against
    threshold hypothesis, 523, 527
Foam cells,  e303, e338.  Lipids produce "foamy" look.
  Foam cells produce highly thrombogenic
    tissue-factor,  322-323
Focal (local) nature of atherosclerotic lesions,  339
  Explanation proposed,  349
Folkman (Judah): Pioneering effort to control cancer
  by inhibiting angiogenesis,  536
Folsom (A.R.) 1999: Vascular disease & infection,  310
"Foreign Body Wars," lifelong, in arterial beds,  338
  Out-of-place substances elicit inflammatory
    response,  305, 310, 338
Fortmann (S.P.), co-author, Gardner 1996,  586
Foye (L.V.), co-author, Dollinger 1995,  600
Fractional Causation, e3, e4, e111, e355, e356, e496
  Frac Causation need not change if MortRates fall or
    rise,  356, 441, 497, 499
  Calculation from dose-response,  14, 111
  Summary, for 1940 & 1990, for All Cancers and
    for Ischemic Heart Disease,  21, 490
Frame-shift, can garble genetic code,  534
Framingham Study 541, 548, 576
  Findings in 1966 from 12-year follow-up,  546, 577,
    579-580, 595, 597-598
  Findings in 1986, Sf 0-20, Sf 20-400,  546-547
  Findings on Sf 20-400, on triglyceride,  565-566
Francis (G.S.) 1989: How ACE inhibitors may work,  351
Fredrickson (Donald S.) 1993.  Former head of NIH, 314
  History of lipoprotein studies,  311
  LDL vs. total chol. to predict coronary risk,  314
Freeman (Norman K.), valued member of Donner group, 
    313, 542.  Expert in infrared spectroscopy.
  1952+1953: Fatty acids in triglycerides,  562
Free radical,  e530.  Demonstration: Impossible for
  DNA-damage by radn to be equivalent to DNA damage
  from routine metabolic free radicals,  530-532
Frick (M.H.) 1987: Helsinki Heart Study,  336, 565
Frigerio (N.A.) 1976: Source of "smoking gun,"  50
Frost (Edwin): 1896, first medical radiograph USA,  27
Fry (D.L.) 1987: How lipoproteins enter intima,  318
"Full circle" (lipids from start to finish?),  324
Fungal origin of some carcinogens,  210
Furberg. (C.D.) 1994: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Fuster (Valentin):  300, 304, 317, 321, 322, 325,
    337, 338, 348, 349.
  1992: Culprit plaques are lipid-rich,  304
  1994 (Conner Memorial Lecture):
    The history of insights on plaque rupture,  321
    Intimal ingress, egress of lipoproteins,  318
    Plaque rupture,  349.  Silent occusion,  349
    Pharmaceutical IHD therapies,  351-352
    Thrombogenic lipid core of plaque,  323


Gallini (R.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Gamma radn, e517.  Less mutagenic than xrays, 9, 46-48
Gardner (Christopher D.) 1996: Data on "small low-
  density lipoprotein particles,"  586, 587-588, 592
Garlick (D.G.) 1962: How to cross capillary wall,  317
Gassman, (A.) 1899+1904: Radiation damage to small
  vessels,  607
Geer (J.C.) 1961: Smooth muscle cells in plaque,  301
  1968:  Arterial thickening,  338
Gene,  e537
Gene amplification,  e534
Genentech (comment by Herb Boyer),  55
Genetic code,  e537
Genetic instability.  Please see: Genomic instability.
Genome,  e537
Genomic imprinting, 325.  Also: Lyon 1968 + Hall 1990.
Genomic instability,  e533, 533-536
  Characteristic of aggressive cancers, 7, 8, 39-40
  Explains resistance of cancer to therapy,  536
  Inducible by radn, incl. xrays,  5, 7, 515, 535, 536
  Why cancer called "100 different diseases,"  535
"Giants" (even smallest lipoproteins),  312, 317, 333
Gilbert (Ethel) 1985: Her risk model, prepared for
  the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, chosen by Evans
  1986 to evaluate xray-induced breast-cancer ,  501
Gimlette (T.M.) 1959: Heart damage from radiation, 601
Giovino (Gary A.) 1994: Per capita cigarette use,  363
Giroud (D.) 1992: Culprit plaques less stenotic,  322
Glagov (S.): Pathogenesis of plaques:
  1972: Sites of hemodynamic stress,  307, 349
  1987: Lesion first grows away from lumen,  303
Glazier (Frank) 1954: Serum lipoprotein distributions:
  By age, gender,  351, 576 (graphs)
  Fasting vs. non-fasting,  541-542
Glycogen storage disease: HDL low, Sf 0-400 high, 577
  High HDL-1,  588
Gofman (John W.),  iv, viii, 17, 19-20
    Entries below are arranged chronologically.
  Uranium & plutonium work for A-bomb,  viii, 17
  1949: Initial paper on serum lipoproteins,  311
Gofman (J.W.), 1950s:  310-316, 538-554, 556-561
  1950a+b, 1951a+b:  Entry to "new world of diverse
      lipoproteins,"  311-314, 539-540
    First human case-control results in 1950 for
      Sf 10-20 lipoproteins,  540, 544
  1952-a: Sf 20-100 lipoprots also atherogens, 540. 
    Sf 0-12 measurements need adjustment,  541.  Which
    lipoprot groups are INDEPENDENTLY atherogenic? 543
  1952-b: Overweight & abnormal lipoprot levels, 543
  1952-c: Lipoproteins in a metabolic chain,  540.
    Some of the case-control evidence that Sf 12-20 &
    Sf 20-100 are each independent atherogens,  552
  1952-d:  Involution of xanthomas after lipid-
    reduction, 543.  Massive elevation of HDL-1, 588
  1953: Sf 0-12 also recognized as atherogenic, 541.
    Mid-1953 database: 239 IHD cases, 740 controls 540
  1954-a: HDL2+3 inversely corr w Sf 0-400 in healthy
    people, 577.  HDL levels in nonIHD disorders, 577. 
    Interclass correlations among lipoproteins,  544
Gofman (J.W.) continues:
  1954-d: Power of lipoprot measurements, to segregate
    cases vs controls, is lower in older groups,  546
  1954-e:  NonIHD disorders which show aberrant lipo-
    protein levels, 543, 551
  1956: Cooperative (prospective) Study,  544-546
    First evidence, high lipoproteins precede IHD, 545
  1958: High-carbo diet raises TG, 315.  Evidence
    that, to manage blood lipoprots, no single dietary
      regime is right for everyone, 556-561
    Involution of xanthomas w lipid-reduction 543, 575
  1959:  Involution of xanthomas after lipid-lowering,
    543, 561
Gofman (J.W.), 1960s (from Donner to Livermore, 1963).
  1963: Entry, egress, retention of lipoprots in the
    intima (equilibrium model), 316-317.  Relative
    thickness of layers of coronary arteries,  300
  1966 (Lyman Duff Lecture): Reported results from 2
    prospective studies (Framingham and Livermore) on
    lipoprots & IHD death,  546-548, 577, 591, 594-597
      One clinically disappointing aspect,  594
    First prospective confirmation that HDL2+3 is
      inversely correlated w atherogenesis,  314, 577
  1969: Predicts that small reduction in degree of
    coronary atherosclerosis should produce a big
    reduction in IHD,  321
  1969-b: Start of Gofman-AEC troubles,  533
    Predicts nearly all cancers are radn-inducible, 40
Gofman (J.W.), 1970s:
  1971: Track-analysis vs dose-rate claims,  521
    "Spontaneous" cancer-rate includes Xray-induced
     cases,  50
  1976: Est lung-cancers from plutonium pollution, 517
  1978: Basis for doubt that HDL2+3 is an independent
      anti-atherogen,  577
    Explanation of apparent decline of importance of
      Sf 0-400 lipoprot levels at older ages,  594-598
Gofman (J.W.), 1980s:
  1981 book, iv.  Data on radn-induced breast-canc, 51
    Track-analysis vs threshold hypothesis,  521
    Neutron-error in A-Bomb Study,  43
    Full-lifespan risk from radiationn-exposure,  50
    "Smoking gun" on medical xrays, ignored,  50
    Probably no minimum latency period,  91
    Radn-induced non-malignant tumors,  297
  1985 book, iv.  Reviews,  51
    Progress in beam-collimation,  34
    Ratio of surface dose to internal dose,  49, 519
    Dose-cut could prevent 50,000 canc/yr, USA,  51
  1986: Track-analysis vs threshold claims,  521
  1988: Peril for A-Bomb Study's credibility,  43
Gofman (J.W.), 1990s:
  1990 book, iv.
    Primary ionization tracks (behavior),  38
    Peril for A-Bomb Study credibility,  43-44, 54
    Constant-Cohort, Dual-Dosimetry demonstrated,  44
    Evidence against threshold-dose for mutation 44-45
    Xrays more mutagenic than gamma radiation,  46
    Number cell-nucleus traversals to deliver rad,  47
    Ballpark est: Radn causes 25% of cancer (USA),  51
    Iodine-131-induced Thyroid Cancer,  91
    Adaptive cellular responses to radiation,  617
Gofman (J.W.) continues:
  1990-b: Hows & whys of early lipoprotein work at
    Donner Lab,  311
  1992: How to maintain bias-free radn research,  43
  1994 book, iv. Probably no minimum latency period 91
    Exposure to alpha-particle pollution,  517
    Inherited predisposition to cancer,  496
  1995, 1995/1996, 1996 book (1st + 2nd Editions):
    Why it was written, 51.  2nd Edition additions, 52
    No overlap between data & method of that book and
      this monograph, 15, 500.  Nonetheless both works
      arrive at nearly the same Fractional Causation
      of current Breast-Cancer rate by radiation,  501
    History of pre-1960 xray use,  30, 31, 33
    Age & radiosensitivity,  37
    "Law of Equality" and flat cancer rates,  90
  1996-b: How and why the Donner group did what it
    did,  311
  1998: Inherited disorders & natural radn,  520
Gold (Harold) 1961+1962: Synergism between radn and
  dietary cholesterol in experimental animals,  604
Goldman (L.) 1983: Value of autopsies,  81
"Gold standard" in establishing causation,  213, 513
  The blind prospective study,  213
Gordon (David J.) 1989: Doubtful that HDL is
  anti-atherogenic,  577-578
Gornik (H.L.), co-author of Bailar 1997,  82
Gould (A.L.) 1995: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Graham (J.) 1967: Talc, asbestos, ovarian cancer,  163
Gram of cells contains approx 675 million cells,  518
Grattan (M.T.) 1989: CMV infection & atheroscl,  308
Gray (dose-unit), e517.  100 rads.
Gray (Joel): A leader in xray dose-reduction,  9
  1983: How to cut dose for scoliosis patients,  17-18
Greenfield (Maurice M.) 1986: Book review,  51
"Grenades": Violent energy-deposits by radn 8, 38, 517
Grove (Robert D.) 1968: 1940-1960 MortRates,  78, 83,
    84, 87
  Age-adjusted MortRates,  e83
  Changes in rules for choosing underlying cause,  84
  History of MortRate data, USA,  77-78
  No IHD data before 1950,  279
  List of 32 causes of death,  84-86, 224
  Provides some population data, too,  58, 75, 616
Gruppo 1986: Thrombolytic treatment of MI cases,  322
Gupta (S.) 1997: Infectious etiology for IHD,  309
Gurd (F.R.N.) 1949: Alpha & beta lipoproteins,  311
Guyton (J.R.) 1985: Lipid transport to core,  318
Gyorkey (F.) 1984: Herpesvirus & atheroscl,  307, 308


Hackett (D.) 1988: Culprit plaques less stenotic,  322
Haft (Jacob I.) 1997: Plaque rupture and heart
  attacks after snow-shoveling, 324
Hajjar (D.P.) 1988: Infectious etiology & IHD,  307
Hammerstein (G.R.) 1979: How to cut xray dose,  23
Hammond (E. Cuyler) 1961: Smoking habits USA,  364
Hammoudeh (A.J.) 1996: Warning on snow-shoveling,  324
Hardin (N.J.) 1973: Injury to endothelium,  306
Harker (L.A.) 1974+1976: Injury to endothelium,  306
Harris (William S.) 1989: Fish Oils and Plasma Lipid
  and Lipoprotein Metabolism in Humans: A Critical
  Review,  556, 562, 563-565, 568
    "Good reasons" to worry about high serum VLDL, 565
Harvey (Elizabeth B.) 1985: Prenatal xrays,  524
Haskell (W.L.) 1994: IHD therapy & prevention,  336
"Hat":  "I'll eat my hat if ..."  509
Haust (M.D.) 1960+1971: Plaque's nature, 301, 302, 318
Havel (Richard J.) 1995: IHD therapy & prevention, 336
Hawaii, omitted,  57, 78, 79, 80
Hayes (Thomas L.), valued member, Donner group,  542
  Studied lipoproteins via the electron microscope.
HDL (high-density lipoproteins HDL2+3), e312-313, e333
  Protective "good cholesterol,"  313, 314, 577
    Basis for doubt,  314, 577-585
    HDL correlates inversely w. LDL+IDL+VLDL in clini-
      cally healthy people on the average,  579, 582
    HDL values: Low in various clinical disorders, 577
  HDL-1 is truly a LOW-density lipoprotein,  313, 335,
      587, 589
    "Small, dense LDL particles,"  313, 586-593
    Not elevated in 38 Livermore de novo IHD cases 577
    Massively elevated in "essential hyperlipemia," 
      335, 588
Heart attack = Myocardial Infarction (MI),  276
  Number/year in USA, & fatal percentage,  276
Heart damage from high-dose radn,  1, 9, 16, 275
  Nature of the injuries,  599-608
Heart diseases which are not IHD,  e276-278
  Sorted by their ICD/9 numbers,  277
Heath (Clark W., Jr.) 1995: Embraces the Evans 1986
  estimate that xrays have minor cancer role,  500
Hebert (P.R.) 1997: Statin trials & cancer,  320
Hegsted (D.M.) 1998: Carbohydrate effect on TG,  560
Hei (Tom K.) 1997: Mutation by single alphas, 529
HelicoBacter pylori. And IHD, 309.  And stom canc, 435
Helin (P.) 1971: Injury to endothelium,  306
Henderson (W.J.) 1971: Talc, asbestos, ovarian ca, 163
Heparin (endogenous) & IHD risk,  350
Hepatitis (acute): HDL low, Sf 0-400 high,  577
Hepatitis virus and liver cancer,  496
"Heresy" becomes "dogma,"  314
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) & IHD,  307, 308
Hetzel (Alice M.), co-author of Grove 1968,  78
Hickey (P.) 1923: Internists & fluoroscopy, 29, 609-10
High-5 and Low-4 Census Divisions,  e60, e77
High-density lipoproteins: Please see HDL, above.
High dose-level,  e519
  High-dose heart damage.  Please see:  Heart damage.
  High-dose thymus irradiation, tonsillectomy,  28
Hill (C.R.) 1965: Cig. smoke and polonium-210,  362
Hill (Rolla B.) 1992: Autopsy data,  81, 82, 510
Hippocratic oath & reducing uselessly high doses,  20
Hiroshima-Nagasaki: Please see A-Bomb Survivor Study.
"Hive of activity" (plaque),  339, 347
  Gloria Ho, 1998: HPV and cervical cancer,  164
Hodgkins Disease, radiotherapy, & heart damage,  600,
  601, 602, 603, 604, 605
Hodis (Howard N.), completed David H. Blankenhorn's
  last paper,  303
Hoel (Donald), co-author of Shimizu 1992,  501-502
Hokanson (J.E.) 1996: Triglyceride and IHD,  316
Holm (Lars-Erik) 1988: Latency for thyroid cancer,  91
Holmberg (K.) 1993: Radn and genomic instability,  535
Holme (I.) 1990: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Holmes (M.D.) 1999: Dietary fat & breast cancer,  569
Holtzman (R.B.) 1966: Cig. smoke & polonium-210,  362
Homocysteine, e331.  And IHD,  306, 331-332, 350
Hormesis,  e617.  Speculation that low doses might
    improve health, 525.  Adaptive responses, 527, 617
  Hormetic illusion fr "perfectly good data,"  617-620
Howe (Geoffrey R.) 1984: Cancer from serial exposures
  to very low-dose fluoroscopy,  523
HPV = Human Papilloma Virus,  e164
Hrubec (Zdenek) 1989: Cancer from serial exposures to
  very low-dose fluoroscopy,  523
Hsieh (W.A.) 1999: Gamma-induced translocations,  39
  F.B. Hu, 1998: Carbohydrate effect & IHD risk,  560
Huda (Walter) 1984: How to cut xray dose,  23
Huff (H.) 1972: Heart damage by radn therapy,  603-604
Hulley (S.B.) 1992: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Hurst (D.W.) 1959: Heart damage by radn therapy,  601
Husik (D.N.) 1926: Skin damage as xray dosimeter,  28
Hyalinization,  e606
Hypercholesterolemia: Synergism with radn in rabbits,
  rats, pigeons,  604-605
Hyperinsulinemia & IHD risk,  350-351
Hypertension: Decline in death-rate,  287, 350, 499
Hypertriglyceridemia,  e560, e563
Hypothesis-1: What it is NOT,  2, 100, 209-210, 214,
  215.  Why it may be hard to devise a more reliable
  test of Hypothesis-1 than the tests in this book, 
    19, 501
Hypothesis-2: This monograph presents the first
  powerful epidemiologic evidence that ionizing
  radiation is a cause of IHD,  2, 502
    Validity of the first part of Hypoth-2 does not
    depend on validating its second part,  19, 298


IARC = Internatl Agency for Research on Cancer,  e41
    No monograph yet on ionizing radiation,  41
  IARC 1995: Human papilloma virus & cervical canc,165
ICD = Internatl Classification of Diseases,  e80,
  e84, and WHO 1958 in our Ref. List.
ICRU 1986: Mutagenic potency of xrays,  46, 47
Ideal data & circumstances for studies like this, 
  62, 90, 96, 100
IDL = Intermediate-Density Lipoproteins,  e312
IHD = Ischemic Heart Disease,  e275, e595
  Other names,  1, 7, 233.  Two phases,  595
  Acute IHD events,  e276, e318, e347
  "Diseases of the heart" OTHER than IHD,  276-278
  IHD dose-response with PhysPop,  13, 25, 279-294,
  Etiology of IHD,  Chapters 44, 45, 46
  Heart damage fr high-dose radn is not IHD,  599-608
  Number IHD deaths (1993, USA) = 489,970 (21.6%), 276
    Age-adju MortRates differ, males vs females,  483
    Age-adju MRs falling since 1963,  287, 288, 477
Illingworth (D. Roger): Dietary n-3 fatty acids,  563
Inagaki (M.) 1988: Dietary n-3 fatty acids,  564
Incidence (cancer), recent trends,  506
Infections as atherogens,  306, 307-310
   As carcinogens,  41, 164-165, 435, 496
Inflammatory response,  e305.  Systemic,  306
  Operation in its "full majesty,"  342
  Inflammatory disorders received radiotherapy,  30
Inherited afflictions, partly from natural radn,  520
Inherited mutations,  3, 4, 20, 31, 92, 377, 496, 520
Inherited predisposition to atherosclerosis,  351
Inherited predisposition to canc, 3, 51, 164-65, 495-6
Initiation-promotion (cancer),  3, 114, 330, 376, 495
  Radiation may act at any stage,  526
"Innocent bystanders," Chlamydia infection maybe,  310
Insurance (medical), mid-century, 31, 618
    Enactment of entitlements, 54, 57, 60
  Cost-cutting pressure on quality-assurance,  35
Integrated exposure over time to plasma lipoproteins,
  595, 596, 598
Internal elastic membrane of coronary arteries,  e299
International Classification of Diseases,  80
International Commission on Radiol. Protection,  519
Interventional radiology,  e9, e28
  "Substantial increase" 1977-1997 in fluoroscopy,  35
Intima, intimal layer of artery,  e299.  Thickness 300
  Intimal thickening begins in childhood,  338
In-utero irradiation, frequency,  17, 30, 342
  Cancer-consequences,  32, 524.  IHD conseq,  342
Inverse (negative) correlation,  e99, e105
In vitro = in laboratory glass,  5
In vivo = in a living organism,  5
Iodine-131-induced Thyroid Cancer,  91
Ionizing radiation,  e38, e517.
  Ionization track,  e38, e521, e525
  Unique mutagenic powers,  8-9, 38-40, 297, 343, 526,
    528, 532, 536
  All types of mutations radiation-inducible,  9, 40,
    526, 528, 535, 536
  Access to every gene in every cell,  8, 40, 341
  An established cause of cancer, 2, 7, 9, 40, 41, 297
    Powerful new confirmation,  216
  An established cause of benign tumors,  297
  Heritable radn-induced mutations, first demo,  32
  Delivery by radioactive fallout, nuclear pollution,
    and medical procedures,  32
"Irrefutable facts," not interpretations:  215, 295,
  337, 343, 510, 513, 514, 515
Ischemia,  e275
Isherwood (I.) 1978:  How to cut xray dosage,  23
Itching (incessant), treated with radiotherapy,  30
Iverius (P-H.) 1973: Retention of LDL in intima,  318


JAMA = Journal of the American Medical Assn,  310
Jankowski, (J.) 1984:  How to reduce xray dose,  23
Johnson (D.W.) 1986: How to reduce xray dose,  23, 34
Johnson (F.L.), co-author, of Rudel 1986,  564
Joint 1990: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Jonasson (L.) 1986: Composition of plaque,  303
Jones (A.) 1960: Heart damage by radn therapy,  601
Jones (F.) 1996: Lyon Diet Heart Study, success,  567
Jones (Hardin B.) 1951: An early and key member of the
  Donner lipoprotein group,  312, 313, 539, 540, 542,
    544, 553, 554
  Sf 20-100 lipoproteins also atherogenic,  540
  Independent atherogenicity,  543-544, 553-554
  Lipoproteins as molecules in metabolic chain,  542
J-shaped dose-response curve,  e617, e620
Juchau (M.R.) 1974: Cig. smoke reaches placenta,  327
Jukema (J.W.) 1995: IHD therapy, prevention,  336


Kadhim (Munira A.) 1992+1994+1995: Radn-induced
  genomic instability,  535
Kallioniemi (Anne) 1992: Techniques for detecting
  genomic instability,  534
Kane (John P.) 1990: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Kardinal (A.F.M.) 1993: Plasma n-3 fatty acids,  568
Katan (Martijn B.) 1995: Dietary fish-oil, effects on
  serum lipoproteins,  563-564
    Also, please see Connor 1997 in Reference List.
Kato (Hiroo): A-Bomb Study and IHD,  501-502
Kazakov (V.) 1992: Thyroid cancer latency < 5 yrs, 91
Kellerer (Albrecht) 1987: Gene repair-system,  523
Kellner (A.) 1954: How to cross capillary walls,  317
Kelly (Kevin M.) 1975: Frequency, prenatal xrays,  30
Kemp (C.J.) 1993: Sequence of genetic mutations,  535
Keys (Ancel) 1984: Diet and IHD rates,  568
Kidney stones & xrays,  35
Kim (D.N.), co-author of Thomas 1983, 328
Klausner (Richard D.), NCI Director: On tobacco,  363
Knapp (H.R.) 1986: Fatty acids & thrombogenesis,  569
Knopp (Robert H.) 1997: Effect of high carbohydrate
  diet on serum triglycerides,  555, 560
Kodama (Yoshiaki) 1993: Radiation-induced chromosomal
  mutations persist at least 40 years,  50
Kol (Amir) 1997: Work related to Speir 1994,  309
Kolb (Felix O.) 1955: Diabetic acidosis demonstrates
  intersection of sugar metab & lipid metab,  315, 335
    Excess small dense LDL (HDL-1),  335, 543, 588
Kramsch (D.M.) 1971: Features of plaque,  303, 305
Krauss (Ronald M.):
  1987: LDL, IDL, VLDL ranges in Std Sf units,  312
  1994: Small, dense LDL particles,  586
  1996: Co-author of Gardner 1996 + Stampfer 1996, 586
Krieger (Lisa M.) 1996: Xray work by non-radiol,  35
Kromhout (D.) 1985: Dietary n-3 fatty acids & IHD, 565
Kronenberg (A.) 1994: Genomic instability fr radn, 535
  D.N. Ku, 1985: Plaque sites and hemodynamics,  349
Kucerova (M.) 1972: Low doubling-dose for chromosomal
  mutation by ionizing radiation,  39
Kuhn (H.F.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Kuntz (A.) 1949: How do lipids get into plaque?  542
Kushner (I.) 1999: Inflammation,  306
Kwiterovich (P.O.), co-author, of Coresh 1996,  586


Lamarche (Benoit) 1997: Serum triglyceride & IHD,  316
  "Small, dense LDL particles,"  586
Lamberts (H.B.) 1964: Heart damage fr radiation,  604
Landis (S.H.) 1998: Leukemia rate, USA,  43
Landrigan (P.J.) 1989+1996: Workplace carcinogens, 495
Latency periods = post-irradiation intervals before
    delivery of clinical cases of disease,  e49, 92
  Spread out over 40-50+ years in irradiated mixed-
    age group,  12, 49, 52, 89, 100, 210
  ~40 different latencies in mixed-age population,  89
  Variable even among persons exposed at same age,  49
  Probably no MINIMUM latency period,  91-92.  Why, 92
  Exposure before & after 1921 contributes to cancer-
    rates in 1940,  108, 212
  Exposure in 1920 contributes to 1965 canc-rate,  52
  Exposure in 1950 contributes to cancer today 32, 356
  Cases "in the pipeline" from earlier exposure,  91
Laurent (T.C.) 1963: LDL retention in plaque,  318
Lavine (D.M.), co-author of Dollinger 1965,  600
Law of Equality (cancer production & delivery),  e90,
  e101 (depicted)
Law of Minimum Hypotheses,  e215, e512, 644
Laws (Priscilla) 1980: How to cut xray dose,  23
LDL = Low-Density Lipoproteins,  e312, e333
Lead-210, a radionuclide, e329. In cigarette smoke.
Leading causes of death, USA (absolute numbers),  278
Leaf (Alex.) 1999: Mediterranean Diet & IHD,  566
Leary (T.) 1949: How do lipids get into plaque?  542
Leddy (Eugene T.) 1937: No investigation of a patient
  is considered complete without xray exams which
  generally include fluoroscopy,  29, 610
"Legitimate" questions: BEIR says "legitimate" ques-
  tions exist because some low-dose studies produce
  risk-ests "substantially" higher than its own, 11
Leibovic (S.J.) 1983: How to cut xray dose,  23
Lesion = an injury or loss of function.
  LET = Linear Energy Transfer,  e47, e518
  Relationship with mutagenic potency,  47-48, 518
  Relationship with initial energy,  518
  Low-LET radns include xray, gamma, beta,  521
  High-LET radn includes alpha particles,  528, 529
Lethal acute dose of ionizing radiation,  e520, e531
"Lethal diagnostic weapon" (Braestrup 1942),  29
Leukemia: Percentage of all cancers, USA,  43
  Xray-induced, 32.  Bomb-induced, 32, 43.
Libby (Peter) 1995: Molecular Bases of the Acute
  Coronary Syndromes:  303, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322,
    323, 324, 337, 338, 340, 342, 345.
  His paper inspires a "massive shift" in our think-
    ing on the role of SMCs in deadly IHD events,  323
  T-cells can inhibit the collagen-synthesis (by
    SMCs) needed to maintain & repair fibrous cap, 323
  Libby's view:  Integrity of fibrous cap determines
    stability of plaque,  323
  Libby asks:  What makes CERTAIN plaques rupture-
    prone?  337, 342
  Libby urges caution about therapies designed to
    inhibit SMC proliferation,  324
  Lipid-imbibing foam cells produce highly thrombo-
    genic tissue-factor,  322-323
  SMCs express both matrix-protecting & matrix-
    degrading enzymes,  340
Libby (Peter) 1997: Infection & vascular disease,  310
Library (medical) at UCSF,  52
Lichtenstein (D.A.) 1996: Cumulative skin-dose from
  fluoroscopy today can reach 1000-3500 rads,  600
Linder (D.) 1965: Detecting monoclonal lesions, 328
Linder (Forrest E.) 1947:  58, 83. Age-specific cancer
  death-rates, USA, 1900 through 1940,  87, 504
Lindgren (Frank T.), Pioneer-work at Donner Lab in
  ultracentrifugal isolation and characterization
  of human blood lipids, viii, 313, 542.  Co-author
    of the initial paper (Gofman 1949).
  1950+1951: Entry into "the new world of diverse
    lipoproteins,"  311, 312, 313, 334
  1955+1956+1957:  333, 542, 550
  1959: Includes excellent overview of lipoprotein
    composition,  333, 542, 549, 550
  1960:  Please see Reference List.
Linear dose-response,  e42, e92-93
  And PhysPop studies,  93-94
  And A-Bomb Study,  42-43
Linear energy transfer (LET).  Please see: LET.
Linear-quadratic dose-response,  e42
Linear regression analysis,  e12, e13, e94, 108-110
Line of best fit,  e63, e94
Linoleic acid (n-6),  e563
Linolenic acid (n-3),  e563
Linser (P.) 1904: Radiation damage to vessels,  607
Lipid 1995:
  Long-term Pravastatin study,  320
Lipid Hypothesis,  e310, e595.
  Please see:  Plasma lipoproteins: Lipid Hypothesis.
Lipid-lowering.  Please see: Stabilization of plaque.
  And: Dietary approaches.
LipidRC 1984: IHD prevention trial,  336
Lipoproteins of the bloodstream:  e310, e556
  Please see: Plasma lipoproteins.
Lithotripsy for kidney stones,  35
Little (J.B.) 1965: Polonium-210 in cig. smoke,  362
  1997: Risks from alpha-radiation,  529
Little (M.P.): NRPB rejects threshold,  527
Little (W.C.) 1988: Degree of stenosis,  322, 348
Liuzzo (G.) 1994: C-reactive protein and IHD,  306
Liver cancer and the hepatitis virus,  496
  Liver cells in illustration of co-action,  497
Liver (cirrhosis), diagnostic problem,  81
Livermore Lipoprotein Study, 314, e547. Provides data:
  HDL & atherogenic lipoproteins are inversely
    correlated,  578-585
  "Small dense LDL particle" analysis,  588-593
  Frequent weight-change & "snapshot" epid'y,  595-598
  Heavier weight, higher Sf 0-400 on average,  570-571
Lloyd (D.C.) 1986+1992: Radiation-induced chromosomal
  mutations,  39, 46
LMDS = Locally Multiply Damaged Sites,  e528
"Lockstep,"  e61
Longo (D.L.) 1979: Talc, asbestos, ovarian canc,  163
LoPonte (M.A.), co-author of Dunsmore 1986,  605
Loree (H.M.) 1992: Fibrous cap of culprit plaques, 323
Los Angeles Civil Service, lipoprotein database,  541
Low-density lipoproteins, initial definition, 312, 333
  Current definition,  312
  "Small, dense LDL particles,"  e587
Low dose-level,  e519
Lucas (Joe N.): Pioneer in detecting chromo mutations.
  1992: Low doubling-dose for mutations by radn,  39
  1992: Persistence of A-bomb-induced mutations,  50
  1995: Xrays more mutagenic than gamma rays,  47
  1997: New techniques to detect mutations,  39
  1999: Accumulated translocations rise with age,  39
Lumen = the clear, circular space within a tube,  275
Lyon Diet Heart Study (Mediterranean Diet),  566-569
  Possible reasons for success with IHD patients,  569
Lyon (M.F.) 1968: Females inactivate one X-chromo, 325
Lyon (Thomas P.).  Please see: Donner Lab.


  Jing Ma, co-author of Stampfer 1996,  586
MAAS 1994:  IHD therapy and prevention,  336
MacIsaac (A.I.) 1993: Stabilization of plaque,  325
MacKee (George M.) on history of medical radiation:
  1922: High-dose xrays used on 80 skin disorders,  30
  1938: "Radiomaniacs" in xray practice 1896-1906,  28
MacKenzie (Ian) 1965: Classic paper (Nova Scotia
  data) uncovers relation of serial low-dose
  fluoroscopy with breast cancer, 523
MacMahon (B.) 1962: Rate of pre-natal xays,  30, 524
Macrophage,  e303
Magnetic resonance imaging & vulnerable plaques,  323
Mahan (Bruce H.) 1975: Utility of ideal models,  62
Majesky (M.W.) 1985: Mutagens & some atheromata,  327
"Majesty" of the inflammatory response,  342
Malinow (M.R.) 1994: Homocysteine & artery health, 331
Mammography: Model of success in dose-reduction, 2, 18
  Use rises while dose falls,  2
  Risk from low-energy xrays,  47 (Brenner 1989).
"Man is not a rabbit!"  539
Marder (B.A.) 1993: Radn & genomic instability,  535
Margolis (S.) 1969: LDL carries benzo[a]pyrene,  327
Marine oils (fish oils) & IHD,  562, 563
Martell (Edward A.), fine chemist, fearless thinker:
  1975: Hypothesis that cigarettes cause IHD by deliv-
    ering alpha radn to coronary arteries,  329, 350
  1974 + 1982a + 1982b + 1982c + 1983a + 1983-b:
    Hypothesis that cigarettes cause lung cancer by
    delivering alpha radn to bronchi,  362
Marx (J.) 1994: Benditt monoclonal hypothesis,  331
Marzetta (C.A.), co-author of Rudel 1986,  564
Maseri (Attilio) 1997:
  IHD appears ever more complex,  300
  Plaque rupture is not the whole story,  324
  New hypothesis needed for IHD etiology,  337
Mass 1890:
  Massachusetts 1890 MortRates,  78
Massachusetts General Hospital,  28
"Massive HDL-1 Hyperlipoproteinemia Syndrome,"  e587
Masuda (J.) 1990+1990-b: Plaque begins at sites of
  intact endothelium,  307
Matching, e98.  Essential in dose-response studies, 
    56, 99, 512, 617.  But always imperfect,  98, 99
  Matching for age,  11
  Matching for co-actors,  98, 618
  Matching for smoking,  367, 378-379, 621-624
  Effect of not matching.  Please see: Non-matching.
Maurer (Jeff) at National Center for Health Statistics
  was very helpful in providing MortRate data,  79
"Mayhem" for irradiated molecules,  8, 38, 520
Mayo Clinic,  9 (Gray).  29, 610 (Leddy).
McCully (K.S.) 1969: Concept that high blood-levels of
  homocysteine are a cause of cardiovasc. disease, 331
McDonald (K.) 1989: Viral etiology of IHD,  307, 308
McGill (Henry C.) 1984: Lyman Duff Lecture,  314, 338
McGinley (James P.) 1952: Lipoproteins in steady-state
  concentration,  542.  In biliary cirrhosis,  543.
  In xanthomas,  543
McLennan (P.L.) 1993: Fatty acids & arrhythmias,  569
McMillan (Gardner) 1949: Remarkable cholesterol-fed
  rabbits,  539
McNeil (B.J.) 1985: Breast-irradiation in 1977,  500
McReynolds (R.A.) 1976: Heart damage from radn,  604
Measurement of dose: Key to dose-reduction,  18
  Not required, seldom done, easy to do,  33
  True organ-doses vs. model-doses,  11, 33
Media (layer of artery),  e299
Medical radiation,  e2, e5, e7, e9.  Add'l entries:
  Benefits.  Dental xrays.  Nuclear medicine.  Xrays.
Medicare, enacted in 1965,  57, 60, 498
Mediterranean Diet --- Why do the Lyon Study
  Investigators think it "works?"  568-569
Meier (C.R.) 1999: Infection & infarction,  310
Melnick (J.L.) 1990: Viral infection & IHD,  307-308
Mendall (M.A.) 1994: Bacterial infection & IHD,  309
Mendonca (M.S.) 1993: Radn & genomic instability,  535
Mensink (R.P.) 1992: Carbohydrate & plasma TG,  560
Mettler (Fred A., Jr.): How to cut xray dose,  9
  1987: Number of xrays during 1964, USA,  611
  MI = Myocardial Infarction (heart attack).
Migration between Census Divisions,  56, 100, 511-512
Miller (A.B.) 1989: Serial low-dose fluoroscopy,  523
Milli-rad,  e517.  0.001 rad.  10^-3 rad.
Minick (C.R.) 1973: Injury to endothelium,  306
Minimum latency period, post-irradn: Maybe none, 91-92
Mini-tumors in the coronary arteries,  e297, 298, 327
Minkler (Jason L.) 1970+1971: Livermore Laboratory.
  Chromosomal pathways of cancer,  533
  Demonstrates gamma-induced genomic instability,  535
Misdiagnosis of cancer: Frequency & impact, 81-82, 510
  Stomach canc maybe reported as ulcer-death, 22, 274
Mitochondrial DNA,  e537
Mitogenic = stimulating cell-division (mitosis),  306
MMWR = CDC's Mort & Morbidity Weekly Report,  e363
  1987: Percent smokers in 1986; peak years,  365
  1988: Autopsy rates, USA,  81
  1994: Cigarettes/year, USA,  363, 364, 371, 372
  1996: Smoking prevalence by states, 1995,  365, 366
Modan (B.) 1977+1989: Cancer from few tracks/cell, 524
Moderate dose-level,  e519
Modern Medicine 1949: Who owned xray machines,  615
Moeller (Dade W.) 1953: Mid-century estimates.
  Entrance dose per fluoroscopy = 65 R,  30, 611-612
  Entrance dose per dental xray = 5 R,  31
  Number of xray exams per year & avg. doses,  609-612
Monoclonal, clone,  e325.
Monoclonal hypothesis of atherosclerosis introduced
    in 1973 by Earl Benditt et al,  1, 6, 16, 325-327
  Other supporting evidence & supporters,  327-331
Montanara (A.) 1986: How to cut xray dose,  23
Moore (Felix E.), admirable insistence on rules of
  "blinding" in lipoprotein studies,  546
Moore (S.) 1973: Endothelial injury & atheroscl,  306
Moorjani (S.), co-author of Lamarche 1997,  586
Moreno (P.R.) 1994: Stabilization of plaque,  325
Morgan (Karl Z.), pioneer in health physics.
  1971: How to cut xray dose,  50
  1999: Memoir, with Ken W. Peterson,  50
Morgan (Russell), radiologist: 1959 warns of "serious
  health problems" from "undue radn exposure,"  32
Morgan (W.F.) 1996: Genomic instability,  533, 534
Morris (N.) 1984: How to cut xray dose,  23
MortRate = age-adjusted mortality rate/100K pop'n, e77
  Age-adjusted vs. age-specific MortRates,  e83-84
  This study rests on age-adjusted MortRates among
    130-250 million persons,  5, 14
  Cancer MortRates affected by radn-exposures decades
    earlier,  32, 52, 108, 212, 356
  MortRate trends, cancer,  118, 496-498, 504-506
    Grew more similar, among the Census Divs, 511
    Two organs having same xray history can develop
      opposite MortRate trends,  441, 497
  MortRate trends, IHD,  287-288
  Age-adju MortRates are affected by changes in popu-
    lation's underlying health and medical care,  499
  Quality of year-1900 data is dubious,  498
Mosaics, mosaicism,  e325
Moss (Ralph) 1975: History of chemotherapy,  509
"Most menacing mutagen to which people are routinely
  exposed" may well be medical radiation,  343
"Mountain of evidence,"  15, 20, 513
mrem = milli-rem,  e518.  0.001 rem.  10^-3 rem.
mSv = milli-sievert,  e518.  100 milli-rems.
Muhlestein (J.B.) 1996: Infection & IHD,  309-310
Muirhead (Colin): NRPB rejects threshold,  527
Muldoon (M.F.) 1990: Side-effects, lipid-lowering, 319
Muller (Herman) 1927: Heritable mutations fr radn,  31
Multi-step model of carcinogenesis:
  BEIR 1990, initiation & promotion,  114, 376
  Gofman, inherited mutation insufficient,  3, 92
  Nowell, genomic instability,  534, 536
  Rothwell 1993, multi-mutation,  3
  Trosko 1980, initiation-promotion,  330
  UNSCEAR 1993, multi-mutation,  526
  Add'l entries:  Co-action.  Cancer etiology.
Munoz (N.) 1994: Infection & stomach cancer,  435
Munro (J. Michael) 1988, with Ramzi S. Cotran:  302,
    303, 305, 306, 307, 317, 318, 331, 338, 340, 349
  Respect for Benditt monoclonal hypothesis,  331
  Equilibrium concept of lipid accumulation,  318
  Thickening of intima, 338.  Fatty streaks,  338
  A key etiologic clue: Localization of plaques,  349
Murata (K.) 1986:  Composition of plaque,  303
Mustafa (A.A.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Mutations, e38.  Permanent and cumulative nature,  9,
    12, 20, 38, 39, 519
  Distinct from temporary damage,  39, 45, 330, 331,
    340, 527, 531
  All types inducible by ionizing radn,  9, 40, 526,
    528, 535, 536
    Please see: Double-strand breaks.  Doubling dose.
  Dose-response detectable decades later,  50
  Single track can induce consequential mutation, but
    far from certain that it will,  8, 45, 522, 526,
    527, 536
  Mutation can occur at inconsequential sites,  39,
    49, 340
  Variable sites, variable consequences,  92, 341-342
  Harmful mutation does not always kill a cell,  2,
    8, 39, 536
  Mutated cells can gain proliferative advantage,  8,
    16, 330, 340, 341, 534
  "Most menacing mutagen" & routine exposure,  343
  Inherited (vs. "acquired") mutations,  e92.  3, 8,
    340, 342, 496, 520
MX Model of dose-response,  e93
  MX + C Model of dose-response,  e96-97
Myocardial infarct (MI), heart attack,  e276
  Myocardium,  e276, e599
Myrden (J.A.) 1969: Cancer from few tracks/cell,  523


NAS 1956: Report on biological effects of radn,  32
NatCtrHS 1980: Age-adju USA MortRates 1980, 79,224,279
NatCtrHS 1993: Age-adju IHD MortRates 1993,  279
National Academy Sci, 32, 41.  Pls see: Natl Research.
National Cancer Institute (USA),  e41.  Pls see: NCI.
  Role in early smoking-health inquiry,  361
National Center Health Stats: Described in Ref. List.
  Exemplary policy of helpfulness,  79
  Achieves database consistency,  81
National Council Radn Prot: Described in Ref. List.
National Heart Institute:
  1950: Sponsored "Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins
    and Atherosclerosis,"  545
  1956: A sponsor of smoking-health inquiry,  361
National Radiol Protection Bd (UK).  Pls see: NRPB.
National Research Council, 114.  Please see Ref. List.
National security, entangled w radn health science, 31
Native states of lipoproteins,  311, 312, 313, 315,
    539, 561
  Evidence that Sf 6 and Sf 13 lipoproteins have
    discrete identities,  334
  How measurement in native states can insure against
    therapies which convert non-atherogenic into
    atherogenic types of lipoproteins,  561
Natural background radiation,  e520, including dose.
  Mentioned:  50, 55, 210, 340, 342, 351, 519
NCI 1990: "Cancer-causing agents include xrays,"  41
NCI 1998: Health effects of cigars, 362-363; Use, 374
NCRP 1980,  47.  Rise in exams/year, 34.  Leveling-off
  of per-rad risk at high doses,  43, 520
NCRP 1984: Cigarette smoke delivers alpha radn,  362
NCRP 1986: Ways to cut mammography dosage,  23
NCRP 1987:  Largest sources of voluntary radn,  536
NCRP 1989:  Per capita xray dose, 12, 33, 34.  Age
  & dose, 37.  Ways to cut xray dose, 23, 35, 36.
  True dose vs model dose, 33.  Angioplasty dose, 36,
  600.  Largest sources of voluntary radn,  536.
  In 1964, est 580 xray exams per 1,000 pop'n, 611
NCRP 1989-b: Promptly lethal dosage,  520, 531
NCRP 1990:  Dicentrics (frequency) as a standard,  47
Neamiro (E.) 1983: Ways to cut xray dose,  23
Necessary co-actor,  e3, e4, e7, e114, e495
  Please see:  Co-action.
Needles, sometimes guided by xrays,  9, 35
Negative Constants,  112, 113, 212, 213, 219, 399
  Male Respiratory-System Cancers,  393, 399-404
  Male Urinary-System Cancers,  447, 452-454
  Male Buccal-Pharynx Cancers,  469, 474-476
Negative (inverse) correlations,  e99, e105
Negative X-coef means downward slope,  13, 99, 225
Nelson (Gary), valued member of the Donner group,
  542.  Special focus on the phospholipids.
NeoNatal Intensive Care Units,  35
Nephrotic syndrome: HDL low, Sf 0-400 high,  577
Newlin (N.) 1978:  How to cut xray dose,  23
Nichols (Alex V.): Major scientific contributor and
  source of leadership in the entire Donner Lab
  lipoprotein research effort,  313, 513, 542.
  Co-author of Lindgren 1955, Lindgren 1959, Lindgren
  1960, and other papers in the Ref. List.
  Nichols (Alex V.) 1957: Dietary effects on serum
  lipoprotein levels,  311, 315, 556, 558, 570
Nicod (P.) 1993: On plaque-rupture,  321
"Night vs. day" (female Genital Cancers),  162
Nitrates  & Digestive-System Cancers,  435
Nitric oxide, released by endothelial cells,  307, 331
Nobuyoshi (M.) 1991: Relation stenosis to infarct, 322
Non-atherogenic high-dose radiogenic damage,  e599
Non-atherogenic lipoproteins may be inadvertently
  converted to atherogenic types by certain IHD
    therapies?  311, 561-562, 564
NonCancer NonIHD MortRates:  Negative correlation
  with PhysPop, 14, 233-236, 618.  Graphs,  26, 236
Non-malignant tumors, radn-inducible,  297
Non-matching in dose-response studies,  98-99, 112,
  165, 358, 367, 512, 617-620
"Not by accident" (powerful correlations), 13, 16, 644
Nova Scotia Study,  501, 523.  Also:  48 (not named).
Nowell (Peter C.) 1976: Classic paper on tumor
  evolution & genomic instability,  534, 535, 536
NRPB 1995: Analysis of threshold (safe-dose) issue, 
    44, 45, 521, 527-529
  Evidence "falls decisively" against any threshold,
    45, 529
  Evidence on radn-induced dicentrics per rad,  46
Nuclear medicine,  e35.  Rising rate of exams,  35
  Estimated annual number of exams, USA,  11
  Organ-doses from thallium-201 heart exam,  49
Nuclear pollution,  32, 351, 530, 536
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Sponsor of widely used
  risk/rad values,  501
Nuclear workers accumulate mutations from minimal
  dose-rates,  9, 521
Nucleotide,  e537
Nygard (O.) 1997: Plasma homocysteine & IHD,  331-332


Obesity: Heaviness & IHD risk,  350, 570-571, 580,
Occlusion (silent) of a vessel,  349
Occupationally-induced cancer,  3, 32, 495
Ockham's Razor, an important admonition in research,
  e215, e512, e514.  Law of Minimum Hypotheses.
OConnor (Egan), co-author of Gofman 1985,  51
"Office building": Evacuation leaves the edifice,  347
Oleic acid (n-9),  e562.  And olive oil,  563
Oliver (M.F.) 1991+1992+1997: Warnings about
  lipid-lowering therapies,  319, 336
Omega-3 (n-3) & omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids, e562, e563.
  Health effects,  563-569
  Optimum ratio, n-6 over n-3 = 5:1,  568
Oncley (J.L.) 1947: Alpha & beta lipoproteins,  311
Ornish (Dean) 1990+1998: Lifestyle & IHD,  336
Orthovoltage xrays,  e47, e48
Osler (Wm.) 1908: Infectious etiology, atheroscl, 306
Outlying datapoints, causes & effects,  96, 213, 399
  Visual demo with real-world data:  Outliers move
    into line,  213, 220-221
  Outliers: A cause of negative Constants,  399
  Outliers: Persons w very high HDL-1 levels,  588-589
Ovarian cancer & genital talcum powder,  163-164
Oxidized lipoproteins,  307, 317, 345, 569


  CMV product interacting with p53 protein,   308-309
Painless way to reduce cancer, IHD,  1
Palade (G.) 1956: Electron-microscope studies of
  endothelial vesicles,  317
Pappenheimer (J.R.) 1953: Capillary permeability, 317
"Paralytic" pessimism,  55
Parker (Herbert M.), co-author of Buschke 1942,  29
Parkes (J.L.) 1991, on Benditt hypothesis:  Ref.List.
Parmley (Wiliam W.) 1997:  Endothelial cells and
  atherogenesis, 307, 345.  Plaque stabilization, 321,
  345.  ACE inhibitors, 351
Patel (P.) 1995: Infections and IHD,  309
Patterson (James T.) 1987: No cause assigned to 38%
  of deaths in year-1900,  498
Pauling (Linus) warned in 1950s about health effects
  of radioactive fallout,  31
"Paying the price" for weight-gain,  571
Peak year for cigarette smoking, USA,  363, 365
Peak year for IHD MortRate, USA,  287, 288
Pearson (Thomas A.) 1975+1977+1978b+1983a:
    Monoclonality in plaques,  326-328.
  1993: On LDL & endothel-derived relaxing factor, 345
  1998: Lipid-lowering in low-risk patients,  336
Pedersen (Terje R.) 1994 = Scandinavian 1994,  319.
  1995: NEJM editorial on lipid-lowering,  319
Peer review,  viii, 8, 52, 381, 530.  Appropriate,
  during peer-review, to challenge papers which
  uncritically incorporate the safe-dose fallacy, 529
Pelvimetry, pre-delivery,  17, e30, 34, 342, 524
Penicillin's introduction,  618
Penn (Arthur) 1981a+1986+1988+1989+1990+1991+1993
    +1994+1996: Experimental work on mutagens in the
    etiology of atherosclerosis,  328, 330-331, 502.
  1990: Review paper in Mutation Research,  328
Pennell (M.Y.) 1952: PhysPop data & type,  57, 58
Per capita population dose from medical radn:
  Why "profound uncertainty among informed people,"
    about magnitude of post-1960 decrement, is
      likely to be permanent,  37-38
  Number of exams (past, present) quite uncertain, 
    33, 609-611
  Doses per exam (past, present) not measured,  33,
    36, 609, 610
  Downward & upward pressures on post-1960 per-capita
      population dose, explained,  34-35
    Net effect is probably downward,  37, 624
  Distinction between per-capita population dose and
    per-patient dose,  93-94
Perfect correlation,  e12, e63, e95.  Can persist
  while x-values rise, y values fall,  97-98
Perfect proportionality,  e62, e63, e93, e97
Pericardium,  e599
Per-patient dose, alike in 9 Census Divisions, 93-94,
Per-rad potency.  Please see:  Risk per rad.
Perry (I.J.) 1995: Plasma homocysteine & IHD,  331
Peterson (Ken M.) 1999: Co-author w. K.Z. Morgan,  50
Petrie (B.L.) 1987+1988: Viral etiology atheroscl, 308
Phillipson (B.E.), research on n-3 fatty acids,  563
Photofluorogram,  e611
Photon,  e38.  The biological damage from xrays is
  due to the photons which never reach the film,  8
PHS 1959: Measures needed to limit radn exposure,  32
  Estimated annual per capita dose,  33
PHS 1992: Multiple reference years, age-adju MRs,  82
PHS 1995:  State-distribution in the Census Divs,  57
  U.S. population in 1940 by age-bands,  82, 87
  PhysPop values 1975-1994,  59
  Breast cancer age-specific rates (1950-1993),  88
PhysPop = Physicians per 100,000 population,  e5, e12.
  PhysPop values by Census Divisions reflect relative
    magnitude of per capita population dose from
      medical radiation,  53-54, 499
    NonCancer NonIHD analysis supports validity of
      of this surrogacy,  223, 514
  How PhysPop reflects accumulated per capita dose,
      12, 56, 61, 65, 100
  Stability of PhysPop proportions & ranking over
    decades, by Census Divs,  61, 63-65, 356-358, 366
    Tabulated non-averaged, 66, 76. Averaged, 359, 360
  Merits of using PhysPops as dose surrogates,  11-12,
    14-15, 54-55, 500
  PhysPop history permits this inquiry,  65, 356
Pickels (Edward G.) 1942+1943: The engineering/
  physics genius who produced two remarkable instru-
  ments, the electrically driven analytical ultra-
  centrifuge & the preparative ultracentrifuge,  311
"Pie-charts" of estimated per-capita radn doses,  37
Pierce (Donald A.), Radn Effects Research Foundation:
  1996-a: A-Bomb Study really a LOW-dose study,  42
Pierce (D.A.) continues:
  1996-b: Latency lasts at least 45 years,  49
    Dose-response is linear or supra-linear,  43
    Under-reporting of cancer mortality,  81
    Female genital cancers & bomb-exposure,  162
Pierce (Frank T., Jr.), valued member of the Donner
    lipoprotein group:
  1952: Explained Duff's 1949 "smoking gun,"  539
  1954-a: Steady-state concentrations, lipoprots,  542
  1954-b: Hepatitis & serum lipoproteins,  543, 577
Pifer (J.W.) 1963: Healthy babies got fluoroscoped, 29
"Pipeline," cancer-cases in the pipeline,  91
Pitfalls in epidemiology:
  Too many statistical operations,  15
  Failure to appreciate equilibrium,  50
  Snapshot epidemiology,  594-598
  Use of tainted databases,  54-55, 216
  Discarding established barriers against bias,  43,
    546, 617
  Failure in matching,  98-99, 112, 165, 358, 367,
    512, 543.  Failure, in non-radn studies, to match
      for medical radiation, 515.  Failure to match
        for level of medical care, 617-620
Pitt (B.) 1995: IHD therapy, prevention,  336
Placebo = an inactive substance designed to appear
  identical to an active ("real") medicine, 319, 320
Plaque (atherosclerotic),  e300.
  A "hive of activity,"  339, 347.  An "edifice," 347
  Localized nature requires explanation, 300, 339, 349
  Plaque rupture (or fissure) & infarcts,  321-325.
    After strenuous exercise (Black's Crack),  324
    Thrombogenic lipid core meets bloodstream, 322-323
  Nonfatal rupture & plaque growth,  321, 322, 348
  Plaque erosion,  321
  Stabilization of plaque.  Please see: Stabilization.
  Add'l entry: Atherosclerosis (Features of lesions).
Plasma is the colorless-fluid portion of whole blood.
  Serum is plasma after removal of the blood-clotting
  factors.  When whole blood is allowed to clot, blood
  serum is the clear liquid which separates from it.
  Both plasma and serum contain the lipoproteins
  described by pages 310-313.  "Cloudy" serum,  315
Plasma lipoproteins: Basic data,  e310, e556.
  Varieties and history,  311-313, 333, 334, 538-554
  Constant composition, or not?  542, 549, 550
  Molecules in metabolic chain, 315, 335, 542, 561-562
    Studied in their native states,  311, 312, 313,
      315, 539, 561
  Diagrams of size, composition,  333
    Cholesterol-rich, triglyceride-rich,  313
    Molecular weights, diameters,  333
  "Giants," 312, 317.  Size matters, 310-312, 314, 539
  Nomenclature (current):  LDL, IDL, VLDL,  312
  Flotation diagrams, 2 discrete species,  334
  Concentration by age, gender,  570, e576, 596
    Fasting vs. non-fasting levels,  541-542
  Body-weight & serum lipoproteins,  569-571
  Steady-state concentrations,  316, 542
  Cases classed by types (e.g., Type II-a),  563
Plasma lipoproteins: Lipid Hypothesis,  e310, e595.
    310-316, 538-554.  "Foreign bodies," 310, 338
  Integrated exposure over time,  594, 595, 596, 598
  An early piece of good luck,  540
  Initial case-control studies,  540-541, 594
  First 3 prospective studies,  544-548, 579-580, 594
    Why lipid-levels only APPEARED less important at
        older ages,  594-598
      Once an atherogen, always an atherogen,  598
  Determination of independent atherogenicity,  314,
    315, 543-544, 552-554, 586, 594
      "Not easy to do,"  544
  Clinical effects of reducing plasma "lipids," 
    318-321, 322, 336.  Please see: Stabilization.
  Retention of lipoprots in the intima,  316-318. 
    Denatured, reduced solubility,  316.  Oxidation
      of the lipoprotein molecules, 307, 317, 345, 569
Plasma lipoproteins: Some current controversies.
  HDL: Is HDL truly anti-atherogenic?  314, 577-585
  Small, dense LDL particles: Very bad?  586-593  
  Serum triglyceride: Atherogenicity, 314-316, 555-566
    High-carbohydrate diets,  315, 558-561
  Beware of "snapshot epidemiology":  Once an
    atherogen, always an atherogen,  598
  Obligation to determine that therapies do not
    convert non-atherogenic lipoproteins into athero-
    genic ones,  311, 561-562, 564
  Mediterranean diet, n-3 fatty acids,  566-569
  Dissent on lipid-lowering therapies,  319, 336
  How much health-benefit would accrue from retaining
    our age-20 weight?  571
Plowshare Project: Peaceful use of atomic bombs,  viii
Plutonium,  viii
Pneumothorax TB therapy, e28, 48, 523, 527. Also: 501.
Policies in this monograph:
  Show steps from raw data to results,  2
  Adjusted data: Show "before" & "after" values,  367
  Significant figures and trailing digits,  83
Polonium-210, alpha-emitter from cig smoke,  329, 362
Populations, 1910-1990, of Census Divisions,  75
Poretti (G.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Portioli (R.J.) 1963: Heart damage & radn therapy, 601
PostCABG 1997: Trial of IHD therapy,  336
Postponing (vs. preventing) disease,  1
Pravastatin 1993:  IHD therapy and prevention,  336
Prediction of National MortRates by PhysPop dose-
  response 20 years earlier,  214, 296, 513
Predisposition (inherited).  To cancer,  3, 51, 92,
  164-165, 496.  To IHD, 351
Pregnancy: Fetal irradn was quite common,  17, 30, 342
Pre-natal xrays: Few tracks/cell nucleus,  524
Prentice (R.T.W.) 1965: Heart damage by radn,  601-602
Preston (Dale L.) 1997: "Simply no way" that A-Bomb
  evidence suggests a threshold for solid cancers,  46
Prevalence (of a disease),  e277
Prevention of disease: A chief reason to study
    causes,  1, 19, 20, 310
  Secondary prevention = preventing the recurrence or
    progression of an existing disorder.
Primary ionization track,  e38.  Please see: Track.
Progression of atherosclerotic lesions,  303, 318,
  319, 321, 322, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 594
Prokopczyk (B.) 1996+1997: Papilloma virus needs
  co-actor to cause cervical cancer,  165
Proliferative advantage from mutation, 8, 16, 330,
  340, 341, 534
"Promiscuous" use of radiotherapy (Dewing 1965),  30
Promotion, in carcinogenesis,  3, 114, 330, 376
  Trosko on membrane-Ca++ regulation,  330
Properzio (W.S.) 1985: How to cut xray dose,  23
Proportionality,  e61, e62, e63, e93.  R-squared
  reflects deviation from perfect proportionality, 64
Prospective studies,  e544, e580, e595.
    Evidence of what precedes what,  544
    Selective pressure,  580
  "Gold standard," 213.  Dose-response, 513
  Size of such studies matters,  15, 213, 501
  This monograph represents one of the largest
      prospective studies imaginable,  214, 216, 501
    Prediction of Natl MortRates by PhysPop dose-
      response 20 years earlier,  214, 296, 513
  Early prospective studies on plasma lipoproteins
    and IHD:  Coop, 545-546.  Framingham, 546-547,
    579-580.  Livermore, 547-548, 580.
  Lipid-lowering trials,  318-321
  Generic hazard of "snapshot" epidemiology,  594-598
Prosser (J.S.) 1983: Low-energy radn & mutations,  46
Prudence, in medicine,  20, 362 (Surgeon General)
PTCA = Percutaneous Transluminal Cardio-Angioplasties.
  Associated xray dosage,  36, 600
  Number per year, USA, and age of patients,  36, 37
Public Health Service, 32, 35, 57, 58, 82, 361, 609
  Surgeon General is PHS chief, 32, 361. Pls see: PHS.
Purrott (R.J.) 1977: Radn-induced mutatons,  46

Q, R

Quality-assurance in xray facilities,  23, 35
Quinn (T.G.) 1992: IHD therapy and prevention,  336
  R = correlation coefficient,  e12, e63.  R is always
    a higher number than R-squared (whose max = 1.0).
Rad defined,  e517.  Please see:  Risk per rad.
Radford (Edward P.), Chair of BEIR-1980 Com'tee,  40.
  1964+1977: Polonium-210 in cigarette smoke,  362
  1982: Ionizing radn = most consistent carcinogen, 40
Radiation, defined.  Please see: Ionizing radiation.
Radiation Effects Research Fdn: Described in Ref.List.
Radiation-induced cancer, defined,  e3, e356
Radiation therapy for cancer.  Pls see: Radiotherapy.
Radio-isotope = radio-nuclide.  Please see below.
"Radiomaniacs" in early xray usage (MacKee 1938),  28
Radio-nuclide = a radioactive atom which will decay
  by emitting some type of ionizing radiation,  35
"Radio-phobia,"  17
Radiotherapy for cancer, 1, 2, 9, 508-509, 520, 600
  Some dose-levels,  600, 601, 605
  Cause and treatment by the same agent?  2
  Radn-therapy tried also for benign disorders, 28, 30
Radium & its daughters:  Gamma rays,  30, 51, 522
  Alpha emissions,  32
Radon, a radioactive gas.  Co-actor with smoking, 4.
  Exposure of uranium miners,  32.  Radon adds to nat-
    ural background dose,  520.  Evaluated by IARC, 41
Rank order, behavior over decades.
  Census Divisions by PhysPop values,  66, 359
  Men by "snapshot" lipoprotein levels,  597-598
Rapp (J.H.) 1991: Direct influence of dietary
  fatty acids on fatty acid of lesions,  569 
Ravenskov (U.) 1991+1992+1993+1994+1995a+1995b:
  Skeptic about benefits of lipid-lowering,  319, 336
Rayer (P.) 1823: Inflammation & atherosclerosis,  305
"Reality check" on the free-radical argument,  531
Reardon (M.F.) 1985: Triglyceride & IHD risk,  565
"Reasonable standard of biomedical proof," 46, 521,525
Regression analysis,  e12, e94
  How it is done,  94, 108-110
  Equation of best fit,  94, 110
  Graphs: Line of best fit,  94, 110, 115, 117
  Reversal of x,y designation doesn't chg R-sq 64, 359
Regression of atheroscl lesions,  321, 322,, 347
Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE),  e518
Relative weight = ratio of actual weight over "ideal"
  weight for a particular height and gender,  570.
    Here, relative weight tables were prepared by
      Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Rem,  e518.  One centi-sievert (cSv).
"Remarkable finding," how death-rates relate to
  physician-density,  296
Renaud (Serge) 1995: Lyon Diet Heart Study,  556, 566,
    568, 569.
  1996: Why the study had to be stopped early,  567
Repair-system of cell for genetic damage: 44-45, 521
    Capacity not saturated by high-dose radn,  46, 523
    Time for repair = a few hours,  523, 527
  Least possible challenge to repair-system = 1 ioniz-
    ation track, 44, 45, 522, 523, 524, 525, 527
  Some lesions defy perfect repair,  8, 38, 39, 40,
    45, 524, 527, 528-529, 532
    "Troublesome trio,"  e524.  LMDS,  e528
  Unrepaired damage = mutation,  38, 39, 340, 531
  Repair of single-strand DNA damage, more successful
    than repair of double-strand breaks,  528, 529
  Perfectly repaired damage, no consequence, 342, 532
  Mutation of the repair-genes themselves,  39, 534
RERF = Radiation Effects Research Foundation,  e41
Respiratory-System Cancers: Post-1940 impact of
  smoking, 366-367, 368 (Box 2), 369,, 371 (Fig 48-B)
Response to Injury Hypothesis,  e306.  306-310
  Add'l entry: Endothelial cells.
Restenosis,  e308
Retroactive changes in databases,  43, 546
Retzlaff (B.M.) 1995: Dietary carbohydrate effect, 560
Rheumatic fever, after anti-biotic revolution,  618
Rice (Jerry M.):  IARC on radiation,  41
Richardson (P.D.) 1989: Thin fibrous caps,  323
Riches (A.C.) 1997: 14 rads alpha radn corresponds
  with about 2 ionization tracks per cell,  529
Richter (Elihu): AAAS Breast Cancer Symposium,  51
Ricketts (W.E.) 1951: Xray therapy of peptic ulcer, 31
Ridker (Paul M.),  300.  1997+1998: C-reactive protein
  predicts first infarct, 306.  1999: Homocysteine 331
Riemersma (R.A.) 1989: Anti-arrhythmia effect of n-3
  (omega-3) fatty acids,  569
Rifkind (Basil U.), co-author of Gordon 1989,  578
Rimkus (D.) 1984: How to cut xray dose,  23
Rimm (E.B.) 1993: Anti-oxidants and IHD,  569
Rings (chromosomal), radiation-inducible,  5, 7, 39
Ringworm of scalp: Xray therapy used,  30, 524
Risk per rad:
  Reasons for uncertainty,  11, 48, 500, 515
  BEIR 1990 admits some low-dose studies show risk per
    rad "substantially" above its own estimate,  11
  BEIR 1990 admits defeat in explaining 6-fold diff
    in apparent risk/rad for breast cancer,  48
  Evans 1986 admits any risk/rad est is uncertain, 501
  Alteration of per-rad risk by co-actors,  4, 90, 98,
    114, 376-377, 483, 497, 499, 623.  How:  377, 497
  Inclusion of high-dose data will cause
    underestimated risk/rad at low doses,  43, 520
  Variation of per-rad risk by organs,  377
  Per-rad risk & X-coefficient, 499.  Pls see: X-Coef.
Risk versus rate: Individuals vs. group,  46
Roback (G.) 1990+1994:  75.  Please see AMA 1990+1994.
Roberts (W.C.) 1972+1973+1974+1975: Composition of
    plaques at autopsy,  604
  1978: Rate of autopsies in 1950,  81
  1981, co-author of Brosius 1981,  605
Rocky Mountins: Target of peaceful atom-bombs,  viii
Roentgen, a dose-unit (R, or r),  e517
  Roentgenoscopy means fluoroscopy,  e28, e29, e610
"Roentgen Tragedy,"  499
Roentgen (Wilhelm) 1895: Discovery of the xray, 9, 27,
  77, 210, 212
Rohl (A.N.) 1976: Asbestos-contaminated talc,  163
Ron (Elaine) 1991: Xray-induced skin tumors,  297.
  1995: Gamma-induced benign GI tumors,  297
Rosano (G.M.C.) 1993: Estrogen & plasma lipids,  352
Rosenberg (Harry) helpful at Natl Ctr Health Stats, 79
Rosenfeld (M.E.) 1987+1987b: Early lesions develop at
    sites of intact endothelium, 307.
  1990: Oxidized LDL and endothelium,  307
Rosenson (R.S.) 1998: IHD therapy & prevention,  336
Rosenstein (M.) 1979: Reducing size of xray beam,  34
  Ross (Russell) 1973+1976+1976b+1977+1981+1986+1993:
  "Response to endothelial injury" hypothesis, 306-307
      Early lesions occur at intact sites,  307
  Atherosclerotic lesions, 302.  Oxidized lipopro-
    teins, 317, 318.  Platelet-derived growth factor &
    cell proliferation,  326-327.  Fatty streaks,  338
Rossouw (J.) 1990: NonIHD death & lipid-lowering,  319
Rothwell (N.) 1993: Multiple mutations/cancer cell, 3
Rowley (K.) 1987: How to cut xray dose,  23
Royal College 1983: Smoking in Britain,  361, 363, 370
R-squared value,  e12, e63, e64, e95
  Maximum value = 1.00,  95
  Summary of R-squared findings for 1940, 1950,  22
Rubin (E.) 1963: Heart damage from radiation,  601
Rubin (L.) 1954: Mononucleosis & lipoproteins,  543
Rubins (H.B.) 1995: Variations in plasma HDL conc, 579
Rudel (L.) 1986: Gel filtration of lipoproteins,  564


Sacks (F.M.) 1996: Pravastatin trial,  320, 336
Safe dose = risk-free, threshold dose,  e8, e44,
    e521, e526, e529
Safe Dose (continues):
  Evidence against any safe dose,  44-46, 521-529
Safe way to reduce cancer & IHD,  1, 18, 20
Sandker (G.N.) 1993: Ratio n-6/n-3 fatty acids,  568
Sasaki (M.S.) 1975: Radn & chromosome mutations,  38
  efficient chromosome-breaker, 38
Scandinavian 1994: IHD therapy,  319, 336 (Pedersen)
Scatter of datapoints,  63, 64, 92, 110
Scatter of photons,  600
"Schools" over what initiates atherogenesis,  305
Schuler (G.) 1992: IHD therapy and prevention,  336
Schull (Wm.): A-Bomb Study & IHD,  501-502
Scoliosis = curvature of spine,  e17.  Immense cut in
  associated xray dose is demonstrated,  17-18
  S.E. = standard error,  e12, e95
  X-coef/SE reflects reliability of slope,  12, 95
Seaborg (Glenn T.) 1972: History of U-233,  viii. 
  1993: AEC treatment of dissent,  viii, 533
Secondary prevention.  Please see:  Prevention.
SEER 1997,  187.  Changes in US cancer-rates,  506
Segal (A.J.) 1982: How to cut xray dose,  23
Segaloff (A.) 1971: Co-action, radn & estrogen,  114
Selective pressure & prospective studies,  e580-581
"Select themselves out,"  296
Serum.  Please see: Plasma.
Sf unit: Identifier of lipoproteins, e312, e335, e541.
  One Sf unit represents a flotation rate of
  1 * 10^-13 cm/second/dyne/gm.  Since the analytical
  ultracentrifugation of low-density serum
  lipoproteins is carried out under specified physical
  conditions (lipoprots in a sodium chloride solution
  of density 1.063 gm/cc at 26 degrees C.; 52,640 RPM
  at a radius of 72.5 mm from the center of rotation
  to base of the cell), the flotation rate for a par-
  ticular lipoprotein species is a physical constant
  characteristic of the species, after adjustment for
  concentration effects (Gofman 1954-a, p.414-415).
    Std Sf, e541.  And 1956 Coop Study,  545
Shah (K.V.) 1997: Papilloma virus & cervical canc, 164
Shameful to have cancer in family (a belief), 498, 510
Shapiro (J.) 1990: Closeness, roentgens & rads,  517
Shepherd (J.) 1995: Pravastatin study,  319, 320, 336
Shimizu (Y.) 1987+1988: Linear vs. supralinear
    dose-response, A-bomb-induced cancer,  42
  1992: A-Bomb Survivors & noncancer rates,  501-502
Shleien (B.) 1977: Annual rate of xrays by age,  616
Shope (Thomas) 1996+1997:  Fluoroscopy.  Big increase
  in use since 1977; ways to reduce dose,  35-36
Shore (Bernard): Valued member of Donner group,  542
  Pioneer in recognizing & characterizing lipoprotein
Shore (Roy E.) 1993: Radn-induced benign tumors,  297
Shore (Virgie) 542. "Donner Dinner" in honor of her &
  F. Lindgren: Please see Gofman 1990-b in Ref. List.
"Shortcut which fogs the lens,"  316, 352
Shoveling snow & heart attack,  324
Shrivastava (P.N.) 1980:  How to cut xray dose,  23
Sievert (dose-unit),  e518.  100 rems.
Significant figures & trailing digits, this book,  83
Simonton (John H.) 1951: Macrophage migration NOT the
  source of lipid-filled foam cells,  542
Simopoulos (A.P.) 1998: Dietary fatty acids,  563, 564
Singh (R.B.) 1992a+b: IHD diet-study like Lyon,  568
Single-cell origin of cancer,  325, 526, 529, 534
Single ioniz track can cause mutation. Pls see: Track.
Single-strand DNA damage & repair,  528, 529
Skin cancer in early radiologists,  32
  And in patients xray-treated for ringworm,  297
Skin disorders, treated by xrays,  30-31
Skin injury by xrays,  28, 606-607.  Cancer: 32, 297
Slattery (M.L.) 1989: Cig. smoke & cervical ca,  165
Slope of the best-fit line,  64, e94
  Reliability is indicated by ratio (Xcoef/SE),  96
Slyper (A.H.) 1994: LDL and atherosclerosis,  586
"Small, dense LDL particles,"  313, 586-593
"Small numbers problem,"  e107, 162, 169, 181
SMC = Smooth Muscle Cell,  e340
Smith (Elspeth) 1967+1972+1974+1975+1976+1977: Entry,
    retention, egress of lipoprots,  317-318.
  1977: "Infinite variety" of athero lesions, 300, 302
Smith (G.) 1992: Lipid-lowering, nonIHD death 319, 336
Smith (Karen) 1997: CMV infection & restenosis,  309
Smoke's primary lung-carcinogen is alpha radn?  362
Smoking-adjusted MortRates, method,  378-381, 624
"Smoking guns" (observations having bigger meanings):
  1949: Cholesterol-fed diabetic rabbits,  539
  1952: Xanthoma regression,  543
  1981: Higher cancer-rate & higher PhysPops,  50, 52
  1999: Strong dose-response, PhysPop & IHD-rate,  337
  1999: Cancer & IHD relationships with PhysPop are
    so similar, and so unlike NonCancNonIHD, 298, 337
Smoking of cigarettes.  Please see: Cigarette smoking.
Smooth muscle cells of arteries,  e299, e306
  SMCs located in arterial media,  299
  SMCs located in fatty streaks,  338
  SMCs located in plaque,  301, 302, 303
  SMCs crucial to fibrous caps,  323, 324
    New view of their role in acute events,  323-324
  Functions of normal SMCs,  305, 340
  Mutated, dysfunctional clones of SMCs, e339, 341-342
  Expanding plaque may acquire normal SMCs too,  347
"Snapshot epidemiology," generic hazard,  e595, e598
  Snapshots in pathologic examinations,  300
Snow shoveling & heart attacks,  324
Solid cancers,  e42
"Spectacular" correlations in the data,  12, 13, 272
Speir (Edith) 1994: Viral protein & p53,  308-309, 331
Spodick (D.H.) 1959: Heart damage & radn therapy,  601
"Spontaneous" cancer-rate, includes xray-induced,  50
Srinivasan (S.R.) 1972: Lipid-retention, intima,  318
Stabilization of plaque against rupture,  321, 324,
  325, 345, 569.  Libby: Integrity of fibrous cap
    determines stability,  323.  Unified Model and
      lipid-lowering benefits,  346-347, 353
Stamler (J.S.) 1996: Homocysteine & nitric oxide,  331
Stampfer (Meir J.). 1992: homocysteine & IHD, 331. 
  1993: Vitamin-E vs. IHD,  569.
  1996: Triglyceride controversy, 316.  Small, dense
    LDL particles and IHD risk,  586, 587, 592
"Standard Million Population, 1940,"  e83, 87
Standard Sf Unit,  e335, e541
Stanton (R.) 1983: How to cut xray dose,  23
"Startling fact" described by Benditt,  326
Stary (Herbert C.) 1987: Lipid pool & foam cells, 318.
  1992: Compensatory remodeling of wall by plaque, 303
  1994+1995: Stages, types of atheroscl lesions,  301
Stather (John W.): NRPB rejects threshold,  527
Statins: Lipid-lowering pharmaceuticals,  e319
  Three trials described, 319, 320.  Some others,  336
Statistical operations:  Many layers can lead to
    unreliable results,  15
Statistical significance,  43
  R-squared value = 0.3 or higher,  95
  X-Coef/SE (ratio) = 2.0 or higher,  12, 22, 96
  P-value = 0.05 or lower,  162
  Sig. correlation, 1921 PhysPops & 1940 cancer
    MortRates,  211, 214
  Sig. correlation, 1931 PhysPops & 1950 IHD
    MortRates,  281, 290
  Stat. significance & female genital cancers, 161-163
    Graph of a NON-significant dose-response,  167
  Sig. & the "small numbers problem,"  107, 162, 169
Steepness (visual) of best-fit line varies with the
  scale of a graph,  110, 225.  Absolute steepness is
  measured by X-Coef,  213, 218, 220, 221
Steer (A.) 1973: Pre-death diagnosis vs. autopsy,  81
Steinberg (D.) 1991: Oxidized LDL & endothelium,  307
Steinbrecher (U.P). 1990: OxLDL & endothelium,  307
Stemerman (M.B.) 1972: Endothelial injury,  306
Stenosis (narrowing of lumen), by percentages,  e303
    Occlusion (silent),  348
  Evidence destroys dogma that the most stenotic
    plaques are the most dangerous, 304, 322, 347-348
  Negligible stenotic regression is associated w the
    big clinical benefits of lipid-lowering,  321,
      345, 347.
Stents (radioactive) to prevent re-stenosis,  35
Sterilization of cells by radiation,  2
Stewart (Alice) 1956+1958+1970: Cancer from very few
  ionization tracks per cell-nucleus,  524
Stewart (J.R.) 1967+1984: Heart damage by high-dose
  radiation,  601-603, 606, 607
Stewart (William H.) 1960: PhysPop data,  58
Stigma, against cancer in the family,  81, 498, 510
Stochastic, non-stochastic,  e502
Stomach cancer.  Diagnostic difficulty,  22, 81, 274
  HelicoBacter pylori as a possible co-actor,  435
Storey (Alan) 1998: Inherited risk, cervical canc, 165
Straume (T.) 1995: Xray more mutagenic than bomb 46-47
Strisower (Beverly).  Please see Donner Laboratory.
Strong (J.P.) 1966: Internatl Atheroscl Project,  321
Structural chromosome mutations,  e39, e533.
  Ionizing radn is a well-established cause,  528, 533
    Very low doubling-dose, 39.  Please see:
    Chromosome.  And: Ionizing radn.  And:  Mutation.
Suleiman (O.H.) 1992: Correct film-processing would
  reduce xray dose,  35
Sulkin (N.M.): How do lipids get into plaque?  542
Sullivan (C.) 1986: Regression analysis by LOTUS, 94
Sullivan (D.R.) 1986: Dietary fish oil & lipoprots 564
Sulzberger (M.B.) 1952: Xray therapy of dermatoses, 30
Suntharalingham (N.) 1982: Unpredictable doses,  33
Supra-linear dose-response,  e42.  Observed in A-Bomb
  Study,  42, 43.  Not expected from PhysPop,  93-94
SurgeonGen 1964: Cigarettes & lung-cancer,  361-362
  Co-actors in single case of disease 3, 283, 362, 495
Surgery and xrays.  Use of xrays is increasing,  2,
    9, 28.  List of high-dose surgeries,  36
  Past usage,  29, 30.
Surgery: Post-surgical infection,  618
Surprise when strong, positive PhysPop-IHD
  correlation was uncovered,  13, 16, 233
Svedberg (The) 1940: Great Swedish physical chemist
  who pioneered ultracentrifugation,  335
Syphilis: Mid-century revolution in treatment,  618


Talcum-powder (genital) & ovarian cancer,  163-164
  USA: 28% to 51% of women use it,  164
Tamplin (Arthur R.), viii.  A very valued colleague in
  some of the work leading to both Hypothesis-1 and
  Hypothesis-2.  Co-author of several papers in the
  Reference List.
Tamponade, acute heart-compression,  e602
TaskForce 1994: Lowering of serum cholesterol 319, 336
Taylor (Kenneth W.) 1979+1983: Demonstrated how to cut
  xray dose to 33% in radiologic offices, without loss
  of image-quality & without expensive purchases,  51
T-cells can inhibit collagen synthesis for cap,  323
Tchernof (A.), co-author of Lamarche 1997,  586
Temin (H.) 1988: Mutation-sequence in tumor cells, 535
Terkel (Studs) 1995: AEC effort to stifle dissent, 533
TG = Triglyceride,  e562
Thallium-201 heart exam: Radn doses,  49
Thermoluminescent dosimeter, simple & low cost,  18
  Thom (D.H.) 1992: Half of IHD still unexplained, 337
    Chlamydia pneumoniae & IHD,  309
Thomas (W.A.) 1963+1979+1983: Studies of monoclonality
  in atherosclerotic lesions of aorta,  326, 328
Thompson (P.D.) 1997: Exercise & plaque rupture,  324
Thorium, thorotrast, & liver cancer,  32
Threshold dose-level = risk-free safe level, e43,
    e521, e526, e529
  Evidence from 3 similar reports that no threshold
    exists for radn mutagenesis,  44-46, 521-529
  Also: A-Bomb Study suggests no threshold,  43, 46
"Thrombogenic Lipid Core" under the fibrous cap,  323
Thrombus (blood clot)  e275.  And acute IHD events 275
  Thrombosis triggers large share of acute IHD events,
    275, 321-322, 324.  Nonfatal thrombus can
      increase plaque-size, 321, 322, 352
Thymus gland = a gland located under the breast plate.
  High-dose thymus irradn before tonsils removed,  28
  Thyroid cancer following thymus irradiation,  32
Thyroid hormone & plasma lipoprotein levels,  352
"Tight" dose-response,  e10
TIMPS,  e340.  Protects extracellular matrix.
Tissue factor,  e322-323.  Potent pro-coagulant.
TLD = ThermoLuminescent Dosimeter,  e18
Tlsty (T.D.) 1993: Genomic instability & canc 533, 535
Tobacco 1976: Britain's cigarette history,  370
Tobacco consumption (annual), pounds/capita,  374
Tonomura (A.) 1983: Chromo mutations accumulate,  39
Track (ionization),  e38, e45, e525
  Single track can cause consequential mutations, but
    far from certain that it will,  8, 45, 522, 526,
      527, 536.  Single alpha track,  529.
  Number of tracks per cell-nucleus = the relevant way
    to define lowest possible dose & dose-rate,  45,
      521, Gofman.  525, UNSCEAR.  527, NRPB.
  Conversion, rads to tracks/nucleus,  45, 522, 523.
    Separate estimate by UNSCEAR,  525
  Track analysis + epidemiology, combined, settle the
    threshold issue, 44.  UNSCEAR on combination, 525
Tracy (R.E.) 1965: LDL retenion in intima,  318
Trailing digits & significant figures, this book,  83
"Trail of cancer-consequences," (each annual dose) 210
Translocations, radiation-induced,  5, 7, 39
Treasure (C.B.) 1995: Why lipid-lowering "works,"  345
Triglyceride (TG), e562.  Transport in blood, 310, 556
  Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins,  e313, e333
  Controversy on independent atherogenicity of "TG", 
      314-316, 544, 555, 565
    Affirmative view on Sf 20-100+,  314-315, 316, 561
    Affirmative "View from Framingham,"  565-566
  High-carbo diets raise Sf 20-400,  315, 559-560, 573
  High-carbo diets raise "total TG,"  560
  Health hazard of reliance on "Total TG" measurement,
    311, 315-316, 561-562, 564
"Trio Sequence" of Census Divisions,  61, e66, e357,
  e366, 369
Tritium ~ 5-fold more mutagenic than bomb radn,  47
Trosko (J.E.) 1980: Proposed that mutations are
  necessary but not sufficient for atherogenesis, 
  329-330.  Radiation and smoke as mutagens,  330, 350
"Troublesome trio" for repair of gene-damage,  e524
Tuberculosis: Pneumothorax therapy,  e28, 48, 523, 618
  Mid-century revolution in treatment,  618
Tucker (J.D.) 1994: Chromo mutations accumulate,  39
Tumors (benign) induced by radiation: evidence,  297
Tyndall (D.) 1987: How to cut xray dose,  23

U, V

Ulcers: Some deaths reported as ulcer, truly stomach
  canc?  22, 81, 274.  Ulcers & radiotherapy,  30, 31
Ultracentrifugation of plasma lipoproteins,  311
  Flotation vs. sedimentation, 333.  Sf unit measures
    speed of flotation,  312, 335.
  Flotation diagram & movement of inverted peaks,  334
  The Svedberg, pioneer of the instrument,  335
  Ultracentrifugation vs. chemical analysis of the
    plasma lipoproteins,  316, 544, 553, 554, 564
Underprocessing of xray film: Increases xray dose,  35
Unified Model of Atherogenesis & Acute IHD Death.
  Intersection of lipoproteins & mutations,  337-343
  Numerous genetic pathways to dysfunction,  341
  "Smoking Gun": Strong PhysPop-IHD dose-response, 337
  Why lesions are very localized,  339
  Why only certain plaques are rupture-prone,  342
  Why lipid-lowering cuts acute events,  346, 347, 353
  This model consistent w. other risk-factors, 345-353
  This model consistent w benefits of Medit Diet,  569
  Pre-xray IHD: Natural radn & nonradn mutagens,  342
Uniquely potent mutagen: Ionizing radn 8, 38, 515, 532
Unmatched co-actor: Cigarette smoking,  358, 366-367
UNSCEAR = United Nations Sci Comtee on Effects Atomic
  Radn, e32.  Slash separates page from paragraph, 525
  1958: Report during fallout furor,  32
  1982: Co-actors alter per-rad potency,  114, 377
  1986: Initial latency of leukemia < 5 years,  91
  1988: Radn can induce cancer in most organs,  40
  1988: List of ways to cut xray dose,  23
  1988+1993: Number of xray exams per capita is
    proportional to PhysPop,  12, 54.
  1993: Threshold would demand perfect repair 45, 527
    "Significant radiol. impact" of diag. xrays,  17
    Xray exams: Annual numbers of med + dental,  11
  1994: "Adaptive" responses to radiation,  617
Upper G.I. Exam: Dose and exposed organs,  49
Upton (Arthur C.), Chairman of forthcoming threshold
  study for NCRP,  529
Uranium decay-series,  329.  Discovery of U-233,  viii
Urbanization at mid-century,  511
Van de Wal (A.C.) 1994: Plaque stabilization,  325
Verhoef (P.) 1994: Homocysteine & vasc. disease,  331
Viruses.  As carcinogens,  164-165, 210, 496
  As atherogens,  307-309
Vivo, vitro.  Please see: In vivo, In vitro.
VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoproteins),  e312


Wagner (R.S.) 1976: How to cut xray dose,  23
Waller (B.F.), co-author of Brosius 1981,  605
Ward (John F.), Research Professor of Radiology,
  UnivCalif LaJolla, & a leading authority in study of
    how radn interacts with cells, 38, 528, 532.
  1985+1985b+1988+1990+1991a+1991b+1994+1995,  532.
Warren (Shields) 1942: Effects of high-dose radiation
  upon heart & small blood vessels,  606-607
Waters (D.) 1994: IHD therapy & prevention,  336
Watts (G.F.) 1992: IHD therapy & prevention,  336
Webster 1954: "Ideal" data,  e62
Webster (M.W.I.) 1990: Silent occlusions,  348
"We don't DO that anymore!"  37
Weight fluctuations & lipoprots,  569-571, 595-596
Weiss (P.) 1998: Another Face of Entropy,  100
Well-baby check-ups with fluoroscopy,  29, 31, 610
Wells (H.G.) 1923: Clinical diagnoses vs. autopsy, 81
West Scotland Pravastatin Study,  319-320
"What if..." speculations,  112
Whites-only analysis,  211, 218, 295
WHO = World Health Organization (United Nations).
  WHO 1958: ICD system,  e80, e84, & Ref. List.
  WHO 1995: Thyroid canc latency < 5 yr after radn, 91
  WHO 1996: Xrays listed as a cause of cancer,  41
    Helicobacter pylori, co-actor in stomach canc, 435
    Hepatitis virus, a co-actor in liver cancer,  496
"Whole new ballgame" begins,  339
Wiatrowski (W.A.) 1983: How to cut xray dose,  23
Wilcox (J.N.) 1989: Tissue factor & thrombosis,  323
Winklestein (W.,Jr.) 1990: Smoking & cervical ca,  165
Winters (T.H.) 1982a+b: Polonium-210 & cig. smoke, 362
Witztum (J.L.) 1991: Oxidized LDL,  569
Wochos (J.F.) 1977+1979: Xray dose differs by place 33
Wolbach (S.B.) 1909: Delayed, progressive vascular
  damage by xrays,  607
Wolfman (L.) 1986: Rising sales of xray film,  34
Wong (F.L.) 1993: Bomb-induced benign tumors,  297
World Almanac 1991: Population figures,  75
World Health Organization.  Please see:  WHO.
"Worse than silly,"  19
Wright, Orville: On generic obstacle to progress,  515
Wu (Li-Jun) 1999: Mutations by alpha radn,  529

X, Y, Z

Xanthoma: Lipid-filled lesions of skin and tendon
    sheath, e315, 335, e543, 351.
  Equivalent of visible atheromas,  543, 557
  Lessons from observing their behavior,  557
  Involution after favorable change of plasma lipo-
    protein levels,  335, 543, 557, 561, 575
  Low HDL, high Sf 0-400,  577
X-chromosome:  Inactivation of one in females,  325
X-coefficient,  e14, e63, e64, e94
    Units of y, per unit of x.  Risk/rad,  499
  Demo that X-coefs reflect slope, 213, 218, 220, 221
  Xcoef/SE reflects slope's reliability,  12, 95-96
  Negative sign means a downward slope,  13, 99, 225,
    507, 642
Xrays, e517.  Discovered in 1895,  9, 27, 77, 210, 212
    Cancer & IHD before 1895,  10, 209, 210, 342
  Biological impact of the xrays which never reach
    the film (or other image-receiver),  8
  A uniquely potent mutagen,  8, 38, 515, 532
    More mutagenic than gamma & beta radn,  9, 46-48
      Misconception: Xrays are too "weak" to hurt,  31
  Benefits of medical xrays,  9, 17, 19, 91, 234, 515
  Xrays are the agent in CT scans, fluoroscopy,
    mammography,  2, 5, 7, 9, 18
  Skin radiotherapy: Super-soft vs. superficial, e31
  Avg photon-energy ~ 1/3 of peak kilovoltage, 48, 522
  Orthovoltage xrays,  e47, e48
Xrays: History 1896-1960 of medical usage,  27-32.
  Pre-1960 practices contribute to 1990 MortRates,  32
  Radiotherapy tried on every chronic disease,
    28, 30 (partial listing)
  Skin's response was only dose-meter for decades,  28
  Radiotherapy was routine before tonsillectomy,  28
  1937: No exam judged complete without xrays, 29, 610
  Mid-century data on xray practice,  609-616
    Who owned the xray machines in 1950?  615
  Some approximate dose-levels:
    Avg fluoroscopy exam ~ 65 Roentgens,  30, 612
    Baby's fluoro dose by age-1, sum ~ 100 R,  29, 31
    Pediatric thymus therapy, sum ~ 250 rads,  28
    Skin disorders, sum ~ 1,400 R,  30
    Ulcers, sum ~ 2000 R,  30
    Chest-xray dose was ~ 100-fold higher than now, 34
Xrays: History 1960-1999 of medical usage,  32-38, 356
  Downward forces on avg per-capita pop'n dose,  34
  Upward forces on avg per-capita pop'n dose, 34-37
    CT scans are an upward force,  34
    "Substantial increase" in fluoroscopy-use,  35
    List of high-dose fluoroscopic exams,  36
  Dose-measurement remains rare,  33
  1989: Use of untrained xray operators,  35
X-variable.  In regression analysis,  e12.
  In graphs,  55, 56, 63, 108
  Reversal of x,y designation doesn't chg R-sq 64, 359
  Y-axis: Scale varies with graph,  100, 225
  Y-intercept,  e95, e111
  Y-variable.  In regression analysis,  e12, 64, 108
    In graphs,  55, 63
Yamashiroya (H.M.) 1988: Viral etiology atheroscl, 307
Yeager (J. Franklin), Natl Heart Institute,  546
Yew (P.R.) 1989: Tumor hypothesis & atheroscl,  330
Yla-Herttuala (S.) 1986: Features of plaque,  303, 305
Young (S.G.) 1994: Oxidized LDL,  317
Young (Wei) 1960: Fenestra of internal elastica,  299
  1963: Ingress, egress of lipoprots from intima,  317
Zhou (Yi Fu) 1996+1997: CMVirus and restenosis,  309
ZurHausen (H.) 1998: Co-actors in cervical canc,  164
Zweifach (B.W.), on junction between endo cells,  317

The guide to this index is located at page 677.


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