This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Increases in Military Spending and Security Since 9/11/01
3 Nov 2002The deficit? It's the Pentagon, stupid. This speaks for itself.
Increases in Military Spending and Security Assistance Since 9/11/01
An Arms Trade Resource Center Fact Sheet
by Michelle Ciarrocca and William D. Hartung, Arms Trade Resource Center, 4 October 2002
http://www.worldpolicy.org/projects/arms/news/SpendingDOD911.html- Subject: CIA Ramps Up Presence at FBI Offices
3 Nov 2002Gee, now who is doing the domestic spying? I heard the FBI has opened an office in Moscow, too. Guess the old limits are just gone now. Damn that Frank Church, anyway!
CIA Ramps Up Presence at FBI Offices
by John J. Lumpkin, Associated Press, 23 October 2002
CIArampsup.html- Subject: Wellstone pilot had felony record
3 Nov 2002The plot gets thicker. A compromised pilot could be asked to bring something along.
Wellstone pilot had felony record
by Paul McEnroe and Dan Browning, Star Tribune, 1 November 2002
http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3402854.html- Subject: Earlier attempts on Wellstone
3 Nov 2002Bomb Discovered in Colombia before visit of U.S. Senator, Ambassador:
http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/12/01/colombia.wellstone.03/Apparently there was a bombing attempt against Wellstone during his visit to Columbia in 2000. When that failed, there was a lethal spraying attempt:
http://www.americas.org/news/nir/20001210_herbicide_douses_u_s_senator.aspDraw your own conclusions! Here's another link with some interesting background. A partial quote:
But why is it always, in the end, a plane crash? Someone ought to do a book on all these plane crashes that SO conveniently result in the untimely demise of the inconvenient.
"Who would have guessed that the hopes of both major parties in the midterm elections would hinge on one man: Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota? Wellstone, who is generally viewed by the Washington establishment as an outré 60s-radical type, is in the race of his life for reelection this fall. The most liberal member of the Senate, where the Democrats hold a one-seat majority, is in a neck-and-neck contest with President Bush's hand-picked candidate, Norm Coleman, the party-switching former mayor of St. Paul. Bush and Vice President Cheney intervened to make sure Coleman would not face a primary challenge, and they are now aggressively campaigning to help Coleman push Wellstone out. . . ."
Greens Go After Wellstone
Web Exclusives by Ruth Conniff,
The Progressive, 24 May 2002
http://www.progressive.org/webex/wxrc052402.htmlPosted by Small "d" democrat @ 10/25/2002 10:52 PM EST
- Subject: Wellstone a Bush target
3 Nov 2002He was clearly on their shit list.
Paul Wellstone is a hunted man. Minnesota's senior senator is not just another Democrat on White House political czar Karl Rove's target list, in an election year when the Senate balance of power could be decided by the voters of a single state. Rather, getting rid of Wellstone is a passion for Rove, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and the special-interest lobbies that fund the most sophisticated political operation ever s assembled by a presidential administration. "There are people in the White House who wake up in the morning thinking about how they will defeat Paul Wellstone," a senior Republican aide confides. "This one is political and personal for them. . . ."
Paul Wellstone, Fighter
by John Nichols, The Nation, 27 May 2002
http://www.thenation.com/docprint.mhtml?i=20020527&s=nichols- Subject: Wellstone crash: caused by EMP pulse?
3 Nov 2002Here's one option possibly. Dorothy Hunt's plane had a massive electronic failure and the air brakes went up in mid-air. "Mrs. Hunt was delivering money to the Cubans when they shot her plane down." - Chuck Colson in testimony at the Watergate Hearings.
I been thinking about a possible pattern seen in the recent suspicious airplane 'accidents'.A comment above from `synapse' above reads: "both [JFK Jr's and Gov. Carnahan's accidents] involved planes already descending towards landing that suddenly wandered off the approach path and crashed. In all three cases, radio contact appears to have been cut off while the planes were still in the air, indicating total electrical failures on board coincident with the event that drove them off course."
Here's an idea. The perfect way to sabotage a landing airplane would be to use a focused electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) device. These machines are already being manufactured and marketed to law enforcement for the purpose of stopping fleeing vehicles.
Evaluation of Vehicle Stopping Electromagnetic Prototype Devices
National Institute of Justice, July 1998
http://www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles/sl298.txtA person a few miles upwind from the runway could bombard the aircraft with an intense electromagnetic pulse which would cause total electrical failure, instantly knocking out radio communication, disrupting normal engine ignition, and causing loss of steering control. The steering control surfaces on this airplane are controled by individual electrical actuators that are mechanically linked to the rudder, ailerons, and flaps.
This type of sabotage would leave no physical evidence on the aircraft, although it's possible that people at the airport or in the general vicintiy might have noticed electrical anomalies like radio noises, a crashed computer, telephone disruption, and the like. There might even be an eyewitness who noticed that the aircraft's engines went silent or saw the plane careen off course.
posted by Mr. Bill at VOXFUX
- Subject: Local reports on Wellstone
3 Nov 2002Note that the FBI searched the site before the National Transportation Safety Board did.
Local Minneapolis, Minnesota reports via voxnyc.com
PWlocalrpts.html- Subject: sabotaged planes: Gary Power's U-2 flight recalled
3 Nov 2002Planes sabotaged to sabotage peace, an old story.
some of history's infamous aircraft "accidents"
in voxnyc.com's Wellstone Assassination post
PWaircrashes.html- Subject: The Secret War
3 Nov 2002The outlines of the real war machine, black ops.
The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department
is dramatically expanding its `black world' of covert operations
by William M. Arkin, Los Angeles Times, 27 October 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/SecretWar.html- Subject: Re: Co-pilot of Wellstone's plane
3 Nov 2002Great question! Usually covert ops get more than one bonus.
John,The question I have is . . . Weren't Kennedy & Kerry supposed to be campaigning with Wellstone? I understand Wellstone made a last minute decision to go to a funeral rather than keep his campaign schedule. Was the CIA really trying to take out 3 progressive Senators rather than just Wellstone thus locking up the Senate?
- Subject: Global Eye -- Into the Dark
3 Nov 2002Moscow reads between the lines. The way to create terrorism is to goad it according to the Pentagon, at least.
Global Eye - Into the Dark
by Chris Floyd, St Petersburg Times, 5 November 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/IntoTheDark.html- Subject: Safety board to listen to Wellstone crash tapes
3 Nov 2002A pilot with a criminal past and deep in debt has to raise questions, if not for the National Transportaion Safety Board (NTSB) then for who? The last paragraph covers up a multitude of relevant issues when the NTSB spokesman claims the pilot's criminal record is beyond NTSB jurisdiction. Such investigations cover the flying record of the pilot's lifetime flying experience as well as the pilot's medical history.
Safety board to listen to Wellstone crash tapes
by Larry Oakes, Minneapolis - St. Paul Star Tribune, 2 November 2002
PW_NTSBtapes.html- Subject: White House/Cheney fear Independent Commission
3 Nov 2002How can we assure some independent input to force the commission to ask the right questions or embarass them into it?
How a Deal Creating an Independent Commission on Sept. 11 Came Undone
by Carl Hulse, New York Times, 2 November 2002
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/02/politics/02COMM.html?todaysheadlines=&pagewanted=print&position=top- Subject: Carve-up of oil riches begins
4 Nov 2002Just can't wait to divide up the pie.
Carve-up of oil riches begins
US plans to ditch industry rivals and force end of Opec
by Peter Beaumont and Faisal Islam, The Observer, 3 November 2002
http://www.observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4538509,00.html- Subject: A History of Secret Human Experimentation
4 Nov 2002In case you start thinking there's something redeemable about this fascist system. Property indeed. Reminds me of the quote from Dr. Albert Kligman on arrival at Holmesburg prison in the 1950s where he tested Dioxin, BZ, acid and loads of other nasty stuff on the prisoners - "I felt like a farmer standing before a fertile field. I saw acres and acres of human flesh and an anthropoid colony that wasn't going anywhere." Under fascism, everything, including diseased tissue, is commoditized.
Re: A History of Secret Human Experimentation
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:37:25 EST
From: JP
To: John JudgeHi, John -- The true dimension of the Tuskegee Experiment that's always over-looked is documented by Dr. Benjamin Roy's meticulous research in Public Health Service archives: for 40 years, the "subjects" served as a biological samples farm that (a) permitted the US Public Health Service (sorry -- "Service") to develop very lucrative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies and (b) gave the US dominance in the World Health Organization. (see Roy B. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: biotechnology and the administrative state. J Natl Med Assoc 1995 Jan;87(1):56-67) Here's the abstract [emphasis added]:
The central issue of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was property: property in the body and intellectual property. Once removed from the body, tissue and body fluids were not legally the property of the Tuskegee subjects. Consequently, there was not a direct relationship between a patient and research that used his sera. The Public Health Service (PHS) was free to exercise its property right in Tuskegee sera to develop serologic tests for syphilis with commercial potential. To camouflage the true meaning, the PHS made a distinction between direct clinical studies and indirect studies of tissue and body fluids. This deception caused all reviews to date to limit their examination to documents labeled by the PHS as directly related to the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. This excluded other information in the public domain. Despite the absence of a clinical protocol, this subterfuge led each to falsely conclude that the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a clinical study. Based on publications of indirect research using sera and cerebrospinal fluid, this article conceives a very history of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. Syphilis could only cultivate in living beings. As in slavery, the generative ability of the body made the Tuskegee subjects real property and gave untreated syphilis and the sera of the Tuskegee subjects immense commercial value. Published protocols exploited the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment to invent and commercialize biotechnology for the applied science of syphilis serology. (See also Roy B. The Julius Rosenwald Fund syphilis seroprevalence studies. J Natl Med Assoc 1996 May;88(5):315-22)
Essentially, the government used those men like a herd of special cattle for their blood and spinal fluid (and at death, the rest of their bodies as well -- body tissue went to Johns Hopkins) from 1932 through July 1972, when the Tuskegee story broke in a Washington newspaper. (Note that the same government presided over the Nuremberg Trials during that period.)
That was hardly the first publication, however -- medical journals had regularly published updates on the project for decades. It went public when a lone dissenting voice -- California social worker Peter Bruxton -- gave up after several years of late-60s/early 70s interaction with PHS and CDC (he was reprimanded for pursing the issue) on the ethics of the experiment and turned the information over to a reporter friend.
PHS and CDC response to the 1973 revelations was (a) they were "shocked" and (b) it would "never happen again." One has to assume these reactions referred to the public revelation of the study rather than to the study itself. I believe that systematic seeding of our major media with EIS (Epidemic Intelligence Service, a very special subset of CDC) officers began in the summer/early fall of 1973, and gee -- it [similar revelations] never will happen again, will it? (I leave the task of documenting the mid-1973 bit to someone with a stronger stomach than mine, but according to two reliable and entirely independent sources, Jonathan Altman at NYT is one example.)
Cheers, JP
- Subject: Nazis in the Attic - Parts I thru VI
4 Nov 2002The old story, as recounted in Seldes' books, and in the work of Charles Higham in Trading With the Enemy and American Swastika. War has always been good business. The CIA founders were investment bankers with global designs. Mussolini defined fascism as "corporatism plus reaction". Reaction against any threat to class privilege or control of resources. The capitalists and monarchists raised the funds to rearm Germany as well, collected by Herbert Hoover, first for the White Russian Army against Lenin, and then for Hitler to take Moscow. Now the USSR is gone, and we see the fascists and the vastly wealthy few finishing the job with "Pax Americana".
Part III summarizes some of the best books in my library. Part IV mentions Mae Brussell, my mentor.
Regarding Part V, Mae's addendum to her brilliant early analysis of the Watergate scandal and who was behind it, written two weeks after the break-in, was focused on the political rise to power of Richard Nixon and his Nazi links. Similar ones surrounded Reagan in his rise to the White House.
In Part IV: and Bush, of course, Bush. Cold reading for a warm night at home.
Nazis in the Attic - Part I
Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between
the U.S. Establishment and the Nazis, Before, During and After World War II
by Randy Davis, Emperor's Clothes
SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA - Nazis in the Attic Part II
Nazis in the Attic Part III
Nazis in the Attic Part IV
Nazis in the Attic Part V
Nazis in the Attic Part VI
http://emperor.vwh.net/articles/randy/swas5.htm- Subject: Cook Thy Enemy ("non-lethal" weapons)
6 Nov 2002With this lineup, people may start begging for the lethal ones.
Army's secret 'people zapper' plans
by Antony Barnett, The Observer, 3 November 2002
http://www.observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4538486,00.html- Subject: Alexander's Gas & Oil - And what will happen after the war?
6 Nov 2002Does anyone think Saudi didn't see this coming, since they know already their oil reserves are depleting? Hmmm, weren't most of those 9/11 hijackers Saudis?
And what will happen after the war?
Asia Times, Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections, 2 October 2002
http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/company/cnm24260.htm- Subject: The Western desire to create a friendly client state in an unstable region
6 Nov 2002Isn't realpoliticks refreshing? The capitalists start to sound just like socialists. Here's a little history of Iraq and the problems created ever since England created it. Here's also the names of those ready to divvy up the pie.
The Western desire to create a friendly client state in an unstable region
smg sunday newspapers ltd., Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections, 6 October 2002
http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntm24446.htm- Subject: Middle East Capital Group
6 Nov 2002Just a little investment firm, with links to all those who matter.
The Launching of Middle East Capital Group Limited
http://www.mecg.com.lb/mecgnews/press/presslist/19960325-The,Launching,of,Middle,East,Capital,Group,Limited.htm- Subject: Middle East Capital Group Board
6 Nov 2002Here's the Board of Directors, note the bios. Find out more at their main site, www.mecg.com.lb.
MECG Board of Directors
http://www.mecg.com.lb/general/directors/frameright.htm- Subject: Middle East Capital Group Managers
6 Nov 2002And such cosmopolitan managers.
MECG Management
http://www.mecg.com.lb/general/management/frameright.htm- Subject: USCFL - Why the Middle East doesn't work
6 Nov 2002Founders of the Middle East Capital Group discuss the problem of capitalization in the Middle East, with statistical charts on how to end terrorism with capital investment. To understand who they are see http://www.mecg.com.lb/general/about/about.htm.
Why the Middle East doesn't work
by Nigel Holloway and Kerry Dolan, United States Committee for A Free Lebanon, March 2002
http://amalid.com/articles/Why_the_Middle_East_doesnt_work_Forbes.htm- Subject: US Bio-Warfare Advances
6 Nov 2002Operation Jefferson is not mentioned, which developed "the next generation of anthrax weapon" for DIA and Rumsfeld on September 9, 2001. We have a lot of nerve talking about Hussein using bio/chem weapons on his own people or abroad, especially since we gave them to him to use.
See: U.S. Development of Biological Weapons - Watch What We Say, Not What We Do (from Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001) by David Ratcliffe, 9/02
U.S. Moves Into Bioweapon Era
Christian Science Monitor, 3 November 2002
http://www.military.com/NewsContent?file=FL_bio_110402- Subject: White House `Bonesman' Leads Nation Into the Dark
6 Nov 2002Her book is quite interesting. Skull & Bones goes to war.
White House 'Bonesman' Leads Nation Into the Dark
by Alexandra Robbins, USA TODAY, 25 September 2002
http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/11.05A.robbins.bones.htm- Subject: New CBW facilities in planing
6 Nov 2002This is worth a protest.
UC Davis proposes new lab to study bioterrorism agents
Demand for the study of new threats means opening more facilities
by Andrea Widener, Contra Costa Times, 4 November 2002
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/4440368.htm- Subject: How to Start a War: U.S. War Pretext Incidents (1848-1989)
8 Nov 2002It it ain't broke, why fix it?
The complete text of this article gives many historical details on the pretext incidents that were used to build public support for each of the following:
- 1846: The Mexican-American War
- 1898: The Spanish-American War
- 1915: World War I
- 1941: World War II
- 1950: The Korean War
- 1964: The Vietnam War
- 1983: The Invasion of Grenada
- 1989: The Invasion of Panama
How to Start a War:
The American Use of War Pretext Incidents (1848-1989)
by Richard Sanders, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
http://www.ncf.ca/coat/articles/links/how_to_start_a_war.htm- Subject: Forced Vaccines Haunt Gulf Vets
8 Nov 2002The injections, the oral pills, the depleted uranium, the sand fleas, the oil fires. Was it one of them, or all? All we know is the effects. There is no question they were used as guinea pigs with untested medicines, justified as required by the exigencies of warfare and the CBW weapons we made it possible for Saddam to have. GI means "Goverment Issue", you belong to them. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Forced Vaccines Haunt Gulf Vets
by Elliot Borin, Wired News, 7 November 2002
http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,56099,00.html- Subject: Minnesota and Missouri results may be invalid
8 Nov 2002They cannot ever afford to let elections come down to the vote. Roughly half of eligible voters register, roughly one third of those vote, success margins ride on the thin edge, with those still playing in just about evenly matched and moved for both parties. Meanwhile, nobody has carried a majority in decades.
Minnesota and Missouri results may be invalid
by PatriotUsaA@aol.com
invalidElec.html- Subject: Pentagon Has Smallpox Plan for Troops
8 Nov 2002The cure will be worse than the disease.
Pentagon Has Smallpox Plan for Troops
Pentagon Has a Detailed Plan to Inoculate U.S. Troops Against Smallpox, but No Go-Ahead Yet
The Associated Press, 7 November 2002
PentaSpox.html- Subject: Document leaves way clear for war
8 Nov 2002Setting the stage. Now is the UN running the US or is it the other way around?
Document leaves way clear for war
Resolution's grey areas may give hawks excuse for strike
by Ewen MacAskill and Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, 7 November 2002
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4541323,00.html- Subject: Pentagon Plans Huge Anti-Terror Base In Germany
8 Nov 2002Your tax money at work. Could we send them little booklets outlining the Nuremburg principles and explaining war crimes? Crimes against humanity are different, as 9/11 should have been evaluated. Instead, we are so scared of our leaders ever being accused of war crimes we wouldn't even join those Tribunals without the Collins amendment saying we have veto power on ever being charged under the same rules. After all, imagine how long that docket line would get. Kissinger's trial alone might take 50 years just to hear the testimony. And when we drop a weapon of mass destruction or test gas on "our people" it's just defensive. What's a little genocide between friends, after all? The Nazi defense at Nuremberg was that they learned it all from us.
Pentagon Plans Huge Anti-Terror Base In Germany
by Allan Hall, The Scotsman, 5 November 2002
USempireGDR.html- Subject: Secret Service held 12 Dallas activists, said `threatened the life of the President'
8 Nov 2002Doesn't take much to threaten the life of a President nowadays, I guess. I think Cheney is doing a better job of it than any of us. So now having a prior record is the basis for arrest? Better stop carrying ID to free speech events, only the unconvicted are allowed to have an opinion. What if the prior arrest was for the same violation, speaking your mind? I have seen Secret Service guys rough up protesters going back to the Vietnam era. One guy who challenged Muskie was allowed to come up to a microphone and speak, but on his way out he was grabbed and roughed up and kicked out the door for it. They are a particularly humorless lot.
Paul Krassner once asked them in a letter why they arrested Black Panther David Hilliard for threatening the President in his remarks and not Groucho Marx, who had made some quip about Nixon I think. The Secret Service said Marx was "an alleged comedian". After that, Krassner felt he had full immunity to threaten the President since he is one too. My guess is this was a green SS man and he went back to check with superiors about what to do when they did not cooperate. None of them like the press around, either. They really are "secret". Phil Melanson has just done a good book about them. I have always believed they have a role in the assassinations and the attempts. They are "alleged protectors".
Secret Service held 12 Dallas activists, said `threatened the life of the President'
by Cliff Pearson, North Texas Independent Media Center, 4 November 2002
SSthreaten.html- Subject: John W. Dean: Dangerous Times Ahead
11 Nov 2002From John Dean of all sources.
Dangerous Times Ahead After Election 2002
by John W. Dean, FindLaw.com, 8 November 2002
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=/dean/20021108.html- Subject: No Child Unrecruited
11 Nov 2002This is the lastest method of getting access not only to students but more importantly to their parents, who will be cajoled and intimidated. In a recent NYC situation, an young immigrant woman signed up for a freebie from recruiters with "no obligation" only to return home and find that her parents had already been called and threatened with an INS deportation if she did not enlist. I'm interested in determining how to inform DC students about their right to refuse release, and how to do that soon if anyone has ideas.
No Child Unrecruited
Should the Military be Given The Names of Every High School Student in America?
by David Goodman, MotherJones , November/December 2002
http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/11.10F.mil.spy.edu.htm- Subject: Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans
11 Nov 2002Well, here they come again. New powers, indeed. My favorite line is about Poindexter (the once convicted Contragate figure) and Rumsfeld discussing the system at "a lunch". Must not have required much discussion, how was the steak? Why can't we mine data too and figure out some action options?
Subject: Fwd: Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Ame...
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 15:03:47 EST
From: PG
Hmm... I can't decide what to say here, so let's go with multiple choice and you decide:
(a) "And today's winner in the Done Deal category is..."
(b) Mayan calendar says TICK TOCK...
(c) In the late 1980s, Nicaraguan priest/then-Foreign Minister Miguel Descoto observed that a government that unleashes the kind of violent repression ours had done in Central America would one day turn it against its own people, and he feared that the people of the United States would become "the most repressed on earth."
I guess my favorite part is the paragraph about mining old and new sources of data so they can "... covert it to knowledge and create actionable options..." Wow, maybe the answer to stunning cluelessness re how we got to where we are could be this "Total Information Awareness" thing. Should we be feeling safer already?!!
Myself, I'm rooting for storms, earthquakes, and vicious infighting.
Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans
by John Markoff, New York Times, 9 November 2002
http://cryptome.org/tia-queeg.htm- Subject: US Election Vote Fixing Reports Hit The Mainstream
11 Nov 2002The problem with letting an election come down to the vote.
US Election Vote Fixing Reports Hit The Mainstream
Scoop, 8 November 2002
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0211/S00049.htm- Subject: Reversal of Fortune -" Worse Days"
11 Nov 2002Some bullets got in the way, remember?
If you haven't cheked out William Rivers Pitt latest posting "Worse Days" on Truthout, please do so. Also consider this :What is 1, 2, 3, 4 ?
- An international crisis rallies public opinion around a President who won a razor thin, highly disputed election.
- The military-industrial complex campaigns for a war a gainst a far off foreign country which it contends constitutes a threat to US.
- Reversing tradition in off year elections, the party out of power looses seats in Congress, and its former Vice President looses an election in his home state.
- The President's brother wins a highly contested election, signaling a possible political dynasty after the President's lilkely re-election in 2 years.
Right?? No!! It's 40 years ago:
- Sept. 11, George Bush in '00,
- Iraq,
- '02 Congressional election & Walter Mondale loses in Minnesota,
- Jeb Bush wins in Fla?
So JFK was re-elected in '64 & the Kennedy dynasty continued? No - of course, it didn't. Why?? Something to think about - the incredible reversal of fortune in 40 years. Will it continue ??
- Cuban Missile Crisis '62, JFK election in '60,
- Vietnam,
- '62 Congressional election & Richard Nixon loses governor's race in Calif.,
- Edward Kennedy wins Senate seat in Mass.
Worse Days
by William Rivers Pitt,t r u t h o u t, 8 November 2002
http://truthout.com/docs_02/11.09A.wrp.wrs.days.htm- Subject: Bush sight
11 Nov 2002No wonder the world looks so dark to him!
- Subject: Bush authorized Drone strikes
11 Nov 2002Bringing justice to them?
Bush authorized Yemen-style strikes, adviser says
Reuters, 10 November 2002
droneStrikes.html- Subject: The Face of Power, The Raw, Real Power of Bush's America
11 Nov 2002When Voting News Service announced that Gore had taken Florida on election night 2000, Bush said "It ain't gonna come out that way". Sure enough, and predictably in my view, Bush stole the election victory. Now he gives definitive statements about Pax Americana, and it's evident that we should listen. The US wants to both control the UN and to be its official enforcement arm, whether it wants us to or not. At least, in those countries, unlike ours and Israel, who reportely violate the charter or resolutions. Raw power indeed, and all the arrogance that goes with it.
The Face of Power, The Raw, Real Power of Bush's America
by Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 9 November 2002
http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/11.11D.face.power.htm- Subject: Bush Administraion Seeks to delete history at will
11 Nov 2002New job openings for graduates of the Winston Smith school of writing are soon to be available. Necessary skills include the ability to rewrite history and make it sound plausible; apply today.
Bush Administration Seeks to Formalize the Chokehold on Knowledge
Opinion, Los Angeles Times, 8 November 2002
chokehold.html- Subject: Nuclear bunker-busting bombs
11 Nov 2002They have to do something with all that nuclear waste.
Bunker-busters set to go nuclear
by David Hambling, New Scientist, 7 November 2002
http://www.newscientist.com/news/print.jsp?id=ns99993016- Subject: Caged in Camp Delta - our POW's
11 Nov 2002The "terrorists" and human rights; this is exactly what isolated and unaccountable imprisonment encourages.
From: Jewish Peace News [mailto:judithrnorman@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 2:46 PM
To: jewishpeacenews@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [JPN] Caged in Camp Delta
[The British Observer published this article about conditions in the US internment camp on Guantanamo Bay. Although information is very tightly controlled, brief and unpleasant accounts of life in the camp have been emerging ever since the US started imprisoning people there last year. There are 620 interns from 38 countries, and there is increasing evidence that many if not most of the men have no connection to terrorism. Some are elderly, one is a child. The US has claimed the right to hold them indefinitely without charges, trials, lawyers or visitors, although there do not seem to be any clear legal grounds for this claim. The article describes the brutal interrogations and living conditions that have driven many of the prisoners into mental illness, hunger strikes or attempted suicide.
On Friday, photos began to circulate of prisoners being taken by US forces out of Afghanistan. The unauthorized photos are thought to be souvenir shots taken by a US soldier. They show people hooded and heavily shackled, and have raised concerns from human rights groups that the men are being subject to sensory deprivation, which is forbidden by international conventions and can amount to torture. For more information about the photos see http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1109-04.htm. The photos themselves are at: http://artbell.com/letters88.html. JN]Distant voices tell of life for Britons caged in Camp Delta
Letters to families reveal hunger strikes and suicides in US jail for terror suspects
by Paul Harris and Burhan Wazir, The Observer, 3 November 2002
http://www.observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4538420,00.html- Subject: Bush On 9/11: Moment To Moment
11 Nov 2002Threats to AF-1, shoot down orders for planes known to be headed to DC, fighter pilots scrambled to protect Bush but not the cities, radio contact lost on AF-1, calling on cell phones, all the details and much revealed in this special interview from 60 Minutes.
Bush On 9/11: Moment To Moment
Scott Pelley, 60 Minutes II, CBS News, 11 September 2002
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/09/11/60II/main521718.shtml- Subject: DU Use In Iraq May Be Triple That Of First Gulf War
11 Nov 2002The radiation still in the soil isn't enough, our troops and the Iraqi people will apparently face even more this time.
Uranium weapons & US war plans - warnings to the UK Government
DU-list, 10 November 2002
DUuseInIraq.html- Subject: another Pope assassination attempt
11 Nov 2002"Are you scared yet? Phony terrorism, counter-terrorism and the strategy of tension" was the title of my 1996 talk in LA. State terrorism and state-created terrorism as an excuse for repression are the order of the day. The left does not get this at all.
"First attempt by Mehmet Ali Agca (on May 13, 1981 only weeks after attempt on Reagan) was actually planned and carried out by right-wing of US security establishment with help from fascist paramilitary Gladio structures as part of strategy of tension. Right-wing has long-time contact to moslem crazies in the Philippines and it would of course not surprise me if they were behind this one as well. Think here of OKC/Philippine links as well. The strategy of tension is the single key concept necessary to understand the post-war world. Nothing else, certainly not "blowback," explains all the terror and murder of innocent people. He or she that doesn't understand the strategy of tension, understands absolutely nothing about terrorism."
Al - Qaida Planned Pope Attack: Report
The Associated Press, 10 November 2002
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-2160715,00.html- Subject: Caspian could be one of greatest suppliers of global energy
11 Nov 2002"After Iraq, and, with all the subsequent developments, OPEC will cease to exist, and, the PRICE of oil will now be directly subject to Western control. OPEC, the price of oil, nationalization [now denationalization], will permanently and completely change the globe."
Beatrice MarxI think my good friend and brilliant world observer is right on target with this comment. Saudi oil is in a diminishing return mode already, and they know it. No wonder they won't let us base the attack there, but Kuwait and Uzbekistan are more than willing. Don't rule Saudi Arabia out of the suspect list on 9/11 just yet, there are numerous clues that lead back there, including the nationality of almost all the hijackers and the Saudi funding of both Contragate (BCCI) and the Afghani "resistance fighters" in the war against the USSR. Both those operations were run out of William Casey's CIA and funded by the US and opium/cocaine sales as well. Ollie North's neat idea. The Saudis can see the handwriting on the wall, just as well as Alexander's can. GRUNCH, Gross Universal Cash Heist, the last book by Buckminster Fuller [Grunch of Giants, St. Martin's Press, New York] and the least read.
Caspian could be one of greatest suppliers of global energy
Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections, 4 October 2002
http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntc24435.htm- Subject: Ex CIA on Homeland Security
12 Nov 2002A CIA old hand, now private spook speaks, and makes as much sense as usual.
Richard Coffman: Protecting the Homeland
Military.com, 7 November 2002
http://www.military.com/NewContent?file=NI_Coffman_110702&ESRC=dod.nl- Subject: Pentagon ready to go on anthrax shots
12 Nov 2002Roll up your sleeve and get your anthrax. Some of you will die from it, just a side effect. Civilians are next. Has anyone asked just which company produced all this vaccine for the Health Service? Could it be Bioport? Is somebody in the Bush circle making a profit on it? I think so.
Pentagon Draws Smallpox Plan
Associated Press, The Guardian, 6 November 2002
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-2150938,00.html- Subject: PRE-9/11 Rule Barred Box Cutters
12 Nov 2002Perhaps just as pertinent a question is, how did they control a whole plane with them? Prior to 9/11 security was lax in most places, but not all.
Airlines didn't enforce box cutter ban
1994 manual warned about objects
by Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 12 November 2002
noEnforcemnt.html- Subject: Iraq War Deaths: Medical Report Forecasts Huge Death Toll - MAPW-IPPNW/MedAct Report Launch
12 Nov 2002"But you don't count the dead, boys, when God's on your side" - Bob Dylan.
"Don't worry son, the people you will be killing are not Christians," Army chaplain during the first Gulf War.
World Wide Launch of `Collateral Damage' Report
Medical Report Forecasts Huge Death TollA US-led attack on Iraq is likely to result in between 48,000 and 260,000 deaths during the first three months of combat, according to a study by medical and public health experts launched in Parliament House by the Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW) today. Post-war health effects could take an additional 200,000 lives.
On launching the report this morning, Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association for Prevention of War, called for the Australian government and those supportive of a war with Iraq to read the report thoroughly.
"This report at least deserves a response from those who advocate war against Iraq," said Dr Wareham. "If Prime Minister Howard already understands the human effect of modern warfare, then he has a responsibility to justify to the Australian people our likely involvement in this carnage. If he does not understand, then this report is essential reading for him. But let him not pretend that he just doesn't know."
The report, titled "Collateral Damage: The Health and Environmental Costs of War on Iraq", is based on projections from the 1990-91 Gulf War, which led to an estimated 205,000 casualties. It analyses current U.S. combat scenarios and concludes that a new conflict will be much more intense and destructive than the first Gulf War.
The report forecasts a huge death toll, a massive humanitarian crisis and long term health and environmental damage from any war on Iraq. If nuclear weapons were used, the death toll would rise into the millions. The aftermath of such a military attack could include civil war, famine, epidemics, millions of refugees and economic collapse, according to the report.
General Peter Gration, former Australian Chief of Defence Forces has openly supported the report and the attack scenarios postulated in the report as militarily sound, stating "I thoroughly commend this Report, and its call for humane and wise global leadership. By reminding us of the likely monumental human and environmental costs of a new war with Iraq, it has made a major contribution to the debate at a critical time."Collateral Damage: The Health and Environmental Costs of War on Iraq
by Medical Association for Prevention of War - Australia
Executive Summary: http://www.mapw.org.au/iraq/2002/ippnwiraq/MedAct_report_Iraq_12_11.html
Complete report: http://www.mapw.org.au/iraq/2002/ippnwiraq/Medact_Iraq_report_final3.pdf- Subject: Senator blasts White House over printing issue
12 Nov 2002"They hang the man and flog the woman,
who steal the goose from off the common.
But the other man they let go loose,
who steals the common from the goose."British rhyme quoted in Silent Theft, The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth. This plan is both another attack on our commonwealth and a plan that will allow continuing and greater secrecy for the executive branch. If it wasn't broke, why fix it?
Senator blasts White House over printing issue
by Brian Friel, Government Executive Magazine, 3 October 2002
http://www.govexec.com/news/index.cfm?mode=report&articleid=24021&printerfriendlyVers=1&- Subject: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors of War (Dead on the Tracks)
16 Nov 2002For argument's sake.
Claim: The Clinton administration failed to track down the perpetrators of several terrorist attacks against Americans. Status: False. Dead on the Tracks
by snopes.com, 26 September 2001
http://www.snopes.com/rumors/clinton.htm- Subject: The war for American supremacy
16 Nov 2002Michael Klare's usual insightful analysis is helpful on these points. His recent book Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict [see Klare Interview on Resource Wars] and past work on Low Intensity Conflict were always prescient.
From: anonymous
Date: November 14, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: The war for American supremacy
The long piece below by Michael Klare comes from this month's Le Monde Diplomatique. It is enormously important. It analyzes the way several major strands of American foreign policy -- the war on terror (which has now shaded into the war on the axis of evil et. al.), the nailing down of future global energy supplies, and the reorganization of our military into a post-Cold-War imperial force for garrisoning the globe (as well as the reorganization of the Pentagon budget endlessly upwards) -- have been threaded into a single planetary policy of immense potential force and destructive capability. While it's now stylish in academia to talk of the end of territorial empires (with the fall of the Soviet Union), an American policy of planting bases every hundred yards or so in the oil lands of the world gives our empire something of the military look of an old territorial empire without the lands to go with it. It's a strange combination that's been little thought about here.
United States: energy and strategy
by Michael Klare, Le Monde diplomatique, November 2002
teror2plainW.html- Subject: Alert! Smallpox Provisions Hidden in Homeland Security Bill
16 Nov 2002Bioterrorists with needles. The troops will get it first.
Alert! Smallpox Provisions Hidden in Homeland Security Bill
by Mike Davis, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 14 November 2002
http://www.clickitnews.com/emergingdiseases/posts/3468.html- Subject: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors of War (Oliver Twisted)
16 Nov 2002I remember when this one came up and a friend looked up the testimony, which matched my recollection as well, that it was Abu Nidal that North had named as the threat that led to the fence. What this otherwise useful debunking leaves out is that there were ties between Nidal and Adnan Khashoggi for arms, supplied at times by North's covert ops company STC. I used to, therefore, call him "Abu Giman". Nidal is said to have either been murdered or killed himself recently, and his history reveals he worked for a whole range of intelligence agencies, including Mossad. [See 10 Sep 2002 and 24 Aug 2002 for more on Nidal.] I think the same will someday be recognized about Osama bin Laden.
Claim: Oliver North stated during the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings that Osama bin Laden was "the most evil person alive" and that "an assassin team [should] be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth." Status: False. Oliver Twisted
by snopes.com, 19 September 2001
http://www.snopes.com/rumors/north.htm- Subject: FISA Appeals Court Upholds Ashcroft on FISA 021118
20 Nov 2002With this the floodgates open.
Above is the link to the FISA Appeals Court's first decision -- overturning the FISA court decision challenging the FBI's expanded use of FISA based on its abuse of earlier standards. The Appeals Court reinstates the USAP new authority knocking down barriers between criminal standards and the looser searches and etc for intelligence purposes. Below is the early Washington Post article describing the decision.Justice Department Wins Wiretap Ruling
by Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 18 November 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A5286-2002Nov18?language=printer- Subject: This war brought to you by Rendon Group
20 Nov 2002Perception management, PR and stupid jokes. Damn, where can I get $3000 a month for my routines? At least they are funny.
This war brought to you by Rendon Group
by Ian Urbina, Asia Times, 13 November 2002
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/DK13Ak01.html- Subject: Deliberately Provoking Terror
20 Nov 2002Could this be why we get all these imminent attack warnings? This is exactly what is meant by the "strategy of tension" used in Europe to goad and support terror in order to set up a reactionary state response.
Hellzapoppin' at the Pentagon
Rumsfeld's Defense Science Board proposes `prodding' terrorists to terrorism
by Bill Berkowitz, Working For Change, 13 November 2002
http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemID=14076- Subject: Nefarious
20 Nov 2002Why didn't I think of it? The rest of the lyrics are open for anything! I can't get it out of my head, I keep singing "This is the dawning of the Age of Nefarious, Ne-far-eee-ous!"
by Mark H. Wilson Ii, poetry.com
http://www.poetry.com/publications/display.asp?E=1&ID=P4827970&BN=999&PN=1- Subject: War without death
The Pentagon promotes a vision of combat as bloodless and antiseptic
20 Nov 2002The first casualty is always the truth. This again vividly describes the method of killing and live burial practiced in Kuwait and the Pentagon coverup. Now the wars are even more distant to us. But death is the result and primarily civilian deaths. Politics is the extension of war by other means is my paraphrase of vonKlausewitz, but closer to the truth.
War without death
The Pentagon promotes a vision of combat as bloodless and antiseptic
by Patrick J. Sloyan, San Francisco Chronicle, 17 November 2002
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/11/17/IN178228.DTL&type=printable- Subject: What Really Happened on 9-11? - Transcript of Radio Interview, Part 1
25 Nov 2002You can also use the links here to listen to the interview on Real Player.
The Transcript - Jared Israel Interviewed by Mark Haim
WKOPN 89.5 FM (Missouri) Evening Edition, 2 April 2002
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/radio-1a.htm- Subject: UPI: Commentary: Conspiracy of silence?
25 Nov 2002Is Arnaud de Borchgrave now reduced to seeking assistance of a "Marxist, Cold War variety", whom he lauds for his integrity, in order to get information on BinLaden, no Marxist at all? What a set of twists and turns.
Commentary: Conspiracy of silence?
by Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI Editor at Large, 18 November 2002
- Subject: Gulf Wars II
25 Nov 2002Let's do our best not to see this movie this Christmas! Call the production company and ask them to cancel it.
- Subject: Pentagon to Track American Consumer Purchases
25 Nov 2002Do they think it's in what we buy to eat or drink?? More likely in where we go and what we read. Bill Kelly got searched by security on the way to our plane back from Dallas today and he was carrying my book bag. The guard looked at my titles relating mostly to 9-11 and the war on Iraq and said "What kind of conference were you at? A terrorist conference?" I guess they can make jokes legally at airports.
Pentagon to Track American Consumer Purchases
by Major Garrett, FOXNews.com, 21 November 2002
http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,70992,00.html- Subject: Musharraf: from CIA with love?
27 Nov 2002A rogue's gallery to be sure.
by B. Raman, Paper no.246, South Asia Analysis Group, 28 May 2001
http://www.saag.org/papers3/paper246.html- Subject: A political strategy to oppose war against Iraq
27 Nov 2002I send this one more for the statistics on concentration of wealth and overall agenda behind the war than for the standard "working class party" solution given.
A political strategy to oppose war against Iraq
Statement of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 25 October 2002
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/oct2002/stat-o25.shtml- Subject: Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy
27 Nov 2002Going for broke, the Gross Universal Cash Heist (GRUNCH) that Buckminster Fuller saw coming. [See Bucky's book, Grunch of Giants]
From: anon
Subject: TAP: Vol 13, Iss. 21. Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy. Robert Dreyfuss.
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:48:57 -0500
This is a very good article and names names well. But, this, too, is a continuum in the long, winding road, to paraphrase the song, from the Russian Revolution to the counterrevolution awaited by the "West," to "roll back" EVERYTHING that had been gained on the globe since that point. It is not "just" a war on Iraq, but, of course, part of an all out "class war" to denationalize and privatize everything, smash unions back to the turn of the last century and continue from where they were so rudely interrupted by the Russian Revolution much to their consternation. And, if they take half the globe with them, what the hell--useless eaters, anyway.
Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy
Ahmed Chalabi's long and winding road from (and to?) Baghdad
by Robert Dreyfuss, The American Prospect, 18 November 2002
http://www.prospect.org/print/V13/21/dreyfuss-r.html- Subject: Did the FBI Drag Its Feet on Saudi Money Probe?
27 Nov 2002I have said from the start, don't rule out Saudi Arabia for a 9/11 suspect. They also, like the CIA, financed both the mujehaddin training and the Iran Contra operations via BCCI. It was the top FBI terrorism expert O'Niel, who quit the FBI because they were blocking investigations into Saudi money and involvement in the operations, who moved on to be head of security at the Twin Towers and died there on 9/11.
From: anon
Subject: ABCNEWS.com : Did the FBI Drag Its Feet on Saudi Money Probe?
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:41:45 -0500
This is a very interesting development. I've randomly chosen just one article about the subject, however, it's been PROMINENTLY displayed in the news media, and, as you can see, all of a sudden, by a Republican Congressional committee. Now, of course, it isn't as if this info wasn't/isn't well known, previously. So, why now, all of a sudden, with such great gusto and prominence. The Free Lebanon group and Defense Policy Board, named below in this article, one and the same, have had this on their agenda along with Iraq. They're actually squeezing Bush and Powell. But, of course, whatever happened to the real 9/11 connections -- Armitage, ISI, Pakistan, etc. They're part of the group squeezing tightly on Bush and Powell. And, who is NOT named.
Dirty Dozen?
The FBI May Have Dragged Its Feet
on Investigating the Saudi Money Trail
ABCNEWS.com, 26 November 2002
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/DailyNews/saudi_021126.html- Subject: Not in Our Wildest Dreams!
29 Nov 2002Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy, Earl Warren, John Sherman Cooper, the old cover-up team, are dead and gone. Who's left to jump into the breach? Herr Doktor Kissinger, of course. Now for the poll telling us he is the most trusted man in America? Vince Salandria said he favored a government investigation, not because it would get at the truth, but because it would give us more to work with in exposing the lie. This must be his Christmas present!
"THOSE WHO WIN IN A RIGGED GAME, GET STUPID" -- Catherine Austin FittsLadies and Gentlemen,
Our lord and emperor Bush has just tied together the entire ball of 9/11 lies and related wax, stuck a wick in it, and handed us the match. Not in my craziest moments could I have conceived that his cabal would so obviously expose themselves and provide the absolute fattest possible target as the head of the New Warren Commmission.
So in case you haven't heard, let me be the first to break today's news for you:
Bush names Kissinger to head 9/11 probe
`Follow all facts, wherever they lead'
http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/11/27/intelligence.probe/Well worth reading the article for the details on the commission and the objections raised by Stephen Push of "Families of Sept. 11" - familiesofseptember11.org. This news should bring not just shock or desperation at the sheer brazenness of it, but absolute laughter for its folly.
Anyone not know what happened on Sept. 11, 1973? Just wrote an article on it earlier this year myself, prominently featuring Dr. Kissinger's role in overthrowing the democratic government of Chile and imposing the Pinochet dictatorship. And that is only the tip of the Kissinger iceberg. His appointment is an act of tremendous hubris -- or else of absolute desperation. Is the 9/11 story so shaky that they can really trust no one to reliably cover it up other than Kissinger?
- the man who engineered the "secret" bombing of Cambodia, a neutral state during the Vietnam War, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians there and paving the way for the Khmer Rouge takeover?
- the world's best-known American war criminal, already subjected to questioning on war crimes charges by French prosecutors in his Paris hotel?
- the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, with Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller?
- head of an earlier "Kissinger Commission" in the early 1980s, the one that whitewashed the U.S.-backed war by death squad in Central America.
- as head of Kissinger Associates, "consultant" (door-opener) on oil and arms deals and much else besides for corporations and foreign clients including China and Central Asian countries.
- but hey, winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for reaching a deal to end the U.S. invasion of Vietnam.
This was after the Nixon government at first refused the Paris peace deal with North Vietnam. Instead, Hanoi was leveled in a massive Christmas 1972 bombing, leaving nothing there but dust. A few months later, Nixon and Kissinger accepted the same deal with minor changes. Peace.
From there, Kissinger was the only major cabinet member to miraculously survive the fall of the Nixon administration. He remained Secretary of State under the appointed Unpresident Ford (first "president" to not have even run in the election). Anyone know who the other key players in the 2-1/2 year Ford administration were? Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller, brother of David. Chief of Staff: Dick Cheney. Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld. Director of Central Intelligence: George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush must have cut some nice deals with the CIA boys at this time, since they later named the new CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia the George Herbert Walker Bush building. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger... the same four men who run the Idiot Prince today. Getting pretty senile, aren't they?
2002 has seen the release of Christopher Hitchens's "The Trial of Henry Kissinger," and of a documentary of the same name on this man's astonishing and horrific crimes. Couldn't Bush have found anyone less conspicuous, less farcical to do his laundry? Obviously, this was the only man they knew they could trust.
Danger: this is also the latest signal of an absolute and open intent to play HARDBALL, so let us all beware what sudden "surprises" are in store during the next days and months. Kissinger features prominently within the "Defense Policy Board" run by Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon (also includes Richard Perle and Newt Gingrich). These are the Supreme Chickenhawks of the War Party, the same people who at a recent meeting considered the option of taking out Saudi Arabia right after Iraq -- and prime suspects in a possible conspiracy within the regime to let the 9/11 attacks happen. On Sept. 11, 2001, I had the unpleasant experience of hearing Kissinger calling in to CNN to announce that the attacks fully justified any American response, that the U.S. now had every right to destroy states that "harbored terrorists," regardless of whether they had anything to do with the attacks.
So watch out for sudden revelations about the alleged 9/11 hijackers that "prove" both Saudi and Iraq must immediately be crushed. The groundwork for that, if they decide to go with it, has been prepared during the last weeks with the sudden "discovery" of Saudi financing of terrorism - something that never bothered the Bushes before. May fortune and God only give us enough time to work on this, and we will bring down the regime. This was their greatest blunder. We need to gather everything known about Kissinger and throw it hard and wide until this sham is exposed. If we get the time and fail to bring this crashing down, it will have been our own fault.
Strength and best wishes to you all,
"Jack Riddler"
- Subject: Hitchens' call to action re. Chairman Kissinger
29 Nov 2002Who else has a reputation so low that chairing this coverup would not tarnish it? Kissinger is the perfect choice. And everything it does and fails to do will further expose the truth.
The Latest Kissinger Outrage
Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?
by Christopher Hitchens, slate.msn.com, 27 November 2002
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