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In 1992 the Earth Island Quarterly (David Brower's quarterly) printed the following:
"Beware of Title X": The Bush Administration's revised National Energy Strategy (minus the alarming plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration and stripped of provisions for improved auto gas mileage) still poses a grave threat to the environment, according to the Upper Great Lakes Green Network. Hidden within the 493-page document is a section under Title X, Uranium, that, the Greens charge, "would profoundly affect every citizen, plant and animal in the world".
Title X would create a "United States Enrichment Corporation" (USEC), empowered to take control "without charge" of all government uranium enrichment facilities. While the USEC would begin life as "an agency and instrument of the United States", within four years it would become a "privately owned" entity, enjoying immunity from liability suits and confidentiality of records (even from Congress). The USEC would have the power to engage the resources of the FBI, CIA, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs; it would "provide assistance to the domestic uranium industry" and it would "market and sell enriched uranium . . .and related services to qualified domestic and foreign persons." The USEC could even authorize oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by exercising its powers of "eminent domain."
(For an analysis of Title X, write: UGLGN, W11590, Center Road, Rt1, Ripon, WI 54971)
My note here: I have saved this for ten years. It is taken directly from the Spring, 1992 - Earth Island Quarterly.
Update: Last year a man, who works on energy projects all over the world through a group in Berkley, researched the current status of the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), and this is what he found:
The USEC does exist, and is (and has been since 1998), a private corporation. (See http://www.usec.com/)
Now isn't this somehow extremely important for a lot of people to know about? Can engage the resources of the FBI, CIA,and BIA? Why, for what purpose, and what does that include? Eminent domain -- supercedes Congress? -- `empowered to take control "without charge" of all government uranium facilities'?
Doesn't it somehow fit eerily into the ENRON web -- creating an energy crisis to trump up a phony excuse to rebirth nuclear power plants, creating needs in which a market is covertly controlled for power and greed. Who is involved in the USEC and are they the same players as the ENRON group? Is Cheney involved? I'm certain smarter people can enlarge the picture and formulate better questions.
If you don't mind taking the time, I'd like to hear back what you think. I would love to put it to rest, but, intuitively, this continues to haunt me and I keep passing it on to people in the hopes someone will dispell my concern or help get the word out and the right people moving on it.