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Preventing Breast Cancer


          o - As a convenience to readers, both in the USA and abroad, we have tried to define all abbreviations and many terms. We do it either here in the Index-Glossary, or right in the text --- and sometimes in both places.

          o - An "e" before a page number (e41, for example) means an explanation is on that page.

          o - Many quotations in the book contain medical terms. When the weight of the passage can be felt without defining every term, we made choices.

          o - Readers may want to look for Index entries with indented sub-entries. For recurrent topics or key concepts, we try to provide specific reminders, instead of long lists of page numbers. There are a few exceptions.

          o - Within this Index, we sometimes abbreviate:

          ^ means "raised to the power of", 130

          o - We have tried to use an alphabetical order which "credits" only LETTERS (not spaces, etc.). A few numerical entries come first:

1 % estimate vs. 75 % est., 312, 314-316, 373
20/20 hindsight, 31
20/20 Television (Britain), 306, 307, 329, 330, 343
22 % of all deaths (USA, today) from cancer, 10
1960-1995 irradiation. See "Post-1960 irradiation"

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ ]

At the present time (April, 1997), we have hooked-up only a very small amount of the page numbers in this index back to their respective positions in the text of the chapters currently online. As a substitute, links are provided to each chapter (with starting page indicating the chapter's span). Once inside each chapter Edit->Find (Ctrl-F) will identify some of the entries. However this index also identifies page locations topically where the specific [topical] words listed here will not be found.

*   ========================================
Abelson (Philip H.) 1994, on "safe" doses, 327
A-bomb radiation vs medical radiation, e11, 13,
   83-84, 278
A-Bomb Study
   Average dose: less than 25 medical rads, 84
      SEE also "Medical rad" in index
   Breast-cancer, 4, 18
      Most easily induced of all, 279
   Constant cohorts (need for), 276, 287, 334
   DS86 dosimetry: proper use of, 276, 334
   Early-onset breast-cancer, 12-14, 16
   Enduring chromosome lesions, 293
   Excess relative risk, children vs adults, 289
   Individual differences in latency, 7
   Prenatal exposure, 87
   Still incomplete for youngest, 8, 282, 289
   T65D dosimetry, 276, 277, 334
   Unique value of A-Bomb Study, 8, 273, 287
A-bomb testing & fallout, 35, 161-162
Abscesses, treated with radiation, 96
   And childhood x-ray exams, 18
   A stimulus to repeated x-ray exams, 259, 360
ACS = American Cancer Society, 175
   ACS 1982: on lowest possible x-ray dosage, 375
   ACS 1992: on avoiding fluoroscopy, 257
   ACS 1994: on various cancer-rates, 281, 301
      On Medicare & mammography, 355
      SEE also "American Cancer Society"
Actinomycosis = a fungal skin disease, 228
Action: breast-cancer prevention, 1, 18, 30, 31,
      264, 291-300, 354, 361, 374-375
   A certainty to rely upon, 1, 291, 300, 354, 361
   Debate over exactitude: not productive, 264, 291
   Effect of latency-period on seeing results, 300
   Good news, 1, 291, 344, 351, 354, 375
   Honest evaluation of past mistakes, 226, 311
   Mammography does not PREVENT breast-cancer,
      172-173, 296
   Use the list of certainties, 296
   Who cares enough to prevent breast-cancer?  226,
      299, 314, 369, 374
   SEE "Overdosing in current medical x-ray usage"
   SEE "Reduction of unnecessary doses"
   SEE "Vigilance required"
Acute dose-rate = very fast rate, all at once, 336
Acute mastitis = mammary-gland inflammation, e34
   Chap 13, + 342, 353
Adaptive cellular responses to radiation, 326
Adenoids = excessive amounts of normal adenoid tissue
      in the nasopharynx of children
   Removal and thymus irradiation, 32, 45, 77-80
Adenoma = a type of tumor, usually benign, e225
   Radiation response, 225
   Toxic adenoma (thyroid), 125
Adrenals, irradiated for thyroid disorders, 126
Affection = an ailment, disease, e220
Age 65 and older: not in Master Table, 30, 118, 264
Age: young are most vulnerable to radiation, 3, 18,
   33, 267, 289, 366
Age-year 0 means birth to first birthday, e14, e30
Age-year vs calendar-year, e30, e33
Aggregate impact of small radiation-doses, 138,
   175-177, 297-298, 299-300, 317-318, 343, 361, 368,
   369, 371, 374
      UNSCEAR 1993 statement: 317, 368
Airline travel: extra radiation, 12, 296-297
Allen (A. Lanham) 1951, on Hashimoto's Struma, 251
Alopecia = loss of hair, baldness, e227
Alpha particles: ionizing radiation, 2
"Amateurs" in x-ray use, 206. See "Unqualified users"
American Cancer Society (ACS):
   22 invitations to peer-review this book, 301-302
   Advice in 1992 about fluoroscopy, 257
   Advocate of mammography, 173-177, 312
   Dodd (Gerald D.), peer preview, 306
   Heath (Clark W.) review of this book, 312-316, 339
   Policy against radiation overdosage, 375
   Source for cancer-rates, 3, 278, 280, 281, 377
   Sponsor BCDDP mammography, 173-177, 312
American Chiropractic Association, 139
American College of Radiology, 36, 139, 299
American J of Roentgenology: excellent journal, 31
   Named in text, 53, 54, 106, 108, 110, 117, 132,
      144, 201, 206, 210, 212, 242, 253
"American Martyrs to Science through the Roentgen
   Rays," book, 202
American Medical Assn., 302.  See "Journal of AMA"
American Roentgen Ray Society, 65, 105, 163, 203,
   207, 218, 242
American Society of Radiologic Technologists, 299
American Standards Society, 167
Ames (Bruce) 1989 on DNA damage-rate, 327
Andrews (George) 1922, with MacKee, 110, 219
Anesthesia: unhappy outcomes
   and enlarged thymus, (40 Lange), (45 Kerley),
      (48 Jackson), (50 Carr), (65 O'Brien),
      (66 Mosher), (67+ Gwathmey)
   and status lymphaticus, 45, 48, 67, 68, 69
   characteristics of risky patients, 68
   chloroform and sudden death, 68, 75
   sudden death, 44, 48, 66, 68, Ch10
      from unskillful anesthesia, 69
Animal evidence (early) on radn carcinogenesis, 160
Ankylosing spondylitis, e8
   pain relieved by radiation, 8, 247-248
Annual average breast-dose, e30, e31, e63-64
Anthrax: treated with radiation, 245
Antibiotic pharmaceuticals, 83, 91, 245
AP = anterior-posterior, front-to-back, e112
Appalling, if medicine opposes honest evaluation, 226
"Appendage" of small volume, 180
Area under a curve: meaning, 17, 287
"Armamentarium" in dermatology: MacKee, 110, 219, 220
Arthritis, gonococcal, treated with radiation, 245
Artificial pneumothorax therapy, e3, 4, 105-109
Asbestos (as carcinogen), 142, 284
"As low as ... practicable" (radn dosage), 330, 368
Associated Press, 172, 295
   Association with thymus syndrome, 45
   Differs from Status Thymico-Asthmaticus, 50
   Treated with radiation, 32, 113-115
Ataxia Telangiectasia and radiation risk, 181, 371
AT gene = gene for Ataxia Telangiectasia, 181, 371
Atomic-bomb: see "A-Bomb"
Auscultation = listening with stethoscope, e208
Average annual breast-dose, explained, e30, e31
Average annual breast-dose: key to the analysis, 31
Average doses & risks: individuals above, below, 181
Axillae = armpits.

 * -- "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has
seen, and thinking what nobody has thought." --
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Physiology,

Background rates of cancer, 10, 280
Bacteria: not stopped by radiation therapy,
   92, 93, 104, 117, 244
Bailar (John C.III) 1976, on mammographic dose, 173
   Potential peer-review of this book, 303
"Ballpark" estimate = an estimate having a large,
   acknowledged band of uncertainty. 169, 173, 180-81
Basedow's Disease, 125, 126
Baverstock (Keith) 1981, 1983, 1987 radium study, 321
   1991 on threshold issue, 293
Bayley (John F. Jr.) 1968, rate of tonsillectomy, 78
BBE = Breast Biophysical Exam (non-xray), 356
BCDDP = Breast-Ca Detection & Demonstration Project
   1970s screening of 280,000+ women, 173-177
   2 rads per mammographic exam, 173, 175
Becquerel (Antoine Henri), 1852-1908, discoverer of
   radioactivity, 260
BEIR Committee = Biological Effects of Ionizing Radn
  BEIR 1972, p.11
   BEIR 1990, p.11, 337, 342, 343
Belarus, (364), 371
Bellamy (Julian) of 20/20 Britain, 329, 330, 343
Benefits of radn in medicine, repeatedly affirmed in
   this book: examples at 18, 39, 40, 42, 47, 51,
      53, 54, 69, 86, 93, 96, 99, 104, 105, 106, 113,
      117, 121, 163, 183, 187, 190 207-209, 213, 219,
      220, 222, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 236,
      244-245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
      311, 332, 375
Benson (Allen B.), author Radioactive Fallout, 303
Berenson (Bernard), quoted about consistency, 192
Berman (Robert) 1957, fetal irradiation, 89, 90
Berra (Yogi), quoted, 216 and within Index
"Best doctors have no idea...,"  2
Beta particles: ionizing radiation, 2, 13
"Better roentgenology, not less," 311
Bhatnagar (Jadish) 1981, on Full-Spine Exam, 139
Bias, 301, 309, 310, 334, 344
"Big Story," TV investigative series, 329, 331
Billen (Daniel) 1990, 1991 on trivial dosage, 327
Biopsies (breast), 355, 356
Birth defects:
   A stimulus to childhood x-rays, 18, 183, 257
   Radn-induced in next generation by gonadal or
      whole-body dosage, 196, 201, 238, 345
Bishop (L.F.) 1922, advocate of fluoroscopy, 207-210
   Diagnosis of heart problems, 208
   "Every physician" will use the fluoroscope, 208
   Finding of hidden chest/abdominal problems, 209
Blatz (Hanson) 1970, on well-baby fluoroscopy, 116,
   145, 194, 205, 213, 261
"Blue ribbon commission," 30, 295
Boice (John D. Jr.), National Cancer Institute:
   1977 on pneumothorax & radiation, 107
   1992 on ca-risk for AT heterozygotes, 181
Bond (Victor P.) 1978, x-ray/gamma comparison, 337
Boyd (Edith) 1932, size of thymus, 44, 49, 84
Brachman (D.S.) 1933, tuberculosis case-finding, 108
Bradley (David), author No Place to Hide, 303
Braestrup (Carl), NYC Dept. of Hospitals, 199
   1942: on fluoroscopy, 165, 187, 199
      Some machines could be classified as a "lethal
         diagnostic weapon," 165, 199, 204
   1942: on scattered radiation to staff, 200
   1969: on past over-exposures, 143, 144, 193, 213
   100 R limit / fluoroscopy exam, 144, 193, 204, 262
   125 R output / minute, fluoroscopy, 11, 143
   Skin as "personal monitor" of dose, 143, 144
Breast biophysical exam (BBE), being tested, 356
Breast-cancer causes:
   Non-radiation: 6, 280, 281, 282, 286, 287, 288
      313, 333, 349-351, 353, 354, 370, 373
   Radiation (ionizing), proven cause and
         not speculative, 2-4, 30, 261, 289, 295,
         300, 320-321, 333, 346, 349-351
      Evans' 1-percent estimate, 312, 314-316
      Most easily induced, 279, 290
      No.American vs. Japanese data, 313
      Radiation is the MAJOR cause, 1, 6, 264, 285
      Supra-linear dose-response, 313
Breast-Cancer Detection & Demo Project: see "BCDDP"
Breast-cancer incidence, Table 1, for USA, 377
   "1 in 9" women in their lifetime, 31, 198
   Prevention.  See "Action"
Breast-cancer mortality rates per 100,000 women:
   Age-adjusted versus raw number, 377
   By age, 347-348
   Discussion in HEIR-3 Report, 349
Breast-cancer and radiation therapy, 371
"Breast-cancer years," or ages, e347-348
Breast-dose of radiation:
   19 times higher from AP beam than PA, 112
   Box with adjustments downward, 58
   Breast tissue "radio-sensitive," 185, 278-279
   Doubling-dose for breast-cancer, e13
      1970 estimate: mixed ages: 20-50 rads, 175
      1972 estimate: mixed ages: 28-120 rads, 175
      1993 data for early-onset: ~4 rads, 13
   SEE also next set of entries
Breast-doses, actual individual doses:
   0.074 rads / photofluorogram (TB screening), 112
   0.465 rads per Full-Spine Exam, 139
   0.6 rad or less, from modern mammogram exam, 172
   1.5 rads / fluoroscopy, tuberculosis cases, 107
      Full treatment sometimes meant 200+ exams, 4
   1.6 rads from treatment for ringworm of scalp, 228
   2.0 rads from iodine-131 in thyroid, 131
   2.1 rads & up prenatally from pelvimetry, 90
   3.5 rads from iodine-131 in circulation, 129
   7.4 rads: sum, two years of well-baby checks, 198
   12.8 rads for scoliosis patients, 136
   69 rads for enlarged thymus, 57
   69.3 rads (AP beam) for whooping cough, 122
   88.7 rads (AP beam) for asthma, 114
   138.6 rads for pneumonia, 119
   245 rads for acute mastitis, 95
   260 rads for chronic mastitis, 102
   1,400 Roentgens, maximum, for skin therapies, 222
   1,500 Roentgens, maximum, for skin therapies, 230
   Fluoroscopy. SEE "Fluoroscopy: output, dose-rates"
      SEE also "Mammography: per-exam breast-doses"
      SEE also "Roentgen-to-rad" conversions
      SEE also "Superficial x-ray therapy"
"Brilliant results" (from thymus irradiation), 42
British Natl. Radiological Protection Bd. See "NRPB"
Bromley (J.F.) 1955, on Hashimoto's Struma, 251-252
Bronchoscopy, 41, 48
Brown (Robert L.) 1938, on chronic mastitis, 99, 100
Bucky (Gustav) 1927: and "grenz" rays, 221
Buerger's disease: radiation response, 226
Bullets: removal with fluoroscopic guidance, 207
Bureau of Radiological Health (part of FDA, USA):
   1977 survey of diagnostic x-ray doses, 291-292
   1978 on unnecessary x-ray exams, 365
   SEE also "FDA"
"Buried" useful items of knowledge, 86
Burlington (D. Bruce) 1994, current fluoroscopy, 184
Burns: report of pain relief from radiation, 249
Bursitis, treated with radiation, 247, 248
Buschke (Franz) 1942, on well-baby fluoroscopy, 124,
      145, 154, 194-198, 205, 261
   "Unbelievers" resist, 196
   Warnings against over-use, 187, 194-197
   Women & families owe their gratitude, 198
   Worried about gonadal dose (not breasts), 196-197

 * -- "Do what you can. Start where you are." --
Carroll O'Connor, contemporary author and actor,
on excuses for not helping to solve problems.

Caldwell (Eugene), 218, 242
Calendar-year vs age-year, explained, e30, e33
   "Synthetic" calendar-year, 55, 63
California Br.Canc. Research Counc., 302, 305-6, 370
Camel's back (last straw), 9
Canadian Natl.Canc.Inst., Br.Canc. Initiative, 302
   Age at which it occurs, 10, 286, 287-288
      "Breast-cancer years," 347-348
   Co-action of causes, 6, 280, 281, 282, 284, 286,
      313, 333, 349-351, 370, 373
   Multiple cancers per person, 286
   Multi-step genetic model of cancer development,
      e5, e6, 9, 324, 325, 370
   Variation in rates between countries, 280-282
Carbuncle = inflammation of subcutaneous tissue,
      accompanied by marked constitutional symptoms
   Treatment with radiation, 32, 91, 96, 226, 243
Carcinogenic = cancer-causing, 5
   Carcinogenic lesions, e5, 9, 10
      Weak vs. strong, e5, 10
Cardiac exams.  See "Heart studies," + "Fluoroscopy"
Carpender (J.W.J.) 1956: ulcer treated by radn, 253
Carr (Jesse) 1945 on thymus disorders, 49-50, 80, 85
Case (James T.), professor of radiology, 88, 225
      President of American College of Radiology, 36
   1942, on pelvimetry, 88
   1942, list, radn-therapy of benign disorders, 225
   1955, tribute to Dr. Pfahler, 36
Catheterization (heart), 183, 184, 214, 357
Caufield (Catherine) 1989:
   On estimated 20% of x-rays unnecessary, 365
   On overuse of fluoroscopy in China, 371
   On improper reasons for x-rays, 365
   On TB screening by x-ray exams, 111, 146
   On x-ray "re-takes," 365
Causation: if case would not otherwise have
   occurred, 6
Cause of breast-cancer, USA:
   Radiation not "a cause," but THE major cause,
         1, 264, 285
      Appalling, if medicine opposes honest
         evaluation, 226, 311
      Duty to be realistic about fluoroscopy, 194
      "Losing" some part of causation by omissions
         from our Master Table, 261
      "The thing speaks for itself," 193
      Not necessary to account for 100% of causation
            before starting action, 264
         Exact radn share never knowable, 264, 291
      Radiation a proven (not speculative) cause,
         2-4, 30, 261, 289, 333
      "Smoking gun," 310
Center for Devices & Rad. Health, 184, 363
Centi-gray (cGy), equivalent to one rad, e11
Cervical = neck, e246.  Cervical spine exam, 150, 153
Cesium-134, radiological half-life = 2.06 years
Cesium-137, radiological half-life = 30.17 years
cGy = centi-gray, e11 (equivalent to 1 rad)
Chadwick (Henry) 1933, on tuberculosis, 106, 108, 109
Chapple (Charles L.) 1950, on scoliosis, 134
Chemicals as carcinogens, 5, 6, 284, 351, 353-354
Chest x-ray exams, 111, 112, 152, 153
Childhood cancers (special set), 10
Childhood irradiation, past: See most chapters.  And:
   1924: for gastro-intestinal troubles, 210
   1925: for heart studies, 211-212
   1925: for lung examination, 210
      SEE also "Newborns" and "Well-baby check-ups"
Childhood irradiation, today:
   After accidents, 259, 360
   Frequency and dose-variation of exams, 364
      SEE also "Neonatal intensive care units"
China, overuse of fluoroscopy, 371
Chiropractic exams, 139-141, 259
   After accidents and workplace injuries, 259, 264
   Overdosing, 364, 368
Cholecystogram = gall-bladder x-ray exam, 144, 151,
Christopher's "Surgery" (text book), 88, 133, 225
Chromosomes = structures composed of DNA winding
      around proteins, e10
   Radn-induced injury observed (not speculative),
   Repair and failure of repair, 142, 292-293, 313,
      318-322, 325, 327, 328, 
Chronic mastitis, e34, 97-103
   Advocates for breast-conservation, 99
   Mastectomy for every lumpy breast?  98
Churchill (Winston), on determination, 376
Ci = Curie
Cinematography of heart, 212-213, 214
Circumcision & sudden death, 65, 69, 77
Clarke (T. Wood) 1924, childhood G.I. exams, 210
Cleveland Clinic, 1953 occupational doses, 155-159
Clinically detected breast-cancer, e19
Clinicians on defensive when success lacks
   explanation, 54, 96, 104
CME = Continuing Medical Education, 298
Co-action of cancer-causes, 6, 280, 281, 282, 284,
   286, 313, 333, 349-351, 370, 373
Cobalt-60, estimated tracks per rad, 323-324
Cole (A.M.) 1911, on Lange's paper, 41
Collimate = to adjust the line of sight, 146
Commercial promotion of x-rays, 204, 206, 242
Commission to do more studies (no action), 30-31, 295
Committed cancer means produced cancer, 19
Committee on BEIR: see "BEIR"
Comparing doses: pitfalls, 83-84
Computed tomography, 356, 363, 364, 366
Conference of Radn Control Program Directors, 363
Conflict of interest & peer-review, 226, 301, 310-311
Consecutive newborns, irradiated, 44, 46, 51-52, 60
Consensus of opinion can be wrong:
   Crile quotation 234, Orville Wright 301, 
      Schopenhauer 352
   Consensus challenged by MacKee, 232
Conservative estimate = moderate estimate.
Constancy of both population & dose-level, 29, 259
Constant-cohort, dual-dosimetry, 276, 287, e334
Conti (Eugene) 1948 on thymus irradn, 44, 46,
   47 (quote), 60, 61, 80
Continuing medical education, 298
Conversion-factors, e1, e33, e57, 273-283, e350, e373
   Adjustments of dose for constant conversion-
      factor, 58 (box), 265, 278
   Low-dose conversion-factors, 33, e278
   "Not married" to the current estimate, 286
   Will continue to improve with new evidence, 273
Co-operative nature of science, 9, 225, 308 (dwarf)
Costal cartilage: belongs to the ribs, e249
Cost-benefit of dose-reduction, 374-375
County and City Data Book, 56, 107, 118, 137
Cover-ups about radiation:
   During "Cold War," 167
   Government today on safe-dose fallacy, 295
Cowie (Dean) 1941, National Cancer Institute survey
   Occupational doses, 155, 156, 158, 237-241, 264
   Worry over gonadal doses (not breast dose), 238
Credible lower limit of dose, 71, 73, 81, 101, 118,
      119, 193, 264
    Summary on the likely underestimates in the
      Master Table, 262-264
Crile (George, Jr.), a magic name in thyroid disease
   1948, thyroiditis treated with radiation, 251
   1950, thyroiditis treated with radiation, 251
   Consensus can be wrong (quotation), 234
Criticisms of past:
   See "Not judging" and "Rush to judgment"
Crowe (Joseph P.) 1995, on biopsies 355, on BBE 356
Crowing sound in breathing, 38, 39
CT scans, 356, 363, 364, 366
Cunningham (J.R.) 1983, with Johns, 293, 294
Cure for breast-cancer: problematical, 2
Curie of X is the amount of X required to produce 37
   billion radioactive decays per second.  The
   longer the half-life, the larger the amount
   required.  Examples: 1 gram of pure radium-226
   (half-life = 1,600 years) qualifies as 1 Curie.
   By contrast, only 0.0000004 gram of pure xenon-135
   (half-life = 9.1 hours) qualifies as 1 Curie.
Curie (Marie Sklodowska), 1867-1934, p.237
   1898: Discovered radium, 1
Curie (Pierre): good & evil uses of discoveries, 260
Curry (Francis), 1950s' x-ray mis-use, 111, 112,
   146, 193
Cutaneous = pertaining to the skin, 225
Cyanosis = blueness of the skin, e38

 * -- "You can observe a lot by watching."
-- Yogi Berra, famous American baseball player.

Danger (potential danger) of x-rays.  Recognition:
   Advertising should not hide danger: 1943 West, 204
   "Dangers are 100 times as great today":
      1925 Pfahler, 206
   "Disastrous results": 1922 Hazen, 163
   "Exceedingly dangerous agent": 1938 MacKee, 224
   "Hidden dangers of the agent" 1943 DeLorimier, 204
   "Irreparable harm may be done": 1942 Buschke, 196
   "Lethal diagnostic weapon": 1942 Braestrup, 165,
      199, 204
   "No such thing as `minor roentgenology'" 242
   Not just "glorified photography": J.T. Case, 195
   "Powerful drug," 1942 Buschke/Parker, 195, 196
   "Profound ignorance of the dangers": 1925 Pfahler, 
   Worse now than "tragic days": 1937 Leddy, 201
   SEE also "Benefits of radiation in medicine"
Davis (Devra Lee), 303, 306
Dawood (Richard M.) 1988, 366
DeBuys (L.R.) 1925, normal heart of children, 211-212
Decline in future br.canc. cases, 256, 347-349, 373
Defensive medicine, 365
"Deja vu all over again" (Yogi Berra), 216
Delivery of cancer off the shelf, e19, 64
DeLorimier (Alfred) 1943, army field units, 203, 204
Delusion:  see "Self-suggestion"
Denial of overdosing, 366, 374
Dental x-rays and breast-cancer, 346
Dermatitis = skin inflammation, e3, e228
Dermatology and radiation therapies:
   80+ disorders treated w radn, 110, 219, 227, 262
   1922 Hazen: radn "most useful single agent," 163
   1922 + 1938 MacKee: x-rays "the most valuable
      [agent] in armamentarium," 219, 220
   1952 Sulzberger: "not merely safe...but among the
      best therapeutic measures," 222
   Breast-dose may exceed everything in Master
         Table, 219, 223
   Breast-irradn from specific treatments, 227-232
      "Superficial" therapy does reach breasts, 223
   Customary dose-regimes for skin therapies:
      85 Roentgens maximum in one treatment, 222
      1,400 Roentgens, maximum total per area, 222
   "Grenz" rays & "superficial" differ, 219, 221-222
   "Superficial" therapy was customary, 222
   Unevaluated breast-doses might exceed everything
      in Master Table, 262
Desjardins (Arthur), excellent papers on radiation
      action and benefits, 31, 96, 104, 117
   Excerpts from his 1931 paper, 96, 104
   Inflammation responsive to radn, 96, 104, 117, 118
   Mentions acute mastitis, 93 (cited by Harvey), 95
   Mentions pneumonia, 96
Desquamation = shedding (of skin) in scales or
   sheets, 185, 186
"Destiny" lesions vs "predisposing" lesions, e5
Detroit's management of tuberculosis, 105-109, 111
Dewing (Stephen) 1965, Book: Radn of Benign Disease,
      228, 243-254, 255;  "Excellent" book, 244
   100-300 Roentgens called "very low doses," 83
   Asthma treated with radiation, 113
   Contempt & hostility among physicians today, 243
   Inflammation responsive to radiation, 117
   Radiation tried on every disease there is, 243
   Thyroid disease, radiation vs surgery, 129
Didacus Stella, dwarf on a giant's shoulder, 308
Diet and breast-cancer, 6, 288, 296, 351
Digital computed radiography, 362
Disability claims, 264, 295
"Disaster creep," e1
   1895: x-rays, 1, 29, 75
   1898: radium, 1
   1965: radiation-induced breast-cancer, 3-4
DNA (genetic molecule), e5
   DNA duplex = the 2-strand helix, 326
   DNA recombination, 327
        See also "Repair & non-repair..."
Dodd (Gerald D.) and peer preview, 302, 306
Donaldson (Sam W.) 1930, on enlarged thymus, 51
   1930: rate of 40% in suspect infants, 61
   1938, consecutive newborns, 44, 52
   1938, 11% had "definite" enlargement, 60
   1938, 18% received therapeutic irradn, 44, 51
Donegan (Wm. L.), author of br.canc. text, 302, 333
Dose = amount of radn, e3, e11, e259 (box)
   Annual average breast-dose, e30, e31, e63-64
   Box of downward adjustments, 58
   High doses: reason why none in Master Table, 59
   Low-dose: Dewing's 1965 concept, 83
   Lowest possible dose, e318, 321-322, e323, e326
      Table of tracks per nucleus, 319
   Pitfalls in making dose-comparisons, 83-84
   Rate of dose-delivery, 12, 33, 318, 336, 337
   SEE also "Breast-dose" & "Breast-doses"
   SEE also "Overdosing in medical x-ray usage"
   SEE also "Reduction of doses"
Dose-response = regular change in response with
      change in dose, 32, 57, 142
   Important in showing causation, 142, 321
   Visible in enduring chromosome injury, 293
Doubling dose, explained, e13.  For breast-cancer:
   1970 estimate: mixed ages: 20-50 rads, 175
   1972 estimate: mixed ages: 28-120 rads, 175
   1993 data, early-onset: 4 rads before age-20, 13
Douglas (B.H.) 1933, on pulmonary tuberculosis, 109
DS86 dosimetry versus T65D dosimetry, e334
Dullness in chest, explained, e38
Duncan (Sara Jeannette), 1
Duplex (DNA) = the 2-strand helix, 326
Duration of radn's carcinogenic effect, 8, 30, 289
   314, 347-348, 349
Dwarf standing on giant's shoulders, 308
Dyspnoea (dyspnea) = difficult breathing, 39
   Fatal cases, 68, 75
*   ========================================
Early-onset breast cancer, e11, e12, 11-18, 289
Easton (D.F.) 1994, on AT heterozygotes, 181
Easy readers, 2, 11, 13, 19
Eczema, treated with radiation, 228-231
Edema = abnormal accumulation of fluid, 228
Effective dose equivalent, e358-359
Egan (Robert L.), mammography pioneer, 178, 179
   1962, 1963 papers, 178, 180
   1964 paper: calls 10+ rads/year safe, 179-180
Electro-magnetic fields & breast-cancer, 6
Eller (Joseph) 1927, on grenz super-soft x-rays, 221
EMFs = electro-magnetic fields, e6
Empirical method in clinical medicine, 54, 96, 196
Engelstad (Rolf) 1944, on chronic mastitis, 99
Engle (R.B.) 1950, with Levi, 250
Enlarged thymus, first mention, 32
   Association with sudden death, 38, 40, 53, 65,
      67, 69
   Debate on normal size: see "Thymus-size"
   Debate over pressure: see "Pressure"
   Doubts about the prevailing wisdom, 44, 49, 66, 67
   Enlargement with & without overt problems, 66
   Relationship with status lymphaticus, 40, 41, 46,
      64, 66, 78
   Screening to identify, 43, 60, 61, 65, 67
   "Silent" asymptomatic enlarged thymus, 53, 64, 67
      Until "violent" reaction to illnesses, 74
   Syndrome described 1911 by Lange, 38-41
   Syndrome described 1924 by Pfahler, 42
   Syndrome described 1925 by Fisher, 54
   Syndrome described 1925 by Perkins, 45
   Syndrome described 1929 by O'Brien, 66
   Syndrome described 1945 by Carr, 50
   Syndrome, but no x-ray confirmation, 42, 69
   Thymus NOT to blame for syndrome, 44, 49, 51, 83,
   See also "Thymus irradiation"
Epidemiology, e6
   Clinicians resist "fairy tales" (Buschke), 196
   Limits on what studies are possible, 197
   Matched study-groups, 6, 10, 88 (prenatal), 288
   Pitfalls, 85, 287-288
Epididymitis (inflammation next to the testicles),
   treated with radiation, 96
Epilation = removal of hair, 227
Equilibrium: time to reach it (Law of Equality), 285
ERR = Excess Relative Risk, e14
Erythema = morbid reddening of the skin, e144, e164,
   Erythema dose = 300+ Roentgens, e76, e143, e164,
      At about 60 KeV, 227
      Fractional dose, 252
      Suberythema dose: less than 300 R, 225-226
Estrogens and cancer, 6, 351, 353
Etiology = origin
Evans (H.J.) 1979, radiation-induced chromosome
   lesions, nuclear workers, 293
Evans (J.S.) 1986 paper, with faulty 1% estimate,
   312, 314, 315, 316
Evans (Nancy), 303
Every disorder once treated by radn, 32, 224, 243
Ewing (James), great American pathologist, 97, 98
Excess relative risk, e14 (equivalent to K-value)
   2.524 times higher, breast-ca vs all ca, 279, 290
   Implication of Japan-USA transport, 280
   Implication of Law of Equality, 287
   Is higher for children than adults, 289
Exophthalmic hyper-thyroidism, e125, 125-127

 * -- "Everybody is ignorant, only on different
subjects." -- Will Rogers, 1879-1935, beloved
American humorist.

Fallout from a-bomb testing, 35, 161-162, 299
"False negatives" in diagnosis, 178
FDA = Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Government.
   FDA 1994, on high fluoroscopy doses, 184-186, 295
   Film-processing surveys, 367-368
   National x-ray surveys, 363
   Survey: overdosing of scoliosis patients, 366
Feig (Stephen A.), 306, 313, 317
Fellows (H.H.) 1928, on TB screening, 189
Fibroid tumors, treated with radiation, 225
Figures in this book:
   Three Curves with a Story, 15
   Law of Equality (four figures), 21, 23, 25, 26
   Supra-linear dose-response, A-Bomb Study, 277
   Cancer-Rate: Generic Lead-Lag Curves, 288
Film badges, 155, 156, 159
Film-processing, role in overdosing, 294, 367-368
Film-screens: reduction in x-ray dose, 145, 366
Film-speed: slow means higher x-ray dose, 145
"First cut" at annual incidence-rate, 1960-2000, p.29
"First, do no harm," 298
Fisher (Mulford K.) 1925, on thymus irradiation, 54
   On value of empiricism in clinical medicine, 54
Flanagin (Annette), a JAMA editor, 302, 309, 312
Fluoroscopy: beam stays "on," e3, e43
   1922: spread of machines, 207-209
   1923: machines less bulky, 207
   1923: "Every physician" will use fluoroscopy, 208
   1930s: Wappler fluoroscope, 143, 144, 193, 204
   1930 & 1933: Physicians urged to use fluoroscopy
      to search for enlarged thymus, 43, 80
   1937: routine part of a work-ups, 201, 204
   1943: spread of machines, 203-204
   1992: AmCancSoc urges avoidance if possible, 257
   1993: UNSCEAR warnings, "pedal," also PTCA, 357
   1993: Very high doses, some unqualified users, 216
   1994: FDA warning on high-dose menace, 184, 360
   1995: Author warns it is biggest hazard of
      radiology, 213, 216, 262, 360
   Cheaper & quicker than films, 4, 190, 208, 371
   Higher doses than radiography, 43, 112, 188, 360
   Informed consent: 1994 FDA recommendation, 186
   "Lethal diagnostic weapon," 165, 199, 204
   Machines take little valuable office space, 207
   Medical staff also exposed, 185, 199, 214
   Mobile units the worst (1942 Braestrup), 199
   Non-recorded doses, 145, 186-187, 188, 190,
         199-200, 209, 210, 261-262
      1994: FDA urges that doses be recorded, 186
      1994: UNSCEAR admits doses unknown, 188, 360
      Sum of non-recorded doses, 1920-1960, probably
         exceeds everything in Master Table, 204, 262
      "The thing speaks for itself," 193
   SEE also two more sets of entries, below
Fluoroscopy: output, dose-rates, dose-levels.
   1 - 50 rads per minute today, 185
   12 Roentgens per minute (shoe-fitters), 165, 167
   21 R total (heart cath with intensifier), 214
   25 Roentgens per minute (well-baby), 195
   30-232 R total (heart cath, no intensifier), 214
   100 Roentgens per minute, 11
   100 R limit per exam, New York City hospitals,
      144, 153, 193, 262
   125-150 R/min at Wappler panel, 143, 144, 193, 204
   200 R/min (worst well-baby exam), 195
   348 R/minute (worst shoe-fitters), 165, 167
   1,000 R/min, worst 1942 surgery, 199
   Comparison with natural background rate, 12
   Doses & various degrees of skin injury, 185-186
   Ways to reduce dose, 186, 214-216
   SEE one more set of entries
Fluoroscopy: types of uses (examples).
   Angioplasty, 357
   Catheterization, 183, 184, 214, 357
   Chest problems, all ("Pancoast imperative"), 43
   Finding enlarged thymus, 43, 60, 61, 79, 80
   Finding pulmonary tuberculosis, 111, 189-190, 203
   Gastro-intestinal tract studies, 203, 360
   Heart studies, 184, 207, 208, 210, 214, 357
   Removing metallic items, 202, 204, 207
   Setting fractured bones, 202, 204, 207
   Shoe-fitter machines, shoe stores, 165-170
   Surgery, 184 (list of samples), 199
   Upper G.I. Exams, 144, 360, 363
   Well-baby check-ups, 116, 124, 145, 194-198
      Blatz, 116, 145, 194, 205, 213, 261
      Monthly use: Buschke/Parker, 124, 145, 154,
         194-197, 205, 261
      Pifer, 60, 116, 145, 194, 205, 261
   SEE also "Unqualified users" and "Cinematography."
Flying: extra radiation exposure, 12, 296-297
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA.
   1994: certification for mammography centers, 172
   1994: warnings on fluoroscopic doses, 183-186
   National x-ray surveys, 363, 366, 367
Fredrickson (Donald S.), 303, 310
Free radicals: injury to DNA, 292, 326
Freud (Sigmund), "From error to error..."  182
Friedlander (Alfred) 1907: 1st thymus irradn, 38, 75
Frye (Northrup), 28
Full-Spine Exam, e139

 * -- "Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is
indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small
jumps." -- David Lloyd George, 1863-1945, British

Gallini (R.) 1985, on dose-reduction, 372
Gamma rays: ionizing radiation, 2, e235
   SEE also "Ionizing radn" + "Potency..."
Gangrene (gas), radiation response, 226
Geist (Robert) 1953, on occupational dose, 155
Genetic diseases, e5, 196
Genetic lesions, e5, 6, 9, 10, 286
Genetic molecules = DNA & chromosomes, e5, e10
   They "remember" non-recorded radn, 35, 165, 239
   Repair & misrepair of radn injury, 142, 181, 292,
      313, 318-322, 324, 325, 327, 328
"Genie leaks out of the bottle," 217
Gershon-Cohen (J.), pioneer in mammography
   1938: on breast x-rays, 177
   1961: on mammography screening project, 179
      "No concern about excessive radn," 179
   1964: on history of mammography, 177-178
G.I. = gastro-intestinal, 144
Giant, with dwarf on shoulder, 308
Gilman (E.) 1989, obstetric radiography, 360
Gittings (J.C.) 1926, on thymus irradiation, 64
"Glorified photography," 195
Gofman 1969, on threshold issue, 33
Gofman 1971, on threshold issue, 33, 318
Gofman 1981, book Radiation & Human Health, p.4
   Age-distribution of USA female population, 56
   Analysis of early papers on radn & breast-ca, 4,
      97 (Baral)
   Prediction on breast-irradiation in infancy, 8
   Rejection of UNSCEAR 1977 concept, 18
   Relation of photon-energy & wavelength, 221
   Warning about dosimetry errors, A-Bomb Study, 334
   Whole-body dose from I-131 ingested, 129
Gofman 1985 (and O'Connor), 1985 book on x-ray exams:
   Breast-dose: 19-fold difference AP vs PA beam, 112
      Adjustment for various HVLs, 140, e150, e223
   Entrance doses, common exams, 149+
   Field-size of beams, e147
   Frequency of diagnostic exams, mid 1970s, 143
   Roentgens-to-rads, breast, 112, 114, 118, 140 box
      The full set of factors, for breast, 149
   Spine exams, 141
   Ways to reduce diagnostic film doses, 293
   Ways to reduce fluoroscopic doses, 214-216
Gofman 1986, track-analysis vs. threshold hypoth, 318
Gofman 1990 book:
   Analysis of early papers on radn & breast-ca, 4
   Average ages of the A-Bomb Study groups, 276, 282
   Cesium-137, time-distribution of dose, 162
   Disproof of safe dose, 33, 142, 293, 314, Chap 45
   Doses in A-Bomb Study, 83-84
   Female A-bomb survivors below age 20, p.12
   Latency period for radn-induced cancer, 7, 8
   Percent increase per rad, below age 20, p.13, 14
   Starting point for conversion-factors, 273, 276
   Supra-linear dose-response, 33, 58, 277, 313
Gofman 1993, on lipoprotein work, 310
Gofman 1994, on I-131 mean residence time, 130
   On radiation's role in inherited disorders, 345
Gofman 1995-b, response in JAMA to Skolnick, 313-314
Gofman 1995-c, comment in Lancet on Hulka 1995, 317
Gofman 1996, on biomedical "milestones" in FASEB, 310
Gofman (Helen) 1943, infant-holding for x-rays, 200
Goiter and thyroid disorders, 126, 127
Goldberg (Henry I.) 1996, radiology syllabus, 317
Gonadal irradiation: consequences, 196, 201, 238, 345
Good/evil results of science (Pfahler 1955), 260
Goodman (Miriam), critique of First Edition, 346
Good news of this book, 1, 291, 344, 351, 375
Gordon (Everett J.) 1973, on defensive medicine, 365
Gould (Jay), on nuclear pollution, 346
Gradual decline of incidence after radn stops, 22, 29
Graham (Kenneth), on human nature, 306
Graves (G.W.) 1924, textbook with Kerley, 45, 85
Graves' Disease, 125
Gray: equivalent to 100 rads, e11
Gray (Joel E.) of Mayo Clinic:
   1983 on breast-dose, scoliosis patients, 135
   1983 on no safe dose of ionizing radiation, 137
   1984 on not telling the dose, 171, 291, 297
Green (Morris) 1968, on scoliosis, 134
Greenthal (Roy M.) 1922, on thymus irradn, 70, 74
Greer (Kathleen A.) 1993, fluoroscopic overdoses, 216
Grenz rays, defined, discussed, e221-222
   Different from "superficial" x-rays, 219, 221-222
Grier (G.W.) 1924, on thymus irradiation, 42
   1925, on thymus irradiation, 53, 236
Grover (Ralph W.) 1965, with Dewing, 244
Gruder (Charles L.), Calif.Br.Canc.Research, 305
Gwathmey (James T.) 1914, "Anesthesia," 67-69, 75, 77

 * -- "Life is what happens to us while we are
making other plans." -- Thomas la Mance.

Haenisch (George) 1931, unqualified users, 218, 242
   Fee-splitting, 218
   "Get-rich-quick" users, 218
   "No such thing as `minor roentgenology',"  242
   Sales pressure by manufacturers, 242
Hair, unwanted, removed by x-rays, 163, 164
Half-life (radiological) is the time required for
   half the atoms of a pure radionuclide to decay
   into a different nuclide (stable or unstable).
Half-value layer (HVL), e149, e222
   HVL describes avg energy of x-ray photons in a
   beam, by measuring how much of some absorbing
   material is required to cut the beam's intensity
   in half --- e.g., 2.3 mm Aluminum.
Hammar (J.A.) 1921, safety of thymus irradn, 70, 84
Hammerstein (G.R.) 1979, dose in mammography, 372
Hammerstein (G.R.) 1979, dosimetry, 223, 372
Hancock (Malcolm):  A fine cartoonist (signing "Mal")
   and fine commentator on the human condition.  Mal
   died of cancer in 1993, much too soon (age 56).
"Happy results" from thymus irradn (Perkins), 69
Harbor 1995, on scinti-mammography, 356
Harmless procedures.  SEE "Safety assurances"
Harvey (Elizabeth B.) 1985, prenatal irradiation, 321
Harvey (Roger) 1945, on acute mastitis, 91, 92, 93
Hashimoto's Struma: radiation therapy, 251-252
Hasley (C.K.) 1933, fluoroscopy to study thymus, 80
Hazen (Henry) on benefits and risks:
   1922 on unqualified x-ray users (physicians), 163
   1922 on usefulness of radn in skin disorders, 163
   1930 on x-ray use in beauty-shops, 163
Heacock (C.H.) 1954, pancreatitis treated w radn, 250
Heart defects & childhood x-ray exams, 18
Heart studies with x-rays, 184, 207-212, 214, 295,
   314, 357, 358 (nuclear med.)
Heath (Clark W., Jr.), 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 339
HEIR-3 Report, 349, 373-374
Hempelmann (Louis H.):
   1949: recommendations on shoe-fitters, 166, 170
   1957: with C.Lenore Simpson on thymus irradn, 160
   1977: with Shore on acute mastitis, 93
Henderson (Yandell) 1911, poor anesthesia, 69, 75
Heritable radn-induced disorders, 196, 201, 238, 345
Hickey (Preston) 1923, on fluoroscopy, 207
High doses of radiation:
   Accumulated in serial low-doses, 320-321
   Mistaken assertion about breast cancer, 317
   Reason for no high doses in Master Table, 59
   100-300 Roentgens considered very high today, 83
High-LET radiation (e.g. alpha particles).  SEE "LET"
Hildreth (Nancy) 1985, on thymus irradn, 55-62
   Breast-dose est. by Rosenstein, 57, 72, 81, 128
Hildreth (Nancy) 1989, on thymus irradiation, 55
   On radiation-induced breast-cancer, 8
Hilliard (Harvey) 1908, circumcision death, 68, 77
Hillman (Bruce J.) 1990, on x-ray machines, 295
Hiltz (J.E.) 1969 in Myrden + Hiltz, 4
Hindsight, 31, 91, 226
   Disagreement w one's own earlier views, 225, 243
   Discarding assumptions when evidence appears, 286
   SEE also "Not judging"
History of radiation in medicine (selections), 29
   1895: Roentgen discovered x-rays, 1, 29, 75
   1898: Curie discovered radium, 1
   1913-1964: mammography development, 177-180
   1920s: spread of fluoroscopy machines, 207
   1925: some users without "mental equipment," 206
   1931: some "unscrupulous" users, 218, 242
   1937: fluoroscopy was routine part of exams, 201
   1950: iodine-131 commercially available, 129
   1960-1995: annual avg breast-dose, 29, 268, 285
   1960s: hospital x-rays exams increasing, 256
   1960s: nuclear medicine exams increasing, 256
   1965: discovery of radn-induced breast-ca, 3, 4
   1965: new applications continue to appear, 243
   1970s: hospital x-rays exams increasing, 256
   1970s: nuclear medicine exams increasing, 256
   1972+: Breast-Ca Detection & Demo, 173, 175-177
   1993, 1994: radn burns from fluoroscopy, 184, 216
   Book: "American Martyrs..."  202
   Every disorder once treated w radn, 32, 224, 243
   Luck: "smile of providence" w shoe-fitters, 168
   MacKee (1938) describes 3 periods, 224
   Radn-induced cancer: not considered, 70, 134, 196
   Tribute in 1955 to Dr. Pfahler, 36
Hoffman (Daniel A.) 1989, on scoliosis, 135, 136
Holding of patients during x-rays, 158, 200-201, 236
Hormesis (net health benefit to cells), 322
Hormone pills and breast-cancer, 6, 351, 353
Horse, runaway (Mosher's story), 65
Host of a cancer, 9, 14
How to est. personal risk from mammography, 180-181
Huda (W.) 1984, on dose-reduction, 372
Hulka (Barbara S.) 1995, on BC from high doses, 317
Hull (Jennifer Bingham) 1985, on overdosing, 366
Husik (David) 1926, on thymic deaths, 76, 81
Hyperplasia = abnormal number of normal cells, 74,
   77, 80
Hyper-thyroidism, 125-132
   Breast-irradn by x-rays & radium, 128
   Breast-irradn by I-131 in circulation, 129
   Breast-irradn by I-131 in thyroid, 130-131
   Complexity of "hyper-thyroidism," 125-126
   Exophthalmic (protruding eyeballs), e125
   Irradn: pituitary, adrenals, thymus, thyroid, 126
      "Massive doses" to thymus, 132
Hypertrichosis = excess unwanted hair, 163, 164
"Hypothetical" assertion about risk, 317, 323, 369
Hysterosalpingography = x-ray study of uterus and
   oviducts, 89

 * -- "The foolish and the dead alone never change
their opinions." -- James Russell Lowell, 1819-1891,
American essayist, editor, diplomat.

I-131 = iodine 131, for thyroid disorders, 127
ICRP = Internatl. Commission on Radiological Pro-
   tection, 156, 304, 336, 337, 358 (Eff.Dose Equiv.)
ICRU 1986, Internatl. Commission on Radn. Units, 337
Idealized conditions (for analysis), 20, 30
"Ideas have consequences," 86
Idiopathic = cause unknown, e133
"If breasts could talk," 2
"If-Then" calculations:
   Mammography at current doses, 174
   Mammography at BCDDP mid-1970s doses, 176
   Well-baby fluoroscopy, 197-198, 205
Ignorance (pre-1965) on radiation-induction of
      breast-cancer: 32, 70, 180, 197
   But animal-evidence provided general warning, 160
   SEE also "Technological imperative"
Immune system (vs. cancers), 322, 326
Incidence rate = rate of clinical diagnosis.
   Incidence to mortality ratio, 279, 280, 377
"Incredible" claims, 315-316
Incubation times, explained, e7
   Incubation times not appreciated, 32, 70, 314, 347
   SEE also "Latency"
"I never saw any harm in my practice," 198
Inflammatory disorders: treated w radn, 244-252
      Also 91, 96, 98, 104, 115, 117, 118
   Appreciable breast-doses not in Master Table, 262
   Benefits discovered by accident, 96
   Why the radn works (1931 Desjardins' idea), 104
Informed consent, to fluoroscopy, 186
   Informed consent to research studies, 211
Ingleby (Helen) 1958, mammography pioneer, 178
Inherited afflictions: radn-induction, 196, 238, 345
Inherited radiation-sensitivity, 181, 328, 369, 371
Inherited risk of breast cancer, 5, 7, 9, 181, 286,
   345, 351
Initial analysis (this is a "first-cut"), 30, 256,
   257, 259, 261, 264, 268, 281, 283, 285, 286, 291
"Initiating" carcinogens, e324
Injury (non-cancer) of patients by radiation:
   1925: from unqualified users, 206
   1930: skin & gum injuries, beauty shops, 163
   1931: during treatment of malignancies, 104
   1931: from inexperienced users, 242
   1938: "many...serious injuries" early years, 224
   1938: nipple irradiation needs caution, 231
   1942: potential birth defects in offspring, 196
   1949: potentially malformed feet, 166, 170
   1950s: clinical symptoms, TB screening, 111, 193
   1969: skin injuries in early years, 143, 193
   1993: skin burns from fluoroscopy, 216
   1994: skin burns from fluoroscopy, 184
Injury (non-cancer) of physicians by radiation:
   1925: Pfahler on self-injured physicians, 206
   1936: Leddy on self-injured physicians, 201, 202
   1937: Leddy editorial, 201-202
   1938: MacKee on injured pioneers, 220, 224
   1943: West on younger radiologists, 204
Insurance claims: stimulus to x-ray exams, 18, 259,
   264, 295
Insurance payments & growth of x-ray usage, 361, 365
Intensive care units.  SEE "Neonatal ..."
Interaction of carcinogens.  SEE "Co-action"
Internatl Commission on Radiation Units.  SEE "ICRU"
Internatl Commission on Radiological Protection.
Intravenous pyelogram, x-ray exam, 152, 153
Interventional radiology, e357
Intuition (mother's), 41
In-utero = in the uterus, prenatal.
In vitro = in glass (experiment done in lab), 293
In vivo = in living persons, 293
Iodine-131 in thyroid irradiation, 127, 129
   I-131 rads: adjustment to medical rads, 129
   I-131, gamma-dose at 1 cm, 130-131
   I-131, gamma-dose at 20 cm, 131
Ionizing radiation, explained, e2, e235, e318, e323
   Proven human carcinogen, 138, 323, 328, 333
   Radn-induced chromosome lesions, 10, 292, 324,
      325, 327, 328
   Special agent, unlike chemicals, 292
   Units of dose, e11
   X-rays worse per rad than gammas, 278, 337-38, 339
   SEE also "LET" (Linear Energy Transfer)
Isherwood (I.) 1978, on dose-reduction, 372
Isotope: see "Radionuclides"
Itching, relieved by x-rays, 163, 219, 222, 228,
   229, 230
*   ========================================
Jackson (Chevalier) 1907, bronchoscopy, 41, 48, 84
Jankowski (J.) 1984, on dose-reduction, 372
Janower (M.L.) 1971, on thymus irradn, 65, 71, 73
Japanese vs. North American br.canc. data, 313
Johns (H.E.) 1983, "Physics of Radiology," 293, 294
Johnson (David W.) 1986, on dose-reduction, 372
Journal of the Amer. Med. Assn., 96, 104, Chap 44
   And denial 1985 of overdosing, 366
   And safe-dose fallacy, 317, 328
*   ========================================
Karchner (Rolla) 1922, fluoroscopy & the heart, 210
Keefer (Geo.) 1947, w Pfahler, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103
Kellerer (Albrecht) 1987, repair capacity, 320
Kelly (Kevin) 1975, on pelvimetry, 87, 89, 90
Kendall (G.M.) 1989, obstetric radiology, 360
Kerley (C.G.) 1924, text on Pediatrics, 45, 85
Kerr (George D.) 1988, potency x-rays vs. gamma, 337
KeV = kilo-electron volts.
Khalkhali (Iraj) 1995, on biopsies, 355,
   On scinti-mammography, 355-356
Kidney, x-ray exams: Abdomen (KUB), 152, 153
   Intravenous pyelogram, 152, 153
Kilo = one thousand.
Kilovoltage of various radiations:  SEE "X-rays."
Klement (A.W.) 1972, number of medical workers, 158
Kv = kilo-volts; kVp = peak kilovolts, 144
K-value, explained: equivalent to ERR, e14
   K-value is the same for incidence & mortality, 14
Knowing (or not) our own radn history, 18, 241, 349
   SEE also "Non-recorded radiation doses"
Kodama (Yoshiaki) 1993, radn-induced lesions, 293
KUB exam = kidney-ureter-bladder, 153
Kuhn (H.F.) 1985, on dose-reduction, 372

 * -- "I'm in favor of leaving the status quo the way
it is!" -- Yogi Berra, famous American baseball

Lancet (medical journal), 4, 12, 87, 99
   And safe-dose fallacy, 317, 328
   And self-delusion among physicians, 371
Land (Charles E.), NCI radiation epidemiology:
   1993, early-onset breast cancer, 12, 13, 17
   1994, with Tokunaga, 8
   1995, co-action; percent BC from radn, 313, 314
   Potential peer-review of this book, 304
Lange (Sidney) 1911: start of thymus irradiation, 38
   Quoted, 38-41; Mentioned in text, 44, 46, 51, 75
Larynx = "the voice box" in the throat, 43
"Last straw" and early straws, 9
LAT = lateral x-ray view, e149
Latency period, e7, 9
   It means that cancer-prevention TODAY cannot show
      results TOMORROW, 300
   Long latency not appreciated, 32, 70, 314, 347
   Maximum duration uncertain, 8, 22, 314
   No minimum duration, 9, 22
   Variation among individuals, 7, 9, 10, 20, 289
   Variation depicted, 21, 23, 25, 26
Law of Equality, stated, e22
   Constancy of population & dose-level, 29, 259
   Implication: excess relative risk disappears, 287
   Time to equilibrium, 285
Laws (Priscilla) 1977, on chiropractic exams, 139
   On time-pressure on rad techs, 365
   On defensive use of x-rays, 365
Laws (Priscilla) 1980, on dose-reduction, 372
   A possible stimulus to mastectomy, 99, 100, 101
   A probable stimulus to irradiation, 18, 44, 51,
      (64 + 78, implied), 259, 295, 365
"Lead-Lag" Curves for cancer-rates, 288
Leborgne (Raul) 1951, on mammography, 177
Lederman (Manuel) 1965, with Dewing, 244
Leddy (Eugene), of Mayo Clinic:
   1934 on speed in fluoroscopy, 43
   1936 on self-injured physicians, 201-203
   1937 on "careless" fluoroscopy, 187, 201-203, 213
   1949 asthma & radiotherapy, 113, 114, 115
   1949 inflammatory & infectious lesions & radn, 115
Leibovic (S.J.) 1983, on dose-reduction, 372
Leonard (R.D.) 1929, on thymus, 67
Lesion = an injury or loss of function, e5
LET = Linear Energy Transfer, the amount of energy
   transferred from a high-speed particle to the
   surrounding tissue, per unit of distance traveled
   along its path.  As the particle transfers its
   energy, bit by bit, it loses speed.  When it is
   slower, the average distance decreases between
   consecutive energy transfers, and the amount of
   energy transferred per unit of distance BECOMES
   HIGHER, on the average.  Relative to alpha
   particles, which are HIGH-LET particles ("densely
   ionizing," with very short tracks), the high-speed
   electrons from x-rays and gamma rays are LOW-LET
   particles.  SEE also "Ionizing radiation"
"Lethal diagnostic weapon," 165, 199, 204
Leukemia, before age 20, p.10
Leukocyte = a "white blood cell", but not specifying
   exact cell-type, 96
"Level One" Health-Care, e363
Levi (L.M.) 1950, pancreatitis treated w radn, 250
Levin (Erwin) 1957, ulcers treated with radn, 253
Lewis (George M.) 1938, with MacKee, 227, 228
Lewis (Mark), 20/20 producer, 329, 330, 343
License (proposed) to use x-rays, 206
Lichen planus (a skin disorder), 220, 232-233
"Lift-off" phenomenon, e15-17, 283, 287
   Our "lift-off" adjustment in conversion-factors,
      282-283, 289
   Potential pitfall in various studies, 287-288
Lincoln (Edith M.) 1928, on childhood hearts, 212
Linear & non-linear dose-responses, e33, 336, 337
   Linear dose-response, used in comparison, 14
   Supra-linear dose-response, explained, 57-58, 336
   SEE also "Dose-response"
"Lipservice" to breast-cancer prevention, 138
List of certainties, 289-290
Livermore National Lab: chromosome work, 293
   Mortimer Mendelsohn, 306
Liver: study of the normal, 211
LMDS = Local multiply damaged sites, e327
Local multiply damaged sites, and repair, 327
Loman + Comandon 1925: heart cinematography, 212-213
Longevity Magazine, 306
Love (Susan M.), surgeon, author, 304, 353
   1993 commentary in JAMA, 353-354
   1995 commentary on this book, 353
Lowest possible dose & dose-rate of radiation, e314,
      e318, 321-322, e323, e326
   Table of ionization tracks per cell-nucleus, 319
Low-LET radiation (e.g., x-rays, gammas).  SEE "LET"
Lucas (Joseph N.) 1995, x-ray potency vs. gamma, 337
Luck and its role:
   In who develops radiation-induced cancer, 9
   Reliance on luck, or authorities, or own
      watchdogs, 299-300
   "Smile of providence" (shoe-fitters), 168
Lumbar spine = lower portion of spine, 151, 153
Lundberg (George D.), JAMA's chief editor, 302, 309
Lungs: study of the normal, 210, 211
Lymphadenitis, tuberculous: radiation therapy, 246
Lymphocyte = a variety of white blood corpuscle.
   The most radio-sensitive cells, 104

 * -- "The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is
to give `em a number or give `em a date, but never
give `em both at once." -- Jane Bryant Quinn,
contemporary financial analyst.

Mabuchi (Kiyohiko) 1994, on A-Bomb Study, 4
   Breast-cancer mortality vs incidence, 279-280
MacKee (George), great figure in dermatology, 219,
      220, 227
   1922: Roentgen rays the best remedy, 110, 219
   1938: Third edition of his book, 110, 220, 227
   300 Roentgens are "safe," 227
   Challenge to "consensus opinion," 232
   Choice between radium and x-rays, 236
   "Most important...agent in the armamentarium,"
      110, 220
   "Radiomaniacs," 224
   Self-deception about successful treatment,
      220-221, 226, 232-233
   "Unscrupulous...careless users,"  225
MacKenzie (Ian) 1965, ground-breaking paper, 3-4,
      180, 196, 238, 253
   His paper available before BCDDP, 175
MacMahon (Brian) 1962, on prenatal x-rays, 88, 89, 90
   And 1985, on pelvimetry, 360
"Mal."  See "Hancock (Malcolm)"
   Cancer patients not in our study, 13, 32, 179
   Malignancies treated with radiation, 104, 260, 371
Malpractice (medical).  SEE "Lawsuits"
Mammography, past and present, 171-181, 354-356
   1913-1964 history, 177-180
   1970s: Breast-Cancer Detection & Demonstration
      Project, 173, 175-177, 300
   1994: FDA certification of centers, 172
   Aggregate mammogram-induced breast-ca, 173-174
   Alternatives (under development), 356
   American Cancer Soc. 1982 dose-policy, 375
   Author's position, 173, 347
   Comments, risk from mammography, 306, 317, 346-347
   False positive results, rate of, 355
   How to estimate personal risk / mammogram, 180-181
      Some reasons for variation, 181
   Mammography does nothing to PREVENT, 172-173, 296
   Medicare coverage, 355
   Praise as model of dose-reduction, 293, 298, 311,
      314, 347, 362; & good film-processing, 368
   Rate of growth of such screening, 354-355
      Wright (Charles J.) 1995, critic, 
   Scinti-mammography under development, 355-356
   SEE also next set of entries
Mammography: per-exam breast-doses.
   Dose varies with breast thickness, 181
   1961 Gershon-Cohen: 1.5 rads/exam, 179
   1964 Egan: 3.3 rads/exam, 180
   1972 UNSCEAR: 10-35 rads in earlier years, 172
   1976 Bailar: average 2 rads/exam in BCDDP, 179
   1984 Webster: 10-fold dose-variation, 171
   1986 NCRP report: potential dose-reductions, 372
   1994: maximum 0.6 rad/exam, certified center, 172
      Often dose/exam is about 0.2 rad, 172
Marie-Strumpell Disease, 247
Mark left by radiation within breast-cells, 35, 165,
Martin (Charles) 1921, fluoroscopy & heart, 210
Martinez (Gonzalo) 1921, fluoroscopy & heart, 210
   1947: Not for "every lumpy breast," 98
   vs breast-irradn, chronic mastitis, 99, 100, 101
   Women who were irradiated without their knowing
      it, 18, 241
Master Table, described, 33-35, 55, 63, 265-268
   Is a reasonable approximation for 1960-1995 also,
      29, 268, 285
   Why it contains no high doses, 59, 265
   SEE also "Breast-doses, actual individual"
   Origin of entries:
      Column A, pop'n by age-year, 56
      Column B, natural background, 63
      Column C, thymus age-zero, 62
      Column D, thymus pre-surgical, 82
      Column E, acute mastitis, 95
      Column F, chronic mastitis, 103
      Column G, tuberculosis, patient-monitoring, 108
      Column H, scoliosis, 137
      Column I, tuberculosis, mass screening, 112
      Column J, bronchial asthma, 114
      Column K, prenatal irradiation, 90
      Column L, thyroid irradiation, 132
      Column M, thymus misc, 73
      Column N, pertussis (whooping cough), 123
      Column "O", weapons-test fallout, 162
      Column P, routine diagnostic, 154
      Column Q, occupational, 159
      Column R, chiropracty, 141
      Column S, pneumonia, 119-120
      Columns T, U, W, 269, 285
      Column V, conversion-factors, 273-283
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN: special place, 114, 115
   And x-ray dosage from CT scans, 356
   And radn therapy of bronchial asthma, 113, 266
   SEE also "Desjardins" + "Gray (Joel)" + "Leddy"
McGinley (Laurie) 1994 WSJ, on pertussis, 122
Means (J.H.) 1948, on Hashimoto's Struma, 251
Mediastinum = chest-region where thymus lies, e39
   Mediastinal shadow (shadow of enlarged thymus
      seen on x-ray or during fluoroscopy), 39, 40,
          42, 43, 67, 70, 71, 76, 84, 209
Medical progress: pay attention to what works, even
   if there is no explanation yet, 54, 86, 104, 245
Medical education, deficiencies:
   1942: denying reality of unseen harm, 196-197
   1995: failure to teach fluoroscopy hazards, 187
   1995: graduates spouting "safe-dose," "airplane,"
      & "sunbath" fallacies, 293, 296-298, 317, 346,
      369, 374
   1995: non-emphasis on cancer-prevention, 187, 298
   1995: non-recognition of ombudsperson duty, 295
Medical journals: role in overdosing, 374
Medical rad, e11
   vs A-bomb or other gamma radiation, e11, 13, 83-4,
      e235, 278, 337-338 (references), 339, 341
Medical schools: role in cancer-prevention, 18,
   297-298, 299
Medicare coverage of mammography, 355
Mega-Curie = one million Curies, 161
Mendelsohn (Mortimer), 303, 306
"Mental concrete," 349
Menville (Leon) 1932, radn for thyroid, 127, 128
Metropathic hemorrhage = excessive uterine bleeding,
Metropolitan Life Insurance, TB screen, 190-191, 261
Mettler (Fred A.):
   1985, on increase of nuclear medicine exams, 256
   1987, on Chinese over-use of fluoroscopy, 371
   1987, on rate of diagnostic x-rays, 148
Meyer (Harriet S.), JAMA book editor, 302, 309
Micro = one-millionth or 0.000001
Miettenen (O.S.) 1971, with Janower, 65, 71, 73
Milli = one thousandth or 0.001
"Mitchell-Nelson" textbook of Pediatrics, 84, 134
Modan (Baruch) 1977, x-ray-induced thyroid canc., 321
   1989, breast-dose from radiotherapy for ringworm
      of the scalp, 228
"Monday-morning quarterbacking," 31
Monitoring by Mail (TLD service), 369
Montanara (A.) 1986, on dose-reduction, 372
Moody (Robert O.) 1923, x-ray study of normal
   organs, in university students, 212
Morgan (Karl Z.), "father" of health physics, 145
   On doses from chest x-rays, 111
Morgan (Richard) 1933, on tuberculosis therapy, 109
Morris (N.) 1984, on dose-reduction, 372
Morton (John J.) 1940, pancreatitis radn-treated, 250
Mosher (Harris) 1926, thymus & sudden death, 65-67,
      75-78, 80
   Quoted: 65, 75, 76, 77, 78
   "One of the supreme tragedies," 65, 75, 77
Mothers afraid of x-rays, 41
Mothers embrace x-rays, 44, 60, 116, 145, 194
Muirhead (Colin) 1995, critique of this book, 331-344
Muller-Runkel (Renate) 1990, radn therapy for BC, 371
Multi-step genetic model of cancer development,
      e5, e6, 9, 324, 325, 370
   UNSCEAR 1993 affirms, 324, 325
Mustafa (A.A.) 1985, on dose-reduction, 372
Myrden (J.A.) 1969: expansion of MacKenzie Study, 4
"Mystery" of breast-cancer, 1, 4

 * -- "To believe with certainty, we must begin with
doubting." - Stanislaus, King of Poland.

Nanometer (nm) = one billionth of one meter.
Nash (C.L.) 1979, reducing breast-dose, 134, 135
Nasopharynx = portion of pharynx lying above level
   of soft palate.
Nasty surprises: later consequences, 197, 225
National Action Plan on Breast Cancer, 303, 381
National Breast Cancer Coalition, 303, 381
National Cancer Institute (USA) = NCI, 173, 237, 303
   1990 booklet (excerpts), 138, 142, 284
National Council on Radn Protection.  SEE "NCRP"
National Radiological Protection Board.  SEE "NRPB"
Natural background dose and dose-rate, e11, 12, 29
   About 10 micro-Roentgens per hour, 168
   Entry into Master Table, Col. B, 63
   Never absent in any human study, 350
   Role in inherited afflictions, 345
NCI = National Cancer Institute, USA.
NCRP = National Council on Radiation Protection.
   NCRP 100 = NCRP 1989 report, 18, 139, 140, 141,
      148, 149, 256, 257, 356, 361
   NCRP 1986, on dose-reduction in mammography, 372
   NCRP 1989.  See NCRP 100, above.
Neamiro (E.) 1983, on dose-reduction, 372
"Neanderthalia," 193
Necrosis = death.
   Dermal necrosis = areas of skin-death, 184
Nelson (Waldo) 1950, text on Pediatrics, 80, 84-85
Neonatal intensive care units: x-rays, 18, 257, 314,
   357, 367
Neoplasm = a new and abnormal growth, e.g., a tumor.
"Never saw a single case myself," 196, 198
Newborns (healthy) irradiated, 44, 46, 51-52, 53, 60
   "At birth" before any lung-changes, 210
   Heavy newborns & thymus irradn, 51, 60
   "Nearly all infants are x-rayed promptly," 67
   Studies of consecutive newborns, 44, 46, 51-52
   "Within 24 hours" for heart study, 211
   SEE also next entry
Newborns (premature, underweight, or severely ill):
   Irradiated, 257-258, 367
Newlin (N.) 1978, on dose-reduction, 372
New York City's attempts to reduce x-ray over-dose:
   1942: Carl Braestrup's efforts, 199-200
   Limit of 100 R / fluoroscopy, 144, 193, 204
   Shoe-fitters: 24 R to feet per year, 167
New York Yankees (baseball team), 216
NEXT = Nationwide Evaluation of Xray Trends, 292, 363
NIH = National Institutes of Health (USA govt), 138,
   142, 284.  NIH includes National Cancer Institute.
No flags on radiation-induced cancers, 322, 323
Non-protective assumptions, e335, 337, 338, 341-342
Non-recorded radiation doses, 261-262, 297. Examples:
   Adults holding infants during x-rays, 158,
      200-201, 236
   Beauty-shops, 164, 254
   Fluoroscopy in routine work-ups, 201, 204
   From a great variety of benign disorders, 254
   General practitioners using x-rays, 201, 203, 242
   Radium-handling in hospitals, 241
   Screening for cardiac problems, 209, 210
   Studies of 1920s of "the normal," 210-212
   Surgical & other uses fluoroscopy, 186-187
   Tuberculosis pre-job screening, 190, 261-262
   UNSCEAR 1994: uncertainty about fluoroscopy, 188
   Well-baby fluoroscopy, 145, 194-196, 205, 261
   Non-paper record kept in genes & chromosomes, 35,
      165, 239
North American data (BC & radn), 313, 336, 337, 342
No safe dose.  SEE "Safe dose"
"Not everyone" who gets irradiated gets cancer, 9
   Mammography, personal risk from radn, 180-181
   Pneumothorax-fluoroscopy experience, 105
Not judging past uses of radiation, 31, 85, 91, 96,
   211, 245, 254
"Not mysterious," if we go back in time, 1
Nova Scotia studies (BC & radn), 3-4, 321, 342
   Risk per rad 6-fold higher, 313, 337, 342
      "Remember Nova Scotia" lesson, 342-343
Nowak (Rachel) 1995, inherited radn sensitivity, 371
NRPB = Natl Radiological Protection Board (Britain),
      e304-305, e317
   Critique of this book, Chap 46; also 345
   NRPB 1986 report, 364
   NRPB 1990 report, 356, 366, 368
   NRPB 1993 report, 337, 342
   NRPB 1995 report, 317, 326-328
Nuclear medicine: uses radionuclides, not x-rays, 256
      How nuclear med. differs from x-rays, 259, 357
   Breast-doses need evaluation, 256, 291
   Rate of exams 1972-1982 doubled, 256, 299, 358
   Scinti-mammography, 355-356
   Whole-body exposure, 356, 357-358
Nuclear pollution, 295, 346
*   ========================================
OBL-PA = oblique postero-anterior, e149
O'Brien (E.J.) 1933, on tuberculosis therapy , 109
O'Brien (Frederick) 1929, thymus & sudden death:
   Patients with and without symptoms, 65-67, 70-71
   Pre-surgical thymus irradn "requisite," 70, 77
   Safety assurances, 70
Occupational radiation doses:
   1941, "arbitrary" guides set by committees, 238
   Recommended limit 0.3 extra R/week, 156
   Recommended limit 0.5 extra R/week, 168
   Recommended limit 0.1 extra R/day, 238
   Fluoroscopy: exposure of medical staff, 185, 200
   From radium-handling, 237-241
Ombudsperson, 297, 298, 299
"Once upon a time": UNSCEAR on breast-irradn, 18
Orwellian science (retroactive changes), 334
Osmond (John D.) 1949, thyroiditis radiotherapy, 251
Osteomyelitis (acute): radiation therapy, 245
Other nations: lessons of the book, 30, 291, Chap 48
Otitis media, treated with radiation, 96
Outcry before 20/20 broadcast, 330, 331
Overdosing in current medical x-ray usage, 354-372
   Defined, e362
   Belarus & Russia, 371
   Britain, 343, 364, 365, 366, 368
   Canada, 214-216, 293-294, 364
   European Community, 364
   USA, 184-186, 216, 291, 292, 363, 366, 367-368
   Patients get no warning, 297, 362, 369-370
   Trust needs to be earned, 342-343, 366, 369, 374
   SEE also "Reduction of dose" (3 sets of entries)

 * -- "Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never
goes back to its original dimensions." -- Oliver
Wendell Holmes, 1841-1935, Supreme Court Justice,

PA = posterior-anterior = from back-to-front, e112
Page numbers in First & Second Editions, 332, 345
Paget's Disease, 231
"Paid the price" for radn received decades ago, 7
Pain (relief from), 8, 96, 247-248
Paltauf & status lymphaticus, 38, 40, 68
Pancoast (Henry), a "dean" of radiology, 41, 43, 47
   Dept of Roentgenology, Univ of Penna., 41, 47
   1911 response to Lange paper, 41
   1930 adequate x-ray exam of child's chest, 43
   1930 differentiation of thoracic disorders, 69
   1930 fluoroscopy "imperative," 43, 61, 75
   1930 on pressure controversy, 47, 48, 49
   1930 on sudden death, 47-48
   1930 on thymus radn therapy in own practice, 49
   Pancoast role cited 1950 by Nelson, 84
Pancreatitis, treated with radiation, 250
Parade magazine, 296
Parker (B.R.) 1989, on dose-reduction, 366
Parker (Herbert) 1942, with Buschke, 124, 145, 154,
   187, 194-198, 205, 261
Pathognomonic = uniquely predictive, e177
Pediatric fluoroscopy.  See p.43, also "Well-baby"
Peer-review, defined, e301
   Desired by author, 301, 310, 332
   Double-standard on this issue, 304-305
   JAMA's role on this book, 309-312, 315-316
   NRPB's role on this book, 332-344
   Peer review vs. peer preview, 305
   Role of journal editors on overdosing, 374
   Safe-dose fallacy gets past the peers, 317, 328
   Self-suggestion gets past the peers, 233
Pelvimetry = x-ray to compare size of mother's
   pelvis with baby's head, 87-90, 360
Peptic ulcer = class including gastric and duodenal
   Treated with radiation, 250, 252-254
Percentage increase in spontaneous rate, e10, 16,
      17, 32
   Explanation for high value in young, 14-17
   Implication of Japan-USA transport, 280-282
   Relation with area under lifetime curve, 17
   Same for incidence & mortality, 14
Percussion = thumping on chest, e208
Perkins (C.W.) 1925, pre-surgical thymus irradn, 45
   1929 on pre-surgical thymus irradn, 46
"Permissible" dose.  SEE "Occupational radn dose"
Person-rads = (number of persons x dose in rads), e59
      In this study, the dose is a breast-dose, 273
   Annual average population-dose after 1960, in
      person-rads, 29, 268, 285, 354, 361
Pertussis = whooping cough, 32, 34, 121-123
Pesticides & br.cancer, 6, 296, 350, 351, 353, 354
Pfahler (George): "the dean" of roentgenology, 36,
          42, 86, 100, 203
      Tribute ("the dean") on 80th birthday, 36
   1924, thymus irradn, "brilliant results," 42, 86
   1925, editorial on dangers in roentgenology, 206
      Allusion to it, 187
   1926, study of normal liver-size (w radn), 211
   1947, on chronic mastitis, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103
   1955, net benefit of radioactivity & x-rays, 260
   Story of surgeon & dentist who went hunting, 203
Phantom = a dummy for measuring radiation dose.
   Used by Rosenstein, 72, 81
Photofluorograms in TB screening, e111, e112, 193
Photon, defined, e221
   Action in "ionizing" radiation, 235, 323
   Gamma photons vs. photons of medical x-rays, 235
   Iodine-131 as a source, 130
   Radium/radon-daughters as photon-source, 235
   Relation of photon energy with wavelength, 221-222
Physicists, importance in dose-reduction, 186, 216,
Pifer (James) 1963:  On pediatric fluoroscopy, 60,
      116, 145, 194, 205, 261
   On thymus irradiation, 60, 116, 194
Pioneer periods of radiation in medicine:
   Radn tried on almost every disease, 32, 224, 243
   Self-injury of physicians, 201-202, 206, 220, 224
Pitfalls: in comparing radiation doses, 83-84
Pitfalls: in epidemiologic research, 85, 287-288
Pituitary, irradiated for thyroid disorders, 126
Plane trip (extra radiation dose), 12, 296-297
Pneumonia treated with radiation, 32, 91, 96, 117-120
Pneumothorax therapy, e3, 4, 105, 311, 320, 326, 342
   Dose per fluoroscopic exam, 107, 263, 320
   List of studies, 320
   "Remember Nova Scotia" lesson, 343-343
Population figures, Table 2, USA 1850-2000 est., 378
   Females: 1920-1960 avg.= 69 million, 56, 107, 268
   USA male + fems, 1940 = 131,670,000, p.79
   USA male + fems, 1960 = 179,333,000, p.57
   1960 Cook County IL p.128, Forsyth County NC
      p.118, Hennepin County MN p.137, Monroe County
      NY p.57, 94, Suffolk County MA p.72, 122
Poretti (G.) 1985, on dose-reduction, 372
Post-1960 irradiation:
   Lower dose, bigger population, 29, 268, 285
   Population: annual breast-rads, 285
   Probably fewer person-rads now, 354, 361
Postero-anterior beam (PA) = back-to-front, 111
Potency per rad, x-rays vs gamma, e11, 13, 83-4,
   e235, 278, 337-338 (references), 339, 341
Poulsen (B.F.) 1952, asthma & radn therapy, 113
Predisposition to cancer, 5, 181, 286, 345, 351, 371
Premature infants, irradiation of:
   Past: thymus irradiation, 42
   Today, 18, 257, 314, 357, 367
Presidential Commission, 30, 295
Pressure exerted by enlarged thymus: controversy
   Claims: 40, 41, 42, 47-48, 49, 50
   Doubters: 83 (Dewing), 84 (Nelson)
Pre-surgical irradn of thymus, 32, 45, 46, 52, 64,
      65, 66, 71, 74, 75-82
   Rate: at least 50 per 1,000 cases, 46
   Rate:  7.5 % positive, 76
   Rate: 7% positive, 77
   Pre-surgical irradn NOT indicated (Nelson), 84
Prevention of breast-cancer:  See "Action"
Promoting-agents of cancer-development, 6, 286, 351
Properzio (W.S.) 1985, on dose-reduction, 372
Prophylactic = preventive, e46
   SEE "Thymus irradiation, prophylactic use"
Providence smiled on people (shoe-fitters), 168
Prudence.  SEE "Ignorance (pre-1965)"
   and SEE "Technological imperative"
Pruritis = intense and unrelieved itching, e202, e219
   Relief from x-ray therapy, 163, 219
Psoriasis, treated with radiation, 231-232
PTCA = percutaneous transluminal cardio-angiog, 357
Public education about radiation:
   1994: FDA on reliable mammography, 172
   1983: Science Digest, 171
   Mid-1940s: signs near some shoe-fitters, 167, 170
   Nuclear interests in federal government, 167
Pulmonary = related to lungs, e3.  SEE "Tuberculosis"
Pyogenic = producing pus (inflammation-product), 96
*   ========================================
Quigley (D.T.) 1932, radn for thyroid patients, 126
*   ========================================
R or r = Roentgen, e11
Rad, defined, e11 (equivalent to a centi-gray or cGy)
Radetsky (Peter), 306
Radford (Edward P.), 304, 307
Radiation committees (list), 304-305
Radiation (ionizing), e2, e235, e318, e323
   Every disorder once treated by radn, 32, 224, 243
   SEE also "History of radn in medicine"
Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), e8
   Breast-cancer: see Tokunaga 1994.
   Cancer-incidence: see Thompson 1994.
   Cancer in exposed children: see Yoshimoto 1988.
   Potential peer-review of this book, 303, 306
Radiation-induction of cancer:
   All types, Chap 45, also p.374, 375
   Animal tests provided strong, early warning, 160
   Breast-cancer.  SEE "Breast-cancer causes"
   Cases caused by radiation wear no flag, 322, 323
   Co-action, radn w other factors, 6, 280, 281, 282
      284, 286, 313, 333, 349-351, 370, 373
   Earliest human evidence: tumors of skin, bone, 160
   Finally considered in medicine:
      1957: thyroid cancer from thymus irradn, 160
      1965: thyroid-cancer & enlarged thymus, 83
      1977: breast-cancer & mammography, 172
      1979, 1983: breast-cancer & scoliosis , 135
      1994: FDA on cancer, breast & other sites, 185
   Not yet considered in medicine, 70, 134, 196
      1922: fluoroscopy, 209
      1929: thymus irradiation, 70
      1941: occupational exposures, 238
      1942: in well-baby fluoroscopy, 196
      1970s: from low dose-levels, 134, 214
   SEE also
      "Excess Relative Risk" & "Percentage increase"
Radiation-induction of heritable disorders, 196,
   201, 238, 345
Radiation sensitivity, inherited, 181, 328, 369, 371
Radiation therapy for breast cancer, 371
Radioactive patients, 259 (box)
Radiological Society of North America, 299
"Radiomaniacs" (MacKee's term), 224
Radionuclides = radio-isotopes = an element's
   unstable forms which undergo radioactive decay.
   Example: iodine-131.  The "131" is the sum of
   protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.  Every
   nuclide of iodine, stable and unstable, has 53
   protons (which make it iodine), but the number of
   neutrons varies and determines the nuclide.
Radio-sensitive breast-tissue, 185, 278-279
Radio-sensitivity (inherited), 181, 328, 369, 371
Radiotherapy of breast cancer, 371
Radium: 1898 was year of discovery, 1
   Radium-226, radiologic half-life = 1,600 yrs, 235
      Daughter-products, 235
   Radium introduced into medical practice, 29
      As a source of powerful gamma rays, 2, e235
      Handling practices in hospitals, 237-241
      Radiumhemmet of Sweden, 98, 99
      Used for irradiating thymus, 37, 42, 64, 236
      Used for irradiating thyroid, 126
      Used for treating skin disorders, 219, 236
Radon introduced into medical practice, 29
"Rad techs" (radiologic technologists), 365
Random fluctuations of small numbers, 87
Random infliction of unnecessary cancer, 369
Rate of dose-delivery:
   Slowest possible, e314, e318, e323, e326
   Slow versus acute, 336
Ray ("the ray"), e41
Raynaud's disease, radiation response, 226
Read (J. Marion) 1949, thyroid disorders, 126, 127
Recombination as DNA repair-method, 327
Reduction of doses to MINIMUM possible level:
   Author's view,187, 297-300, 311, 343, 369, 374-375
   American Cancer Society's view, 375
   Dawood's view, pediatric radiology, 366
   UNSCEAR's view, 368-369, 375
   Cost-benefit question, 374-375
   Trust needs earning, 343, 366, 369, 374
   SEE next set of entries
Reduction of unnecessary doses, fine examples:
   60-fold lower dose, scoliosis, 135, 293, 362
   30-100-fold lower dose, mammography, 172, 293, 362
   Achievements in Ontario, Canada, 293-294, 299
   Carbon fibre tables, 366
   Checking of fluoroscopy equipment, 214-216
   CT scans, if correct detectors are used, 366
   Digital radiography, 362
   Film-processing, at USA mammography centers, 368
   Neonatal exams, one hospital, 367
   Rare earth screens, where used, 366
   Table of potential reduction-factors, 372
   SEE next set of entries
Reduction of unnecessary doses, what needs doing:
   Easy 2- or 3-fold additional reduction in average
         radiography dose, 294, 298, 299, 368-369
      Table of potential reduction-factors, 372
   Modify medical education, 187, 297-298
   Record all fluoroscopic doses, 186-187
   Reduce unnecessarily high doses, fluoroscopy,
         183, 187, 214-217
      Especially in non-radiologic offices, 184, 216
      Use advice of medical physicists, 186, 216
      Use dose-reporting fluoroscopy equipment, 186
   SEE also "Overdosing in medical x-ray usage"
Reichel (W.S.) 1949, thyroid radiotherapy, 129
Reid (Ada Chree) 1929, on tuberculosis screening, 189
Relative risk (RR), explained, e16, 17
   Explanation for early peak in young, 14-17
   How to convert RR to percentage increase, 16
Rem, defined, e11 (equivalent to a centi-sievert)
Remer (John) 1927, on thymus irradiation, 53
Repair & non-repair of radn-induced genetic lesions,
   142, 181, 292, 293, 313, 318-322, 324-328
      "Troublesome trio," 322; echoes 326, 327, 328
RERF = Radiation Effects Research Foundation
   (located in Hiroshima), e8, 12, 13, 14, 306, 332
Resistance to benign radn therapies, 96, 104, 243
Resolution of the 75% versus 1% views, 316, 331, 373
Retroactive shuffling of cases, 276, 334
Reynolds (Russell) 1932, chronic mastitis, 99
Ricketts (Wm. E.) 1951, ulcers treated w radn, 252
Right of individual to take risks, 167, 180
Rimkus (D.) 1984, on dose-reduction, 372
Ringworm of the scalp, 227
Risk for an individual is a RATE for a group (not a
   "maybe"), 8, 138, 289
Risky versus safe, 33
Robinson (A.) 1983, neonatal irradiation, 257-258
Roentgen, defined, e11
   Roentgen-to-rad conversions for breast, e11, 102,
          112, 114, 140, 198
      Full set of conversion factors, breast, 149
      "Soft" x-rays, 223
   SEE also next entry
Roentgen (Wilhelm Konrad), 1845-1923:
   1895: discovered x-rays, 3, 29, 75, 86, 302
      "New kind of ray," 260 (see Reference list)
   Second century with x-rays, 1995-2095, all the
      benefits with vastly less harm, 311
Roentgenography, defined, e3-4
Roentgenoscopy, defined, e3.  SEE "Fluoroscopy"
Rosenstein (Marvin) 1985, in Hildreth, 57, 59, 72,
   81, 128
Rounding-off vs keeping extra digits, 268, 276, 285
Rousseau (J.P.) 1942, pneumonia & radn, 117-119
Rowley (K.) 1987, on dose-reduction, 372
Rules of research, 85
Runaway horse (Mosher story), 65
Rush (David), author Dead Reckoning, 304
Rush to judgment about past uses of radiation:
   About asthma radiation therapy, 115
   About benign radiation therapy in general, 243
   About thymus irradiation, 85
   SEE also "Benefits of radn in medicine"
Russia, high usage of x-rays, fluoroscopy, 364, 371

 * -- "To avoid delay, please have all your symptoms
ready." -- Sign in a physician's waiting room.

Safe dose, defined, e33, e325.  For ionizing radn:
   Disproof of any safe (risk-free) dose, Chap 45
   Fallacy of a safe dose, 291-293, 297, 313-314
      Main cause of careless overdosing, 291, 295
      Main disseminators are physicians, 369, 374
      Main sponsors are segments of government, 295
          and medical schools, 317
   No dose is safe: Baverstock, 293
   No dose is safe: Gofman, 142, 173, 290, 318-323
      1990 Disproof of any safe dose, 33, 142, 293
   No dose is safe: Gray, 137
   No dose is safe: Natl Cancer Institute's view, 142
   No dose is safe: NRPB Britain, 328
   No dose is safe: UNSCEAR 1993, 325
   No dose is safe: Ward, 293
   Risk for an individual is RATE for a group, 8, 289
   SEE also "Aggregate impact of small radn doses"
Safety assurances about the patients, past & now, 293
   "Absolutely no danger," 70
   Advice from author to women, 197, 198
   Airplane trips give extra radn too, 296-297
   Animal evidence, as a warning, was ignored, 160
   "Apparently harmless and perhaps beneficial," 44
   "Harmless" (thymus irradiation), 64
   "Harmlessness" of a few x-rays, 41
   "I never saw any damage," 196, 197, 198
   "Little evidence" of human carcinogenesis below
      1,000 R," 160
   "No concern about excessive radiation," 179
   "No reports of harmful effects," 70
   "Not merely safe..." 222
   "Perfectly safe" (2,000 Roentgens), 252, 254
   "Quite acceptable" (10+ breast-rads/year), 180
   "Risks are negligible," 248
   "Safe" (10+ breast-rads/year), 179
   "Safe" (thymus irradiation), 53
   "Safe" (1,650 Roentgens), 253
   "Safe dose" (300 Roentgens), 227
   "So far as we know harmless, both as to immediate
      and remote effects," 53
   Sun-bath comparison, 296-297, 374
   Tendency of technology "buffs" (enthusiasts), 171
   What we fault about past assurances, 180
   SEE also: "Radiation-induction of cancer"
Salesmen of x-ray equipment, 206, 242
Sanatorium, sanitarium, 4
Sanford (K.K.) 1990, on radn-sensitivity, 371
Santayana (George), 1863-1952, "Those who...", 255
Savitsky (Kinneret) 1995, AT gene & radn, 371
Scatter of x-ray beams, e168, e185
   To medical personnel, 183, 185, 200
   From mobile hospital units, 204
   From shoe-fitters, 168-170
Scheele 1941, with Cowie, 155, 156, 158, 237-241, 264
Schopenhauer (Arthur), 3 stages of truth, 352
Schwarz (G.) 1928, thyroid radiotherapy, 127
Scientific discovery: good/evil (Pfahler essay), 260
   SEE also "Empirical method"
Scinti-mammography, 355-356
Scoliosis = curvature of the spine, e34, e133
   Chap 21; and reduction of dose, 134-135, 293, 366
Scott (David) 1994, radn sensitivity, 371
Segal (A.J.) 1982, on dose-reduction, 372
Seidman (Herbert) 1987, on BCDDP, 173
Self-published reports, 304-305
Self-suggestion among physicians?
   Asthma radiation therapy, 115
   Comment (1993) by Lancet editors, 371
   Dermatology, 220, 221, 232-233
      "Strange to say...too optimistic," 232-233
      "Unverified...marvelous results," 224
   "Extraordinary capacity" for self-delusion, 371
   Pharmacologic therapies, 233
   Thymus enlargement, 49, 52, 85, 221
Shadow: mediastinal.  SEE "Mediastinum"
Shadow: thymic.  SEE "Thymic shadow"
Shapiro (Jacob) 1990 book:
   On dose-rate and flux, 130
   Quoting Blatz 1970, well-baby fluoroscopy, 145
   Quoting Braestrup 1969, on fluoroscopy, 143
Sharp (Chris), NRPB critique of this book, 330-344
Shelf: cancers put on shelf, for delivery later, e19
   Relation with Master Table, e64
   Reminders, 164, 175
Shielding body-parts from x-rays, 127, 138, 230,
   346, 365, 366
Shleien (B.) 1977, rate of diagnostic x-rays, 143
Shoe-fitters (fluoroscopes), 165-170, 300
   Doses to feet, 166; Doses to breasts, 169
Shope (Thomas B.) 1994, excellent work, 184
Shore (Roy E.) 1977, acute mastitis, 93
Shoulder, x-ray exam, 151, 153
   Shoulder pain, treated by radn, 248, 254, 262
Shrivastava (P.N.) 1980, on dose-reduction, 372
Sievert: equivalent to 100 rems, e11
Significant figures vs extra digits retained, 276
   Not "rounded-off," 268, 285
Simpson (C. Augustus) 1920, on thymus irradn, 132
Simpson (C. Lenore) 1957, maybe no 1000-R threshold
   for human carcinogenesis, 160
Sinclair (Warren) 1985, on x-ray/gamma potency, 337
Single-cell origin of cancer, 324, 325, 328
Single-track potency, 319, 324, 325, 326, 327
Sinusitis, treated with radiation, 96
Six-fold higher risk, Nova Scotia, 313, 337, 342
Skiagram = early term for x-ray picture, e39
Skin unit = dose of 300 R (erythema dose), 227
      At about 60 KeV, 227
   Dose-levels which injure skin, 185-186, 193
   Skin as "personal monitor" of dose, 143, 144
   SEE also "Dermatology"
Skolnick (Andrew) 1995, 312, 315, 316, 317
Slesin (Louis) 1994: EMFs and breast-cancer, 6, 304
Slow dose-rates of radiation, 12, 33, 336, 337
   Slowest possible rate, 318, 323, 326
Small numbers problem, e9; 87
Smith (Lawrence W.) 1925, on whooping cough, 121, 123
"Smoking gun," evidence on x-ray causation, 310
Specific = a remedy which is uniquely and
   consistently effective (example: insulin for
   diabetes mellitus), 42, 54
Speculation versus fact:
   Radn-induction of breast-cancer NOT speculative,
      2-4, 30, 261, 289, 333
   Radn-induction of genetic lesions NOT
      speculative, 10, 292, 324, 327-328
Spies (James B.) 1993, fluoroscopic over-dosing, 216
Spontaneous cancer rate (meaning), e10
   Part of it is from radiation, 10, 282, 286-287
   Variation between countries, 280-281
Spratt (John S.) 1995, 333
Stanton (R.) 1983, on dose-reduction, 372
Statistical Abstract of the USA, 139, 302
Statistical power, e12
Status lymphaticus (first mentioned 34 & 38):
   And Paltauf, 38, 40, 68
   Association w sudden death, 65, 66, 68, 75
   Described 1914 by Gwathmey, e67-68
   Described 1924 by Kerley, e45
   Relation to enlarged thymus, 40-1, 46, 64, 66, 78
   Relation to sudden death, 47, 65, 66
   Syndrome challenged, 50, 66
Steindler (Arthur) 1942, on scoliosis, 133-136
Sterility from radiation exposure, 224
Sternglass (Ernest) on nuclear pollution, 346
Stewart (Alice M.), 304
   1956, 1958, 1970 papers on very low doses, 321
Stochastic health effects = effects whose probability
   (not degree of severity) is related to dose.
   Examples: Radn-induced cancer,inherited mutations.
Stray radiation: Braestrup measurements, 200
Stridor = high-pitched respiratory sound, e38
Strontium-90: radiological half-life = 27.7 years
Suberythema dose = dose below 300 Roentgens
Sudden death in infancy & childhood: 44, 45, 65-71
      Cases without anesthesia, 66, 68
   Blamed on thymus, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 65-71
   Claim that thymus NOT to blame, 85
Sudden death (unexplained) among adults, 68
Suleiman (Orhan) 1992, on film-processing, 367, 368
Sulfonamide pharaceuticals, 91, 245
   Failure in some pneumonia cases, 117
Sulzberger (Marion) 1952, safety claim, 222, 223
Sunbath (false comparison with x-rays), 296-297, 374
Sun (F.) 1985, paper in the Chinese language, 372
Superficial x-ray therapy, 219, e222-223
   Dermatology: superficial x-rays "customary," 222
   Energetic enough to reach breast-tissue, 223
   SEE also next entry
Super-soft x-rays = grenz rays, e221
   Different from "superficial" x-ray therapy, 219
Suppuration = formation and discharge of pus, 96
Supra-linear dose-response, described, e33, e57, e336
   Adjustment downward of doses, 58 (box, Col.C)
   Breast-cancer, 313, 336
   Declining per-rad effect, 58 (box, Col.B)
   Discussion, 32, 57-58, 313, 336
   Supra-linear curve depicted, 277
Surgery, catheterization & fluoroscopy, 183-187
   SEE also "Pre-surgical irradiation"
Swift (Michael) 1991, on ca-risk & one AT gene, 181
Syllabus for radiology students, 317
Synergy of carcinogens, e284, 313, e350, e351
   SEE also "Co-action"
"Synthetic" calendar-year, 55, 63

 * -- "To people who don't know history, every idea
seems new!" -- Dr. Thomas Sowell, contemporary
economist and educator, Hoover Institute.

Table 1, located at page 377.   Table 2 at 378.
Taft (Robert) 1943, on unqualified use, 187, 203-204
Tamplin (Arthur R.) 1970, in the Lancet, 4, 175
Taylor (Howard) 1938, on chronic mastitis, 99, 100
Taylor (Kenneth) 1979 & 1983:
   How to reduce doses in roentgenography, 293-294,
   How to reduce doses in fluoroscopy, 214-216
Taylor (Lauriston), improper usage of x-rays, 365
TB = tuberculosis
"Technological imperative," 1, 165, 170
   "Act now, think later," 172
   Author is a technology enthusiast, 172
      But urges SLOW introduction, if there is a
         biological impact, 32, 225
   BCDDP mammography proposal, 175
   "Expose now, regret later?"  170
   "First use, then learn," 199
   Technology "buffs" often assume safety, 171
      Or that benefits far exceed health-price, 300
   Wisdom of Buschke + Parker, 197
   SEE also "Ignorance (pre-1965)"
Tendonitis, treated with radiation, 247, 248
Textbooks in medicine, influence of, 45
Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeters (TLDs), 298, 369, 370
"Thing speaks for itself," 193
Thompson (Desmond) 1994, A-Bomb Study, 4, 14, 277,
   278-279, 290, 313, 334
Thoracic (thorax) = chest, 43, 69
   Thoracic spine x-ray exam, 151, 153
Threshold dose.  SEE many entries under "Safe dose"
Thymic death, 40, 47, 66, 85
   "One of the supreme tragedies of surgery,"
      1926 Mosher, 65, 75, 77
   "A surgical tragedy," 1929 Perkins, 46
Thymic shadow = shadow cast by a large thymus on
   x-ray picture or screen, 42, 52, 64, 66, 70, 73
Thymus = a gland lying under breast plate, e32, e37
   1929: "Popular subject for discussion," 67
   1932: and "youthful appearance," 126
   "Thymus conscious" public, 44
   "Thymus phobia," 44
   SEE additional entries below
Thymus irradiation: six chapters (pp.37-86).
   Also used for thyroid cases (126, 127, 132
      "massive doses") and sometimes psoriasis (232)
   Benefit to patients, (39-40 Lange), (42 Pfahler),
      (42, 53, 263 Grier), (47 Conti + Patton),
          (51 Donaldson), (53 Remer), (69 Perkins)
   "Brilliant results" (Pfahler) 42
   Debate about pressure:  See "Pressure" (earlier)
   Doubts and criticisms, 66, 83, 84-85
   "Dramatic" relief (Fisher), 54
   Entrance dose typically ~100-400 Roentgens, 51,
          72, 76, 83
      Comparison with Hiroshima-Nagasaki doses, 83
   "Happy results" (Perkins), 69
   Holding of babies during x-ray therapy, 236
   "Miraculous" relief (Fisher), 54
   "Nearly all infants are x-rayed promptly," 67
   "Profound influence" (Lange), 40
   Prophylactic pre-surgical use, 32, 45, 46, 52,
      64, 65, 66, 71, 74, 75-82
   Prophylactic use on children, 42, 53, 64, 65, 67
   Prophylactic use on newborns, 44, 51, 53, 60, 67
   "Rapid improvement...astonishing," 236
   Rush to judgment about thymus irradn, 85
   Stopped due to antibiotics, 84
   Stopped due to radn-induced thyroid cancer, 84
   Therapeutic trial: (obscure cases, 41 + 54),
      (worried parent, 44 + 60)
   What happened later?  SEE References, "Hildreth"
   SEE also "Enlarged thymus" and "Thymus-size"
   Normal size (controversy), 44, 47, 49, 84
   Change in size observed after x-ray, 47, 52, 54,
      70, 76, 77, 83, 84, 126
   Criteria for "enlarged," 65, 76
   Reasons for various sizes, 40, 44, 48, 49, 70, 84
   Re-growth of gland after irradiation, 41, 70
   SEE also "Enlarged thymus"
Thyroid cancer, radiation-induced, 84
Thyroiditis, treated with radiation, 251-252
Tinea capitis = ringworm of the scalp, 227
TLD = Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeter, 298, 369, 370
Tokunaga (Masayoshi), analyst at RERF:
   1993, paper with Land, 12, 13
   1994, A-Bomb Study, 4, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 289, 334
"Tolerance dose."  SEE "Occupational radn dose"
Tonsillectomy & thymus irradiation: 77-79.  Also:
      32, 45
   "Tonsil age-years," 76, 79
   SEE also "Pre-surgical irradiation of thymus"
Too young to remember, 7
Trachea = "windpipe" from larynx to bronchi, 43
Track (ionization), 314, e318, e323
   Single-track potency, 319, 324, 325, 326, 327
   Table relating tracks to rads, 319
      Cobalt-60 estimate, 323-324
Trailing digits (unseen) make sums look "off,"  150
Transport of risk-values from Japan to USA, 280-282,
   313, 333, 335, 338-339, 342
"Troublesome trio" (repair of genetic molecules), 322
   Affirmation of "troublesome trio," 326, 327, 328
Trust of patients needs earning, 313, 366, 369, 374
Truth, comment by Orville Wright, 301
Truth, stages of reception (Schopenhauer), 352
Tuberculosis (non-pulmonary), 163, 225
   In lymph glands: treated w radn, 243, 246, 262
   Neck, abdomen, joints: radn response, 225, 246
Tuberculosis (pulmonary):
   Detroit experience, 105-109
   Pneumothorax therapy, 3, 105+, 311, 320-321
      Nova Scotia, dose (263) and results (321)
      Nova Scotia shows high risk/rad, 313, 337, 342
   Pre-employment screening, 189-190, 261-262
   Radiation therapy ineffective, 224
   Reminder: serious menace in the past, 189, 191
      Could become serious again, 255
   San Francisco mass screening, 111-112, 193
Tyndall (D.) 1987, on dose-reduction, 372

 * -- "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
-- Yogi Berra, famous American baseball player.

UCSF 1995, on number of mammograms per year, 355
Ulcers, treated with radiation, 250-251, 252-254
Ultra-violet radiation, 297
"Unbelievers" in harm met by Buschke/Parker, 196-197
Unintended consequence: breast-ca, 31, 86, 225, 254
   Need to allow for nasty surprises, 197
United Nations Scientific Com'tee.  SEE "UNSCEAR"
Unqualified users of x-ray equipment, described: 254
   1922 Hazen: physicians rushing to buy x-ray, 163
   1923 Hickey: internists can now afford small
      fluoroscopes, 207
   1925 Pfahler: "untrained enthusiasts" lacking
      "mental equipment," 206
   1930 Hazen: beauty-shop operators, 163-164
   1931 Haenisch: "incompetent, dishonest"
      "inexperienced," 218, 242
   1936 Leddy: "good strong dose" from the clerk, 202
   1937 Leddy: more use by non-radiologists than by
      radiologists (p.201, 205), especially by
      surgeons & general practitioners, 201, 203
   1937 Leddy: "indiscriminate, careless,
      indifferent, even ignorant use," 201-202
   1938 MacKee: some young dermatologists, 220
   1938 MacKee: "Radiomaniacs," 224
   1938 MacKee: "Unscrupulous...careless," 225
   1942 Buschke/Parker: some pediatricians, 195-196
   1942 Buschke/Parker: some radiologists, 195
   1942 Braestrup: some surgeons, 199
   1943 Taft: physicians "fooling" with x-rays
      "without knowing what they are doing," 203
   1943 West: "Increasing number... who do not
      appreciate the dangers," 204
   1993 Greer: "Lack of training," 216
   1994 FDA: fluoroscopes in non-expert hands, 184
   1995: use continues in non-radiologic offices,
      184, 216, 295, 299
   Advertisement: nurse w toe on foot switch, 204
   "Doing a little x-ray work," 201, 203
   Pressure to sell x-ray equipment to all, 206, 242
   Story of the surgeon & the dentist, 203
Unrecorded doses.  SEE "Non-recorded radiation doses"
UNSCEAR = United Nations Scientific Com'tee, e18,
      171, e304-305, e317
   Membership: from the radiation community, 171, 323
UNSCEAR 1977 report:
   On breast-irradiation while young, 18
   On dose from heart/vessel exams, 214
   On mammography, 171-172
   On nuclear weapons fallout, 161, 162
   On number of medical workers, 158, 159
UNSCEAR 1993 report:
   On safe-dose issue, 317, 323-326
   On uncertain fluoroscopy doses, 360
   On x-ray overdoses, Chap 48 (Part 3), + 371
      Feasible to cut doses in half, 368, 371
   On x-ray usage-rates, Chap 48 (Part 3)
   "Significant radiological impact,"  317, 368
UNSCEAR 1994, uncertainty on fluoroscopy-doses, 188
   1994-b, adaptive cellular responses to radn, 326
Unverified accounts of marvelous results (MacKee)
Upper gastro-intestinal exam, 149, 153, 314, 360
Upper spine x-ray exam, 151, 314, 360
US Dept. of Health and Human Services,
   National Action Plan on Breast Cancer, 303, 381
USDHHS 1993, br.canc. mortality by age, 347-348
USSR, high usage of x-rays, fluoroscopy, 364, 371
*   ========================================
VanZwaluwenberg (J.G.) 1920, urges fluoroscopy, 210
Variation in dose for same x-ray exam, 291, 292, 343,
   363, 364, 366
Vaughan (Henry) 1933, on tuberculosis, 108
"Verboten" subject (radn for chronic mastitis), 98
Vetter (R.J.) 1991, on dose from CT scans, 356
Vigilance required:
   "Deja vu all over again" (Yogi Berra), 216
   Source of the most intense, enduring concern, 226
   To control careless, over-enthused radn-users, 225
   To keep a good radiologic office good, 298
   To know when to say "no" to proposed use, 171
   To prevent fluoroscopic overdosing, 187, 216-217
   To prevent unnecessary occupational doses, 158
   To prevent repetition of radiation over-use, 226,
      255-259, 299
   To "think first, expose later," 171
   Who cares to prevent breast cancer?  226, 299,
      314, 369, 374
Villains, none, 1
Viruses, as carcinogens, 5, 6
Vitro, Vivo: see In vitro and In vivo.
VonBecterew's Disease, 247
vs = versus
*   ========================================
Wagner (R.S.) 1976, on dose-reduction, 372
Wanebo (C.K.) 1968, radn-induced breast-ca, 4, 175
Wappler fluoroscope, 143, 144, 193, 204
Ward (John F.) 1991, case against threshold, 293
   1991-a, on DNA damage and repair, 327
Warf (James C.), author All Things Nuclear, 304
"War on Cancer," 175
Wasson (W.W.) 1925, infant chest exams, 210-211
"Wasted radiation,"  e141, 146, 147, 254
"Watchdogging" x-ray frequency & doses, 171, 299-300
   SEE also "Vigilance required"
Wavelength: Relation with photon-energy, 221-222
Weapons-testing: fallout, 35, 161-162, 299
Webster (Edward) 1984, on mammographic doses, 171
Webster (J.H.D.) 1928, on chronic mastitis, 99
Well-baby check-ups with fluoroscopy, 116, 124,
      194-198, 205, 261, 300, 315
   Dose estimates, 145, 154
   Non-recording of exposures, 145
   Parents insist, 116, 145, 194, 205
West (Theodore) 1943, on unqualified users, 205-204
Weyde (Rolf) 1944, on chronic mastitis, 99
WHO = World Health Organization, United Nations, 281
Whole-body dose vs partial body, e12, e83-84, 356-7
   Clinical symptoms at ~50 rads whole-body, 111
Whooping cough treated with radn, 32, 121-123
Wiatrowski (W.A.) 1983, on dose-reduction, 372
Williams (Alden H.) 1932, thyroid radiotherapy, 126
Williams (Charles R.) 1949, shoe-fitter, 165, 167-168
Williams (Francis H.) 1928, rate of tonsillectomy, 79
Wilson (T. Woodrow), and borrowing brains, 272
Wind in the Willows, comment by author, 382
Win-win advice from FDA, 184
Wise (Fred) 1938, with MacKee, 227, 231, 232
Wishful thinking, 165, 217, 233, 254, 293, 369
WIXMEASE = Women's Indep. X-Ray Measurement Svs, e369
Wochos (J.F.) 1977, diagnostic x-rays, 292
Women's Independent X-Ray Measurement Svs, 369-370
World Almanac 1991, edited by Mark S. Hoffman, 56
"Worst possible outcome" on this subject, 30
Wright (Charles J.) 1995, critic of mammography, 355
Wright (Orville), on reception of truth, 301

 * -- "A hundred times every day I remind myself that
my inner and outer life depend on the labours of
other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
myself in order to give, in the same measure as I
have received." -- Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, Nobel
Laureate in Physics, 1921.

X-rays: ionizing radiation, e2, e235, e318, e323
   1895 was year of discovery, 1, 29, 75
      Use in medicine.  SEE "X-rays: Medical" below
   Energy of medical x-rays vs A-bomb, 13, 84, 278
   Energy of medical x-rays vs natural, 63
   Energy of shoe-fitter machines (50 kv tube), 166
   Energy of superficial x-rays, 60-100 kv, 222
   Grenz rays (super-soft x-rays), e221
      Average energy 6-10 KeV, 221
   Harm per rad: x-rays vs gammas, e11, 13, 83-4,
      e235, 278, 337-338 (references), 339, 341
   SEE also index-entry for "LET"
X-rays: Medical Usage
   Advice of American Cancer Society, 257, 375
   Advice of National Cancer Institute, 138
   Advice of UNSCEAR 1993, 368-9, 375
   How x-rays differ from nuclear medicine, 259
   Manufacturers push x-ray machines, 206, 242
   Patients and referring physicians don't know the
      doses, 171, 291, 297, 370.  A solution, 369-370
   Rate of diagnostic exams post-1964 rising, 256,
      300, Chap 48 (Part 2)
   The X-Ray Effect (1995 TV program), 306, 307, 331
   SEE also:
      "Aggregate impact"
      "Benefits of radn in medicine"
      "Danger (potential danger) of x-rays"
      "Fluoroscopy" (3 sets of entries)
      "Overdosing in current medical x-ray usage"
      "Reduction of doses" (3 sets of entries)
      "Unqualified users"
Yoshimoto (Yasuhiko) 1988 + 1994, prenatal irradn, 87
Young: duration of radiation effect, 8, 30
   Evidence not yet complete, 282, 289
Young: most sensitive to radn, 3, 18, 33, 267, 289
Zero (age-0) = birth to first birthday, 14, 30, 56

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At the present time (April, 1997), we have hooked-up only a very small amount of the page numbers in this index back to their respective positions in the text of the chapters currently online. As a substitute, links are provided to each chapter (with starting page indicating the chapter's span). Once inside each chapter Edit->Find (Ctrl-F) will identify some of the entries. However this index also identifies page locations topically where the specific [topical] words listed here will not be found.

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