9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington & Buses to Oct. 26th DC March
by Jack Riddler, osamaskidneys.com, 20 October 2002
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:04:45 +0200 From: "Jack Riddler" <osamaskidneys@snafu.de> To: "skeptic" <osamaskidneys@snafu.de> Subject: 9/11 Skeptics' Action in Washington & Buses to Oct. 26th DC March From Jack Riddler www.osamaskidneys.com (independent initiative - please distribute) CONTENTS: ***Cynthia McKinney will call for a real Sept. 11 investigation at the antiwar march in Washington, DC, on Oct. 26th, 2002. ***Contact findtruth40@hotmail.com to join the 9/11 Skeptics leafleting-and-tabling action on Oct. 26. . . . ***From the New York Times: On the obstruction of an independent 9/11 investigation By WTC widow Kristen Breitweiser ***A collection of 9/11 skeptic sites (including German-language sites). CYNTHIA MCKINNEY TO CALL FOR A REAL 9/11 INVESTIGATION IN DC Hope everyone in NYC and elsewhere can attend the Oct. 26th Washington, DC March against the planned invasion of Iraq. All 9/11 Skeptics who can make it to Washington should contact William Douglas findtruth40@hotmail.com about the leafleting-and-tabling action to accompany the speech by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, the first American politician to question the official theory of the Sept. 11 "Attack on America." This is a vital action, both for opposing the Endless War and in the movement to gain full truth disclosure about the "enabling deception," the Sept. 11 attacks, which were the result of --decades of an aggressive and stupid U.S. policy that armed and encouraged Bin Ladin and his terrorists (blowback), not to mention Saddam and many other later "enemies"; and --active complicity by the Bush administration in LIHOP: Letting It Happen On Purpose. We don't know the last part for sure, you say? Why don't we know for sure? Why has the Bush administration actively blocked all real and independent investigations into the Sept. 11th attacks? (For the latest of many examples of obstruction see the letter below, written to the New York Times by Sept. 11 widow Kristen Breitweiser.) What have they got to hide? Starting today, and starting on Oct. 26th, we can demand the full, unvarnished truth about the Sept. 11 attacks. The antiwar movement is still very much asleep on this issue. They fight against the war while failing to question the official narrative of how it started (with a "surprise attack" on a defenseless New York and Washington). This ends up legitimating the war. We must make it clear that the war is not an act of reaction to Sept. 11th. The Afghan offensive and the coming Iraq war were both planned and prepared many months in advance of the Sept. 2001 terrorist atrocities in New York and DC. Learning about Sept. 11 is the duty of every antiwar activist. The attacks did not come as a surprise to the Bush regime. With constant new "warnings" of new terror attacks emanating from our emergent Homeland Dictatorship, learning the truth about Sept. 11 is the first step to stop such events from happening in the future. Skepticism is a function of self-defense. Best, Jack Riddler ***9/11 skeptics leafleting-and-tabling action at the Oct. 26 Washington march Organizer William Douglas findtruth40@hotmail.com writes: PLEASE POST THIS on a 9-11 movement to bring this issue mainstream On October 26th, 2002, in Washington DC, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney will speak on the need for mainstream activists to get educated on the 9-11 issue. We intend to place tens of thousands of leaflets on the 9-11 issue, urging people to visit www.copvcia.com, www.unansweredquestions.org, waronfreedom.mediamonitors.net/index2.html, and to read various books and see video on 9-11. WE NEED LEAFLETERS TO JOIN US IN D.C. TO GET THESE INTO EVERY SINGLE ACTIVISTS HAND. EMAIL FINDTRUTH40@HOTMAIL.COM IF YOU CAN HELP. GET ON THE INTERNET AND SPREAD THIS APPEAL OUT TO OTHER. PLEASE HURRY!! ***Letter from Kristen Breitweiser in NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/19/opinion/L19TERR.html To the Editor: Re "2 Senators Say White House Is Thwarting 9/11 Inquiry" (news article, Oct. 12): As a Sept. 11 widow involved in the negotiations with the White House and Congress for an independent commission to investigate the attacks, I note a comment by Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary. Mr. Fleischer sets out an administration demand for the commission and then says that doing otherwise is a formula for "paralysis and politics." In fact, to limit the scope and duration of a commission so that it cannot thoroughly examine fault, to limit its subpoena power so that information and answers are not forthcoming, and to insist upon having the president nominate the chairman, who will control the commission's agenda, smacks of "paralysis and politics." The Sept. 11 families and this country deserve nothing less than the unfettered truth. After Sept. 11, the preservation of life should supplant politics. KRISTEN BREITWEISER Middletown, N.J., Oct. 12, 2002 . . . ***Recommended 9/11 skeptic sites unansweredquestions.org/timeline/ Paul Thompson's comprehensive 9/11 timeline, complete with a huge archive and links to hundreds of news reports from the mainstream and foreign press and other sources. An indispensible and evolving research resource. 911pi.com The People's Investigation of 9/11 www.communitycurrency.org/9-11.html Questioning the War On Terrorism www.communitycurrency.org/MainIndexMX.html Unanswered Questions, a book-length report TENC.net The Emperor's New Clothes, groundbreaking articles on the 9/11 air-defense standdown and the most obvious inconsistencies in the official story. copvcia.com From The Wilderness newsletter, by Mike Ruppert, cop versus CIA unansweredquestions.org Coalition aimed at organizing a truth commission, held the vital June 10th press conference at the National Press Club in DC. unansweredquestions.org/headlines.php The UQ News Wire - updated (almost) daily waronfreedom.mediamonitors.net/index2.html A comprehensive book treatment of the "oddities" and political background to Sept. 11, by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed www.koolpages.com/killtown/bush.html What were Bush and his entourage doing visiting an elementary school and listening to children's books during the first 45 minutes of the "Attack on America"? questionsquestions.net A lucid presentation of the skeptical case, and argument against the cheap accusations of "conspiracy theory." Remember, the official story is a conspiracy theory. What should you believe? Don't let me decide for you, and don't let CNN or the pundits decide. Do your own research. Trace all stories back to their original sources. Learn the basics of fact-checking. Internet lets you read the local and international press and gives access to the world's scholarship, as well as to lots of unsubstantiated rumor, just like word of mouth among the cave people 50,000 years ago. Trust only what you can verify. If you catch the government lying enough times, dare you assume that they ever tell you the truth? GERMAN-LANGUAGE SITES Matthias Bröckers - Die WTC Conspiracy http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/wtc/default.html This is now a best-selling book in Germany! Internationales Institut f=FCr Medienanalyse und Friedensforschung http://www.medienanalyse-international.de/index1.html CeiberWeiber Magazine War Reports http://www.ceiberweiber.at/wahl/krieg.htm THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF SITES, AND FORUMS TOO. See www.osamaskidneys.com/links.html for an evolving list of links to 9/11 skeptic sites.