This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: The Big Leak
1 Oct 2003Here's another perspective on all this from Paul Wolf, a deep politics researcher. This includes the original Novak piece as well. It's interesting to watch this unfold. I debated Wilson at a local high school here on the the war on Iraq before it began. He retorted to my criticisms of the massive secrecy and covert operations of our national security state that it did much good for us. Now I know why he was so adamant. According to one local source his wife was in charge of recruting and running a ten-year operation with informants who could alert the CIA if any terrorist group attempted to purchase a nuclear weapon.
The Big Leak
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 30 September 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/theBigLeak.html- Subject: Blair Knew There Were No Weapons of Mass Destruction
5 Oct 2003The first casualty of war is the truth - Aeschalus
How many times do we have to see it for it to sink it. Wars are based on lies, big lies, dirty lies. Nobody goes to war over the truth.
There is a critical new piece in this issue of the London Sunday Times, featured at the top of the page as "Blair Knew There Were No Weapons of Mass Destruction". Diaries are cited to prove the case.
Blair 'Knew Iraq Had No WMD'
by David Cracknell, The Times [UK], 5 October 2003
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/1005-01.htmMinisters round on Cook over diaries serialisation
by Patrick Wintour, The Guardian, 6 October 2003
http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4768028-103550,00.htmlTHE BIG LIE
John Pilger Reveals WMDs Were Just A Pretext For Planned War On Iraq
by John Pilger, Mirror.co.uk, 22 September 2003
thebiglie.html- Subject: Did 9/11 Funding Come from Pakistan?
6 Oct 2003The excerpt from Congressional testimony and Michel Chossudovsky's analysis of it reinforce the question I asked Senator Bob Graham on the day of the release of the Joint Inquiry Report on 9/11 that he helped to author. Graham held a separate press conference with 9/11 victim family members, focusing on a 28-page redacted section of the Report which the White House had blocked from release. Graham and others had said that the section referred to "foreign countries" involved in 9/11. He all but named Saudi Arabia as a prime suspect, and now their government is joining in the calls for full release.
I asked him, based on where I think 9/11 originated (assets from the two off-the-shelf covert operations run by CIA's William Casey, the Afghan resistance to the Soviets and Contragate, both of which were funded by CIA, by way of Pakistani intelligence, drug profits, and Saudi Arabia by way of BCCI), whether they had found any evidence of involvement by Pakistan. Unlike his response when asked to name Saudi Arabia, he was quite direct in saying they had found "no involvement by the Pakistani government". Was the Pakistani ISI financial conduit connection done without official knowledge or approval of their government?
" The FBI conducted a detailed financial investigation/analysis of the 19 hijackers and their support network, following the September 11th attacks. This investigation initially identified the Al Qa'ida funding sources of the 19 hijackers in the UAE and Germany. The financial investigation also provided the first links between Ramzi Binalshibh and the 9/11 operation. A continuing investigation, in coordination with the PENTTBOMB Team, has traced the origin of the funding of 9/11 back to financial accounts in Pakistan, where high-ranking and well-known Al Qa'ida operatives played a major role in moving the money forward, eventually into the hands of the hijackers located in the U.S. (Senate Committee Statement by FBI'S John Pistole, 31 July 2003. For complete statement see below)
This report by John Pistole of the FBI counter terrorism division opens up "a can of worms". If indeed the funding of 9/11 is out of Pakistan, as stated by FBI's John Pistole, what was the role of Pakistan's military intelligence (ISI) in the transfer of funds to the 9/11 terrorists?
- John Pistole' s statment seems to corroborate the FBI's September 2001 Report on the financing of the 9/11 terrorist attacks out of Pakistan, which was made public by ABC News (September 30, 2001).
- This September 2001 FBI report was later confirmed by a report of Indian Intelligence (Times of India Oct 9, 2001) which pointed to the role of the (former) head of Pakistan Intelligence (ISI) General Mahmoud Ahmad, who allegedly was instrumental in transferring $100,000 to the 9/11 terrorists.
- Ahmad was on an official visit to Washington at the time of the 9/11 attacks and met senior Bush officials, including Colin Powell, Richard Armitage and George Tenet, not to mention the two chairmen of House and Senate select committees on Intelligence Sen Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss.
"As to September 11th, federal authorities [FBI] have told ABC News they have now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in Florida, to accounts held by suspected hijack ring leader, Mohammed Atta. As well . . . "Time Magazine" is reporting that some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can be traced directly to people connected to Osama bin Laden. It's all part of what has been a successful FBI effort so far to close in on the hijacker's high commander, the money men, the planners and the mastermind."(ABC News, This Week, Statement of Brian Ross reporting on information conveyed to him by the FBI, September 30, 2001.)
The US authorities sought his [Ahmad] removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen. Mahmoud.
Senior government sources have confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including Sheikh's mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link.
A direct link between the ISI and the WTC attack could have enormous repercussions. The US cannot but suspect whether or not there were other senior Pakistani Army commanders who were in the know of things. Evidence of a larger conspiracy could shake US confidence in Pakistan's ability to participate in the anti-terrorism coalition. (Times of India, 9 Oct 2001 reporting on an Indian Intelligence Report)
A highly-placed government source told AFP that the "damning link" between the General and the transfer of funds to Atta was part of evidence which India has officially sent to the US. `The evidence we have supplied to the US is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism,' the source said. 21 (Agence France Presse, 10 October 2001)
- At a time when fingers are pointing at Saudi Arabia, John Pistole's statement inevitably raises the issue of "State sponsorship" of Al Qaeda by America's puppet regime in Pakistan. This in turn raises the broader issue of the Bush administration's relationship to the terror network.
Michel Chossudovsky, 5 August 2003
For further details on the Pakistan ISI Connection, see
Political Deception--The Missing Link Behind 9-11
by Michel Chossudovsky, 27 June 2002
- Subject: Michael Moore to Bush on 9/11
7 Oct 2003This is from Michael Moore's new book, Dude, Where is My Country? It asks many of the right questions. I love the part about "3,000 Killed by a Multi-Millionaire".
Answers please, Mr Bush
In this second extract from his new book he asks his old enemy seven awkward questions
by Michael Moore, The Guardian, 6 October 2003
http://books.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4767931-101750,00.html- Subject: Re: Who Started the Leak?
9 Oct 2003Friends,
I'm sending this to some of the best minds I know, and those with experience in the CIA to see how this floats. I find it a fascinating alternative view, since I have always felt that the only scandals allowed to reach the press are ones created by the factions within the class. Watergate, Contragate, Monicagate were all created from the actions or testimony of covert operatives at high levels and exploited to push the ascendancy or derailment of a section of the class to or from the seats of power.
Selective declassification or "leaks" has always been part of this game. This seems to be a reverse spin, perhaps trapping or pushing those around Bush to make the leak, and thus undermining them. Recall that Bush did not take the fall for the lies about WMD directly, CIA Director Tenet did. They are both still in place. Is this revenge?
I debated Joe Wilson at a local high school before the war on Iraq, he was taking the Colin Powell position. I told the students they had no idea what had been done in their name for the last 50 years by the National Security State which had also stolen their history and created the propaganda that justifies war. Wilson angrily commented during his remarks that the "National Security State you mention has done a lot of good things for you".
Paul makes some good points here,
what do others think of it?
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 23:15:50 -0400
To: John Judge
From: Paul Wolf <paulwolf@derechos.org>
Subject: Re: Who Started the Leak?I think the Wilson's are part of the game. Otherwise I would support him as a whistleblower, obviously.
Wilson must have an official relationship with the CIA covered by a secrecy agreement. I do not believe his trip was a friendly gesture to Dick Cheney nor that it's a coincidence that his wife was an apparant "operative" in the same exact field. What about the doctrine of plausable deniability? It always comes up.
One question is whether Wilson comes under the definition of "agent" under the Intelligence Identitites Protection Act. He's not a case officer, or an informant, what the hell was he actually? It must have at least been against his secrecy agreement to go public, is my point.
If he did secret work then if he came forward it should have been illegal. If he's a whistleblower then he should be able to admit the illegal conduct and justify it on moral or whatever grounds. His motive was to prove Bush lied in his speech, true of course, but still an illegal and unauthorized disclosure by Ambassador Wilson.
PaulAt 03:19 AM 10/7/03 -0400, John Judge wrote:
Thanks for this stuff, but I think your first paragraph is a bit of a stretch. Wilson didn't reveal a "CIA affiliation". He revealed that he was sent by CIA at the behest of VP Cheney to confirm the rumor. His wife's reported operation seems to have had little to do with his trip, although she may have suggested that he could to the job to whomever was making the pick at the CIA. She seems to have been a cover operative running a series of informants that could reveal attempts by terrorist groups to purchase WMD or capabilities.
Novak blew his wife's cover in the column. His own did not threaten her as far as I read it. Novak apparently also blew the cover of a CIA front company that she listed as her employer on political contribution forms. He called the number and questioned the existence of the company. Now some are saying she blew her own cover by listing the company, but after all, what is the purpose of a cover if you can't mention it? Scandals like this are always manipulated, though, and we can't be sure the Wilsons are not part of the game. It is instructive to see the class divide like this. Bush may not survive the rush.
Who Started the Leak?
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 6 October 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/WStL.html- Subject: Pilger aired TV-"Evidence": Rice and Powell in 2001: "Hussein was no threat"
13 Oct 2003Powell and Rice knew Saddam was not a threat. Did they also know that Al Qaeda and planes as weapons was?
Pilger aired TV-"Evidence": Rice and Powell in 2001: "Hussein was no threat"
posted by ewing2001, Global Free Press, 22 September 2003
http://news.globalfreepress.com/article.pl?sid=03/09/23/0447229- Subject: Pakistan Infiltration
13 Oct 2003The following from researcher Paul Wolf. Apparently, the Pakistani ISI is still supporting the Talbian and other terrorists and Afghanistan is destabilizing again. Has the CIA ever really stopped funding them through ISI? The US was said to have put pressure on Pakistan to remove former ISI head General Ahmad. That implies his successor was acceptable to the US. And as I have long said, bin Laden is worth more to them alive than dead for propaganda purposes, regardless of reality. A good collection of recent items, including one about a form letter sent to local newspapers purporting to be written by GI's who never saw or signed it, supporting US in Iraq.
Pakistan Infiltration
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 12 October 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/PakInfiltrat.html.htm- Subject: Many Soldiers, Same Letter
13 Oct 2003How they keep up morale at home with phony propaganda.
Many Soldiers, Same Letter
The Olympian Online, 11 October 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/PakInfiltrat.html#p2- Subject: Re: Line in Pentagon grass...9/11
13 Oct 2003An interesting exchange with a pilot about the possibilities of 9/11.
A Line in the Pentagon Grass
e-mail exchange between Ward Schmidt and John Judge, 6-9 October 2003
lineInPgrass.html- Subject: Posner: Clinton's Negligence Led to 9-11
17 Oct 2003Posner at it again. Bush not only failed to arrest bin Laden many times, his son refused three offers for him after 9/11. Bush has much more financial links to bin Laden than Clinton ever did. This is all garbage. It was the Bush crowd that dropped the ball. Clinton just did what the intelligence boys told him to do. It was their asset after all.
Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11
by Gerald Posner, Random House, 2003
http://www.newsmaxstore.com/nms/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&Product_ID=1489- Subject: Many Troops Dissatisfied, Iraq Poll Finds
18 Oct 2003Here's what they really think of the war on the ground, despite a phony Pentagon PR effort to send identically worded letters in support of the war to hometown papers ostensibly from GI's, who had never read them.
Many Troops Dissatisfied, Iraq Poll Finds
by Bradley Graham and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 October 2003
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A32521-2003Oct15?language=printer- Subject: Noble Lies And Perpetual War: Leo Strauss, The Necons, and Iraq
20 Oct 2003Their intellectual roots.
Noble Lies And Perpetual War: Leo Strauss, The Necons, and Iraq
by Danny Postel, Open Democracy, 18 October 2003
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5010.htm- Subject: The Bioterrorism Act of 2002
22 Oct 2003Is this a control system?
The Bioterrorism Act of 2002
http://www.fda.gov/oc/bioterrorism/bioact.html- Subject: "Bring Them Home Now" Movement Launched
22 Oct 2003Here's an important source of data about the situation on the ground in Iraq and the GI response.
"Bring Them Home Now" Movement Launched
by Thomas F. Barton, GI Special E-mail Bulletin, Not In Our Name, 12 August 2003
http://www.notinourname.net/gi-special/72.htm- Subject: Earlier Tiger Force probe could have averted My Lai carnage
22 Oct 2003My Lai was not an "isolated incident" but part of an overall policy of genocide in the "kill zones" and the laws of war were suspended, along with sanity and morality in the brutal war of ecocide, ethnocide and genocide in Vietnam. The current invasion of Iraq is only the last chapter of more than a decade of sanctions and bombing that have devestated a civilian population. We continue to brutalize them. The only solution is to bring the troops home and put an end to wars.
Experts: Earlier Tiger Force probe could have averted My Lai carnage
by Michael D. Sallah and Mitch Weiss, The Toledo Blade, 22 October 2003
http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20031022/SRTIGERFORCE/110190166Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths
Tiger Force, an elite fighting unit in Vietnam, left a trail of atrocities in that country that have been concealed from the public for three decades.
A Toledo Blade Investigation, October 2003
http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=SRTIGERFORCE- Subject: Hijack `suspects' alive and well
22 Oct 2003Another major hole re-opens in the case. False sponsorship is part of any well planned covert operation. Some of the named hijackers did get onto Flight 77, but there is a dirth of evidence about the rest. Why were the airlines told to remove the Arabic names from the passenger mainifests when they were released, leaving a discrepancy between the passengers named and the total aboard the plane in all four lists?
Hijack `suspects' alive and well
BBC News, 23 September 2001
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1559151.stm- Subject: Upcoming Meeting on 9/11 Alternative Witness List
23 Oct 20039/11 CitizensWatch and the DC American Civil Liberties Union recently hosted a preliminary meeting to discuss potential alternate witnesses to be proposed to the Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States (commonly called the "9/11 Commission"). A series of panels for public testimony have already been scheduled from now until the Commission reaches its deadline in May, 2004, unless that is extended. . . .
To provide some background on the 9/11 Commission and our questions and activities, I have attached our recent report on the status of their investigation and its weaknesses. Please see additional information at our website, www.911citizenswatch.org, and at the other sites we link to, including the family steering committee and the 9/11 timeline.
- Subject: The Pentagon's Achilles Heel
27 Oct 2003GI stands for "Government Issue" and they are as expendable as the rest of the equipment obviously. The time to organize GI's and military families has never been more ripe.
The Pentagon's Achilles Heel
by Steven Rosenfeld, TomPaine.com, 21 October 2003
http://www.tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/9194/view/print- Subject: Occupation Watch: Soldiers Miss Flights Back to Iraq
28 Oct 2003Did they all just "miss the bus" as the Pentagon contends? The GAO reported just before the incursion into Iraq that there were 200 a day going AWOL in the military. One GI used his 15 days of leave to organize a demonstration against the war in New Jersey and then said he was single and would take the heat for many others in his unit and in Iraq who felt the same way but could not speak out. Will we have to create sanctuary soon for these GI's abroad?
Soldiers Miss Flights Back to Iraq
Few of More Than 30 Absent Troops Offer Explanation
by Steve Vogel, Washington Post, 21 October 2003
http://www.occupationwatch.org/article.php?id=1479- Subject: June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind
28 Oct 2003Here's a recent excerpt from a very detailed longer article on the creation of a new "legend" for 9/11. Interesting analysis based on nothing but reported "confessions". These interviews with KSM are also the basis of Gerald Posner's new book, Why America Slept. Let's forget the Pakistani ISI and focus soleley on Saudi Arabia. After all, the ISI is too busy restoring the Taliban in Afghanistan and running Al Qa'ida operatives into Iraq. See also French philosopher Bernard Henri Levy's latest book Who Killed Daniel Pearl? which has a completely different take on the events.
The Official Legend of 9/11 is a fabricated Setup:
Exposed: The June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind
by Chaim Kupferberg, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 26 October 2003
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/KUP310B.html- Subject: Re: are they trying to tell us something?
29 Oct 2003I listened to all that testimony with great interest since I have been tracking that COG [continuity of government] committee for some time and have their report. Did you notice the implied threat that if we didn't accede to this new power shift it could lead to martial law and "that would be a setback"? Also another person said it might not be "benign martial law (sic), but a situation in which different groups were fighting for power". Gee, like a coup d'etat you mean? My favorite was to have four pre-selected surrogate Presidents outside DC who would be kept abreast by getting the same super-secret daily Presidential Intelligence Briefings that are now being denied to the 9/11 Commission, so they could "hit the ground running". And then they said the House is balking at all these lovely new ideas because of their "stubborn pride about being elected by the people". Imagine that.
From: Beatrice
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: are they trying to tell us something?If you look at C-Span, you can follow the Congressional testimony, yesterday, and, forthcoming, of the "Continuity of Gov't Commission" for PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION AFTER A TERRORIST ATTACK! There's lots of info available on the internet regarding this overt discussion of a governmental coup from a hypothetical terrorist attack. The question I'd like to ask both the commission and everyone else is, will this hypothetical terrorist attack occur after or before the Presidential election, depending upon both outcome and/or events preceeding the election?
- Subject: DRAFT: Further building the case for 9/11 Hearings
29 Oct 2003Here is a draft of our reasons for calling for the Congressional hearings, more background for the upcoming meeting.
DRAFT -- Further building the case for 9/11 Hearings
by Kyle Hence, 911 CitizensWatch, 27 October 2003
CWbuildingCase.html- Subject: Victims' relatives press White House for Sept. 11 details
30 Oct 2003Here's a good piece on the families and their issues.
Victims' relatives press White House for Sept. 11 details
by James Rosen, Times Record News, 29 October 2003
911families.html- Subject: 9/11 Commission Chairman: White House Withholding Documents
30 Oct 2003Things are coming to loggerheads as Bush tries to protect yet another pack of lies. A subpoena might be declared unconstitutional though, since it's a legislative branch commission going after the executive branch. The Neocons are already circled around Bush protecting him and calling Kean a megalomaniac heading a Commission that has become a runaway train. Tough when someone wants the truth, ain't it?
9/11 Commission Chairman: White House Withholding Documents
Reuters, 26 October 2003
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