This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: Pomona Stand-down on 9/11
7 Dec 2003Incredible, it finally made the news from a local journalist asking a few questions! Note that he confirms Bill Kelly's research about the Pomona pilots, even though he does not mention the call-back. Note also that the Commission is finally interviewing pilots, that scramble ready planes were reduced over four years prior to 2001 from 175 to 20, that Pomona was shifted from NORAD ready duty to go abroad, leaving a huge hole in NYC air defenses, and that the Commission is pushing the NORAD/FAA hearing back to March to collect more data, which the subpoena has obviously made forthcoming. I have always said this issue is their Achilles heel and they know it and they are working hard to come up with a plausible explanation.
9/11 panel's air-defense probe grapples with many mysteries
by Mike Kelly, North Jersey Media Group, 5 December 2003
airDefProbe.html- Subject: The choice of Baker as envoy to Iraq's creditors is huge
16 Dec 2003Some very interesting analysis.
The choice of Baker as envoy to Iraq's creditors is huge
by Josh Marshall, TheHill.com, 10 December 2003
http://www.hillnews.com/marshall/121003.aspx- Subject: Kean and failure on 9/11
19 Dec 2003It's important that they are finally admitting it was preventable and pointing to accountability. However, if the thesis is that the system "failed" then it is a slippery slope. The theme of the Joint Inquiry in Congress was that 9/11 represented an "intelligence failure", and of course the solution is to give the agencies more funds and more power, reward the error in other words and unleash the spying. A recent Washington Post article noted that the FBI now works directly with intelligence agents in their counter-terrorism and that the old rules preventing the excesses of the past have been abandoned again, with increased surveillance of those not suspected of actual criminal activity. NORAD/FAA activity on 9/11 cannot be explained as a "failure" in the sense of lack of readiness or incompetence. Why? . . .
9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable
CBS News, 17 December 2003
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