This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: India & Pakistan: A road map to peace
1 Jun 2002As I feared from the start, Bush has precipitated destablizing conditions world-wide by this warfare. The global balance is much too interlinked and the world too small to be able to contain the effects of any kind of conflict, much less nuclear. Bush is leading us into world war. Israel/Palestine, India/Pakistan, Iraq/USA, this is only the start.
"There must be some way out of here" wrote Dylan. There is, a road away from hell. Here's a map to one alternate route. Like Gandhi said, "I know a way out". Of course it takes intelligence, trust, and lots of courage, and actual involvement. For too many Americans their only two responses are "doing nothing" or "war", which for most also means "doing nothing" while they are also "saying nothing". Those who have considered peace know how much of a "something" has to be done and what it will take. It's down to us now, the Americans. What will it be?
A road map to peace
Opinion by L. Ramdas and Arjun Makhijani, The Hindu, 31 May 2002
http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2002/05/31/stories/2002053102501100.htm- Subject: 2 FBI Agents Charged With Taking Part in Stock Fraud
1 Jun 2002Damn!
2 FBI Agents Charged With Taking Part in Stock Fraud
by David Hilzenrath, Washington Post, 23 May 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A60476-2002May22?language=printer- Subject: more Carlyle Group secretivity
3 Jun 2002From today's Sunday Business Post in Ireland
Secretive Carlyle plans 3bn acquisitions spend
by Tina-Marie O'Neill, Business Post, 2 Jun 2002
CarlyleScrts.html- Subject: Ground Zero News
3 Jun 2002Yet another information site on 9-11 background.
Ground Zero News
http://www.lebensaspekte.de/groundzero/gz_news.html- Subject: Ground Zero (pres. by ourDNA.org) Messages
3 Jun 2002A sample of recent items
Ground Zero (pres. by ourDNA.org) Messages
Attacks, Disorder, 911 - 911: Investigation continues...
http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=ground_zero2001&msg=4.85- Subject: The Nation Lost in the Corn
4 Jun 2002Good for you David. Unfortunately Corn and the rest of the writing stable at the Nation, like most "left intelligentia", know which side their bread is buttered on and make a point of eschewing anything that even looks like a "conspiracy theory" to protect their bourgeois credentials and "credibility" with the establishment they so long to be part of. Their record on the JFK and other assassinations is abysmal, and always has been.
The editor, Kristina van den Heuvel is of a like mind, despite the best efforts of critics to show her the truth. Corn is a kept bulldog on just these issues, and has attacked me in print, as does Max Holland, another reactionary.
You are right that they cannot know, and had they any real history under their belt (like Operation Northwoods for instance), they would at least maintain a healthy skepticism. Pearl Harbor's real history is now known, and no less of a perfidy, so what makes Bush baby and the CIA/DIA/FBI so holy this time around? All of them knew the scenario by 9:05 am, without any possibility of denial, and Bush/Cheney even gave a shoot down order on the two remaining planes moments after.
I sat here in DC and listened to warnings that the plane was coming here, saw the buildings being evacuated, including the Pentagon, and then watched Flight 77 enter the most restricted air space in the world 40 minutes after Tower Two was hit, and fly unchallenged by intercept jet or surface-to-air missile, into the heart of our so-called Defense Department, which apparently cannot even defend itself.
That stand down alone is enough said, though there are many indicators of advance knowledge or its potential by some sectors. When did Bush know and when did he forget it? Who cares. I am sure he would be the last to know. What they also had long advance knowledge of was their war into Afghanistan, made public to surrounding countries in July by Colin Powell. War did they know and when did they grow it? That's the right question. Even if "nobuddy knew nuttin" ahead of time, they sure made the most of it when it arrived.
The Corn Crusade
David Corn struggles against "conspiracy theories"
by David Cogswell, 2 June 2002
http://www.davidcogswell.com/Political/CornCrusade.html- Subject: Air Force Officer Slams George W. Bush in Letter
5 Jun 2002When the soldiers start talking back democracy has a chance to renew itself.
Presidio officer relieved of his duties after letter about attacks
by Kevin Howe, The Herald, Monterey County, 4 Jun 2002
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mcherald/3396664.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp- Subject: Daschle letter and press release June 4, 2002 - Anthrax
5 Jun 2002Not sure how this links anthrax attacks to 9-11, and I don't think they are connected, at least not to bin Laden. Horowitz mixes information and garbage in much of what he does because of his right wing tilt. He'd sooner blame a contractor than the Pentagon.
Science Expert Urges Senate Investigators to Consider
Overlooked Intelligence in Anthrax Mailings Along With 9-11 Attacks
by Elaine Zacky/Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron, LLC, 4 June 2002
http://www.tetrahedron.org/news/NR020604.html- Subject: Two important local (D.C.) events
7 Jun 2002"And We Are All Mortal"
Annual Commemorative to Remember JFK's 6/10/63 SpeechMonday, June 10
12:00 Noon
JFK Memorial Plaque, American University Campus,
Nebraska and Massachusetts, NWThe Coalition on Political Assassinations, a national network of researchers into the murders of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and others, will hold their annual commemorative reading of JFK's speech against the Cold War and nuclear arms race given months before his murder at American University. Event is free and open to the public. Lobbying will follow on Tuesday, June 11 to support full release of remaining JFK files, and new legislation to release all files on the surveillance and murder of Dr. King and the FBI COINTELPRO program aimed at domestic dissent.
9-11 and the Public Safety:
Seeking Answers and AccountabilityMonday, June 10
2:00 - 5:00 pm
National Press Club, Hollman Lounge,13th & F Sts., NWA national press conference and formal web site launch for www.unansweredquestions.org. The goal of this unprecedented press event and public inquiry is to pose pointed, as yet unanswered, questions regarding the failure of our national security infrastructure, and the response that has sacrificed civil liberties and rewarded failure as opposed to ensuring performance and guaranteeing freedom, now and in the future.
The site is being launched by an independent, non-partisan network of citizens concerned about the growing number of issues surrounding September 11th that have yet to be addressed or resolved; and their related public safety and Constitutional implications.
Invited panelists will offer statements, present well-documented research, and ask incisive questions relative to these issues while addressing how citizens can act now to ensure accountability from those in government directly responsible for public safety and upholding the Constitution.
Organizers maintain that it is the role of informed active citizens to insist upon standards of performance from our public officials in regard to the events surrounding 9-11 and ongoing threats. Organizers are calling for a complete and public investigation of the failures of government agencies (FBI, CIA, INS, FAA) uncovered recently. This, they insist, requires a fuller disclosure of the circumstances surrounding each case in order to effectively address documented misappropriation (or lack of appropriation), incompetence, negligence and possible corruption. Doing so will ultimately foster an intelligence and national security apparatus that is effectively committed to the public safety and a government worthy of trust and fully accountable to the American people.
Confirmed participants include: Mary Schiavo, Esq., lawyer for 32 passengers' families from all 9/11 hijacked planes, former Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation ('90-'96) and author of Flying Safe, Flying Blind. Lorna Brett, Director of Media Relations, Nolan Law Group, representing 9/11 families on United Airlines hijacked planes. Ryan Amundson, whose brother Craig was killed at the Pentagon; founder of Peaceful Tomorrows. Tom Flocco, independent investigative journalist who has researched and written extensively about insider trading in the trading days immediately preceding September 11th. Jared Israel, Investigative Journalist and author of forthcoming book on 9-11. Peter Erlander, Professor of Constitutional Law, William Mitchell University and past President of the National Lawyers Guild. J. Michael Springmann, a veteran of 20 years of foreign service, who worked at the Saudi Embassy during a two year period when visas were issued to suspected Saudi hijackers. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), the foremost House proponent of U.S. border security. Organizers are calling for other whistleblowers ready to speak to join the event.
- Subject: NSA joins offices blamed in Sept. 11
7 Jun 2002See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Could it be a problem of mirror reflections?
NSA joins offices blamed in Sept. 11
Agency didn't share data from pre-attack calls it intercepted, officials say
Knight Ridder/tribune, 7 Jun 2002
NSAblamed2.html- Subject: Surprise! NSA involved in 9-11 bungling
7 Jun 2002JJ responds below to Carl in the following:
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 18:27:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carl
To: Max
Subject: Re: Surprise! NSA involved in 9-11 bunglingDear Max,
Max wrote:
These "revelations" are a subterfuge and do us further disservice... They end up calling for biger inteligence, police and military.. More cooperation between police and spying agencies, and more domestic spying.
And divert us from the fact that the Power structure was 'complicit' with the 9-11 events.. to declare genocidal warfare on the poor.. to stifle revolt against a future which is increasingly seen by many sectors (worlds poor, first world youth), as not survivable.
I feel our only response is to call 9-11 what it was, a `reichstag fire' Anything short of that is complicit with the system, and will be used against us.
- CarlYou have that right, this is a slippery slope. Scapegoat the intelligence agencies and then leave them blameless because of the Church Committee's tying their hands. I frame the questions this way:
- What did Bush know and when did he forget it?
- War did they know, and when did they grow it?
The simple answer that still leaves them totally defenseless is that Bush clearly knew in advance that planes were being used by terrorists to hit buildings when the rest of us knew, by 9:05 am, and then, despite a "shoot down" order given by Bush and Cheney, nothing was done to intercept the plane headed for DC for forty mintues but to evacuate the Capitol, White House and Pentagon, much less to shoot it down on arrival into the most restricted air space in the country.
There's plenty more to tell us that they could and should have known in advance about the timing and method of attack. There's even more to show that bin Laden does not operate separately from the US intelligence apparatus, and never did.
The other issue is that we knew and told other countries about our plan to invade Afghanistan well in advance of 9-11, which means it was not a "response" to the attack. Tom Brokaw said that the Afghani war plan arrived on Bush's desk on September 9th. Powell was telling leaders in other countries about it in July. Does that tell you the "shadow government" is calling the shots and Bush is among the last to know?
There is also evidence of advance warnings about the event to public officials (and no, I don't mean to all the Jewish people working in the Trade Towers, which is ridiculous), and evidence to show that not one part of the attack was a "surprise" in any way.
This was stand-down, not incompetence or failure. The consolidation of function being proposed now under Ridge and the OHS, and the re-creation of a Domestic Operations Division at the FBI are the emerging foundation on which fascism will build. Here's some important local events, although Unanswered Questions is in danger of falling into the same trap as others.
- Subject: Fwd: Surprise! NSA involved in 9-11 bungling
7 Jun 2002The following was forwarded on to clarify the mail between Carl and Max included above:
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 20:37:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carl
To: Max
Cc: John Judge
Subject: RE: Surprise! NSA involved in 9-11 bunglingMax,
BTW, thanks for the good posts I get from you, and thanks for your quick reply.
Let me start of at the most local level of what I was trying to say.
In order for the events of 911 to occur, there had to have been, and was, a 'stand down.' That is the normal and well established procedures for the FTAA and the military, with regards to planes off course and not responding to traffic controllers, were not followed on that day. This could only have been on orders from the highest levels. From this follows the unescapeable conclusion that the events of 911 were a domestic 'reichstag fire.' Remember that Hitler was not elected but appointed to head up the German government, and that one of the nazi's 1st acts was to burn their own parliament and blame it on the communists. Following this came the imposition of the police state.
The rest is detail. what role right wing fanatics overseas, who were after all a virtual creation of the US intelligence apparatus in service of geo-political goals, played is a detail.
The fairy tale of Bin Laden, and his break with his CIA bosses, has been sufficiently discredited. For many years we have seen the covert agencies in the US and Isreal funding and arming right-wing Muslim fundemenalists, while simultaneously demonizing the in the press.
This is the bare fact. The reasons why 911 was so important for the US corporate/government and isreali interests to engineer is pretty easy to see. note also, who are the benefactors of these acts.
I am sorry I was not clearer in my previous post. I hope I am in this one. As difficult as it is to raise this perspective, Unless we do, we will not be able to alter our nightmare course into the future.
Max wrote:Carl,
Always interesting to read your perspective. In this case, though, I am not exactly sure what your take is. I assume you believe the CIA, FBI & NSA fell down completely, one reason being they were wasting time investigating dissenters, anti-corporate and environmental activists, et al.
But I do not know what you mean by "Power structure was 'complicit' with the 9-11 events." As Greg Palast said on Amy Goodman's show this morning, Bush is still trying to cover up Saudi Arabia's role in funding Muslim fundamentalists, the Bush family's connections with the bin Laden family and the fact that members of Osama's family were airlifted out of the US on September 11.
And I assure you there are other revelations that will be coming out. I am writing something about this, which I hope to send out on Saturday. Best wishes.
- Carl
- Subject: Intelligence Online
7 Jun 2002A good source of intelligence news from France. I'm trying to barter a subscription in exchange for adding them to the 9-11 research list.
Intelligence Online
Association for the Right to Information
http://www.blythe.org/Intelligence/- Subject: Index of /Intelligence/readme
7 Jun 2002Large archive of information from Intelligence news source in France, back issues and items.
Index of /Intelligence/readme
http://www.blythe.org/Intelligence/readme/- Subject: Bin Funding
7 Jun 2002Loftus has put his finger on something here. If Oliver North was looking for terrorists, though, he probably wanted to hire them. Remember the BCCI, the Casey-linked funding source for Contragate and other operations, was primarily a Saudi creation. There are many BCCI-linked people in the current scenario.
Bin Funding
by John Loftus, Philadelphia citypaper.net, June 6-12, 2002
http://citypaper.net/articles/2002-06-06/slant.shtml- Subject: White House Faces Disclosure Suit
8 Jun 2002What didn't they know, and when will they admit it? The "next generation" anthrax proposed by Rumsfeld was announced by the DIA on September 9. The archive at Ames was destroyed before the investigation began. The DNA and chemical signature of the anthrax leads straight to Ft. Deitrick. The targets were the only major opponents to Bush's domestic agenda and to the Patriot Act.
White House Faces Disclosure Suit
Group Says Government Had Braced for Anthrax Attacks
Associated Press, Washington Post Company, 8 June 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A15269-2002Jun7?language=printer- Subject: Freedom From Terror - Government By Anthrax implies conspiracy
9 Jun 2002Several items from Dick Ochs, an activist in Baltimore. Includes a good timeline, I helped him with that part of the article. The investigation stops at the gate of Ft. Deitrich. The lone nut suspect allows a search and nothing is found. Will someone please state the obvious?
Freedom From Terror - Government By Anthrax implies conspiracy
by Richard J. Ochs, revised 9 June 2002
www.freefromterror.net- Subject: Summation of Key info re. Air Defense issue
18 Jun 2002There were indeed planes sent from Otis AFB which reached NYC after Tower Two was hit. The pilots then turned and targeted Flight 77 headed for DC, with lots of time to intercept. These planes were ordered back to base. The General says he did not know Flight 77 was headed to DC, but somehow local Channel 8 News knew and announced it well in advance, and the Pentagon was being evacuated when it arrived. Good summary of the timing and facts.
Summation of Key info re. Air Defense issue
by malcontent x
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/mxADsum.html- Subject: Mondo Washington: Court Jousters
19 Jun 2002In case you were wondering "Who's writing this stuff?" now you know, the little servants of the fascist state
Court Jousters
A Small Cartel of Conservative Lawyers Rewrites the American Rule
by James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 19 June 2002
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0225/ridgeway.php- Subject: Knowing Much, Bush Did Little to Protect America
19 Jun 2002They didn't know nuttin.
Knowing Much, Bush Did Little to Protect America
by James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 16 May 2002
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0221/ridgeway3.php- Subject: U.S. Ignored Warnings From French
19 Jun 2002Whether intentional stonewalling, or incompetance directs the activities of agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a fundamental question remains: They have spent $13 trillion tax dollars since the end of WWII on this military/intelligence complex, and it cannot protect its own headquarters?
U.S. Ignored Warnings From French
by James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 28 May 2002
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