This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: the Policy Analysis Market: trading on Bush's crimes
4 Aug 2003Here's a twist on the Pentagon's game, a useful ticker tape to watch. Assassinations market, indeed!
The Policy Analysis Market (PAM)
A Market in the Future of the Middle East
The Policy Analysis Market will provide insight into the interactions among Middle Eastern and U.S. interests and policy decisions.
www.policyanalysismarket.orgMarket Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves
by American Action Market, 1 August 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/AAM.html- Subject: Fire Dept Tape Invalidates Key Points Official 911 Story
8 Aug 2003While I'm not convinced by the fuel heat argument or the bomb argument, questions clearly remain about the actual cause of the towers collapsing on 9/11. A new investigation should look for the answers.
Fire Dept Tape Invalidates Key Points Official 911 Story
by Robert Anderson, TOP_VIEW Internet News Inc., 3 August 2003
http://www.rense.com/general39/points.htm- Subject: Take Back The Media! Flash Animation "Army of One"
16 Aug 2003This one needs to be aired on television.
Flash Animation "Army of One"
Take Back The Media!
http://www.takebackthemedia.org/onearmy.html- Subject: 9/11 Commission: White House Cover-Up Exists
18 Aug 2003Looks like we have a friend at Newsweek. Finally someone sees through the smoke.
U.S. Clamps Secrecy on Warnings Before 9/11
by Marie Cocco, Newsday, 7 August 2003
http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/081603A.shtml- Subject: Dean: More Than Just His Location Remains Undisclosed
18 Aug 2003John Dean gets it too.
More Than Just His Location Remains Undisclosed:
Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense
by John W. Dean, FindLaw, 24 May 2003
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20020524.html- Subject: Dean: Presidential Powers In Times Of Emergency
18 Aug 2003The better question is has the police state already been set in motion? When did we end "continuity of government" after 9/11?
Presidential Powers in Times of Emergency:
Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?
by John W. Dean, FindLaw, 24 May 2003
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=/dean/20020607.html- Subject: F-16 Jets Launched to Patrol in the East as a Precaution
20 Aug 2003Imagine that! F-16s at Andrews AFB going up just in case there was a terrorist attack coming. But when we all knew there was one coming, where were they? At one point they were even denying they had them at Andrews.
F-16 Jets Launched to Patrol in the East as a Precaution
by Bradley Graham and John Mintz, Washington Post, 15 August 2003
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A60453-2003Aug14?language=printer- Subject: US Admits cameraman was shot dead at close range
22 Aug 2003This is an incredible but sadly repetitive story. The military is completely hostile to journalists. There should be a full investigation, courts martial for wrongful deaths, and a clearly stated policy about "rules of press engagement" if it is going to be life threatening.
Alexander Haig said after Vietnam that no war should ever be televised close up like that one was since it ruined "morale" for troops (why, because they weren't present?) and for people at home. Morale means blind support of policy and war.
In the first Gulf War the troops were hand picked and still kept at bay from the front line action, often at gunpoint on land and sea. Press were basically excluded from the invasions of Panama and Grenada.
Now the tactic is to go into these "non-wars" that combine cutting a deal in advance with the opposition (in this case Saddam, who clearly cooperated with US sanitizing of his weapons report by releasing a single copy instead of multiple ones), and with a blitzkreig of power that puts the Nazis to shame, and therefore allows the careful "imbedding" of journalists into the ranks that will not see genocidal combat but minimal opposition.
Of course the corporate press is already in bed with the Pentagon and the Military Industrial Complex, which owns a large chunk of the media and defends the global investments of or contracts out other work to the other media conglomerate controlling groups. Still married, but the individual reporters are just "in the wrong place at the wrong time". Friendly fire, eh?
US Admits cameraman was shot dead at close range
by Justin Huggle, The Independent (UK), 19 August 2003
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