This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Blair's Britain Wants A Return To `Age Of Empire'
1 Apr 2002The sun never sets on the real Axis of Evil, Pax Americana.
Blair Adviser Wants Return To `Age Of Empire'
by Rashmee Z. Ahmed, Times of India, 28 Mar 2002
with comments by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothers
http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/cooper.htm- Subject: Carlyle's Way
1 Apr 2002"A mere coincidence". Carlyle's cast of characters.
Carlyle's Way
Making a mint inside "the iron triangle" of defense, government and industry
by Dan Briody, Red Herring, 11 Dec 2001
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/CarlylesWay.html- Subject: Pearl and Swine
1 Apr 2002Was this the murder of a counter-spy about to blow the lid? I am sure this is closer to the real story. What would that mean about who really controls the "terrorists"?
Pearl was probing spy agencies' role
by Abdullah Iqbal, Gulf News Online Edition, 25 Mar 2002
http://www.gulfnews.com/Articles/print.asp?ArticleID=45233- Subject: 12 Bin Ladens flown out of US right after 911
1 Apr 2002An audio treat. Hitchens at the Commonwealth Club reveals, among other things, that 12 members of bin Laden's family were flown out of the US right after the September 11 event.
America, Afghanistan & The Contrarian
Christopher Hitchens speaking at the Commonwealth Club of California, 17 Dec 2001
http://www.commonwealthclub.org/archive/01/01-12hitchens-intro.html- Subject: Turkey, US, Iraq, War
1 Apr 2002The new staging grounds go beyond Turkey into the old USSR satellite countries. Somebody has to control all that oil! Don't ever wonder what war is for.
The US twists arms in the Middle East
by Dan Plesh, New Statesman, 1 Apr 2002
http://www.newstatesman.co.uk/site.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200204010014- Subject: Brits Ready to Go to Iraq
1 Apr 2002War, war, and more war.
Army chief puts commanders on alert to attack Iraq
by Sean Rayment and Francis Elliott, Telegraph.co.uk, 31 Mar 2002
http://www.wanska.com/tnn/2002/03311.html- Subject: Re: Where were you on that fateful day?
1 Apr 2002Art,
My dear friend and fellow researcher. Also a flight attendant (that's what they are called nowadays in the post-sexist era), "survived" the crash because she was not on the plane that day, though she regularly flew that route. Those aboard the plane died and their bodies were recovered in part. Forensics revealed which were cut in some cases and how they died.
There are no serious questions asked below if you know any real details. I believe there was too much damage to the black box to recover tapes, or at least so they claimed. But there were recorded cell phone calls on the plane, including the wife of one of Bush's top Justice Department appointees, Ted Olsen. Barbara Olsen was asking him what to tell the pilot to do. I have to wonder if he liked her.
`He [Thierry Meyssan] also asks why the facade of the Pentagon did not immediately collapse from the shock of the impact, and questions the fate of the plane's passengers. "What became of the passengers of American Airlines flight 77? Are they dead?"'
The facade of the Pentagon was one that had been under construction for almost three years, strengthening it for just such an attack, so it was fortified. The plane also damaged a section that was not, and it is quite visible which was which. The flight certainly did exist and the passengers and crew died. More people died in the plane and in the construction crew outside than died inside the building. Only about 18 Pentagon employees died if I recall correctly.
The plane went out of its way to hit the empty side as well. The early footage here clearly showed the plane's fuselage on local TV and interviewed eyewitnesses that saw and heard it fly into the building, knocking off lampposts as it went.
So, let's not waste our time on phony conspiracies that are too wild to credit, and stick to the facts which easily and clearly raise more important questions. The stand down that day and the historical connection of US CIA to the bin Laden/Pakistani ISI network, and the clearly suspicious anthrax attacks on Bush opponents in the media and Congress that originated from Ft. Dietrich and a covert operation by the DIA and Pentagon to develop a more lethal form of anthrax weapon.
Mail from Art Rosenblum:
- US invented air attack on Pentagon, claims French book
by Jon Henley, The Guardian, 1 Apr 2002
ARfateday.html- Where were you on that fateful day?
by Art Rosenblum, 3 Apr 2002
ARfateday2.html- Subject: Trilateral meeting to discuss terrorism
6 Apr 2002What don't they know from terrorism?
Trilateral meeting to discuss terrorism
by Ellen Sorokin, Washington Times, 6 Apr 2002
http://asp.washtimes.com/printarticle.asp?action=print&ArticleID=20020406-79741000- Subject: US rejects UN role in Palestine
8 Apr 2002The US disdain for UN involvement in the current crisis is spelled out here in clear tones. No one is allowed to take the side of the Palestinians. Meanwhile, 1,000 Israeli troops have decided to resist taking part in the slaughter, and hundreds of international aid and human rights workers are serving as human shields in Ramalla. What we have been seeing since October, in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, the Middle East and elsewhere is what a world war looks like. We won't have anyone else to blame if we don't stop this madness being done in our names.
U.S. Rejects Proposal, Report From UN's Robinson
by Gustavo Capdevila, IPS, 3 Apr 2002
http://athena.tbwt.com/content/article.asp?articleid=374- Subject: BBC television - New damning evidence of Bush/CIA 9-11 complicity
8 Apr 2002Interesting compilation of cracks in the media wall on the 9-11 questions. This email is worth it just for the printed addresses at the end, amazing compilation of opinion-makers.
BBC television - New damning evidence of Bush/CIA 9-11 complicity
MediaCracks.html- Subject: Ashcroft Sings
10 Apr 2002Well, if you aren't scared yet, this ought to do it.
Ashcroft sings
U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft ended a speech at a Charlotte, North Carolina seminary with a rousing rendition of a song he wrote called 'Let The Eagles Soar' (February 25)
http://www.cnn.com/video/us/2002/02/25/ashcroft.sings.wbtv.med.html- Subject: Israeli CO Arrested
13 Apr 2002This was last October. There are now over 1,000 resisters in Israel and growing numbers daily in response to the current abuses.
Another Conscientious Objector Arrested
by Yair Halper, 17 Oct 2001
YairHalper.html- Subject: War objectors here at home
13 Apr 2002We have our own objectors, too. The military does downplay the combat role during recruitment, despite what they say. Recruitment has fallen off recently once the new war began, people think twice. And even those who think they are ready to fight often find that they cannot once faced with the reality or the battlefield. The military calls it "crystallization" of objection. This is a culture of denial, anyway, so we should not be surprised at conversion at the point of contact. The warmongers like to call it cowardice, but standing up for what we believe and facing it takes courage. Maybe we need to get the stories and voices of more objectors into the high schools to show that people can make such choices.
Pacifists are filing for CO status in growing numbers
by Jen Cooper, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, Ocotber 23, 2001
PFCOS.html- Subject: Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
13 Apr 2002This courageous Black Congresswoman has asked the right questions about September 11. If you recall, she was also working to free the M L King and COINTELPRO files with the Congressional Black Caucus and COPA prior to the attack. Please give her whatever support you can and push Congress to open honest hearings.
Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
by Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 12 Apr 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A34565-2002Apr11?language=printer- Subject: Senator Zell Miller attacks McKinney
13 Apr 2002I sent this goon a reply:
I want to comment on your biased personal attack on Congresswoman McKinney's recent statement raising questions about advance knowledge of the September 11 attacks, and who profits from them.
You may consider it a "loony" statement, but the press did reveal numerous advance warnings given to US intelligence agencies from other countries. Some were specific to the timing and even the method of attack. These have raised questions about the efficacy of our intelligence and defense apparatus. So did the lack of military response to the plane that was known to be heading to Washington, DC for nearly 40 minutes before it slammed into the Pentagon.
Representative McKinney has every right to raise these questions and to ask for a full Congressional investigation into the events of that day and the role of key figures in the Bush administration, many of whom have direct ties to corporations who will make tremendous profits from the current military and intelligence/security buildup.
It may have seemed "loony" to ask whether Roosevelt knew Japan's 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor was coming, but exhaustive historical research since indicates that he did.
It may seem "loony" to suggest that anyone who was behind the September 11 attack had ties to US military or intelligence agencies or funding, but the main suspect, Osama bin Laden and his organization did, and the relationship and funding remained intact until at least September 11 via Pakistani ISI intelligence.
It may seem "loony" to imagine that anyone in our military would consider taking innocent American lives for a covert purpose to promote warfare against an perceived enemy, but documents released concerning Lyman Lemnitzer's Operation Northwoods in 1961 show that just such terror plans, including hijacking and crashing airplanes with US citizens aboard, were contemplated in order to blame Castro and get public support for war with Cuba.
I personally have never seen President Bush kiss anyone prior to a State of the Union address, so I have to wonder how or why you assume that was Congresswoman McKinney's purpose in arriving early or leaning forward at these events. I don't think she would want a kiss from President Bush, or you either.
Instead of attacking her for voicing doubts that are held by many in this country, you should have the honesty and political courage to at least call for a full investigation.
John Judge
Washington, DCP.S. I left out the last line for the sake of getting him to listen. It read: Or are you bending forward to kiss something else instead?
Miller Calls McKinney Statement on War 'Very Dangerous and Irresponsible'
U.S. Senator Zell Miller, 12 Apr 2002
http://miller.senate.gov/press/2002/04-12-02%20McKinney%20Stmt.htm- Subject: Center for an Informed America
13 Apr 2002Defintely a mix, but his 9-11 analysis is hard hitting.
The Center for an Informed America
by Dave McGowan
davesweb.cnchost.com- Subject: Good article on US fascism
13 Apr 2002Starting to see through the veil properly.
America Through The Looking Glass
by David McGowan, 8 Apr 2002
http://www.swans.com/library/art8/dmg001.html- Subject: Support Cynthia McKinney's Call for Investigating 9-11
25 Apr 2002Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has been a courageous and almost lone voice of dissent (Reps. Kucinich (OH) and Lee (CA) being among the exceptions) against the dangerous and destabilizing course taken by President Bush in the wake of September 11. McKinney has had the audacity to raise questions that any thoughtful American would ask about the level of prior knowledge that Bush, the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies had regarding the 9-11 attack and who will benefit financially from the response to these events, including those close to Bush.
She called for a full investigation into 9-11, and we should back her in this. She has been vilified in the mainstream and liberal press alike since her initial statements, calling her a "loony" and a "crazy leftist", along with "conspiracy theorist" of course. They are hoping to drive a wedge between McKinney and the Congressional Black Caucus.
It is critical right now to write the Black Caucus in support of the Congresswoman and her request for full and open hearings. McKinney helped to arrange for a panel discussion on the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and COINTELPRO at the last Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, which had to be cancelled. The panel was meant to build support for new legislation, based on the JFK Records Act, to release the files about the King assassination and COINTELPRO. It was cancelled because of 9-11 events. Since then, Attorney General Ashcroft has worked to undermine the Freedom of Information Act and suggested renewing COINTELPRO operations by the FBI on civic and religious organizations. This makes it even more important to renew our push to free these files. McKinney will help us do that. Please give her your support.
U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney
PO Box 371125
DeCatur, GA 30037
USAYou can contact her Washington D.C. office if you want to verify the above address, or send a thank you note, HOWEVER, DO NOT SEND DONATIONS to her D.C. office. Send donations to the above address of her campaign office.
Suggest sending colorful, happy cards (postcards?) that can be displayed at her office:
124 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
ph 202 225 1605
fax 202 226 0691Thoughts On Our War Against Terrorism
Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Counterpunch, 13 Apr 2002
Cynthia McKinney on Flashpoints Radio, 25 Mar 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/CAM041302.html#CMonFP- Subject: Why? - An Extraordinary Series Of 911 Questions
28 Apr 2002I don't like the source, but the questions are worth looking at.
Why? -- An Extraordinary Series Of 911 Questions
from American Patriot Friends Network, 27 Apr 2002
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