This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Ex-UK-minister attacks US over war and 9/11
8 Sep 2003Former environmental minister in UK, a green party leftist, hits several nails on the head in this article and makes waves. Though not quite a mainstream issue yet, the wall of silence is starting to crack. At least they are having to deny it.
Ex-UK-minister attacks US over war and 9/11
posted by ewing2001, from BBC/Guardian, 5 September 2003
http://news.globalfreepress.com/article.pl?sid=03/09/06/0621250- Subject: Posner: New book about ISI/Saudi ties with 9/11
8 Sep 2003Curiouser and curiouser! Now Posner, the obviously CIA-assisted hack who wrote Case Closed and Killing the Dream to "debunk conspiracy theories" about JFK and MLK, has written a book based on confessions of a captured terror suspect that finger Saudi and Pakistani intelligence and Saudi royal family ties to bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks. Now he is being "debunked" by the CIA who dismiss his sources. I wonder if someone will call him a "conspiracy theorist" soon?
In fact, there is good reason to suspect both Saudi and Pakistani ISI involvement in the funding and operations behind 9/11, which was sophisticated at a level that would have required state sponsorship of some sort. The funding sources for terror also tie back into the Bush oil investment circles, the Carlyle group and the bin Laden/Bush family/CIA links.
I still feel that this is an extension of the two "off the shelf" operations begun by Brezezinski and continued by William Casey -- the Afghan resistance to the USSR and Contragate. The Contragate team is back in positions of power. The mutual funding sources for both these operations was Saudi and BCCI on one side and CIA/drugs/Pakistani ISI on the other.
That's why I don't think it a coincidence that Mohammed Atta was reportedly living in Sarasota, FL prior to the attack with one of the Iran-Contra pilots. Note Posner's title take-off on JFK's "While England Slept". Sometimes disinformation consists of putting the truth in the mouth of someone nobody is likely to believe. It would be instructive to identify Posner's hidden "government source", wouldn't it?
Posner: New book about ISI/Saudi ties with 9/11
posted by ewing2001, from NY-Daily-News/TIME, 1 September 2003
http://news.globalfreepress.com/article.pl?sid=03/09/01/1423226- Subject: Bin Laden family allowed 9/11 leave
10 Sep 2003140 Saudis go home and 24 are bin Ladens. Lots of bin Ladens here it seems, a big family. Osama has 17 brothers. Who were the other 116?
Bin Laden family allowed 9/11 leave
UPI, 2 September 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/BinLadenFam.html- Subject: Who Aided Hijackers Is Still Mystery
18 Sep 2003If you haven't seen this one yet, you need to. Questions still remain. Posner, a counter-critic and CIA hack who has tried to discredit JFK and MLK assassination research, now has a book out blaming Saudi and Pakistan for being behind the 9/11 attacks. But after all, weren't they the largest conduits for US covert operations for the last two decades? Could they have acted alone? Interestingly, the CIA has slammed Posner for the book, calling it disinformation. Is this a ploy to make the known CIA hack look more credible?
Who Aided Hijackers Is Still Mystery
FBI Disputes Findings Of Congressional Inquiry
by Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 10 September 2003
whoAidedHJ.html- Subject: The Nation Tackles A 9/11 Question At Last
20 Sep 2003I sent this as a response to the editor online from the article posted at their site:
Hallelujah that someone at the Nation is finally asking one of dozens of very hard unanswered questions about the events of 9/11! We have been working with the victims' family members and independent researchers for the last two years to raise these questions and find the answers. We currently serve as an oversight watchdog on the current National Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States, to make them transparent, public, and to demand they at least raise if not answer these questions and hold those responsible accountable.
We still do not know what happened that day, who was involved and who was behind the attack. The two wars fought in its wake were planned well in advance of the attack, and the resulting tidalwave of excesses that threaten civil liberties and a permanent war economy rest upon a very questionable story about 19 fanatical suicidal hijackers being able to destroy the Twin Towers and damage the Pentagon without any visible military response until after the fact.
These identified suspects, as well as the nature and timing of their attack, were on various radar screens of domestic and foreign intelligence agencies as well as conter-terrorism networks well in advance of 9/11. Their alleged link to Osama bin Laden and the Al Quaeda organization that grew from the Afghan resistance of the 1990s raises even more questions about their funding, their connections to US intelligence operations and their ties to the Bush family investments abroad.
The history of 9/11 has yet to be fully told, but at last the questions are being asked by those who to date have only questioned the official responses, not the official story. I hope The Nation continues to pursue this path and to take a critical look at the Commission and the contradictory information about 9/11 that we have been given so far.
Patriots vs. the Patriot Act
by David Sarasohn, The Nation, 22 September 2003
- Subject: The courts, the California recall and the crisis of US political system
20 Sep 2003I have made some comments already, but this reinforces my thoughts. Recall and referendum as they have been set up are flawed systems open to manipulation by the rich rather than universal rights made easily available to the people. . . .
The courts, the California recall and the crisis of US political system
by Bill Vann, World Socialist Web Site, 19 September 2003
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/sep2003/cal-s19.shtml- Subject: "Schlep to Judgment"
21 Sep 2003This is by the same journalist who wrote the "Uncle Scram" piece on me in the [Washington] City Paper. He continues to cover the right issues.
Schlep to Judgment
If anything merited an independent inquiry,
it was the attacks on 9/11. But not in Bush's Washington.
by Brian Montopoli, The Washington Monthly, September 2003
http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2003/0309.montopoli.html- Subject: Bush Administration Lies Catching Up
21 Sep 2003Minneapolis gets it.
Editorial: Truth / Too little of it on Iraq
Minneapolis Star Tribune, 17 September 2003
truthOnIraq.html- Subject: Letter to Rangel on the draft
27 Sep 2003Dear Congressman Rangel,
I got a chance to meet you briefly as you left the stage at your braintrust meeting on the ongoing war on Iraq at the national CBC gathering yesterday. You offered me a minute to address my concerns about your proposed bill for a return to the draft. I'd be glad to visit your office if you have time to see me, but I thought I would lay out for you my main concerns in this note. . . .
- Subject: The BushLaden Network
27 Sep 2003A little flow chart to help the blind see. Remember that the two primary funding sources for bin Laden and the Al Qaeda were Saudi royalty through BCCI and the bin Laden family, and CIA through Pakistani ISI, with a boost from illegal heroin sales. See Peter Dale Scott's new book, Drugs, Oil & War for more on this pattern. Same two primary sources for Contragate (replace Pakistani ISI with North's "Company").
Maps & Charts
http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/maps%20&%20charts.htm- Subject: Did Rove Blow a Spook's Cover?--The White House won't say
27 Sep 2003I had heard that Wilson was pressing the Justice Department to charge Rove under the agent indentities act for the leak, but that they were resisting. Wilson was the last ambassador to Iraq, and I had a chance to debate him at a local high school here on the war. He denied the April Gillespie story and the US sources for Iraq's CBW arsenal, but he was not totally in favor of unilateral war. He was performing his official duties still when Novak broke the story, thus the leak is even more actionable.
Of course Wilson neither confirms nor denies his wife's employment with the CIA. And the Agent Identities Act has teeth, with no exemptions including the President, and mandatory prison sentences. Invoking it against Rove, however tempting is like turning right wingers over to HUAC though. It is one of the most draconian pieces of legislation in the recent years, and it was passed specifically to stop Covert Action Information Bulletin and the rest of the investigative journalists from naming operatives. Still, you've got to smile at the prospect of Karl Rove trying to deny it.
Did Rove Blow a Spook's Cover?
The White House won't say.
by Timothy Noah, Slate, 16 September 2003
http://slate.msn.com/id/2088471/- Subject: The Bush Regime Card Deck [Réseau Voltaire]
27 Sep 2003Although Thierry gets it wrong on the plane not hitting the Pentagon, this US Most Dangerous deck of cards is brilliant. Thanks to my friend L Abrams for locating this one. You can even order them in English online.
A behind the scenes look of the Bush administration reveals a team of cronies, carrying out a "neo-conservative" revolution in total opposition with the History and Values of their country. George W. Bush seized power with the complicity of the Supreme Court and despite electoral results that were against him; a global citizen-surveillance system was set up through the USA Patriot Act; the Army was allowed to intervene in domestic policy; a propaganda machine was set up; the country abdicated its right to self-rule and has launched itself into a series of colonial campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. What we are witnessing is not simply a change in policies but the emergence of a new regime that threatens Liberty in America and Peace in the rest of the world.
The 52 Most Dangerous American Dignitaries
The Bush Regime Card Deck
Idea and design: Jean-Sébastien Farez, Raphaël Meyssan and Thierry Meyssan.
PDF copy of complete deck- Subject: Senior Administration Official Briefing
28 Sep 2003A White House briefing with Condoleeza Rice where she reveals that they are "not in any particular hurry" to return sovreignty to the people of Iraq. In a later posting of this transcript, her name is deleted according to Secrecy News by Steve Aftergood: "This `background briefing' inadvertently identifies the anonymous briefer as `Dr. Rice.' The White House deleted the reference to Dr. Rice in the transcript posted on its web site."
Senior Administration Official Briefing Background Briefing by a Senior Administration Official on the President's Bilateral Meetings
The Whitehouse, 24 September 2003
http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/2003/09/wh092403.html- Subject: 9/11 Commission Hearings - Witness ideas?
30 Sep 2003Friends,
The attached document is an Interim Report of the official Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, commonly called the 9/11 Commission. Our group, 9/11 CitizensWatch (www.911citizenswatch.org) is serving as a public watchdog over the process of this investigation, pushing for transparency and answers to the remaining hard questions raised by discrepancies in the official statements and timelines and emerging evidence since 9/11, and pointed to by an international cadre of researchers as well as the families of the victims of the attack. I have attached as well a draft report on the status of the official Commission investigation to date, which will appear in final, hyperlinked format on our website soon.
In this interim report, the Commission lays out a series of public hearings they have planned to take testimony on many aspects of public policy which will guide their recommendations. Among these are issues concerning creation/consolidation of new domestic intelligence powers or agencies, as well as security issues. Counter-intuitively, they have scheduled a hearing on the events of 9/11 at the end, just before release of the report. Without knowing what happened on 9/11 and who was behind it, how can they formulate workable policies?
I am writing to ask you for suggestions of alternate witnesses we could push to be included in these panels. The report implies that the witnesses have already been chosen ("57 experts"), but I have to wonder if they include ALCU or NLG lawyers concerned with civil liberties, experts on government secrecy issues, foreign policy analysts who might oppose construction of a permanent war economy and a fortress security state in favor of policies that would undermine sanction and support for terrorism instead, unions and other employee organizations in the affected industries who can critique the policies in light of their effect on working people, critics of intelligence who might take issue with the restructuring or creation of a centralized domestic spy agency, Muslims and others who might see beyond current fears into what effect discriminatory profiling and mass questioning/arrest are having in their communities here, analysts and experts who could evaluate the evidence that is public already about the attacks of 9/11 in light of the official scenario we have been given, historians who might add to their understanding of the context in which bin Laden and Al Qaeda arose and the flawed "responses" to 9/11 in Afghanistan and Iraq, policy analysts who could question the drive to Pax Americana, and researchers who might add to their comprehension of the events and meaning of 9/11.
I would like your help in identifying such witnesses and in pushing the Commission to hear from them in public testimony. The hearings to date have been planned to avoid substantive issues. The victim families raised serious questions despite the set tone. Only the FAA/NORAD hearing raised real questions about event and response, and that left us with more questions than anwwers. The panels on terrorism and Al Qaeda repeated the usual mythologies, and included propagandists like Steve Emerson.
This Commission is tasked with getting at the truth of 9/11. It is easy to be cynical about its composition and its results. However, it is more important in my view to hold it accountable to its task and its public statements about going wherever the facts lead. By treating it as if it were a truth-finding body in a democracy, we will both push it further towards its duty and expose its failings to the public view, thus setting the stage for the call for a People's Tribunal. However, we now have a Commission that can see classified documents, call government witnesses under subpoena or oath, and raise unanswered questions across a broad spectrum. We continue to give them those questions to ask.
I hope you will join us in an effort to get at the many hidden truths behind 9/11. I hope to have a meeting in DC soon of agencies interested in this effort, so please respond to me if you want to join in. I will send out a compiled witness list once I have one, and we can all press the Commission together to hear from those that would otherwise have no voice in the process.
I am also attaching a draft of our report on the status of the investigation, which will appear in final form with hyperlinks at our website soon.
John Judge
for 9/11 CitizensWatchSecond Interim Report of the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
Thomas H. Kean, Chair, and Lee H. Hamilton, Vice Chair, 23 September 2003
http://www.9-11commission.gov/press/report_2003-09-23.pdf9/11 Commission - Status of Investigation
A Report from 9/11 CitizensWatch, 20 October 2003
http://www.911citizenswatch.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=28- Subject: Halabja: How Bush Sr. Continued to Support Saddam After the 1988 Gassing of Thousands And Bush Jr. Used it As a Pretext For War 15 Years Later
30 Sep 2003"He gassed his own people" was an early mantra of the right wing and White House pundits, and I used to feel nauseous every time I heard it since I recalled the conflicting information that suggested Iran as the source at the time. War lies are so pernicious that much of the left began chanting right along. Refreshing to see Amy Goodman bring on a source I pointed to some months ago, former CIA analyst Pelletier, who also has a book on oil and foreign policy I have been trying to get my hands on.
One lie after another is now being exposed as the house of cards on which this war stood is falling. When will we learn to assume that the stated reasons for war are a lie. Was Saddam Hussein a son of a bitch? You bet. But as Harry Truman used to say of the mobsters in his day, he was "our son of a bitch". We used him and then we tossed him, apparently with a cut deal and a golden parachute. Pax Americana has to stand on Packs of Lies.
Halabja: How Bush Sr. Continued to Support Saddam
After the 1988 Gassing of Thousands
And Bush Jr. Used it As a Pretext For War 15 Years Later
Democracy Now!, 29 September 2003
http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/09/29/155243- Subject: Kissinger's incipient fascism and the military coup
30 Sep 2003Here's a delicious little item sent by a friend. An Op Ed writer for the NYT finally recognizes Kissinger's incipient fascism. The last line is the best, about telling oneself there has been a military coup and then it all makes sense. There was a military coup d'etat November 22, 1963. There was one on March 31, 1981 when Reagan was shot and Bush entered his first of four terms. In both cases the black box (nuclear command and control) disappeared from the President's control.
There was a military coup on September 11, 2001, and Bush was openly put out of the loop in favor of Cheney, who now has the black box. A commentator on MSNBC last night said that Bush at his first public announcement on 9/11 "looked like he was in the middle of a coup". His secure communications line on AF One was down for two hours. Cheney was rushed to the White House situation room.
The History Channel just aired the little known story of the attempted assassination and coup of the Japanese emperor by 1,000 troops of the Imperial Army, led by an officer who wanted to prevent him from delivering a taped surrender speech and ending WWII. The head of the army and this officer later killed themselves in disgrace when the plot failed. When the plot succeeds you don't have any heads rolling except the previous heads of state. Oh, but this is Amercia, and nothing like that could ever happen here...
Paul Krugman is getting death threats by reason of his "revelations" of what is happening to this country, and by whom. He discovered the methodology by reading a 1950 book by Henry Kissinger who explained how fascism rears its ugly head within a democracy; a book he says "sent chills up my spine after reading the first 3 pages! " He has just written a book "The Great Unraveling" which undoubtedly delves into how and why this radical, fascist restructuring of society, as happened under Hitler, is now again occurring here and throughout the world.
'I do get rattled'
Paul Krugman is a mild-mannered university economist. He is also a New York Times columnist and President Bush's most scathing critic. Hence the death threats. He talks to Oliver Burkeman
by Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, 19 September 2003
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