This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Antiwar Effort Gains Momentum
3 Dec 2002We are way ahead of the curve if we can only get ourselves to deal with the potential here for organizing change.
Antiwar Effort Gains Momentum
by Evelyn Nieves, Washington Post, 2 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A61647-2002Dec1?language=printer- Subject: Carlyle acquires top industrialist
3 Dec 2002A new addition at the old trough.
Carlyle acquires top industrialist
by Austin English Sunday Business Post (Ireland), 1 December, 2002
carlyleATI.html- Subject: Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel in Mombasa - The precise anatomy of an attack that only "looked like" it was targeted on Jews
5 Dec 2002I'm not sure this proves either CIA or Mossad complicity, but such details always leave the question of phony terrorism an open one and the strategy of tension a reality, even if assisting or letting it come from radical groups is part of the plan.
Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel in Mombasa
The precise anatomy of an attack that only "looked like" it was targeted on Jews
by Joe Vialls, 30 November 2002
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steveseymour/wecontrolamerica/mombasa.html- Subject: Total Information Awareness: Paranoia to the People
7 Dec 2002Ignorance is Strength!!
Total Information Awareness
Bringing Paranoia to the People!
by Mark Fiore, 27 November 2002
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0248/fiore.php- Subject: Henry Kissinger Redux
7 Dec 2002Super K to the rescue!
Henry Kissinger Redux
Meeting Today's Staffing Needs With Yesterday's Staff
by Mark Fiore, 4 December 2002
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0249/fiore.php- Subject: Judge Grants `Combatant' Access to an Attorney
7 Dec 2002A significant decision.
Judge Grants `Combatant' Access to an Attorney
by Steve Fainaru and Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 5 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A7833-2002Dec4?language=printer- Subject: Iraq Deep Politics
7 Dec 2002Here's the rogue's gallery.
The deep politics of regime removal in Iraq:
Overt conquest, covert operations
by Larry Chin, Online Journal, October-November 2002
http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI211A.html- Subject: Wrapping it in flags
9 Dec 2002At least they put in some foreign flags, since so many who died were not Americans. But this is all that moves some Americans to emotion, our losses, not those of the world, that we cause. And the patriotism really rests on feeling secure as part of a larger group that will get even on our behalf, as she expresses.
Flags are always stolen for war purposes and phony patriotism. Mark Twain said that the flag should then reflect the infamy, with black stripes for perfidy, red for the blood spilled and skulls instead of stars against a black background, the real American flag. It is a gang mentality, mess with one us you mess with all of us, and this is our turf so only our losses matter. Like the morality of combat units in someone else's country. They can do no wrong themselves. "Kill them all, let God sort them out", the Marine combat slogan, or the message written in the guest book at the Peace Park exhibit to the horrors of nuclear war in Japan, "You had it coming. Better all of you should die than one of us."
I know these emotional responses come from a lack of education and a skewered sense of morality for those who ignore all but their own privileges in the world, but they are not any less misplaced. More children starve daily than died in the Twin Towers and with an even more conscious plan behind it. I just read a quote from the economic minister of Argentina where dozens of children starved to death in one province. He admitted that the country could afford to feed the poor as the world's fourth largest exporter of food, despite current economic troubles. He said the problem instead was that "we are a sick society, run by a ruling class who are nasty bastards, all of them, myself included."
Of course the people should not have died on September 11, and they were not responsible for the 50 years of hidden war, assassination, dictatorship and genocide our military-industrial-intelligence complex has carried out in our names against the rest of the world. It costs nothing to mourn the dead of September 11 if you just hide behind the flag and support continued violence and war against our supposed enemies abroad.
The only surprise is that the flag sales and equipment company left no advertisement, though I wonder how she knew they arranged the exhibit. I remember a funeral home in the 60s that took out a billboard supporting "Our Boys in Vietnam". This is similarly innapropriate, another ploy to sell more flags, ultimately.
If a community of mourning relatives or friends had put it up it might hold a different message, and I think the fact that the families have not wrapped themselves in flags and phony emotions but have instead demanded answers from this government about the inexplicable events of 9/11 speaks louder volumes than this cheap display ever will. Those who choke back a tear at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier live in an abstract world where war is a movie not a reality. Want to really honor veterans and victims? NO MORE WAR!
Utah remembers the victims of September 11, 2001
3,031 large flags in Utah. A reverent silence prevails
in this eerie representation of those who died on Sept. 11th.
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/refpages/UtahsFlags.htm- Subject: The first mutiny, a history lesson
9 Dec 2002As an active GI organizer during Vietnam and the Gulf War who led civilian support efforts for any and all resistance, I think we should add it to our efforts to stop this war, but it must be done with full legal, moral and honest political support for them, not just opportunist manipulation.
Subject: [smygo] Dec. 1 = Anniv. of Resistance Within US Military
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
Date: 1 Dec 2002 00:16:13 -0600
Xref: news.umbc.edu misc.activism.progressive:133936
12/1 marks the 160th anniversary of the mutiny aboard the USS Somers -- the first significant revolt by enlisted people inside the United States Navy. This anniversary calls attention to the suppressed history of how enlisted people played a leading role in the defeat of the US war effort in Indochina. Read more: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/11/1546374.php
===== War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.
--Major General Smedley Butler, USMC
- Subject: No Child Left Alone
9 Dec 2002Here's a flyer I made up for use in the DC schools. Feel free to copy it locally or amend it for use elsewhere, we need to get the information out now.
NO CHILD LEFT ALONE- Subject: The American administration is a bloodthirsty wild animal
11 Dec 2002This one hits it on the head. This is the satirist Harold Pinter who a friend reminded me recently had said, when Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, that he was putting down his pen because he couldn't say anything more.
The American administration is a bloodthirsty wild animal
by Harold Pinter, opinion.telegraph.co.uk, 11 December 2002
bloodthirsty.html- Subject: Exec: U.S. Blackmailing Russian Firms in Iraq
11 Dec 2002Our real goals, our brutality and venality are much more visible once the veil of US propaganda is not present.
Exec: U.S. Blackmailing Russian Firms in Iraq
by Associated Press, MoscowTimes.com, 11 December 2002
USbmRussia.html- Subject: Democrats Pick Hamilton as Vice Chair of 9/11 Panel
11 Dec 2002Mitchell had the good sense to pull out. Hamilton could be a crack in the cement, he opened up some other matters when in office. Lott is making the Republican choices, enough said. Burton impressed the families as wanting to get at the truth. They can't afford to let Rudman in. I think we should both invade and critique this panel simultaneously, working to press them to get at key questions while remaining critical of what they don't do. Their conclusions will allow a massive deconstruction. We need a funded operation in DC to do this, though, any thoughts?
So Hamilton steps up to replace Mitchell as Kissinger backs out due to "clients" that might conflict. Nobody wants this hot potato. One suggestion this week is to push Daschle to appoint Cynthia McKinney. With Lott possibly stepping down on the Republican side, other appointments may follow. Hamilton got at some things in Contragate but set the parameters too small to get at the heart of it. They will do the same here unless there is savvy public pressure. We need an office in DC to oversee this process properly.
Democrats Pick Hamilton as Vice Chair of 9/11 Panel
Mitchell Withdraws, Citing Workload; Cleland and Roemer Among Four Others Named to Commission
by Helen Dewar, Washington Post, 12 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A42666-2002Dec11?language=printer- Subject: The Peace Warriors
11 Dec 2002After 25 years of activism, I am quoted in the Post. This is a fairly accurate review of the local movement and its factions. We had three successful actions on the 10th, the largest was over 500 people downtown.
The Peace Warriors
For Now, Anarchists, Socialists, Quakers, And More Are Marching to the Same Drum
by David Montgomery, Washington Post, 10 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A32758-2002Dec9?language=printer- Subject: Demonstrators Raise Voices Against War
11 Dec 2002More coverage of our anti-war activities on the national day of action. I was in the large march and the demonstration outside the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq[ui Oil Fields], which includes Newt Gingrich, James Woolsey and a rogue's gallery too long to go into here. I made up a flyer for local use to tell students about the No Child Left Behind Act provisions which give recruiters contact information on youth (see attachment). Notice here that the recruiter says it does not violate their privacy, as if it is up to him to decide that. Also note the recruiter saying it will counter the "decline" in interest. There has been no rise in enlistment lately, even after September 11. Does that tell us anything?
Demonstrators Raise Voices Against War
Protests in D.C., Nationally Observe Human Rights Day
by Manny Fernandez, Washington Post, 11 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A37271-2002Dec10?language=printer- Subject: A Lump of Coal From the President
11 Dec 2002Finally somebody nails it. The only real comparison with Pearl Harbor is that they let the attack come both times to justify a war already in the planning.
A Lump of Coal From the President
by David S. Broder, Washington Post, 4 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A5920-2002Dec3?language=printer- Subject: Season's Wishes!
22 Dec 2002Happy holidays to all you wonderful people who have touched my life. Here are my season's sentiments and my best wishes for yours.
Well, you'd better not pout,
When your votes are thrown out,
'Cause Dubya has stolen the crown!!He knows it's a selection,
By concession, wink and gloat,
And that Gore was being naughty
To make it come down to a vote!Oh, he was pretty pissed
That they counted votes twice!
Daddy told him he'd win,
Whether naughty or nice.
Now, Dubya is running the town!They told us each vote counted,
That majority should rule,
But with the evil of two lessers,
Most don't vote, cause we're no fools!Now the whole world knows it's phony,
Our democracy's a sham!
And by ballot, buck or bullet,
They decide who runs this land.So you'd better watch out!
You'd better not shout!
'Cause Dubya is running us down!A New Year
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - December 31, 2003
12:00 Midnight
Raise a glass to Auld Lang Syne and let's make this new year one for a new century, let's gather the majority we know are against this war and bring it to a halt. GI's, veterans, military family members, Congress members, teachers, students, activists, mothers and more are uniting for peace instead of war across every community and every ethnic group. For the sake of this generation and the future, let's make war as obsolete and unthinkable as slavery. The only way to end terrorism is to restore justice. The answer is blowing in the wind again. Let's get out there and make peace happen. The world is with us."I look forward to the day when the conscientious objector will hold the same respect in society as the warrior does today."
- John F. Kennedy- Subject: Christmas in The Trenches
23 Dec 2002Here's the carol we should all be singing.
Christmas in The Trenches
Words & Music by John McCutcheon, 1984
xmasInTrench.html- Subject: Axciom a reason for Kissinger's step-down?
23 Dec 2002Some interesting links here, though BCCI had much more to do with Saudi Arabia than Pakistan. BCCI was a major funding and laundering front for both the Afghan mujehaddin war with the former USSR and for the Contragate operations, with Saudi sources putting up (read oil) at least half of the costs with the CIA sources (read opium). Stephens is a good example of how the really rich bet both sides of a presidential race and compromise both sides at the same time.
Why Quit, Henry? Is It Acxiom?
by Jim Rarey, Medium Rare, 17 December 2002
http://www.rense.com/general32/whyw.htm- Subject: Most Unconvinced on Iraq War
23 Dec 2002Al Haig railed after Vietnam that we cannot reduce our foreign policy to the lowest common denominator of public opinion, unless it is in favor of war of course. They know damn well that the majority of the American people do not want this war and do not believe their nonsense about it. They have Congress in their pocket enough to be sure that majority will never be implemented. But some people vote in other ways, and that is our hope.
Most Unconvinced on Iraq War
Two-thirds believe Bush has failed to make the case an attack would be justified. Many think weapons are there, but they want proof.
by Maura Reynolds, Los Angeles Times, 17 December 2002
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