This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: The false sponsor: CIA support Taleban
13 Sep 2001Here is an item from July of this year. While not definitive, it gives a good deal of the history of the current "demon" bin Laden being blamed for all this. This is what I mean when I say a "false sponsor" will be blamed. Like Abu Nidal, who was getting weapons through Oliver North's international operations, bin Laden is a creation of our CIA. What is the real role of the US and the CIA in Afghanistan?
US, CIA support Taleban
Tehran Times, 8 July 2001
USsupTaleban.html- Subject: Sense and Nonsense About September 11
13 Sep 2001Yet another clear headed take on the matter, with more details.
Sense and Nonsense About September 11
by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair, CounterPunch, 12 Sep 2001
http://www.counterpunch.org/bombsense.html- Subject: Chapter and Verse - Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss
13 Sep 2001"And who shall I say is calling?" Leonard Cohen
Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss
by Rick Rozoff, Emperor's Clothes, 12 Sep 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/rozoff/abyss.htm- Subject: FBI Investigates Possible Fla. Links
15 Sep 2001For me, this reeks of the same sort of false sponsorship cover stories given to other terrorist acts of the past, including the JFK assassination (Oswald fingered for arrest by a man who lived upstairs from Ruby), the MLK assassination (a bundle of "evidence" linked to Ray dropped outside near the rooming house before the shooting), and now drunken braggarts in bars the night before, and obnoxiously visible participants arguing with a man in the parking lot at Logan airport, who later leads the FBI back to the car full of "evidence". This is sticking our nose down a pre-selected hole.
FBI Investigates Possible Fla. Links
By Brendan Farrington, AP, 13 Sep 2001
falseSpon.html- Subject: Officials: Government failed to react to FAA warning
15 Sep 2001
"Officials at the Pentagon said that no mechanism existed within the U.S. government to notify various departments and agencies under such circumstances.Officials also told CNN that President George W. Bush had not given authorization to the Defense Department to shoot down a passenger airliner until after the Pentagon had been struck."
This contradicts the earlier story about timing of authorization. No mechanism exists? What the hell are we spending hundreds of billions of dollars for on defense and intelligence? This timeline of communications makes absolutely no sense. Why alert planes in Langley AFB way outside DC, why not go from here at Andrews or Bolling? It's chasing from behind, not intercepting from in front. Why are they not alerted by 9:10, not 9:25?
NORAD confirmed in earlier statements that they knew all four planes were hijacked by 8:25, with another inexplicable delay until 8:44 to scramble in Massachusetts. Also, that scrambling is before anyone supposedly knows this is more than a hijacking incident, and before Bush and Cheney authorize shootdown. Unless they authorized at the point of knowing it was a multiple hijacking, which in itself is strange since hijackers are usually not interfered with. How did they know the planes would be attacking targets? Note the lack of delay from alleged notification at 8:43 and the scrambling at 8:44, just before the first plane hits the Twin Tower building at 8:47. DC is less important? Do the numbers.
Officials: Government failed to react to FAA warning
CNN, 17 Sep 2001
http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.hijack.warning/- Subject: Carnivore starts eating us
16 Sep 2001For whom does the dinner bell toll for? It tolls for us.
FBI taps ISPs in hunt for attackers
by Robert Lemos, ZDNet News, 13 Sep 2001
http://zdnet.com.com/2102-1106-272941.html- Subject: Cheney: Bush OK'd shootdown of rogue planes
17 Sep 2001"In the moments after it became apparent that the United States was under attack" (meaning 9:04-:05 am) Bush and Cheney authorize shootdown. Two planes (some reports said 3) are still in the scenario, following the same transponder down, no communication, off course pattern, heading towards DC. Andrews, Bolling and Langley Field AFB here have 35 minutes to scramble F-16 fighter intercepts that travel at 3 times the speed of the airliners. The planes can be clearly seen on radar, one continues to approach DC. It comes into the most restricted air space in the country. It flies over the White House, makes a 270 degree turn and slams into the Pentagon. No interceptors take off until after the target is hit. No surface-to-air missiles or other defense, available at both White House and Pentagon, are fired at it.
There is no military response. "The chance never materialized. An American Airlines flight with 64 people on board slammed into the Pentagon before military jets had a chance to intercept it."
If we can't get an interceptor off the ground in 35 minutes, do we have any defenses? The fourth plane went down in Pennsylvania, off course like the others, around 10:00 am, twenty minutes later. It was not shot down as rumored. One more parallel to Pearl Harbor, where Roosevelt knew ahead the attack was coming and let it happen so the US could enter the World War. At least we knew the Japanese were the authors of that event. Right now, we know nothing about who is really behind this one.
Cheney: Bush OK'd shootdown of rogue planes
CNN, 16 Sept 2001
http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/cheney.terror/- Subject: Despite National Emotion, Theres No Rush to Enlist
17 Sep 2001Take some heart, they are not quite there yet.
Despite National Emotion, Theres No Rush to Enlist
by Yoshie Furuhashi, New York Times, 16 Sep 2001
http://csf.colorado.edu/pen-l/2001III/msg02766.html- Subject: Mossad warned CIA of attacks - report
18 Sep 2001Note that this British rag is linked to MI5 and Murdoch's empire. Also note the clever targeting of bin Laden and Iraq. Woolsey and the CIA boys are all arguing for Iraq, as is the conservative commentator who was stealing all my lines at Johns Hopkins recently. It's an old principle of disinformation: you mix in the truth for verisimilitude and then you jump to the lie. It's mildly satisfying that they know the truth and that so do we apparently.
Mossad warned CIA of attacks - report
by Douglas Davis, Jerusalem Post, 18 Sep 2001
http://propagandamatrix.com/mossad_warned_cia_of_attacks.html- Subject: Why Washington Wants Afghanistan
19 Sep 2001Is this what they are after?
Why Washington Wants Afghanistan
by Jared Israel, Rick Rozoff & Nico Varkevisser, Emperor's Clothes, 18 Sep 2001
http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/afghan.htm- Subject: Saudis cast doubt over FBI list of hijackers War Powers
20 Sep 2001OOOOPS!! Now who are we looking for? Did any of you hear a cell phone report from a plane that mentioned Arabs? Just wondering.
Saudis cast doubt over FBI list of hijackers
by Sami Aboudi, Reuters, 19 Sept 2001
doubtFBI.html- Subject: Who is bin Laden?: About the bin Laden Family
20 Sep 2001You're going to like this one. Osama bin Laden's father and his grandfather died in plane crashes. His father died in Texas in the same plane that was alleged to have flown Bush and Casey to the controversial Paris meeting concerning the October Surprise.
About the bin Laden Family
PBS Frontline, published April 1999, updated Sep 2001
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/who/family.html- Subject: Who did it? The next suspect - Iraq
21 Sep 2001From a very interesting source we get the next layer of the cover story, and the next target.
Who did it? Foreign Report presents an alternative view
Jane's Information Group, 19 Sep 2001
http://www.janes.com/security/international_security/news/fr/fr010919_1_n.shtml- Subject: Power Behind the Throne
21 Sep 2001Gee, who'd a thunk it??
Elder Bush Busy Behind The Scenes
by Thomas M. DeFrank, New York Daily News, 19 Sep 2001
elderBush.html- Subject: Bush, Bath & Bin Laden
21 Sep 2001BCCI provides the visible interlink.
The Tangled Path to a Response
As we prepare to retaliate for last week's atrocities,
let's take time to be sure of our targets
by John Mecklin, San Francisco Weekly, 19 Sep 2001
http://www.sfweekly.com/issues/2001-09-19/mecklin.html- Subject: September 11 & Aftermath: Context, Questions, Responsibility and Justice
21 Sep 2001Lots and lots, all in one place.
September 11 and Its Aftermath: Context, Questions, Responsibility and Justice
compiled by The Indymedia News Blast Team, 18 Sep 2001
http://www.icaer.org/emma/blast/- Subject: Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's statement on War Powers
25 Sep 2001Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's 9/14 Statement on War Powers is yet another voice of reason. It also includes a quote from Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, who led the prosecution at Nuremberg. Jackson refused to stoop to the same barbarity with which the Nazis dealt with their victims, and insisted on full trials before a tribunal of law.
The United States confronted this very same decision at the close of World War II: that is the struggle for justice in the face of tyranny. There were those who called for widespread executions of Nazis, Japanese leadership, and their civilians. On the other side were those who urged reason and a return to the rule of law. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, who led the prosecution at Nuremberg said it best:
"That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason."
Statement on War Powers for Bush
By U.S. Congresswoman McKinney, 14 Sep 2001
http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/CynthiaMcKinney/news/pr010914.htmAlso see this excellent PRI interview with Nuremberg chief prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz:
Crimes Against Humanity Benjamin Ferencz Interview
19 Sep 2001
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Ferencz.htmlFor those who say "we have to do something" this is the right answer.
- Subject: Hope for the media? At least temporarily
27 Sep 2001Between the cracks the question keeps rising - why?
Despair Feeds Hatred, Extremism
by Sandy Tolan, USA Today, 20 Sep 2001
http://www.commondreams.org/views01/0920-09.htm- Subject: The War Prayer - Mark Twain
29 Sep 2001"Only the dead have free speech" Mark Twain
The War Prayer
By Mark Twain, March 1905
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warprayer.html- Subject: Wall Street Journal: Bush Sr. in Business With Bin Laden Family Conglomerate Through Carlyle Group
29 Sep 2001Here's the start of the link, it will unravel.
Wall Street Journal: Bush Sr. in Business With Bin Laden Family Conglomerate Through Carlyle Group
by Judicial Watch, 28 Sep 2001
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