This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Towers Analysis May Be Sealed
2 Oct 2002Nothing new about this game. Evidence is destroyed, bulldozed, buried, confiscated, hidden and legally sealed all the time. MOVE was bulldozed and burned to prevent ballistic analysis. Murtaugh Building and Waco compound were destroyed and buried. Photos are confiscated and never seen by the public. At Jackson State University the whole wall of the dorm was confiscated to hide evidence of the police barrage of shots that killed students in Orange, MS. Evidence relating to sabotage of planes, like Dorothy Hunt's flight during Watergate, is buried by insurance lawyers who will not pay families for anything but acts of nature. Courts seal testimony and records like in the Silkwood case, and the new Patriot Act provides for testimony in camera (behind closed doors) in all terrorist trials now. Time to hand out whistles and teach people how to blow them.
Towers Analysis May Be Sealed
Associated Press, 30 September 2002
- Subject: Pentagon Plans to Gas US Citizens or, Another Bitch Slap to the Head of Bush Supporters
2 Oct 2002You mean we'd gas our own people??? Well here's the latest way to end dissent, give us valium gas and calm us down.
Pentagon Plans to Gas US Citizens or, Another Bitch Slap to the Head of Bush Supporters
by Al Martin, Al Martin RAW, 30 September 2002
- Subject: Bush Iraq Evidence Lies
2 Oct 2002Lies, war lies and statistics.
Bush Iraq Evidence Lies
Bush Watch
- Subject: Statement: Need For a Peoples Investigation Of 9/11
2 Oct 2002Mark [a member of The People's Investigation of 9/11], here's a statement if you want to use it:
The American people have yet to be told the full truth about the events of 9/11. We cannot know what was known in advance without an admission on the part of the officials themselves. It seems clear they could and should have known, and that such an attack was not beyond imagining, since efforts had been made by US security forces to prevent just such an incident at both the Pentagon and the economic summit in Genoa which Bush attended.
To call this an "intelligence failure" merely supports the expansion, increased funding, consolidation and lack of future accountability for the various intelligence agencies whose covert operations done in our name abroad for the last fifty years have led to the current situation. The war in Afghanistan was not in response to 9/11 but had been planned long before and announced to the surrounding countries months in advance by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
What we can know is what the administration and various agencies did or did not do after everyone knew the nature of the attacks, in other words after 9:05 am that day when the second tower was hit. Absolutely nothing was done between that time and 9:47 when the Pentagon was hit to intercept or shoot a clear and announced threat to the most restricted air space in the country by American Flight 77 which all knew was headed towards DC. There was a military stand down in DC, and fighter planes that could have interfered with Flight 77 were called back to base in several incidences. . . .
- Subject: Michael Klare - Geopolitics, War & Oil
2 Oct 2002Finally, a little history and the real goal we seek.
Geopolitics of War: Oil and Iraq
With Dr. Michael Klare, Author and Professor at Hampshire College
WashingtonPost.com: Live Online, 19 September 2002
- Subject: Bennis on Bush Resolution to US Congress
2 Oct 2002Phyllis hits the points, from international law to common sense.
A Response to Bush's Proposed Congressional Resolution
by Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, 28 September 2002
http://www.ips-dc.org/comment/Bennis/replytobush.htm- Subject: War for oil, oil for war
2 Oct 2002An interesting analysis. There is a good chance we might also surround Saudi oil fields, to "protect them from Hussein", for instance. He makes the point that we are already at war, which is very true. We have been for ten years. There are some other interesting articles on the right side of the text as well.[1] Why are the foreign papers always so much better than ours?
After Saddam: Fledgling states, oceans of oil
by Francesco Sisci, Asia Times, 28 September 2002
- Russia, Iran: Stepping on the gas, 27 September 2002
Iran and Kuwait close ranks, 25 September 2002
Iraq: In all but name, the war's on, 17 August 2002- Subject: "Poppy" Bush's favorite product
2 Oct 2002Guns, drugs, oil -- the real currencies of the world. Everything is back up to production standards again in the Golden Crescent apparently. They didn't call him "Poppy" Bush for nothing.
Jason Bennetto, The Independent - Britain is expected to be hit by a flood of heroin after a gigantic increase in the production of opium in Afghanistan, the United Nations will warn. A UN survey estimates the farmers will grow 2,700 tons of opium this year compared with 185 tons in 2001, a 1,400 per cent jump. In July 2000, the Taliban government banned farmers from growing the opium poppies, but since the regime was toppled, production of the lucrative crop has resumed. Afghanistan is the source of 75 per cent of the world's heroin and 90 per cent of Britain's supply. Evidence suggests heroin supplies to western Europe had been running low, an international drugs conference in Paris will be told.
- Subject: picture needs to be looked at carefully
3 Oct 2002Our exalted Commander in Chief.
- Subject: Pax Americana for keeps: the president's real goal in Iraq
3 Oct 2002One journalist gets the point and names the names. Valuable side bar on this one. This is world war, folks.
Nail on the head, this was exactly the debate that surfaced in August, 2001 in the Post, and the meaning of Total Global Dominance in the now merged US Space Force and Global Command. The old Nazi dream finally realized. In June of 1963 JFK said "What kind of peace do we want? Not a Pax Americana..." The Joint Chiefs disagreed.
The real agenda continues to be clear: globalized warfare for total dominance of resources. This is the real "axis of evil" in the world. September 11 was used to line up the global powers, the neo-liberal quisling states, and the wannabe powers like Russia and China against the impoverished and the pockets of resistance that remain. Unlike the Nazi machinery developed for the same purpose 70 years ago, ours is much more sophisticated and deadly, and there is no opposing power to contend with. The only force left to stop this juggernaut to war and genocide is us, the American people, and the democracy we talk about but never make real. I'm ready to call mainstream commentators "democracy theorists" unless they can show one scintilla of evidence that it exists here.
The president's real goal in Iraq
by Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 29 September 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/RRinIraq.html- Subject: 9/11 Panel Eyes Information Failure
5 Oct 2002They seem to have slipped through every crack, were they greased?
9/11 Panel Eyes Information Failure
by Ken Guggenheim, Associated Press, 1 October 2002
infoFail.html- Subject: Anthrax Ad in Washington Times Says Inside Job
5 Oct 2002Closer and closer to the obvious, just using common sense. I wonder if these writers are aware of the NYT and London Sunday Times articles on 9/4 and 9/5/01 about the DIA developing "the next generation of anthrax" on orders of Rumsfeld and their announcement of such an accomplishment on 9/6 in the press? This piece begins to ask the right questions.
`Pete Velis, the author who identifies himself as "just an American," uses the available evidence and obvious logic to show that the anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by perpetrators in an off-budget military program, most likely at SAIC -- men who have protection against FBI investigations and whose motive, without a doubt, was to create panic and ease the passage of draconian security and war measures.
`The evidence has been in the public domain for months. The attacks were carried out exactly in the manner and using the same size of supermilitarized spore specified in an earlier secret military report on "how to carry out anthrax attacks." They coincided with the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, and stopped once the policy objectives were accomplished -- i.e., once the police state was cemented with the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act and big appropriations for biowarfare, war and new covert operations. What kind of lone nut terrorist would show the discipline to stop after just 8 letters?
`As an ad, this document may disappear at any time, and it represents the best summary of the obvious I have seen so far, so I shall copy it here in full.
`And who is Pete Velis, the author of this piece? "And who am I? Some American who bothered to use his head. My name is Pete. . . .'
Anthrax Ad in Washington Times Says Inside Job
by Pete Velis, Scoop: UQ Wire, 10/6/02
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0210/S00034.htm- Subject: Re: Anthrax Ad in Washington Times Says Inside Job
8 Oct 2002How did a lone nut get hold of the most advanced new anthrax developed by the DIA on special orders (Project Jefferson (sic!)) from Rumsfeld when he came into the Pentagon? How did he get the FBI to order the University of Iowa at Ames to destroy the entire 70 year archive of anthrax samples -- that would eventually have shown from the DNA work that led back to Ames exactly which batch it was developed from and who had ordered the sample? Why did the investigation stop dead at the gates of Fr. Dietrich for months?
Was it merely a coincidence that this lone nut's first victim in Florida at the tabloid center was the photo editor who printed the first pictures of Bush's daughters being arrested for drunk driving? Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw, as bad as they are, are still the "liberal" end of the corporate media; they got the next ones. Then the two leading Democratic Party opponents of the Bush domestic agenda (remember that?) and of the Patriot Act.
This is a lone nut who ought to be applying to the White House for his paycheck I'd say. But my better guess is that this is strategy of tension and created domestic terrorism straight out of the DIA. "But, why?" was the dumbfounded response of Ted Koppel's producer when I laid out the military standdown facts. Not in the paradigm. "I just can't believe that our government would..." she said. I tried to tell her that "But, why?" was her job to find out, not a basis to discount the matter because it didn't fit for her. Not our government! No, of course not, they would kill half the world but never anyone here. A fatal case of American chauvisism that leaves the worse of these fascists wearing a smiley face of benign intent.
Paul Wolf wrote:
A very interesting perspective, especially the fact that the anthrax mailings were so well executed and stopped after the mission was apparently accomplished. However, why would the perpetrator have had to have manufactured the anthrax rather than stealing the total amount? That would be another explanation, that the perpetrator stole a certain amount of it without having the ability to process any more, and calculated the most efficient use of what he had? This doesn't explain why Bush didn't receive a letter and many other excellent points the author makes, but is something of a weakness in his argument.
Best regards,
- Subject: DOD orders 153,000 bottles of spf 15 suntan lotion September 3rd
8 Oct 2002They just wanted a little handy. I wonder how much new graveyard land they purchased.
Large Suntan Lotion Order Seems Curious, Company Says
Local Company To Deliver More Than 150,000 Bottles
Local6.com, 10/7/02
http://www.local6.com/orlpn/news/stories/news-169942320021002-161051.html- Subject: Peace Movement Alive
8 Oct 2002Folks are coming out of the woodwork. 5,000 in DC last Sunday. 15-20,000 in New York City this Sunday. Congress swamped with calls. People want to express their opposition. What is missing is clear and inclusive leadership that can stay on topic and address basic democratic and anti-war values, addressing the economy, the loss of constitutional process and rights, and the risks inherent in such a war.
The peace movement lives
2002 war opposition is alive, kicking -- and wired
by Geov Parrish, workingforchange.com, 10/1/02
http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemID=13859- Subject: The war has essentially started
8 Oct 2002Sanctions alone are an act of war. The war has continued since Desert Storm against the people of Iraq with a tremendous toll of lives. Bombing has never halted in recent years, and has increased of late. Troops from US and England are already in place with base infrastructures. Permanent war economy. Say it over.
Howard's End: The Iraq War Is Already Underway
by Maree Howard, Scoop, 10 September 2002
http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=news_international&Number=226508&page=&view=&sb=&o=&part=1&vc=1&t=-1- Subject: Cheney: Investigators, Keep Out
14 Oct 2002Nothing to hide, of course, including his own continuing role in the continuity of government takeover of 9/11.
Subject: Cheney: Investigators, Keep Out Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 14:19:52 -0400 From: Kyle Hence Org: UnansweredQuestions.orgWill this be the last straw for victims' families hoping to see a full investigation conducted by the Congress? The White House lied to us already about what they knew prior to 9/11/01. What more are they hiding? What other lies might an investigation uncover? Do we have the strength and perseverence to do just that?Cheney: Investigators, Keep Out
The vice president blocks an independent commission to investigate 9-11
by Michael Isikoff and Tamara Lipper, Newsweek, 21 October 2002
http://foi.missouri.edu/execprivilege/investkeepout.html- Subject: Anti-War Protests Get Louder In Calif.
15 Oct 2002Recent Post coverage of anti-war activities; strange they have to go to California AFSC instead of the Washington Peace Center which mobilized 5,000 to march to Cheney's house on September 29 and is part of the broader National Coalition for Peace and Justice. The movement is growing by leaps and bounds in any case, and the Peace Center will be forming up a DC contingent within a larger NCPJ contingent with our own signage for peace on October 26 here in DC. Hope to see you there.
Anti-War Protests Get Louder In Calif.
by Evelyn Nieves, Washington Post, 14 October 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A21785-2002Oct13?language=printer- Subject: CIA warned of attack 14 days before
17 Oct 2002At least there will be an inquiry abroad.
CIA warned of attack 14 days before
by Mark Riley and Tom Allard, Sydney Morning Herald, 16 October 2002
http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/10/16/1034561164432.html- Subject: Collateral Damage
17 Oct 2002Collateral damage is now the troop deaths.
Clean lies, dirty wars
As the United States continues to ponder war with Iraq, a military scientist and writer now living in Reno recalls the truths she learned during a trip to post-Desert Storm Iraq.
by Patricia Axelrod, Reno News & Review, 10 October 2002
http://www.newsreview.com/issues/reno/2002-10-10/news.asp- Subject: U.S. Quietly Sends Forces To Gulf
17 Oct 2002Just in case you hadn't noticed.
U.S. Quietly Sends Forces To Gulf
Associated Press, 14 October 2002
http://www.military.com/NewsContent?file=FL_forces_101502&ESRC=dod.nl\- Subject: Anthrax vaccinations for GIs
17 Oct 2002This will have long term effects. Just like the 1991 Gulf war when Bush I and Cheney ordered U.S. armed forces to be vaccinated for anthrax and botulin because of the biological agents shipped to Iraq by Reagan. [See sections on Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act and Iraq from Francis Boyle's Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, 4/18/02 --ratitor]
Senior Leaders Expand Air Force Anthrax Vaccine Program
by Staff Sgt. C. Todd Lopez, Air Force Print News, 11 October 2002
http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=AF_Anthrax_101502.htm&ESRC=dod.nl\- Subject: 9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington & Buses to Oct. 26th DC March
20 Oct 2002McKinney to call for a full investigation at the 10/26 march, and a list of 9/11 related websites. I don't agree with the analysis that the peace movement is blind to these issues. Many of us in the real peace movement are quite savvy about them. International ANSWER, IAC and Worker's World Party, who are behind the 10/26 march have their own political agenda and reasons for not focusing on it. The Nation, which means the left end of the Democratic party, are not about to make it an issue. Between the two are the backbone of the progressive and peace movements and we have been calling for an independent tribunal or commission via Independent Progressive People's Network (IPPN) for some time.
9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington & Buses to Oct. 26th DCMarch
by Jack Riddler, osamaskidneys.com, 20 October 2002
102602jr.html- Subject: Re: 9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington & Buses to Oct. 26th DC March
20 Oct 2002[John Judge responding to Jack Riddler's 9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington post (above)]
I do not agree that the peace movement is blind to this issue, or the progressive movement in general. The October 26 march is being organized by International ANSWER, which is an extension of the Worker's World Party and the International Action Committee, which includes former Atty. General Ramsey Clark. They have their own political agenda. At least Cynthia McKinney will be on the podium and raising the issue.
Those of us in the real peace movement and other independent progressive movements have been raising these issues from the start, but our message has been buried by a corporate media all too happy to cover IAC instead. The Nation and the left/liberal end of the Democratic Party are not about to raise it either. Between those poles are the vast majority of peace and progressive movement folks, many of whom are already hard at work supporting the call for an independent commission to investigate 9/11, supported by Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN).
We have yet to conclusively prove either foreknowledge or LIHOP as you call it, but a stand down and a pull back on 9/11, at least in DC, we can document pretty well. There is no way to get at what someone knew and when they knew it unless they admit it. All we can show is that they should have known. This is the weakness of the foreknowledge argument because "should have known" is cousin to "intelligence failure," which is exactly where Poter Goss and Bob Graham of the Intelligence Committees looking into this want to take it. That "failure" means we need to give the agencies more money, more unfettered powers and more consolidation.
The two areas where they are really vulnerable are the stand down that morning (which goes way beyond failure or incompetence), and the investigative trail of the anthrax to the gates of Ft. Deitrich. Don't come to DC with the attitute that the movement is all blind sheep and you are the enlightened ones. There are issues concerning the war(s) that go beyond this as well. I am the first to agree and to state that the war was planned and even announced in advance of 9/11, and have no illusions about these events. I will look for the table when I arrive.
- Subject: PR Firm Greases the Skids for Bush's Mideast Policy
21 Oct 2002Selling the package. Hill and Knowlton, a huge and well connected DC PR firm, dragged out the daughter of a Kuwaiti sheik, and hid her identity to tell the lie to Congress that the Iraqui military was killing babies in hospital wards. Classic war propaganda. Here's a nest of the current snakes and the media charmer who brings the basket in and does the tricks.
Ms. Benador manages the media
PR firm greases skids for clients supporting Bush's Middle East policy
by Bill Berkowitz, WorkingForChange, 10/14/02
http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=13915- Subject: America's For-Profit Secret Army
21 Oct 2002Privatization of every government function extends into warfare quite heavily, now the troops and the base (Haliburton's "base in a box") are on call. MPRI and DIA mentioned here, this is a very important story.
America's For-Profit Secret Army
by Leslie Wayne, New York Times, 13 October 2002
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/13/business/yourmoney/13MILI.html?pagewanted=print&position=top- Subject: PSR Security Information Service 10.14.02
21 Oct 2002An interesting source of alternate information. Korea has thrown a wrench into the machinery this week. My favorite spin today was a Bush supporter in Congress who said he didn't vote "for the war" by helping to pass the resolution recently, he just voted to "give the President the authority to put troops in harm's way to protect our country if he needs to." He said he supports "every possible diplomatic measure" but if they fail, Bush needs the "authority" to go to war with Iraq.
However, under the Constitution, and for good historical reasons that have to do with the intrigues of monarchs around war, that power rests with the Congress alone and must stay there. If Bush can convince Congress to declare war then he can have all the authority he wants to carry it out. This hype pretends that Congress has to give up their decision-making role and balance of powers to "protect America". The president doesn't need an ounce more power than he already is claiming. In fact he should have less. On the other hand, if Congress really represented us the resolution would clearly have failed already.
PSR Security Information Service 10.14.02
by Kimberly Roberts, Physicians for Social Responsibility, 14 October 2002
PSR101402.html- Subject: FPIF News: Silence is Betrayal
21 Oct 2002In our name...
Silence Is Betrayal
by Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy In Focus, 16 October 2002
http://www.fpif.org/commentary/2002/0210iraqciv.html- Subject: Hugo's Crude Common Ground With America
21 Oct 2002First they try to kill the body, then the character, guilt by disassociation becomes guilt by association now. Refuse to trade with the US and you are vilified, agree to and you are despised. It's not just his supporters who think the CIA engineered that coup.
Hugo's Crude Common Ground With America
Why George Bush is suddenly very, very supportive of Venezuela's president
by Tim Padgett, Time, 12 October 2002
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,364314,00.htm- Subject: ACLU Acts Against Patriot Act
21 Oct 2002About time somebody took up the cudgel, it just keeps getting worse.
ACLU Acts Against Patriot Act
by Julia Scheeres, Wired, 16 October 2002
http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,55838,00.html- Subject: Tracking the ISTAR
21 Oct 2002There's always another angle. They will fund research into anything except the actual causes of violence and the cure.
Tracking the ISTAR
by Mary F. Patel, citypaper.net, 17 October 2002
istar.html- Subject: Conscientious Objection Alert
21 Oct 2002Here's a good summary with links on a little understood antiwar issue.
Conscientious Objection Alert
by Sam Diener, Educators for Social Responsibility, 17 October 2002
COalertresp.html- Subject: conscientious objection bulletin from moveon.org
21 Oct 2002Here's the original article Sam Diener is responding to, which also has lots of good links. It fails to mention the need for a struggle to renew and support legislation drafted in the 90s to expand and protect the rights of military objectors (who were severely abused during the first Gulf War) and to establish the right to so-called "selective objection" to particular wars or even battles and orders within a war. One method of war tax resistance besides an escrow is to directly allocate a check for the amount of tax due to a government program you can support and get a receipt, which you add to your tax statement. This one has never gone to court. I think they fear it might spread.
MoveOn Bulletin
by Susan Thompson and Leah Appet, moveon.org, 16 October 2002
COalert.html- Subject: Once on tour, now anti-war, student soldier won't go to Iraq
21 Oct 2002"If you want to have a war, don't ask the infantry and don't ask the dead" Ernest Hemingway. Time to get this fellow and other veterans into the high schools, no? I got to speak to over 100 students at a MD high school recently, and I'm invited to another one soon.
Once on tour, now anti-war, student soldier won't go to Iraq
by Courtney Lewis, The Minnesota Daily, 17 October 2002
SAW.html- Subject: Pakistan to withdraw all troops from IB
22 Oct 2002How long before Bush pushes them back at each other's throats?
Pakistan to withdraw all troops from IB
by AFP, The Times of India, 22 October 2002
Pakwd.html- Subject: The Gatekeepers - Left "dissidents" and conspiracy research
22 Oct 2002This one is a keeper, finally the debate begins in earnest. We don't need an anti-war movement (which is petulant and reactive), we need a movement to create real democracy so we can actually stop a war.
The Gatekeepers
The Progressive / Left establishment and the marginalization of conspiracy research
by Bob Feldman, questionsquestions.net, on-going work
http://www.questionsquestions.net/topics/left_gatekeepers.html- Subject: US military training of hijackers
22 Oct 2002This is excerpted from a rebuttal of Mike Albert's attack on 9/11 conspiracy theories which I am forwarding separately, but it was worth pulling out I thought.
4. The hijackers were actually working for the U.S. government.
At face value, without bothering to look at relevant credible reports on this subject, it is easy to dismiss this as "implausible." But a cursory analysis of relevant facts certainly strongly suggests that the hijackers had some sort of high-level U.S. military connection. According to reports in Newsweek, the Washington Post and the New York Times, after September 11, U.S. military officials gave the FBI information suggesting that five of the alleged hijackers received training in the 1990s at secure U.S. military installations.[Wheeler, Larry, "Pensacola NAS link faces more scrutiny," Pensacola News Journal, 17 September 2001] Newsweek has further elaborated that U.S. military training of foreign students occurs as a matter of routine, with the authorisation -- and payment -- of respective governments, clarifying in particular that with respect to training of Saudi pilots, "Training is paid for by Saudi Arabia." The hijackers, we should note, were almost exclusively Saudi; 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, mostly from wealthy families:
"U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that were used in Tuesday's terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s. Another of the alleged hijackers may have been trained in strategy and tactics at the Air War College in Montgomery, Ala., said another high-ranking Pentagon official. The fifth man may have received language instruction at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex. Both were former Saudi Air Force pilots who had come to the United States, according to the Pentagon source NEWSWEEK visited the base early Saturday morning, where military police confirmed that the address housed foreign military flight trainees It is not unusual for foreign nationals to train at U.S. military facilities. A former Navy pilot told NEWSWEEK that during his years on the base, "we always, always, always trained other countries' pilots. When I was there two decades ago, it was Iranians. The shah was in power. Whoever the country du jour is, that's whose pilots we train." Candidates begin with "an officer's equivalent of boot camp," he said. "Then they would put them through flight training." The U.S. has a long-standing agreement with Saudi Arabia -- a key ally in the 1990-91 gulf war -- to train pilots for its National Guard. Candidates are trained in air combat on several Army and Navy bases. Training is paid for by Saudi Arabia."["Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at U.S. Bases," Newsweek, 15 September 2001]
The U.S. government has attempted to deny the charges despite the name matches, alleging the existence of biographical discrepancies: "Officials stressed that the name matches may not necessarily mean the students were the hijackers because of discrepancies in ages and other personal data." But measures appear to have been taken to block public scrutiny of these alleged discrepancies. On 16th September, news reports asserted that: "Officials would not release ages, country of origin or any other specific details of the three individuals." This situation seems to have continued up to the time of writing. Even Senate inquiries into the matter have been studiously ignored by government law enforcement officials, who when pressed, have been unable to deny that the hijackers were training at secure U.S. military installations. When Senator Bill Nelson, for instance, in outrage asked the FBI whether the hijackers were being trained by the U.S. military, they refused to give a definitive answer, instead admitting that "they are trying to sort through something complicated and difficult."[See my Chapter 4 of The War on Freedom, "Did Bush Know?", The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001, Media Messenger Books, June 2002, waronfreedom.mediamonitors.net/index2.html]
Which leads us to wonder: What on earth has the U.S. military been up to in relation to Al-Qaeda? Is it not reasonable to consider whether these hijackers were working for the U.S. government in some way in light of these reports (especially given that it has happened before in relation to the U.S. embassy bombings in 1998, the perpetrator of which was a former U.S. Army Sergeant)? And given the non-response of the FBI to specific questions on the matter, does this not suggest that they are hiding something? There is not yet a clear-cut answer to these questions, but that is exactly why this issues need to be researched in greater depth. Clearly, this anomaly in the official narrative, which has broad implications in terms of the ramifications of U.S. military intelligence policy toward its Middle East allies, is worth exploring further. In their arbitrary wholesale rejection of so-called "conspiracy theories," Shalom and Albert are clearly also debunking legitimate lines of inquiry that have basis in fact.
- Subject: 9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis :: How Ideologues on the Left and Right Theorise Vacuously to Support Baseless Supposition :: by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - Media Monitors Network
22 Oct 2002The author of War on Freedom takes the bourgeois left to task.
9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis
How Ieologues on the Left and Right Theorise Vacuously to Support Baseless Supposition
by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Media Monitors Network, 28 June 2002
http://www.mediamonitors.net/mosaddeq37.html- Subject: Flight of Fantasy: Flight 77 Didn't Hit the Pentagon
23 Oct 2002Let me dispel your agnosticism on Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, which would not be an issue if the film coverage here had approached that in NY or even if official footage would ever be released. However, I base the conclusion that the plane hit the Pentagon on the following: . . .
- Subject: Bush administration dangles $10 billion offer to Russia
24 Oct 2002Bribe 'em, bully 'em, blackmail 'em, bullet 'em. Are we sure they are really making the offer for that reason?
Bush administration dangles $10 billion offer to Russia
by Barry Schweid, The Associated Press, 23 October 2002
bribeRussia.html- Subject: Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001
27 Oct 2002An excellent think piece by Dave Ratcliffe, drawing on good research from many sources.
Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001
by David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, September 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/AOPof911toc.html- Subject: Paul Wellstone
27 Oct 2002This one deserves a closer look. Reports of 15 FBI agents on the scene almost immediately is reminiscent of the Dorothy Hunt and Ron Brown scenarios, among others. Like the JFK, Jr. crash, we will probably never get the evidence.
From: Professor George Hunsinger
To: John JudgeHis loss is great, and our grief is very real.
Weather report of conditions when the plane went down. http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/current/KEVM.html
He was winning: http://www.startribune.com/stories/784/3375463.html
The same mainstream media that has waved terrorism at us non-stop for the last year, hurling accusations in all directions without proof, is strangely unable to examine the possibility of foul play in the crash.
From The Nation:
Paul Wellstone is a hunted man. Minnesota's senior senator is not just another Democrat on White House political czar Karl Rove's target list, in an election year when the Senate balance of power could be decided by the voters of a single state. Rather, getting rid of Wellstone is a passion for Rove, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and the special-interest lobbies that fund the most sophisticated political operation ever assembled by a presidential administration. "There are people in the White House who wake up in the morning thinking about how they will defeat Paul Wellstone," a senior Republican aide confides. "This one is political and personal for them."
http://www.thenation.com/docprint.mhtml?i=20020527&s=nichols- Subject: Re: USG, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks
27 Oct 2002JJ responding to Barbara Honegger's article (cited below).
I think Barbara is stretching on this one. A similar disinformation tale surfaced a few years ago around the JFK murder claiming there was a Secret Service "assassination exercize" planned on 11/22 that went awry when killers found out and made it real, thus explaining some of the Secret Service response.
The NRO was a response and evacuation exercise, it did not involve an actual plane going into the tower. The response to the hijackings over Ohio and Pennsylvania would not have been affected. The public knew there was a real threat coming to DC and evacuations had begun. This version falsely claims that the exercise explains the lack of military response.
This was not just stand-down, it was also call back. Two real planes had already hit two real buildings, at that point exercises are over, even if they had been planned at such a scale. And if they stood down for a legitimate reason, why hide it all and not just say so? What sin did they commit in this scenario that has to be covered up? If they spilled something to this character, which is not likely, why not just say so? I hear excuses for this stand down all the time. Incompetence, confusion, etc. This is just one more excuse and even claims there is "no other explanation" for such a lapse.
Of course there is an explanation. They knew it was coming and they let it come. Don't forget that the attack clearly was planned to minimize the level of death, especially at the Pentagon where they went out of their way to hit an empty side of the building. There is no question that they knew of such a threat in advance, since in 1998 I was told they had radar on looking for just such a circumstance, and they were on Delta Alert, their highest mode, due to "Muslim bomb threats". On 9/11 they went to Alpha Alert, the lowest level, after the Twin Towers were hit, and to Charlie Alert (next to top) after being hit themselves. Does that make sense?
USG, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks
by Barbara Honegger, People's Investigation
http://www.911pi.com/honneger.htm- Subject: Minn. May Be Key to Senate's Helm
27 Oct 2002Contol of the Senate at such a critical time, what is it worth?
Minn. May Be Key to Senate's Helm
Democrat Wellstone Faces Tough Challenge From Contender Handpicked by Bush
by Helen Dewar, Washington Post, 12 May 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A5958-2002May11?language=printer- Subject: SICK !!!!!! (money made on Wellstone's death)
27 Oct 2002There's a buck to be made on everything. Allen Dulles, William Casey and Wild Bill Donovan, the founders of the OSS and the CIA were themselves investment bankers who wanted to know where the next shoe would fall, and then started to make sure where it did.
Short-Term Bonds Up on Wellstone Death
by Daniel Grebler, Reuters, 25 October 2002
http://www.reuters.com/printerfriendly.jhtml?type=search&StoryID=1635535- Subject: Democrat Senator Finds Anti - War Vote Does Not Hurt
27 Oct 2002Pulling ahead despite the anti-war vote, or perhaps because of it.
Democrat Senator Finds Anti - War Vote Does Not Hurt
Reuters, 25 October 2002
PWawvdh.html- Subject: Conspiracy in the Carnahan Carnage
27 Oct 2002It's not the first time. Wesley Liebler, former Warren Commission counsel died in a plane crash recently too.
Conspiracy in the Carnahan Carnage
by Kenn Thomas, SteamshovelPress.com
http://www.steamshovelpress.com/fromeditor6.html- Subject: Not all conspiracies are created equal
30 Oct 2002
The following was written by John Judge in response to a post on minneapolis.indymedia.org about how "Conspiracy Theory" avoids examination or discussion of facts.You get the details of the first three right, but then I doubt you did your own homework to get there. The ballistics don't work in the MLK case either, and the rifle Ray purchased was not the murder weapon. Then again, just because someone tells you the government is lying to you it doesn't mean they are telling you the truth. Especially not some French novel writer concocting a fantasy about what happened on 9/11 at the Pentagon.
I can tell you are not from DC, nor have you done your homework on American Airlines Flight 77, which did indeed hit the Pentagon and kill all aboard, several construction workers outside and about 15 Pentagon employees. The pilot went 270 degrees out of his way in an amazing full speed descending spiral to hit the empty side of the building. This minimized the number of deaths actually, as had been the case with hitting the first of the Twin Towers at 8:43 instead of an hour later when tens of thousands would have died. . . .
- Subject: Nothing odd about the passengers on Flight 77, really...honest
30 Oct 2002Not so unusual given Dulles airport and the DC burbs. The corporate ties are interesting though. I also noticed in all the reported cell phone calls for the first three days there was never a mention of nationality or ethnicity about the "men with box knives and bombs". In America, that means white guys.
Nothing odd about the passengers on Flight 77, really...honest.
by Killtown Investigator, People's Investigation of 9/11, 10/29/02
http://911pi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5396090821&f=3676046741&m=5786019351&r=5786- Subject: Damage to Wellstone plane prevents early answers on cause
30 Oct 2002More on Wellstone.
Damage to Wellstone plane prevents early answers on cause
The Associated Press, 29 October 2002
PWextensvDmg.html- Subject: Wellstone crash - FBI on the scene
30 Oct 2002Having studied other suspicious and politically advantageous plane "accidents", including Dorothy Hunt's death in Chigaco in the middle of Watergate testimony and the death of Walter Ruther, one pattern that has been repeated in the recent deaths of Senators Carnahan and Wellstone is the almost immediate and numerous presence at the crash scene of FBI people.
300 agents surrounded the Dorothy Hunt crash, before the rescue crews arrived, and actually blocked those crews from saving lives until the agents had cleaned out the plane for their purposes. Local news and eyewitnesses reported a team of FBI arriving right after the Carnahan crash, and 15 FBI reportedly searched the Wellstone crash site right away.
Perhaps this is procedure when Senators are involved (though Hunt was not one), and perhaps it is not. But any thorough investigation would ask this simple question of those agents once they are identified. What were you looking for and what did you find? After all, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) only searched it later.
Thanks for raising good and sensible questions and for saying aloud what we all should know: that those seeking control and power in this system will do whatever it takes to gain and keep it, knowing what it is worth.
To know that they assassinate and manipulate elections abroad but to think they would never use such tactics here at home is a form of very naïve American chauvinism. Wellstone's life deserves enough respect to investigate his death. If not, why should anyone try to fill his shoes?
Wellstone crash articles/comments
Twin Cities Minneapolis IndyMedia Center, starting October 29 2002
http://minneapolis.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=7748&group=webcast- Subject: Was U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone Murdered? Others?
30 Oct 2002For a coincidence theorist, this guy has a great memory and exposes the odds that being an opponent of the reactionaries in US politics seems to be a factor the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and FAA should look into when investigating plane crashes.
Seems like the FAA and the NTSB ought to add being a politically powerful opponent of the reactionary elements of the US power structure to the safety checklist pilots look at before taking off in planes. A coincidence theorist finally compiles enough of them to add up to something like a conspiracy and the light dawns. Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas, guess we may be adding an impromptu Wellstone panel. Michael Parenti presented one year at COPA on Walther Reuther's untimely death in a sabotaged plane crash. I did original research along with Sherman Skolnick on the Dorothy Hunt plane crash during Watergate. This guy's memory is better than mine.
Was U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone Murdered?
by Michael I. Niman, AlterNet/Independent Media Institute, 10/28/02
PWmurderedQ.html- Subject: Previous attempts on Wellstone
30 Oct 2002Already targeted. The herbicides were "harmless" or course.
History Of Assassination And Poisoning Attempts On Senator Wellstone
Rense.com, 10/26/02
http://www.rense.com/general31/assis.htm- Subject: Wellstone plane in two pieces
30 Oct 2002Icing would have happened higher up it seems, and they were fine when clearing to land seven miles away. Isn't this something mechanical?
"Gary Ulman, co-owner of Taconite Aviation, was working a one-man shift at the airport Friday morning when pilots of a small plane made a normal and routine radio contact. He was about seven miles out from the airport and checked for clearance to land.
"There was nothing unusual about their request; no note of alarm in their voices, he said. Ulman then went outside to `move some planes around and do some chores.'
"He was gone several minutes and when he went back inside the Duluth airport tower was calling about the plane that had previously radioed to land in Eveleth. The 11-seat King Air A-100 had not landed.
"Ulman then took to the air in a plane along the path that the plane seven miles out would have taken. He was the first person to see the crash site.
"`I first saw smoke. Then I saw a tail section separated from the plane, the main body of the plane on fire and another smaller area of debris also on fire. All the parts of the plane were in an area of about 100 feet,' Ulman said."
Senator Wellstone, wife, daughter killed in plane crash
by Bill Hanna and Jesse White, Minnesota Herald Review, 10/26/02
http://www.grandrapids-mn.com/placed/index.php?sect_rank=1&story_id=123600&- Subject: Co-pilot of Wellstone's plane
30 Oct 2002Wait! Are these stories supposed to overlap? Is this a bizarre coincidence or an irony? I can't keep them straight
Co-pilot played minor role in story of Moussaoui
The Associated Press, 10/26/02
PWcopilot.html- Subject: Mysterious Group Spent $1 Million On Anti-Wellstone Campaign
30 Oct 2002Money doesn't talk, it swears - Bob Dylan.
Mysterious Group Spends $1 Million On Anti-Wellstone Campaign
by Patricia Lopez, Star Tribune, 23 October 2002
PW_AJS.html- Subject: Medical examiner tests find no alcohol in Wellstone's pilot
30 Oct 2002In the Dorothy Huth crash there were higher levels of cyanide in the bloodstreams of the pilot and co-pilot, Dorothy and certain other passengers than could be explained by breathing in cyanide as a by-product of the seats burning. Local pilots have ruled out icing and suspect either major mechanical failure or that the pilots were "disoriented". To disorient both at the same time without drugging/gassing/harming them seems unlikely.
Medical examiner: tests find no alcohol in Wellstone's pilot
Minneapolis - St. Paul Star Tribune / The Associated Press, 10/30/02
PWnapilot.html- Subject: President To Author: Your Book Is Unpatriotic
30 Oct 2002Sounds like a must read.
President To Author: Your Book Is Unpatriotic
by Kevin Canfield, Hartford Courant, 30 October 2002
GabeHudson.html- Subject: The Path to War
30 Oct 2002Closer to the real issues than Bush's rantings.
Vets offer mixed views on Bush's battle plan
by Michael Lukas, The Providence Phoenix, 18 October 2002
http://www.providencephoenix.com/archive/features/02/10/17/WAR.html- Subject: foreign observers monitor American elections joke in 2000 is reality in 2002
30 Oct 2002A "joke" in 2000 is reality in 2002. As I said in a previous message, knowing they manipulate elections abroad but thinking they would never use such tactics here at home is a unique quality of naïve American chauvinism.
Albanian and Russian observers sent to monitor American elections
by Andrew Gumbel, Independent.co.uk, 31 October 2002
- Subject: Elite Groups - a homework page
31 Oct 2002This has the beginnings of a very good resource page on right wing support organizations. Put it on your homework bookmarks.
elitewatch.netfirms.com- Subject: Elite Watch - Dyncorp
31 Oct 2002Not often you find so many snakes in just one basket! Look at all the things they overlap into. This is what privatization of government means.
Elite Watch - About Dyncorp
http://elitewatch.netfirms.com/DynCorp.html- Subject: Wellstone Chief pilot tested negative for alcohol, drugs
31 Oct 2002As always, the most important information is in the last paragraph.
Medical examiner: Chief pilot tested negative for alcohol, drugs
by Larry Oakes, Star Tribune, 30 October 2002
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