This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: War, Inc.
6 May 2002War, what's it good for? Profits!
War, Inc.
by Mike Ferner, Wild Matters, 15 Apr 2002
http://www.foodandwater.org/printable.php?c=oldstory&PHPSESSID=b9d1e38108dc5c42e42701af87b6487f- Subject: Re: Support Cynthia McKinney's Call for Investigating 9-11
6 May 2002The following is JJ's response to a person who had been on his e-mail list and was asking to be taken off because of John's call to Support Cynthia McKinney's Call for Investigating 9-11 with the statement, "Supporting research into the JFK assassination is one thing, but supporting Rep. McKinney's irresponsible and groundless insinuation that the Bush administration had prior knowledge of 9/11 is another thing entirely."
As you wish, but the facts need to be brought to light by a full investigation. Without them who knows what is groundless or not? History has now shown that Roosevelt had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor. Colin Powell was announcing the war in Afghanistan planned for mid-October to leaders in surrounding countries last July. Here in DC, where I live, we had at least 40 minutes prior knowledge and the military stood down while the plane came into the most restricted air space in the country and hit the Pentagon.
McKinney's query about Bush's family and associated profiting from the war is being answered this week in the Bay Guardian in an investigative article about companies linked to Cheney that are already profiting from the war, including Brown and Root/Haliburton. That was the company that put LBJ into political office and made $4 billion off the Vietnam war alone.
If you are able to realize that covert operations killed the President of the United States, why do you find it so unthinkable that they might let citizens be killed as well for a political purpose? I called for support for an investigation, not for her speculations. Even without those, there is still a need for full investigation into a crime solved by secret and reportedly insufficient evidence. I've seen enough of that in my work on assassinations not to have questions.
- Subject: Lecture:USA Bio/warfare/terrorism/weapons
6 May 2002Boyle gives us chapter and verse on the anthrax developments.
Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons
by Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law, 18 Apr 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/biowar101.html- Subject: GI Resistance Urged
6 May 2002There are over 1,000 Israeli resisters in the military there so far, so our troops need to take note.
Advice from a Gulf War Vet:
A Message to Troops, Would Be Troops and Youth
by Jeff Patterson, Counterpunch, 19 Apr 2002
http://www.counterpunch.org/paterson0419.html- Subject: support House Congressional Resolution 368
6 May 2002A draft doesn't make wars more fair, just more likely. Please support this sense of Congress resolution.
House Congressional Resolution 368
The Universal Training and Service Act
introduced in December 2001
UTSA.html- Subject: Microsoft and war!
6 May 2002This computes.
Microsoft and war!
by LP, 28 Apr 2002
MWsuptsWar.html- Subject: Israel's rebel reservists break their silence
6 May 2002When the troops speak, you'd better listen.
Israel's rebel reservists break their silence
by Harvey Morris, Financial Times, 26 Apr 2002
http://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT3XB959I0D&live=true&tagid=ZZZINS5VA0C&subheading=middle%20east%20and%20africa- Subject: Mohammed Atta's email list
6 May 2002One more Contragate link?
Mohammed Atta Kept Terrorist `E-List'
Together on `America's Barbary Coast': Atta, Marwan, and `the boys'
by Daniel Hopsicker, Mad Cow Morning News, 24 Apr 2002
http://www.madcowprod.com/index25a.html- Subject: Dutch Report: US Sponsored Foreign Islamists In Bosnia
6 May 2002How we used them.
Dutch Report: US Sponsored Foreign Islamists In Bosnia
by Richard J Aldrich (The Guardian), comments by Jared Israel (Emperor's Clothes), 22 Apr 2002
http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/used.htm- Subject: Joint Chiefs [1962] willing to kill americans in bizarre plot/new book
6 May 2002This ought to be required reading in school. Hadn't seen the text from Bamford before this, but it's fascinating, especially the Seven Days in May reference.
Joint Chiefs [1962] Willing to Kill Americans in Bizarre Plot/New Book
by DM, Apr 2002
BodyOSecrets.html- Subject: Inquiry of Intelligence Failures Hits Obstacles
6 May 2002Blocking investigations, an old pattern. I just today heard from a reliable source that pilots of F-16 scramblers out of Otis AFB were in the air following the second plane crash to the towers, knew of the third plane coming towards DC, targeted the plane and prepared to intercept, which they had plenty of time to do, and were given no-shoot, stand down orders.
Inquiry of Intelligence Failures Hits Obstacles
by Greg Miller, Lost Angeles Times, 4 May 2002
http://www.intellnet.org/news/2002/05/04/9205-1.html- Subject: US efforts to make peace summed up by 'oil'
6 May 2002And bin Laden works for exactly whom????
US efforts to make peace summed up by 'oil'
A new book alleges years of attempts to arrest Osama bin Laden being blocked by the US
by Lara Marlowe, The Irish Times, 19 Nov 2001
http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/world/2001/1119/wor8.htm- Subject: Overview: The Deep Politics of Drugs and Oil
6 May 2002Here's the starting outline of Peter Dale Scott's deeper analysis of 9-11, a context that involves BCCI (and I would add Contragate operatives). This is just one of many important new resources on his overall site concerning 9-11. Visit the home page for more.
Afghanistan, Colombia, Vietnam: The Deep Politics Of Drugs And Oil
Part One: Overview
by Peter Dale Scott
http://www.peterdalescott.net/qov.html- Subject: FBI had warning on flight schools
7 May 2002More FBI fumbling, or coverup?
FBI had warning on flight schools
by John Solomon, Associated Press, 4 May 2002
http://www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/3195810.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp- Subject: The Defanged Tiger
9 May 2002Disinformation? Factions?
Killing the Defanged Tiger, Part One
Scott Ritter interview by Lorna Tychostup, Chronogram.com, Apr 2002
http://www.chronogram.com/2001/2002/04%20april/room1.htm- Subject: CIA Stonewalling on 9/11
13 May 2002The CIA's MO: don't tell what they know.
Senate Intelligence Chief Says Justice, CIA Not Being Fully Cooperative With Sept. 11 Inquiry
by John J. Lumpkin, Associated Press, 8 May 2002
http://info.tbo.com/printversion.cgi?url=http%3A//ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGA2TM2WZ0D.html&oaspagename=printthispage- Subject: `Metal Storm' weapons may replace Crusader
13 May 2002It only gets better.
'Metal Storm' weapons may replace Crusader
by Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI, 12 May 2002
http://www.upi.com/print.cfm?StoryID=12052002-105108-1155r- Subject: 9-11 Talk in Seattle - Videotapes
13 May 2002Friends, Those interested in getting a videotape of my recent talk in Seattle on "9-11 and the Aftermath", which summarizes much of my current thinking and research since the event, it can be ordered directly from:
Mike McCormick
1414 NE 70th
Seattle, WA 98115Each tape is $20 plus $2.50 s/h.
The talk covers pre-planning for the war, prior knowledge of the attack, bin Laden/Bush/CIA links, alternative suspects, military stand-down in DC on that day, the anthrax trail back to Fr. Dietrick, the Patriot Act and aftermath, the coming war, and the broader political context of what is being done in our names. Mike will actually pay me royalties, too.
- Subject: "Made in the USA" - No surprise to you
17 May 2002If it says "Made in USA", it's Al Quaeda. You have to laugh so as not to cry. Largest explosion since WWII? Do they mean Port Chicago maybe? Destroying weapons is always a good idea, then you have to buy them again when the next people come to power. That's how capitalism works.
Weapons cache 'was al-Qaeda's'
BBC News Online: World: South Asia, 14 May 2002
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/world/south_asia/1986798.stm- Subject: U.S. picks up `chatter' suggesting new attack - May 18, 2002
19 May 2002It's chatter they say, just like the "noise" that preceded 9-11. It's so similar that Cheny says another terror attack on the US is certain. They couldn't know then they say, they can't know now what, where or when. Would you call this an "intelligence failure"?
U.S. picks up 'chatter' suggesting new attack
by Kelly Wallace, Kelli Arena, and David Ensor, CNN, 18 May 2002
http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/05/18/alqaeda.chatter/- Subject: Cheney: Future attack on U.S. `almost certain' / Asking the Wrong Question
19 May 2002Backed into a corner, they threaten us with "intelligence" of an attack that is so vague that it doesn't justify a public warning, but so certain that it is only a matter of time. Investigations must not interfere with the war, they say. The point is, they are answering the wrong question. They began by denying that it was possible to have predicted or imagined such an attack on the United States. This ignores the following: . . . .
Cheney: Future attack on U.S. 'almost certain'
CNN, 19 May 2002
http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/05/19/cheney.terrorism/index.html- Subject: Rice opposes public panel to investigate 9/11
19 May 2002They want to contain it to the House and Senate intelligence committees which they control. Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla), chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a longtime secrecy advocate and intelligence hack, was actually promoted to run by Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla), chair Senate Intelligence Committee. Two boys from the state that brought us the current unelected President in the first place. The heads of these committees are traditionally awarded medals by the CIA for their "services".
Past committees (Church, Pike) at all critical of the intelligence agencies are now fingered for the failures of 9-11 for supposedly taking away their ability to function. But intelligence gathering was never challenged or defunded, only intelligence activities, which were often illegal, unconstitutional and ill-advised. Rice, ever a complete toady for the system, down to brushing off Bush's coat lint in one picture, says that this is not like the JFK assassination, but is "ongoing". Maybe she missed the rest of the 60s?Rice opposes public panel to probe 9/11
CNN, 20 May 2002
http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/05/19/911probe.rice/index.html- Subject: Pentagon - Eyewitness accounts : Boeing 757 or military craft? - L'Asile utopique
19 May 2002Here is an outline, with photos, of the French book's thesis about the attack on the Pentagon. I do not think this is at all credible, but the most interesting quotes are from the air traffic controllers who see a plane maneuvering like a military craft at high speeds, thought improbable for a huge commercial airliner. This part fits my contention and that of pilots I have spoken to, that this was not the sort of flying you could learn from a simulator, it required a very experienced military or civilian airline pilot familiar with this plane. It also identifies P-56, the restricted air space over DC, which has been restricted since the 1950s at least.
Even if a "missile" of some sort was also used in this attack, perhaps to break the reinforcements, none of this explains what became of American Flight 77. There have been autopsies performed on the crew, the radars tracked the plane into DC and on to the Pentagon for the better part of an hour, and the number of people involved in such a coverup would even boggle my mind. In any case, thought you'd like to see this.
EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS: Boeing 757 or military craft?
L'Asile utopique
http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero14/missile/temoins_en.htm- Subject: Bush Administration Explanations for Pre-9-11 Warnings Fail the Smell Test
19 May 2002Lots of important items and links on this one. Read all the way to the end to see them. A good summary at the top of the prior warnings from other intelligence agencies to the US. There is a crack in the wall, which always means to me that the class consensus is breaking down and one faction is spilling goods on another. These are the only times we get to see inside the window, so stare hard and look closely.
Tomorrow: Ruppert on Geraldo!! Take Action: Bush Administration Explanations for Pre-9-11 Warnings Fail the Smell Test
Democratic Means
priorWarns.html- Subject: Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?
19 May 2002Here is one more BCCI link to bin Laden and Bush. Remember that BCCI was the financial underpinning of Contragate and involves Casey, who ran both that operation and the Afghanistan resistance against the USSR. This is the path that I think holds the most promise to understanding 9-11.
Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?
by James Hatfield, Online Journal, 3 July 2001
http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/Hatfield-R-091901/hatfield-r-091901.html- Subject: Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/11
19 May 2002Questions and answers. The Right answers the wrong questions. A crack in the consensus. Opportunity knocks
Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/11
by Carol Brouillet, 8 Jan 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/911inquiry.html- Subject: The War that Destroyed America
19 May 2002"Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism and militarism," said Martin Luther King, Jr. It seems we owe that to those who expect to return to a vibrant democracy.
The War that Destroyed America
by John Stanton and Wayne Madsen, Cryptome, 17 Mar 2002
http://cryptome.org/usa-destroyed.htm- Subject: CIA report in 1999 accurately foretold al-Qaida attack
20 May 2002Why tell Bush?
What did Bush know, and when did he forget it?Al-Qaida attack foretold in '99
White House says president likely unaware of CIA report
by Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle, 18 May 2002
AlQaidain99.html- Subject: 9-11 Action! New 9-11 Book tears apart the official story
25 May 2002Haven't read it yet, author looks legit, and Cynthia McKinney's questions, which I helped to formulate I think, are right on target if this answers them well.
9-11 Action! New 9-11 Book tears apart the official story
by Find Truth, 25 May 2002
WarOnFreedom.html- Subject: From the Editor - Unocal & Afghanistan
26 May 2002The industry gets the picture. If Tom Brokaw is right in reporting this week that the war plan for Afghanistan was handed to Bush on September 9 last year, and Times of India reported last July that Colin Powell was informing Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan and other surrounding countries that the US would intervene militarily in Afghanistan against the Taliban in mid-October, does that mean Bush is out of the loop, like Reagan? I think so. After all, would you risk telling him in advance?
From the Editor - Unocal & Afghanistan
Oil and Gas International, 29 Oct 2001
http://www.oilandgasinternational.com/departments/from_editor/10_29_01.html- Subject: Pakistan-India conflict funded by same faces that brought war on terrorism
30 May 2002Like Maj Gen Smedley Butler said long ago, War is a Racket!
The Pakistan-India conflict is being funded and fomented
by the same faces that brought war on terrorism
by Paul Joseph Watson, Propaganda Matrix.com
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