CONTAMINATION: rendering toxic through contact with radioactivity. This includes leaks, spills, explosions, tests, transportion accidents, scheduled and unscheduled releases into the atmosphere, soil and bodies of water.ABANDONMENT: releasing or leaving radioactive gases, materials and structures without effective, ongoing containment.
SACRIFICE ZONES: areas that must be permanently abandoned due to radioactive contamination from mining, accidents, spiffs, explosions, weapons fabrication, testing and use, dumping of waste, etc.
WASTE STORAGE: What is our capacity to maintain containment enduringly?
- The entire cycle of the nuclear industry occurs globally and is not necessarily present in an individual country, although the technology and materials for each step are sold internationally.
- Every step of the nuclear industry contributes directly or through connecting steps to the virtually permanent contamination of the atmosphere, the water system, the soil, and organic life.
- Wind and water, microbes, insects seeds, birds and other life forms move through all ecosystems, even those identified by humans as sacrifice zones.
- Uncontained radioactivity in the biosphere eventually disperses worldwide.
The Nuclear Labyrinth may be reproduced for educational
purposes with the full inclusion of address line.
c/o Inochi, P.O. Box 2589, Berkeley, CA 94702 USA. tel: 510/559-8910 fax: 510/559-8916