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the Global
War System


The World Trade Organization
and the links between economic
globalization & militarism

Sponsored by: Northwest Disarmament Coalition (USA) · End the Arms Race (Canada) · Abolition 2000

Seattle, Washington
Sundav, November 28, 1999

Program Participants
Susan George (France) is the Associate Director of the Transnational Institute and is active in TNI's Global Economy Program. She holds degrees from Smith College, the Sorbonne and the University of Paris. She is active in the International Forum on Globalization and Jubilee 2000, whose aim is to eliminate the debt of the poorest countries. She has advised and worked with environmental and development NGO's in many countries. She gives lectures and press interviews worldwide, and her writings are translated into a dozen languages.

David Korten (U.S.) is a best-selling author whose books and lectures have made an invaluable contribution to raising public awareness of the dangers of the expansion of corporate power. His most recent titles are When Corporations Rule the World and The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism. He is the chair of the Positive Futures Network and publisher of Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures.

[Mark Ritchie (U.S.) joined the panel since David Korten was unable to appear for health reasons. A member of the International Forum on Globalization's Board of Directors, Mark Ritchie is the President and Globalization and Global Governance Program Director of Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. The IATP was established in 1986 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organziation to create environmentally and economically sustainable communities and regions through sound agriculture and trade policy.]

Alice Slater (U.S.) is President of the Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) and a founder of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. She is a Board member of the Lawyers Alliance for World Security and a United Nations NGO representative. She has organized numerous UN conferences on nuclear and environmental issues and has spoken frequently at meetings and conferences worldwide. She has been widely interviewed by the news media and published in numerous periodicals.

Steven Staples (Canada) is the British Columbia Organizer for the Council of Canadians, a national citizens group dedicated to promoting democracy and fair trade. He is a board member of End the Arms Race, BC's largest peace and disarmament group. In May at the Hague Appeal for Peace, Steve helped to found the International Network on Disarmament and Globalization, a network of activists formed to address the relationship between globalization and militarism.

Martin Fleck (U.S.) Moderator, is the Director of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility and a co-founder of the Northwest Disarmament Coalition. Founded in 1992, the NWDC coordinates the nuclear disarmament activities in the Pacific Northwest of fifteen member organizations, many of them affiliates of U.S. national or international organizations.


WTO and the Global War System
November 28, 1999

Welcome and Introduction
by moderator Martin Fleck
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility


Susan George,
Transnational Institute, France

David Korten,
author of When Corporations Rule the World, USA

Alice Slater,
Abolition 2000,
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE),USA

Steven Staples,
International Network on
Disarmament and Globalization, Canada

Question and Answer Session and Discussion

This forum will examine how the World Trade Organization's pattern of economic globalization undermines security, creates conflict and promotes militarism. An international panel of four speakers will explain how WTO trade agreements endanger the social programs, public services and environmental regulations that are vital to survival and quality of life in the modern world.

Internal police forces, armies and weapons are exempted from WTO trade restrictions for "national security" reasons. Billions of dollars of public moneys are slashed from social programs and freely spent on militaries and invested in manufacturing new weapons. Unrestricted and highly profitable arms sales result, giving rise to the Global War System and undermining democracy.

The speakers will describe how this dangerous trend away from respect for human rights, legal obligations and diplomacy is also reviving the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation. One key cause of this dangerous trend is the United States' failure to honor its legal obligation under Article VI of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to work to eliminate nuclear arsenals worldwide.

The forum will focus on the threat that the Global War System poses to our survival, the obligation of citizens to confront it and opportunities for Non Governmental Organizations to promote alternatives to it. The forum is free and open to the public, donations welcome. There will be ample time for discussion.

This forum was made possible by generous contributions
and participation from the sponsoring organizations

Abolition 2000 Working Group
    on Corporate Issues
Suite 405 825 Granville St.
Vancouver BC  V6Z IK9

American Friends Service Committee                    
    - Pacific Northwest Region
814 NE 40th Street, Seattle WA 98105

The Council of Canadians,
    BC Organizing Office
711-207 West Hastings St.
Vancouver BC  V6B 1H7
604-688-8846, fax 604-688-5756

End the Arms Race
Suite 405 825 Granville St.
Vancouver BC  V6Z 1K9

Fellowship of Reconciliation
Western Washington Office:
225 N. 70th St., Seattle WA  98103
National Office:
PO Box 271, Nyack NY  10960

Ground Zero Center
    for Nonviolent Action
16159 Clear Creek Road NW
Poulsbo WA  98370

The International Network on
    Globalization and Disarmament
825 Granville St., Suite 405
Vancouver BC  V6Z 1K9

Nonviolent Action
    Community of Cascadia
4554 12th Ave NE, Seattle WA  98105

Northwest Disarmament Coalition
4554 12th Ave NE, Seattle WA  98105
206- 547-2630

Peace Action of Washington
5828 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle WA  98105

Plymouth Congregational Church,
    Peace Action Group
1217 - 6th Ave at University
Seattle WA  98101

Seattle Women Act for Peace
2524 16th South, Seattle WA  98144

Tikkuni Olam Committee /
    Congregation Eitz Or
PO Box 15480, Seattle WA  98115

United Nations Association
    - Metropolitan Seattle Chapter
509 10th Ave E #303, Seattle WA  98102

University Unitarian Peace Committee
6556 35th Ave NE, Seattle WA  98115

War Resisters League
339 Lafayette St., New York NY  10012

Washington Physicians
    for Social Responsibility
4554 12th Ave NE, Seattle WA  98105

20/20 Vision
1828 Jefferson Place, NW
Washington DC  20036
202-833-2020, 206-528-0289

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