This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Groups Gird for Long Legal Fight on New Bush Anti-Terror Powers
1 Dec 2001Time to speak out!
Groups Gird for Long Legal Fight on New Bush Anti-Terror Powers
by William Glaberson, NYT, 30 Nov 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/30/politics/30RIGH.html?pagewanted=print- Subject: President Defends Secret Tribunals in Terrorist Cases
1 Dec 2001"And we must not let foreign enemies use the forums of liberty to destroy liberty itself." --Bush
We are doing a good enough job by ourselves. We will be accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner without the hindrance of legal niceties or evidence this way.President Defends Secret Tribunals in Terrorist Cases
by David Sanger, NYT, 30 Nov 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/30/politics/30CIVI.html?pagewanted=print- Subject: US Lies About Village Bombing Raid
1 Dec 2001Evidence of war crimes mounts. Someone asked Rumsfeld about Amenset International calling for an inquiry into the "prison riot" that left 500 POWs dead. He said "An inquiry? Amazing. I could think of lots of other things we need an inquiry into". Meanwhile the British press is asking if their troops have been involved in war crimes. The US press will never be that honest. In the 1970's a book came out compiling stories from the NYT and WP under each heading of the War Crimes Act to show that we were violating almost every provision in Vietnam.
Other war crimes include similar massacres by the Northern Alliance after each US assisted "victory", the use of daisy cutter bombs and cluster bombs (specifically anti-personnel weapons of genocide), and the forced starvations resulting from a refusal to cease bombing in time for aid to reach people.
We need a visible, loud, credible voice to lift up about this issue, the end of civil liberties, and the humanitarian issues. There is a call for national actions on December 7th. It's up to us.
US denies knowledge of village bombing raid
icBirmingham [UK], 1 Dec 2001
http://icbirmingham.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0200nationalnews/page.cfm?objectid=11457093&method=full- Subject: Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups
1 Dec 2001Do you get it yet? This is not "government at its best". Maybe they can bring Ollie North back to finish shredding the Constitution? The bill of rights shouldn't take long. I hope this will move us to speak out now.
Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups
by David Johnston and Don Vannatta, NYT, 1 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/01/national/01BURE.html?pagewanted=print- Subject: What Did They Know?
1 Dec 2001A good one-stop compilation siteon 9-11.
Make Them Accountable
What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
http://makethemaccountable.com/whatwhen/- Subject: War Crimes
1 Dec 2001We must face the facts of what this nation state has created in the world.
Robert Fisk: We are the war criminals now
`Everything we have believed in since the Second World War
goes by the board as we pursue our own exclusive war'
by Robert Fisk, [UK] Independent, 29 Nov 2001
http://www.counterpunch.org/rfisk2.html- Subject: High School Dissenter Abused
1 Dec 2001Subject: Urgent Action: West Virginia High School Antiwar Dissenter Punished
Please read the Associated Press story below for more info, then contact the officials below and let them know you support the rights of all students to learn and express their beliefs without repression.
Anarchist Teen Pulled From School
Associated Press, 28 Nov 2001
AmySierra.html- Subject: FBI's internal debate
1 Dec 2001Ex-FBI Officials Criticize Tactics On Terrorism
by Jim McGee, Washington Post, 28 Nov 2001
http://www.truthout.com/11.30E.Ex.FBI.htm- Subject: Ames Strain Anthrax?
1 Dec 2001Destruction of the Ames strain collection points to it as a good prospect, but the Rumsfeld plan to develop a genetically altered superstrain of anthrax reported on September 4 may explain this also.
Army sent anthrax strain to only 5 labs
by Steve Fainaru and Joby Warrick, Washington Post, 30 Nov 2001
http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/news/100711627612637199.xml- Subject: Presidential Secrecy Opposed
1 Dec 2001Finally, people begin to react.
Say New Restrictions on White House Files Violate Presidential Records Act
"Bush Order Attempts to Overturn the Law, Take the Power Back"
National Security Archive, 28 Nov 2001
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20011128/- Subject: NoMoWo - Home
2 Dec 2001A good archive on the war and related issues. You need to register, can also post here.
NoMoWo (No more war)
Raise Your Voice Against the War Madness!
http://www.studiografit.com/nomowo/main.php- Subject: Democracy Act - thoughts to Senator Gravel
2 Dec 2001Senator Gravel,
I appreciated talking to you today about the Initiative Symposium, and want to thank you for your generous offer to waive the registration fees. I can attend to my own food and lodging I think, but if scholarship funds become available let me know. On your urging, I revisited the Democracy Act, and I have added my thoughts and comments on the specifics below.
You can read my ideas at www.geocities.com/open_secrets_2000. This lays out the program of Real Democracy. I think we are headed in the same direction, and I support your approach in most aspects. I still think that with a post-literate, multi-cultural, ahistorical and long disenfranchized, and thoroughly propagandized electorate we will need to set up grassroots models of direct, participatory democracy to actually make it happen.
Democracy should be a system wherein ALL the people affected by a particular decision make that decision. Also, it is important to act think globally when acting locally, as well as to think locally when acting globally. All decisions should be available for review in a set period of time, once the real consequences are known. Looking forward to the symposium -
John Judge
My comments follow inside the text: democracyAct.html
The Democracy Act - A proposed federal law
The National Initiative for Democracy
Returning Government To The People
www.ni4d.org- Subject: A child's call for justice, by Molly Levy, Berkeley, 8 years old
2 Dec 2001Let a child lead us.
A child's call for justice
by Molly Levy, Berkeley Daily Planet, 28 Nov 2001
MollyLevy.html- Subject: Agony in Afghanistan
2 Dec 2001Forwarded from a resident of Newark.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The article below is one of the most devastating pieces about the reality on the ground for the Afghan people that I've read since September 11th.
The good news is that this was the front page article in today's Newark Star-Ledger, with a huge picture of a burial ground outside the Maslakh refugee camp. The caption read, "A man places stones on a child's grave in the burial ground outside the Maslakh refugee camp in western Afghanistan. The taller mounds of stones are for adults. Cold and starvation both take their toll on Afghans on the move."
If you have contact with any public figures -- progressive Congresspeople (who have been notably silent), ministers, celebrities, anybody -- who should see this, who might be moved to speak out publicly about the looming spectre of potentially millions of deaths from cold and starvation this winter, please pass it on.
Silence and inaction now by those who claim to be progressives and who are in positions where their voices would make a difference is truly reprehensible.
For many, home is a blanket and the food is weeds
by Farnaz Fassihi, Newark Star-Ledger, 30 Nov 2001
http://www.ccmep.org/hotnews/formany113001.html- Subject: Not a Reason in the World (oil)
2 Dec 2001Oil, oil, oil.
Forwarded e-mail:
This was discovered by a friend -- "they" talked about this in 1998!
The route through Afghanistan is the one that would bring Central Asian oil closest to Asian markets and thus would be the cheapest in terms of transporting the oil.
Testimony By John J. Maresca Vice President, International Relations Unocal Corporation To House Committee On International Relations Subcommittee On Asia And The Pacific
February 12, 1998, Washington, D.C.
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/Maresca2USG.html- Subject: War crime?
2 Dec 2001Forget the source, think about the event.
"An independent inquiry? Amazing."
--Rumsfeld responding to questions about the Amnesty International response.Massacred prisoners' hands were tied
by Deidre Griswold, Workers World Service, 6 Dec 2001
http://www.workers.org/ww/2001/massacre1206.php- Subject: Behind The Bushes: Chronology of a family
KEY WORDS: George W. Bush
3 Dec 2001A little history lesson, lest we forget.
Looking behind the Bushes; Great moments in a great American family, 1918 - 1994
Progressive Review
http://www.prorev.com/bush2.htm- Subject: FBI turf war?
3 Dec 2001Interesting item on the lack of cooperation.
FBI Chief Promises to Give State And Local Police a Role in Probe
by Paul Duggan, Washington Post, 17 Oct 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A5292-2001Oct16?language=printer- Subject: HRW: Aftermath of the September 11 Attacks,
Human Rights Implications
5 Dec 2001A source on war related issues. Note the coalition formed to address security concerns.
September 11 Attacks: Crimes Against Humanity
The Aftermath
Human Rights Watch
http://hrw.org/campaigns/september11/- Subject: HRW: Legal Issues Arising from the War in Afghanistan and Related Anti-Terrorism Efforts
5 Dec 2001Here it is in plain language.
Legal Issues Arising from the War in Afghanistan and Related Anti-Terrorism Efforts
Human Rights Watch
http://hrw.org/campaigns/september11/ihlqna.htm- Subject: Ashcroft under fire
5 Dec 2001Glad somebody noticed. The two main movers in this, Senator Russell Feingold and Senator Patrick Leahy, were targets of the anthrax envelopes, a case Ashcroft can't solve.
Ashcroft Under Fire for U.S. Anti-Terrorism Tactics
Reuters, 4 Dec 2001
AshcroftUF.html- Subject: Real biodefense - diplomacy
5 Dec 2001Biotech's Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Best Defense Against Biowar? . . . Diplomacy
Biotech's Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
by Edward Hammond, Counterpunch, 5 Dec 2001
http://www.counterpunch.org/ehammond1.html- Subject: Commentary: Averting Bioterrorism Begins with US Reforms
5 Dec 2001A word to the wise.
Averting Bioterrorism Begins with US Reforms
by Edward Hammond, Sunshine Project, 21 Sep 2001
http://www.sunshine-project.org/comment210901.html- Subject: Guard those oil fields!
5 Dec 2001Here is a really stupid idea.
Secret US Plan for Iraq War
Bush Orders Backing for Rebels to Topple Saddam
by Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver, Observer of London, Dec 2 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1202-02.htm- Subject: Bush Cover-up?
5 Dec 2001This is my first email out to the newly formed International Network of Deep Politics Researchers INDPR, focused on analyzying 9-11. . . . The following interview appeared on Guerilla News http://www.guerrillanews.com/counter_intelligence/ and referred to the journalist Greg Palast's site www.gregpalast.com.
[What was quoted starts a little over half-way down in the following, http://www.guerrillanews.com/counter_intelligence/233.html , and continues inside http://www.guerrillanews.com/counter_intelligence/235.html .]
Speaking of which, let's jump to the present and to another bombshell you recently reported: that Bush has hindered the FBI's investigation into various terrorist organizations. What did you find?
. . . There is no question we had what looked like the biggest failure of the intelligence community since Pearl Harbor but what we are learning now is it wasn't a failure, it was a directive. . . .
Above The Law, Bush's Racial Coup D'Etat and Intel Shutdown
by Anthony Lappe, Guerrilla News Network, 2 Dec 2001
http://www.guerrillanews.com/counter_intelligence/doc231.html- Subject: Chossodovky's archive on America's War
5 Dec 2001An excellent resource with loads of good articles in one place, and links to branch out to many related topics.
America's War / L'Amérique en guerre
Centre for Research on Globalisation
http://www.globalresearch.ca/by-topic/central-asia/- Subject: AMA rejects nationwide smallpox vaccinations
5 Dec 2001A ray of sanity.
AMA rejects nationwide smallpox vaccinations
AP, 5 Dec 2001
AMAsmallpox.html- Subject: Anthrax Attacks Now Being Linked to US Right-Wing Cranks
5 Dec 2001A more likely patsy.
Anthrax Attacks Now Being Linked to US Right-Wing Cranks
by Chris Blackhurst, Independent [UK], 21 Oct 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1021-02.htm- Subject: N. Korea next?
9 Dec 2001It's certainly on their list, but Iraq may be coming next. After all, they said 60 countries and that Afghanistan is "only the beginning". Global destablization is causing these reactions already. Now Rumsfeld has changed once more on bin Laden. The last position was "We may never catch bin Laden, that is not my mission". This last week he said "bin Laden may no longer be in Afghanistan" and that they would deal with whatever country is harboring him. A pefect will-o-the-wisp for our intervention plans.
N.Korea says in `full combat preparedness' for US
Reuters, 9 Dec 2001
http://geoweb.fao.org/News/00011325.HTM- Subject: ISI, Pakistan spy agency armed Taliban in secret
9 Dec 2001This confirms ISI involvement up to and after September 11 with the Taliban. Other reports that the not-yet-deposed head of ISI, the main funnel of CIA funds to Osama bin Laden, was in the US from September 4th until after the attack, meeting with CIA and Richard Armitage, of Contragate infamy as well as suspected drug dealings, at the State Department. This puts question to any "blowback" thesis I think.
Pakistan spy agency accused of arming Taliban in secret
by David Wastell in Washington, Telegraph [UK], 12 Sep 2001
ISItabiban.html- Subject: Is Europe Next?/"Our Precious Freedoms ..."
9 Dec 2001US law chief 'throws rights to the wind'
The round-up
by Rupert Cornwell in Washington, Independent [UK], 9 Dec 2001
http://cndyorks.gn.apc.org/news/articles/rightstothewind.htm- Subject: Vietnam Environmental Conference
9 Dec 2001We haven't cleaned up our last messes yet, now we are planning new ones. There is a pattern here. War is a laboratory to test weapons and people alike. Both GI's and the enemy are guinea pigs. The ecocide, etnocide and genocide in Vietnam is still an unassessed heritage of our war there. Agent Orange, Gulf War syndrome and the new bio-weapons in Colombia take their toll on GI's and the population being attacked. We have unleashed so much death in the world, and weapons that just keep on killing decades down the line. Afghanistan was already dealing with 10 million land mines, now there is new unexploded anti-personnel cluster bombs as well. I am sure depleted uranium weapons are part of the picture there too. Here is a look back at the technology of death we rained down on a small country 40 years ago.
Vietnam Environmental Conference
International Conference on the Long-Term
Environmental Consequences of the Vietnam War
Stockholm * 26-28 July 2002 http://www.nnn.se/vietnam/environ.htm- Subject: The latest from Barbara Kingsolver on the war
9 Dec 2001The difference between a bully and a defender is that one starts the fight and the other has to end it to their chagrin. Guys who came back bragging about exploits during WWII often got told to shut up by other veterans. War really is hell, and here is one clear voice, quoting another from the distant path, ready to say so.
Ben Franklin is paraphrased here on liberty and security, without acknowledgement, but it rings true anyway. Wanted dead or alive, you're either with us or against us, smoke them out of their holes, the evidence is circumstantial but good enough for us, we will either bring them to justice or justice to them, what country would you rather have try you in a military tribunal? This is all frontier posse justice and an equation of military revenge with actual justice, of accusation and execution with the rule of law, and an end to the principle of posse comitatus, that clearly divides the functions of the police and the military in the society for good reasons (the British troops before the Revolution, the Union troops after the Civil War, the Gestapo and the NKVD are examples of the breakdown of that bright line).
Where is Joseph Welch when we need him, asking "have you then, Sir, at the end, no sense of decency?" The Supreme Court justice who presided at Nuremberg knew the difference and fought to use a real rule of law and dignity against the worst elements known to recent human history, the Nazi war criminals. This nightmare presented by Bush, Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft is nothing short of thinly disguised fascism posing as patriotic response. The majority of Americans and the vast majority of other nations want fair international tribunals, not this travesty. Now is not a time for silence.
Reflections On 'Wartime'
by Barbara Kingsolver, Washington Post, 23 Nov 2001
http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/rob00307.htm- Subject: More on Carlyle (and Calpers)
9 Dec 2001War is PROFIT, first and foremost. Calpers was also invested heavily in Enron, which is bankrupt now. Bush's family was jointly invested in Nazi Germany and the US during WWII, and the bank they were associated with had assets siezed under the Trading With the Enemy Act (see Charles Higham's Nazi-American Money Pact for more on this corporate war model that plays both sides). Carlyle is all over the place in this game.
Carlyle profit from Afghan war
by David Lazarus, San Fransisco Chronicle, 2 Dec 2001
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/LAZ112A.html- Subject: Part 1 - Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear (CIA-Nazi Marriage)
9 Dec 2001Here's the start of the commentary, with a critical and insightful preface to Martin Lee's recent commentary on Gehlen based on the new files.
Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear (Part 1 of 2)
by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 2 Dec 2001
http://emperor.vwh.net/docs/gehlen2.htm- Subject: Part 2 - Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear (CIA-Nazi Marriage)
9 Dec 2001Gehlen, Nazi terror trainers, and more. The historical roots of the problem.
Part 2 - Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear (CIA-Nazi Marriage)
Comments by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 7 Dec 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/gehlen2.htm- Subject: John Ashcroft Misses the Point
9 Dec 2001Despite the weak-kneed ending, this suggests a split in the class over the handling of domestic issues at least.
John Ashcroft Misses the Point
Editorial/Op-Ed, New York Times, 7 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/07/opinion/07FRI1.html?ei=1&en=9489303794155d97&ex=1008742173&pagewanted=print- Subject: Does Osama Bin Laden still work for the CIA?
9 Dec 2001Thick as pea soup.
Gaping Holes in the 'CIA vs. bin Laden' Story
by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 8 Nov 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm- Subject: John Ashcroft as the new Joe McCarthy
9 Dec 2001Get the message? Sit down and shut up!
Ashcroft Defends Antiterror Plan and Says Criticism May Aid Foes
by Neil Lewis, New York Times, 7 Dec 2001
http://www.criminaljustice.org/public.nsf/newsreleases/2001mn067?opendocument- Subject: A Chamber of Horrors Next to the Garden of Eden
10 Dec 2001More unassessed heritage of war. I have no reason to think DU shells were not used in Afghanistan as well or won't be around the world.
A Chamber of Horrors Next to the Garden of Eden
by Andy Kershaw, Independent [UK], 1 Dec 2001
CoH.html- Subject: Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S.
10 Dec 2001American biowar boy says anthrax is homegrown variety.
Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S.
by William Broad, New York imes, 3 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/03/national/03POWD.html?todaysheadlines=&pagewanted=print- Subject: Nothing happened (US destruction of Afghanistan)
10 Dec 2001"We are through the looking glass now, gentlemen" Jim Garrison as portrayed in JFK. The demonstrations opposing this event will doubtless also be at sites where nothing happened.
A village is destroyed. And America says nothing happened
by Richard Lloyd Parry in Kama Ado, Afghanistan, Independent [UK], 4 Dec 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1204-05.htm- Subject: War in Afghanistan a means to another end (Brisard & Dasquie)
10 Dec 2001I seriously recommend John Cooley's book, Unholy Wars [1, 2] (not to be confused with the recent whitewash book Unholy War, Inc.). This article joins a growing literature that strips back the veil on the underlying reasons for the war.
The war in Afghanistan is a means to another end
It is becoming more apparent that the war in Afghanistan
has nothing to do with terrorism, Osama bin Laden,
the Taliban or the World Trade. Centre.
by Firoz Osman, Daily Mail & Guardian, 4 Dec 2001
AW_MtAE.html- Subject: GW Bush says, "I'm the dictator."
10 Dec 2001Conspiracy is "incomprehensible", but here is evidence of earlier cases and plans (including Lansdale of course) and current problems with the official story.
CNN: GW Bush says, "I'm the dictator."
counter-recruitment mail group at yahoogroups.com message
dictatorTime.html- Subject: Adm. Crowe, Bioport and the Put Option Activity Before 9-11
10 Dec 2001Here is more on the corporate front. Carlyle owns Bioport which is likely to get the FDA waiver for the smallpox vaccines despite years of trouble with the FDA over bad batches. Someone might check into why Sen. Peter Deutch (D) was so fanatically pushing the FDA for this at the hearings, and claiming that 5 terrorists with smallpox could kill 100 million Americans by wearing makeup. Blackstock bought out the WTC a few months before September 11. Admiral Crowe to cash in? Who isn't?
Adm. Crowe, Bioport and the Put Option Activity Before 9-11
Alex Constantine mail list, 5 Dec 2001
CroweBioport.html- Subject: A Silver Lining for BioPort
10 Dec 2001Here is the inside scoop on Crowe and Bioport, sorry about my earlier slip saying they produce the "smallpox" vaccine, it's late here. Follow the Sen. Deutch question down that trail though and those companies. Bioport does the anthrax vaccine, and as you can see, not very well in the past. The cookie jar is open.
Anthrax Cloud's Silver Lining
Bioport Corp. Lands Exclusive License to Produce Vaccine
by Howard L. Rosenberg, ABCNEWS.com, 12 Mar 1999
http://more.abcnews.go.com/onair/2020/2020_990312_anthrax_feature.html- Subject: The Accidental [CIA] Operative
10 Dec 2001It's just a coinkydink.
The Accidental Operative
Richard Helms's Afghani Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps
by Camelia Fard & James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 6 Jun 2001
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0124/ridgeway.php- Subject: U.S. likely to release bin Laden tape
11 Dec 2001One has to wonder at this conveniently found piece of evidence, but the interesting detail that does ring true is that people getting on the plane did not know what was going on, and later thought they were involved in a hijacking only, not a suicide run. But, then, verisimilitude is a prerequisite to a good lie, you have to tell some truth to have the lie believed.
U.S. likely to release bin Laden tape
CNN.com, 10 Dec 2001
http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/12/10/ret.binladen.tape/index.html>- Subject: it goes back a long, long way
12 Dec 2001Though Loftus has a bias, he worked for the OSI which hunted down Nazis like Walter Rudolph. This is important history and the book is worth reading. I have not yet ruled out Saudi Arabia, nor should you.
It goes back a long, long way
brasscheck mail list
LongWayBack.html- Subject: Terrorist Ignored by FBI for Years
12 Dec 2001I'm trying to obtain the 80-page indictment handed out at a press conference today by the Justice Department. They say it "speaks for itself" so I want to listen closely. It is significant that he is not being tried by a military tribunal but by a federal court in Virginia. He clearly seems to have been a red flag waving that no one cared to notice. The comment at the flying school seems so blatant that one has to wonder if it was said on purpose though. Failure to ask for a warrant to search his computer, called a FISA request because there is already in place a federal secret court to deport people, is not very understandable since they grabbed him on suspicion of more than visa violations. Is he the 20th or part of Team B?
The '20th hijacker' had been a suspect for years
but he was ignored by intelligence agencies
by Ian Burrell, Andrew Gumbel and Kim Sengupta, Independent [UK], 11 Dec 2001
http://www.geocities.com/anitaalittle/the_20th_hijacker_had_been_a_suspect_for_years.html- Subject: Frank Morales Report from [NYC] Ground Zero
12 Dec 2001A powerful word from the front lines. Send it on. Polls of New Yorkers found that they were less in favor of military retaliation than those not directly injured. Many family members of the victims have spoken against the war and retaliation. The cycle of violence is endless unless someone breaks it.
"If you want to have a war, don't ask the infantry, and don't ask the dead" - Ernest Hemingway
Report by Frank Morales, 11 Dec 2001
Ground0Rpt.html- Subject: The View from Inside the CIA
12 Dec 2001A mix of good and bad conclusions, direct from the horse's mouth. I wish they did have some more "human intelligence" at the Pentagon and the CIA, but not more agents and informers.
- "Our intelligence people have become too concerned with individual rights ..." (!)
Experts: Intelligence work forever changed
Sept. 11 called `total failure' of nation's law enforcement
by Glenn Puit, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 10 Dec 2001
http://www.lvrj.com/cgi-bin/printable.cgi?/lvrj_home/2001/Dec-10-Mon-2001/news/17598914.html- Subject: Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
12 Dec 2001Lots of good quotes, especially Hitler on propaganda. I was on a radio talk show in September, right after the incident, and I said right away that "we still don't know who did this". The host said, "What is this, some kind of conspiracy theory?" I said, "No, Osama bin Laden and his gang of thugs is the conspiracy theory, and it has yet to be proven." Today's indictment is replete with charges of "conspiracy", and for once it wasn't followed by "theory", but we all know why. This one is THEIRS.
GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
by Robert Lederman, 23 Nov 2001
http://baltech.org/lederman/bush-conspiracy-11-23-01.html- Subject: Evidence of another stand down - in NYC
12 Dec 2001--------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 23:28:11 -0600 Subject: FW: And more on 9/11 > I DON'T BUY IT! > > > "I was one of the first tenants in the World Trade Center > (WTC) back in 1979. Back then--over 20 years ago--it was > known to all the tenants of the WTC that the buildings > were a "no fly" zone. If an aircraft came within 12 miles > of the WTC, flying outside of a pattern where it was > suppossed to be, it was warned to back off. If it came > within 5 miles, they would threaten to shoot it down. If > it came within 3 miles, they could shoot it down. On the > roof of Tower No. 2 they had surface-to-air missles for > that purpose. They also had Spatz helicopters for that > purpose. > > "I had a friend who was flying a small plane who got warned > away and they almost blew him out of the sky 20 years ago > because he was showing someone a close view of the Towers. > > "I can see the first Tower possibly getting hit by surprise, > but 15 minutes later the second Tower also gets hit? I > don't buy it." > > > Walter Burien, Radio Free America, Nov. 11, 2001.- Subject: Carlyle War Profits Revisited/United Defense Industries Start-Up
12 Dec 2001The real reason behind all wars, profit. These go to Bush.
United Defense to break 5-year drought for defense IPOs
by Elena Molinari, Reuters, 5 Dec 2001
UnitedDefns.html- Subject: Who Is Behind 9-11? [Section 1]
12 Dec 2001Stand down delineated.
Introduction & Part 1, Section 1
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 17 Nov 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-1.htm- Subject: Northwoods: Top U.S. Military Plan for Terror to Justify War
12 Dec 2001Northwoods is important to understanding how far some will go, especially those in covert operations and military intelligence circles. These do not always have the approval of the higher ups, but may be done to involve them against their wishes.
An example would be the failed "raid on Tehran" (with 8 helicopters that needed to refuel twice?) carried out by Richard Secord's Delta Force inside Iran, 600 miles from target, at the edge of Afghanistan, and sabotaged to fail (sand covers left off the old Huey choppers sent from mothball on a US carrier, according to GI's present) and embarass Carter. I think the "convoy of trucks" stopped on a nearby road (not exactly a hidden staging site) was more likely part of a guns for drugs exchange as well. Never do an operation for just one bonus. As to the arguments made here pitting oil and geopolitical positioning, they are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but I would add this context:
The "voracious" US use of oil is based on two factors, first the lack of development of viable alternative energy sources that preseves the monopolies, and second the fact that somewhere between 60-80% (reports in 85 and projections to 2000) of all US oil use (and it is at least 60% of global oil use by 4% of the world's population) is military use. This means that we are fighting wars to preserve access to oil needed to fight the wars. That's a "national interest" I guess.
General Schwarzkopf noted at Texas A&M at the anniversary celebration of the Gulf War "victory" in Kuwait, that we had used 3.5 billion gallons of oil to carry out the war. Iraq and Kuwiat were fighting over 14 million barrels as I recall at the time, since Kuwait was illegally siphoning it off.
But the real issue is not our access to oil as much as it is blocking access still to Japan and Germany and other parts of Europe. Our control of pipelines insures that the oil goes to sea in tankers and is artificially inflated in price by port bidding wars. Japan and Germany, capitalist competitors, never had internal oil sources, a fact that lead to Pearl Harbor when we boycotted Japan's supply, and this is the basis, I believe, for the new axis of the Trilateral Commission.
At the same time, the fall of the USSR, the destablization of the surrounding "buffer states" over time, and the current US military presence in Uzbekistan and beyond have to do with not only oil access but the whole region. Russia is still one of the richest areas of natural resources in the world, with a huge, educated and cheap labor force. In the end, geopolitics and resources are the first reasons anyone should investigate when trying to determine the causes of war, the stated reasons should always be the last.
Northwoods: A Plan for Terror to Justify War
Key Excerpts from the Previously Classified Northwoods Document
and Links to the Full Text
Comments by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 10 Dec 2001
Operation Northwoods
Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba
Excerpts from declassified 1962 U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Memo
rat haus reality
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Northwoods.html- Subject: Stunning Report ***Exposes
Chief Anthrax Mailing Suspects---GUESS WHO??
13 Dec 2001Horowitz, as you can tell by reading closely, is wedded to New World Order right-wing conspiracy thesis. However, he is a scientist and his information on that score and the corporate data should be paid close attention to.
Could the Anthrax Mailings Be Military-Industrial Espionage?
by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., 12 Dec 2001
http://www.tpromo.com/gk/dec01/121201.htm- Subject: A FAIR Question - How Many Dead?
13 Dec 2001How Many Dead? Major networks aren't counting
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, ACTION ALERT, 12 Dec 2001
http://www.fair.org/activism/afghanistan-casualties.html- Subject: Anthrax origins at Dugway/Detrich -- matches US Army spores from Dugway
13 Dec 2001Here is the Sun piece that generated the WP and NYT stories.
Anthrax Matches Army Spores
Bioterror: Organisms made at a military laboratory in Utah
are genetically identical to those mailed to members of Congress.
by Scott Shane, The Baltimore Sun, 12 Dec 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1212-01.htm- Subject: Dugway admits and denies on anthrax
16 Dec 2001The story gets better, more details from the Baltimore Sun.
Army confirms making anthrax in recent years
Military laboratory in Utah says powder is all accounted for
by Scott Shane, Baltimore Sun, 13 Dec 2001
http://baltimoresun.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=bal%2Dte%2Eanthrax13dec13- Subject: Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks
16 Dec 2001The plot thickens. Note the FBI focus on CIA source, ignoring the Army for the moment, and the reference to suspects including those who "want to blame Iraq". CIA related sources, like Woolsey, have been blaming Iraq from the beginning. This article indicates a major split in the establishment, because otherwise they do not cast blame on each other like this. Someone is spilling the beans, and it will open a window for those who can see, into the intercine workings of this operation.
I am trying to retrieve and send a related and very important article from December 12 NYT about the origins of the super anthrax sent to Daschle and the destruction by Nixon of 220 pounds (that's 100 million doses per two grams, billions per ounce, 16 ounces to the pound, 220 pounds equals thousands of billions of lethal doses, talk about overkill). Was it all destroyed? If any of you have an online version of the NYT piece, please forward to me.
Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks
5 Labs Can Trace Spores to Ft. Detrick
by Rick Weiss and Susan Schmidt, Washington Post, 16 Dec 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A49502-2001Dec15?language=printer- Subject: Big Biotechs Target Smaller Companies
16 Dec 2001This is where the profits will go.
Big Biotechs Target Smaller Companies
by Paul Elias, AP Biotechnology Writer, 11 Dec 2001
BigBiotechs.html- Subject: The Money and the Power
16 Dec 2001Last night on C-SPAN radio they aired an event at the University of Nevada with co-authors Roger Morris and Sue Denton (Blue Grass Conspiracy) of their new deep-politics book The Money and the Power, a history of Las Vegas that lead them into a history of the whole mess, including the JFK assassination, Castro plots, Mafia/CIA links, and the corruption of government, banks and the foreign policy of the US.
Roger Morris, a former National Security Staffer for both LBJ and Nixon before he quit over the Vietnam war (and author of a book on Clinton, which revealed his CIA ties while a Rhodes scholar spying on the anti-war Americans abroad), took time at the end of his remarks to expand on September 11. He had been assigned to Afghanistan by the CIA and had the mujehaddin as his "clients" back when the US was arming and training them against the USSR.
He talked of his regret for his own participation in the many covert operations and US-backed wars and coups abroad that caused so much suffering and millions of deaths. And he saw this record as directly linked to the "blowback" of September 11. He called for counter-demonstrations to the blind patriotism and nationalism, and for a whole change to the US foreign policy now if we do now wish to continue in this path forever. He was quite eloquent, and a voice of reason on the whole matter. He knows the military response is dead end. Get the book, it will reveal much I think. They were very stong and forthcoming and the listeners supported them. It only takes a few courageous people to stop a lynch mob.
- Subject: EU Leaders Convene to Design 'Global Superpower'
16 Dec 2001As the world turns, so do the global realignments. This is not a democratic model, but it is a response to the current US push to assert global superiority.
EU Leaders Convene to Design 'Global Superpower'
Officials Are Unable to Agree On Combined Military Force
by T.R. Reid, Washington Post, 16 Dec 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A49319-2001Dec15?language=printer- Subject: Capitol Hill Anthrax Not From CIA Lab - CIA
16 Dec 2001Fingerpointing and denials.
Capitol Hill Anthrax Not From CIA Lab - CIA
by Joanne Allen, Reuters, 16 Dec 2001
http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/ciadeniesanthraxsource.html- Subject: F.B.I. Queries Expert Who Sees Federal Lab Tie in Anthrax Cases
16 Dec 2001Trail leads inwards.
F.B.I. Queries Expert Who Sees Federal Lab Tie in Anthrax Cases
by William Broad, New York Times, 14 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/14/national/14ANTH.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print- Subject: U.S. Recently Produced Anthrax in a Highly Lethal Powder Form
16 Dec 2001Very important piece about how the super anthrax was made and where, and how much destroyed (220 pounds!). This is the article I wanted to send earlier.
U.S. Recently Produced Anthrax in a Highly Lethal Powder Form
by William Broad & Judith Miller, New York Times, 13 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/13/national/13ANTH.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print- Subject: Four Are Charged in Scheme That Preyed on Anthrax Fears
16 Dec 2001This protection racket they recognize, how about the larger one?
Four Are Charged in Scheme That Preyed on Anthrax Fears
by Nichole Christian, New York Times, 12 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/12/nyregion/12SCAM.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print- Subject: Broad Reform in the Military, and Fast, Is Bush's Priority
16 Dec 2001This is what the fight with the Pentagon is about.
Broad Reform in the Military, and Fast, Is Bush's Priority
Transcription by Federal News Service Inc., New York Times, 12 Dec 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/12/international/12BTEX.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print- Subject: Nuclear Experts in Pakistan May Have Links to Al Qaeda
16 Dec 2001Setting the stage?
Nuclear Experts in Pakistan May Have Links to Al Qaeda
by David Sanger
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/09/international/09NUKE.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print- Subject: Ayman Al-Zawahiri: attention turns to the other prime suspect
16 Dec 2001Another suspect, another country.
Ayman Al-Zawahiri: attention turns to the other prime suspect
by Ed Blanche, Jane's International Security News, 3 Oct 2001
http://www.janes.com/security/international_security/news/jir/jir011003_1_n.shtml- Subject: Americans now want bin Laden taken alive
16 Dec 2001Wanted alive or alive? This will-o-the-wisp is no good to them dead now.
Americans now want bin Laden taken alive
by Mark Baker, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 Dec 2001
WantedAlive.html- Subject: Sense and Nonsense About September 11
16 Dec 2001Foreknowledge, intelligence failure or stand down?
Sense and Nonsense About September 11
by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair, Counterpunch, 12 Sept 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/views01/0912-01.htm- Subject: Instructive Words from Courageous Germans, 1943
17 Dec 2001Time for a new White Rose?
Instructive Words from Courageous Germans, 1943
White Rose, Munich student-led movement, 1943
WhiteRose.html- Subject: 3,500 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan by U.S. Bombs
17 Dec 2001Is it enough, or do we have to kill twice as many?
3,500 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan by U.S. Bombs
by Marc Herold, Depts of Economics & Women's Studies, Univ of NH, 10 Dec 2001
3500killed.html- Subject: Osama takes flight
17 Dec 2001The will-o-the-wisp. "We may never catch bin Laden, that is not my mission" Sect. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Bin Laden in Pakistan, source claims
As US airstrikes pound Tora Bora, a top Al Qaeda aide says the leader has fled.
by Philip Smucker, Christian Science Monitor, 13 Dec 2001
http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/1213/p1s1-wosc.htm- Subject: An Appeal to the Protection of the Constitution
17 Dec 2001Practicing democracy between wars is like being a vegetarian between meals, now is when it counts. This railroad is merging civil and military law together into a single function, like the Gestapo did for Hitler. Even Congress complained that the committee version of the Patriot Act was ignored and Ashcroft's version crammed through illegally. Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, Clemenceau noted. It's time to stand up and start making a difference, the wiggle room is shrinking fast, friends, and silence is not golden.
An Appeal to the Protection of the Constitution
13 Dec 2001
ProtectUSC.html- Subject: The Dugway Anthrax Strain
17 Dec 2001More details on the Dugway strain.
U.S. Army Has Brewed a Lethal Anthrax Strain
by Rick Weiss and Joby Warrick, Washington Post, 13 Dec 2001
http://www.iht.com/cgi-bin/generic.cgi?template=articleprint.tmplh&ArticleId=41827- Subject: Experts Propose a New Global Public News Network
17 Dec 2001This might help.
Experts Propose a New Global Public News Network
by Ramesh Jaura, Inter Press Service, 15 Dec 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1215-02.htm- Subject: State sponsorship of 9-11
17 Dec 2001Seen through the eyes of the intelligence world abroad, 9-11 is much more complex and thus much more real. No wonder they wanted to get rid of O'Niell, the rest of the "counter-terrorist experts" and city emergency managers were in Denver at a national meeting. The "mechanical level", like the gunmen in Dealey Plaza, never lead you to the authors of a covert operation. As this says, they are "part of the disinformation". Keep digging.
Euro Intel Experts Dismiss `War On Terrorism' As Deception
by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 4 Dec 2001
911deception.html- Subject: Afghanistan devastation, seeking peaceful resolution
28 Dec 2001NPR radio news today reported that the Afghan Defense Force is calling for an end to US bombing in Afghanistan in three days. The USP planners and Pentagon officials are balking, saying we set our own timeline. The new Afghani leadership is also opposing the introduction of massive peacekeeping forces from Britain, although the press claims popular support for it inside the country.
There are discrepancies in the statements of the Afghan Defense Forces and the newly appointed head of the interim government there on the status of Osama bin Laden, and US officials are saying we will stay in the country until he is either killed or "brought to justice", regardless of where he is (sic!).
International aid agencies now claim to be feeding 6 million Afghanis, but Kandahar is still closed to them. The war is rapidly destablizing relations between India and Pakistan, and a confrontation seems likely, which could ulitmately involve nuclear weapons.
The projected movement of Al-Quaeda prisoners to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba seems destined to provoke or create an incident. It is entirely inaccessible to the press. The Pentagon has made some concessions in the regulations concerning military tribunals in the face of massive criticism, but has not made clear if the rules will be promulgated for public comment. It will now take a full consensus to order death penalty, civilian lawyers can be requested by the accused, and a higher standard of proof will be used for the evidence presented. "A step in the right direction" says the ACLU, but still not approximating a fair trial.
Some of these items open the door for a response by those seeking a peaceful resolution.
- Subject: BlackHawk Down War-Film `Hero' Is A Rapist
31 Dec 2001Real war stories, and what "heroism" in war does to the human spirit at times.
War-Film `Hero' Is A Rapist
by Megan Turner, New York Post, 18 Dec 2001
BlkHawkDown.html- Subject: Assessing The Repression - Defending the Bill of Rights
31 Dec 2001This assessment is to get you thinking about all this and what a good response might be. I suggested that civil disobedience actions planned for MLK's birthday move from the White House to the Justice Department, for instance. None of this addresses the clear attempt to militarize justice in all its functions, and to end posse comitatus, the separation of police and military roles in society. This redefinition of justice as revenge is the most dangerous thing so far. The restoration of COINTELPRO has been proposed as well, with all its horrible implications. Ashcroft's attempt to paint Congressmembers who stood against all this as aiding the terrorists had its effect on their approval of the military tribunals.
What Are The Real Dangers Of Repression?
What Are Priority Actions We Should Take?
by Emile Schepers, Program Director,
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, 28 Dec 2001
DefendBoR.html- Subject: COINTELPRO
31 Dec 2001A significant expression of the germinating people's world library. The abuses of power and resulting toll of repression created during the COINTELPRO years is being re-instated in leaps and bounds by the executive branch. Only a focused, concerted public response that challenges such state-sponsered repression until it is stopped will prevent further loss of liberties and life by people living in this nation state.
Collection assembled by Paul Wolf
www.cointel.org- Subject: Anti-War Professors Targeted
31 Dec 2001The McCarthyism rolls on.
Conservative `patriots' target liberal academics
by Duncan Campbell, Guardian [UK], 19 Dec 2001
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4322832,00.html- Subject: How we could still lose in Afghanistan
31 Dec 2001Molly Ivins gets to the root causes and exposes a "moderate" new leader.
How We Could Still Lose in Afghanistan
by Molly Ivins, Boston Globe, 28 Dec 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/views01/1228-01.htm- Subject: A Post-Mortem on the Peace Movement?
31 Dec 2001Headed right where it needs to go, to the grassroots.
A Post Mortem On The Peace Movement?
by Cynthia Peters, Znet, 27 Dec 2001
http://www.zmag.org/content/Activism/peters_peace_movement.cfm- Subject: "Emperor's Clothes is Wrong Because the U.S. Was Unprepared."
31 Dec 2001Common sense about 9-11.
- The US was not prepared for terrorist attacks after 20 years of planning for them and responses?
- The US did not have Osama bin Laden under scrutiny?
- The US had never heard of using a plane as a weapon?
- The US had no warnings of this attack?
- The US can't follow normal precautions with a 40-minute lead time?
- The US can't evacuate key buildings before putting up a defense of any kind?
OK, the US is unprepared. The CIA is dumbfounded. The Pentagon is helpless. The Capitol is defenseless. Just what the hell did they do with the Defense and Intelligence budget of $13 trillion since WWII? The stand down that is obvious should cause you less consternation than the "reassurance" that they can do nothing to protect their own headquarters.
When I mentioned the stand down to one Pentagon reporter he told me that he had seen in the NYT that three days before the attack half of the military interceptor planes were taken off ready alert positions and decomissioned. He said that explained it, and he found it a comforting fact. I asked him if he was making his argument or mine!! They stood down! No other way to explain it.
FAQ #1: "You guys forget that nobody was prepared
for a big terrorist attack on America.
How could they have responded on 9-11?"
Emperor's Clothes, 29 Dec 2001
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