Minnesota and Missouri results may be invalid
by PatriotUsaA@aol.com, 6 November 2002
Vote counting software was not certified, in violation of state law, absentee ballots opened in secret while Missouri law says public counting, absentee ballots missing instruction sheet http://pub103.ezboard.com/fsoldiervoicefrm31.showMessage?topicID=1.topic
1 in 6 turned away because Tuesday was the first general November election since precinct boundaries were changed based on population counts from the last U.S. census http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascitystar/4452336.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp
Provisional ballots counted only after ballot-by-ballot review http://www.kolr10.com/Global/story.asp?S=999627&nav=0RXJCCAs
St Louis (heavily black/Democratic) had a shortage of punch cards http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/11/05/elec02.voting.irregularities/
Despite press reports, Missouri will still be counting ballots for days.
Wellstone absentee ballots not counted; those for Coleman are counted http://pub103.ezboard.com/fsoldiervoicefrm29.showMessage?topicID=4.topic
People still in line at 8:00 PM weren't allowed to vote, contrary to state law. Undoubtedly the lines were longest in the metro (Democratic) areas http://www.upi.com/print.cfm?StoryID=20021105-094848-6048r
Minnesota's 100,000 absentee voters were required to hand-carry new post-Wellstone ballots to their precinct, if they even received them in time by mail. How many do you think actually did this? Absentee is absentee, after all. http://www.dailynorthwestern.com/vnews/display.v?TARGET=printable&article_id=3dc7ce5d3893e
Voters went to wrong precincts because of redistricting; many voters used faulty, uncountable ballots which were then hand-transcribed election judges; some ballots contained both Wellstone and Mondale http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/4454094.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp
Despite press reports, Minnesota will still be counting ballots for days
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