They have spent $13 trillion tax dollars since the end of WWII on this military/intelligence complex, and it cannot protect its own headquarters? . . . How were they allowed to come into the most restricted air space in the world with no challenge or defense? That is the question that answers both when Bush knew in advance and begs any rational response.
This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001. (See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
There are two ways to view this mail archive:
1. By month 2001: September October November December 2002: January February March April May June July August September October November December 2003: January February March April May June July August September October November December
2. Chronological Listing by mail Subject line view by year: 2001 2002 2003 view one file: spanning 2001-2003
The following excerpted messages provides a glimpse of some of the range-of-focus John explores and considers:
- December 12th: Northwoods: Top U.S. Military Plan for Terror to Justify War
Northwoods is important to understanding how far some will go, especially those in covert operations and military intelligence circles. These do not always have the approval of the higher ups, but may be done to involve them against their wishes. . . .
The "voracious" US use of oil is based on two factors, first the lack of development of viable alternative energy sources that preseves the monopolies, and second the fact that somewhere between 60-80% (reports in 85 and projections to 2000) of all US oil use (and it is at least 60% of global oil use by 4% of the world's population) is military use. This means that we are fighting wars to preserve access to oil needed to fight the wars. That's a "national interest" I guess.
- January 20: They knew it was coming
This article compiles the many instances of advance notice of September 11 and the evidence of either a massive intelligence failure, or a massive fraud. The sources cited are in many cases the intelligence agencies or their assets.
The planning for "terrorist attacks" and the domestic and international response has been going on for nearly 30 years now, with rising levels of sophistication and demand for control. . . .
There were many things that could have been done differently in the last 30 years to end war, terrorism and violence worldwide. The United States not only failed to do them, it often did the opposite. But building a military / intelligence / security apparatus as the sole response possible or desireable insures much more profit, social control and ultimate concentration of power than the path that might lead to real security and peace. Those wishing the latter were rarely consulted by the planners.
At some point, did all this preparatory thinking come to be self-fulfilling prophecy awaiting only it's triggering incident? We have many other examples of this same apparatus both encouraging and standing aside for other violent actions that became the excuse for repressive responses. In Europe it is known as a "strategy of tension" that ultimately puts the hired guns in charge of the ranch.
- February 24th: The War On Waste
$48 billion is "loose change" for these folks!! After watching the colossal defense failure of September 11, you have to ask whether it was intentional stand down or else a $13 trillion heist since the end of WWII which produced no real defenses. Either way, we are in deep trouble.
- March 29th: Toxic Haste: New York's media rush to judgment on New York's air
Was anyone terrorized here before September 11 by toxic chemicals, spoiled foods, radiation, rape, police abuse, domestic violence, unsafe buildings and vehicles, nuclear weapons, starvation and poverty, institutionalization, racial profiling and attacks, forced drugging, AIDS, political murders, oppressive working conditions? The effects continue to unfold in New York from the incident, but the corporate/government terror unleashed here, and even more horrifically abroad, predates and far exceeds the tragedy of September 11. A country built on genocide, slavery, assassinations, greed and world-wide wars has taught significant portions of its population about terrorism long before now.
- May 19: Rice opposes public panel to investigate 9/11
They want to contain it to the House and Senate intelligence committees which they control. Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla), chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a longtime secrecy advocate and intelligence hack, was actually promoted to run by Rep. Bob Graham (D-Fla), chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Two boys from the state that brought us the current unelected President in the first place. The heads of these committees are traditionally awarded medals by the CIA for their "services".
Past committees (Church, Pike) at all critical of the intelligence agencies are now fingered for the failures of 9-11 for supposedly taking away their ability to function. But intelligence gathering was never challenged or defunded, only intelligence activities, which were often illegal, unconstitutional and ill-advised. Rice, ever a complete toady for the system, down to brushing off Bush's coat lint in one picture, says that this is not like the JFK assassination, but is "ongoing". Maybe she missed the rest of the 60s?
- May 19: Bush Administration Explanations for Pre-9-11 Warnings Fail the Smell Test
Lots of important items and links on this one. Read all the way to the end to see them. A good summary at the top of the prior warnings from other intelligence agencies to the US. There is a crack in the wall, which always means to me that the class consensus is breaking down and one faction is spilling goods on another. These are the only times we get to see inside the window, so stare hard and look closely.
- May 19: Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?
Here is one more BCCI link to bin Laden and Bush. Remember that BCCI was the financial underpinning of Contragate and involves Casey, who ran both that operation and the Afghanistan resistance against the USSR. This is the path that I think holds the most promise to understanding 9-11.
- June 1st: India & Pakistan: A road map to peace
"There must be some way out of here" wrote Dylan. There is, a road away from hell. Here's a map to one alternate route. Like Gandhi said, "I know a way out". Of course it takes intelligence, trust, and lots of courage, and actual involvement. For too many Americans their only two responses are "doing nothing" or "war", which for most also means "doing nothing" while they are also "saying nothing". Those who have considered peace know how much of a "something" has to be done and what it will take. It's down to us now, the Americans. What will it be?
- June 7th: Bin Funding
Loftus has put his finger on something here. If Oliver North was looking for terrorists, though, he probably wanted to hire them. Remember the BCCI, the Casey-linked funding source for Contragate and other operations, was primarily a Saudi creation. There are many BCCI-linked people in the current scenario.
- July 9: Chomsky on the JFK Assassination (& the same now)
Follow the links on this one, they are all worth it. Chomsky, Albert, Corn and crew are following the same path now on 9/11. No conspiracy, no questions but the big ones.
- July 27th: Pipe Dreams - The Struggle for Caspian Oil (1998)
This is a three part series from the Post, chock full of the names and companies behind the deep geopolitics of the war in Afghanistan as well as the current plans for Iraq and renewed interest in Iran.
- July 28th: Terrorism in the Age of Surveillance
Read all about it!! A continually expanding website with a wealth of details on COINTELPRO at www.cointel.org. And now TIPS, which one journalist pointed out will have more spies at the start of operations than the Eustaci or Joseph Stalin dreamed about, or the Nazi SS. Is it time to learn something from history?
- July 28th: Ready for Martial Law
Right on target. I believe that we have been under Continuity of Government since 9/11 with a declared "national emergency" shifting all decision making to DOD/FEMA/NSC, with Cheney at the helm from the bunker in Bluemont, Virginia, and Bush as the stand-up dummy for the "shadow government". All sorts of legal authorities shift when you go to war or national emergency, and I think they have put them into place silently for the time being.
I was sure DC was going to martial law that day, since all transportation in and out, roads, highways and communications were shut down or controlled, the Situation Room and the War Room were calling the shots, and the government employees were told to go home (which means out of DC). I packed up essentials and went with them for a few days until things cooled down. I didn't want to be trapped in the play zone, since the Pentagon is only a few miles from my house.
If you think I'm being an alarmist, look out the window. This is the scenario I was warning about in Los Angeles in 1996 and earlier. One stage at a time, unless we say no and demand democracy. There is more to come unless we stand up to this madness and make this a democracy again now.