From: "dhirpo01" <> Tue Nov 3 07:58:04 1998
To: ... ratitor
Subject: 1998 Nuclear-Free Future Award
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 16:40:20 +0100
See the complete english entry-point version for this at
Greetings! On 5 November 1998 the first annual Nuclear-Free Future Award will take place in the Archbishop's Residence in Salzburg. Patron of the ceremony is Landeshauptman (State of Salzburg Governor) Schlessinger. Germany's Claus Biegert and America's Winona LaDuke will be moderating the event. The dinner speaker will be Madanjeet Singh.The 1998 Nuclear-Free Future Award recipients are:
The 1998 Nuclear-Free Future Award Jury Members were: Ann Bancroft USA; Till Bastian Germany; Ramsey Clark USA; Angela Davis USA; Prof. John Galtung France; Monika Griefahn Germany; Peter Stephan Jungk France; Val Kilmer USA; Corinne Kumar Tunisia; Satish Kumar U.K.; Oren Lyons Onondaga Nation; Leonard Marks USA; John Mohawk USA; Kirkpatrick Sale USA; Galsan Tschinag Germany; Robert Venables USA; Joseph Weizenbaum USA; Christine von Weizsäcker Germany; Joan Wingfield Australia; Howard Zinn USA.
Yvonne Margarula Australia (Resistance)
Yvonne Margarula is the spokeswoman of the Mirrar Gundjehmi a small Aboriginal clan in Northern Australia whose traditional land is being threatened by a uranium mining giant. The Mirrar Gundjehmi are struggling to retain their land at Jabiluka a site lying within Kakadu National Park which UNESCO has declared "World Heritage". Seventy percent of the Australians are behind the Mirrar.
Prof. Raśl Montenegro Argentinia (Education)
Through his unflagging knowledgeable activism this professor of biology has managed to change Argentinean pro or don't-know nuclear public opinion to (a knowing) con fomenting thereby from the grassroots level government energy policy change. Dr. Montenegro's informed illuminations of the nuclear industry's dark and juggled figures have so turned the tide of Argentinean public opinion that currently it is indeed "heavy water" in which the pro-nuclear lobby must swim.
Dr. Hari Sharan India/Switzerland (Solutions)
Sharan Engineering Ltd. manufactures a biomass gasifier that turns a turbine to provide energy. Designed for conditions in rural India (Bangalore) that same technology slightly modified has also been put into operation in Switzerland (Chatel-St-Denis). It's something which we don't witness often: technology transfer in reverse -- from South to North. Dr. Hari Sharan's slogan: Renewables for Peace .
Maisie Shiell Canada (Lifetime Achievement)
Throughout Canada this woman is honored as the "Grandmother of the Anti-Nuclear Movement". Maisie's kittenish bespectacled smile belies her intense dedication to making the world a safer place for her children grandchildren and the coming generations.
For more information about the Award winners and about how you can nominate some person or organization for the 1999 Nuclear-Free Future Award (to be held in Los Alamos New Mexico on 19.9.1998) please visit
Thank you
Craig Reishus