This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Army harvested victims' blood to boost anthrax
3 Jan 2002At least a vampire just drinks it. A new use for blood samples.
Army harvested victims' blood to boost anthrax
Ex-scientists detail Detrick experiments
by Scott Shane, Baltimore Sun, 23 Dec 2001
http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/armyanthraxvictimsblood.html- Subject: Stand-down 9-11, more questions
6 Jan 2002This raises the usual obvious and good questions, including the Pennsylvania flight, which some reported at the time was headed for Camp David. I think Jared has the timing wrong, though. I was awakened that morning by a call right after the first tower was hit by Dan Alcorn, and all early reports timed that at 8:43. The second tower was reportedly hit about 20 minutes later at 9:05. I felt the Pentagon crash shake my windows about 40 minutes later, at 9:48. I seem to recall that the Pennsylvania flight went down before that, but I could be wrong.
In any case, they certainly could and were tracking Flight 77 on radar from the moment it turned in Ohio. NORAD, the Pentagon's air defense system had word of 4 hijackings by 8:25 am and presumably sent out alerts. The press was uninformed and silent until well after the towers were hit, when the purpose was undeniable. Katie Couric on the Today Show was looking at a live feed of the first tower burning and was speculating that an explosion of some sort inside the building caused it until the second plane hit. By then reports were arriving that eyewitnesses had seen the first plane go into the building.
In any case, there was lots of lead time between that moment of realization and the shoot down order that followed from Bush and Cheney "within moments" and the double circle over the most restricted air space in the country and the loop de loop that ended at the empty side of the Pentagon, 270 degress out of the way of a direct attack.
They knew it was coming to DC, and announced the fact. They announced the evacuation of the White House, the Capitol and the Pentagon and showed some of it on local TV and CNN while the plane approached. Besides the F-16 and F-18 fighter jets, there are attack helicopters and other sorts of planes to intercept aircraft at our local bases. Nothing was sent up until way too late and from too far away to possibly do any good. No explanation to date from the official sources makes a bit of sense. Stand-down makes sense.
Scrambled Messages
by George Szamuely, New York Press, 14 Dec 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/szamuely/scrambled.htm- Subject: Hassan Abshir Farah Interview: The Man in the Middle (Somalia)
6 Jan 2002Keep this one in your scrapbook when they claim non-cooperation and the need to start bombing. Nothing like a reasonable offer to the US to escalate a war.
Interview: The Man in the Middle
Prime minister of Somalia's Transitional National Government, Hassan Abshir Farah about the likelihood that his country could become the next target in the American war on terrorism
by Lara Santoro, Newsweek, 14 Jan 2002
http://www.hiiraan.com/jan02/abshir_newsweek.htm- Subject: This could be the year (from which there is no turning back)
6 Jan 2002Not sure what this source is, but an interesting analysis with links about the consolidation of neoliberal globalization. This is certainly the year they have lined up in open warfare against the disenfranchised, the poor and the few pockets of resistance left.
This could be the year
by Henry Lamb, WorldNetDaily Commentary, 5 Jan 2002
http://www.wnd.com/news/printer-friendly.asp?ARTICLE_ID=25942- Subject: U.S. Admits Some Lying
6 Jan 2002How to make a sore thumb into a needle in a haystack. Gosh, you'd almost think they didn't want to catch him.
U.S. admits documents inaccurate
Herald wire services, 4 Jan 2002
USlying.html- Subject: "Black Hawk Down" -- Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie screens
6 Jan 2002An antidote to the current propaganda version on Somalia. Perhaps a leaflet exposing the basic lies and telling the truth about this might be in order to take to the theatres?
"Black Hawk Down" -- Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie screens
by Larry Chin, Online Journal, 3 Jan 2002
BHDchin.html- Subject: More Afghan Casualties/Pentagon Lies
7 Jan 2002Who's counting? Given the type of weapons used and their destructive potential, as well as the free hand given to the Northern Alliance and other Taliban forces in the wake of the bombings to kill hundreds of people, the death of military combatants in this conflict is the only "collateral damage".
More Bombing Casualties Alleged U.N. Aide `Concerned'; Rumsfeld Defends Airstrike Targeting
by Karen DeYoung, Washington Post, 4 Jan 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A59457-2002Jan3?language=printer- Subject: Good story - `A Nation Challenged'
7 Jan 2002A refreshing elixer for the strong of stomach.
E Haribus Rectum
The New York Times now has a new Sunday section,
to go along with Arts and Entertainment and Real Estate
--it's called `A Nation Challenged.'...
by Matt Taibbi, taibbi@exile.ru, 26 Dec 2001
EHaribusR.html- Subject: The Arrival of Orwellian America
7 Jan 2002I strongly recommend a re-reading of Orwell's 1984, especially the sections on the permanent but invisible war and the Book of Revolution allegedly written by Goldstein, later revealed as state-sponsored propaganda, which Winston reads aloud to Julia in the bedroom. It was O'Brian who gave Winston the book, later his interrogator at the Ministry of Truth. Gee touches on only a few of the significant parallels of this permanent war to the one described by Orwell in the 1940s. We are post-Orwellian now, but Bush's script writers aren't.
The Arrival of Orwellian America
by Rick Gee, Strike The Root, 28 Dec 2001
Arrival.html- Subject: Talkin' About the F-Word
7 Jan 2002Mommy! He said the F word!
Talkin' About the F-Word
by Bernard Weiner, antiwar.com, 3 Jan 2002
http://www.antiwar.com/orig/weiner5.html- Subject: The New McCarthyism
9 Jan 2002Silence is deadly right now. I know of several people already fired or forced out of jobs over just these issues. The idea of "anti-American" is self-referential in my view.
The New McCarthyism
by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, Jan 2002
http://www.progressive.org/0901/roth0102.html- Subject: The General Attorney
9 Jan 2002The leading law enforcement officer of the land makes his stand.
Ashcroft: My Critics Are Traitors!
by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, 8 Dec 2001
http://www.progressive.org/webex/wx1208a01.html- Subject: Stand Down - NYT "tells it all"
10 Jan 2002Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way to Stop It
by Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 15 Sep 2001
F77nyt.html- Subject: 9-11: Ho-hum, Nothing Urgent
10 Jan 2002I heard reports on local TV that the flight had turned in Ohio and was heaaded to Washington at least 20 minutes before it crashed nearby. I knew it was coming and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was not informed? They also announced evacuation of the Pentagon during that time. Not worth interrupting him, I guess.
This smells of the lack of DEFCON status change on November 22, 1963 following the murder of the President in Dallas by parties unknown. The Chairman of the JCS was in meetings that hour with German military officers at the Pentagon, that wasn't cancelled either.
Note that the head of NORAD is also head of the US Space Command, a notorious agency that is planning "US dominance" globally from space and the new Star Wars. Like one commentator said this week, we should expect to be at war with terrorism for a long time, as long as the US wants "dominance" around the world. He took both as a given. You can't scramble jets if you aren't gonna break some sound barriers. They didn't do nuttin' on 9-11.
9-ll: Ho-Hum, Nothing Urgent
by George Szamuely, Emperor's Clothes, 9 Jan 2002
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/urgent.htm- Subject: White House Acknowledges Enron Meetings
10 Jan 2002Corporate control, corporate war.
White House Acknowledges Enron Meetings
by Karen Gullo, Associated Press, 10 Jan 2002
WHAEM.html- Subject: Arms Buildup Is a Boon to Firm Run by Big Guns
10 Jan 2002From the point of view of corporations, war is profit, and much more. War expands markets, guarantees access to new resources and labor, and protects existing investments and regions of control. In addition, the same corporations can cash in by selling and testing new weapons and exhausting the stock of older ones, all of which can then be resold as replacements. Both covert and overt military operations are guided by investment decisions, and the early directors of the CIA were also international investment bankers and corporate heads. Pentagon and CIA both have revolving doors into and out of the corporate world. Carlyle is a prime example, but hardly the only one with their hand in this cookie jar.
Arms Buildup Is a Boon to Firm Run by Big Guns
by Mark Fineman, Los Angeles Times, 10 Jan 2002
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0110-01.htm- Subject: Presidential Profile: George W. Bush's Cabinet
10 Jan 2002Corporate connections at the top of the decision making process
The Bush Administration - Corporate Connections
Opensecrets.org -- Money in politics data from the Center for Responsive Politics
http://www.opensecrets.org/bush/cabinet.asp- Subject: Alternative analysis of the war on terror
11 Jan 2002The underpinnings of the conflict and the future laid out by Walden Bello. The linkage he mentions of anti-militarism/empire, anti-corporate globalism, and pro civil and human rights is critical right now. I direct those interested to a model for such a coalition of effort at www.contractwiththeplanet.org. We either hang together or we hang separately, as Ben Franklin said.
By Walden Bello, 30 Dec 2002
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/AmWayOfWar.html- Subject: Camp X-Ray
15 Jan 2002The old OSS special forces training center in Canada during WWII was known as Camp X. It created the first elements of the last half century of covert operations, including terrorism, assassination and coups. The transfer of these prisoners of war, which is how they must be treated, to Cuba has all the earmarks of a setup to me. Castro is often railed against as a "terrorist" or a source of them, despite the long history of US-sponsored terror against the Cuban people. Plans to use US military forces to carry out a variety of activities covertly to be blamed on Castro go back to the 1960's at least. Is Guantanamo bait for an "attack"? There is more in this article, including the ongoing bombings. The main site has additional article sources from the mainstream about the military aspects of the events.
Thirty More Detainees Bound For Cuba
ABCNews.com, 13 Jan 2002
http://www.military.com/Content/Printer_Friendly_Version/1,11491,,00.html?rb_GeneralOption=0&passfile=FL%5Fcuba%5F011402&file=FL%5Fcuba%5F011402&page_url=%2FContent%2FMoreContent%2F1%2C12044%2CFL%5Fcuba%5F011402%2C00%2Ehtml- Subject: CIA Looks to Los Angeles for Would-Be Iranian Spies
15 Jan 2002Our tax dollars at work. One wonders how they could have failed us.
CIA Looks to Los Angeles for Would-Be Iranian Spies
by Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times, 15 Jan 2002
http://www.latimes.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=la%2D011502ciala- Subject: CIA Believes Bin Laden Escaped
15 Jan 2002How could he have slipped through our fingers??? Gee. The will-o-the-wisp lives to strike another day I guess.
CIA Believes Bin Laden Escaped
Analysis Suggests He Has Fled the Region
by Brian Ross, ABCNEWS.com, 15 Jan 2002
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/escape020114.html- Subject: New Contract with the Planet
17 Jan 2002I am currently working with Avenging Angels, a communications resource company for progressive groups. We have initiated A New Contract With the Planet, a ten point program that includes the concerns of diverse progressive organizations, as well as the critical changes that provide "New Jobs for Old Glory". The ad ran as a two-page spread in the last issue of The Nation, encouraging groups to sign on to the campaign. This platform addresses key issues of militarism, poverty, ecology, alternative energy, civil liberties and foreign policy at this turning point in our history. Other forces are working hard to push the country far to the right and to undermine any progressive agenda. Please take a look at this website and discuss this campaign with your organization for endorsement. For more information, sign in at the website or contact me.
Contract with the Planet
http://www.contractwiththeplanet.org/main.html- Subject: They knew it was coming
19 Jan 2002This article compiles the many instances of advance notice of September 11 and the evidence of either a massive intelligence failure, or a massive fraud. The sources cited are in many cases the intelligence agencies or their assets.
The planning for "terrorist attacks" and the domestic and international response has been going on for nearly 30 years now, with rising levels of sophistication and demand for control. Most scenarios include martial law at some stage in the attacks. Could if be said that if we hadn't created bin Laden we'd have to create him?
There were many things that could have been done differently in the last 30 years to end war, terrorism and violence worldwide. The United States not only failed to do them, it often did the opposite. But building a military / intelligence / security apparatus as the sole response possible or desireable insures much more profit, social control and ultimate concentration of power than the path that might lead to real security and peace. Those wishing the latter were rarely consulted by the planners.
At some point, did all this preparatory thinking come to be self-fulfilling prophecy awaiting only it's triggering incident? We have many other examples of this same apparatus both encouraging and standing aside for other violent actions that became the excuse for repressive responses. In Europe it is known as a "strategy of tension" that ultimately puts the hired guns in charge of the ranch. Those boys don't care much for democracy, we might have noticed.
September 11, 2001: No Surprise
by Russ Kick, Loompanics Unlimited
http://www.loompanics.com/Articles/September11.html- Subject: Please oppose HR 3598, Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001
19 Jan 2002It is very important to oppose this legislation. It does not even allow real conscientious objection.
See Also: "War objectors here at home and Israeli CO Arrested, 4/13/02, and Conscientious Objection Alert, and conscientious objection bulletin from moveon.org, 10/21/02
Please oppose HR 3598, Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001
stopHR3598.html- Subject: Jim Marrs on The War
19 Jan 2002An uncritical compilation.
An Overview of The War On Terrorism
by Jim Marrs, The Texas Research & Information Bureau
http://www.jimmarrs.com/view/view102301p.html- Subject: USEC - privatizing uranium?
19 Jan 2002This used to be the province of the Defense Industrial Security Command and the NRC. Like all else, it is being privatized now to the detriment of any real security, which was already compromised by DISC by shipping bomb grade plutonium to South Africa and other client states. Anybody have more on this one?
Doesn't it somehow fit eerily into the ENRON web -- creating an energy crisis to trump up a phony excuse to rebirth nuclear power plants, creating needs in which a market is covertly controlled for power and greed. Who is involved in the USEC and are they the same players as the ENRON group? Is Cheney involved? I'm certain smarter people can enlarge theTracking the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/nukes/USECeiq.html- Subject: Guilty For 9-11, Section 3: Bush in the Open
19 Jan 2002Pointing fingers.
Guilty For 9-11, Section 3: Bush In The Open
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-3.htm- Subject: Air Attack on Pentagon Indicates Weaknesses
19 Jan 2002A plethora of useful details.
Air Attack on Pentagon Indicates Weaknesses
by Sylvia Adcock, Brian Donovan and Craig Gordon, Newsday.com, 23 Sep 2001
http://www.newsday.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=ny%2Duspent232380681sep23§ion=%2F- Subject: Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; August 12, 1949
20 Jan 2002The rules, if anyone wants to play by them.
Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; August 12, 1949
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/lawofwar/geneva03.htm- Subject: Universal Military Training
20 Jan 2002This bill seems to require military training for a year for all males 18-22 unless deferred the whole time or exempted, with some option to send them to national service instead. It appears to eliminate the 1-O conscientious objector status of both non-combatant and non-military, with an option to transfer instead. Cong. Smith has a background in Air Force intelligence. It needs active opposition. It has a potential to activate young people and parents as well to talk about the war.
Please oppose HR 3598, Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001
stopHR3598.html- Subject: Stone hits oil
20 Jan 2002Conspiracy-cracking filmmaker Oliver Stone is back.
New York's Daily News says Stone, director of JFK, recently set his sights on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
In a speach at Brown University, Stone said Osama bin Laden "was completely protected by (US) oil companies, who told (President George W.) Bush not to go after him because it would p--- off the Saudis."
- Subject: Enron & Frank Wisner, Jr.
20 Jan 2002Such a perfect new addition!
The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner
by Vijay Prashad, People's Democracy, 16 Nov 1997
Enron+Wisner.html- Subject: NoMoWo - 644 Articles on the War
20 Jan 2002This site, put up and maintained by local and international activists, needs registration for full access and is a bit hard to maneuver, including slow. However, it is a good collection of 644 articles on different aspects of the war, and more come in regularly.
NoMoWo (No more war)
Raise Your Voice Against the War Madness!
http://www.studiografit.com/nomowo/main.php- Subject: Know Your Rights
25 Jan 2002Copy it and stick it in your wallet or purse. In times like these, you may be the only one around who remembers you have them. And nobody has rights if they are not exercised regularly, just like muscles.
Nat'l Lawyer's Guild Post 9-11 Project
http://www.nlg.org/post911/- Subject: Safe and Free in Times of Crisis
25 Jan 2002This site has a press release and lots of analysis links about the so-called Patriot Act and its dangers.
Safe and Free in Times of Crisis
On Eve of Sixth-Month Anniversary of September 11th,
ACLU Says Terrorist Attacks Have Changed American Law, Society
http://www.aclu.org/safeandfree/- Subject: Former Enron Executive's Death Ruled a Suicide
27 Jan 2002This one stinks to low heaven. It needs an autopsy and close scrutiny. This looks like a whistleblower about to talk.
Former Enron Executive's Death Ruled a Suicide
Reuters, 26 Jan 2002
EexecDeath.html- Subject: Final Word on 911
27 Jan 2002If only they'd apply their standards to themselves! A little chuckle for the day.
Pres. Bush Sees "Vast Conspiracy"
Conspiracy Nation, 20 Oct 2001
http://www.shout.net/~bigred/vastcon- Subject: Left Behind By Jacob Weisberg
27 Jan 2002Perhaps this is where the "peace movement is dead" rumor began?
Left Behind
by Jacob Weisberg, Slate, 4 Dec 2001
http://slate.msn.com/?id=2059328- Subject: Pentagon Plans New Command For U.S.
27 Jan 2002This critical piece reveals plans moving forward to create a unified command in the US, a CINC commander (probably either one that works with NORAD/US Space Command or one that works with CONUS defense/NATO currently) for CONUS, and an adjustment to prohibitions on military role in domestic law enforcement, prohibited as this article notes by Posse Comitatus. Note it well, it will change the character of life in the US soon, militarizing and privatizing a wide range of civil and civilian functions that have been decentralized until now.
My suspicion remains that "Homeland Defense" may be the new impetus and plausible excuse to renew a military draft. Note the Pentagon's reluctance, since they are already involved in "100 countries". This was the fight back in August about whether or not we should become a Pax Americana between Bush's cabinet and the Pentagon. Heads have rolled since then, and the Empire is more and more visible and arrogant.
Pentagon Plans New Command For U.S.
by Bradley Graham, Washington Post, 27 Jan 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A42765-2002Jan26?language=printer- Subject: Now it's fourth-generation warfare
27 Jan 2002Vest's article in Atlantic Monthly points out the new thinking. Spinney, while still a defense strategist, picks up many of the themes of the liberal critique of the bloated Pentagon and corporate complexes. Neither this approach nor the extensive Homeland Defense/Security apparatus will do anything but waste needed funds for human development here and abroad. Asymmetric warfare should be stood on its head to realize that rooting out the cause is more important than countering the effect.
Military Affairs - Fourth-generation warfare
by Jason Vest, The Atlantic, Dec 2001
http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2001/12/vest.htm- Subject: The Bushes & bin Ladens
27 Jan 2002A little bit more history than they'd like to acknowledge. But then look at poor Ken Lay from Enron, Bush can barely remember his name now after calling him "Ken boy". Short memories I guess. Glad I'm not their friend.
Family Affair: the Bushes and the Bin Ladens
The Dubya Report, Fall 2001
http://www.thedubyareport.com/bushbin.html- Subject: Autopsy: Enron death a suicide
27 Jan 2002A good deal more detail on his position and potential value as a witness, along with perplexion of Congress about a "good guy" doing himself in.
Autopsy: Enron death a suicide
msnbc.com, 26 Jan 2002
http://www.msnbc.com/news/694040.asp#BODY- Subject: bin Laden, The Forbidden Truth
27 Jan 2002Here's a useful review of the French book on the oil deals, now translated to English I hear, anyone have details?
Paris Reporters Say Bush Threatened War Last Summer
The French Connection
by James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 2 Jan 2002
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0201/ridgeway.php- Subject: Rumsfeld Lied About Owning Enron Stock
29 Jan 2002Gee, I don't know if I'd admit it either, but then I don't run for office on their money.
New on the Public i: Pentagon Releases Misleading Statement on Enron Stock
In a statement released Jan. 22, the Pentagon noted that Donald Rumsfeld doesn't own stock in Enron. It further claimed that a Center for Public Integrity report, which noted that when Rumsfeld filed his financial disclosure report, he was one of 14 officials who owned Enron, was inaccurate. The Center stands by its story, and challenges some of the Pentagon's claims. The full Center response can be accessed at: www.public-i.org.
M. Asif Ismail
Production Editor
The Public i
http://www.public-i.org/- Subject: US Attorney's Office drops felony charges against Greenpeace StarWars 17
29 Jan 2002Avenging Angels can take a little bit of the credit for this I think.
US Attorney's office drops felony charges against Greenpeace Star Wars 17
8 January 2001
StarWars17.html- Subject: Somalis give thumbs down to `Black Hawk'
29 Jan 2002From another perspective, the Somali's rightly wonder if they are next.
Somalis remember with horror U. S. soldiers scouring and strafing their neighborhoods ... a security guard explained. "They are afraid of bombing. The last time Americans came here, first came the journalists, then the soldiers. In the beginning, it was peace. Then they began to kill us." ... mystifying for many here that U.S. soldiers ended up killing so many people...
Somalis give thumbs down to `Black Hawk'
by Donald G. McNeil Jr., New York Times
22 Jan 2002, San Francisco Chronicle
SomalisTDBHD.html- Subject: "Unlawful combatants"?
29 Jan 2002It strikes me that the Bush administration has been very cleverly meshing the concepts of declared war and criminal justice, confusing both so that they can do whatever they like without following the precepts of either. Justice has been made synonymous with military retaliation. The use of military tribunals replaces international law and tribunals. The line between civilian law enforcement and criminal courts and military actions is being eroded seriously. . . .
- Subject: Re: "Unlawful combatants"?
30 Jan 2002David's point is well taken, I just don't share the cynicism.
Subject: Re: "Unlawful combatants"?
From: David MacMichael
To: John Judge
Dear John:Well said and to the point. Paradoxically, also beside the point. Fait accompli and all that.
What can be done? By the citizen, nothing. (Except, of course, to do as you are doing by voicing protest). It is up to the Congress to withdraw its silly grant of war powers and to insist on legal and constitutional responses.
But, I fear, it is too late for that, too. Harry Truman's actions (at Dean Acheson's urging) not to ask for a war resolution before sending troops to Korea set the precedent. LBJ repeated this when he secured from the spineless MCs the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. The unfortunate, and on its face unconstitutional, War Powers Act authorizing the executive to engage the nation in war without a prior declaration, was the next congressional waiver. Now we have "war" declared (so to speak) against, not another nation, but against a totally undefined (or, at best, ill-defined) concept called "terrorism"--an open-ended war to be conducted ad infinitum against "terrorists" and all those, be they nations, organizations, groups, or individuals, who "support terrorism."
Twenty years ago I watched the US direct and finance a terrorist campaign against Nicaragua. Do I hear one of our cowardly congresspersons call attention to this? Fageddahabahtit.
John, this is more than the treatment or the status of the persons the US takes into custody during this so-called war. It is about the use of the US armed forces in an unconstitutional manner.
Unhappily, as I indicated above, all the precedents have been established over the past 51 years. In that half century where (Wayne Morse?) has a significant congressional voice been raised? And where (Vietnam protests? Iran-contra? Maybe) has been the voice of the American people--except in support of "our president."
Hail Caesar and vale republic.
Keep it up, though, John. Better vain protest than no protest at all.
- Subject: Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide (Enron)
30 Jan 2002More questions on Baxter, and a hallelujah someone is asking them. Where is Cyril Wecht when we need him?
t r u t h o u t - ISSUES - Police : Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide
by Cathryn Conroy, CompuServe News Editor
http://www.truthout.org/docs_01/01.30C.Police.Suicide.p.htm- Subject: Meet Larry Mitchell (CIA w/bin Laden in Dubai)
30 Jan 2002I can't get the link on here to work, but I have seen the interview with Brezezinsky reprinted recently, and he regretted nothing about what trouble they caused afterwards, so exulted was he at the fall of the USSR. Brezezinsky also recommended in his own book on world politics that in order to control the resources of the post USSR world that the US had to set up a military base in Uzbekistan. We're working on it now.
from Radio France Internationale (Nov. 1, 2001)
Radio France Internationale --a state-owned station-- has confirmed today (Nov. 1st) the news about the meeting between Osama bin Laden and a CIA agent in the emirate of Dubai. It has also given more details: his name is Larry Mitchell and he is the local station chief under the guise of a `consular agent'. The meeting took place on July, 12, 2001.
The news also quotes Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former aide to President Jimmy Carter on the CIA help to the Afghans. It didn't begin in 1980 as a consequence of the Soviet intervention on December, 24, 1979, as the official story tells. To the contrary, the Soviet invasion was a consequence of a secret directive by Carter dated July 3, 1979, who ordered the clandestine help to the Afghan rebels.
http://www.math.uic.edu/~takata/WorldTradeCenter/WTC_Articles/Russian-US_tensions_and_anthrax.htm- Subject: The Good War And Those Who Refused To Fight It
31 Jan 2002An important message at this time on PBS. I haven't yet been able to catch a showing but want to. The text here is fun and worth reading through. I especially liked the starvation experiment diary and the COG's (Conscientious Objector Girls). During the Vietnam era there were Women Who Say Yes to Men Who Say No.
PBS - THE GOOD WAR And Those Who Refused To Fight It
http://www.pbs.org/itvs/thegoodwar/- Subject: The Taliban's Camps Were Built by NATO
31 Jan 2002Reveals the CIA link to the "terror training camps". There were reports at the time, as I recall, that a meeting of leading world terrorists was called by bin Laden and that was what Clinton was sending the missiles in to destroy. Then the press said they had killed many of them but that bin Laden had not attended at the last moment. I recall thinking then that he, like many other villified but surviving "evil enemies" of the US, was one of ours, created and run by the CIA behind the scene. I haven't been disabused of that notion to date.
Afghan Taliban Camps Were Built by NATO
By Tim Weiner - Washington, New York Times, 24 August 1998
http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/camps.htm- Subject: Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate Policy
31 Jan 2002Casey's last gift, how it all began.
Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate Policy
Emperor's Clothes
http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/anatomy2.htm- Subject: Andrews Nuclear Waste Dump - It Lives
31 Jan 2002Check out the Cheney links in this piece.
Stop Andrews Nuclear Waste Dump!
Stop Waste Control Specialists LLC and Harold Simmons
www.andrewsnuclearwastedump.org- Subject: Huge Pentagon Budget Increase
31 Jan 2002The largest increase in 20 years, on top of an already bloated structure. This is coming directly out of critically needed social services and safety nets. This will not "boost the economy" for workers, only for corporate profits. Social Security funds will bear this excess, and a deficit which is covered by loans from the rich. We will be paying it off for decades. It will not protect us
Bush Seeks Massive Defense Hike
Christian Science Monitor 29 January 2002
http://www.military.com/Content/Printer_Friendly_Version/1,11491,,00.html?rb_GeneralOption=0&passfile=FL%5Fdefensehike%5F012902&file=FL%5Fdefensehike%5F012902&page_url=%2FContent%2FMoreContent%2F1%2C12044%2CFL%5Fdefensehike%5F012902%2C00%2Ehtml- Subject: Defense of the country is a "burden"
31 Jan 2002While all this is excessive, it is telling that the Pentagon finds it a burden to defend the US because it is so stretched out in 100 other countries.
Some Security Duties May End
Associated Press, 25 January 2002
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