This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Pentagon Seeks Ideas
01 Nov 2001Last week I sent the following ideas to the Pentagon website asking that the public provide ideas about stopping terrorism. Apparently my email failed to include them. Please send your own to the site as well at www.bids.tswg.gov. Just use the questions option at the bottom of the page to send them an email. Speak truth to power.
This morning on C-SPAN they listed your site as one seeking ideas from the public on how to counter terrorism. Since my ideas and the technology related to them have little to do with your posted BAA categories, I decided to state them here.
- Apply a rule of law, not a rule of war or force. Use existing international support and the mechanisms of international law and procedures to treat this as a crime against humanity and to hold an open and fair investigation, indictment and trial before a globally representative ad hoc international tribunal. This is proposed in full by former Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz at http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Ferencz.html.
- Invoke Article 51 and the rest of the United Nations Charter to have the Security Council call an emergency meeting to consider other alternatives to military response or war. The broad and unprecedented international response in condemnation of the mass murders of September 11 will assist in this approach. Use existing means of international negotiation, diplomacy, cooperation and intervention instead of war to bring those specifically responsible to justice. The principles of "just war" and international charters require exhaustion of all possible alternatives before initiating armed conflict.
- Break the cycle of violence, as we admonish all other countries to do in these sorts of situations. We have the strength and moral authority to rise above a response that ultimately only garners new enemies and replicates the crime of killing innocent people. In the 21st century, the technology and destructive capability of weapons and the resulting level of non-combatant deaths should rule out war and its destabilizing political effects, ecologically destructive effects, and human costs on both sides of any conflict as a means of resolving differences in any situation.
- Disarm the sanctuary, support and sanction of the terrorists by reducing their moral authority. Using principles of law and international relations, and restoring hope and social and economic justice to aggrieved populations is the best weapon against those who seek to use violence on their behalf. We have the resources and technology to create global justice and hope which is the only final road to real security and peace in any society or between nations and groups.
- Refrain from reducing civil liberties or quality of life here in the name of increasing security. Reasonable precautions do not require excesses. We cannot give up rights in order to retain them. Recent calls to end "posse comitatus" by Senator Warner, which establishes a bright line between police and military functions are very misguided.
The cost of feeding, clothing, housing and educating the world's population, and protecting the ecology of the planet are nowhere near as high as the cost of maintaining a permanent war economy for the unforeseeable future.
"The choice is not between non-violence and violence, it is between non-violence and non-existence" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Subject: Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings With Carlyle Group
1 Nov 2001A small PR problem.
Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings With Carlyle Group
by Kurt Eichenwald, New York Times, October 26, 2001
http://www.peacenowar.net/Nov%201%2001--bin%20Laden.htm- Subject: Guess who owns the mortgage at the WTC?
1 Nov 2001Homework assignment, kiddies.
Guess who owns the mortgage at the WTC?
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 22:58:27 +0000
I just went to the blackstone website -- check it out for yourself. www.blackstone.com. Guess who purchased the mortgage on the WTC just one year ago, Oct, 2000, apply? BLACKSTONE!!! Read it in their press releases. And read about their CEO's -- and -- of course, ties to Kissinger Associates and more. And, of course, AIG and Jardine, the largest insurers in the world, tied into Blackstone Group, appxly the same time. Now, how is the Caryle Group connected to Blackstone, as Sherman Skolnik stated? Interlocking directorates? Shares? Got to look at all carefully.
- Subject: Always just the poor dupes?
2 Nov 2001Who was working for whom in this story?
Al-Qaeda terrorist duped FBI, Army
by Joseph Neff and John Sullivan, newsobserver.com, 21 Oct 2001
http://newsobserver.com/standing/collections/war/1100000039017.html- Subject: MediaChannel.org | Censorship, Spin and Propaganda
2 Nov 2001Lots of good items here, including information on control of the press.
- mediachannel.org: World In Crisis, Media In Conflict
http://www.mediachannel.org/atissue/conflict/- Censorship, Spin & Propaganda:
How The Media Are Used In Wartime
http://www.mediachannel.org/atissue/conflict/censorship.shtml- Subject: Common Dreams NewsCenter - News & Views for the Progressive Community
2 Nov 2001An alternate news source. "One Eyed Man" is interesting.
Common Dreams NewsCenter
commondreams.org- Subject: `Cuba Project' Secrets Worthy of Frankenstein
2 Nov 2001When was the script written?
'Cuba Project' Secrets Worthy of Frankenstein
by David Winkler, Common Dreams, 31 Oct 2001
http://commondreams.org/views01/1031-07.htm- Subject: Peter Dale Scott interview
2 Nov 2001Scott, insightful as ever, has a manuscript finished but not yet printed on Colombia as Vietnam. Here he hints at a drug/oil linkage behind events, and comes to exactly the right conclusion in the closing paragraphs.
Peter Dale Scott - Interview Transcript
Guerrilla News Network, Sep 2001
http://www.guerrillanews.com/war_conspiracy/transcript.html- Subject: `Brutality Smeared in Peanut Butter'
Why America Must Stop the War Now
3 NovWhat we cannot say to ourselves.
`Brutality Smeared in Peanut Butter'
Why America Must Stop the War Now
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian [UK], 23 Oct 2001
http://website.lineone.net/~jon.simmons/roy/peanutb.htm- Subject: The Algebra of Infinite Justice
3 Nov 2001An earlier analysis by this perceptive author.
The Algebra of Infinite Justice
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian [UK], 29 Sep 2001
http://www.guardian.co.uk/saturday_review/story/0,3605,559756,00.html- Subject: Secret C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11
7 Nov 2001One more piece in the puzzle, and lots of good information we won't see again most likely.
Secret C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11
by James Risen, New York Times, 4 Nov 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1104-04.htm- Subject: crack down at home begins: Bill of Rights trampled
7 Nov 2001This is incredible!
Green Party USA Coordinator Detained at Airport; Prevented by Armed Military Personnel from Flying to Political Meeting in Chicago
2 Nov 2001
http://www.radioalchymy.com/news/articles/green.htm- Subject: CRG -- Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading
lead directly into the CIA`s Highest Ranks: CIA Executive Director
"Buzzy" Krongard managed Firm that handled "put" Options on UAL
7 Nov 2001I can't verify Ruppert as a source, but the information here is worth checking.
Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading
lead directly into the CIA`s Highest Ranks
CIA Executive Director "Buzzy" Krongard managed Firm
that handled "put" Options on UAL
by Michael C. Ruppert, FTW Publications, 9 Oct 2001
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP110A.html- Subject: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
7 Nov 2001An alternate news source, anti-war and inside the situation.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
rawa.false.net- Subject: | Media Workers Against War |
10 Nov 2001Another useful site/source for news from overseas. The November 18 demonstration is seeking input from US organizations about the scale of antiwar activities here.
Media Workers Against War
To promote pluralism in debate, the free flow of information, and the public scrutiny of official pronouncements.
www.mwaw.org- Subject: [FAIR-L] Fox: Civilian Casualties Not News
10 Nov 2001I sent the following response to the piece below from FAIR.
Thanks for this interesting analysis piece. What a horror, if true, that hundreds of letters and threats accompanied the publication of pictures of civilian deaths resulting from the bombings. Some are so deep into denial and so filled with hatred that they cannot even assess their own actions or allow a feeling of conscience to surface.
The level of civilian deaths relating to war has increased due to the nature of modern warfare and weapons. In WWI trench warfare the civilians were only 4% of the dead, WWII bombings and nuclear weapons lead to a 25% civilian death rate. Korea, a counter-insurgency land war led to 55% civilian casualties out of the total dead. Vietnam, a genocidal war of attrition, increased it to almost 95% non-combatants killed. Subsequent wars have rarely dropped below 75% levels.
Given this rise, it calls the lie to the indifference of those who say civilian deaths are merely "part of war". In fact, it might be more accurate to say now that the deaths of actual combatants qualify as the "collateral damage" of warfare. A truck driver who delivers medical supplies from Pakistan to Afghanistan was recently interviewed on "The World" radio program and noted that in the many hospitals he visited the only wounded he saw in Afghanistan were women and children. Not a surprise, given that they now make up 80% of the population due to the attritions of the last major war there, but also telling in terms of who the victims of this war really are.
The recent introduction of cluster bombs, which are strictly anti-personnel weapons that penetrate only human flesh, and made with the same yellow color as the food packages being dropped, points once more to the intention (beyond indifference) of the military campaign.
John Judge
Washington, DCACTION ALERT: Fox: Civilian Casualties Not News
November 8 2001
http://www.fair.org/activism/fox-civilian-casualties.html- Subject: Gaping Holes In The `CIA vs. Bin Laden' Story
11 Nov 2001What are they really after?
by Jared Israel, 8 Nov 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm- Subject: Planning for corporate globalization already
11 Nov 2001World Bank Releases New Approach Paper on Afghanistan
7 Nov 2001
http://www.peacewomen.org/news/wb.html- Subject: `Hundreds killed' after Mazar-e Sharif takeover
13 Nov 2001The glorious victories in Afghanistan.
`Hundreds killed' after Mazar-e Sharif takeover
by Alessio Vinci, CNN, 13 Nov 2001
http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/11/13/ret.afghan.mazare/index.html- Subject: Biological and Chemical Weapons
13 Nov 2001"And who may I say is calling?" --Leonard Cohen
How much of this worldwide stockpile began in the United States? In August of the is year the NYT reported a flap concerning US testing of an "anthrax bomb" and a call from Rumsfeld to begin to develop a strain of anthrax resistant to antibiotics. Defensive counter-terrorism?
War Against Terror - Biological and Chemical Weapons
CNN In Depth Specials
http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/biochem.weapons/- Subject: How to Sell an Invisible War
13 Nov 2001Just a little PR problem...
How to Sell an Invisible War
The White House has a PR problem: How to get the country back to normal
and still keep folks interested in a war they can't always see.
by James Carney, Time, 29 Sep 2001
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,176892,00.html- Subject: It's All About the Oil
15 Nov 2001More indications of pre-planning.
It's all about the oil
by Clif Droke, Bear Market Report, 14 Nov 2001
http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest_01/droke111401.html- Subject: Fisk on Afghanistan's Newest Ruling Thugs
15 Nov 2001The unintended (?) consequences already visible. In Mazar-sharif the Northern Alliance is credited with killing 600 people, including families. Between the coming starvation and the internal strife, what will the final death toll be?
What will the Northern Alliance do in our name now?
I dread to think...
`Why do we always have this ambiguous,
dangerous relationship with our allies?'
by Robert Fisk, [UK] Independent, 14 Nov 2001
http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?dir=1&story=104799&host=1&printable=1- Subject: Nazi in Homeland Security ad + more Bush-Nazi connections
15 Nov 2001Oooops!! Nazi out of the bag.
Bush Administration's Homeland Security Freudian Slip
by Robert Lederman, 30 Oct 2001
http://www.baltech.org/lederman/bush-homeland-security-10-30-01.html- Subject: Nader on Corporate "Patriotism"
15 Nov 2001The cookie jar is open.
Corporate Patriotism
by Ralph Nader, 20 Nov 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/views01/1110-07.htm- Subject: 10 Downing Street - Responsibility
for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
15 Nov 2001Here, from official British sources, is what purports to be the best declassified evidence of the involvement of Al-Quaida and bin Laden in the September 11 events. They say it would be unable to be used in court due to the sensitive nature of the sources. It is at best inferential, and certainly not linked to the particulars of the event. Notice the continued reluctance to release the obviously still secret actual identities/names of the hijackers. It cannot be the official list given out in the newspapers to us, that is more than public. We are assured it proves the connection they claim it does. From 10 Downing Street, the headquarters of British intelligence.
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
10 Downing Street Newsroom, 14 Nov 2001
http://www.number-10.gov.uk/news.asp?newsID=3025- Subject: Taliban Retreat, but Afghan Women's Group Despairs
15 Nov 2001Our new allies.
Taliban Retreat, but Afghan Women's Group Despairs
by Andrew Marshall, Reuters, 14 Nov 2001
http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/reuters.htm- Subject: Douglas Valentine: Homeland Insecurity
15 Nov 2001Feeling any more secure?
Homeland Insecurity
by Douglas Valentine, counterpunch, 8 Nov 2001
Part I: Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise, and the Politics of Terror in America
Part II: Phoenix And The Anatomy Of Terror
Part III: Chaos And Political Terrorism In America
Part IV: The Terrorism Account Goes Underground
Part V: The Turning Point
Part VI: The Counter-Terror Network
Part VII: The Last Decade
http://www.counterpunch.org/homeland8.html- Subject: Pentagram Main Page
15 Nov 2001Evidence of stand-down September 11. Just in case anyone tells you we don't have F-16s at Andrews or "any mechanism". My cousin and I growing up here used to see them and other craft come up from there to reroute commercial flights off course. There is more if you need it.
Redskins' quarterback takes ride in F-16
by Spc. Bradley A. Rhen, Pentagram assistant editor, 9 Jun 2000
http://www.dcmilitary.com/army/pentagram/archives/jun9/pt_g6900.htmlDC ANG conducts water survival training at BAFB
by Airman 1st Class Nicole Bickford Beam Staff, 11th Wing Public Affairs, 27 Jul 2001
http://www.dcmilitary.com/airforce/beam/6_30/local_news/9091-1.html- Subject: Reserve, Guard continue answering call to duty
15 Nov 2001When you read the last paragraph on this one, ask yourself what they were doing THAT DAY. Stand down?
Reserve, Guard continue answering call to duty
by Master Sgt. Bob Haskell, National Guard Bureau Public Affairs, 28 Sep 2001
http://www.dcmilitary.com/airforce/beam/6_39/local_news/10832-1.html- Subject: Was there a stand-down September 11?
15 Nov 2001Someone else finally asks the obvious question and does the research. The quote saying that they had no idea it was coming is called the lie by the fact, reported on local media that morning, that the plane was heading to DC and that they were evacuating the White House, Capitol and Pentagon during the 40 minute watch as it came. No interceptors, no surface to air missiles from Pentagon or White House, both of which have ground ported available, no nothing.
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 14 Nov 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-1.htm- Subject: Putin and Bush: Below the Surface
15 Nov 2001For Your Information.
Putin and Bush: Below the Surface
IPA News Releases
War: Information, Analysis, Policy Options
http://www.accuracy.org/war-releases.htm- Subject: [PeaceNoWar] Antiwar News...(# 31)
16 Nov 2001A series of good articles.
Antiwar News...(# 31)
15 Nov 2001
http://lists.village.virginia.edu/lists_archive/sixties-l/3770.html- Subject: US Policy towards Afghanistan
17 Nov 2001Cat coming out of the bag, confirms July timing on military plans and threats, the central role of oil, and a Saudi Arabian role as well.
U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by Oil - Say Authors
by Julio Godoy, Inter Press Service
http://truthout.com/11.17A.Oil.Taliban.htm- Subject: Northwoods pdf, etc.
17 Nov 2001Operation Northwoods, which came out of the JFK file releases: "US military/government officials planned to murder American citizens to justify invasion of Cuba."
Friendly Fire -- Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans
to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
by David Ruppe, ABC, 5/1/01
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/jointchiefs_010501.htmlPentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962
The National Security Archive, 4/30/01
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/- Subject: The White House's Security Watchdog
18 Nov 2001An outline from an interesting source of the government behind the scenes and who is in charge.
Intelligence Online 2001
http://www.intelligenceonline.com/images/newversion/reseau/HTML/OSH-A.htm- Subject: Sen Leahy targeted with anthrax
18 Nov 2001The third major critic of the domestic Bush agenda gets a warning.
Sen. Leahy Awaits Anthrax Results
AP, 18 Nov 2001
Leahy.html- Subject: Computer control of Airliners
18 Nov 2001Are these hard limit overrides built in the plane able to be controlled externally to actually fly it? Does this have anything to do with the recent air disaster in New York? This clearly shows that planes can be flown remotely. Were they on September 11?
Unlike Airbus, Boeing lets aviator override fly-by-wire technology
by James Wallace, Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reporter, 20 Mar 2000
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/boe202.shtml- Subject: Senate Bioterrorism Bill Doubles Bush's Request
19 Nov 2001Boogeymen and protection rackets.
Senate Bioterrorism Bill Doubles Bush's Request
by Helen Dewar, Washington Post, 16 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A35075-2001Nov15?language=printer- Subject: Dan Rather's Faked Film Coverage
20 Nov 2001Would Dan Rather lie than tell the truth, still?
Print Media Protect Rather
Biased Afghan Coverage At CBS
Extra!, October/November, 1989
http://www.fair.org/extra/8910/cbs-afghan.html- Subject: [PeaceNoWar] EurasiaNet: World Bank Report
Sketches Reconstruction Challenges For Afghanistan]
20 Nov 2001War, what's it good for? PROFITS!
- The arrogant, paternalistic, company-store mentality that drives the institutions of globalism is just breathtaking.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything, including (credible) management, oversight and repayment structuring. Just sign here."
I know some will find this stuff boring, but the keys to "the truth of the matter" are found between the lines of reports like this. Don't miss that reference to "a big payoff."A World Bank report says the cost of stabilizing Afghanistan will run into the billions of dollars and test the international community's commitment to economic development. The report calls for the establishment of an international trust fund for Afghanistan, managed by a "credible institution." It also urges the creation of a reconstruction agency to build and manage development projects.
[Big Snip]
The World Bank argues that there are economic advantages - not just military objectives - for investing in the future of Afghanistan. "Where there could be a big payoff down the line for the region around Afghanistan will be options for transport, trade and energy," Byrd says. "The conflict in Afghanistan has been a tremendous drag on Pakistan and the surrounding region." For instance, some of the best potential trade and transport routes for Central Asia run through Afghanistan.World Bank Report Sketches Reconstruction Challenges For Afghanistan
by Suzanne Miller, eurasianet.org, 11/16/01
http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/business/articles/eav111601.shtml- Subject: a war planned years ago...
20 Nov 2001Ruppert, despite his own biases, seems close to revealing the broader picture of what this war is really about. Brezezinksi was central to the beginning plans for destabilizing the USSR by way of the Afghanistan war, a cause carried further by William Casey and the anti-communism of the fundamentalist Islamic world. Our military base in the region seems to have shifted from Israel to Saudi Arabia to Uzbekistan and Bosnia. I do believe this is the Third World War, the war against the Third World by the global corporations and the rich. The destabilizations that will lead to "free market" economies run by the globalists will be called "democratic" but will in fact only extend the control of the neo-liberal model and crush every pocket of resistance. There is only one weak link left in this engine of destruction: the American people.
A War in the Planning for Four Years
by Michael Ruppert, From The Wilderness Publications, November 2001
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/RUP111B.html- Subject: Mr. Cheney's Cover Story - Section 2 of
`Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers'
20 Nov 2001This is the most glaring discrepancy in the whole story, and I have been mentioning it since the start. By 8:25 a.m. NORAD knew that an unprecedented event had occurred: 4 commercial planes were off course with reasons to believe they were hijacked. There was not a word in the media about this until well after the 8:43 and 9:05 Twin Tower attacks.
Local media in DC reported that a third plane was headed this way, with at least 35-40 minutes notice time. The "tough call" was made, but there was NO response whatsoever from local military bases. Andrews AFB has Air National Guard F-16s, and I have seen planes scrambled because they were just off course and coming into the restricted DC airspace. Bolling AFB is nearby, as is Anacostia Naval Air Station, which can get a plane up in 3 minutes, one local servicemember recounted, when there is a national alert. Was there no national alert on September 11?
I mentioned this stand down to local reporters at a party on Saturday and got three different explanations:
- Air National Guard is in a different chain of command from the NORAD interceptors at Langley AFB. (said to be from NYT source)
- NORAD had, three days earlier, taken off alert status half of the interceptor planes in their network.
- It was just incompetence.
The first is, in my view, ludicrous. Different chains of command still end up under the Pentagon chain of command, and we do not rely on jets from 130 miles away to intercept a commercial plane off course here. This is comparable to the first explanation that "there was no mechanism" to intercept. No mechanism??? What did we spend $13 trillion dollars on from WWII to today in that military budget? The Pentagon has "no mechanism" to even defend itself?
The second, rather than serving to explain the problem, in my view, actually confirms the stand down thesis even more strongly. What a coincidence! The lack of any military alert status on November 22, 1963 despite the murder of a President by persons unknown, is a similar discrepancy. The removal of the code books from the SAC bombers in the air that hour is a similarly glaring example of stand down.
If this is incompetence, we are in even deeper trouble.
This article is direct, it deconstructs, it gives the official sources. This is research.
Part 1, Section 2 of `GUILTY FOR 9-11: BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS'
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes, 20 Nov 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-2.htm- Subject: FT Archive - Central Asian oil, gas pipeline project in the doldrums
20 Nov 2001Bet it perks up again.
Central Asian oil, gas pipeline project in the doldrums
by Nayyar Zuberi, Financial Times, 29 Sep 2001
http://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?offset=++&query=unocal+and+afghanistan&multiViewArticleId010929005616=010929005616- Subject: In War, It's Power to the President
20 Nov 2001Very important piece. We are in a state of emergency with special powers and DOD/FEMA/NSC in charge.
In War, It's Power to the President
In Aftermath of Attacks, Bush White House Claims Authority Rivaling FDR's
by Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 20 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A55391-2001Nov19?language=printer- Subject: The Secret Warrior
20 Nov 2001One of the boys.
The Secret Warrior
Gen. Wayne Downing, From West Point to White House
by Richard Leiby, Washington Post, 20 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A55417-2001Nov19?language=printer- Subject: 113th Public Affairs Wing Units
20 Nov 2001More on stand down thesis.
21 January 2001 - 113th Wing Units
Air National Guard Readiness Center
http://web.archive.org/web/20010306223457/http://www.dcandr.ang.af.mil/113wing/pa/html/wg_units.html- Subject: A Coup Against the American Constitution
11/14 Interview w/Int'l Law Professor Francis Boyle
20 Nov 2001The real agendas get clearer day by day.
Bush's Constitutional Coup: Kangaroo Courts & Disappearances
20 Nov 2001
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fab111401.html- Subject: Sending in the Marines
26 Nov 2001Rumsfeld explains the role of the Marines being sent into Afghanistan and the new Office of Force Transformation headed by Vice Adm. Arthur Sabrowski for transformation of the mility in the 21st Century. When Ollie North left the White House, he was used by the Marines to plan out their strategies until 2005. Think this was in his planning? I do.
Text: Pentagon Briefing with Rumsfield and Myers
Washington Post, 26 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/specials/attacked/transcripts/rumsfeldtext_112601.html- Subject: Bush: War Entering `Dangerous Phase'
26 Nov 2001Now it's dangerous? Ohh, American troops might get hurt. Here Bush starts the war with Iraq and warns us about "any means necessary". The longer we wait, the worse things will get. Now I see why they rescued those aid workers.
Bush: War Entering `Dangerous Phase'
Debate Intensified Over Next Target
by Mike Allen, Washington Post, 26 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A16992-2001Nov26?language=printer- Subject: Economist Panel Officially Announces Recession
26 Nov 2001Now it's official: war and recession and the ten year cycle.
Economist Panel Officially Announces Recession
by John M. Berry, Washington Post, 26 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A16325-2001Nov26?language=printer- Subject: PARAMETERS, US Army War College Quarterly - Autumn 2001
26 Nov 2001Ever ask "Who sits around and thinks these things up?" Here's one answer to the pre-planners of historical events.
- "One of the most difficult problems facing government today is the question of how to organize to address new threats to national security. . . ."
An Organizational Framework for Homeland Defense
by Terrence Kelly, Parameters, Autumn 2001
http://carlisle-www.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/01autumn/Kelly.htm- Subject: Centre for Research on Globalisation
26 Nov 2001Scroll down this page for many interesting articles.
Centre for Research on Globalisation
www.globalresearch.ca- Subject: CRG -- The CIA met Bin Laden while
undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in Dubai
26 Nov 2001It was just a sympathy call.
The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment
at an American Hospital last July in Dubai
by Alexandra Richard
Translated courtesy of Tiphaine Dickson, Le Figaro, 11 Oct 2001
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RIC111B.html- Subject: Presidential Records: You Can Ask, But We Won't Tell
26 Nov 2001This is why "we may never know" about this war or what led into it. Secrecy is the only option they know, history is a commodity.
You Can Ask, But We Won't Tell
by Michael King, Austin Chronicle, 9 Nov 2001
http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/dispatch/2001-11-09/pols_feature7.html- Subject: Things to Do
26 Nov 2001From the National Call In Day, October 10, these things can still be done by anyone at anytime, and the talking points are good and can be updated easily.
The Campaign Of Conscience, American Friends Service Committee
ThingsToDo.html- Subject: False Timeline of attacks
28 Nov 2001Beginnings of a flawed timeline.
Timeline of attacks
11 Sep 2001, MSNBC
http://stacks.msnbc.com/local/whec/m90265.asp?cp1=1- Subject: Historians ready to fight Bush order
29 Nov 2001Just making sure we never know.
Historians ready to fight Bush order
by Kelley Shannon, Associated Press, 27 Nov 2001
HRFBO.html- Subject: Military Tribunals?
29 Nov 2001Five intelligent and well-reasoned Letters to the Editor on the 14 Nov story "The Military May Try Terrorism Cases", all of which challenge the legality, validity, and morality of such "kangaroo courts" as well as the "war" on terrorism. Take heart -- there are people in our country who represent the very best aspirations of humanity.
Military Tribunals?
Letters to the Editor, Washington Post, 26 Nov 2001
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A14449-2001Nov25?language=printer- Subject: Khanabad `decimated by the Americans, 100 civilians killed'
29 Nov 2001British press today is questioning their troops being involved in a firing line massacre of prisoners taken by the Northern Alliance.
Khanabad `decimated by the Americans, 100 civilians killed'
by Justin Huggler, New Zealand Herald, 27 Nov 2001
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storyprint.cfm?storyID=230361- Subject: oil, oil, oil
29 Nov 2001This is one way out. The article does not mention that 65% of the oil consumption is military, which would overlap on the truck and car percentage. Dependence on oil as the primary energy source, foreign or not, is closer to a real solution. Alternative, distributed energy sources will solve lots of things, as well as Soft Energy Path solutions and efficiencies discussed by Amory Lovins for years. Look him up on thru his organization, The Rocky Mountain Institute.
Better Gas Mileage, Greater Security
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., New York Times, 24 Nov 2001
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