This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Master 9/11 Timeline -- a `must read'
2 Jan 2003Revised and abridged version of a very useful timeline. Kyle Hence of Unanswered Questions and I are working to set up a planning meeting on January 19 here in DC for a national conference in March to establish a new Citizens Commission to Investigate 9/11. Let me know if you want to attend this event. Kyle is seeking funding for these efforts, including setting up a DC office/function to watchdog and influence the current official investigation being planned.
The Complete 9/11 Timeline
by Paul Thompson, Center for Cooperative Research
Mirrors:- Subject: Shoot-down order issued on morning of chaos
2 Jan 2003This early piece reveals information on the shoot down orders from Bush and Cheney, the timeline (see side bar) on flights and alledged jet fighter responses, and the fact that the Pentagon was on "Alpha" alert until hit, and then on "Charlie", but when they were getting "bomb threats" by phone in 1998 they were on "Delta", the highest level, and watching the skies with radar and cameras for plane attacks. This makes as much sense as the lack of DEFCON status changes anywhere but Vietnam on 11/22/63.
Shoot-down order issued on morning of chaos
by Jonathan Weisman, USA TODAY, 9/16/01
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/09/16/pentagon-timeline.htm- Subject: Bush: We're At War
2 Jan 2003Another early article with many interesting details. Use the search word "Pentagon" in this early Newsweek article to find two gems. One is mention that "Uncle Sam" helped to train some of the 9/11 hijacker pilots at military bases. The second is at the bottom of the fifth to last paragraph "On Sept. 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."
Bush: `We're At War'
As the deadliest attack on American soil in history opens
a scary new kind of conflict, the manhunt begins
by Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, 24 September 2001
GWBwereAtWar.html- Subject: Draft Beer, Not Kids
3 Jan 2003I agree with most of what Ron Jacobs says. I think far too many Black veterans feel that a draft serves to level the odds that white middle to upper class kids will do military duty in wars. There are many factors that belie this. Here are a few of them:
Read Complete TextDraft Beer, Not Kids
by Ron Jacobs, CounterPunch, 13 December 2002
http://www.counterpunch.org/jacobs1231.html- Subject: Global Vigilance In A Global Village: U.S. Expands Its Military Bases
3 Jan 2003A good compilation of the statistics of the American empire and its expansions. The cost of maintaining this juggernaut is taken from us as well as the rest of the world and the planet itself. Oil, opium and other resources drive the geopolitics of this expansion. But the accumulation of power and wealth and the corporate globalization that it requires are the real reason why the UN will never replace it. Nor should it. It is time to use our imagination, not our reactionary fear and force.
Global Vigilance In A Global Village: U.S. Expands Its Military Bases
by Madhavee Inamdar, Foreign Policy In Focus, 30 December 2002
http://www.fpif.org/outside/commentary/2002/0212milbase.html (PDF)- Subject: Gulf of Tonkin methods used in Iraq!
3 Jan 2003How to start a war.
Operation Provoke Iraq
by Maria Tomchick, Znet, 29 December 2002
http://www.zmag.org/content/print_article.cfm?itemID=2808§ionID=15- Subject: How We Can Find Our Freedom
3 Jan 2003This article by Kaminsky is a perfect example to me of the emerging mix of legitimate research and questions raised by progressives, and their co-optation by a right wing anti-government but basically corrupt political analysis into commentary that proceeds without proof (save for the credibility of the cases we actually researched), highlighting only the attacks on "patriots" (note the complaint about how we "harp" on the genocide of native people while ignoring Waco, etc.), and spreading a sort of hopeless cynicism mixed with an "I told you so" egotism. . . .
- Subject: Re: Republican Democratic Party
4 Jan 2003Hello Bob,
I do remember you a bit from 20 years ago. I remember challenging Abbie Hoffman at that conference, too. Not only was this war resolution, like the Tonkin Gulf one from years before, unconstitutional and illegal, it was entirely unrepresentative. Congressional staffers admitted that the ratio of anti-war to pro-war contacts prior to the vote was 400-1,000 to one.
I like the precepts of the RPD, but like Washington and Jefferson I think that parties are inimical to democracy, as you so properly define it. To whatever extent the technological limits of the 1700s demanded a republic/representative model of democracy, those are obsolete in the 21st Century when we have instantaneous mass communication and almost instantaneous travel.
Not only do we no longer need "representatives", they are hindering actual democratic rule. Too easy to blackmail, bully, bribe or bullet them into submission. 75% of Americans would rather vote on an issue than on a candidate, so we need to empower them to do so.
Sen. Gravel proposes a parallel structure, giving both a legislature and a referendum system equal weight in passing laws. I would rather abolish the representatives altogether, decide local, state and national issues by full and informed debate and referendum, recall or repeal and directly allocate all taxes when paid. Parties take those decisions out of the hands of them people themselves and put them back into the hands of a few.
I may be closer to Nader than to Bush, but I am closer to myself than anyone else. I don't want a representative, I want a voice and a mechanism that will reflect and carry out popular democratic will. I trust the people, once the commonwealth of mass communication is returned to public use and information, which is the heart of any real democracy, can flow freely and be debated. I do not say that the people will never make a mistake, but they are smart enough to fix it if they do, and quickly.
Courts should not have absolute veto power over popular will, as long as a basic (and expandable) bill of rights review is conducted and made part of the decision in advance. I am a decentralist when it comes to government.
Thanks also for the data on Mr. Kean [pp.3-4 of RPD]. In addition to the background here, he has links to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which is currently the central organization cover for covert ops abroad. And he has financial ties to the bin Laden family.
I am pushing for a citizen watchdog and oversight group to be started here in DC to challenge and inform this current investigation. It is already flawed when it uses the term "lapse" since we do not know if there was any unintentional lapse or failure at all. Stay in touch and thanks for writing.
Montauk Magazine
by Bob Ficalora
http://www.montauk.com/- Subject: Realpolitik talk from the Neo-Cons
4 Jan 2003The Center for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA) is a neo-conservative think tank supporting current Pax Americana and pre-emptive strike agendas. Spokesperson Roger Carsten has been on C-SPAN spouting this stuff. Learn what "strategic culture" means and that public support is the only "wild card" still in the stacked deck. We'd better know it and know how to bring it to bear if this fascist nonsense isn't going to lead to WWIII.
Is a Preemptive National Security Strategy Viable?
by Roger Carsten, Center for Emerging National Security Affairs
preemptStrat.html- Subject: FAIR on war propganda revival
4 Jan 2003The first casualty of war is the truth. Here an old canard is revived.
Activism Update: HBO Adds Disclaimer to Gulf War Movie
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, 3 January 2003
http://www.fair.org/activism/hbo-incubators-update.html- Subject: Secrecy News: Fox Guards Henhouse
4 Jan 2003This is a good source on the national security apparatus and secrecy issues compiled by Steve Aftergood (http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/secrecy/).
SECRECY NEWS - from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
by Steve Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists, 27 November 2002
http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/secrecy/2002/11/112702.html- Subject: Will the US fight a night war!
6 Jan 2003War in the dark, what don't they want us to see?
US opens way for summer war in Iraq to be fought at night
by Sean Rayment, telegraph.co.uk, 5 January 2003
warAtNight.html- Subject: International Resistance to Mass Smallpox Vaccinations Turning Up
8 Jan 2003Interesting item here on resistance to innoculations and also on who is making the profits.
International Resistance to Mass Smallpox Vaccinations Turning Up
by Michael C. Ruppert, From The Wilderness, 7 January 2003
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/010703_smallpox_vax.html- Subject: Pearl Harbor Incident Plan
8 Jan 2003Wars are always planned in advance, including the incidents and reasons needed to stage them. Here are Bush's top advisors in the war making their plans in earnest. No wonder they stood down on 9/11.
Bush Terror Elite Wanted 9/11 to Happen
by John Pilger, 12 December 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/BushTE.html- Subject: U.N. Sees 500,000 Iraqi Casualties at Start of War
8 Jan 2003Now you can see what the second casualty of war will be. The objective effect of the sanctions, the ongoing bombing over the last decade, the destruction of the infrastructure, the depleted uranium and toxic weapons left behind, and the war we are about to wage is genocide, ecocide and ethnocide, as it was in Vietnam. This is the real agenda, and my guess is that Hussein will survive it and the deal has already been cut.
U.N. Sees 500,000 Iraqi Casualties at Start of War
by Irwin Arieff, Reuters, 7 January 2003
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0107-09.htm- Subject: Operation Northwoods
8 Jan 2003Most of the attacks that start wars are staged and usually on ships in our history. Pearl Harbor was allowed to come. In the Tonkin Gulf, though, the CIA fired a few rounds into the USS Maddox and blamed the Vietnamese, leading LBJ to bomb the oil refineries in Hanoi in retaliation and push for the resolution that led to the broader war. See any parallels here? The capture of the Mayaguez by Cambodia happened because the CIA "forgot to warn them" not to go into the straits, and because they went beyond international waters to spy of course. Operation Canned Meat, a fake attack on German border guards by the Polish led to the start of WWII in 1939. A bodyguard of lies always surrounds a nation in war, not the least of which is the reason they are going into it. "It's my party and I'll lie if I want to" sing the politicians.
Dear Mr. Judge:I thought I would let you know of a development I just recently became aware of. I recently viewed the British documentary "USS Liberty dead in the water". This documentary goes beyond the record of the attack and includes recent interviews with the actual participants as well as interviews with McNamara and Helms. I was unaware that the attack on the USS Liberty initially and mistakenly almost caused Egypt to be bombed in retaliation, a nuclear attack averted only at the last minute, according to the documentary. The crew of the USS Liberty, to my knowledge, did not ever mention Egypt as the attacking nation and the orders to attack came from Washington by someone not connected with the Liberty.
This incident is the closest thing that I am aware of that in reality seems to be something along the lines of Operation Northwoods, the criminally insane idea by some members of the Joint Chiefs and certain of their close associates in the CIA to mimic an attack on our own armed forces as a prelude to involvement in a War. I sincerely think this documentary has alot of relevance to perhaps understanding the possible motivation behind the attack on the WTC and Pentagon.
Morris Holt
Operation Northwoods - Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba
Declassified 1962 U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Memo
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Northwoods.html- Subject: U.S., Iran navies get along in Persian Gulf, as Iraqi tensions increase
8 Jan 2003"We have always been at war with Eurasia. We have never been at war with EastAsia. EastAsia is our friend" - George Orwell, 1984. Of course by the next "hate week" it would be the reverse. Wars were staged and never televised, just the prisoners. Time to get out your copy and read it again. Especially "The Book of Revolution" sections that Winston reads to Julia in bed about the true nature of the state.
U.S., Iran navies get along in Persian Gulf, as Iraqi tensions increase
Associated Press, 23 December 2002
http://www.iranexpert.com/2002/persiangulf23december.htm- Subject: 9/11 Failure No Obstacle to Intelligence Leaders' Success
14 Jan 2003Still in place, no heads rolling yet.
9/11 Failure No Obstacle to Intelligence Leaders' Success
by Vernon Loeb, Washington Post, 13 January 2003
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A49130-2003Jan13?language=printer- Subject: 9/11 Timeline: Abridged
15 Jan 2003Here is a short version of the timeline before and after 9/11. A good summary of the facts. This site keeps adding new and interesting information. Since Tenet and Rumsfeld were calling on the US to go to war with Iraq on 9/11 and since, could it be that both the Afghanistan invasion and this new war against Saddam were already in the works before the attack? And how many others? Since Saddam did not release to the public or distribute extra copies of their December 7 report after it was grabbed by the US first since it contained contracts with American firms supplying chemicals for weapons of mass destruction, and more, my question is whether the fix is already in and the game is being played out. Saddam has doubtless cut a deal with us for the golden parachute. His ties to Bush family and CIA go way back, and it was the US that put him in power, armed him, used him against Iran, and kept him on a short leash. We shall see.
The Abridged 9/11 Timeline
by Paul Thompson, Center for Cooperative Research
http://billstclair.com/911timeline/main/timelineshort.html- Subject: The Profile in Courage Award
16 Jan 2003Many of you know of the courageous stands taken on critical social and international issues by Rep. Cynthia McKinney before she was forced out of office by elements who opposed her. Her stand on the issues surrounding 9/11 earned her calumny in the press because she asked the questions a few weeks before everyone else did. She was of great assistance to COPA in holding a panel on the King assassination at the Congressional Black Caucus and in drafting the new bill to release the files on Dr. King's life and death. My friend Lewis Abram has nominated her for the JFK Profile in Courage award, and wants others to do so as well. Their address is below as well as their website with all the criteria, which she easily meets. Please take a moment to honor this force for social change (who was forced out of office by those who feared her) by sending in a nomination.
Nomination for Profile in Courage Award by John Judge
Profile in Courage Award Committee
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation
Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125, profileincourage@nara.gov
http://www.jfklibrary.org/pica_information.html- Subject: Presidential insanity
16 Jan 2003With voices like this, also members of Congress, the National Council of Churches and UPI's Helen Thomas, why are we having the listen to the fringe at these national demonstrations?
The United States of America Has Gone Mad
by John le Carré, The Times of London, 15 January 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/USmadness.html- Subject: archived copy of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's website
18 Jan 2003Here is an archived version of Rep. McKinney's site with key articles she put up on it when in office. This may help with your nominations for the JFK Proflies in Courage award.
Archived Copy of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's Website
http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/CynthiaMcKinney/- Subject: Senator Edward M. Kennedy: US; "Adopting a Chip-on-the-Shoulder"
22 Jan 2003Ted Kennedy hits so many good points in this speech. More and more mainstream voices are rising now in opposition to the madness.
Uniting America in Common Purpose:
Meeting America's Real Challenges at Home and Abroad
by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, National Press Club, 21 January 2003
http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/012303B.kennedy.chip.htm- Subject: Thomas Kean to head 9-11 Commission
22 Jan 2003Reports are already circulating about a financial link between Kean and a member of the bin Laden family. Perhaps more important are his ties to the National Endowment for Democracy, which has replaced USAID as the current front for CIA disruption activities abroad. In other words, covert operations. Anyone know more?
Kean to chair Sept. 11 inquiry
by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record
Kean2chair.html- Subject: Gulf War Syndrome Birth Defects in Iraq Children / Babies / Extreme Birth Deformities / Depleted Uranium Ammunition
25 Jan 2003Skip the pictures below the text unless you have a strong stomach. Agent Orange is still causing very high rates of birth deformity in newborn there, it lasts longer in soil and water than radiation does. The depleted uranium and perhaps other toxins from the oil fires or whatever else was used ten years ago is still devestating Iraq, and will effect our troops. I recall at the end of the Gulf War hearing reports of many miscarriages among women coming home from the front. In addition, Army women returning to Ft. Bragg were given written instructions to abort if pregnant or to hold off for six months at least before starting a child. Maybe this was why.
Gulf War Syndrome Birth Defects in Iraq Children / Babies / Extreme Birth Deformities / Depleted Uranium Ammunition
http://www.xs4all.nl/~stgvisie/VISIE/extremedeformities.html- Subject: Special 9/11 panel facing obstacles
25 Jan 2003I am working with Kyle Hence on this oversight function and to help set up the larger independent Commission. This article makes clear why it is needed, as does the focus so far of these "investigations" on "intelligence failures". I have found out how to apply for a staff position with the Kean commission if anyone is interested or has a nominee to suggest.
UQ and the a network of researchers & activists have begun a process to insure review and oversight of the government's National Commission on 9/11. This work is progressing currently under the loose banner of the 9/11 Truth Alliance, now growing strongly. We intend to liaise with the gov't Commission to present the key unanswered questions. Obviously, if rebuffed or if upon analysis of the legislation itself it is determined that key questions or lines of inquiry lie outside their charted scope or willingness to investigate then all the more need for a 'people's investigation' as currently being advanced.We know there is a case to be made that the National Commission as structured and funded is entirely inadequate to the task at hand and thus UQ continues to press for and support the intitiative to formerly establish an independent Citizens' or Peoples' Truth Commission to fully investigate and pursue all lines of inquiry relative to the events and circumstances of, and surrounding 9/11.
The recent AP article below obviously helps us build that case
Kyle Hence
Special 9/11 panel facing obstacles
Associated Press, 21 January 2003
911PFO.html- Subject: Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution
27 Jan 2003The split revealed that I spoke of back in August 2001 between the Pax Americana boys at the White House and the military boys at the Pentagon. 200 a day going AWOL. Marines have "stop loss" regs in effect that cancel all discharges. Other branches will follow. Objectors will again be beaten, shackled and thrown onto transport planes to the front, and then jailed there for refusal, just as they were 12 years ago.
The White House "orders" the CIA and FBI to create reality regarding an Iraq/bin Laden link. In fact, they are usually at odds because Hussein is a secular government and not part of Islamic fundamentalist theocrats like bin Laden hangs out with. Saudi money and CIA funds doubtless propped up both Hussein and bin Laden when we are arming them as our allies. But that won't be the link they find. That doesn't mean they were pals.
This war is creating the largest split in the social and class order as well as international relations that I've seen in my lifetime. The legacy of Vietnam is coming home to roost. Congress calls for a draft, the hawks around Bush say no. The White House calls for war, the Pentagon says hold on. The parents are against the war, the kids are in the military.
The churches, the diplomats, the international law experts, and even the usual allies are against the war. Saddam's neighbors are against it. Pre-emptive strikes went out with Hitler, or should have. If there was ever a time when democracy could be saved it's now. All we have to do is take the most credible voices and put them in front of average people to legitimize their simmering resistance.
Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution
by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, 22 January 2003
http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/printer_1587.shtml- Subject: Iraq Says Scientists Refuse Interviews With U.N. Inspectors
27 Jan 2003"We are allowed to believe anything but to know nothing" --Martin Schotz in History Will Not Absolve Us. Iraq says the chemical warheads discovered were in the report, the US says they were not. Who has the report? The Iraqis say the scientists don't want to talk (reverse the situation for a moment, would ours?), the US says grounds for war. We set the conditions up, we control the information, then we pre-empt the strike based on total falsehoods and premises. Suppose Hussein does have weapons of mass destruction, like we who gave them to him do in much larger doses. Does that mean we have the right to go to war without the UN or anyone else? Bush says he wants a "coalition of the willing"? Let him ask the GIs and the American people.
Iraq Says Scientists Refuse Interviews With U.N. Inspectors
by Ian Fisher, New York Times, 23 January 2003
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/23/international/23CND_INSP.html?ei=5070&en=d830dd86cf0f52a9&ex=1069131600&pagewanted=print&position=top- Subject: U.S. planning to release intelligence on Iraq
28 Jan 2003Tick, tock, by the book and by the clock.
U.S. planning to release intelligence on Iraq
Pentagon: Military could be ready for war by mid-February
CNN, 28 January 2003
http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/01/27/sprj.irq.wrap/- Subject: Prelude to 9/11: A Hijacker's Love, Lies
28 Jan 2003Lots of new details on the suspects. Note that the package sent back to the lover includes the flight manual, just as the trunk of the car had one in it at Logan. This seems unusual to me, why not bring it along? Even if a search uncovered it, they were trained pilots. Atta at least once rode one of the flights out of Boston that summer and kept asking to go up to the cockpit, saying he was a pilot. The attendant kept saying no politely and got irritated. She told me he "got on her nerves".
Also of note, if this was false sponsorship, is the fact that these people were under scrutiny in Germany, the CIA was demanding more even, and also under flag in the US during the training period. None were trained well enough to do the dog fight maneuvers of 9/11 though, according to experienced pilots I have talked to. And of even more note to me is that Mohammed Atta's passport was allegedly found in the rubble and that his luggage did not get on the plane. This is supposedly the source of the data linking the plot to a Mullah in Afghanistan. Convenient?
Prelude to 9/11: A Hijacker's Love, Lies
Aysel Senguen saw her fiance fall into radical Islam. She knew something was wrong but had no idea what lay ahead.
by Dirk Laabs and Terry McDermott, The Los Angeles Times, 27 January 2003
http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline/2003/latimes012703.html- Subject: Arundhati Roy at Porto Alegre
29 Jan 2003Nothing speaks so clearly and powerfully to power as the truth. What a voice we have in Arundhati Roy!
Confronting Empire
by Arundhati Roy, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 27 January 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/AR012703.html- Subject: Only The Public Can Stop The White House Warriors
29 Jan 2003As I have said repeatedly, we are the only thing in their way now, and it is up to us. We have already clearly forced them to tone down their rhetoric and change their excuses for the war. The class is severely split over it now, even the Pentagon is balking. If Bush wants a "coalition of the willing" let him ask the public.
Only The Public Can Stop The White House Warriors
by William O. Beeman, Pacifica News Service, 24 January 2003
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