This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Editorial: Disagree - "pacifists" protect tyrants and incite wars
6 Apr 2003To: infonet@gamebox.net
It is not pacifism that prolongs wars or puts dictators into power in this world or the past and keeps them there until they no longer serve its purposes. It is instead fascism and global monopoly capitalism that have built both the permanent warfare state and economy and the global destablilizations that feed its profits.
Of course the diaspora created by the covert and overt manipulations of other countries to thwart their democratic aspirations want to use this juggernaut to put their own version of political control into power (though in reality it will only be the neo-liberal model of globalism run by the banks and the elite that support the gauging of the resources and labor for their own benefit).
We would have to create democracy here before it could be exported. It was the proto-fascists, revanchists, industrialist and monarchs who funded Hitler into power and kept him there on his drive to defeat the Bolsheviks until it collapsed at Stalingrad at the cost of tens of millions of lives and a Holocaust that concerned no one until after the war, and which had been patterned on the euthanasia, sterilization and genocide of American history.
Were there other holocausts by armed states calling themselves "socialists"? Indeed there were and continue to be. Most of their arms and control derived with the help or acquiesence of the global corporate state that controls America and creates these wars. If you think Bush is waging war in Afghanistan or Iraq on behalf of the people there or their "liberation" or to create "democracy" then it is you who are delusional and you who will continue to support the "war that will not end in our lifetime". War will end humanity in the 21st Century if humanity does not end it. The "appeasers" of the rise of fascism were fascists, not pacifists. Thomas Merton understood the deeper level of moral truth in his statement in 1936, "If American fights Hitler, we will become Hitler". We have.
Silenced truth: "pacifists" protect tyrants and incite wars
silenttruth.html- Subject: What purpose does protest serve now?
6 Apr 2003Well put. Hand this to the next person complaining about protests.
What purpose does protest serve now?
by James O. Goldsborough, San Diego Union Tribune, 3 April 2003
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/op-ed/goldsborough/20030403-9999_mz1e3golds.html- Subject: Who are you calling anti-American?
6 Apr 2003One veteran talks to another about supporting troops and dissent to war. One wonders if the other can hear him, I hope so. As one who worked to support troops who were AWOL, seeking discharge, fighting for their rights inside the machine, or resiting during wars, as well as those who returned home from Vietnam and the Gulf war and other military duty with addictions, rage, uncontrolled violence, suicidal impulses, stress, and the nightmares that come from war, as well as all the toxic illnesses that led them to say "I died in the war, I just didn't know it", and the fight to get them treatment, recognition and compensation, I don't want to hear from these "instant patriots" (waving a flag in their testosterone-driven support for war and revenge in the name of supposed wrongs -- many of them unwilling to go to war themselves, but glad to have others do the dirty work for them) that I do not support the troops. Honor veterans and troops by ending war.
Show The Whole Truth
by John Cory, truthout, 3 April 2003
http://truthout.org/docs_03/040503A.shtml- Subject: USAF officer: 9/11 hijackers trained at US military facilities
8 Apr 2003Unable to use the freedom of speech he is supposedly ready to die for.
Air Force Officer Disciplined for Saying Bush Allowed September 11 Attacks Hijacker Attended US military School
By Jerry Isaacs, WWWVL: Sumeria, 21 June 2002
http://www.sumeria.net/politics/bushknew/milschool.html- Subject: FOIA Post (2003): Executive Order on National Security Classification Amended
14 Apr 2003Here's what we are up against trying to use FOIA any more. It makes passage of the MLK Records Act even more important. Under the guise of "continuation" of the Clinton policy, this guts in two major regards. First, it removes a clause blocking classification of documents if there is any substantial doubt they should be, which means the new standard is classify first, ask questions later. Hardly a presumption of release for public matters. In fact, Bush has also appointed teams to go through previously declassified public documents and reclassify certain topics. That, on top of an already massive classification industry. Secondly, Bush extends the deadline on a massive release of records over 25 years old mandated by Clinton, pushing it to 2006. Secrecy is still the name of this game.
Executive Order on National Security Classification Amended
US Dept of Justice Office of Information and Privacy
http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foiapost/2003foiapost14.htm- Subject: Saddam key in early CIA plot
14 Apr 2003We put 'em up, we knock 'em down. The deal was cut long before we got to Baghdad on this one.
Exclusive: Saddam key in early CIA plot
by Richard Sale, UPI, 10 April 2003
http://www.upi.com/print.cfm?StoryID=20030410-070214-6557r- Subject: Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies
14 Apr 2003In 1998, the director of security for the Pentagon told me that they had both radar and video cameras watching the skies during a Delta Alert (their highest level of security alert), so that "they don't try to fly a plane into the building". Here they are planning an emergency response for it in 2000. Given that they knew it was coming for that long, do you suspect the head of security meant that the radar would stop it? What was the mechanism then? Why did the 2000 exercise only relate to emergeny services afterwards, not defense beforehand? Why weren't the known mechanisms like intercept fighters or surface to air missiles used to protect the building?
Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies
by Dennis Ryan, Military District of Washington News Service
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/ContPlan.html- Subject: For Those Who Care About Our Future
14 Apr 2003Tick, tock, the timeline of the past always helps us see the future.
The 9/11 Cover-up 10-Page Summary
Was 9/11 Allowed to Happen?
Summary of the 9/11 Timeline Developed by Paul Thompson
http://www.wanttoknow.info/911timeline10pg- Subject: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
14 Apr 2003A family member does our work for us before the Commission. See the testimony of others on this same panel.
Statement of Mindy Kleinberg to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 31 March 2003
First public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
http://www.9-11commission.gov/hearings/hearing1/witness_kleinberg.htm- Subject: G7 backs UN postwar Iraq role
14 Apr 2003The dust hasn't settled, but the investors are ready with loans to create yet another neo-liberal model of economic ravaging. Guess who will control the "oil trust fund" when these organizations come in?
G7 backs UN postwar Iraq role
The leading industrial countries have called for a further UN resolution and a multilateral effort to rebuild Iraq.
by Steve Schifferes, BBC News, 12 April 2003
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2943283.stm- Subject: Huck Finn Wisdom: "civilize me"
16 Apr 2003The last line of Huck Finn might be appropos for the Iraqis right now: "Aunt Polly allowed how she was going to civilize me. I've been that route before, so I lit out for the territory". Twain's words live on, as do all reliable truths about empire and freedom.
Mark Twain Speaks to Us: "I Am an Anti-Imperialist"
by Norman Solomon, CommonDreams.org, 15 April 2003
http://www.ratica.org/ratville/CAH/MTiamAI.html- Subject: Hundreds of of U.S. Soldiers Emerge as Conscientious Objectors
16 Apr 2003The real numbers are doubtless much higher, but this is a significant story and some figures for comparison in other wars. Of course, those lasted longer and the Gulf War cleaned out many objectors, one way or the other.
Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers Emerge as Conscientious Objectors
by Gabriel Packard, Inter Press Service, 15 April 2003
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0415-11.htm- Subject: Authentic D.O.D. Replica Cards
16 Apr 2003Will we get anything but the jokers?
The World's Most Wanted Deck of Playing Cards!
deck of playing cards issued to each U.S. soldier by Dept. of Defense
http://www.iraq55cards.com/?code=dod11grt0416&transid=&publisher=- Subject: Follow That Story: The Forged Nuke Documents
18 Apr 2003One lie leads to another.
Follow That Story: The Forged Nuke Documents
Who bamboozled the United States?
by Jack Shafer, slate, 14 March 2003
http://slate.msn.com/id/2080166/- Subject: Countering a Wave of Hate
22 Apr 2003He takes the heat and keeps on coming.
Countering a Wave of Hate
by Tim Robbins, speaking at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C., 15 April 2003
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