This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Forensic feat IDs nearly all Pentagon victims
7 Jul 2003An article on the extensive forensic work done on passengers on Flight 77 and 93 by the AFIP and others at the military morgue in Dover, Delaware, the site of the return of the Jonestown dead as well. An FOIA request to the AFIP for identification lists of the passenger on Flight 77 failed to reveal any Arab names, but was still short of the total passengers noted. An article on this will follow. The original manifests were also without Arab names but also short of the total passengers. I know from interviews with American Airline ground crew members that some of the pictured suspects were on Flight 77. I also know that one cell phone call from an attendant on that plane mentioned the hijackers and said "there are six of them". The official version of events lists only 5.
Forensic feat IDs nearly all Pentagon victims
by Christopher C. Kelly, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, dcmilitary.com, 30 November 2001
http://www.dcmilitary.com/army/stripe/6_48/national_news/12279-1.html- Subject: German Documentary on unresolved 9/11 issues
8 Jul 2003Here's a transcript in English of the recent German documentary on 9/11 that I appear in as well as the German sites.
In this provocative and to some extent ground breaking documentary, the `Germans,' typically very precise and well ordered in their approach to things, take on subject matter that is not at all condusive to doing so. As yet there is simply not enough hard evidence or `smoking guns' to completely validate alternative explanations for 9/11. However, bits and pieces that `just don't fit' or `add up' and some on their face far-fetched are strung together here in such a manner as to inspire grave and new doubts regarding the official narrative.While some might charge this documentary peppered with questions is only `conspiracy pap,' film producer Gerhard Wisnewski insists it is the U.S. government's story about 19 hijackers led by Osama Bin Laden, unproven to date, that is the bogus conspiracy theory. Suffice to say that these maverick filmmakers have succeeded in raising serious questions about the official story on 9/11, identifying new and credible witnesses with disturbing, even shocking testimony and capturing a slice of the loose knit network in the U.S. that has been challenging the government's official narrative for nearly two years.
Taken together with Truth and Lies of 9/11 [www.fromthewilderness.com] by former LAPD investigator Michael Ruppert, Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 [www.gnn.tv] from award-winning Guerilla News Network and The Great Deception - What really happened on Sept. 11, 2001 by Barrie Zwicker [416-651-5588] of VisionTV in Canada, we have the outline of an emerging counter-narrative for 9/11 that makes a lot more sense than what the government maintains. It clearly provides the firm basis for far more aggressive probing into the murkier issues surrounding those murderous events and a push for accountability thus far completely lacking from the government's response.
An appropriate response from the National Commission, now charged with establishing the `definitive historical account of 9/11," would be to insist now that testimony be taken under oath from key, perhaps reluctant, witnesses in order to either confirm or debunk what has been put forward. Otherwise, these questions might never be put to rest, the truth never learned and the whole story never told. Willy Brunner, Gerhard Wisnewski and WDR TV should be commended for their part in pushing the international conversation in the right direction. An international version in English would be a good thing but would Showtime or PBS air it?
Reviewed by Kyle F. Hence, co-founder of unansweredquestions.org, a subject of the film, and co-founder of 9/11 CitizensWatch.
9/11 File Unsolved:
September 11, 2001 Lies and Truth
German 9-11 TV Documentary by Willy Brunner & Gerhard Wisnewski
German transcript: http://home.t-online.de/home/willy.brunner/manuskript.html
English transcript: http://home.t-online.de/home/willy.brunner/911transcript.html- Subject: 9/11 Panel Concerned About Delay
12 Jul 2003Friends,
I attended these hearings and the press conference they held this week. It is clear that they are trying to embarass Bush into pushing the DOD, NORAD, DOJ and Homeland Security to give up their files now. It would be easy enough for them to drag their feet until the Commission sunsets in less than a year. Military intelligence did the same to the JFK Records Board over four years. I hope this ploy works. It is not insignificant that NORAD has not responded, they are scrambling now to cover their ass for not scrambling on 9/11.
I was interviewed on NPR and helped Robin Weiner to get some press as well, one of the family members here. I was also at the press briefing after the testimony on terrorists and got in two good questions on Saudi Arabia and the identity of the hijackers as well as their not taking testimony under oath. All that was captured on C-SPAN. The NPR piece mentioned 9/11 CitizensWatch and ran a quote from me on the lack of air defenses, and not in a negative light. I got several new press contacts, and passed out our list of questions about the terrorists. I am attaching it as well. The Post doesn't say much, but they reveal the split going on clearly, and the administration is once again vulnerable.
Questions about 9-11 Terrorists, by John Judge, 7/12/03
911 Panel Concerned About Delay
Commission's Leaders Say Agencies Slow to Produce Information
by Susan Schmidt, Washington Post, 9 July 2003
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A29794-2003Jul8¬Found=true- Subject: Vernon Loeb on National Defense
12 Jul 2003Loeb probably understands more about the Pentagon from inside sources than any other reporter and is usually fairly honest about it. He wrote the piece in August, 2001 about the White House/Pentagon split over "Pax Americana" just before Shelton went out and Meyer was appointed "acting" head of the JCS, a job that didn't seem to entail doing anything at all during the 9/11 attacks but yakking with Max Cleland. For that he got promoted. Other heads rolled inside DOD as the neo-cons pushed the empire/war agenda, but there is still dissent.
Loeb says many interesting things about the split still going on between the warmongers and the more established money right now, a factor that challenges Bush's second term. Loeb's comments about Rumsfeld having more policy power than Powell are telling, also. Not that Dana Priest, an apologist for the neocons and the Pentagon alike, is asked almost no questions.
National Defense
by Vernon Loeb and Dana Priest, Washington Post, 2 July 2003
http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/03/r_nation_loebpriest070203.htm- Subject: CIA Warned British Not to Use Niger Evidence
12 Jul 2003The house of lies crumbles a bit further, and Tenet falls on his sword at the end.
CIA Asked Britain To Drop Iraq Claim
Advice on Alleged Uranium Buy Was Refused
by Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 11 July 2003
http://truthout.org/docs_03/071203B.shtml- Subject: Interview: 27-Year CIA Veteran with Will Pitt
12 Jul 2003How "intelligence" works, from the inside.
Interview: 27-Year CIA Veteran by Will Pitt
truthout.org, 26 June 2003
http://truthout.org/docs_03/062603B.shtml- Subject: Exhausted troops yearn for home
19 Jul 2003There was a large and active "Back Home" movment in Europe and Japan after the end of WWII as well, when exhausted GI's expecting to return home at the end of hostilities were kept in place as an occupying force in Germany, Japan and elsewhere. Organizers of the movement were singled out for punishment or "special treatment", including insulin shock "therapy" in military psychiatric facilities. Fears of mutiny and disobedience, as well as the need to reduce the number of troops in active duty at the end of the war led to the establishment of the "blue discharge", equivalent of today's "under other than honorable conditions" administrative discharge, issued then on blue paper instead of white.
An increased role of psychiatry in military affairs that began with treatment of "battle fatigue" and "shell shock" using new methods of hypnosis and untested psychiatric drugs (mostly phenothiazines) was hidden by censoring John Houston's documentary film (produced by the Army) about the returning WWII veterans under treatement, called "Let There Be Light" for more than 35 years. Psychiatrists also attempted to identify homosexuals, both male and female, using such techniques as tongue depressors to see if they got a gag response from male GI's. Being identified as such led to blue discharge.
These methods foreshadowed the emerging McCarthy era, which began as witchhunts led by J Edgar Hoover and others for "reds" and "homosexuals" in government jobs. The current National Guard and reserve members called first into war under Powell's "Total Force Doctrine", established during the invasion of Grenada, were not expecting extended duty, nor were their families.
The Army's 3rd Division has been promised that they were headed home twice now, and then frustrated by reversing that decision. Military families are similarly upset. There may not be mutiny in the air quite yet, but as casualties rise and the "weekend warriors" become full time "peacekeepers" in an occupied country, things may change. I expect a "Back Home" movement to emerge soon, and anti-war activists might do well to get out the signs displayed in recent demonstrations that read "Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home" and to turn organizing efforts towards GI's and military families who agree.
Exhausted troops yearn for home
National Guard units tired, but "nobody's going to mutiny"
by Kevin Sullivan, Washington Post, 18 July 2003
exhaustedT.html- Subject: The Big Sandy--US troop deaths increase steadily
19 Jul 2003Notice how many are not directly combat-related. Many die in accidents or as a result of friendly fire in the military. These deaths are having a strong impact on troop morale. A recent NPR special report revealed that every unit now has an assigned "physical and mental health" team, and that counseling for GI's has increased exponentially.
Dangerous Occupation
U.S. deaths and casualties in Iraq since major fighting ended
On May 1 President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq were over. Since then, over 230 Americans have died in Iraq. The casualty figures listed below come from a database maintained by The Associated Press. Names of service members who have died are entered only after their official release by the military. Since names are not always released immediately, the number of names in the database may not correspond to overall numbers of deaths reported by military authorities.http://www.msnbc.com/news/924214.asp?0cb=-11b133943&cp1=1
- Subject: US Troops Strained by Peacekeeping Role in Iraq
19 Jul 2003Here's the NPR report showing how widespread the problem is with GIs. I once saw a military psychiatric journal article that distinguished between "combat fatigue" and "pseudo-combat fatigue", the Catch-22 distinction being whether you were willing to return to battle or not. Will they have to call this "new disorder" during peacekeeping operations "non-combat fatigue" or "post-combat fatigue"? The focus is, as ever, on the GI's as the problem, or a "switch" to a job that does not require killing, or not as much.
Are those "trained to kill" by the military really under more stress when they don't have to? Do they have similar stresses when they come home from war and have to overcome the training in domestic situations? Were the multiple family murders by GI's at Fort Bragg that followed the Afghanistan war really such a mystery? How do trained killers put the brake back on? They also spin Iraqi anti-American feelings into their being "shamed" because we had to liberate them after 35 years of not being able to themselves.
Interesing report, and note the one woman "ready for shock therapy" after 4 days at the hospital "if my HMO will cover it". Is this the "treatment" of choice? It certainly used to be during previous wars. Does it make you a better "peacekeeper", or just destroy your memory of the war?
U.S. Troops Strained by Peacekeeping Role in Iraq
NPR, 30 June 2003
http://discover.npr.org/features/feature.jhtml?wfId=1315703- Subject: On dead British scientist
20 Jul 2003There is such a thing as being "suicided". Note also that he was a microbiologist.
Body matches missing Iraq 'mole'
CNN, 18 July 2003
http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/europe/07/18/uk.kelly/- Subject: Don't worry, just another suicide
20 Jul 2003Like this one, for instance! Is this the same story with different details? There is always mention of how they had "mental" problems. First she shot the chair, then her leg and then her head using her left hand? The best line is the coroner saying that wrong-hand suicides are "not uncommon", especially when they are murders! And then she wrote her last note threatening others? It's a wonder anyone is ever charged with murder with police like this.
Mexican Lawyer's Death Likely a Suicide
Associated Press, 19 July 2003
suicided.html- Subject: Trade with Afghanistan will improve, says Durrani
26 Jul 2003And here you thought it was just rubble?
Trade with Afghanistan will improve, says Durrani
Dawn, 24 July 2003
http://www.dawn.com/2003/07/24/nat19.htm- Subject: Welcome to the Big Darkness
30 Jul 2003The commentator who first used "Fear and Loathing" to describe his reaction to November 22, 1963 hits the nail on the head about the "Big Darkness, come soon". Take my word for it, too.
Welcome to the Big Darkness
by Hunter S. Thompson, espn.com, 22 July 2003
http://truthout.org/docs_03/072703H.shtml- Subject: Bush Should Cry Uncle and Release Saudi Info
30 Jul 2003Here's a good guess on what's really in the 28 pages and who might be embarassed by it besides the Saudis.
Bush Should Cry Uncle and Release Saudi Info
by Allan P. Duncan, Global Free Press, 28 July 2003
http://new.globalfreepress.com/article.pl?sid=03/07/28/1645231- Subject: 911 Report--the first GFP analysis
30 Jul 2003Here's a detailed analysis of the report by one of the exhaustive researchers into the 9/11 events. Some interesting connections made that the report ignores. Filling in the blanks should be our job.
911 Report- the first GFP analysis, The Non-Report
by ewing2001, Global Free Press, 28 July 2003
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