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The following USTrade Coalition Steering Committee Contact List is mirrored from its source at: http://www.ssc.org/sage/ustrade.doc.
Kudos to the Sierra Student Coalition. If they didn't exist, we'd have to invent them. I'm already thinking of creative ways to use the attached list of [bidnis volk]. But for the rest of my life I will wonder WHO WAS the operative at this meeting . . . and WHO IS the little birdie?
Nathan Wyeth <nayythan@hotmail.com> wrote:
FORWARD TO FREE-TRADE/GLOBALIZATION LISTS!On June 19, 2001 over 250 giant corporations from across the country came together in the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building in Washington DC to announce a new business coalition, USTrade, that will work to push the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), a new round of the WTO, and especially FAST TRACK in the U.S. Congress. A preliminary analysis of those present at the meeting indicates large numbers of wealthy Caucasian males wearing expensive suits.
A Sierra Student Coalition operative, disguising himself as an elite, infiltrated the meeting and emerged with important documents, including a contact list with direct phone, fax, and emails for the 30 or so members of "steering committee" of the coalition from groups like the American Chemistry Council (chemical industry, also biotech), National Association of Manufacturers, Coalition of Service Industries, and more.
[Along with the steering committee contact list is the list of the 205 Member Corporations of USTrade.]
While the Sierra Student Coalition offers this information to you only as a public service, a little birdie has told us that this list could be used to send large numbers of emails, faxes, and phone calls to these corporate free-traders. The little birdie thinks that blasting faxes, emails, and phone calls to these people 9AM to 5PM EST the WEEK OF JUNE 25, 2001 asking them about their true intentions with their trade policies might inconvenience them a whole lot.
USTrade is an enormous business coalition -- almost as big as our movement is broad. They're taking a page from our playbook in doing this. This is an unprecedented step for business groups to take, but they know they will have to face us -- the new anti-corporate globalization movement -- in these fights to get what they want. But don't underestimate this business coalition. They have a lot of money and a lot of power on Capitol Hill.
They are pushing Fast Track hard, and the Fast Track situation is heating up. The Republican leadership is pushing for a vote on Fast Track in the House of Reps. as early as July. After you fax and email these corporate free-traders, fax and call your representative in congress. Fast Track would vastly increase the odds that Bush will be able to ram a new WTO round and the FTAA through Congress -- it too must be stopped!
Tell your representative to oppose free trade and the fast track proposal put forth by Rep. Crane! Call the Capitol switchboard at 202.224.3121, ask to be connected to your representative (look it up at www.congress.org), ask to speak with the aide that deals with trade, and tell them unequivocably that they should reject fast track! Also set up a meeting or protest during the July 4 recess when your member of Congress is in their home district!
Both the Sierra Student Coalition and the little birdie agree that we cannot let those wealthy white men from USTrade win this fight! Don't let them forget that we are living in a post-Seattle, post-Quebec world -- don't let them or Congress ignore our movement! We beat Fast Track in '97 and '98. Let's do it again. Go to www.ssc.org/sage/sage.html for more info on Fast Track.
USTrade Coalition Steering Committee Contact List
Courtesy of the Sierra Student Coalition's Student Action on the Global Economy campaign. Contact: 1.888.JOIN.SSC / www.ssc.orgThe majority of these numbers appear to be direct. USTrade is a new business coalition formed in order to facilitate corporate efforts to push Fast Track, the FTAA, and a new round of the WTO. One interesting note -- the McGraw-Hill Companies, whose CEO chaired their press conference, is an educational materials corporation that is presumably in on trade for the potential privatization of education.
William Lane | Capterpillar Inc | 202.466.0672 | Not given | Lane_william@cat.com |
Bob Vastine | Coalition of Service Industries | 202.289.7460 | 202.775.1726 | Vastine@uscsi.org |
Cal Cohen | ECAT | 202.659.5147 | 202.659.1347 | Cchoen@ecattrade.com |
Linda Menghetti | ECAT | 202.659.5147 | 202.659.1347 | Lmenghetti@ecattrade.com |
Chris Padilla | Eastman Kodak Co. | 202.857.3463 | 202.857.3401 | Chris.padilla@kodak.com |
Scott Shearer | Farmland Industries | 202.783.5330 | 202.783.4381 | Psshearer@farmland.com |
Peter Iovino | Ford Motor Co. | 202.962.5361 | 202.336.7223 | Piovino@ford.com |
Kitty Brims | NAM | 202.637.3143 | 202.637.3182 | Kbrims@nam.org |
Bill Primosch | NAM | 202.637.3145 | 202.637.3182 | Brimosch@nam.org |
Frank Vargo | NAM | 202.637.3144 | 202.637.3182 | Kvargo@nam.org |
Mary A. Irace | National Foreign Trade Council | 202.887.0278 | 202.452.8160 | m.irace@nftc.org |
Erik Autor | National Retail Federation | 202.626.8104 | 202.626.8197 | Autore@nrf.org |
Cynthia K. Johnson | Texas Instruments Inc | 202.662.2469 | 202.628.2980 | Ckjohnson@ti.com |
Meggan E. Abboud | Boeing | 703.465.3228 | 202.465.3045 | Meggan.e.abboud@boeing.com |
Theodore Austell | Boeing | 703.465.3876 | 703.465.3018 | Ted.austell-III@pss.boeing.com |
Brigitte Gwyn | The Business Roundtable | 202.467.3258 | 202.466.3509 | Bgwyn@brt.org |
Johanna Schneider | The Business Roundtable | 202.467.5263 | 202.466.3509 | Jschneid@brtable.org |
Cynthia Braddon | The Mcgraw-Hill Companies | 202.383.3701 | 202.383.3718 | Cindy_braddon@mcgraw-hill.com |
William Jordan | The Mcgraw-Hill Companies | 202.383.3404 | 202.383.3718 | William_jordan@mcgraw-hill.com |
Scott Miller | Procter & Gamble | 202.393.3404 | 202.393.4606 | Miller.rs.@pg.com |
William Workman | U.S. Chamber of Commerce | 202.463.5455 | 202.463.3114 | Wworkman@uschamber.com |
Timothy Deal | U.S. Council for Int't Business | 202.371.1316 | 202.371.8249 | Tdeal@uscib-dc.org |
Scott Shearer | Agriculture Trade Coalition | 202.783.5330 | 202.783.4381 | Psshearer@farmland.com |
Claude Boudrias | American Chemistry Council | 703.741.5915 | 703.741.6070 | Claude.boudrias@americanchemistry.com |
Bill Pryce | Council of the Americas | 202.639.0724 | 202.639.0794 | Wpryce@as-coa.org |
Patrick Killbride | Council of the Americas | 202.639.0724 | 202.639.0794 | Pkilbride@as-coa.org |
Mary Sophos | Grocery Mnfts..Assn. | 202.337.9400 | 202.337.4508 | Mcs@gmabrands.com |
Gary Blumenthal | World Perspectives | 202.785.3345 | 202.659.6891 | Garyblum@agrilink.com |
NAM -- National Association of Manufacturers
ECAT -- Emergency Council on American Trade
- USTrade Info:
- 1331 Pennnsylvania Ave NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20004
202.637.3182 fax
www.us-trade.org205 Member Corporations of USTrade
- 3M
- A.J. Antunes & Co.
- ABB, Inc
- Accenture
- Advanced Medical Technology Association
- Aerospace Industries Ass'n of America
- Agilent Technologies, Inc.
- AJ Autunes & Co.
- Alcoa, Inc
- Alliance Management Group
- Aluminum Association
- Am. Chamber of Commerce for Brazil/Rio de Janeiro
- American Chamber of Commerce and Ind. of Panama
- American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil/ Sao Paulo
- American Chamber of Commerce in Guatemala
- American Chamber of Commerce Mexico
- American Chamber of Commerce of Bolivia
- American Chamber of Commerce of El Salvador
- American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica
- American Chamber of Commerce of Nicaragua
- American Chamber of Commerce of Peru
- American Chamber of Commerce of the Dom. Rep.
- American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad & Tobago
- American Chemistry Council
- American Council of Life Insurance
- American Electronics Association
- American Forest & Paper Association
- American Hardware Manufacturers Association
- American International Group Inc.
- American Meat Institute
- American Petroleum Institute
- AMT- The Assn. For Manufacturing Technology
- AOL-Time Warner
- APL Limited
- Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
- Assn. of American Chambers of Commerce
- Associated Industries of Massachusetts
- Association of Intl Automobile Manufacturers
- AT&T Corp.
- Automotive Trade Policy Council
- BASF Corporation
- Bechtel Corporation
- Bergner, Boyette, Bockorny & Cloughs
- Biotechnology Industry Organization
- C & M International
- Cargill Incorporated
- Caribbean/Latin American Action
- CaseNewHolland Inc.
- Caterpillar Inc.
- Cato Institute
- Chamber of Commerce of the US in Argentina
- Chamber of Commerce Uruguay-U.S.A.
- Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce
- Citigroup Citizens for a Sound Economy
- Cleveland- Cliffs Incorporated
- Coalition of Service Industries
- Colombian-American Chamber of Commerce
- Compaq Computer Corporation
- Construction Industry Manufacturers Association
- Coors Brewing Company
- Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce
- Council of the Americas
- DaimlerChrysler Corporation
- Deere & Co
- Distilled Spirits Council of the US
- Domestic Petroleum Council
- Dow Corning Corporation
- DTB Associates, LLP
- Duberstein Group
- DuPont
- Dykema Gossett
- Eastman Chemical Company
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Eaton Corporation
- Ecuadorian-American Chamber of Commerce/ Guayaquil
- Ecuadorian-American Chamber of Commerce/Quito
- Emerson
- Electronic Industries Alliance
- Emergency Council for American Trade (ECAT)
- Equipment Manufacturers Institute
- Excel Foundry and Machine, Inc.
- ExxonMobil Corporation
- Farmland Industries Inc.
- Flour Corporation
- FMC Corporation
- Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.
- French & Company
- General Electric Company
- General Motors Corporation
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
- Glass Packaging Institute
- Global Trade Information Services
- GPC International
- Griffin Johnson
- Grocery Manufacturers of America
- Guardian Industries Corp.
- Haitian-American Chamber of Commerce
- Halliburton Company
- Hasbro Inc.
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Honduran-American Chamber of Commerce
- Honeywell Inc.
- Information Technology Association of America
- Information Technology Industry Council
- International Assn. of Drilling Contractors
- International Business Machines
- International Housewares Association
- International Mass Retail Association
- International Paper
- Jefferson Waterman International
- John B. Shlaes & Associates
- Johnson & Johnson
- Lunde & Burger
- Manchester Trade
- Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America
- Marlock, Inc.
- Matsushita Electric Corporation of America
- Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association
- Motorola Inc
- National Association of Manufacturers
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- National Food Processors Association
- National Foreign Trade Council
- New York Life Insurance Company
- Nike Inc.
- Nortel Networks
- O'Melveney and Myers
- OBC Group
- Pacific Basin Economic Committee
- Packaging Machinery Manufactures Institute
- Paraguayan-American Chamber of Commerce
- Pepsico Inc
- Pet Food Institute
- Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- Philippi-Hagenbuch, Inc.
- Phillip Morris Companies
- Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
- PolicyComm
- Prosper International Prudential
- R A Pearson Company
- Raytheon Company
- Reebok International
- Rockwell Automation
- Rockwell Collins
- Rohm and Haas Company
- Rolls-Royce North America Inc.
- Salt Institute
- SBC Communications, Inc.
- Schering-Plough Corporation
- Sears, Roebuck and Company
- Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles
- Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
- Service Tool & Die Two, Inc.
- Shelby Industries, Inc
- Siemens
- Small Business Exporters Association
- Solutia Corp
- St. Maxens Company
- StorageTek
- Sun Microsystems, Inc
- Target, Inc
- Spiegel Group
- Telecommunications Industry Association
- Texas Instruments, Inc
- Textron
- The Boeing Company
- The Bretton Woods Committee
- The Business Roundtable
- The Chubb Corporation
- The Dow Chemical Company
- The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
- The McGraw-Hill Companies
- The Motion Picture Association of America
- The Port Authority of NY & NJ
- The Procter & Gamble Company
- The Quaker Oats Company
- The Rushford Report
- The Wexler Group
- Tooling and Manufacturing Association
- Toy Industry Association
- TradeCom International, Inc
- TRW Inc.
- U.S Wheat Associates
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- U.S. Council for International Business
- Unisys Corporation
- United Parcel Service
- United States Council for International Business
- United Technologies Cooperation
- UNOVE, Inc.
- Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce
- Wainwright Industries, Inc.
- Warnaco Inc
- Waste Equipment Technology Association
- Westvaco Corporation
- Wheat Export Trade Education Committee
- Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
- World Perspectives, Inc.
- Xerox Corporation