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Anarchist Teen Pulled From School

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- A high school student who was suspended last month for her anti-war, pro-anarchy stances has been pulled out of school by her mother because of safety concerns.

Amy Sierra said her daughter, Katie, 15, has been attacked, threatened and insulted by students at Sissonville High School. The mother said it was her choice to withdraw Katie and enroll her in a program in which she will complete assignments on a computer from home.

"She was getting assaulted over and over again, and I got fed up," Amy Sierra said Monday. "I'm just so worried somebody's going to hurt her bad."

Katie, a ninth grader, was suspended for three days in October for defying school orders not to form an anarchy club or wear T-shirts that include slogans opposing the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan (news -- web sites).

The school claimed the girl's actions disrupted student learning and a Kanawha County Circuit judge upheld the suspension.

The West Virginia Supreme Court on Tuesday voted 3-2 not to consider Katie Sierra's petition to prevent the lower court from "continuing to deny her freedom of speech."

The handwritten message on the T-shirt that got her in trouble read: "When I saw the dead and dying Afghani children on TV, I felt a newly recovered sense of national security. God Bless America."

Students spit on her mother's car at the high school. Her friends' parents wouldn't give her rides home from school. A boy wore a T-shirt signed by many Sissonville students that read: "Go back where you came from."

Katie Sierra, who was born in Panama, has attended 15 schools. She has lived in Texas, New Mexico, Ohio, Florida and Kentucky.

Charleston City Council
501 Virginia Street, E. Charleston, WV 25301

Office of the Mayor
P.O. Box 2749 Charleston, WV 25330

To request City Council or Committee meeting schedules, wards or any related information, please contact the City Clerk's office at (304) 348-8179. Charleston City Council meets on the First and Third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Mayor Jay Goldman EMAIL:

Nancy Dodson Assistant to the Mayor EMAIL:

Kanawha County Schools 200 Elizabeth St.
Charelston, W.V. 25311

Dr. Ron Duerring Superintendent of Schools
PH: (304)348-7732 EMAIL: (or try if that does not work)

Mr. Joe Godish Deputy Superintendent of Schools EMAIL:

Mrs. Normal Miller Assistant Superintendent, Secondary and Technical Schools EMAIL:

Sissonville High School
6100 Sissonville Drive Charleston, W.V. 25312 (304) 348-1954

Mr. Forest Mann
Principal, Sissonville High School EMAIL:
The Charleston Human Rights Commission
For further information or to File a Complaint:
915 Quarrier Street, Suite 6 Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 348-6880 (304) 348-6855 TTY (304) 348-0767 Fax

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