The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Was An Act of State
Book Review by David T. Ratcliffe
20 January 2003
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on
military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching
spiritual death. . . .
can no longer afford to worship the god of hate or bow before
the altar of retaliation. The oceans of history are made turbulent
by the ever-rising tides of hate. History is cluttered with the
wreckage of nations and individuals that pursued this
self-defeating path of hate.
—Martin Luther King, "Beyond Vietnam," Address delivered to the Clergy and
Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, at Riverside Church, NYC, 4/4/67
Dr. William F. Pepper was the King Family's lawyer-investigator
in the 1999 Circuit Court trial in
Memphis, Tennessee, King Family versus Jowers and Other
Unknown Co-Conspirators. The Honorable James E. Swearengen
(Division 4, judge presiding) stated
to the jury after reaching its verdict:
"In answer to the question did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy
to do harm to Martin Luther King, your answer is yes. Do you also find
that others, including governmental agencies, were parties to this
conspiracy as alleged by the defendant? Your answer to that one is
also yes."
The story of Martin Luther King's assassination, and the 1999 trial where
the truth of this event was finally revealed in a court of law is now
encapsulated in Dr. William F. Pepper's new book,
by Verso this month:
An Act of State - The Execution of Martin
Luther King. The dust jacket summarizes what many have
intuitively known for more than thirty years:
"William Pepper, attorney and friend of Dr. King and the King
family, became convinced after years of investigation that not
only was Ray not the shooter, but that King had been targeted
as part of a larger conspiracy to stop the anti-war movement,
and to prevent King from gaining momentum in his promising
People's Campaign. Ten years into his investigation, in
1988, Pepper agreed to represent Ray. While he was never able
to successfully appeal the sentence before Ray's death, he was
able to build an air-tight case against the real perpetrators.
In 1999, Loyd Jowers and co-conspirators were brought to trial
in a wrongful death civil action suit on behalf of the King family.
witnesses set out the details of the conspiracy
in a plot to murder King that involved J. Edgar
Hoover and the FBI, Richard Helms and the CIA, the military,
the local Memphis police, and organized crime figures from
New Orleans and Memphis. The evidence was unimpeachable. The
jury took an hour to find for the King family. But the silence
following these shocking revelations was deafening. Like the
pattern during all the investigations of the assassination
throughout the years, no major media outlet would cover the
story. It was effectively buried.
"Until now,
the details, evidence, and personalities of all these
nefarious characters have gone unreported. In
Act of State, you finally have the truth before you
-- how the United States government effectively shut down
one of the most galvanizing movements for social change by
stopping its leader dead in his tracks."
In his
remarks on the last day of the trial, Dr. Pepper touched upon the
underlying dynamics of what created the circumstances of Dr. King's
Martin King, as you know, for many years was a Baptist preacher in the
southern part of this country, and he was thrust into leadership of the
civil rights movement at a historic moment in the civil rights movement
and social change movement in this part of the country. That's where he
was. That's where he has been locked in time, locked in a media image,
locked as an icon in the brains of the people of this country.
Martin King had moved well beyond that. When he was awarded the
Noble Peace Prize he became in the mid-1960's an international figure,
a person of serious stature whose voice, his opinions, on other issues
than just the plight of black people in the South became very
significant world-wide. He commanded world-wide attention as few had
before him. As a successor, if you will, to Mahatmas Gandhi in terms
of the movement for social change through civil disobedience. So that's
where he was moving. Then in 1967, April 4, 1967, one year to the day
before he was killed, he delivered the
momentous speech at Riverside Church in New York where he opposed
the war.
he thought carefully about this war. . . . I
remember vividly, I was a journalist in Vietnam, when I came back
he asked to meet with me, and when I opened my files to him, which
were devastating in terms of the effects upon the civilian population
of that country, he unashamedly wept.
knew at that point really that the die was cast. This was in
February of 1967. He was definitely going to oppose that war with
every strength, every fiber in his body. And he did so. He opposed it.
And from the date of the Riverside speech to the date he was killed, he
never wavered in that opposition. Now, what does that mean? Is he an
enemy of the State? The State regarded him as an enemy because he
opposed it. But what does it really mean, his opposition? I put it to
you that his opposition to that war had little to do with ideology,
with capitalism, with democracy. It had to do with money. It had to do
with huge amounts of money that that war was generating to large
multinational corporations that were based in the United States . . .
Martin King opposed the war, when he rallied people to oppose
the war, he was threatening the bottom lines of some of the largest
defense contractors in this country. This was about money. When he
threatened to bring that war to a close through massive popular
opposition, he was threatening the bottom lines of some of the
largest construction companies, one of which was in the State of
Texas, that patronized the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson and had
the major construction contracts at Cam Ran Bay in Vietnam. This is
what Martin King was challenging. He was challenging the weapons
industry, the hardware, the armament industries, that all would
lose as a result of the end of the war. . . .
Now, he begin to talk about a redistribution of wealth, in this the
wealthiest country in the world that had such a large group of poor
people, of people living then and now, by the way, in poverty. That
problem had to be addressed. And it wasn't a black-and-white
problem. This was a problem that dealt with Hispanics, and it dealt
with poor whites as well. That is what he was taking on. That's
what he was challenging.
powers in this land believed he would not be successful. Why did
they believe that? They believed that because they knew that the
decision-making processes in the United States had by that point
in time, and today it is much worse in my view, but by that point
in time had so consolidated power that they were the representatives,
the foot soldiers, of the . . . very economic interests
who were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes. So
the very powerful lobbying forces that put their people in the halls
of Congress and indeed in the White House itself and controlled them,
paid and bought them and controlled them, were certainly not going
to agree to the type of social legislation that Martin King and his
mass of humanity were going to require.
A draft from Pepper's new book, describes the role played by the media
from the testimony of William Schapp,
attorney, military and intelligence specialization, and co-publisher
Covert Action Quarterly. The culpability of the commercial
media uniformly burying this Crime Of The Century story is the most
evident indicator of the true interests served by the U.S. corporate
Half a day was occupied with the testimony of Attorney William
Schapp, who we qualified as an expert on government use of the
media for disinformation and propaganda purposes. . . .
revealed that the [central intelligence] agency alone
-- not to mention its counterparts in the rest of the American
intelligence community -- owned or controlled some 2,500 media
entities all over the world. In addition, it has its people
ranging from stringers to highly visible journalists and
editors in virtually every major media organization. As we have
seen and were indeed experiencing every day of the trial, this
inevitably results in the suppression or distortion of sensitive
stories and the planting and dissemination of disinformation.
all of the aspects of the cover up in this case, the
ongoing media role is the most sinister precisely because it, if
not powerfully controverted, as was done with the trial,
perpetuates the lies and disinformation from one generation to
the next, for all time.
Writing in an April 7 2002 letter to
John Judge, Dr. Pepper explained further details of the
manner in which disinformation serves to distract people
from making the connections that lie at the heart of
Dr. King's assassination. Note that the 7,000 (at its peak)
protesters who lived in Resurrection City between mid-April
and 19 June 1968 comprised less than 2 percent of the
500,000 people Martin King was committed to bringing to
Washington that Spring to force the United States
government to abolish poverty.
. . . I still represent the family and monitor
developments such as the recent allegations, regarding
which the family asked me to respond to media queries. So far
as we are concerned the truth about the assassination was
fully revealed in court, under oath over
a month long trial in late 1999 in
Memphis. In Kings v. Jowers, et al, some 70 witnesses
completely set out the details and the range of the conspiracy
which was coordinated by the US Government with the
assistance of state and local officials and on the site
implementation of local organized crime operatives.
entire trial is
on It took
the jury about one hour to find the Government liable
through the actions of its agents. The identities of the shooter and James
Earl Ray's handler, Raul, were also established. . . .
John, it is not true that this case is open. It is open,
officially, but unlike the other assassinations we know and
have evidence of the details of the killing. The family believes
that they are completely vindicated. Even the New York Times
in a front page piece (never again mentioned, by their local
reporter) acknowledged that members of the jury were quoted
as saying that the evidence -- never before seen or heard or
tested under oath -- was overwhelming. . . .
analysis is correct. This type of [false] claim [of a supposed
King assassination plotter that is not credible] distracts us from
the overall coordinating role of Government and the powerful
economic interests which decided that MLK had to be removed from
the scene because of his increasingly effective opposition to the
war and, perhaps, more significantly, his commitment to bring
upwards of 500,000 of the wretched of America to Washington, not
to march but to encamp and daily visit their elected
representatives to demand the restoration of the social
welfare/health and educational programs which had been
severely, even terminally, cut in deference to the military
budgetary increases.
Army knew that their demands would not be met, realized that
the massive assemblage would likely become enraged and emerge as
a revolutionary force in the nation's capitol -- the very belly of
the beast -- and were fully aware that they did not have the troops
available to put down the rebellion. (Remember, at the time,
Westmoreland wanted another 200,000 for Vietnam and
those were also not available).
MLK had to be stopped. He would never be allowed to bring
that alienated mass to Washington. A logistics officer in charge
of troop movements and truck allocations at Fort Meade, passed word
to me that on the morning of the assassination he was put on
alert and told to be ready to bring the National Guard and other
troops to Washington that afternoon. Martin King was shot at
6:01 PM. The troops were already on the move in anticipation
of the rioting which was certain to break out when the news
reached the capitol.
On the back cover of
Act of State, Coretta Scott King sums up her
understanding and appreciation of its significance:
"For a quarter of a century, Bill Pepper conducted an
independent investigation of the assassination of
Martin Luther King, Jr. He opened his files to our
family, encouraged us to speak with the witnesses, and
represented our family in the civil trial against the
conspirators. The jury affirmed his findings, providing
our family with a long-sought sense of closure and
peace, which had been denied by official disinformation
and cover-ups. Now the findings of his exhaustive
investigation and additional revelations from the trial
are presented in the pages of this important book. We
recommend it highly to everyone who seeks the truth
about Dr. King's assassination."
In the 12/9/99
Family Press Conference on the MLK Assassination Trial Verdict,
Dr. Pepper described the significance of what the
trial had uncovered and established:
. . . Then the proof goes into the broader conspiracy. The fact that had you
known that there were photographers on the roof of the fire station? Had you
known that two army photographers were on the roof of the fire station
photographing everything? Two cameras, one on the balcony and one whisking
around the driveway and into the brush area. Did you know ladies and
gentlemen that the assassination was photographed? That there were
photographs buried in the archives at the Department of Defense? No, you did
not know.
you know why you did not know? Because there was no police
investigation in this case. No house-to-house investigation. Neighbors as
late as two weeks later stated "they never knocked on my door, now let me
tell you what I saw." . . . They didn't talk to the Captain who ran the
fire station. No one talked to that man in thirty years. He put the
photographers up there. He took the stand and stated, "yeah I put them up
there. They showed me credentials saying they wanted to take pictures."
Where are those pictures? That proof has existed for all of these years.
It's there. It has been buried.
tragedy of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. is a tragedy for
this family here. This family in my view is America's first family because
of their struggle and for what they have stood for, going back for
generations, going back to 1917, the first world war period, this family was
under surveillance by military intelligence back then. Up to the present
time they have been feared. So that is a tragedy for this family. It is a
tragedy for this nation and to the world that this man was taken from us when
he was.
third tragedy was the failure of representative democracy to deal
with this as a political act. This type of act which was covered up. How
was it covered up? Well, the jury heard evidence as to how it was covered up
for 31 years. . . .
We can end this
nonsense. We can end this cover-up. We can say for once and for all that a
jury has spoken. They heard everything. If there is any decency left in
this system, it is the fact that you can get 12 people who can hear what
other people have to say, they can review documents, there are about 50
exhibits that they were able to review, and they can make up their own minds.
The defense tried several times to have the case dismissed. The Judge
refused. So it did go to a jury and that jury has spoken.
Let's hope this
is a forum, which we can say, is healing. We have reached the truth. The
family is satisfied. What the government does, the government can do. The
government may do now what it has never done before. If they want to take it
up now, let them take it up.
real, real ongoing, almost criminal aspect
of the case that still exists, is the fact that this family privately had to
do what the government has not done and would not do. Make no mistake about
it, all the evidence that was heard in that court over the course of the last
30 days has been available for 32 years. It has been there right in front of
them. . . .
the traditional history of the country, where a person who was a
friend and a colleague of a victim, only for one year, the last year of his
life, but during that year the friend and colleague of the victim decided 20
years later the convicted murderer of that victim. Then eventually came to
represent the family in the final quest of justice. That has been the
process that I follow. That has been the result.
We have at last obtained
justice. Martin King was always fond of saying in moments of trial, that
truth crushed to earth, no matter how much it is crushed, will always rise
again. Ladies and Gentlemen, in that courtroom yesterday in Memphis,
Tennessee, finally that truth crushed to earth rose again. Today we
acknowledge that truth.
Jim Douglass was one of only two reporters who attended the
trial proceedings from start to finish in Memphis.
Writing in the spring of 2000,
he emphasized that we have yet to address the fact that 32
(now 34-plus) years later, the United States government is
that much more committed to representing the private interests
of monied power and putting the interests of corporate power
ahead of people and the public interest.
Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our
government understands the power of nonviolence better than we
do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when
Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning),
King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience
would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military
power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously.
They dealt with him in Memphis.
years after Memphis, we know that the government
that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed
him. As will once again become evident when the Justice
Department releases the findings of its "limited
re-investigation" into King's death, the government (as a
footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up --
just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of
John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.
Almost 35 years after Martin Luther King's assassination, the current
corporate presidency pursues the global prosecution of its
so-called war against and war on terrorism. This carefully
orchestrated, on-going, pre-emptive war of aggression is unique
in scope and ambition to anything before or since World War
II. The size of the United States' arsenal of weapons of mass
destruction -- the world's largest repository of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons and the only nation to ever
use nuclear weapons on civilian targets -- and the power of its
conventional military might stands alone, at a quantum level
above the world's next ten largest militaries combined. Dick
Cheney asserted in October 2001 that
this war "may
never end. At least, not in our lifetime."
In An Act of State, Chapter 10 - A Vision Unto Death And A
Truth Beyond The Grave, is a section headed by the latin phrase,
Non nobis solum nati sumas, meaning We exist not for ourselves
alone. In this subsection Pepper considers the challenge of the
growing, unbridled militarism Martin King knew he faced, especially
in the last year of his life.
". . . post[-1945]-war America began to breed a military establishment
which would gradually grow beyond civilian control. By the year 2000,
the pre-1960 warning of President Dwight Eisenhower about the power
of the military-industrial complex was all too real. Martin King saw
it as violating Americans' cultural heritage by making us the
greatest purveyors of violence on the planet. In fact, in our
lifetimes, the American military establishment has virtually become
an autonomous system. It is today an entirely mercenary -- voluntary
-- force increasingly separate from all but the transnational
corporate interests it protects. (pp.169-170) . . .
"Though he could not
have predicted the details of the demise of democracy and the
ultimate alienation of America from its cultural and spiritual roots,
as well as the consequences of its Cold War policies upon the nation
and its system of government, Martin King instinctively knew that
the only alternative to disaster was to promote the perception of
the oneness of humankind over the public policies of the nation. (p.171) . . .
"He knew that if the
torch of brotherhood were taken up, its bearers would face hatred
like they had never known. So, he urged his followers not to hate
those who hated them, for hate, he said, was too great a burden to
bear. . . . King agreed that the challenge was not to turn new,
emerging societies into mirror reflections of Europe or the United
States, not even ideal reflections. Neither was it desirable to
imitate institutions which had been derived from those models.
Rather, he argued, new concepts must be advanced and a new man
brought forward -- one who embraced the brotherhood of all.
"In order for this
to occur, he said, these courageous pioneers would have to suffer
being called social misfits or as he put it `maladjusted.' He
said that concerning certain values and practices of the existing
social order, and in particular the growth of militarism, he was
proud to be maladjusted and he called upon all people to become
maladjusted. He said he refused to adjust to a socio-economic order
which deprived the many of necessities and allowed luxuries for the
few. He refused to adjust to the madness of militarism and the
self-perpetuating use of violence in the development of the
American empire." (pp.171-2)
On 22 December 2002, columnist Eric Margolis wrote about how in
Afghanistan, "Details of U.S.
victory are a little premature". Near the end he cites the
financial cost to the United States for maintaining its occupation:
"The ongoing cost of Afghan operations is a closely guarded
secret. Earlier this year, the cost of stationing 8,000 American
troops, backed by warplanes and naval units, was estimated at $5
billion US monthly!"
When I asked him what his source for this was he responded,
"Cost derived from Pentagon's budget request to Congress." As
William Pepper described above, Martin Luther King "was
challenging the weapons industry, the hardware, the armament
industries that all would lose as a result of the end of the
war". Today, the military-industrial-corporate complex is the
sole winner of a dead-end future it compulsively pursues to the
detriment of all life on earth. Where does the $5 billion a
month come from to finance the occupation of Afghanistan? A year ago
story by by described how the
Pentagon was
unable to account for $2.3 trillion in taxpayer money. At
this point, the Pentagon is a runaway train of feverish
proportions. The current war party occupying the oval office
has refined the prosecution of endless war to an
heretofore incomprehensible degree. This present is the
future Martin Luther King sought to alter.
In the Epilogue, Pepper describes how the powerful economic
interests that Martin Luther King had chosen to directly
challenge in the last year of his life have consolidated
their power and control under an increasingly formalized
movement of corporate globalization. The poor and wretched
of our country were represented and championed by Dr. King
like no political or religious figure before or since. King
intended "to compel Americans and their government to come
face to face with the least of them -- the hidden wretched
of their native land."
"Martin Luther King Jr was, for the transnational
corporations, public enemy number one. He stood in the way
of their inexorable consolidation of power. If he had played
along as have many of his peers before and after, he would
likely be with us today, a wealthy and honored man, a pillar
of the state. But he did not choose to play that game and as
we have seen the might of the steward state was brought to
bear upon him, and to this day the pillars of the American
Republic continue to be supported by the same foundation
stones of lies and greed which he was determined to crumble
to dust and replace. (p.267) . . .
King's commitments to social and economic justice went
beyond the contemplative intellect into the arena of an
active life. The root and branch transformations of our
society, which was about the shaking of all the old
foundations, will require nothing less than a struggle in
whatever focus it ultimately takes against the familiar,
the comfortable, and the acceptable values and inclinations
which constitute a very real type of determinism for each
one of us. This transcendent struggle, this exalted
commitment, emerged as an all-consuming passion of Martin
King. He acted upon it until he drew his last breath.
"This is
his living legacy to us and people everywhere." (p.272)
As overwhelming as it is to face squarely the implications
of this central tragedy of the latter half of 20th century
American history, I am nonetheless deeply inspired by
William Pepper's unflinching pursuit of the truth and of
his commitment to produce a fuller and just accounting of
the actions of my government in the meticulously planned
execution of a man of peace who stood and died for the
weak, oppressed, impoverished people of our world.
Speaking to a group of us in the Gethsemane Lutheran Church
on 3 December 1999 at the end of the WTO meeting in Seattle,
Korten emphasized a fundamental issue that Martin Luther
King passionately committed his life's energy to addressing:
"I suggest we be clear that our goal is not to reform global corporate
and financial rule -- it is to end it. The publicly traded, limited
liability corporation is a pathological institutional form and
financial speculation is inherently predatory. As a first step both
must be regulated. The appropriate longer term goal is to rid our
economic affairs of these institutional pathologies -- much as our
ancestors eliminated the institution of monarchy."
Act of State expands and further informs one's awareness
and consciousness of how our world actually operates. In April 2000,
media analyst, author and professor Bob McChesney talked about
Global Media and
Democracy at the
IFG Washington
World Bank/IMF Teach-In. He made that point
that "if you are going to change something, you have to
understand how it works." God Bless America won't carry us
through this transformational epoch of the human journey. God
Bless Humanity just might if we can come to terms with the
fundamentally interdependent nature of our species and how
psychically connected we are to each other.
There are many processes unfolding which we can explore and
participate in to honor and serve Life's needs. Some examples
are given here. See what you can find that best suits your
individual nature and gifts. Local-to-ratical content includes:
while content out there includes:
- Transcript: William F. Pepper: An Act of State -The Execution of Martin Luther King,
talk at Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, 2/4/03
- An
Act of State - The Execution of Martin Luther King, by
William F. Pepper, Verso, Jan 2003
- "Beyond Vietnam", Address delivered to the Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, at Riverside Church, NYC, 4 April 1967 (
- William Pepper on the MLK Conspiracy Trial, 4/7/02
- From The King Center (
- The Martin Luther King Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis, by Jim Douglass, Spring 2000
- Details of U.S. victory are a little premature, by Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, 12/22/02 (
- The War On Waste,, 1/29/02 (
- Oh, no - Pentagon loses $2.3 trillion, by Uri Dowbenko, Online Journal, 2/17/02 (
- David Korten, Corporate Accountability: Who Rules?, 12/3/99 (
- Global Media and Democracy, by Robert W. McChesney, IFG Washington - World Bank/IMF Teach-In, 4/14/00 (
William F. Pepper is an English barrister and an American
lawyer. He convenes a seminar on International Human Rights
at Oxford University and maintains practices in the US and
the UK. He has represented governments and heads of state,
and appeared as an expert on international law issues. He
is the author of three other books --
To Kill - the Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther
King, Jr (Carroll & Graf Publishers, Sep 1995),
Sex Discrimination in Employment: An Analysis and Guide
for Practitioner and Student (Lexis Law Pub, Mar 1982),
The self-managed child; paths to cultural rebirth (Harper
& Row, 1973) --
and numerous articles (see
A Licence For
Government Ministers To Kill, Torture, Rape and Abduct Their
People -- The World Court's Millenium Gift to the Rulers of
Humanity, 2/20/02,
The End of Sovereign Immunity in Cases involving Human Rights Crimes of
States, their Leaders and Officials, 2001).
Quotations from An Act of State Copyright © 2003 William F. Pepper
Reprinted for Fair Use Only.