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"We know that there were several warnings that were given prior to the events of September 11th. People were calling in to the CIA and to the FBI, and they were giving information that was critical. There was adequate warning. But instead of requesting that Congress investigate what went wrong and why, we had President Bush place a phone call to Majority Leader Senator Tom Daschle, asking him not to investigate. My question is, what do they have to hide? The fact is that the father sits on the board of the Carlyle (ph) Group, which is one of the highest-level defense contractors in the country. And so we get this presidency of questionable legitimacy requesting a nearly unprecedented amount of money to go into a defense budget for defense spending that will directly benefit his father!
--Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D), Georgia, 12 April 2002
Published in Global Outlook , Issue No 2, 9-11: Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear Threat. Order on the web, by phone from publisher: 1-888-713-8500, or send the Mail-or Fax-in order form.
1. Foreknowledge and "Time Line" of 9-11
- The ISI-Bush Connection: Manipulation of CNN and White House transcripts of Dr. Condoleezza Rice's May 16th Press Conference. (listen to original audio-video file), 29 June
- New Revelations on the Links between the 9-11 Terrorists and the Bush Administration: Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11, Michel Chossudovsky, (expanded and revised version: 28 June)
- Air Force officer disciplined for saying Bush allowed September 11 attacks, Jerry Isaacs, 23 June
- Britain's spy chiefs warned PM Tony Blair of al-Qaeda attacks, Michael Evans, 15 June
- 9-11 Victims' Families sue Bush, David Kiefer, 15 June
- The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11, Chaim Kupferberg, 13 June
- 9/11 foreknowledge: Avoiding the real questions, Jane Intelligence, 31 May
- 9-11 investigation, interview with Mike Ruppert , 30 May
- Wiretaps may have foretold Terror Attacks, Sebastian Rotella & Josh Meyer, 30 May
- FBI response to 9/11 Foreknowledge: Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller, Coleen Rowley, 27 May
- Foreknowledge of 9/11: Cover-up of important information revealed by FBI Whistle-blower, John J. Lumkin, 25 May
- Corporate Media Defaults on 9/11 , Peter Phillips, 25 May
- All the desperate lies and spin don't change the fact that the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the Sept.11 attacks, Larry Chin, 21 May
- Terrorist Warnings, Rep.Cynthia McKinney, 19 May
- Foreknowledge of 9/11. Open letter to members of the press, Kyle Hence 19 May
- Congresswoman McKinney Presses for Investigation of Bush Administration Links to 9-11 (Transcript and audio)
- Echelon Gave Authorities Warning of 9/11 Attacks, Ned Stafford, 17 May
- The Lie Won't Stand: Administration Explanations for Pre-9-11 Warnings, Michael C. Ruppert, 17 May
- Congresswoman McKinney Presses for Investigation of Bush Administration Links to 9-11
- Public Reaction to Rep. McKinney’s Call for 9-11 Investigation, Michael Davidson, 8 May
- CIA admits foreknowledge of 9-11, Larry Chin, 8 May
- Sept 11 Inquiry of Intelligence Failures hits Obstacles. CIA and Justice Dept. undermining efforts of lawmakers, Greg Miller with introductory note by Kyle Hence, 7 May
- The head of the congressional investigation into the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks has quit, AP, 1 May
- The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks, Michael C. Ruppert, 24 April
- Who was behind the September 11 Attacks? Thierry Meyssan, 19 April, [texte en français ] [[arabic ]
- What really happened on September 11th? The Truth about 9/11, Vision TV Roundtable in Real Video, 27 March
- New Revelations on 9-11: Did George W. Know? Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said that "he warned the United States of an attack 12 days before the 9-11 atrocity", 8 Dec
- The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is simply not believable, Stan Goff, 20 October 2001
- A Timeline Surrounding September 11th: If the CIA and the Government Weren't involved in the 9-11 Attacks, What were they Doing? Michael Ruppert, 6 December 2001
- Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Adminstration: The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence Agency (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks, Michel Chossudovsky, 7 November
- A War in the Planning for Four Years , by Michael Ruppert, 11 November 2001
2. Why did the US Air Force fail to intervene on 9-11?
- No Urgency , George Szamuely revisits the curious lack of military action on the morning of Sept.11, 1 Feb.
- Why were no fighters dispatched to intercept planes on September 11? Scrambled Messages on 9-11 , George Szamuely, 14 Dec
- The Great Deception: What really happened on 9-11? VisionTV (Canada) Commentary by Barrie Zwicker (Real Video) , 29 Jan.
- What really happened on Sept. 11th? "The Great Deception": Parts 3 and 4, Barrie Zwicker, Vision TV, 18 Feb
- 9-11 Words of the President: "I saw an airplane hit the tower [on TV] and I used to fly myself, ... and I said, 'It must have been a horrible accident.'": Bush reveals first thought: "There's one terrible pilot" , Matthew Engel, 10 Dec
- Analysis of French Intelligence investigator Thierry Meyssan: (in French) on Flight 77 and the Pentagon crash
- Interview avec Thierry Meyssan à TV5. Nouvelles révelations sur le 11 septembre: "Si nous nous penchons sur l'attentat commis au Pentagone, nous constatons que la version officielle est un énorme mensonge..." 11 avril
- Qui a commandité les attentats du 11 septembre ? Thierry Meyssan, [arabic ] 11 avril
3. The so-called "war on Terrorism" is a total fabrication:
Who "harbors" whom? Osama-CIA links. Washington's has consistently supported and abeted Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, from the Cold War to the present (2002)
- Washington behind Indo-Pakistan Conflict: How US Special Forces organised Evacuation of Al Qaeda Forces to Kashmir, Seymour Hersh, 11 June
- Washington is pushing India and Pakistan to the brink of war, Michel Chossudovsky, 23 May [portugues ]
- Hidden Agenda behind the "War on Terrorism": US Bombing of Afghanistan restores Trade in Narcotics , Michel Chossudovsky, 20 May
- Al Qaeda and NATO Join Hands in supporting NLA Terrorists in Macedonia, Marina Domazetovska, 10 April
- Who is behind Osama? U.S. supported al-Qaeda cells during Balkan Wars, Isabel Vincent, 7 April
- On the evening of 9-11, less than 24 hours before the terrorist attacks, Osama bin Laden had been admitted to a Pakistani Military hospital in Rawalpindi, Transcript of CBS News Report with Dan Rather, 29 March.
- The Bush Administration continues to support Terrorists linked to Al Qaeda in Kosovo, Macedonia and Chechnya: Happy Days, Here Again , George Szamuely, 14 Feb
- The main justification for this war has been totally fabricated. "Osamagate," Michel Chossudovsky
- CBC Radio Interview with Michael Springman exposes CIA's links to Osama bin Laden, (Real Audio), 29 Jan
- Bin Laden Video: As doubts grow over authenticity, US urged to detail origin of tape , Steven Morris, 15 Dec
- Transcript of Osama bin Laden Video, link to Video Webcast , 15 Dec
- A new bloody escalation launched by KLA narco-terrorist gangs in Macedonia , by Umberto Pascali, 27 November 2001
- Double standards in the "campaign against international terrorism": U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo , by Umberto Pascali,, 21 November 2001
- War on Terrorism skipped the KLA, by James Bissett, 14 November 2001
- What was the chief of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) doing in the US in the days prior to the attacks? , by Amir Mateen, 19 November 2001.
- The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in Dubai. No attempt was made to arrest him. English translation of article in Le Figaro, by Alexandra Richard. 2 November 2001
- The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan preceded the Soviet Invasion. 1998 Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. 15 October 2001
- In Macedonia, Washington and NATO have joined hands with Osama bin Laden in financing and supporting National Liberation Army (NLA) terrorists. Macedonian dailies see links between Albanian Rebels and bin Ladin 5 October 2001
- The Clinton Administration supported the "Militant Islamic Network". A 1997 Congressional report provides evidence from official sources of the links between the Islamic Jihad and the US government . 21 September 2001
- US Government "Harbors" International Terrorism, Listen to "RealAudio" of Michel Chossudovsky interviewed by Dan Tsang (30 minutes) at KUCI 88.9 FM, Irvine, California. See "Subversity" program details . 16 September 2001
- "Who is Osama bin Laden ", Michel Chossudovsky. 12 September 2001
- NATO Invades Macedonia , by Michel Chossudovsky. NATO's ultimate goal is to protect rather than disarm the terrorists, 29 August.
- Read the eyewitness report by Scott Taylor on how the terrorists were armed and equipped by "Uncle Sam." 29 August 2001
- The Macedonian Prime Minister in a letter addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations accuses the NATO of invading his country. 29 August 2001
- "Years of attempts to arrest Osama bin Laden were blocked by the US" , by Lara Marlowe, 28 November 2001
- At first, it all seemed so obvious. It was those Islamic terrorists. Osama bin Laden. Mullah Omar. George W. Bush had nothing to do with it ... Did he? Ian Mulgrew, 26 Feb
4. Business "connections" between the bin Ladens and the Bushes
- Wall Street, the CIA & the Terrorist Attacks, interview with Michael Ruppert (audio),13 May
- Les liens entre les familles Bush et bin Laden: Un goût amer dans la Bush, 12 May
- Questionable Ties Tracking bin Laden's Money Flow leads back to Midland, Texas, Wayne Madsen, 28 Feb
- Links between the Bushes and the bin Ladens: "Has someone been sitting on the FBI?" BBC Video Interview by Greg Palast (Real Player), 26 Jan.
- The Big Guys Work for the Carlyle Group, Melanie Warner 18 March
- The secretive financial group integrated by top Republicans "maintained financial ties with none other than the family of Osama bin Laden": Carlyle profit from Afghan war David Lazarus, 4 Dec.
- "Bush at one point had connections with Saudi Arabia's prominent Bin Laden family": Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin Ladens, 11 November 2001 Arms Buildup Enriches Firm Staffed by Big Guns, Ex-president and other elites are behind weapon-boosting Carlyle Group, Mark Fineman, 23 Jan.
- President George W. Bush had business contacts with the bin Laden family when he was in Texas oil and politics. George W. Bush's Dubious Friends, Intelligence Newsletter. 1 October 2001
5. Foreknowledge by Wall Street? Insider Trading prior to September 11
- Wall Street Foreknowledge of 9-11: Massive pre-attack 'insider trading' offer authorities trail to accomplices, Kyle F. Hence, 21 April
- Wall Street and the CIA: Profits of Death-- Insider Trading and 9-11 , Tom Flocco, edited by Michael Ruppert, 17 Dec.
- The CIA's Wall Street connections: Transcript of interview with Michael C. Ruppert , 3 November, 2001.
- Financial Scam? Speculative trade in American Airlines stocks in the days preceding the September 11 tragedy. Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading lead directly into the CIA`s Highest Ranks, by Michael C. Ruppert. 20 October 2001
6. Lessons of History, Operations Northwoods and Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor: History Whitewashed? President Franklin D. Roosevelt had "prior knowledge" of the Attack, Ian Woods, 5 March
- "In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba" , ABC News Report by David Ruppe, 16 November 2001
- "Operation Northwoods" was a corrupt plan by the US government to stage the assassination of civilians and blame it on Communist Cuba. Read the declassified 1962 document, titled "Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba", National Security Archive, 16 November 2001
Compiled by Michel Chossudovsky (updated weekly)
Copyright © CRG 2002.
The URL of this article is: MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS ON FOREKNOWLDGE SEE Global Outlook, premiere issue on "Stop the War" provides detailed documentation on the war and the "Post- September 11 Crisis."
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